Haganai Eroge RP (Charlmeister & HeartOfTheDarkness)

As they watched the movie, Yozora quickly started getting terrified by the movie. Kodaka started to blush when she started clinging to him. It was hard to resist, she was so adorable when she got scared. Putting his arm around her, he pulled her close to him, trying to comfort her. To be honest, he couldn't blame her, the movie was pretty gruesome. On top of the jumpscares, there was quite a bit of gore. If she hated horror movies so much, then why did she pick one? Was it an excuse to hang out with him?

"I think the movie is almost over." He tried comforting her. With most of the cast dead, the movie had to be nearly done. After a while, the monster was killed and the movie ended. Once it was over, they left the theater together, Kodaka walking slowly as he continued to hold Yozora close to her.

He felt kind of bad for her, she was like a little girl. She clung to him almost like how Kobato clung to him when Sena was nearby. "Are you okay to head home, or do you need me to walk you home?" He asked, wondering if her pride was going to take over soon.
As soon as the movie ended, the credits rolling with an eerie background music that consisted of string and wind instruments with a drone-like choir, Yozora detached herself from Kodaka and got up. She wasn't really sure she'd be able to sleep tonight - even if she turned on every light switch in the house. She picked up her drink and stepped over the mess of littered popcorn. Glancing down at the dirtied floor, she wanted to clean it up but that would take too long. The workers were there for that purpose anyway but she liked cleaning up after herself.

Walking her home sounded nice but Yozora didn't need him; she could and would prove it. "No, it was just a movie. I can take care of myself." The company was something she really desired but she'd be safe within the train then she'd just have to sprint to her front door and take no more than .2 seconds to open the door; switch on every light and close all the windows. She could handle herself, very well. Maybe she'd watch some anime to lighten her mood and help her to forget her fear, the monster and all the gore she'd seen in that movie.

It was a fictitious work. Yozora knew it was just actors with painted faces and the works but even that fact wasn't soothing. She turned to him at the intersection, "Thanks for coming with me. See you." She almost kissed him; almost hugged him. Her body had swayed to him, as if lulled by a magnetic force but she stopped herself before she got too close then turned away; and walked quickly to the train station.
He kind of wanted to at least hug her, to try and comfort her, but he figured she'd get angry at him if she did. He wished that she would sallow her pride once in a while and act like a normal girl. She always has to try and prove that she's fine on her own, that she doesn't need anyone. She does have the club, they'll help her if she needs it. Even Sena would probably help her out if Yozora was in actual trouble, although Yozora would probably die of shame if that ever happened.

That movie really was pretty rough though. Even he felt a little uneasy being alone in the dark. Just to be safe, Kodaka quickly made his way home. Once he got inside, he sat with Kobato for a while, although he didn't tell her that he was just staying with her to calm himself down, even he had some pride as a big brother. Once things were calmed down, he asked Kobato about joining him and Sena for tomorrow, and as expected, she refused. It wasn't much of a surprise.

After Kobato went to bed, Kodaka went to his room to relax a bit. He still needed to call Sena about plans for tomorrow. Pulling out his phone, he tried giving Sena a call, hoping she was still awake. Hopefully she was, considering how many times she called him late at night.
Sena escaped, by only a tiny thread, explaining to her father why Kodak's hadn't been to see them in such a long time. It was probably a month since his last visit. Because he'd announced their engagement to each other, Pegasus no longer thought it his responsibility to try and get the two closer together. In his mind they were taking advantage of the free time they had on weekends to spend time together. But Sena was usually locked in her room and only ever came out for breakfast and dinner. She never went out either unless Pegasus decided to have a dinner night out with his daughter. That night at dinner, he'd brought up Kodaka and when would be the perfect time to eat.

Sena feigned being sick to the stomach because of the food. Stella, their female butler, had caught on and played right along; giving Sena a long drink of water with some medicine -which Sena forced down - then followed her to her room. She threw herself on her bed, staring up at the many faces of Yozora. Maybe she should take them down if Kodaka was going to come by. No, this was her room and she did whatever she pleased. Yozora's photos were reminders of how much she loathed the girl and her plans to embarrass her the many ways she'd done to Sena.

