Haganai Eroge RP (Charlmeister & HeartOfTheDarkness)

Kodaka and Kobato got off the bus and quickly found Rika and Yukimura waiting for them. "Hey guys. Sorry to make you two wait." Kobato smiled at them, but she was a little nervous about the convention, wondering if she'd find anything interesting there. It looked like Yozora and Sena have yet to arrive, and Rika looked like she was getting anxious to get there. "I'm guessing the other two haven't said anything about being on their way yet?" He asked Rika, alreadying knowing the answer. Kobato looked a little more nervous when she heard that, hoping the be able to stay by Sena for protection.

Kodaka took out his phone and began texting them, asking if either of them were on their way yet. He heard that the lines there were brutal, so it would be nice to get there before the lines got bad.
Rika's face brightened when she saw Kodaka and his sister walk towards her and Yukimura, who was also smiling at them both. Rika moved the boxes to the ground, the strain obvious on her face as she set them down so she could make space for them to sit next to her. She shook her head at his question, a concerned frown on her face. If she didn't know any better, she'd suggest that they meet them there but that could be another hassle. She fixed her glasses, pushing it up from sliding down the bridge of her nose and sighed. "I didn't get a text from either of them, maybe they're on their way. I think Yozora at least should be here by now."

Then Yozora came, dressed in camouflage capris, a white tank top and sweater that matched her bottoms. She wore sneakers and had a bag slung over her shoulder. She seemed as if she actually planned to be apart of this convention, though her face was in a scowl and her forehead was a bit damp from perspiration. She came over to them and looked them over. Kodaka, Kobato, Yukimura and Rika. Good, they were all here, she thought.
"Hey, sorry I'm late," she said, as if she was out of breath. She had taken her usual train but today, it had been packed with people and it had drained most of her energy. Luckily, she hadn't been reduced to crawling to them but had caught most of her breath outside the train station and had drank some water from her water bottle to regain some of her composure.
"We're all here, we can go now." The train was coming as she said so and she looked at Rika then to the boxes she had on the ground.

Rika shook her head, "Sena isn't here yet though," she said, raising a brow at Yozora wondering if the girl was deliberately acting as if she had forgotten Rika had included Sena in their outing. Yozora shrugged, "But it's almost 8:30. Sena can get in on our own. She's capable, we have to go," she said, her tone impatient and urging.
Yozora was right about that but she didn't really want to leave Sena. She took her phone out to call her, there was no answer. Glancing around the train station, Rika tried to see if there was anyone who looked like Sena coming towards them. The train came to a stop where they were.
"Okay, let's go." She said as she noticed that people were filing into the train. The next one wouldn't come until the next thirty minutes and she couldn't afford that happening. She wanted to enjoy the convention, not stay outside for an eternity to get in.

They got in the train and luckily got window seats that faced each other, she was the last to go in when she thought she heard someone calling her name. She put the boxes in and finally got in the train, sitting beside Yozora, by the window then perked up seeing Sena running towards the train.
"There's Sena!" Rika said, pressing her finger against the window and Yukimura looked out. Her face was red and she was breathing heavily as she ran up. Rika saw her lips moving and guessed she was yelling for them to stop the train as it moved off. So she had heard her name. She frowned and looked up but knew there was nothing she could do. She sighed and shook her head.
"Why is she always so late?"
"She'll get there," Yozora said, and didn't even look bothered - not that Rika expected her to. She glanced at Kodaka then looked out the window again. She couldn't see Sena anymore.
Of course Yozora wouldn't do anything to stop the train. He wanted to scold her for what she was doing, but he didn't have the time for that. The idea of Sena having to wait by herself made him feel guilty, it wouldn't be right for them all to have fun while she waited behind. As the train began to move, leaving Sena behind, Kodaka quickly jumped out. "I'll meet you guys at the convention, go on ahead without us." He said to Rika as he jumped out of the train, losing his balance and falling on his ass right in front of Sena. While it was moving pretty slow, it still hurt when he jumped out.

