Haganai Eroge RP (Charlmeister & HeartOfTheDarkness)

After classes ended for the day, Sena decided she wanted to go to the club room after all. Not because she felt insecure about Kodaka hanging out with Yozora later but because she wasn't ready to go home and she had no other extracurricular activities but with the Neighbor's club. She thought it was about time she tried to find another club though but it was hard to socialize in other clubs. She would be the center of boys' attention and a victim to girls' envy. The Neighbor's club was really her only pace of comfort with her schoolmates - excepting Yozora.

She walked in and picked up her controller after setting up her game. She said hi to Rika and Yukimura, but only spared Yozora a contemptuous look before she had set in front of the tv. When Kodaka came in she didn't look around but glued her eyes to the screen where a girl stood, interacting with her but Sena wasn't focusing.

She heard Kobato' s voice and turned to look at the little girl. Her fingers gripped the controller tightly - a physical attempt to restrain herself and not tackle Kobato to the ground. She smiled at her, trying to look around her back. She was hiding something.
"What is it?"
Kobato took deep breaths, trying to come up with the right words to say. She was mainly just trying to think of something that would make it less likely for Sena to tackle her. "R-Rematch!" She shouted at Sena. Then she revealed what was behind her back, showing that she brought her game with her.

Figuring that it was impossible to avoid getting embraced by Sena, she went into her pose. "Ku ku ku, I've honed my powers since I last challenged you, so you won't stand a chance. If I win, you have to do what I say. And if you win, I'll do what you want, but that'll never happen. A mere mortal would never defeat a being of the darkness." It wasn't normal for Kobato to make bets, mainly because she didn't really interact with other, but she really wanted to beat Sena this time.

It was actually kind of nice to see Kobato act this way towards Sena. Even if she wasn't very comfortable around her, she was making an effort to try and get close to her. As long as Sena doesn't go overboard with the her affections, she could get Kobato to love her.
Everyone else in the room seemed to mirror Sena's look of shock when Kobato managed to stammer out wanting a rematch. She looked stiff, as if bracing for Sena's onslaught of smothering hugs. But Sena didn't give in to instinct, instead she just smiled and scoffed at Jobs to.
"You won't be able to beat me, little one." It almost sounded cheesy, because she wasn't sure she mimicked the language and accent well.

She took the game from Kobato and set it up. It made her feel better. Initially, the club room didn't feel like the place she wanted to be. And her thoughts hadn't been able to divert from thoughts of Kodaka and Yozora being alone. It wasn't insecurity - she wouldn't think of it as such. It just made her feel...jealous. As simple as that. There was no denying it but now, as she played with Jobs to, that feeling hardly mattered.

Yozora moved beside Kodaka and cleared her throat, as if trying to get Sena's attention while she spoke. "You didn't have to force her to play with her."
It was effective, Sena shot her a hateful glare. But said nothing. Not as effective as she had thought.
"So what did you want to tell me Kodaka?"
Yozora noticed Sena's fingers no longer moved over the controls.
It was sweet, seeing Sena happy because Kobato wanted to play with her. As much as she probably hated to admit it, Sena was pretty good, definitely better than Kodaka and Maria, so Kobato would get a challenge.

When Yozora tried to ruin Sena's moment, Kodaka did get a bit annoyed. Did she have to take away every happy moment from Sena? He knew they didn't like each other, but this was ridiculous. And wasn't she suppose to ask him about this after the club? She just wanted to get under Sena's skin.

Kodaka's face went a little red when he thought of asking Yozora what he was planning to ask. No doubt Rika will want to help out if she hears about this. Sena will probably get happy if Yozora agrees to it. The only problem was that asking this made him really sound like a pervert. He probably won't be able to live this down for a while. "Well... uh..... you see, I've been having weird dreams about you, and I'm unable to get a certain thought about you out of my head." That was a lie, he'll probably need to explain that to Sena later, hopefully she understands. "I was hoping you could do this for me, can you...." It was hard to say, he didn't know if she'd slap him, he didn't know how the others would think of him. "Can you be the club maid for a day?" He asked, waiting for someone to hit him.

