Haganai Eroge RP (Charlmeister & HeartOfTheDarkness)

His groping hands stimulated her, making her more sensitive, and heightened her pleasre. She arched against him, moving herself and grounding her hips against him so that her clit had direct contact with his pelvis. She tried hard to keep her voice down as the sexual tension built inside her from the stimulation to her clit. Her fingers ran up through his hair, curling into a fist and she tilted his head so that her lips could meet his.

In the distance, she could hear the muffled sound of the shower running, which gave her some reassurance that they had enough time. But soon, she wasn't sure if she was mistaking the sound of her own blood rushing through her veins, for that of water coming from a showerhead. It almost sounded the same and it worried her a little.

Unable to silence her loud moan, her body spasmed above Kodaka's, her thighs shaking as she began to climax. Her walls clenched and unclenched around him and her hips still moved. She rode out every last wave of her orgasm and her hands were wrapped tight around him as if some saving grace that kept her from losing herself completely to her orgasm. Her hips still bucked involuntarily as her shudders subsided and she panted against him.
"I don't wanna go home," she murmured against his lips.
He liked how Sena forced him to move how she wanted him to. Pulling his hair, forcing him to kiss her. It was a good thing he kissed her. With the way she moaned into his mouth, Kobato could've heard that.

When her pussy began to clamp down on him, it didn't take long for his orgasm to follow soon after. When he came, he pumped her full of his seed, just like when he did last night. Feeling her collapse against him, his arms wrapped around her, holding her close to him. He didn't want her to go home either, he waned her to stay with him, he wanted to do more of this with her. When he kissed her, his hands ran through her beautiful hair, pushing her lips against him, making their kiss a bit more passionate.

After a while though, he reluctantly lifted Sena off of him. Kobato will be out of the bath any minute now, and she didn't need to see them like this. He fixed his pants, but continued to hold Sena in his lap. "Ask your dad if you can stay the night here. Maybe he'll be nice enough to agree to it." Kodaka mentioned to Sena. It didn't hurt to ask, but he had a feeling that Pegasus would catch on to what they were doing if she asked him.
Sena would ask her father but he was a very shrewd man. His default disposition was easy-going but beneath that he was skeptical of a lot of things. He liked Kodaka and trusted him but only to a certain degree. Letting his daughter stay over his house - without his supervision or any adult for that matter - was out of the question. The most she could ask of him was that she get to hang out with Kodaka. That he even said yes to her coming over to his house at night was a bit surprising, but probably he worked off the fact that Kobato was with them and Kodaka wouldn't do anything inappropriate in front of his little sister.

She shook her head and sighed, her lower lip protruding and her upper lip sinking in as she pouted, staring off at a point beyond his shoulder. She was thinking of ways to convince her father but the definite answer would just be no. "He wouldn't let me stay," she said finally with a shrug. It was disappointing that she couldn't stay but at least she'd gotten the chance to experience sex with Kodaka all over again - it was as good as her games depicted.

Her phone rang and she slid off his lip, reaching for her bag and taking her phone out. It was her dad. She glanced at Kodaka then answered the call as the phone was about to give its last ring. "Daddy? Yes...okay." She looked at Kodaka after putting the phone back in her bag. "Greg's gonna be coming to pick me up."
Damn, he would've loved to have her stay the night, maybe have a little more fun together, or even just cuddle up together in his bed. He was going to have to think of an idea to have them get some alone time together. Winter was coming up, maybe she could convince her dad to allow them to go on a ski trip, although the club would probably want to join in as well.

When Sena answered her phone, he figured that her father was wondering why she was taking so long to call for a ride. It was a real shame though, he didn't want Sena to leave his side. The two of them got up, and he helped Sena clean herself up.

Kobato came out of the bathroom in a towel to see Sena getting ready to leave. She actually wanted to watch more of her show or play her game with her. She didn't want her to leave yet. "It sucks that you can't stay. I'll think of some more plans for the future." He smiled at her when he went to answer the door after hearing it ring. It was most likely the driver coming to get Sena.
She nodded at Kodaka, and walked with him to the front door when the doorbell was rung. She waved goodbye to Kobato and almost leaned in to Kodaka for a hug - a possible kiss - but she muttered a goodbye and followed Greg to the car, got in and was driven home.