Looking up at Sena, he smiled. "Glad to see that you made it." He said as he slowly got up, just happy to be with her. Once he brushed himself off, he went with Sena to get another train ticket, willing to wait with her for the next train. After they had their tickets, they sat together, holding their hands, looking like a loving couple. It didn't matter that she was late, or that she made him late, he was just glad to have her with him. "So, we've got a half hour to kill, want to get something to eat real quick? Or do you want to do something else?" He asked, thinking about what they could do to pass the time.

Kobato saw what her brother did from the window, sighing in relief to see him go with Sena. While she didn't want him to leave, she knew that he would be happier with her, and that way Sena won't be alone while she waited for the next train.
Yozora opened her mouth to try and talk Kodaka out of going anywhere, but he had already told Rika that they should go on without him. She folded her hands across her chest, brows twitching with irritation and unacknowledged jealousy. In her mind, she could have started working on getting Kodaka to want to hang out with her during the convention, but thanks to Sena that just went jumping out the train door. And since when did he start expressing such concern for Sena. It wasn't as if she couldn't get her dad to wave his magic wand and get her inside the convention - even before they made it there. She sunk a little into her seat, hands folded tightly and her lips pursed. It was as if a dark cloud now hovered around her, which made Rika and Yukimura shy away from trying to talk to her.

Yukimura's face was clueless, as always but there was still a look of concern as she regarded the brooding Yozora. Rika guessed she was the only one really aware of all the tension and drama that rifted among the three. She frowned slightly and looked out the window again, trying to get a view of Kodaka with Sena but they were wel out of the subway and en route to the convention center. She sighed and shrugged to herself. It was obvious who Kodaka had chosen, and while she felt a little sorry for Yozora - and herself, to a small degree - she was satisfied that he had at least learned to acknowledge his feelings.


Sena blinked at Kodaka when he fell in front of her as the train moved away and out of the station. She frowned at him, straightening from her bent position with hands on knees, and took one last deep breath to calm her aching lungs. "What are you doing, why did you do that? I didn't need you to wait for me?" She was glaring now, her pride somewhat crushed by his actions - though her feelings as his girlfriend were comforted by it. However, Sena didn't need him to do anything unnecessary. If he wanted to keep this a secret, then he should at least act like it. She sighed though and closed her eyes for a moment, knowing that arguing about that with him would be of no worth.

She nodded at his question of getting something to eat. Unfortunately, for her, she had overslept and when she had woken up she'd only had enough time to shower, throw her clothes on and leave with Greg. Her tummy grumbled and she pressed a palm to it, as if comforting it as it rumbled again. "Yeah, let's eat."
There was a cafe not too far off from the bench where the train usually stopped to pick up passengers.

She walked ahead of him and pushed open the swing door, the chimes tinkling to welcome them. The scent of coffee and vanilla did nothing to help her noisy stomach and her cheeks flushed as she waked by a couple who turned to look at her when she walked by their table after hearing the loud noises coming from her. She ordered a danish, spring rolls and an iced coffee then after waiting for Kodaka, took a seat on the left, nearest to the door.
"Thank you...for waiting with me," she said quietly, looking away from him as she unwrapped her spring rolls.
It didn't surprise him that she got a little upset at him for doing something stupid. He knew that it would make her feel bad if she thought she forced him to stay with her, but he wanted to do this. Kodaka enjoyed being with Sena, it was comforting to have her by his side.

When they went to eat, they went into a cafe and sat down. A older couple looked at them and laughed to themselves and talked about how they were once like them when they were younger. Overhearing that, Kodaka blushed a little bit, thinking about a future with Sena, growing old with her and still loving her. They'd have kids that would grow up to have families of their own. And hopefully none of those kids will take after their father and be accused as a delinquent.