As all of this happened, Kobato paid no attention, although she was beating Sena because she was distracted.
Yozora blinked at Kodaka, uncertain she heard his request. It wasn't really the request that had her blinking and staring, her expression a cross between clueless and aloof. The color rose from her neck to her face and then her brows scrunched, eyes narrowed at Kodaka as she tried to process what he wanted of her. Then she looked angry and flustered and began to stammer.
"What kind of stupid request is that, pervert? Why would I want to do that?" She moved her chair back and looked over at Sena, laughing.

"What's a simple maid outfit gonna do to you. Might as well you say no, you don't have the body for it anyway." Sena made a point of arching her upper body.
Yozora glared at her, "It'd suit a slut like you. Why don't you dress up? Oh...Kodaka didn't ask you because you're not the one he's dreaming about."
Sena almost answered with a fiery retort that could expose her and Kodaka. She glared then felt the tears burn her eyes and she got up then ran out the room, slamming the door.

Yozora smiled triumphantly. She had been wondering what she could have done to make Sena run from the room and Kodaka gave her exactly what she needed. Rika looked at Kodaka, ignoring for the moment what Yozora said to Sena.
"I'll dress up for you Kodaka, and then you can put me across the table and make service me do whatever you want," she teased. She was flirting only to move the tension left from Sena's exit out the room.

"I can do it," she said in a small voice at first, then repeated herself with more confidence that made her tone stronger. She'd show Sena she could wear a maid outfit and be damn good at it too. It was for Kodaka anyway.
Kobato looked up as Sena ran out of the room crying. She felt kind of bad, knowing that she had nobody to play with now. Since Sena left, she technically won the match by default, but now she's unable to make her request to Sena.

Thank goodness for the other girls helping him out. With Yozora agreeing, it seemed that he was able to make a convincing lie, he'll just need to check on Sena later. Looking up at Yozora, he smiled. "Thanks, sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable."

The rest of the club went by like usual, Kobato took her game back and Sena didn't come back. When Kodaka and Kobato left, they sat on the bus together. Kobato asked for Sena's number from her brother and began calling the girl, hoping she'd pick up so that she could finally tell her what she has to do for losing.
Sena lounged in her dad's office, waiting for him to finish his paperwork, and ate ice cream as an effort to calm herself and her boiling emotions. Yozora just couldn't give her a break and she didn't even know why Yozora's insults got under her skin so effectively. None of what she ever had to say was true but it was embarrassing and put Sena on the spot. She was also sensitive, growing up in a sheltered home, she wasn't used to being bullied. The girls in her classes would make snide remarks but that was easy to blow off with an arrogant shrug of her shoulders. Yozora wasn't passive aggressive like them; she was just aggressive and violent. And mean.

She frowned when she felt her phone vibrate and she pulled I t from her pocket. The number wasn't familiar and she almost didn't answer but did. "Hello?" She spooned around the small cup of ice cream and put some in her mouth and looked up at Pegasus as he walked back into the room with a stack of papers. He set them down then put them in his desk drawer before getting up and gesturing for Sena to come with him.

She took up the cup and angled the phone between her ear and shoulder then picked up her bookbag, following her father out the room.
Kobato was relieved that Sena picked up the phone, although she was also hoping that she wouldn't pick up either. "H-Hello Sena. This is Kobato. I called because you left in the middle of our game, so I won. That means you have to do what I say." It sounded like she took some lessons from Yozora, taking something like that as a victory. No matter, Sena was probably too happy to have Kobato call her to even care. "I want you to..." She didn't really know how to say it. Saying this to Sena would mean admitting that she'd have to see her a lot more, and that she'll have to learn to like her. Promise me that you'll make An-chan happy. I want you to make him the happiest ever."

