Haganai Eroge RP (Charlmeister & HeartOfTheDarkness)

Kodaka did as Sena told him to do, do it harder. His hips moved faster and faster, his teeth began biting harder on her nipples. Even though they've done this a couple times already, it still felt magical as if it was their first time. To think that he will be spending his life with her, it got him excited.

He leaned up and kissed her, moaning into her mouth as he muffled her screams. While he would want to hear her scream in ecstasy, he knew it would disturb the others sleeping in the house. His hands reached down to hold her ass again, helping her move faster with his thrusts. His hands began to spread her ass apart, and his finger began to gently prod her tight little hole. While he wasn't sure if they were ready, he heard that this was something that couples did when they wanted to do something intense, or if she wanted him to be more rough with her. Actually, most of his sexual knowledge comes from Rika, since she always tries to arouse him by talking about what she wants him to do to her.

It didn't take much longer for him to finally reach his orgasm. Letting out a loud groan, he leaned in to kiss Sena, releasing his seed into her womb, filling her up. As he filled her, he collapsed on top of her. "I love you Sena. I want to spend my life with you." He said weakly, trying to catch his breath.
Her hands wrapped tight around him, her legs locked around his waist as his teeth pulled harder on her nipples and the sharp pleasure made her buck up against him, harsh and wanting. Her breaths came in short and shallow, her moans turning into whimpers that turned to screams, muffled by his kisses, when his hips moved faster into her. She felt herself clenching around him, the sexual tension building as her body neared climax. She rocked against him, allowing him to move her faster and she bit into his shoulder when he moved his lips away from hers.

Her body convulsed against his and she bit down on her lip hard to silence her loud moans. She panted when he collapsed atop her and her arms wrapped around him, welcoming his weight above her. Her lips pressed soft kisses against his chest. Her body was coated in a thin sheen of sweat and locks of her hair were plastered to the side of her damp face. She smiled when he spoke and kissed him, burying her face in his chest and stayed that way for awhile before she whispered the same thing. "I love you too."

She touched his face and pulled his face close to hers and she kissed him. Sena always wanted to be like this with him; even without the sex. Being with him made her happy and she wanted him to be hers. She never wanted to share him.
Once they were done, Kodaka rolled off of her and rested next to her. He was tired, but it felt great to do that with her. Putting his arm around her, he pulled her close to him and began to cuddle up next to her. Even without the sex, he would be happy just to do this with her. It was kind of what he visioned having a relationship would be like, cuddling up with the person he loves.

"I'm happy that Kobato is okay with us." He said to her softly, gently rubbing her stomach. He leaned in and kissed her before resting his head beside her's. "When we graduate, I want us to move in together. You and me, and we'll also invite Kobato to live with us as well. And we'll be one happy family." That was what he wished for at least, to be able to live peacefully with Sena. The problem was Yozora, and she won't give him up without a fight. And while he didn't think that he had those feelings for her, he still did cherish their friendship, and he didn't want to lose that.
She shared the same sentiment with him. If Kobato hadn't been okay with this and had decided to stop talking to her, rather than coming to her to make peace between them; Sena would have been completely devastated about it. And if it would have made Kobato happier, she would have left Kodaka alone. She'd rather have some form of friendship with Kobato - even if it was more one-sided than mutual - and keep Kodaka as a just a friend instead of losing both completely. She wanted to be with Kodaka and she was glad his sister understood their feelings for each other.
"That doesn't sound bad at all," she murmured and kissed him back, inching her body closer, snuggling into him as she closed her eyes.

She fell asleep with the predetermined thought to wake before dawn so she could get back to her room without anyone noticing that she had spent the night with Kodaka. But Sena slept right through the night and when she woke up, she thought she was dreaming when she saw Stella standing over them; a smug grin on her face. Sena closed her eyes again, not ready for the night to be over. But the reality of Stella actually being there woke her and she sprang up in bed and clutched the sheet to herself, her face going red.

