Haganai Eroge RP (Charlmeister & HeartOfTheDarkness)

Sena kept to herself for the rest of the time spent in the club room, playing her game. She had wanted to play a game with Kobato but she'd probably just keep saying no and stay by Kodaka's side. There were times Sena wished Kobato wouldn't run away from her, but if she had the option to change it about her; she actually wouldn't. It was something that drew Sena to her; and it added more than enough to Kobato's cute factor. If Kobato stopped acting that way, Sena would miss it, even though it made her feel bad most of the time.

When the club ended for the day, she left without her father, who had a meeting to attend and he had called the chauffer to pick her up and carry her home. Sena found Stella in the den, organizing the paperwork on Pegasus' table. She told her that Kodaka would be coming over and Stella nodded, telling her that she would get dinner started after she was done.

She heard a car pull up in the yard and she rushed to her window to check if it was Kodaka and his sister, instead it as her father; looking drained and miserable as he stepped out the car and walked up to the front door. She moved away from her window and went down to greet him but he had already disappeared inside his study to work.
A moment later, she heard the doorbell and yelled that she would get it, running passed Stella, who was on her way to answer the door. Sena opened it and looked at Kodaka then to Kobato.
"You're here!"
When Sena answered the door, Kodaka smiled at her. "Good to see you again." Kobato wasn't hiding behind her brother like usual, she was standing there, willingly going to take whatever embrace Sena would give her, although she won't really enjoy it.

They all went to Sena's room, and Kobato got her game out to play with Sena. As the two played their game, Kodaka sat there with the girls, watching them enjoy themselves. "Kobato has been really looking forward to playing this with you. I think she finds you enough of a challenge for her." He told Sena, teasing his little sister. Kobato remained quiet, but her face turning bright red.
Sena would have hugged Kodaka after she had embraced Kobato, but something stopped her and made her hug Kobato a lot longer than she actually intended to. She realized that Kobato was slowly beginning to accept Sena for the smothering person she was. She still stiffened reflexively in Sena's hold but she no longer tried to run away. As much encouragement as that was, it was also a hinderance to Sena's want to be open around her with her feelings for Kodaka. Kobato accepted her but Sena wasn't sure she was ready to accept Kodaka having a relationship with her.

It didn't really depress her but the thought still dampened her mood some days. She wouldn't think of that now though, they were both here and she was glad for the company. She had become so used to having them over that whenever they weren't there, it was harder to shake the feeling of loneliness than it was before she even met them.

Kobato brought her game and Sena took it from her, smiling as she set the game up then sat right next to Kodaka. "Ha, today I shall beat her to a pulp and she will become my apprentice, ku-ku-ku." Sena imitated Kobato's Reisys' imitation but her voice sounded like a frog's rather than raspy and hollow the way Kobato did it.
Kodaka would've liked to be smothered like that sometime, but he knew that it was probably less likely for him to receive that kind of affection from her, especially in front of Kobato. While Kobato was most likely aware that there was something going on between him and Sena, it was unknown whether she knew the full extent of it, or whether she was accepting of this relationship they've been having.

When Sena did Kobato's Reisys impression, both siblings looked at Sena in silence for a good few minutes. Kodaka wasn't sure if Kobato would take that as Sena making fun of her, or just Sena trying way too hard. It was a bit of a surprise when he suddenly heard a "Pffffft" Coming from his little sister. She sat on the couch with Sena and started laughing, thinking it was the dumbest thing she's ever heard. The voice was way off, she didn't do the pose with it, and it would've looked kind of dumb anyways if without the red contact in her eye.

Once she calmed down from laughing, she looked at Sena and did the real Reisys impression. "Ku ku ku, it is a century too early for someone like you to match my power. However, I shall go under your wing if you manage to somehow defeat me. The darkness is on my side though, your chances are slim." She accepted Sena's challenge and started the game.
If Yozora had been the one to start laughing at her then Sena probably would have bolted from the room in tears from embarrassing herself the way she did. But she made Kobato laugh, her cheeks stills flushed from the slight embarrassment but she gave the girl a half-smile when she played along. And Sena didn't miss Kobato's willingness to come to her if she won. She glanced at Kodaka and gave him a smile before turning back to the game.