She had really wanted to stay with him. Now that she had the company, she didn't really want to be alone - even if she absolutely had to be. So now, was she and Kodaka actually boyfriend and girlfriend? She blushed at the thought and smiled to herself as she looked out the window; at the passing trees, buildings and other cars. But it was a secret relationship. She frowned, she wanted to have her own way and be able to boast about having a boyfriend - especially to Yozora. It was a thought she would always go back to, because for once she wanted to hold something over the girl's head and let her know too that Sena had what she'd always wanted.

When she got home, she went to her room and toed her shoes off then took her phone out and texted Kodaka that she was home. She almost added that she missed him but she left that out. Though most of her feelings were out in the open and he returned them; she was still a little skeptical of letting him know every thought that she had which concerned him.
Once Sena left, Kodaka turned to Kobato, who looked like she was about to cry. "Awww, you miss her already?" Kodaka teased. Kobato realized that she was tearing up over Sena, shook her head and ran into the living room. "NO!" She shouted back at her brother. It was clear that she was starting to grow attached to Sena.

When Kodaka got back to his room, he noticed that Sena texted him, saying that she was home. He smiled and texted her back. 'We miss you already. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight.' For the rest of the evening, they simply relaxed, wishing that their guest stayed to spend the night. Right before he went to sleep, he sent Sena another text, with an idea for the next time she came over. 'Don't tell Kobato this, but I think she started to tear up when she saw you leave. Maybe you can tell your dad that the next time you're over and you want to spend the night.' It might work, most people tend to feel guilty when they make a little girl cry, Pegasus may bend his rules for her. That and he figured that it would mean a lot to Sena if he told her that.

The next day, the two siblings went through their usual day, they went to school, Kodaka had a normal day of class, and he said hi to Yozora whenever she would walk by his desk. Once class was over, he began making his way towards the club, wondering who he'd see. He remembered that he promised to hang out with Yozora tonight, he wondered what she would have in mind.
For some reason, reading that Kobato almost cried when Sena left made her start to cry. Her reactions were silly when it came Kobato and she wished she was back at Kodaka's house to cuddle Kobato's face off. Sena had almost begun to think that Kobato was a lost cause - which wouldn't have stopped her from fawning over the girl. But reading that her efforts weren't really in vain made her happy. So she could call Kobato her little sister; and maybe she wouldn't even mind that Kodaka and Sena were kind of dating.

She smiled and texted Kodaka with a "Ha. I've won, again." She put the phone on her night table then switched out the lamplight, settling beneath the covers of her bed then fell asleep.

The following Monday, she was almost reluctant to go to school; turning over when Stella pulled back the curtains, leaving the sun to brutally bare itself to Sena. She groaned and pulled the covers up to her chin, not wanting to leave the comfort of her bed and her dreams, which soon became fogged then completely gone as Stella shook her awake. She flung the sheets of herself and grumbled on her way to the bathroom. After breakfast, she was driven to school and as she walked, she caught herself casually glancing the halls for any sign of Kodaka as she walked to her class.

Yozora perked up in her seat when she saw Kodaka enter the classroom but managed to not let it show as she glanced over her shoulder from time to time, watching his as he took his seat. She had missed him over the weekend and she had been disappointed that hey hadn't gotten the chance to spend anymore time together excepting for that Friday.

When class was over, she took her time to pack her books back in her bag, not wanting to seem desperately eager to catch up with him. She caught up with him a few doors down from their club room and slapped him upside the head.
"That's what you get for blowing me off both Saturday and Sunday. But lucky for you, you can make it up to me today," she said with a triumphant smirk as she looked at him.
Right before Yozora smacked him, Kodaka remembered to send a text to Sena, reminding her about not getting too clingy to Kobato. 'I forgot to mention, she got embarrassed when I noticed that she cried over you. Don't tell her that I told you that. Also, don't forget to keep up the distant treatment. Don't start smothering her until she's fully accepted you.' Hopefully he won't walk in to see Sena squeezing the life out of his little sister. He might've ruined her chances by telling her that she was making progress.