Thinking about that wasn't important though. If she wanted to be honest with herself for just a second, she admitted that she missed having him over. Her father took such a liking to him that it surprised Sena. Even though their fathers were best friends, it hardy had anything to do with Pegasus liking Kodakathe way he did. Her phone vibrated, pulling her from her thoughts and she turned over, stretching a hand to the night stand to get it. It was Kodaka. Hints of a smile played at the corners of her lips but she kept a serious look about her, as if Kodaka was there to see her false disinterest.

"What?" She answered, laying back on her bed. Her eyes ran over the Yozora photos and she imagined each photo capturing Kodaka's candid moments. That wasn't less creepy, was it?
If only he knew what Sena was doing right now. He wouldn't know whether he should be flattered or just even more creeped out by her. There were times he wondered how a relationship with someone like her could even happen. At times, she was as perverted as an old man, it sometimes rivaled Rika. She would fawn over Kobato whenever she sees her, and whenever Kobato called to beg for her big bro to hurry to the club room, his mind would only think about the perverted things Sena could be doing to his little sister. Then there were her games. At first it seemed sort of harmless, playing her dating sims in the club room. That quickly got out of hand when they started getting more erotic, and when she started treating the girls like they were real people. Then there was her room, that creepy collage consisting of pictures of Yozora, plus the way she sniffs that wig she wore. He often worries about that girl's well-being. Any ordinary guy would be disturbed to find out that the school's idol was actually this sick pervert. However, she still has her good side, even though it's rare. That way she helped Kobato out at the theme park during that Iron Necromancer performance. Even when they were planning out the park trip, she offered to pay for Maria's ticket. She's really a sweet and beautiful girl, she just has some rough edges, some really rough edges. Kodaka figured he must be pretty messed up in the head as well, for being in love with such a weirdo, and even being friends with the society's outcasts. He's happy with that though, he couldn't ask for better friends.

When Sena answered her phone, he was a bit happy to hear her voice. "Hi Sena. Sorry if I'm bothering you. I was just calling to see what we could do tomorrow. Unfortunately Kobato isn't feeling well, so she should probably stay home tomorrow and rest." He didn't want to lie, but he'd feel bad if he told her that Kobato didn't want to see her. Even if Sena was probably aware of it, she did really love his little sister. "Anyways, was there anything you wanted to do tomorrow? Maybe go swimming again, or go see a movie? Or we could just go out and walk around, just the two of us. If not, we can always hang out at your place, sort of like we did when we studies together, minus the studying." Although they didn't really do any studying. It felt weird to be the one proposing the idea, it was usually one of the girls coming up with the idea. He hoped that she wouldn't find this creepy, or if she was still hurt by what he did when she confessed to him. He still feels guilty for that stupid decision, and he sometimes feels like crying when he imagines the pain he must've put Sena through, practically rejecting her feelings for him.
"She isn't? Then I should come by and take care of her then! What's wrong with her? What did you do to my precious little sister?" Her questions ran right into each other, and on the last few words, she ran out of breath. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself, waiting for an answer. Why hadn't he said so warlike when he'd texted her. She could have made the trip to their house using her dad's chauffeur. It was a weekend also, so her dad wouldn't have minded.

Her father kept everything for her health inside the house; mostly liquid-based medicines because he didn't like pills. She could find at least five medicines that were suitable for Kobato. Plus she'd carry her a blanket and maybe stop at a mall to pick up something she'd like - with Kodaka' s guidance. Taking care of her would really make Kobato love her and then she'd call her "Onee-Chan" and cling to her.

Sena almost exploded from the thought. Her cheeks began to hurt from grinning so hard at her clever idea and her face got red. Forget Yozora, she'd take pictures of her cute little Kobato instead. "I'm coming over tomorrow," she said, and it was hard to keep the excitement from her voice.
"Wait, wait, wait." He said to Sena before the conversation ended. That's probably what he gets for lying to her. He wished that she would drop it though, if she's sick then let her rest. It's understandable that she wants to have Kobato love her, but bothering her while she's sick isn't going to fix anything.