Kodaka was surprised to hear that from his little sister. Was she aware of how he felt about Sena? Maybe, but he was aware that she knew about how Sena felt for him, since she announced it to the club. He was happy to see his little sister say something like that, wanting her older brother to be happy. Pulling out his phone, he texted Sena, knowing she'll probably see it when she's done talking to Kobato. 'I feel that I should tell you that Kobato asked me for your number, she thought of all of this on her own, I didn't ask her to do anything.' That'll probably brighten up Sena's day after what happened with Yozora.
Sena blinked. Kobato's words seemed to fade and it almost felt as if Sena had just imagined it all. It wasn't like Kobato to call her, to say something like that to her; completely unbelievable. Did that mean Kobato actually liked Sena but just pushed her away because she didn't know how else to respond? Sean grinned and nodded, as if Kobato could see her. Pegasus glanced over at her with mute curiosity, wondering who she was talking to that got her out of the sulky mood she'd been in while in his office.
"I will, Kobato." Then she started babbling about what great sisters they'd be and that she'd give her anything she wanted. Then finally she hung up, her mouth tired.

"Kobato called you?" Pegasus asked and smiled. So Sena was making progress with the child after all. She nodded up at him and played with her phone, still grinning as she turned her attention out the window. If Kobato said that, did it mean she knew about Kodaka's feelings for her.

She looked down at her phone when it vibrated, thinking it was her cute Kobato again but it was her brother. Sena's smile almost faltered, remembering what had happened in th club room not too long ago. It was reassuring that he hadn't been the one to convince Kobato to do anything.
*So I've won her.* She wished she could gloat about this to Yozora but then she could easily say that Kobato had always liked her because she wasn't a creep like Sena. And it was kinda true.
Most of the bus ride consisted of Kobato having to listen to Sena talk to her about how they'll be great sisters, and how she'll buy her whatever she wants. Kobato rolled her eyes for most of it. By the time they got home, Sena finally ended the call and Kobato looked exhausted from just listening to Sena. Once she was inside, she ran to the tv and started watching her show.

Kodaka was enjoying the fact that Kobato was willing to start opening up to Sena. When he got her reply, he laughed a little bit. 'Sort of. I wouldn't go too extreme, I don't know if she's quite ready for you to smother her with hugs and kisses, but I think she's willing to be closer to you now.' Once he finished texting Sena, he started getting dinner prepared.

It didn't take long for the doorbell to ring and Kodaka went to answer the door. "Who is it?" He called out as he started opening the door. "Onii-chan!!!!" Maria shouted as she tackled Kodaka to the ground and hugged him.
Kate Takayama sighed when her sister burst inside Kodaka's house when he answered the door. They were at home, Maria had been somewhere in the house while Kate started dinner. Then Maria started wailing that she missed Kodaka and wanted to go to him; that she didn't want any of Kate's "shit food". Kate tortured her long enough for her little sister to take it back - with Maria's snide interjections of calling her bitch and hag. Kate had tired of her wailing and tried to get Maria to wash up before taking her but the child had already shot out the front door; flailing her short arms in earnest to get a cab.

Kate finally got out the cab after paying the cab driver and walked up the path to Kodaka's front door. She looked at the two, then dragged Maria off of him, frowning at her. "Oi, stop it already." Maria kicked in her hold and slapped at her face, calling her names again then Kate dropped her so she fell to her knees. Maria recovered after whining in agony and rubbing at her bruised knees. She ran off to find Kobato, leaving Kate with Kodaka. She looked him up and down and smiled at him.
"Hey, haven't seen you in awhile."

She had been over once before, to fetch Maria and had ended up taking a bath at his place. He had seen her naked but lied because it was the decent thing to do. He looked like a delinquent but really wasn't. From her few interactions with him, she had developed some feelings for him. It was probably just an infatuation and she was attracted to him also, but had never really done anything about it.
As Maria screamed and shouted as Kate held her in the air, once she was dropped though, she didn't scream as much. "Ow, you suck you damn poop hag." The young nun said to her older sister before running to see Kobato. While Kobato wasn't too thrill to have both nuns over, she was still happy to have someone to play with.

Kodaka smiled at Kate. "Yea, it's been quite some time since we've seen each other. How have things been with you?" The last time he saw her, she told him about how the had an interest in him, although she knew about Kodaka's engagement to Sena. That was actually the first time he heard about it. That Pegasus sure liked to spread rumors when he got a small bit of good news.