When Yozora smacked him, Kodaka looked back at her. "I though the term 'blowing you off' meant that I agreed to make plans with you, then never show up. I told you that I was busy." Kodaka replied back at her with a smirk on his face. "Anyways, what did you have in mind? Another horror movie? Or did you finally want to go to a family restaurant with someone for once?" He playfully teased her. It was hard to imagine anybody going to a 'family restaurant' by themselves. Occasionally he'd think about it, Yozora sitting alone at a table with that sour look on her face, then rudely talk back to the waiter when he tried to take her order. It was actually kind of funny to think about.
Yozora scoffed at him and rolled her eyes. In her mind, she had come up with plans for things they could do when he accepted her invitation - not if. During both times she had Texted him, she had only added "if he answered" out of modesty for the possibility that he wouldn't be able to make it. It was why when he told her he was busy both times, she'd been very disappointed and almost upset; especially on the Saturday when she had tried to cook for him. Sure, she was happy he hadn't been there to witness her humiliating failure but that didn't mean she hadn't wanted him there.

She shrugged her shoulders, dragging her footsteps as they neared the door of the club room. Honestly, she really had nothing in mind and she almost glared at him when he brought up the family restaurant. But then she thought, why not go there? A family restaurant, with Kodaka, it had appeal to it. "How about that then. We'll go to the restaurant. Your treat." She opened the door and walked inside the club room.

Yukimura was inside and walked towards them, a tray in her hand with two cups of tea, as if she had been expecting them. She smiled at Yozora then bowed to Kodaka, telling him that it was good to see him. She stood by his side, as she always would, asking him if there was anything he needed. Even though she now knew her gender and had no qualms about it, she was still very obsessed with wanting to learn how to be a man like Kodaka; the blonde delinquent with a nasty, default expression that scared everyone away.

Rika wasn't yet in the club room but Sena was there, chasing Kobato around the room just to tackle her to the floor and hug her; maybe even shower her with kisses. Sena hadn't looked at her phone to see Kodaka's text and even if she had seen his warning, it wouldn't have stopped her from trying to get her hands on Kobato the moment she saw the little girl enter.
As she ran passed Yozora, Yozora punched her in the back of her head, causing her to fall flat on her face.
"Stupid Meat, stop being such a creep."

Sean looked up at her, flinching from the slight throbbing that started at the back of her head as she pressed her hands there, massaging the aching spot. She glared up at Yozora, yelling at her but Yozora circled her and went to her usual seat.
The second Kodaka entered the room, he started shaking his head. All that hard work thrown to waste, she was making such progress with Kobato, only to ruin it. And when Yozora punched her in the back of the head, he'd be lying if he said that she didn't deserve it, although it did seem a bit rough.

Kobato ran to her big brother the moment she saw him and hid behind him. She started to regret any feelings of love towards Sena, she was just this creepy perverted monster to her, and didn't want to be around her. The young girl clung to her brother while she kept a close eye on Sena, unsure of how to think of her now.

Kodaka went over to Sena and helped her up. He smiled at her and went to sit in his usual spot. Although she started off on a creepy note with his sister, he was happy to see her. With Kobato staying close to her big brother, the rest of the club went on like it usually did. Meanwhile, Kodaka thought about his plans with Yozora. It sounded like fun, going to her to the restaurant, although why did he have to pay?
She almost batted away Kodaka's oustretched hand but accepted his help up off the ground. Sena almost sniffles, her head was still throbbing and there was a tiny hint of glistening tears that welled at the corners of her eyes. She hated when Yozora hit her but at least it wasn't the flyswatter; which stung and hurt far more than just a punch to the back of her head. She mumbled a thank you to Kodaka and glanced down at Kobato, now hiding from her.

She was back to square one now, wasn't she? She frowned and looked at Kobato, trying to get her to come from behind Kodaka but she stayed very close to him. "I'm sorry, Kobato. I didn't mean to scare you."
Yozora scoffed behind her and Sena threw a hostile glare at the dark-haired girl, who returned her gaze with nonchalance, as if daring her to say something to her.

Instead of trying to apologize over and over again to Kobato, Sena resorted to playing a game; her back turned to everyone in the club room.
Rika came in then, her hair pulled back in a side ponytail, ribbons decorating the end of her hair and where the elastic secured her ponytail. She looked slightly disoriented as she closed the door behind her, slumping against the door as though her knees were about to give out on her.
She had a boys love manga clutched to her chest and she looked at Kodaka and everyone else in the room.

