Haganai Eroge RP (Charlmeister & HeartOfTheDarkness)

Kodaka sat in the car with Kobato and Sena, trying to relax. After a rough night, followed by a rough day, he just wanted to go to bed. He still didn't have much of an appetite, but he was feeling better than he did hours ago.

When they pulled up to his house, Kodaka smiled at Sena and said goodbye to her, then Kobato reached up and hugged her again. Afterwards, the two got out of the car and they watched it drive off. Once they were inside, Kodaka went to his room to relax while Kobato watched her show. Things were starting to get back to normal, and Kobato was happy that she didn't have to worry about her brother anymore.

Kobato ordered food again, and spent most of the evening watching her show. By the time she was ready for bed, she checked on her brother who was fast asleep. Seeing him sleep made her happy, and she was happy that Sena was there for him as well. The young girl got into bed with her big brother and began to cuddle up with him, slowly falling asleep in the safety of her brother's arms.
Sena overslept and because of that, ended up missing school. Stella could have woken her but didn't and she rolled over in bed. Most of the night, she had had troubles with insomnia and wasn't able to stop thoughts of Kodaka from entering her mind. Kodaka with Yozora and Sena standing there watching them. There had been won thoughts controlled by paranoia and Sena had spent most of the time convincing herself that none of those things she saw in her mind would actually happen. Kodaka would never betray her like that. Yozora was probably her only concern. The others liked him, but so far none of them had reacted on their feelings for him. That made her think there was no need to worry on that front.

Finally pushing herself out of bed, she made her way down to the kitchen; following her stomach's demands for some food. There was food for her on the table, covered and waiting. She sat around the table and picked up her fork. The tea was still hot, the smoke still swirling up from the mug and she took a sip from it after taking a bite out of her egg and a piece of bacon. She wondered if Kodaka had gone to school and if Yozora would be happy to have him all to herself today. Well she'd see them all at the convention tomorrow so it didn't really matter to her. For some reason, she was actually looking forward to the convention. She had never really been to one and maybe she could find things there worth buying.
Kodaka overslept as well. With him being so tired, he fell asleep the moment he got home, and he continued to sleep even after Kobato tried to wake him up. When he wouldn't get out of bed, she figured he needed the rest and got ready for school on her own. It was one of the few times Kobato felt responsible, and it felt good.

By the time Kodaka woke up, school was already a few hours in. He would normally rush to get dressed and hurry to school, but due to his status of being a delinquent at school, it'll probably be just a repeat of his first day, so it would probably be better to stay home for the day. As he made himself some breakfast, he decided to send out a few texts to those that might worry about him. He sent a text to Yozora first. "Sorry I'm not in class today. I'm currently resting and feeling much better. I'll see you guys tomorrow." And then he sent a text to Sena, unaware that she missed school as well. "I overslept, so I didn't make it to school. Sorry, I won't be able to provide a lunch for you today. Want to go to the movies tonight?" It would maybe make up for the failed attempt they tried a few nights ago, when she witnessed something that he didn't intend to have happen.
She wasn't in any particular mood for a movie hut she die want to see him. She had just reached one of the seven alternate endings of a new galge she had bought. The lonely ending, is what she had got. And for some unknown reason it resonated with her a bit. She had been lonely most of the time in past years, and not because she wanted to be but there had been no one who genuinely liked her for who she was. Some...most guys just wanted her for her body. Most girls simply envied her or found her bitchy attitude an intimidating turn-off. Now she had Kodaka, but since what had happened yesterday, it made her think differently. All was not okay in the paradise future fantasy she had built for them both.

*I'm coming over instead.* She tested back and went to the bathroom to shower and dress. She wore a short, cotton and floral skirt - black and red roses with a neutral toned background. Her top was a thin tank top, with a big Hello Kitty design on the front. She wore a jacket over it and pulled on a pair of lack boots to go with it. It was a bit chilly outside and the sun didn't come out much from behind the thick, grey clouds.

After telling Stella she'd be gone to Kodaka's for awhile, she asked Greg to drop her at his house. The man paused his lunch of eggrolls and dumplings and fetched his coat before walking with her out the door to the car. Arriving at Kodaka's gate, Greg rooted the horn as Sena got out the car and walked up to the gate.
Kodaka saw her return text and actually got a little nervous, but excited. He wanted things to be perfect for her, but he didn't want to make it look like he was desperate. He quickly took a shower to clean up, and then he wore his usual outfit consisting of a collared polo and brown khakis. Once he was dressed, he noticed that it was about lunch time, so he started making some food for them to eat. It wasn't anything fancy, mostly stuff to snack on while they relaxed together.