Kobato was really good at the game and somehow, Sena had forgotten some of the combinations though she still held her own against Kobato, whose game character seemed invincible with the little damage Sena could do. And if Sena landed a critical blow, Kobato's character had a skill to regenerate as much health when it dropped below 45%. Since Kobato didn't come over that often, Sena didn't have her game to practice the fighting styles.

Kobato won as expected and Sena groaned and fell back on her back, her feet up in the air as she threw a small tantrum over her defeat. She got back up and glared at the screen, now feeling competitive and actually serious about the game. "Rematch."
It was almost as if Kobato was an SNK fighting game boss, performing cheep combos and regenerating health with the attacks that landed. While Sena did put up a decent fight, Kobato managed to come out of the match with barely any health taken away from her character, mostly due to her character's vampire powers to steal health.

Kodaka was actually surprised to see Sena really get into it, especially since she was asking him about doing something else during lunch. For once, they actually looked like sisters, playing together, having a good time. It was nice to see that Kobato was starting to enjoy spending time with Sena. Maybe they can reveal their relationship to her soon.

Kobato did her Reisys impression in response to Sena's demand for a rematch. "Ku ku ku. Try all you want, you'll never defeat me. You will only face endless slaughter whenever you try and attack a child of the night." And so the rematch began.
"Hmph, don't get cocky yet," Sena said, still trying to imitate Kobato but her tone was slightly hostile. Halfway into the game, while Sena was doing a bit of a good job holding out against Kobato's vampirism attack, Stella came and knocked on the door to announce that dinner was ready. She glanced to the clock, surprised that an hour and some minutes had already gone by since Kobato came. She paused the game and got up, following Kobato to the bathroom to wash her hands.

Pegasus was the last person to sit at the table and he gave Kodaka a greeting slap to the back as he walked passed his chair. "Sorry Kodaka that I didn't greet you when you came in. I've been doing some work." He glanced to Kobato and smiled at the child as Stella set their plates of food before them.

"How have you been Kodaka?" He asked as he started to eat. Though Sena talked about the two everyday, Pegasus liked checking up on his son-in-law for himself. And he was never the one Sena ran to with her accounts of what happened during the day.
Kobato was enjoying herself, and began to pout a bit when dinner was ready. She followed Sena to the washroom to clean up, then they all went to sit at the dinner table.

When Pegasus joined them, Kodaka smiled. "It's alright. Sena told me you'd be busy today. I figured that I wouldn't get to see you this time." Once he sat down, they all began eating their meal. "I'm doing alright, happy to be here as always. Kobato seems to be enjoying herself with Sena as well." Kobato let out a loud groan. "An-chan" She told her brother, her face turning red. It was cute to see them getting along.

While he wanted to talk more about their relationship to Pegasus, he still wasn't sure whether Kobato was quite ready to hear the truth just yet, so he kept quiet about that. The meal went by quite smoothly, with Kobato feeling the Sena's gaze befall her.
That bit of information made Pegasus smile. He didn't know Kobato was finally warming up to his daughter, although it seemed so now that she began to tag along with Kodaka whenever he came by. "I'm happy to hear that, Kobato. Sena will be your sister after-" he stopped abruptly when Sena turned to face him, her look pleading yet hostile.

He frowned and cleared his throat, coughing a bit. Didn't they tell her about their relationship? He glanced up at Stella, who stood not too far away from the table, her gaze shifting between Kobato and Sena then to Kodaka; a slight look of worry on her face. Had he said something he wasn't supposed to say?