Stella gave her a disarming smile but instead of making Sena feel reassured that she would say nothing about finding the two together, it sent a chill down her spine. Stella was just in her twenties and like an older sister to Sena. Other days, she felt just like a real mother; and that made it awkward for Sena to be found in Kodaka's bed - naked with her clothes on the floor.
"Don't tell dad."
Stella laughed softly but the light sound of it only made Sena nervous. "Why would I do something like that? But you should be going to your room. He's in his office downstairs, so you should be fine."
Sena grabbed up her clothes after jumping out the bed and quickly got into them before fleeing the room.
Kodaka was happy to sleep next to Sena, cuddling up with her as they slept through the night. He woke up when Sena jumped out of bed though. At first, he didn't notice Stella, but when he heard another voice that didn't belong to Sena, he jumped up as well. Looking over at Stella, his face was bright red. He was naked, and in bed with the headmaster's daughter. And while Stella pretty much knew that they've been doing this, this was the first time they've been caught.

He was actually kind of relieved to hear that she was going to keep this a secret and let Sena go. Kodaka said goodbye to her as she left to go to her room, then he sat awkwardly in his bed, looking at Stella. He wanted to get out of bed and get dressed, but with Stella standing there, he couldn't really get up. "Thanks for keeping quiet for us, we really appreciate it." He smiled at her, hoping she'd simply leave. He didn't want to be rude, but this was making him uncomfortable.
Stella smiled. "Of course. But I've forgotten to give you more condoms. Have you and Sena been using protection?" she asked and raised a brow. Stella's intention wasn't to tease but she was serious, though she kept her tone as nonchalant as possible to make Kodaka comfortable and not intimidated. But that would follow inevitably, because she was older which automatically made her scary to him - to both him and Sena.

Sena went to her room and hurried to the bathroom as if that was her only place of refuge away from Stella's presence that seemed to follow her all the way to when she slammed the bathroom door. She filled the tub with water and poured her bubble bath liquid inside. She sank in the water, drawing her knees up to herself and dipped her face down until just the top half was visible and her nose was above the water. She never wanted Stella to catch them. Sena knew Stella already speculated they were having sex, but she never wanted to give her that hard evidence. But it would come up sooner or later, wouldn't it?

She finally got out the bath after pulling the small drain plug and rinsing the lather from her body. Wrapping herself in her towel, she walked out in her room and sat on her bed, moving another towel through her hair. She hoped Stella wouldn't tease her about anything.
Kodaka felt a chill go down his spine when Stella asked if he used a condom. It never occurred to either of them to ever use one. Probably not the best idea, but it was just in the heat of the moment. Perhaps they should probably start considering it. "Yes, yes I do. I bought some after our first time together." He said, hoping she'd believe him. Since she knew their secret, she could hold it against him if she knew that he wasn't using protection on Sena. He did plan on taking responsibility if she did get pregnant, that counted for something, right?

Eventually, Stella left and Kodaka was able to get dressed and went down for breakfast.

Kobato woke up, noticing Sena was in a towel, sitting at the edge of the bed. Still half asleep, she gave Sena a weak smile. "Did you have fun with An-chan?" She asked, knowing that Sena left, but figured she went to just spend time with her brother, unaware of how intimate they really were. Crawling over to her, she gave Sena a small hug, trying to get use to being comfortable around her. "O-O-Onee-chan" She mumbled, figuring Sena would rather hear that.
Sena should have already been dressed for school but instead, she found herself unable to move from her perch on the bed. She was fretting and for a reason she couldn't quite identify. It wasn't really because Stella had found them but because of what Stella reminded her of. Responsibility. She and Kodaka had never used protection, had they? So far, they both had been careless without much thought to the ramifications. She swallowed and braced her hands on either side of her on the bed. She probably was just overthinking it. Maybe nothing would happen. But from now on, she'd be more responsible than just acting on her hormones.

Kodaka was so stupid! Why hadn't he thought of it? He seemed more responsible, anyway - like the type that actually thought things through. He was still just a guy after all. Sena sighed, her shoulders visibly sagged and she frowned as she played with the carpet at the foot of her bed. It wasn't right to blame him. She was as much to blame if anything should happen. Pegasus would be furious with them both if anything were to happen.

Kobato's murmur broke through her thoughts, though Sena didn't quite hear what she said at first. But when her small arms wrapped around Sena and she stuttered out "Onee-chan", Sena lost it. She no longer cared about what thoughts had just been depressing her mind. She tackled Kobato on the bed and hugged her tight, rubbing her face against her and squealing in excitement; her face red.
"Say it again. Say it again."
Kobato smiled nervously when Sena tackled her onto the bed and told her to say it again. Maybe this was a mistake. "Onee-chan?" She said, trying to break out of Sena's embrace. While it was sweet, Kobato still wasn't really use to having this kind of embrace, but she tried to get use to it. "Can I get up now?" She asked, starting to feel hungry.