Trying to compose herself, she straightened off the door and walked to a seat, dropping herself down in the chair as she looked from Kodaka to Yukimura then back to Kodaka. "It's so sad she's a girl," she muttered then brightened, as if no one had heard her musing. "Hey everybody."
Kobato continued to keep an eye on Sena, unsure of how to act towards her. She was getting comfortable around her, and then she goes and does her usual thing and scare her. She didn't know what to think of her now, it was all too confusing.

When Rika walked in, judging by the look on her face, she was enjoying a new manga, although Kodaka couldn't tell whether it was one of her mech mangas or her boy love ones. "Hey Rika, how've you been today?" He had a feeling he was going to regret asking her that, although he felt like it was the polite thing to do.

It was a shame sometimes, Rika was a very cute girl, but because she was so perverted, it was hard to have a decent conversation with her. A lot of their talks would somehow stray into something perverted, or she'd try and change the subject and try and seduce Kodaka. And he had a bit of a thing for her, especially when she first came in with her new look. If only she acted less perverted, he would've considered asking her out.
"I think I want to start my own doujinshi, starring you and Yukimura - without her being a girl," she added quietly. Now she almost wished they hadn't found out about Yukimura being a girl because creating some fantasy about her with Kodaka would lose its appeal. Because she wasn't a boy anymore. "But I still wanna make it. She'd have been a bad maid and you'd take her over your lap to teach her a lesson, raising her skirt and spanking her. Then you'd drop her to her knees; "I'm going to teach you a lesson," you'll say." She looked at Kodaka, and dropped her voice two octaves, making it as deep as she could. "Then Yuki would say "Master, I'm all yours." and she'd take your pants off and pull-"

"Rika! Enough!" Yozora shouted from her seat, cutting into Rika's mad story. Rika blinked at her, her face had been flushed and her breathing had been somewhat heavy as she had pictured her story while telling it. She had her thighs squeezed together too to stop the throbbing between her legs at the thought of Kodaka doing things with the male version of Yukimura.
"I was just getting to the good part," she said and looked at Kodaka. "Or you could teach me a lesson for being such a bad girl. You could punish me all you want." She wrapped her hands around herself and cooed at the thought, her eyes closed. She'd love it if Kodaka wanted to punish her.

Yozora hated that idea, mostly because Yukimura was no longer a boy and the thought of her doing anything intimate with Kodaka easily made her jealous. She wanted none of them to have as much access to him as she had. She behaved indifferent but was very much possessive of her best friend. Even Rika flirting with him right then made her clench her teeth to keep from saying anything to Rika.

"Anyway," Rika began "I want to go to the doujinshi convention this weekend. I got a couple free bands and I want you to come with me Kodaka. Then you'll see it isn't so bad." And by 'it' she meant the things of yaoi nature.

"Or why don't we all go," Yozora suggested, glancing at them. She had no really interest in the convention itself but if Rika wanted to take Kodaka then she wanted to be there.

"What are you guys talking about?" Sena turned to face them, hearing Yozora's suggestion but missing the conversation before. She lowered the game controller to her lap and looked at them all with confusion. "Why don't you all go where?"
"It's none of your business, go back to your game." Yozora waved her hand, dismissing Sena from the conversation and she glared up at Yozora, wanting to throw the controller straight at her head.

"A doujinshi convention, Sena. I want us to go."
"That sounds boring," she said, her tone arrogant.
"You're right, a person of your status wouldn't go there. It's just a place for us boring commoners, so you aren't invited."
She frowned at Yozora and looked at them, "All of you are going?" She glanced at Kodaka.
"No. You won't be there."
"I want to come."
"You just said it sounds boring," Yozora said, getting physically annoyed with her.
"I didn't know you all were going, I want to come."
"But I just said people of your status don't hang at those places."
"Well fine! Just pretend, I don't have any status. I want to come!" Sena started to whine.