Seeing Sena blush as she thanked him, he simply smiled and reached out to hold her hand. "I was happy to do it, it wouldn't be as much fun if you weren't at the convention with us." He placed a similar order, getting a hot coffee instead of iced. When he got his food, he began eating his spring rolls, dipping them in the sauce that came with it. While he enjoyed these moments with Sena, he wished that they could be more open about it, that he wouldn't have to worry about Yozora doing something drastic if she learned about their relationship.
She could count on one hand who it would be fun for if she wasn't going to be at the convention. Rika wanted her to be there, she doubted Yukimura could care less and Kobato would be there and she wanted to spend some of the day with her, at least. That was actually her main reason for wanting to tag along, Kobato would be there. Kodaka was another reason too, but that was more a concern. Going to a convention wasn't exactly her idea of enjoying a day with her boyfriend. She wouldn't be spending much time with him there, anyway since she'd have to stay with Rika at her table.
"It's not as if you'll even know I'm there, Yozora will have you to herself for most of the day." She shrugged, and it was said without a hint of malice. She wasn't even angry, mentioning something like that. She heard the announcement over the P.A system that the train would be arriving in the next ten minutes.

Finishing her rolls and danish, Sena rolled up the wrappers on the tray and moved out of her seat to empty the tray before returning. She was happy, to some degree, that she had gotten to spend some time with Kodaka. What she would focus on now, was trying not to get jealous when Yozora came to drag him off with her around the convention center. She looked at him, picked up her iced coffee and took a few draws from the straw then used the end of it to pick up the whipped cream on the top. "Do you plan to get anything, when you go?" she asked, making small conversation with him. Her phone vibrated in her purse and she took it out and read the text. "Kobato said they're there. Waiting in line now," she frowned and her shoulders visibly sagged. "I didn't want to make her late," she whined softly, more to herself than to Kodaka. She had heard the lines could be awful there. She wondered if Rika would be okay. She could care less about Yozora.

The automated female announcer's voice came over the P.A system again. The train would be arriving in five minutes. Sena picked up her coffee and set the handle of her purse over her shoulder, the moved to the door and pushed it open. Today, she wanted to keep a particular distance from Kodaka while maintaining her usual disposition. The reason wasn't even clear to her, but she knew she felt that way. And it was probably for a reason.
Kodaka looked down and blushed a little bit. "She's my best friend, and I enjoy her company, but I'd honestly rather spend the convention with you." He mumbled, feeling strangely embarrassed to really say it out loud. He loved Sena with all his heart, she meant the world to him. Sure there were times he was interested in Yozora, and the other girls had their charm, but Sena was the one he wanted to be with. Even though they sometimes had their ups and downs, he still cared deeply for her.

When they started heading out, Kodaka thought about her question. "I'm not sure. I kind of like those mangas that Yukimura has been buying me, maybe I'll get something similar to those. Want me to look for anything for you? I'd be happy to find you some things you'd like. Kobato asked me to pick up some stuff from her anime, although I'll be sure to stay clear from the adult sections." Sure there were probably some things that he could find for Kobato, but he also knew that there would be a lot of hentai and yuri on some of those female characters, he didn't want to scar his little sister and ruin her fantasies, no matter how much he wanted her to face reality sometimes.

He knew she was still a bit jealous that Yozora would be spending a good amount of the day with him. He wanted to reassure Sena that there would be nothing to worry about, but he didn't know if he should give her some space to be alone. She'll have Kobato to herself for the day, and maybe they could go wondering around if the booth ever gets slow, maybe work shifts at the booth with Yukimura and Rika.

When the train arrived, the two sat across from each other, having a rather quiet ride together. He wanted to sit next to her, he wanted to maybe ask her if she wanted to spend time with her, but he kept getting the feeling that she just wanted to keep her distance from him. He didn't know if saying anything would actually make things worse for her. Part of him was even tempted to suggest they ditch the con and spend the day together, but that wouldn't be fair to the others. While she would love the idea of Yozora getting upset at the two never showing up, she would feel guilty for the others for leaving them behind. Maybe he could suggest something for them to do tomorrow, or he could suggest that the two of them and Kobato do something together tonight, maybe go out somewhere before going home. It was just kind of hard to try and bring something up though.
Her blue-eyed gaze remained fixed out the window. She kept her hands in her lap, fingers twisting and interlocking with each other from time to time. She didn't risk a single glance at Kodaka, not wanting to catch his gaze if he was looking at her - and she could feel his eyes on her from time to time. Maybe she was being stupid again because of her pride and emotions, but she was sure neither of those had anything to do with why she suddenly didn't want to talk to him. There was a chocolate bar in her bag and she peeled back the wrapper and started nibbling on it. Then because her conscience wouldn't leave her be, she broke off a piece and offered it to him; finally allowing herself to look at him.
"Take it." Those were her last words to him, which would probably carry throughout the rest of the day as the train came to a stop at the station nearest Tokyo Big Site.