Letting out a deep sigh, he figured he'd have to tell her the truth now, since she obviously couldn't take a hint. "Kobato actually just doesn't want to come. I'm sorry I lied, I just didn't want your feelings to be hurt." Maybe he can talk to her about how to get Kobato to like her. She's comfortable around Yozora, since she's one of the few that she doesn't torment, plus she probably likes how she hits Sena with that flyswatter. While she says she hates Maria, she seems to get along with her pretty well, probably since she can act her age around her. She's also a little bit afraid of Rika, but who isn't? She doesn't seem to hate Yukimura, but the two of them don't interact that often.

"We can still hang out tomorrow, maybe we can go out somewhere and I'll still help you get something from Kobato. Like I said, I'm sorry for lying to you. I'll understand if you don't want to see me." He wasn't sure how she'd react. He honestly wasn't sure if she ever forgave him for running out on her like that. The two of them haven't really had any alone time together since then, so it was hard to tell. She seems fine with it, but he can never tell.
Sena was about to continue babbling about what she'd do for Kobato when Kodaka shut her up, telling her to wait. With a preoccupied frown, she listened to him and her excitement died as quickly as it came when he confessed that he'd been lying. She was quiet for awhile as he spoke, and remained that way for a few minutes when he was done.
"Oh. Okay then."

She wasn't reluctant to hang out with him but she was disappointed that Kobato didn't want to be around her. She expected that anyway and she probably could appreciate that Kodaka tried to cover up and not hurt her feelings. But since he still offered to help her get something for Kobato, she mumbled a non-committal "sure" and her shoulders sagged with her heavy sigh.

"Where do you want to meet?" she asked.
He was glad that she still wanted to meet, but he could hear the excitement die in her voice. He'll have to help her get something nice for Kobato. If he remembers correctly, there was some new game from her show that came out recently, maybe they could get it for her. It would actually be kind of nice if Kobato had a better relationship with Sena, especially if this whole marriage thing was going to go through.

"Let's meet up at the mall. Later on, maybe we can go back to your place, and I'll convince Kobato to join us." She's be easier to convince. He can either tempt her with Sena's gift and the nice food they serve at her house, or he can always make up some story involving dad telling wanting her to get along with Sena more. It was a big brother's job to be a little rough on his younger sibling.

"That sound good? You'll still get to see Kobato tomorrow, I promise." He reassured her, hoping she'd cheer up a bit. He sometimes wished she'd sound that excited to hang out with him sometimes.
Her face brightened when he promised he'd bring Kobato along and she smiled. "Sure. Let's meet early then. At nine. I'll meet you at the mall we went to last time, tell Kobato I said hi. I'll text you in the morning. Bye." She hung up and flopped back on her bed, hugging her pillow to her. So she'd actually get to see Kobato tomorrow; well...if Kodaka kept his word.

She was happy that she'd be seeing Kodaka too, though she wasn't giving it much thought. After how he reacted to her confession, she thought it would be best to lay off him and not to expect anything from him. At the time, when she'd confessed she had thought he would have at least responded but he had rejected her. No other guy would think to do that to her. It didn't really humble her but it did make her more cautious of being open with her feelings.

Kobato was an exception, because she was used to the little girl rejecting her advances to be her friend (and sister). But her feelings were different towards Kodaka and when he ignored her; it took a far greater toll than Kobato just always pushing her away. It was always easy to forgive Kobato but Sena didn't think she'd ever tell Kodaka how she felt ever again.
At least she brightened up a bit. Kobato can probably deal with it, although she might be avoiding Sena during certain parts of the evening, like if they are asked to stay the night.

Kodaka spent the rest of the night thinking about Sena, thinking about how he wanted to make it up to her. He wants to at least give her an answer to her feelings, but he doesn't really know how to. For a while, he didn't want anything to change and complicate the club, but now that these feelings of love have arisen, he knows that things can't stay the same forever.