"Okay Sena, you can come," Rika said, growing tired of the exchange between the two. She was happy though that they all wanted to come, it was something they could enjoy as friends and it had been awhile since they had gone to anything together.
"So you'll come Kodaka? And they might have stuff you like too," Rika said, smiling at Kobato.
Kodaka sat there and listened to Rika's perverted idea, followed by Yozora and Sena bickering. He didn't really care much for the idea, but it looked like everyone wanted to go, so he didn't really get much of a choice in it. "Sure I guess I'll go." Kodaka reluctantly replied to Rika. Why did it have to be about him? "Can the names at least be different? I get enough trouble from my classmates thinking I'm a delinquent. The last thing I need is a copy of your doujinshi showing up, making them think I abuse Yukimura."

Kobato was a bit confused as to what they were talking about. She began to wonder if this doujinshi convention was anything like an anime convention, and if she'd find any special merchandise at the con. "Do you think I'll find anything I like there?" She asked her brother, wondering if she should go.

"I don't know. It'll mostly be amateur work, so you might not be happy with the stuff they offer." Since she was a die-hard fan, she might not be happy with the fan content that she might see. That and he didn't really like the idea of her seeing a doujinshi about her brother raping Yukimura. "You can stay home if you'd like to." Kobato nodded.

So it was settled. The Neighbor's Club planned on going to a doujinshi convention. At least this would probably be the only doujinshi being sold, and it didn't become a project among the members that somehow involved him in every doujinshi.
Rika pondered his suggestion and shrugged at him, not really willing to change the names but she decided to give him what he wanted; the story was about him after all. "What kind of name would you like then?" She asked, glancing up at him from time to time as she flipped through the pages of her manga. She'd also want to work on making a game but decided to put that idea to them at a later time.

Sena got up from before the television and came to sit at the table, beside Rika. She'd become bored with the game and wanted to hear anything else they had to discuss; she didn't want to end up having to ask questions then argue with Yozora about it.
"So when is it? What time?"

"Tokyo Big Sight. It starts at nine, I think but we should get there early so we don't get stuck in the crowd line up." She said. Rika hated being in crowds, which contradicted her entire idea of wanting to go to the convention because it would be crowded. Crowds made her feel claustrophobic and if she stayed out in a crowd of people, pushing and squeezing, to get inside the comiket; she could possible die from the energy drain she'd suffer.
"I don't care, just something that doesn't sound like my name. Any other name would be fine." All he cared about was that it wouldn't somehow trace back to him. The last thing he needed was a rumor going around about how he sexually abuses other guys. Especially since he's technically dating Sena, he didn't want any rumors of his sexuality spreading.

When Sena went to ask Rika about the time, Kodaka was a bit curious about something else. "What else would we be doing anyways? Would we be at your booth helping you sell your doujinshi? Or would we go walking around, exploring the place?" He was mainly curious because he knew both Yozora and Rika hated huge crowds. So that would probably leave him and Sena to explore, although the two of them might think of something else to do if it was just them together.

He was also curious about whether this con would allow cosplay. The idea of Sena dressed up as a character, even seeing the other girls dressed up sounded exciting.
Rika nodded at Kodaka, frowning a little that he didn't seem the least bit interested in her fan fiction work between him and Yukimura then again he never really cared for her weird and perverted ideas. She guessed he'd feel much better and less creeper out by her if she stopped altogether. But actually, she liked making Kodaka cringe with her perversions because she liked his reactions. It was her way of having fun with him.

"Yozora could stay with me and you guys walk around, I guess just to keep yourselves occupied," she said with a shrug. Yozora had the same issue as her and Rika guessed she didn't really know what happened at a comiket, nor was aware that it was an event that attracted large crowds. Or maybe she knew but wanted to take the risk just so she could have a reason to tag along with them.

Yozora looked between Kodaka and Rika, frowning at her suggestion. "I don't mind walking around."
Rika arched a brow and played with the ribbon at the end of her hair. "It's gonna be crowded Yozora, are you sure you won't mind?"
"Yes," she pressed, almost sounding irritated. Plus she didn't want Sena alone with Kodaka. She couldn't trust the sneak; especially because her confession was still fresh in Yozora's mind.