"Thank you Stella, this tastes really good," Sena said, her voice a bit loud as she ate, her fork clanking against the plate. Maybe Kobato would think nothing of what Pegasus had said. Her father liked to ramble on with nonsense a lot of the time. So maybe she would think this was no different.
Kobato was a bit confused, but hearing Pegasus talk about how Sena will become her sister pretty much confirmed her suspicions. There was definitely something going on between Kodaka and Sena. "You guys are dating, aren't you?" She asked, putting her fork down and standing up. She looked at Sena, tears starting to flow. "You just want to take An-chan from me, don't you? You're not taking him away from me!" She shouted at Sena before running away in tears.

Kodaka soon stood up and looked over at Pegasus. "I'm sorry about this. Since Kobato isn't exactly on the best terms with Sena, we wanted her to get more comfortable around her until we told her the truth. I figured she might've suspected something, but I guess hearing it suddenly made her overreact. Let me talk to her." He said, starting to chase after his sister. Sena must be crushed, seeing the way Kobato yelled at her.
Sena never expected Kobato to yell at her, or look at her with such hatred. It brought a sinking feeling to her stomach and a tightening within her chest. She removed her hands from the table and dropped them in her lap, holding her head down when Kobato ran from the room. She didn't look up to Kodaka as he explained to her father but kept her focus on her hands, even when he excused himself from the room.

Pegasus sensed she was crying and frowned. He scratched the back of his head as he looked to Stella for some help, uncertain of what to say. He didn't know if she would yell or just keep crying silently. He closed his eyes and smiled sheepishly. "I said something I wasn't supposed to say." He chuckled nervously but sobered when Sena turned to look at him, tears streaking her cheeks.
"You weren't supposed to say anything," she said, her voice barely audible and cracking from her sobbing.
"I'm sorry Sena."

She scraped back her chair and ran and ran away from the dining hall to her bedroom and she slammed the door, collapsing on her bed. She wanted to tell Pegasus she hated him and his big mouth, but Sena couldn't bring herself to say anything like that to her father. She guessed she'd just have to deal with Kobato hating her. Or leave Kodaka alone.
Kodaka looked through the house, trying to follow the sound of sobbing. It got a little harder when he heard a second person sobbing from the halls behind him. It seems that Sena finally broke down. He wanted to yell at Kobato for making Sena cry like that, but he knew that she was also suffering herself. As much as he wanted to go comfort Sena, he had to focus on Kobato first, try and fix the problem before it got any worse.

He found Kobato in the bathroom, crying her eyes out as she sat in a corner. She looked up at her brother when he came into the room, then ran up to hug him, burying her face in his stomach. "I don't want to lose you. Dad is always gone. Don't leave me too, An-chan." He wasn't planning on leaving her anytime soon. His plan was originally to have Kobato move in with him and Sena after they got married, since he and their father probably wouldn't want her living in that house by herself. He wasn't going to leave her anytime soon.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for not telling you this sooner. I guess I should explain everything to you then." Kobato began to calm down a bit as Kodaka explained everything to her. He told her about how he and Sena apparently played together as toddlers, how their parents arranged their marriage, and how he also fell in love with Sena. He even mentioned that they kept this a secret from everyone, knowing that most of the others wouldn't react so well to the news right now, mostly Yozora. Kobato seemingly understood everything and began to calm down a bit.

The two of them got up and left the bathroom, looking for Sena so that Kobato could apologize. They learned that Sena ran to her room sobbing, which made Kobato feel guilty. Once they reached her room, they went inside to see Sena on her bed, crying. Kobato ran up to Sena and got on the bed with her, hugging her. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for yelling at you. You can have An-chan, he loves you." She said to Sena, trying to fight back her own tears. "Just promise me I can live with you guys when you two get married. I don't want to be alone." She held Sena tighter when she said that, starting to cry again, afraid of being alone.
The small arms that wrapped around Sena surprised her. She had rarely ever been comforted when she cried. Pegasus would stay on the other side of her door and talk to her if she locked it, or he'd sit on the edge of the bed and talk to her. He never hugged her unless she finally decided to stop being angry and throw herself in his arms.