The next morning, Kodaka woke up a little earlier and made Kobato some breakfast. He talked to her about possibly joining him and Sena later. After a long talk and a lot of her shaking her head in fear, she eventually agreed. As a result, Kodaka has to make her favorite dinner for a week now. So she agreed to join them, they'll come back to pick her up before returning to Sena's place. And she'll probably try and sleep in the guest room with Kodaka or in the servants quarters with Stella.

Once they were done with breakfast, Kodaka left for the mall to meet with Sena. "I'm heading to the mall. Kobato agreed to join us later today."
Sena spent most of the night thinking about what fun things she could do together with Kobato when she came by the next day. When she fell asleep, it was just three hours before she woke up to the sound of birds, distant morning traffic and Stella moving around downstairs as she did her routine morning chores; cleaning and making breakfast. She checked the time and realized that it was almost nine. She never intended to oversleep. For the most part, she thought her excitement would keep her alert enough to just know when it was time to wake up - at least an hour before the time she and Kodaka were to meet.

She hopped off her bed and went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. She went to her closet and picked out a short black skirt that barely reached mid thigh and a halter top blouse, that had some ruffles at the front; it was tight around her upper body so that wearing a bra wasn't necessary. Glancing at herself in the mirror, she decided she'd wear a thin black cardigan just to be a little modest around Kodaka. Pulling her black boots from her shoe closet, she took down her bag that rested on a chair near the door of her room and walked out.

She skidded to a stop when her father called out to her from where he sat in the dining hall, eating his breakfast. He looked her over. "Where are you going?" he asked.
"Out, with Kodaka."
"Oh. Really," he had a pleased and smug smile on his face, "do you have enough money?"
"You can give me more," she replied and he got up and went to his room then came back to her with a few ten thousand yen notes.
"Thank you." She grinned and snatched the money from him then ran out to the chauffeur after yelling a goodbye to Stella.

She hadn't really wanted to use the money she had in the savings she kept stashed in her room, so she was glad her father gave her enough money. If Kodaka was nice - if he hadn't already eaten - she'd treat him to breakfast. Her phone vibrated in her bag and she took it out and smiled.
"I'm on my way. Don't let me have to wait on you."

The chauffeur parked the town car in the mall's parking lot across the street and she got out, slamming the door behind her. Looking up and down the street, she hurried across the street and walked inside the mall, searching for some place she wanted to eat.
Kodaka remembered that Yozora invited him over to her place last night. He should at least text her and tell her that he'll have to decline. "Hey, sorry about this. My dad asked Kobato and I to meet with a friend of his today. I probably won't be able to make it today. I'll see you on Monday." If he told her that he was going to see Sena, it would be the end for both him and Sena. Part of it was sort of true, Pegasus is a friend of his father, and he was probably going to see him later on today. Plus, knowing that family, they'll try and have him and Kobato stay the night. Just as long as there's no repeat of what happened the first time they stayed over, with Sena running around the hallway naked, although she does have a nice body.

When he got to the mall, he went inside to look around for Sena. He was on time, so she should've been waiting for too long.

It didn't take long for him to find Sena. Running up to her, he called out to her. "Hey Sena. Sorry if I made you wait long." He took a moment to catch his breath when he reached her. She still knew how to dress nicely. Of course his outfit was the same as normal, he didn't have much in the way of fancy clothes. "I'm glad we could do this. I've been wanting to spend time with you for a while now." He wanted to make things right with her. None of this awkward vibe between them, he had to give her an answer to her confession and tell her his feelings as well.
About to enter a small coffeeshop, Sena paused, holding the door when she heard her name. She watched Kodaka run up to her and frowned at him, her gaze somewhatwary - her default expression. "Well, you aren't too late. I was about to start my breakfast without you though." She let go of the door and entered the shop, the smell of coffee and pastries saturating the air. She loved the smell of coffee and she stared through the showcase glass of different pastries she could choose from; sweet bread, Danishes, cake, croissants and another shelf of pastries she'd never tried before. She glanced over her shoulder at him. "Do you want anything? I'll pay." She placed her own order before asking him though, almost positive that he would decline. He had probably already eaten before coming to meet with her.