Heading back into the kitchen, he had Kate follow her in. "Make yourself at home, I'm starting dinner. I'm assuming Maria plans to stay the night again?" He asked as he went back to preparing dinner. The girls started playing Kobato's game.
Kate shrugged as she followed Kodaka into the kitchen, she sat at their dining table, folding her hands against the wood as she watched him move around the kitchen. "Exhausting. Maria is such a handful and restless. She almost ran away tonight again to come to you. I think she missed Kobato, you too. But maybe Kobato more," she said and leaned back in the chair, letting out a loud yawn.

She wasn't much of a lady, but Kate preferred doing what felt natural. She wasn't refined but vulgar - that's what everyone else thought - and she found she didn't have to make an effort around Kodaka to change herself just to please him. He accepted her - that, or maybe he just didn't give a fuck about her personality since it affected him none.
"What about you? How are things, and I think she wants to stay. But if it's a burden to you, I can drag her little ass back home."

Kate had no problems with Maria staying over Kodaka's house; sure she'd worry and call every five seconds which - she figured from the last time - could annoyed the living hell out of Kodaka. She hated the little girl but she worried over her a lot, but Maria didn't know about that over-protective streak.
"Yea, I can see that. Maria is a handful in the club, but everyone still loves her. And Kobato has really started getting along with her, considering that the two of them hated each other at first." Kodaka started frying some chicken, remembering that the girls loved it when he made it for them last time. They practically ate all of it while he answered Kate's call, leaving him with none.

When she asked him about how things have been with him, he smiled. "I guess you heard from Pegasus, but Sena and I are together. We're still working things out, considering that Yozora and Sena hate each other, and Yozora is my childhood friend, but we're happy together. And don't worry about it, you two are welcome here anytime. I'm sure Kobato loves the company." The two girls didn't really pay attention, they were busy playing their game, occasionally sniffing the air when the food started cooking, getting hungry.

To be honest, Kodaka thought Kate was pretty attractive. She was exactly what he expected to see in Maria when she got older. And to think that she's only 15, she looks a lot older than him. Although she does seem to act her age, burping and farting without a care in the world. It was kind of because of her attitude that made him like her, she was easy to approach. And even though she is younger than him, she's kind of a voice of reason to him, no matter how vulgar she can be.
Maria never hated Kobato, not to Kate. It was just her aggressive approach towards someone she liked. Maria never wasted her time talking to any of the other kids her age but she played with Kobato. She was odd in her attempt to make a friend, but at least Kobato was warming up to her.
"Yeah, I'm happy about that," she said, thinking of the times Maria would talk about purifying the vampire - which was Kobato - and her tone was always eager rather than contemptuous.

Kate raised a brow when Kodaka mentioned being with Sena and not knowing how to tell Yozora. It was a complicated situation and it didn't seem as if Kodaka would ever muster the guts to tell Yozora about his relationship. Also, she was a bit disappointed but she smiled either way and leaned forward on the table.
"So when do you plan to tell her? You guys aren't official, are you?" She questioned more for personal interests rather than finding out so she could give him advice.
It was nice to see them becoming friends. Kobato rarely wants to talk to others, even though her class seems to adore her. He couldn't quite understand it, but he just knew that she didn't care for much attention, unless it was from him. That was the main reason why Sena had very little luck with Kobato. Maria gave her a different kind of attention, and that eventually lead to Kobato warming up to her. It was kind of cute to see sometimes.

Kodaka let out a heavy sigh when Kate mentioned Yozora. "It's tough. Because she always looks pissed, it's hard to talk about anything personal. Even then, she won't listen if she hears something she doesn't like. She's as stubborn as an old man sometimes." He began pulling out chicken onto a bowl, finishing up dinner. "I don't know how to say it to her. She hates Sena, and I feel that Sena's going to suffer from it if I tell her. Then there's the fact that she alienated the world when I first moved away as a kid. How's she going to react to this kind of news? While Sena and I do love each other, we can't really announce it." He kind of hoped that Kate would give him some sort of advice.

Once he finished up the chicken, he grabbed some sauces and got the table ready. "Food is ready." He told the girls, and they got up and ran to wash up.
Yozora didn't seem like an easy person to communicate with. Kate only knew of the members from what Maria would say and Kodaka's accounts of them. She had also glimpsed them around the school yard and Pegasus would talk about Sena and Kodaka. She wasn't really sure what to tell him about Yozora. But, if it were Kate, she'd just tell the girl - she was sure Yozora harbored feelings for Kodaka. And that, he didn't seem aware of, or maybe he didn't feel the same for her.