"Yozora, you can't handle crowds." Sena said with a light laugh.
"Shut up, I'm capable of handling anything. You stay with Rika and help her sell her stuff."
"But that's boring!"
"Then why are you even coming? Make up your mind, Sena."
Sena glared at her then looked away, sinking into her seat as she begrudgingly mumbled that she'd stay with Rika, who was frowning up at Yozora.
Kodaka wasn't sure when to step into the argument. He was hoping that it would all end, but it looked like Yozora was against the idea of him and Sena being alone together. It wasn't surprising though, Sena confessed to him in front of the whole club, and he confessed to her in private, so none of the other club members are really aware of his true feelings for Sena. "Are you sure Yozora? I've heard those crowds get pretty brutal sometimes. They get as bad as some of those shopping holiday that you hear about in America." He wasn't really aware of that for her, but he didn't want to see Yozora suffer just for his sake. Plus it might make her feel better if she got the idea of Sena getting trampled.

While he liked Yozora, he was in love with Sena. He thought of many problems that could arise if she found out that he and Sena were together. The main problem would be suicide. She isolated herself from society after he moved away ten years ago, would she be able to handle the fact that he was interested in another girl? What if she did something to Sena? She was also abusing her, so the abuse might get a little extreme if she has a stronger reason to hate her. And she might shut down the club. Everyone here has learned to love the club, what would happen if it shut down? He hated keeping this a secret and wanted to be more open about this with Sena, but it was because of the people they hung out with that he worried about the consequences.

Looking back over at Rika, he figured he should get a little more info on the con, just to make sure what he should prepare for. "So what are these conventions like? Should we bring anything, besides money perhaps? Also, are you going to want us to get you something while you're at the booth?" He figured she'd want to buy other copies of doujinshi, but it'll be difficult to do that if she's working a booth. He might not be interested in the stuff, but he could at least help Rika out with getting what she wanted.
Yozora frowned, unsure of whether or not she should continue trying to defend her ability to not collapse in the crowd. She had an idea of what they were talking about and the image her mind conjured intimidated her. But as intimidating as it was, she was sure she could steel herself against it just to stay by Kodaka's side. He'd help her either way if she started to lose the energy to stand on her own. She gave a noncommittal shrug and settled in her chair. "I said I'd be fine. I don't even need you by my side. I can walk around myself." She picked her book up and started to read, signaling she was done with them and the conversation.

Rika sighed and wished for the moment she had worn her glasses just so she could fix them on her nose in a frustrated fashion at Yozora. She was almost like Sena in the way of sulking when she didn't get her way or no one else seemed to believe something she had to say. But unlike Sena who could be cheered up or at least appeased; Yozora became like a brick wall which made her hard to deal with a lot of the time.

Yukimura stood by, uninvolved in the discussion, her gaze blankly aloof as she glanced from each person to the next, as though trying to understand what Yozora and Sena had been arguing about. Rika looked up at Kodaka when he questioned her and closed her book.
"It's nothing much really besides checking out what different amateur mangakas have to offer. There's also cosplaying," she glanced at Kobato when she said that as if giving her a reason she could come along. "And you can meet people if you want."

She nodded when he asked if she'd like for him to get anything for her. "Reading other doujins would be nice. But we can talk about that when we get there," she said, smiling at him.
It was clear that Yozora was trying to act strong in front of him. He shook his head as he continued to relax with Kobato. "Alright, if you say so." He'll probably be carrying her to the restroom or something, anywhere away from crowds.

Hearing Rika say something about cosplays did interest him. Maybe he could talk Sena into dressing up, although she'd probably just reject the idea. He still didn't like the idea of Kobato going with them, he wasn't sure about the how many other people would try selling the same things that Rika was trying to sell. When she mentioned that she'll tell him what doujinshis she'd like him to pick up, he smiled and nodded.

The rest of the club went on as usual. When the day ended, it was just Kodaka and Yozora left. Kobato went home early to finish some homework, and everyone else presumably went home whenever they felt like it. Getting up, Kodaka smiled at Yozora. "So, ready to get something to eat?" He asked, getting a little hungry himself.
They were finally alone. Yozora couldn't be more relieved; she'd been agitated the entire time with the rest of them after her conversation with them about her being able to hold out in a crowd. She took her bag up and nodded at him, walking in front of him as they left the club room. She waited for him to fall into step with her and glanced up at him; thinking of something she could say to make conversation until they got to the restaurant.
"Are you looking forward to the convention; besides Rika's doujin work?" she asked. Yozora knew Kodaka was uncomfortable with Rika's idea of building a story around him and Yukimura. She was too - but for other reasons.