Sena followed the other passengers out after the bulk of the others had already gotten off the train. Her phone rang and she searched around her purse for it, found it and answered. It was Rika. They were already inside and had managed to purchase their bands - which went far quicker than Sena had actually anticipated. "Come around to the side door, at the right where you see the blue tent." Sena stood on her tiptoes, struggling to see over the many heads of varying colors - from red to shocking pink and blue - then saw the tent.
"Okay, we're coming."
"Yukimura is gonna meet you there with Kobato."

She turned to Kodaka. Apparently "Take it" wouldn't be her last words to him for the day. "Rika said she got our bands for us. We're going to the side door." She held his hand, around the wrist, and puled him with her as she weaved her way through the crowd that seemed to clench and unclench like a fist. She almost lost her grip on his wrist but tightened her grip when she almost lost it, before sliding her palm against his and interlacing her fingers through the spaces of his. They finally reached to the side door and a small line was there but it was much more manageable than the throng of people they had just walked through. The morning heat, coupled with that of the people they just walked through caused a thin outbreak of perspiration across her brow.
"Thank you." Kodaka said as he took the bit of chocolate, smiling softly at her. He didn't get the feeling that she was mad at him, it was more like she was concerned or worried about something. Most likely due to the fact that Yozora was going to be travelling around with him for most of the day, and after that incident at the theater, Sena probably hated the idea of him being alone with her. In Kodaka's honest opinion, he thought it was all stupid. It was stupid for Yozora to push herself through being in huge crowds to spend time with him, it was stupid for Sena to get so worked up over this, it was stupid that this crowd was so ridiculous.

Following Sena through the crowds, he tried his best to stay close to her. It did prove difficult at times, with the thick crowd around them. His looks did seem to help from time to time. Some people would look at him and move out of his way, making some parts of the crowd easier to go through. It still wasn't enough to help overall.

When they got in to meet with Yukimura and Kobato, the little girl went up to hug Sena, happy to see her. Maybe that'll calm her down a bit, getting to spend the day with Kobato. The two of them got their wrist bands on and went inside, met with massive crowds, a little bit overwhelming even for him. How the hell would Yozora survive going through something like this?
Kobato hugged her and Sena felt as if that was all she'd need to take her throughout the day - especially if she got to spend the day with Kobato. She let go Kodaka's hand the moment they faced them though, but Yukimura wouldn't have suspected anything between them even if she saw them kissing in front her face. She smiled at Kodaka and Sena swore that seeing Kodaka was the only time Yukimura was ever truly happy. She walked in with Kobato while Yukimura fell into step with Kodaka. As they came closer to the crowd, her hand curled around his arm and held tightly, though her expression remained as aloof as any other day. There was still a certain downward tilt to her lips, which could have only meant that she wasn't exactly thrilled to merge with the multitude of people inside.

Sena followed Kobato to where Rika had set up her spot. She had a table set up with her doujins stacked in a neat line across the table. It seemed she had put quite a bit of effort into it and she had some customers already. Yozora was seated beside her, looking drained and out of her element - slumped in the chair next to Rika and she was sweating a bit. Surprisingly, Rika was doing a lot better than her and seemed more energized than drained by the people around her. When Yozora spotted Kodaka though, she drew herself up in her seat and tried to look unaffected.
"Took you two long enough to get here. Sena, come. Remember you agreed to stay with Rika."
"What if I want to walk around with Kobato and Yuki's here. She can stay with Rika."
Yukimura nodded, disengaging herself from Kodaka and took the seat beside Rika. "I prefer this," she said and looked up at them.