Kodaka sat awkwardly at the table with Pegasus. Sena and Kobato didn't show up to breakfast yet, so it was just those two. "Kobato seems to be doing better now, I guess she's with Sena right now." He smiled at his future father-in-law. To be honest, he was actually kind of worried about how Kobato was doing with Sena, Sena's probably attacking her right now, smothering her with kisses.
Sena didn't want to let her go. Even while she tried to get away from her, it made her hug her harder. Finally, she released her and gave her a fat kiss on the cheek. She quickly got dressed for school and waited for Kobato then followed her down the stairs, taking her hand and smiling all the way to the kitchen. Pegasus and Kodaka were already at the table, Stella was there also, waiting for them to come.

She let Kobato's hand go and went to sit across from Kodaka, close to her father. He smiled at her and Stella came with their plates of eggs, toast and bacon. Sena got an addition of cereal because she liked the stuff and then their mugs were filled with chamomile tea. She started to eat after greeting her dad, good morning and glancing at Kodaka.

"How did you two sleep? Did you have a goodnight Kodaka?" Pegasus turned his attention to him and his sister, who he was surprised to see in a good mood today; considering everything that had happened the day before. He was happy that she was on good terms with his daughter. Now he wouldn't have to worry about Sena feeling depressed.
Kodaka smiled when he saw both Sena and Kobato walking in holding hands. Once they all at down at breakfast, he looked over at Sena and smiled. "I slept well. Your beds here are always so comfortable, I can just sleep in them all day." He said to Pegasus, although what really made the night good was the fact that he and Sena spent most of it in each other's arms. Kobato nodded and smiled at her brother. She was happy that she came over, but still wished she'd get a little bit of space from Sena. At least she can get away from Sena at school, she'll just tune out her classmates.

Breakfast went well, they all had pleasant conversations, and Stella didn't seem to reveal that Kodaka and Sena were sleeping together. Once breakfast was done, Kodaka and Kobato started getting ready to leave. Since they won't have time to get on a bus, go home, make lunch, get back on the bus, and go to school, Kodaka figured they'd stop by a convenient store on the way to school, pick up lunches.

On their way out, they thanked Pegasus for allowing them to stay, and Kodaka gave a little kiss on the cheek to Sena, not sure how intimate he should get in front of her father. Kobato hugged Sena goodbye, and the two headed off to a convenient store. One the way, Kodaka sent Sena a little text. 'I don't have time to go home and make lunch, so Kobato and I are picking something up on the way to school. Do you want something or are you just going to bring your own lunch today?' He asked Sena, remembering that he'll need to talk to Sena about using protection now.
After they left, Sena ran upstairs to get her bag for school while her father finished getting ready to leave. Stella came to her then and she almost jumped because she hadn't heard her come in. She looked at Stella and walked over to her. She knew Stella would want to ask her something; now she was acting like both a mother and oldr sister.
"Sena, have you two been using protection?" she asked. Stella didn't mind them having sex, it really was none of her business but she did have a responsible to look out for Sena; that included Kodaka too. She was happy that the two were finally together and she honestly wanted nothing to happen that could jeopardize their relationship. For example, Sena getting pregnant. Pegasus seemed like an easy and reasonable person but he could be pretty rash.

"We have been," Sena lied and looked up at Stella. She was never good at lying but this time, her response was convincing. She looked Stella in the eye and answered without a moment's hesitation, her shoulders lifting in a shrug. Though on the inside she felt guilty for lying and worried over something actually going wrong because of this, she kept her face placid; unreadable. Stella looked at her for a long time, as if trying to see any lies there but, finding nothing, she nodded and allowed Sena to go.

In the car, Sena was silent even though Pegasus attempted trivial conversation with her twice. Her phone vibrated and she checked it, smiling when she saw Kodaka's name come up. *Anything you get, get one for me too.* She put her phone back in her bag and when the car slowed at the school gates, she got out the car and waved to her father before running off inside the building.
Kodaka grabbed a few things at the store. The sandwiches that Yukimura use to pick for him, a couple of sushi meals, some tempura shrimp, and a few bottles of tea for the three of them. He even bought some rice cakes for Sena. Plus, without Kobato noticing, Kodaka managed to grab himself a pack of condoms and quickly slipped them into his bag after purchasing them, before his little sister noticed. Once they got their food, they all went off to school.