She stopped when Kobato spoke to her, the tears drying up but hearing Kobato's voice break brought the tears again and Sena hugged her tight. She hadn't wanted to make Kobato cry and she apologized for it. She wasn't really crying now, thought the tears still spilled over onto her cheeks. But she was smiling now. "I promise you can live with us. And you can always sleep with me if you want. Or maybe it can just be the two of us. Who needs Kodaka anyway," she said with an arrogant shrug of her shoulders.

She glanced up at him though to let him know she was just teasing - well, for the most part. She looked down at Kobato and frowned. "I'm really sorry for making you cry, Kobato."
Kodaka was happy to see the two of them finally embracing each other like this. To see Kobato go up and hug Sena, instead of the other way around. He rolled his eyes when Sena made that comment. As if he would be left out, Kobato wouldn't allow it.

"Thank you. I want An-chan to be happy. And if An-chan wants you to be happy, then I want you to be happy." Kobato smiled as her tears started to dry. Her face was smothered in Sena's chest as usual, but for once, she didn't really care. The two held each other for a while before finally letting go. Kobato sat up from the bed and looked over at Kodaka, who was sitting at the edge of the bed. She leaned into him and hugged him, feeling much more comfortable feeling her brother's embrace. "It looks like you finally won her over." He smiled at Sena as Kobato overheard and weakly punched her brother.
Maybe layer, or tomorrow, Sena would thank her dad - instead of not speaking to him out of malice - for letting Kobato know their secret. It was probably for the better that she know of it now, than be led to believe nothing was going on between them. Maybe that's what had hurt her the most; them dating behind her back.

She smiled at Kodaka and laughed a little when Kobato hit him. "I knew I would," she said and lifted her chin a little at him. "Turns out I didn't need your advice anyway." She pulled Kobato away from Kodaka and passed her a controller before getting up to resume their game session.

Sena felt a lot better now, as if relieved from a heavy burden - which it had been; keeping their relationship from Kobato. Now they could be open around her, but not too much, she thought. She accepted the idea and the reality of it but maybe she wasn't ready yet to see the two be affectionate with each other. Much like when she got jealous whenever Maria clung to her brother.
The two of them played their game, with Kobato beating her constantly. Kodaka sat back and watched the two girls play together, behaving as if they were actually sisters. Sena did finally manage to beat Kobato for one round, but that was only because she was starting to feel tired after playing for so long.

"Maybe you two should take a bath, before Kobato falls asleep." He suggested to Sena, Kobato in a bit of a daze. Hopefully Sena won't do anything weird to her in the bath. He still wonder what she did to her that first night, having her run out of the bath crying like that.

Kodaka leaned back on the couch, looking up at the ceiling, thinking about how things were working out between the two girls, and how this relationship will hopefully start to work out better. He also ignored the creepy pictures posted on the ceiling.
Kobato started to make clumsy mistakes in the game and Sena glanced over to her, and noticed she was falling asleep. She stopped the game and nodded at Kodaka when he spoke. She helped Kobato to her feet and carried her to Stella after taking a clean towel from her room for Kobato. She also carried her own and took a bath with Kobato. This time, she didn't try to bathe Kobato nor touch her. The last time, she'd done that and held Kobato down. It had been enough to make the little girl bolt from the room, naked and without much concern for it because she just wanted to escape Sena. And during that entire time, Sena had been caught up in her own fun to concern herself with Kobato's discomfort.

She stepped out the tub once she had rinsed herself clean and wrapped the towel around her body, leaving her hair to air dry. Stella helped Kobato into a bathrobe and guided the child back to the bedroom. Sena dressed in her pajamas and Kobato was put in a matching set as Sena's; white cotton fabric with designs of yellow stars, blue moons and black dots. Sena helped Kobato in bed and Stella left them both after turning out the light and closing the door.