Sena smiled triumphantly at Yozora, who rolled her eyes and shrugged. Sometimes she wondered if Yukimura would ever be able to read the atmosphere, pick up cues and just be on her side for the heck of it. She took hold of Kodaka's arm. "Well, we're going. Rika already told me what she wanted so Kodak and I will look for some of them." Yozora said as she started walking in a direction that had less people down the walkway. Sena shrugged and smiled down at Kobato. "Come on, we'll go look and see if they have any Necromancer stuff."
She refused to let Yozora spoil her day.
Kodaka smiled at Sena, glad that she stood up to Yozora's bullying. It was one of the few times that Yozora didn't come out on top when they argued. Most of the time she would say or do something and Sena would run away crying, or Sena would say something that Yozora could use against her. Right now it looked like Yozora had no way to really argue back with. As they walked away he waved at them. "I'll see you two later. Have fun." He said cheerfully. Maybe this day will turn out to be a bit better than he thought it would be.

As he walked around with Yozora, he did his best to avoid large crowds, trying to help her get through them. They walked around for a bit, buying different things they found, most of them for Rika. So far, he didn't find anything interesting. He managed to find a few things for Kobato, but nothing for Sena either. "What do you plan on getting?" He asked Yozora, wondering if she was interested in anything here.
Yozora really didn't care to argue with Sena. It didn't matter what she said, as long as Yozora got to be with Kodaka during the convention. For once, she liked Sena for having an obsession with his little sister, that gave her some bit of advantage on good days. And this day was one of them. She didn't even give Sena as much as a lingering gaze of well-disguised hatred but instead, there was a telltale smirk on her lips. The crowds disheartened her, but having Kodaka by her pumped her with enough strength to keep walking.

There was nothing really in particular that caught Yozora's eye. She was a fan of literature, but not so much of manga or doujins. She wasn't removed from otaku culture but it wasn't something she invested much of her interests in. She shook her head at Kodaka;s question then gave a contemplative shrug as she tipped and craned her neck this way and that to see what some had to offer at their booths. She saw a figurine in particular that she liked on display with others at a long table nearest a door that led to another room. She looked down at it. It was a chibi doll with blue hair; she recognized it but couldn't place the name of it.
"I like that," she said; her tone noticeably softer and much more girly than it usually was. Even a slight shade of pink colored her cheeks as she looked at it.
It was kind of surprising that Yozora was able to hold up going through such a packed crowd. He still did his best to avoid thick crowds for her, but she seemed to be pushing through it as best as she could. As they looked around for a few things, she didn't seem interested in many things. He never really saw her reading manga or doujins, so most of this stuff probably wouldn't appeal to her. However, when they reached a booth that had a little chibi doll, she couldn't stop staring at hit. The pink shade on her cheeks made her look like a normal girl, wanting to buy a cute little doll. Before she could say anything, Kodaka went up and bought it. "Here, consider it a gift from me." He smiled as he handed her the doll.

He liked seeing Yozora act more like a girl, she looked good when she acted that way. She was so pretty, but she always looked so mad. If only she smiled a bit more often, or even laughed a bit, she'd be really popular with the guys in class. Although it might not help her to do that, since she gets uncomfortable being around lots of people, she might go crazy if she gets popular.

With Yozora's doll purchased, Kodaka went on to buy a few more things from the nearby booths. He found an early release copy of the newest galge game series that Sena plays, more doujins for Rika, a samurai doujin for Yukimura, some fancy candies for Maria, and a dvd of the recent season of Kobato's anime. It was all kind of pricey, but he wanted to get something for everyone.
Yozora blinked up at Kodaka when he handed the doll to her and looked at it, then back at him. The color didn't leave her cheeks but brightened as she stared at him and dropped her gaze. She mumbled a near incoherent "Thank you" and placed the doll in her bag; the strap hung across her shoulder, leaving the bag to hang at the side of her left hip. She couldn't remember the last time anyone had gotten anything for her - besides her parents giving her things for her birthday and on the special holidays. Kodaka was the only friend she had who had ever bought her something; and it filled with a particular emotion much similar to what she'd flt for him that night.