He made some rice cakes, some dumplings, and some chicken bites for them to share, and the rice was in the cooker when he heard the doorbell ring. After making sure he looked nicer than he did yesterday, he answered the door, smiling to see Sena. All he wanted to do was to assure her that he loved her, that he wanted to live his life with her in the near future. "Come on in." He said, stepping aside so that she can enter the house.
Though Sena ate not too long ago the savory scents coming from the kitchen made her feel hungry. She loved Kodaka's cooking and she could easily see him as a chef in the future. Then she remembered that she had given the food that he had cooked for her to some guy in her classroom but at least she was here now to eat whatever he had made for them. She gave him a small smile and walked in when he stepped aside. She took her shoes off and pulled the strap of her purse from her shoulder and looked up at him.

"What are you cooking?" She asked with a raised brow. She was sure Kobato wasn't here so she guessed he had cooked for them both to enjoy something together. Plus, she arrived at the time when they'd usually have lunch together and maybe that's exactly what he had prepared for them. Lunch. She went inside the kitchen and took a deep sniff of the air inside. It was enough to make her salivate hut she would contain herself until he was ready to share.

"Did you sleep okay?" She asked, turning to look at him as she walked around the kitchen table.
"It's nothing too big, I was just cooking some things that you may like. Rice cakes, dumplings, chicken, and some more rice should be just about done." He said, hearing the cooker make a little tone to signal that it was ready. All he wanted to do was to assure Sena that she didn't have to worry. He wanted to be with her, he wanted her to stay with him.

"I slept fine. I actually passed out right when I got home. By the time I woke up, school had started, so I figured I'd relax for the day. I guess the same happened for you?" He asked, curious as to why she stayed home for the day. Maybe she was a bit out of it from their little ordeal yesterday. He wanted to talk to her about the incident at the theater, but he wasn't sure how to bring it up. Should he just bring up the fact that Yozora clearly has a thing for him? Should he suggest that they finally come clean to Yozora? Maybe she didn't really want to talk about it at the moment.

Kodaka began to prepare a plate of food for Sena. "You planning to stay the whole day? I'm sure Kobato will be happy to see you here when she gets home." He said, wondering if she had other plans for later, or if she just wanted him to herself for the whole day. Either way, he was happy to be with her.
Her face brightened as he listed off what he had cooked. Without getting permission to, she used a pot holder to lift the cover from the chicken pot and reached for a fork from the drawer to taste a piece. Using her breath to cool the steaming meat, she tasted it and smiled. He was such a good cook. Besides Stella, Sena really enjoyed his food. "It tastes great, let's start eating." She smiled over at him and dropped the fork in the sink.

She nodded at him. Kobato would be getting home around five and she wanted to spend time with Kodaka. Honestly, she had missed him though she had been mad at him for what he had allowed to happen at the movies. Why was she even thinking about that? It didn't matter. She didn't want to talk about it and neither did she want to remember it. It just needed to be buried in a far recess of her mind. And that being said, she planned to remove every picture of Yozora she had in her room. "I'm staying with you. And I overslept too." She didn't go into the details why she overslept but continued eating the food he had made; savoring every bite.
After getting a plate ready for Sena, he got one ready for himself. Once they had their food, he grabbed a small bottle of soy sauce, then led her to the couch. It was something nice to do, relax in front of the tv, eat some food, sit close to each other. He was happy that Sena seemed to brighten up a little bit. And when she mentioned that she wanted to spend the day with him, he felt happy. He was happy to know that she still loved him, as much as he loved her. They could talk about what happened later if they wanted to, right now was meant for them to just relax and enjoy each other's company.

It was very comforting to have Sena sit close to him as they enjoyed their meal together. He wanted to think of some sort of conversation, but most of the things he thought of might stray too close to Yozora. He did think of something that might please her though. "You know, since our lunches together have been sort of ruined, maybe we can find something else to do regularly as a couple. Maybe spend a Saturday or Sunday together, either take a trip somewhere or just hang out together." He said to her, wondering if she had any suggestions. Maybe they could go to the pool together, or the amusement park. They could go shopping together, the movies, restaurants, and they can change it up every week.
She fell a little silent at the mention of their lunches being ruined. They wouldn't really be able to go back to normal after this, would they? Either someone would interrupt their time together or maybe Sena would end up seeing something she wasn't supposed to - and probably end up misunderstanding the situation. She hoped the latter wouldn't be something she had to face all over again. It would only humiliate and discourage her. She could be persistent and stubborn with the things she wanted but there was always a limit at which she'd break and decide to leave things as they are.