Sena almost fell asleep watching Kobato but she moved out the bed and crossed the room to the door. She quietly closed it after she stepped out and went down the hall to Kodaka's room. She was eager and excited to finally be alone with Kodaka. It was her only thought during her bath, even while she had watched Kobato sleep. She had missed him. She opened the door without knocking and locked it behind her before she tackled him.
Kobato cuddled up with Sena before slowly drifting off to sleep. As Sena got up to leave, Kobato faintly began to speak. "Have fun." She said to Sena with a very soft voice, with Sena most likely unable to hear it. Since their relationship was now out in the open to her, she figured that Sena was leaving to see Kodaka. Although she didn't know what exactly they would be doing, she assumed it was to do 'couple' things. Shortly after, the little girl fell asleep.

Kodaka had just finished changing when he was met with a surprise attack from Sena. He was eager to see her. As much as he enjoyed seeing Kobato and Sena get along, he really wanted to have some alone time with her.

Holding her tightly, he pulled her in for a long, passionate kiss. This had been a great day. Letting Kobato know about their relationship really lifted a huge weight off of his chest. Now she won't be suspicious about him seeing Sena all the time, they'll be able to be a bit more open about it. "I've been wanting to spend the evening with you this whole time. I'm so happy that Kobato is okay about us now." He said as he pulled her onto the bed with him.
Her cheeks flushed when Kodaka told her he'd been eager to spend some time alone with her. His feelings mirrored hers and it both flattered and made her happy. The past days at school had been a drag and overwhelming from the bulk of what she had wanted to do with Kodaka but couldn't. Her fantasies during classes made her aware of how much of a pervert she was. But she didn't mind it. Her fantasies about him were far more satisfying than what she imagined with the girls from her games - and Yozora, on some occasions.

She smiled when he pulled her on the bed and rolled atop him. "See? You weren't going to come for me, were you? You were gonna go to bed and wait for me." She managed to make her tone angry and her expression annoyed but she felt none of those things. She was just happy about the way things had turned out tonight.

Sena kissed him back and slid off of him, laying on her side as she deepened the kiss, her hand around his neck. She pulled his tongue into her mouth and rubbed hers against his before pulling back, to catch her breath and look at him.
"Wanna know a secret?" She murmured and moved closer to him, her breasts against his chest. Her cheeks flushed. "I'm not wearing any underwear."
"You didn't give me a chance to go get you. I just finished getting changed into something more comfortable, and then you came to my all by yourself." He smirked, liking the idea of Sena being more eager for sex than he was. It was as if Rika was influencing her somehow. "Admit it, you just couldn't wait an extra couple of minutes." He teased.

When she told him about her 'secret', he grinned. "Wow, aren't you daring? You must really be wanting this. Well I've been wanting it too." He kissed her as his hands slowly slid down her pants, revealing that she was telling the truth, he was touching her bare ass. He's been thinking of doing this with Sena for a while now, ever since they started doing it. He wanted to be around her, to do this with her, to cuddle with her afterwards. While he was with Kate, his mind wondered off to Sena often. He loved Sena.

"Would Kobato be upset if you spend the night here?" He asked her, honestly not sure if she would. He would definitely want her to sleep with him, to wake up with his arms around her, to give her a good morning kiss as they got out of bed. With his hands squeezing her ass, he pushed her hips down, grinding her against the bulge in his pants.
Sena scoffed and rolled her eyes, waving her hand at him as if dismissing what he had to say. "Yeah yeah, excuses. I probably would have fallen asleep waiting for you." Which was true, to an extent. Maybe it was just that watching Kobato, while she was lying there comfortably beside the child, induced her own drowsiness. She slapped his chest playfully. "If I waited I'd have gone to bed. And you wouldn't be doing this," she murmured, feeling his hand slide within her pants to cup her butt.

She bit her lip and touched his chest, her hand slipping beneath the fabric to touch his bare and warm skin. She could admit to wanting it, maybe not orally yet since her mouth refused to open and her face flushed from the slight embarrassment of the truth Kodaka spoke. She didn't shy away from letting him know she wanted him but that didn't stop her anxiety.