She followed him as he got things for everybody and almost felt a little jealous but came to the understanding that Kodaka was just getting something for everyone. She glanced around at the crowd and felt an overwhelming pressure of claustrophobia hit her. She leaned against Kodaka for a moment, holding tightly to his hand as she took deep breaths, not wanting to be in the crowd. Each time someone touched her, it made her cringe inwardly and she frowned, trying to avoid each one that walked by her.
"I want to sit down," she said and looked up at him.
It was only going to happen sooner or later. When Yozora began to breathe heavily, he took Yozora by the hand and did his best to get through the crowd as quickly as possible. "Hang on, I'll try and find us a spot away from everyone." He quickly found them a spot outside the bathrooms, surprisingly not crowded. Sitting down, he sat close to Yozora, keeping a close eye on her. She must be going through hell right now, having been around so many people. Why didn't she just stay at the booth? She would've been fine there. "Are you alright? Do you want me to carry you back to the booth?" He asked her, wondering if he should consider taking her home as well.
Yozora held on to Kodaka as he led her through the crowd to find a spot for them to sit. Letting him go, she collapsed on the chair, her chest rising and falling with each heavy breath she took. Her chest felt heavy, her throat constricted and her lungs felt as if ready to collapse. Perspiration thinly dampened her face and neck and she looked up at Kodaka. The crowd had sucked dry her energy and she almost felt too weak to get back up again.
"No. We'd have to go through the crowd again. I just want to sit and catch my breath," she said, her voice thin and soft.

Her mind had conjured perfect case scenarios of them separating themselves from everyone at the convention. But not in this way, and not near the bathrooms. She sniffles and leaned back, feeling nauseous and uncomfortable.
"Can you get me some water?" She asked.
She had a point. While it would be wise to get her home or back to the booth, that would mean that she'd have to go through the crowd again. In her current condition, that would be pretty difficult. When she asked him to get her some water, he nodded and ran to the closest vending machine. Quickly getting some water, he took the bottle and ran back to her. "Try and relax a bit, we'll move again once you're feeling better." He said, still wondering if he should take her home. There should be a back way nearby, going through parts of the convention hall that aren't in use. It might take a while for them to get out, but they'll avoid the crowds, and she might get better sooner.
Yozora still felt a bit nauseous but she pushed herself up and gave Kodaka a quick smile. She wanted to be alone with him but not when her stomach felt queasy, and her head light. Feeling sick around him wasn't how she wanted to be spend time with him. A thin sheen of sweat had broken over her brow and she used the sleeve of her jacket to wipe it away. Now it was getting hot inside and she found it a little hard to breathe, so she shrugged out of her jacket and folded it in her lap.

With the bottle of water in hand, she twisted the cap off and drank. It cooled her down some and her deep sigh made her shoulders drop with some amount of relief. She thought she could move now but looking at the ebbing and flowing crowd brought back that familiar unease. She rubbed her temple with one hand. Would I he okay if she lost this round to Sena, again? She didn't want to stay, even though her dogged determination wanted her to persevere. But unlike when they had gone to the amusement park, or were on the train, the crowds weren't a constant.
"I want to go home, you can go back to the rest. Thanks for everything." She mumbled and got up, ready to leave. She could tough it through this crowd.
He felt bad that she got sick over all of this. Kodaka wanted to hang out with her too, spend time with her as his best friend, the friend he had when they were kids. And with her saying that she wanted to go home kind of made him feel down. As she got up to try and make it through the crowd, he got up with her and held her hand. "Let me at least walk you out of the convention, help you through the crowd." He said to her as he guided her through the convention.

He did his best to avoid the thick crowds, but it was difficult. Tons of otakus grouped in one place. And because they were all preoccupied with whatever they were trying to get, his unwanted delinquent abilities couldn't help him clear the crowd, the one time he actually needed those abilities.