Kate frowned at his mention of love then raised a brow. "Oh, so you love her? Then why can't you tell Yozora? Do you love her too?" She asked and blinked up at him. Kate wasn't expecting Kodaka to say he loved Sena; she at least thought he would have been unsure or inhibited about his own feelings towards the girl. Plus, he was young. Was he really ready to commit to just one girl? It was something she planned to find out.

She moved over to sit beside him when th girls came in for dinner. She smiled when at the food. It looked much better than the chop suey she'd been preparing for dinner. She piled her plate and thanked him then started to eat.
Did he love Yozora? He stopped to think for a moment, wondering how he really felt for her. "I honestly don't know. While I have strong feelings for Sena, I can't deny that I kind of have similar feelings for Yozora as well. She was a friend from my childhood, and we got along so well together. I enjoy her company, even though she can be cold at times. I just don't know what to do at the moment." It did sort of make things hard. That was probably the reason he left the club in the first place, he didn't want things getting more complicated, although it only made things worse for the others at the time.

When they all sat down at the table, they began eating, enjoying their meal together. Kobato and Maria ate their share and left enough for Kate and Kodaka. Once their dinner was done, Kobato and Maria decided to take their bath together, running into the bathroom to wash up, leaving Kodaka to clean up the dishes.
Kate wasn't sure it was a good idea for her to try and involve herself in Kodaka's issues. Because she was sure she'd make him unsure of his feelings, probably leading to him rethink things and probably become depressed over it. He already seemed down from just the prospect of having to tell Yozora. Why did he even need to be thinking of decisions like these anyway? Everything had, in a way, been thrust upon him and in her mind, Kodaka was only saying he loved Sena to be fair and because he didn't want to disappoint Pegasus. It could be genuine but he was just seventeen. He shouldn't have to be worried about relationship complications this young.

She looked at him as he started tidying the kitchen and got up to help him, deciding she'd assist with washing up. Although she wanted to respect his feelings for his friends, Kate couldn't bring herself to take him seriously; just from the fact that he had such difficulty telling this to Yozora. He probably was no good at separating his feelings, or he really just didn't want to hurt his best friend. Whatever the case was, it really didn't matter to her personally. She really would have preferred if Kodaka didn't have them to deal with. She sorta wished she didn't harbor feelings for him either. How complicated could teenage affections be?

Kate liked Kodaka enough to contradict the entire morale of being a nun - at least the school nun. She had thought of kissing him before, among other things. Those thoughts had never really frequented her mind until she met Kodaka because of his odd charm. "You don't have to tell Yozora right now. Don't even think about it. You shouldn't have to worry about anything." She glanced up at him and turned her attention back to the dishes.
It was nice to have Kate helping him out, he did like her company. When she told him that he shouldn't have to worry about such things, he blushed a little bit when he looked at her. She was such a sweet person, no matter how vulgar she may be. Although she was a nun, he never really saw her as one. He didn't really see Maria as one either, they were both so childish and vulgar, it didn't seem possible for either of them to be religious.

Once they were done doing the dishes, both girls ran out of the bathroom. Kobato was in her pajamas while Maria was dressed in one of Kodaka's shirts. "You can wash up if you'd like. I can set up some futons for you and Maria for tonight." He said to Kate, assuming she was planning to stay the night as well.

The moment Kobato and Maria were done, they were back to playing their game together.
Kate nodded and waved her hand at his futon suggestion. "Only do one for me, I think Maria's going to want to spend the night in Kobato's room." She went to the bathroom, remembering where it was from her last visit and pulled her tank top over her head then dropped her shorts and underwear to her ankles. If Maria hadn't bolted out the house she would have changed into something more suitable, not that it really mattered since she hadn't walked to Kodaka's house.

In the shower, her thoughts went back to Kodaka. She watched the soapy water swirl around the drain then disappear and, with her hands cupping her breasts, she stared down at the floor. She was happy for Kodaka that he finally got himself a girlfriend but was - maybe a little shamefully - disappinted about it. If he hadn't mentioned any of that tonight - if she hadn't went asking - then she wouldn't have known and could be right in making a move on him. She honestly cared nothing for her position and religion; she was young, she could "sin" and do whatever she felt right doing.