Sena moaned when he pressed her down onto the bulge that strained in his pants and she leaned up to give him a deep kiss. She rocked her hips against him then pulled his shirt over his head. "I want you." She finally said it on a catch of breath as she pulled him on top of her, wanting to feel his weight above her.
Kodaka laughed when Sena pulled him over her, placing her underneath him. Funny, the arrogant princess who's usually in control wants to be dominated, not that he would mind. Leaning into her, his chest pressed against her large breasts, rubbing against them. His hands, still in her pants, began pulling them down, exposing her beautiful smooth legs. His pants were soon to follow as he kickced them off, leaving him naked and on top of her.

His hips began to move slowly as his hard cock began to push into Sena's wet pussy. He felt her walls wrap around him and he began to moan softly. "I love you Sena. I love you so much." He said before kissing her again, his hands starting to unbutton her shirt. Once they graduate, they can get married, then start living together with Kobato living with them. Maybe Pegasus will help them with a job, since he didn't really want to travel like his father. The thought of being away from Sena for so long killed him.
Kodaka telling her he loved her always sounded foreign, and she doubted the novelty of it would ever wear off. She liked hearing it, and she always wanted to hear it. She smiled and kissed him, stopping his hands and murmuring to him that she would do it. Her fingers moved over the buttons, removing each and she shrugged out of the cloth and wrapped her hands around his neck, pulling him close to her as her hips rolled up, meeting him thrust for thrust.

She always wanted to do this with him. Sena didn't think she was insatiable but whenever she wasn't with Kodaka, she was always horny. And that feeling built on itself whenever she was with him but could do nothing about it, like when they'd have lunch together on the roof at school. But now, she had him and she planned to stay the night with him because sleeping with him wasn't something she didn't get to do often.

His cock filled her as it moved back and forth inside her and she moaned his name, her hands sliding over his back and to his butt to push him deeper inside her as she arched up to him. She kissed his chin and licked his lips then kissed him deeply as she flattened her breasts against his chest.
With Sena underneath him, he continued pushing his hips into her, driving his cock deeper into her pussy. Feeling her soft breasts rubbing against his chest, his hands began to gently hold them, his fingers rubbing her nipples.

He wanted Sena, and she wanted him. He wanted to spend the night with her, not caring if it would get them in trouble. As long as he got to spend time with Sena, he was happy. Whenever he wasn't around Sena, he thought about her. Classes felt longer without her, he wanted to sit beside her during the club, he wished she was in bed with him at night. All he could think about was Sena. While his mind wasn't always about sex, he did think about it a lot, typical of most teenagers.

With her tight walls wrapped around his cock, he continued to push deeper. He broke away from the kiss, only to lower his head down to her breasts. Smothered in her chest, he began sucking and nibbling her nipples, quietly moaning her name as he played with his lover's body.
Sena gasped, breaking her moan when his mouth found her breasts and she arched up to him, as if offering herself to him; giving him everything he wanted while taking what she needed. All of him. She bucked up against him, grinding herself into his body, pressing her clit against his pelvis which sent sharp waves of pleasure through her. Her moans became louder and her fingers fisted tight in Kodaka's hair.
"Do it harder," she murmured, asking him to suck on her breasts harder, to thrust harder.

She closed her eyes tight, biting down hard on her lip to keep herself from screaming as Kodaka moved on top of her. Maybe it was because they hadn't had sex in awhile why every sensation felt a lot more intense than it had the last time. She dug her heels in the bed then wrapped them around his hips and her hands dug into his back then gripped his sides, moving with each thrust of his hips. Bringing her hand to his face, she tilted his chin and leaned up to kiss him, her body bracing up against him to let him kneel back while she sat above him.

Her hands wrapped around his neck as she rode him and she buried her face in his neck, kissing his skin and moaning into the flesh. One hand slid down to hug him around his waist and pull him into her as she moved with his bucks and she increased the tempo on her own, gasping his name as she felt herself tighten and the sexual tension build.
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