After getting to the front of the convention hall, he let go of Yozora's hand and allowed her to walk off. "Let me know when you get home safely. I'll see you on Monday." He smiled to her as she began to walk away. Once she was gone, he took out his phone to text the news to the others. He sent a text to Sena. 'Yozora had to leave. Let's meet up at the booth so I can join you guys. I also found some things for all of you.' And with that, he headed back in to meet the girls at the booth.
A small part of her would have liked so much if he had ditched the convention to spend time with her - if even an hour. But Yozora would be fanned before she made even the slightest hint of disappointment overshadow her features. She kept her gaze impressive, as was her norm, and lifted a hand nonchalantly when he told her by as she walked off and away from him and the bloody convention center. She never wanted to go back there. Even on the outside teemed with people, though it wasn't as bad as it had been on the inside. She walked briskly to the next side of the road, to get some distance and a semblance of her personal space back. Competing with Sena wasn't really worth the sacrifice of her comfort.
A taxi roles to a stop at her feet and she got in, telling the driver that she'd be getting off at the bus stop. When she got home, she stripped off her clothes and flung herself in bed.

Sena had her phone to her ear, talking to her dad, as she walked around with Kobato. She was annoyed with the crowds around her, someone was always shoving her or brushing aggressively past her; and she swore she felt hands groping her behind at one point. But probably that was just some odd bout of paranoia that surfaced from being in these intimidating crowds. Being on the phone with her dad was also somewhat irritating because he was talking about things she didn't care about like how many students'files he had to be going through, and trivial things like dinner. She let out an aggravated breath as she followed Kobato to a booth to check out some figurines that looked like characters from her show.

The sharp vibration against Sena's ear was so unexpected that she dropped the phone and the moment she glimpsed its yellow lid, feet covered it and then it was gone. She huffed and groaned inwardly, leaving Kobato to search for the phone. She had mumbled to Kobato to stay where she was, and that she'd be right back. Head down, Sena walked slowly as she looked about the floor, between feet if she could see her phone. She spotted it then and hurried towards it and about to bend down to pick it up, another person stepped on it, the heel of her boot piercing it right through.

The girl realized and stopped, lifting her foot to see the phone hanging on to the pointed heel. She frowned and tugged it off. Sena came over to her and snatched it, glaring up at the girl who seemed surprised. Sena wanted to yell her but knew it wasn't her fault. She turned away from her and was about to walk away when she realized she had lost Kobato and was actually on the other end of the room. She pouted, almost screamed then let out a deep sigh. She had to find Kobato.
As Kodaka made his way through the crowds, he suddenly stumbled across Kobato, alone. The terrified young girl was surrounded by a group of otakus as they commented on how great her outfit looked and asked her for pictures. The second she saw Kodaka, she ran to him and wrapped her arms around him, and the otakus ran off the second they looked at him, scared that he was going to pummel them.

There was so much he wanted to ask Kobato, like what she was doing alone, and what happened to Sena? Most of that was answered as she told him everything that happened, still shaking from the experience. From her perspective, it seemed that she and Sena were making their way through the crowds, Sena was on the phone, she dropped her phone, and when she went after it, she quickly lost her grip with Kobato and got lost in the crowd.

Well that wiped away idea of Sena possibly abandoning Kobato, if that was even possible for her, but it had him worry about Sena. While she could take care of herself at times, she did like to get herself into some sticky situations that looked like it came from a cliche NTR hentai. The two began going through the crowd, calling out to Sena as they looked for her.
Squeezing through tights gatherings of otakus, to getting bumped as she walked, to having someone step on her foot as she walked through the crowd was almost enough to make her scream. Scream and cry. Frustration made tears well in her eyes and she would have ran off to the exit, if only it didn't already prove itself to be tiresome in this setting. Sena took a deep breath when she reached a stand that sold copies of manga and some figures. She looked around and from her vantage point, it was a bit hard to pinpoint where Rika's booth was. Firstly, it wasn't as conspicuously decorated as most of the others with banners done in bold type.