Shaking her head, she finished her shower, rinsing the lather from her pale skin then shut the tap off. Kate stepped out the tub then reached for the towel, wrapping her wet body. She picked up her clothes and opened the door then walked down the hall to Kodaka's room. She had seen Maria in one of his shirts, and would ask him to loan her one. She could sleep in her own clothes, there was no problem for her in doing that. Kate just wanted to go to his room.
Kodaka went ahead and set up two futons, one in the guest room, the other in Kobato's room, just in case they couldn't fit on her bed. Afterwards, he spent some time sitting with the girls, watching them play their game. Maria did seem to be improving, considering she didn't have video games at her home. Maybe one day she'll be able to put up an actual challenge to Kobato.

After a while, the girls started getting tired and he helped them go to bed. Once they were in bed, Kodaka sat in his room, thinking about what Kate said. Did he love Yozora the same way he loved Sena? Does he only love Sena because of their parents? That might be a factor, but his feeling for Sena were real. He wanted to be with her, not just because their parents set up the marriage, but because he knows the real Sena. He also knows the real Yozora, and he also cares deeply for her too. It's so hard to decide.

When Kate walked in wearing just her towel, Kodaka jumped from his seat, his face bright red. "W-What are you doing? Don't you have clothes?" He said, starting to get embarrassed. Wasn't it a sin to be thinking naughty thoughts about a nun?
What was she doing? Kate didn't really know the answer to that herself. She leaned back against the door, her hands on the knob behind her. The door clicked shut from the slow pressure of her back and she shrugged at him. He sat there on the bed, confused and baffled. She was standing, in just a towel, inside his room and it was just the two of them; so he had a right to have that look on his face.
"I have clothes." She had them bunched in her hands behind her and she shifted her hands, letting them drop through the space and hit the floor.

"I don't feel like wearing them though. Would you want me to put them on?" she raised a brow and walked over to him. Kate was a little unsure about this; about coming on to Kodaka the way she was about to. It wasn't that she felt guilty or wrong about it, she just questioned her decision to do this and was doubtful, as though fearing he would push her away and say no - ask her if she was crazy or something like that. His room wasn't much bigger than the average room space, which suited her because of its privacy and intimacy.

She climbed atop him, straddled his lap and braced her hands on the bed on either sides of his hips as she looked at him, swaying towards him as if pulled by an unseen magnetic force. Her heart was pounding, and inside she was shaking. Her lips glanced his and she smiled. "Well, do you want me to put my clothes on. Should I take this off too?" She murmured, reaching for the small knot of the towel that kept it secure around her.
Kodaka couldn't think of any words to say. Kate was in his room, wearing nothing but a towel, which didn't really cover much. He watched as she threw her clothes onto the ground, then move closer to him. "I.... I.... I..." He didn't know what to do. Of course he wanted to push her away, to tell her that this was wrong, to tell her that he wanted Sena. However, part of him did want this. Although it was a small part, it was just enough to make him hesitant about doing what he thought was the right thing.

As she climbed onto him, he leaned back onto his bed, having the beautiful nun straddle him. His face bright red, he didn't know how to accept these sudden feelings from Kate. She was beautiful, she was smart, she was funny. She was pretty much the perfect girl, but what about Sena? What about Yozora? What about the club? As he sat there, unsure of what to do, he was practically helpless to Kate's approach.
He was stammering, that was good. He wasn't saying know. Kate slid her hand up his back, her fingers playing gently in the soft hairs at his nape. She leaned in and kissed his lips then looked at him. He wasn't resisting but neither was he responding. Kate nuzzled him and kissed his neck.
"What do you want?" She asked, her voice soft, almost husky.

The knot slipped out on its own and the towel fell from her body. She looked down, almost reflexively covering herself but instead wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him again. Sliding her fingers into his hair, she pressed her palm to his scalp, pulling him closer as she deepened the kiss. Kodaka was her first kiss and it made her feel flushed and almost shy. She pulled back and looked at him then licked her lips.
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