"We can do a lot of things together. I can get my dad to get us free passes for a beach house on the weekend. Not this one, since we have that convention coming up. But maybe next week or during mid-term." The midterm break would be coming up in the next couple of weeks so that would probably be a perfect time to spend time together with him. "And if Yozora conveniently has plans. Tell her you're coming with me." She looked up at him sharply then lowered her eyes back to her food. She put down her chopsticks to nibble on a rice cake.

The curt hostility in her voice was something she couldn't really stop. Somewhere, within her, the anger still lurked at having caught the two kissing. Or at least, Yozora kissing Kodaka. She could forget but it really wasn't possible as the circumstance was because there would be days when they'd hang together without her being there.
He was afraid that mentioning something like that would bring up some painful thoughts that she didn't want to think about. Luckily, she bounced back and began thinking of things for them to do. Taking a trip on their midterm break sounded like fun, like another trip to the beach house, just the three of them. Kobato can share a room with Sena, and he'll sleep by himself, and she'll maybe visit him at nights for sex. If Yozora had plans, he'll try and work around it, either telling her that his dad is in town or by just saying that he feels sluggish and wants to stay home.

It was pretty clear that Sena was still upset by that whole event at the theater. While it looked like her anger was directed at Yozora, he wouldn't be surprised if she was still a little angry with him as well. Finishing his food, he placed his plate on the side and reached over to Sena. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her onto his lap, resting his head on her shoulder. "No matter what, I love you. Remember that, Kobato and I are happy to know that we'll become family in the future."
She smiled when he pulled her into his lap,.into the familiar embrace she missed. His words comforted her and for the moment she forgot her anger. She knew he loved her and it made her happy that Kobato was actually looking forward to having her as a big sister - maybe she wasn't as enthusiastic about it but she was still looking forward to it. Sena linked her hands around his neck and cradled the back of his head with her hand. Being on top of him stirred the need that had been resting dormant inside her and she felt herself throb.

She nudged his face up and leaned in to kiss him while her hand slid down to play with the waistband of his khakis. Her teeth nibbled at his lower lip, the tip of her tongue stroked just a little inside his mouth as her hips gave a slight roll against his hips. "Show me," she mumbled and kissed him deeply, pulling his tongue into her mouth and pressing herself against him; wanting to feel all of him as much as possible. He was hers, as much as she was his. And she wouldn't let anyone else have him.
Kodaka happily returned the kiss, his hand moving from her hips and lowering down to her rear. If she wanted him to show her how much he loved her, he'll gladly do it. They had all day to do it, Kobato won't be home for a few hours. Before he got much further though, he remembered something that they talked about before, protection. "Hold on a second, I need to get something." He said, gently moving Sena off his lap to run to his room. When he came back, he had a box full of condoms, allowing them to go at it as much as they wanted to today.

Sitting back down, he pulled Sena back onto him as his hands began to move under her tank top, and he pulled it over her head. She was so beautiful, he felt so lucky to be able to do something like this with her. Reaching into the box of condoms, he pulled one out, and then he started to wiggle out of his pants, wanting to show her that he was serious about loving her, that he would do anything to make her happy.
Sena poured a little when Kodaka got up but he came right back with a box full of condoms. She smiled them, briefly remembering how Stella had been dim in warming her that they use protection to stop any accidents from happening. She let out an excited giggle when he pulled her back onto his lap and gave him a short kiss before he pulled her top over her head. Feeling him free his cock from his pants, she reached a hand Don between them and gripped him, her fingers playing over his tip and collecting each drop that leaked over.

She pulled up her skirt and lifted it over her head, not wanting to get up off him another time unless it was to give him access to push inside her. She pushed her hair back from her shoulders and leaned in to kiss him; deep, passionate and wanting. A soft moan came from her as she rubbed against him; her sex becoming moist, her juices sliding down her inner thigh. She mumbled his name and moved her hand to touch herself, pressing her fingers to her wet clit and she moaned louder from the pleasure that spiralled through her from each stroke of her fingers.
As Sena began to pleasure herself in front of him, Kodaka unwrapped the condo and began to unroll it onto his cock. Now that he was protected, he pulled Sena in for a kiss as he lined his cock up against her pussy. Slowly moving his hips, his cock began to slide into Sena. It certainly didn't feel as good with the condom, but he was still happy to be doing this with her. Now that they were protected, they could go at it as much as they wanted to, and they shouldn't have to worry about her getting pregnant too early.