She sat with him at a corner table, two tables away from the door and began to eat. She thought of things to say to him but decided it was better to just hurry and eat. The air between them felt a little awkward, and for some reason, whenever Sena tooka glance at him, she couldn't quite meet his eyes. She liked how he looked, even if he always dressed adversely. She much preferred seeing him in casual clothing than his uniform. She rolled up the small bag that the Danish was put in and licked the filling from her fingers. "Let's go. Where do you want to go first?" She asked, drawing on the straw in her iced coffee before she looked at him as they exited the coffee shop.


Yozora walked over to her phone after taking the burnt rice and chicken from the stove. She looked at the ID and smiled slightly; it faded when she read the text and she sst the phone down. It was a good thing he got caught up, as if she'd want him to witness another failing attempt of hers at cooking - to impress him. She flung the pots in the sink, filling both with water; she'd work on getting the stuff out later. She licked up the phone and ordered a pizza instead of trying to find something else to satisfy her hunger and slight disappointment.
"I'll just have a water. I made breakfast for Kobato while I talked to her earlier, so I already ate." Plus it didn't feel right to have her pay for him. Wasn't the guy suppose to pay anyways? As the two of them sat together, there was their weird air between them. It looked as if she would try and avoid looking at him. He doesn't blame her though, who wouldn't be hurt if they confessed their feelings to someone, only to be walked out on. Every time he thinks about it, he feels like he actually deserves the treatment he gets from his fellow students. Doing something like that is pretty low. It was hard though, he didn't know how to tell her that he was sorry. Should he just come out and say that he loves her? Or should he apologize first, then confess? And what about the setting? Don't girls find that sort of thing romantic, to have the confession take place in a special setting?

When the two left the cafe, he thought about where to go, and figured that they might as well get her gift for Kobato. "Let's go by the game store. I heard that the new version of Kobato's game recently came out, and she's been dying to buy it. Maybe there's some new merchandise from the show too, we can go looking around for that as well." The two began walking towards the game store together, Kodaka wanted to reach out and hold Sena's hand, but he wasn't sure if she'd want him to. While they are engaged by their parents, did she even love him anymore? Did he already ruin his chances with her? The thought of that really made him want to die inside.

When they went to the game store, they managed to grab the last copy of the game for Kobato, which will be nice to tell her when she receives the gift. After Sena browsed throught the galge games, they went exploring throughout the mall for anything else for Sena to buy for Kobato. While they walked around, there were plenty of moments for Kodaka to make a move on her, but he was too afraid to do anything. On top of her rejecting him, what if she made a scene? A lot of people already see him as a delinquent, the last thing he needs is to have the police making that mistake as well. Although would a guy like him deserve that?

They spent most of the day at the mall, and while it was fun, Kodaka couldn't gather up the courage to confess to her. It was mainly due to his fear of her rejecting him, although he probably would deserve it. He made a mistake by leaving Sena like that, and what scared him was that it could've been the biggest mistake in his life. If she rejected him, it would haunt him for the rest of his life. Although if he didn't say anything, it could also haunt him in the end. As they were heading out of the mall, Kodaka couldn't take it anymore. He needed to tell her the truth.

"Hold on, I need to talk to you Sena." He said to her before grabbing her wrist and leading her to a much less crowded place outside of the mall. There weren't too many people nearby, so he wouldn't have to worry about somebody making some stupid assumption about him. "Sorry about that, but I need to get this off my chest." He got on his hands and knees and bowed before her. "I'm sorry. I ran away from you when you confessed your feelings to me. It was stupid and I felt like crap since then. I love you too Sena. I thought I should at least say that, although I understand if you don't feel the same way anymore." He started to get up from bowing to her, but he didn't raise his head. He wasn't sure if he wanted to look Sena in the eye now.
She was glad Kodakahad suggested stopping at the game store first because they'd been able to get the last video game based off Kobato's anime.SHe hugged it to her chest after purchasing it and placed it in her bag, like a sacred item before walking through the aisles again to search for any games that'd interest her. She almostt babbled on and on about Kobato. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable, which was why she just kept quiet, mumbling to herself as she evaluated games she picked up; of whether yo buy it or not. She bought three games for herself and the rest of the time they spent in the mall was a little aimless, though Kodaka made her stop every now and again - suggesting the types of gifts she could get Kobato.