When they reached to the restaurant, she picked a window seat and and sat across from him, her bag on her lap. She picked up the menu, playing with the edges as she stole glances at Kodaka. "So what are you having?"
She wasn't exactly sure why but suddenly she felt awkward and shy to be around him. It still hung at the back of her mind that she tell him they had had sex but it didn't really matter right now, did it? Obviously, he had thought it just a dream because he seemed quite fine to be around her.

Unless...she frowned slightly. Had he done it before? He'd been away for long enough, plus he was old enough to be having sex. Her shoulders sagged visibly at the thought.
"I don't really know what to expect, so I guess I'm kind of excited. Although I'm not too sure about having a dirty story involving me." he mentioned to Yozora. To be honest, he hated the idea. It was kind of creepy, especially since Yukimura is a girl, Rika even proved it herself. Couldn't she use characters in her mangas or just make up characters? Why did it have to be him?

When the two of them reached the restaurant, He took a menu and began looking through it. "I think I'll get the chicken dinner." He answered. "What about you?" He asked in return.

When he looked up, he noticed that her shoulders began to sag and she looked depressed. "You feeling okay?" He asked. This was different than her usual look. Most of the time she looked angry, she looked depressed and upset now. It was like she was worried about something. "Are you getting nervous about actually having to deal with those crowds? Like I said, I heard they get pretty bad sometimes." She nearly lost it in a cramped bus, this was going to be about a hundred times that amount of people, maybe more.
She gave the menu one more glance, though she'd already decided that whatever Kodaka had she would have that also. She set the menu down and looked at him with a small smile that wasn't genuine. She tried to shake her upset feelings but her curiosity to know about what Kodaka; and her need to tell him about their small moment made it hard for to ignore - like she was usually able to.
"I'll have what you're having."

Lying wasn't something she normally did but if it saved her the trouble of admitting to something that could probably alter the way how tonight ended, then she would do it gladly. She shrugged at him, fingering the menu and turning it over in her hands, picking at the edges just to occupy herself so she wouldn't have to look him in the eye. She could be good at lying but because she was nervous, if she looked Kodaka in the eye, she was sure to give away some hint that what she had to say wasn't true. But Kodaka was a bit dense anyway, so probably he wouldn't even know the difference.
"What? Do you not want me to come? I told you, I can handle it. And I won't need you walking around with me either; just to prove it to you."
She folded her hands across her chest and looked at him then away when the waitress came to take their orders.
Of course, she couldn't simply admit that she wanted him to help her out like a normal person. She felt like she had to look independent. Honestly, it was hard to have a good conversation with her when she refused to answer some questions and then yell at others. And then there were the times that she'd talk to him like an idiot because he didn't think irrationally like she did. To think that he's actually friends with her, and yet somehow they still get along pretty well.

"I don't mean it like that. I just figured that you'd have difficulty with travelling through the con. If you're fine with going around alone, then that'll be great. We can cover more ground much quicker, find some things that we like without waiting for the other person." He just didn't want to get a call from her saying that she passed out somewhere, or she's in the hospital because she fainted.

Once they placed their order, the waitress came back with their drinks. He looked over at Yozora and smiled. "I just want all four of us to have fun at this thing, enjoy ourselves as friends. Okay, Sora?"
She poked at her food. The idea of going to the convention was intimidating, coupled with the fact that she'd just boasted that she'd be able to handle walking in a massive crowd like what was to be expected at that comiket, made her feel a slight tightening in her chest. She was a bit put off by it and she wondered how Kodaka hadn't even called her bluff. She was a convincing actress then; and just plain stubborn.

Yozora flinched visibly when he called her Sora. The name still affected her because to her, it was an endearing name that made her imagine there was something deeper than friendship between them. It was why most times she hated when he called her that; because the reality was that there was nothing but a friendship between them. And she had to contain her one-sided feelings.

She guessed he was saying that this convention was for all of them to have fun, as a way to hint that he didn't want her causing any trouble for Sena. She looked at him and shrugged. "Okay. And you really should just...call me Yozora," she said quietly and a bit reluctantly. She always wanted him to call her Sora.
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