"I love you so much Sena, you mean everything to me." He said to her as he broke away from the kiss. He wanted to do this all day, he wanted to make love to her until they passed out. Since they had a few hours before Kobato would arrive, they could hopefully go at it for a few rounds, maybe try a few new things together.
She moaned at the familiar feeling of him inside her; how his cock stretched her and her walls clenched around him, holding him tight and snug inside her. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as she moved against him. The condom affected the sensation of him inside her but the pleasure was still there with each thrust of his hips into her. Her lips left soft kisses over his face and down to his neck as she started to move with him, following his motions with his hands gripping her ass tightly. Her hands wrapped around his neck and ran down his sides then went down to his butt as she tried pulling him in deeper inside her.

She moaned against his shoulder, her forehead rested against his neck and her tongue stroked the skin, her warm breath fanning out against his flesh. Her hips undulated and she moved her fingers to rub her clot just to sharpen the pleasure of having him inside her. She kissed him deeply and bit his lower lip as she squeezed him tight inside her. Sena wanted them to do this the entire day, so she could satisfy her cravings and probably so she wouldn't have to sneak off with him during the convention. But as she moved, she wanted him to take the condom off. She wanted to feel all of him, the flesh of his penis rubbing inside her, his tip reaching her g-spot.

"Take it off," she mumbled and moved off of him to peel the rubber off his cock. She knelt before him and held his cock in her hand, stroking him as she gave a small lick around the glans. She had read that giving a guy a blow job could give them a lot of pleasure and she wanted to do exactly that - as much as Kodaka wanted to please her. She wanted to hear him moan for her.
Kodaka was in heaven, enjoying Sena riding on top of him. He was a bit surprised though when she lifted herself off of him and pulled his condom off. "W-Wait, aren't we suppose to use that?" He preferred the feeling without the condom, but he knew they agreed to use protection until they had a more planned out future. That worry went away quickly though when Sena began licking his cock.

Once her head began to bob up and down his cock, Kodaka began to moan louder and louder, mumbling Sena's name as his hands reached down and ran through her hair. He didn't think that a blowjob would feel this good. He didn't even think that Sena would be willing to do something like that, putting his cock into her mouth. His hips began to slowly move, pushing his cock deeper into Sena's mouth as she sucked him off.
His moans spurred her on and she continued to suck on him, her tongue swirling around his tip and licking the underside of him. Hearing his moans made between her legs throb and she pressed her fingers to her clit, rubbing it in fast circles until she pushed two fingers inside herself, using her thumb to massage her clit. She moaned on him, her grip tight around his cock, pumping him as she slid him deeper into her throat. The precum, mixed with her saliva, dribbled down her lip, dripping off her chin and onto her breasts, covered in a thin sheen of sweat.

She coughed and pulled off of him when she sucked him in too deep and she took a breath, licking her lips as she looked up at him with a smile. Leaning back on her heels, she spread her legs and rubbed herself still, pulling him down to her on the floor. Sena wanted him inside her, and she didn't want him to be gentle with her this time. She was too horny for lovemaking right now. She pulled her fingers out of herself, her thighs trembling with her close orgasm and she lifted herself over Kodaka and slid down on him, impaling herself on his cock.
"Fuck me," her voice was small and her cheeks turned red from the fleeting embarrassment of saying something like that but that's how badly she wanted him.
Kodaka followed Sena to the floor when she leaned back and pulled him on top of her. He wanted her badly, so badly that he forgot to put on a new condom. All he cared about was having sex with Sena. When she told him that she wanted him to fuck her, he figured that she wanted him to be a little more rough with her. Grabbing her hips, he began moving his hips at a rapid pace, pounding her tight pussy.

It felt amazing to use a little more force on her. He wanted to do this sort of thing all day, he wanted to try different things together, maybe spice things up a little bit. He leaned in and began gnawing on her nipples, yanking on them with his teeth. He wasn't sure on how rough to go, but he tried his best to please her as best as he could.
With each thrust of his hips, Sena's moans became louder. She held onto him, her fingers digging into his skin and marking him as she moved with him; keeping herself positioned beneath him as her body bounced and jerked from his thrusts. She cried out when she felt his teeth on her nipples and she cradled his head there, loving the rough passion with which he handled her body. She ground her body against his, pressing her clot to the center of his pelvis and her body concluded as orgasm seized her body. She held onto him tightly as she milked his clock but she didn't stop moving, riding every wave of her orgasm.
"Don't stop," she moaned, her heavy breaths puncturing each word.