It was near five in the evening when they decided to leave. She walked in front him, taking out her phone to call Fred, the chauffeur, when Kodak's stopped her. She turned to look at him and raised a brow, giving him a quizzical look when he led her to a somewhat private area near the mall, not many people passed by. She blinked at him and her mouth dropped open a fraction when he got down on his hands and knees. She blinked at his prostrate form and glanced around nervously then back at him when he started to apologize then...

Sena blinked down at him. Did she hear correctly? She watched him get back up and for awhile, was frozen to the spot - in shock. So, he loved her? Then why had he walked out on her and pretended not to hear her that day she'd confessed to him? What had been the point? To somehow make her anticipate whatever his response would have been to counteract his outright rejection? But it hadn't been a rejection, right?
"Kodaka..." She said slowly, not sure of what to say to him. Her eyes filmed with tears and she turned her back on him. Normally, she would have already sprinted off because of how overwhelmed she'd become with emotion. She couldn't do that now.

For a girl who got confessions like these on a regular basis, she didn't really know how to respond to Kodaka. She couldn't be arrogant and scoff at him, put her foot on his back or ridicule him. She wiped at her face. "You're so stupid. Why couldn't you wait until we got back to my house to tell me. I hate you," she cursed
Kodaka smiled when he heard her reaction. While she cursed him out, he heard the emotion in her voice. When he began looking up at her, he saw the tears running down her face. She would normally hit him if she really was angry, or she would run away if she really was upset. Kodaka wanted to cry too, but he did his best to hold back the tears, try and look at least a little bit manly for her.

"I guess I'm bad with my timing. It's fine if you hate me." He said as he stood up and faced her. "I'm so sorry for what I did. I was so desperate for friends, and I was terrified of losing those bonds we all had with the club. I realized what I've done after Rika beat some sense into me, and I hated myself when I realized how much I hurt you." He leaned in and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to him. "I want to go through this engagement with you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I'm sure Kobato will learn to love you, especially since she'll become your little sister. I love you, Sena Kashiwazaki."

Once he said that he loved her, he leaned in and kissed her. Never before has he felt so happy in his entire life. He wanted to stay by Sena's side, never wanting to hurt her again. After holding that kiss for a few minutes, he pulled away and smiled at her. "Do you want to go pick up Kobato now? She's going to love your gift." He asked, knowing she was wanting to see Kobato badly.
The tears kept coming; each time she wiped at her cheeks more spilled over onto her cheeks, collecting at her chin and dripped from there. She used her cardigan sleeve to wipe at her face and nose that became runny. She sniffled and stiffened when he held and kissed her.

Not wanting him to see her red eyes and splotchy face, she pushed away from him, kept her head turned away before walking away from him. She mumbled that she'd be back and walked back inside the mall to use one of their public restrooms.

Her eyes were red and puffy, her nose was the shade of a tomato too and tear stains streaked her cheeks. She took long rolls of hand towels and blew her nose in them, then washed her face. Kodaka had seen her cry before but not in this kind of situation and it embarrassed her. When he'd rejected her, she was able to contain her emotions until she got home and to her room.

She came back out to him and looked at him. "Come on," she said. Her voice no longer trembled with emotion, though it was a bit husky. He loved her back and wanted to go through with the wedding. That meant she didn't have the others to worry about getting in the way, especially Yozora, right?
If only either of them knew about the plans from the rest of the club members, and how they also wanted Kodaka. Even Kate, Maria's big sister took an interest in him, and none of them were going to willingly hand him over to Sena just because they're engaged.