When lunch came by, Kodaka got his bag of food and went to the roof of the school to meet Sena for lunch. After doing this a couple of times already, this kind of became a habit. He was happy to do this with her, enjoying a meal together, like how couples should act. If they were allowed to be more open about their relationship, they would probably do the typical couple thing. He'd walk her to class, they'd hold hands in the hallway, they'd meet up all the time after school, he'd kiss her in front of those boys that always follow her around, they'd sit together at the club.

When he got to the roof, he realized that he was there before Sena. While he waited, he used that time to set up their lunch together, spreading their food out like a small feast for them to share.
Sena had gym right before lunch, which made her late in getting up to Kodaka. Not wanting to be sweaty and smelly when she saw him, Sena took a quick shower then dressed in her uniform and took up her bag. She took the steps two at a time, almost tripping over her own feet on her way up. Opening the door, he was there before her - as she had expected. She smiled and looked down at how he had set up their lunch and a light blush colored her cheeks.

It all fit a scene in one of her games. The only difference that Kodaka was the one waiting for her, and not a girl. She walked over to him and sat beside him. Leaning over to him, she gave him a hug then kissed him before pulling back to look down at the food. It felt good to have a boyfriend. "I'm hungry," she murmured and blushed when her stomach groaned it's agreement.

The first thing she reached for was a rice cake and she took a big bite out of it and chewed, leaning back against the rail with her legs crossed. She looked at him then bit her lip, thinking of a way to start some conversation with him. But she didn't know how to initiate it. Every sentence she came up with sounded odd in her head and the frustration showed on her face.
Kodaka sat with Sena, eating a sandwich next to her. For a little while, it felt kind of awkward, just silence between them. It wasn't like they were mad at each other or anything, they just couldn't think of anything to talk about while they ate. While they both probably had the same topic on their minds, neither of them wanted to really bring it up.

Putting is sandwich down, he looked over at Sena. "I don't think either of us really thought about this before, but we should probably consider using protection." He said to her, wondering if she'll feel insulted that he wanted to use protection when having sex with her. That wasn't the case, it was just that he figured neither of them would want to have a kid at this age. While they do plan on having a family, it wasn't the right time, it's way too early to start thinking about it. Plus, Yozora will torment Sena on it if that's the case, almost to an extreme level.

If for some chance that she did get pregnant, he planned on staying with her, helping her through this. If they had a baby, he was certain that their families would help out. While her father would be really upset at first, he'll most likely calm down eventually, helping them through this. They could even babysit at times, Stella taking care of the child, Kobato playing with the little baby. Even some of the club members could help out, although he wasn't sure how they'd all take the news.
"Did Stella say something to you?" she asked him, her tone soft and unsure. Sena felt the same about using protection. It wasn't something that needed to be considered; they just have to use it from now on. She didn't know if anything would feel different if they used condoms. Before she had left the house, Stella had promised her that she would buy her birth control pills. Her support was a generous gesture but it still left Sena unnerved. She lowered the rice cake, settling her hands in her lap as she turned to look at him.

Honestly, she didn't want to think about any of this. She didn't doubt that Kodaka would still be here with her; but she worried about her father. Sena had never really seen her father furious before but if she were to end up with a baby, she was afraid because she didn't know what to expect. Probably they should have just waited. She regretted it to an extent, but didn't at the same time. It confused her.

"We should use it. Stella said she'd buy me some things," she added and picked up her water bottle, taking a few swallows from it. "What would you do though? If I got pregnant?" She didn't intend to ask but the question slipped out and she looked at him, waiting for his answer.
Kodaka was surprised by her question. Did she really think he would leave her if things took a turn for the worst? He leaned in a kissed her before giving her his answer. "Of course I would stay with you, no matter what. If you have a baby, I'll be there with you to take care of it. If your father gets angry, I'll be there to take the blame with you. I'm not going to leave you, whether you get pregnant or not." He then held her close to him, trying to comfort her.

What would happen if she got pregnant? Would Pegasus disown her? Would he try to expel Kodaka and possibly Kobato from this school? Would he try and keep Sena away from him? He could always go to his father for help. Even if things took a turn for the worst, his father was always willing to help out. Maybe he'll even talk Pegasus into lightening up a bit, maybe show him the bright side of things.