She did remember though that there was vending machine some few feet from Rika's table. She thought of it as something like a checkpoint and she located Rika in just a few minutes. She was almost out of breath by the time she got to Rika. Yukimura was thumbing through one of the doujins, a light blush ran across her nose though her expression was virtually clueless.
Her feet were hurting and she collapsed in an empty chair beside Rika. Sena didn't remember that chair being there but that didn't matter.

Rika blinked at the blonde, whose hair was a bit messy and her face slightly damp with sweat. She looked as if she had come back from a war with only a smidgen of her dignity saved. She asked if she was alright and got a wordless yes. Then Sena asked her for her phone to text Kobato and tell her she was back at the booth. She inserted a strong apology too, promising to make it up to her.
Kobato got a text shortly before reaching Rika's booth. After quickly reading it, she ran towards the booth to find Sena and hug her, bearing no ill-will towards the busty blonde. Instead, she clung to her tightly as her face was buried in her chest, relieved to see her again.

Kodaka followed shortly after, glad to see that everyone was alright. Sena looked like she was about to pass out though, probably due to the intense crowds, and assuming that she panicked when she lost track of Kobato. Simply smiling at her, Kodaka went over to her and patted her on the head. "Glad to see you again." Reaching into his bag of goodies, he handed her the game he bought for her. "I heard this game wasn't officially released yet, and I remember seeing you games of this series." Then he reached into his bag to give his gifts to the others. Kobato got her anime, Rika got her doujins, and Yukimura got her samurai manga.

Then he remembered to tell Rika about Yozora. "Oh, right. Yozora had to go home. She wasn't feeling to well, so I walked her to the bus stop earlier." While it was sad to have her gone, he'd be lying if he didn't blame her for that. He knew she hated being in large crowds, and he advised her not to push herself, but she did anyways and got sick from it.
Sena was a bit taken by surprise when she felt arms around her. Seeing that the individual was Kobato was even a bigger shock. Rika's expression almost mirrored hers then softened into a smile. Sena hugged Kobato back and moved back a little. "Hey, you're not getting too soft on me are you?" She teased and pinched her cheek, but not the way she usually would to make the little girl cringe away from her.

When Kodaka held out the game to her, she blinked from him to it - slight color rushing to her cheeks - as she mumbled an awkward thank you. No one had ever given her a gift before, besides Stella and her dad. Her mom had given her gifts too...Sena was sure of that. She wouldn't say it but, this was something she'd always treasure. She probably wouldn't take it out of its case to keep it from scratching. "Did you see anything you liked Kodaka?" She asked, wanting to return the favor. She had always wanted to buy something for him but never knew exactly what to get him. Except kitchen stuff and she wasn't about to waste her money on that.

Rika nodded when he explained where Yozora had disappeared to and stole a quick glance at Sena. She seemed neutral about the piece of news, her mind still occupied with what Kodaka had bought for her. "We should get something to eat. There's a restaurant close by. We can leave early."
Kodaka wanted to laugh, seeing Sena getting all red and shy from the gift he gave her. He didn't want to say it, but she looked extremely cute with her reaction. When she asked him if there was something he wanted in return, he simply smiled and shook his head. "No, I don't need anything. I'm just happy to see that you like it." There was something he wanted, and in a way, he already had it, but he didn't want to bring it up in front of the others. Perhaps if Sena didn't get the hint herself, he'll let her know what he really wants when they're alone together.

When Rika mentioned that they should get some lunch, then probably leave early, Kodaka nodded. "Yea, I don't know about you, but I think the rest of us are about done here." With the crowds of people, Kobato getting lost, and just seeing how Sena looked, it was pretty clear that spending some time in those crowds really took a lot of energy out of you. He quickly helped Rika pack up their things, noticing that a decent amount of her doujins were gone. Hopefully she had a decent time selling her products.

Once they were all packed up, they made their way out of the convention, with Kodaka carrying most of the stuff, and Kobato holding Sena's hand.
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