Kodaka smiled when she came back out of the restroom. It was kind of cute to see her embarrassed like that, and it didn't look like she still hated him now. He felt happy now that his feelings for her were now out there, and she knew how he really felt about her. Hopefully this'll make things easier for them as they start going into a more serious relationship.

When he entered the car with Sena, he thought about something. What would the club members say if they heard that him and Sena were now officially engaged? He knows that most of the girls have hints of feelings towards him. What about Yozora? She'd probably kill Sena if she knew that she was getting everlasting happiness. "Um Sena?" He asked Sena nervously in the car. "Do you think we can keep this a secret from the club? For now at least. I mean, I feel that some of the members would be a bit shocked to hear something like that. And I don't want to know how Yozora is going to react if she hears news like that." He feels that Yozora's treatment toward Sena would only get worse, and his relationship with her would only get more distant.

Leaning in close to her, he held her hand. "I still love you though, and I'd like for us to go out more often." Maybe something like a couple of dates a month, nothing too often so that someone in the club won't get suspicious when they want to do something with him on the weekends. Plus he didn't know how Kobato would react to the news either, it should probably be brought up when she starts to warm up to Sena a bit.
At his request that they keep this secret, she frowned at him. Her mind had already begun conjuring images of her and Kodaka walking hand in hand at school, eating lunch together in the cafeteria. She'd get to boast in front of Yozora. She had won but not really. He mentioned Yozora and her building emotions of oblivion met a painful dissipation. She looked at him.
"Why do you care about her? I doubt she'd keep it secret if you two were engaged. She'd rub my face in it."

Sena remembered the day Yozora flippant confessed to them all that she and Kodaka had actually been childhood friends. She hadn't really rubbed their faces in that fact but she had had an air of superiority that made Sena want to slap her with the flyswatter to get rid of her casual arrogance. Why did he care so much what Yozora thought.

She slipped her hand from his and looked out the window. She was selfish and spoiled, she could exploit her ways to get what she wanted. But deep down, she didn't want to make things difficult for him. And it really wasn't about her. "Fine," she said and shrugged her shoulders then turned her face away, looking out the window.
"I'm more concerned about seeing you get sent to the hospital while she gets sent to prison." Kodaka answered. Sure it might not be that bad, but every time Sena had something to gloat about towards Yozora, it normally ended with Sena in pain or embarrassed. Plus there was this strange feeling in the back of his mind, like Yozora had a secret she was keeping from him and the rest of the club.

"Also, we should wait until Kobato has warmed up to you a bit too. I don't know if she'll be too happy at the moment if she finds out." That might be something she'd listen to. If she learned that Sena was going to become her big sister, especially now, she'd probably refuse to leave the house.

When they reached his house, Kodaka went in to get Kobato. When he came back out, the young girl was hiding behind her brother the whole time as they approached the car. Getting in the car, she was forced to sit in between her big brother and the girl that terrified him. "H-H-Hello S-S-Sena." Kobato smiled nervously. She pretty much only came out because she was told that she would get something.
He had a point. Yozora was abusive and probably she and Sena would have a lot more fights and tension between them if she knew. She hadn't really Benn thinking about it from that perspective. In her mind, once Yozora knew, she'd lose all willpower to fight and maybe not ever talk to them again. She'd probably shut the club down. Sena didn't really know much about what serious thoughts Yozora had, but she felt that was something Yozora would do. And Sena found she like their club, inspire of the fights and their seldom activities as friends.

She wasn't too willing on keeping it secret until he mentioned Kobato. At first she thought he was just using his sister as a pawn to push his reasons to get his way. But Sena knew - for a fact - that what he said was true. Kobato would probably only hate her more and never want to see her again. She looked at Kodaka and nodded at him. "Okay."