She laid flat on her back and planted her feet on the floor as she raised her hips, straining and undulating to meet each of his thrusts. She still wanted him after her orgasm subsided; which left her body and sex feeling even more sensitive as he pushed himself deep inside her. Her eyes rolled over into her head and she squeezed her eyes Shultz wrapping her legs around his hip and gripping her own breast as she moved with him.
Kodaka didn't want to stop, it felt too good. Now glazed with sweat, he continued to pump his cock into Sena, doing his best to pleasure her until he coundn't go on any longer. His hands reached down to her ass, spreading her cheeks. His finger reached down and began to prod her little asshole, teasing it. "Maybe I should fuck here next." He joked with her, unsure if she would even consider that. She did want him to be rough with her, and that was the first thought he had when being rough.

He eventually reached his orgasm, and since he was unable to back away because of her legs locked around him, he came inside of her, filling her pussy with his cum. At the moment, he didn't really care, it felt amazing. After filling her up, he leaned in to kiss her. "I love you Sena, I want us to have a family." He said to her in between kisses.

Kodaka began to relax a bit, resting on top of her. They were both covered in sweat, and the living room smelled like sex. Looking up at Sena, he smiled, happy to have her with him again. "Since we're all dirty again, how's about we take a shower?" And he meant as in together.
She arched her back and moaned loudly as she felt his cum bathe her womb, the feeling of it warm and she twitched beneath him; a second orgasm triggered by his shuddering body above hers and he prodding of his finger against her ass. She held onto him and covered his face in soft kisses. Smiling when he suggested taking a bath. She licked her lips and nodded at him; her cheeks suddenly flushing a shade of red. Why was she feeling embarrassed now? Especially after they just had sex?

She moved her legs reluctantly from around his waist and got up from the floor and helped him up. She walked with him to the bathroo; still feeling somewhat shy to be naked around him like this. She had been comforted by the darkness those other times they had sex but now she was bare to him. She glanced over her shoulder at him, her face in a slight pout. "Don't stare at me."

Reaching inside, she stepped into the stall and waited for him to join her then pulled up the frosted glass shower door before turning the overhead spray on. She shivered, goose pimples rushing over her skin and she looked at him then stepped towards him and kissed him.
Kodaka found Sena's shyness to be pretty cute. To think that after all this time, now she was embarrassed to be naked in front of him. When he thought about it though, he remembered that he never had such a good view of her body until now. Every other time they had sex, it was in the middle of the night. He admired her body as they walked to the shower, laughing to himself when she pouted and told him not to stare.

When they got into the shower together, Kodaka quickly moved close to Sena, kissing her. The warm water ran down their bodies and steam rose around them. Quickly turning her around, he had her facing the shower glass. "I want to try something." He said to her, giving her another kiss before his hips began leaning towards her. His cock, now hard again, began to gently prod her ass.
Her hand began to trail up his chest to wrap around his neck when he suddenly turned her against the shower glass. Her palms were pressed to It's solid frame and she looked over her shoulder at Kodaka, her face flushing when she felt the tip of him prod her ass. She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, her teeth sinking down on the soft flesh as she looked at him. They'd never done anything like this before and she guessed now he was ready and wanting to try new things with her.

Sena arched her back, pressing her butt into him, silently giving him the permission - if that's what he was waiting for - to do what he wanted. The steam that rose around them added to the entire atmosphere and to the lustful look on Kodaka's face. She turned her head to give him a kiss and reached a hand behind her to hold his hip, guiding him closer.
When Sena silently gave him the OK to go, Kodaka began to slowly move his hips in closer, his cock gently pushing into her tight little hole. As he slid into her, he almost instantly held the pain of her ass clamping down on him. Breathing heavily, he wrapped his arms around Sena and squeezed her breasts. The further her pushed his cock in, the more it hurt, but he still went on, to try and make this an enjoyable experience for both of them.

He thought about how it hurt for him, it was probably quite painful for Sena as well. "Are you alright?" He asked her, kissing her to try and take her mind of any pain. Even if this hurt, he was happy to be doing this with her, trying out new and interesting things with the girl he loves so dearly.
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