"We'll start using protection, make sure we don't risk things until, probably not until we are married. And if you do get pregnant, I'll do everything I can to help you through it, and we'll have a happy and healthy baby." He smiled at her before turning to keep eating, still pretty hungry. For right now, eating kind of made the worries go away. The biggest problem for him though was the club, and Yozora. What would happen if she found out that Sena was pregnant with his baby? Would she bully Sena to an extreme? Would she try to harm the baby? While he loved Yozora, Sena was the one he chose to be with, but he still wanted to stay friends with her.
She smiled at him and nodded, then kissed him and rested her body against his. The reality of having a boyfriend was much more gratifying than anything her fantasies could have conjured. She had his promise that he would stay with her and it made her extremely happy. Taking another rice cake, she finished it off quickly then ate one of the sushi meals. She just realized he had actually bought a lot of things for them to eat; like an entire small picnic feast. It was sweet of him and she turned to kiss him. But the door opened and she moved away from him quickly before she could plant a soft kiss on his lips.

She looked up and frowned, seeing Yozora's surprised then suspicious gaze shift between them both. Sena blinked at her, watching every emotion play on the girl's face as she tried to figure why the both of them were on the roof - alone - having lunch together. Then her expression became aloof and a little hard.
"What are you guys doing up here?"
Sena shrugged at her and tossed her hair over her shoulder, an arrogant smirk on her lips. "We're having lunch together. You're not blind."

Yozora didn't glare nor did anything that would betray her facade of not being affected by seeing them both together and looking so...intimate. "Where are the others then? Shouldn't this be something we all do together? It's a bit selfish, don't you think?" Yozora asked, raising her brow and for a second, she turned a hostile look to Kodaka.
"We can all have lunch together next time," Sena said with a shrug. "Don't feel left out."
Yozora clenched her jaw but said nothing.
Kodaka was surprised to see Yozora open the door and see them. Has she been following him? Did she look for him since he wasn't in the classroom during lunch like he usually was? He listened to Sena explain everything to Yozora while he continued eating, trying to act innocent.

When she gave him a hostile look, he tried to make himself look as small as he could, eating his sandwich. Once he finished it, he decided to speak. "We're just eating lunch here. I started coming here because it's quiet and peaceful and I don't need to worry about classmates giving me weird looks. Sena came up here a couple of days ago, and we started eating up here together." He hoped that Yozora would buy it and not give him a hard time about eating lunch with Sena. It should hopefully look like two friends just having lunch together. "We can invite the others here if you'd like."

Damn, there goes their romantic lunches together. He'll have to think of something else that he and Sena can do together. Maybe they can start spending days together on weekends, like a Sunday just going out on a date. The only problem would be if one of the club members see them, although he could disguise it as Sena asking him out to talk about winning over Kobato.
Sena wanted to tell Kodaka he didn't have to explain himself to Yozora about anything; it was all obvious - both the setting and what they were doing. It was none of her business that they decided to have lunch together. It upset her and the fact that Kodakak even explained, irritated her. She continued eating then picked up her juice box, pulling on the straw; occupying herself with her food just to ignore Yozora. They were only friends and club members, she wasn't his girlfriend, therefore she didn't need to know anything. Sena almost told her that but put her arbitrary feelings aside. She could bear it, this was nothing.

"We will. This is something that all of us club members can do." She folded her hands, looking down her nose at what they had to eat. On the inside, jealousy ate at her gut and she wanted nothing more than to probably even pitch Sena over the railing and take her seat. When Yozora had come in, Sena had moved back and looked towards the door. What was she about to do? Her chest tightened at the thought and she frowned. She could read the atmosphere - Sena's influence on it - that her presence was nothing but intrusive.
"Class is about to start soon Kodaka, so finish up here.[/color]" She turned and walked through the doorway, slamming the door shut after herself.

Sena looked at the closed door and said nothing for awhile. Then she finished eating and stuffed everything up. "You heard her, time for you to get to class," she mocked - her tone edged with malice - and got up, starting towards the door and she aggressively pulled it open. Honestly, she hated Yozora.
It was hard sometimes, caring for two people that hated each other. When Kodaka tried to make one happy, the other would get upset. He felt that way with this particular moment. While he spent his time with Sena, Yozora seemed upset at him for spending time with her. And when he tried to explain himself to cover up for everything, he got the feeling that Sena was upset at him. He wanted to make both of them happy, but he knew that would probably be impossible.