It was hard to hide the smile that came to her face when she saw Kobato hiding behind her brother, peeking around his side at her. Sena let out an excited squeal. She was so cute! "Hi Kobatoo~" she said, drawing out her name in a sing-song voice as she sat beside her. "I have a present for you." She grinned at her.
Kobato was hesitant to take the gift from Sena. She didn't know what she got her, and she still hasn't forgotten about the gifted meat that Sena gave her for her birthday. While she didn't care too much for Sena, she knew that her big brother was pretty close with her, so knew she'd have to put up with her more than she actually wanted to. And she was there when Sena confessed her love to her big brother, so she knew that Sena liked Kodaka too.

When she took the bag, her expression changed when she opened the bag to see the game she wanted so badly. Giving out a little squeal, she held the game to her chest and hugged it tightly. Instinctively she hugged her brother, thinking that he got it. "Thank you An-chan. I love it. I love it." She cheered excited. Once she would get home, she'll play it nonstop.

"Don't you want to thank Sena for it? She payed for it, and it was the last copy in the store." Kodaka told his little sister, finding it a little rude that she didn't bother to thank Sena for it when she was the one that gave her the gift. Then again, with Sena's ego, she'd probably take the credit even if he bought it.

Kobato turned to Sena, her face red. She didn't really want to admit it, but she was grateful to her. Bowing her head, she thanked Sena. "Thank you for the gift. I love it." She raised her head and closed her eyes, preparing for Sena's embrace. While she didn't want to take it, she knew it was the polite thing to do, since she bought her the game she wanted.
Sena hugged her tight, pressing Kobato' s frame against her bosom. She'd been itching to hug her when she saw her coming out, clinging to Kodaka. She let her go reluctantly and smiled at her. "When we go to my house we can play it together if you like. You can sleep in my room too, and we'll do fun things. You'll like it, I promise." She said, her tone wasn't desperate but it was earnest. She glanced up at Kodaka, silently asking him for some support so Kobato wouldn't decline.

She'd always wanted a little sister and the day she saw Kobato, her blonde hair and blue eyes...it was like a reflection of her younger self and she instantly took a liking to her. Coupled with that was her introverted personality and her cute little cosplay moments, and it made her even more endearing to Sena. "We can do anything you want when you come over," she said.

The car stopped at the big front doors of Sena' s house and she opened the door and walked up to open the door. Her father opened it right as she placed her hand on the doorknob. He'd probably come down when he heard the car coming, Sena thought.

The man smiled at Kodaka when he came forward and gripped his shoulder. "I haven't seen you in awhile, it's good to have you. You're staying with us for the night. And you brought your sister," he smiled down at Kobato, remembering the little girl from the her first visit to his home. "Stella just finished preparing some snacks so come on." He led them inside the house and closed the door after they all came in.
It was pretty obvious that Kobato was very uncomfortable with being near Sena, and she didn't want to spend the night with her. When Sen suggested that they spend the night in her room, Kobato shook her head and leaned towards her brother. "I wanna sleep with An-chan, or Stella." The young gothic lolita looked away from Sena, embarrassed about the last time the two of them took a bath together.

Kodaka still wasn't sure what went on that night in the bath, and he honestly doesn't want to know. When they reached Sena's house, they were greeted by her father. "Thank you for having us sir. I'm always glad to be over here." Even if something odd always happens every time he comes over.

The three of them were led through the house and to Sena's room. Kobato didn't seem to notice the creepy pictures of Yozora on the ceiling, but Kodaka saw it right away. They all sat on her couch and started playing Kobato's game. She seemed to be enjoying herself, and Sena was actually pretty good, letting Kobato actually have a challenge for once. In the past, Kodaka would be the only one playing with her, and he was never very good at these games. Maria was even worse whenever she came over. Sena seemed to practice the game almost as much as Kobato though, so she was able to put up a fight and even win a couple of rounds. Even though Kobato was uncomfortable around Sena, she did seem to enjoy herself, playing her new game with her.

As he watched, Kodaka thought about how they could possibly make good siblings, maybe they'd get along better after they've actually become family. Although he liked to see his little sister enjoy herself, deep down he wished that he could get some more alone time with Sena.
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