After Sena left, Kodaka quickly cleaned everything and went back to class, unable to finish his moment with Sena. While he tried to be nice to everyone, Yozora really did push it sometimes.

When class ended and he went to the club, he felt a strange vibe the moment he entered. It was this strange feeling of hostility coming form both Sena and Yozora, directed at each other, and partially directed towards him. "Hey everyone." He announced, trying not to draw attention to the obvious tension in the air.
Sena said nothing when Kodaka came in, didn't acknowledge him either. She kept her back to the door, as was her usual position in front of the televesion, and occupied herself with her galge. She was still upset and somehow felt that saying anything to him might tip Yozora off because she was so keen. It frustrated her and was almost enough to make her through down the controller and storm out the room. Honestly, she was no good at controlling her emotions; but moments like these were an education in itself. She just had to deal with it.

Yozora said hi to him, but her tone was curt and she only glanced up at him sharply for a moment before returning her eyes to her book. Rika wasn't there yet and Yukimura came over to him with a cup of chamomile tea. She smiled up at him, the only one oblivious to the tension inside the room.
"Do you need anything else, Aniki? It's good to see you." She saw him everyday at the club, but she felt she needed to reiterate the fact that it made her happy to see her "master".

Both girls were quiet but Sena would grumble to herself from time to time and Yozora would glare at the back of her head as though she were a nuisance. She then moved to Kodaka and sat beside him. "What are you doing later, Kodaka?"
Kodaka smiled at Yukimura, at least she was there to make him feel better. All of this tension in the air made him feel a bit uncomfortable. "I'm fine, thank you. It's good to see you too." He said, taking the cup of tea from her. Even if she was only here to serve him, it felt nice to have her around from time to time, as a way to calm him down. He did wish that she would act like a normal girl sometimes, she actually looked pretty cute too. It's a shame though that she is so determined to be a man someday.

As he drank his tea, Yozora sat beside him and ask him if he was free tonight. The question took him by surprise and he accidentally choked on his tea. He took a minute for coughing and trying to catch his breath, then he looked over at Yozora. She was doing this just to get under Sena's skin, wasn't she? Normally she'd text him later or she'd ask him once the club was over, but instead she chose to ask him in the middle of the club, with Sena present. He didn't really know what to say. If he declined, maybe Yozora will get more suspicious. If he accepts, Sena will probably yell at him or get upset. It was a difficult situation.

"I should be free tonight. Why?" He asked, hoping she was just wanting to do something between friends. He was afraid that now she was suspicious of him and Sena, she'd now start to be a little more forward with her approaches.
Sena's fingers paused momentarily on the buttons of her controller. She didnt turn to loik at them both. Right now there were a lot of reactions that could tip Yozora off on something actually going in between them. Sena was burning with jealousy and she wanted badly to tell Yozora to just fuck off and leave Kodaka alone. She had become possessive of him and though she had to get used to it; she absolutely did not want to share him.

Yozora shrugged at him and glanced at Sena. She was sitting stil and no longer really paid much attention to her game. That wasn't suspect enough. She looked at him . "I wanted to know if you wanted to see a movie with me tonight. We havent gone out together in awhile." Which was true. She hadnt been able to get through to him and neither had he asked her if she wanted to hang out in a while.

"Why don't we all go."
Yozora glanced at Sena, her attention was now on them and she almost looked hopeful but her expression was mostly aloof. "You're not invited. Next time. We will go together, but Yukimura can come if she wants."
Sena glared at her, knowing that Yozora was only doing this to spite her because she saw them having lunch together on the roof.
It was very clear that Yozora was messing with Sena now, and Sena didn't want to take it. Just when things were feeling perfect and he was really happy about everything, right when him and Sena had a very touching moment together, it gets ruined. He kind of wanted to scold Yozora for being so rude to Sena and allowing her to join, but that sometimes just fueled her to do more.

"Come on, can't she go? We can also invite Maria, Kobato, and Rika when she gets here. We can all go as a club." He tried to defend Sena, hopefully without making it too obvious that he has a thing for her. With this, hopefully they can all enjoy themselves, although there's a good chance that none of them will be able to agree on. Maria and Kobato will probably pick a kids movie, Yukimura will most likely want to see either something historic or something on samurais, Rika will suggest something perverted or some low brow comedy, and Yozora and Sena will just find separate movies that they'll argue on.
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