Haganai Eroge RP (Charlmeister & HeartOfTheDarkness)

Sena's fingers curled into her palm as she sucked in a deep and sharp breath at the instant pain that met Her as Kodaka tried to push inside her. She held down her head and gasped, tiny whimpers issuing from her as she tried to ignore the pain of his cock slowly going deeper inside her. She had expected it to hurt but not more than when he had taken her virginity. Tears burnt at the backs of her eyes and she squeezed her eyes shut, causing the tears to spill over onto her cheeks, mixing with the water from the shower that washed over them. She accepted his kisses, and held onto his hand tightly as she moaned deeply while he continued moving inside her.

She let out a heavy breath and continued to arch against him, a hand moving up to cover one of his on her breast as he moved inside her. The pain was still there as her muscles flexed but his kisses helped her a little, his soft caresses helped her feel a bit better and she nodded when he asked if she was okay.
"Yes," she whispered and looked up into his face before kissing him again. She brought one of his hands down between her legs and pressed his fingers to her clit so he could massage there while he moved in her ass.
Kodaka began to move his hips, slowly. His cock gently slid in and out of her ass, slowly adjusting to the tightness. As he got use to the feeling, his hand started rubbing her clit, helping ease the pain for her. The hot water also helped him relax a bit, and eventually the pain started to go away.

Once the pain practically vanished, Kodaka's hips began to pick up the pace, pushing deeper and deeper into Sena's ass. His fingers began to dig into her pussy while his thumb continued to massage her clit, trying to make this as pleasurable for Sena as possible. "When we get married, I'll make sure I have sex with you every day. I'll make sure you and I have a family, and we'll be happy together." He said as he began to moan loudly, starting to enjoy the feeling of anal.
It was his moans and the movement of his fingers in and out of her - his thumb massaging her clit - that made the spasms of pain subside as his cock moved in and out of her ass. She pressed her palms to the shower glass, her palm prints forming against the fogged glass. She pressed against him, beginning to like the feel of him thrusting in and out of her ass and her moans echoed his. She reached up to cradle the back of his head in her hand and led his face down to her tilted face, to kiss him. She rubbed her tongue against his and licked his lips, moaning into his mouth as his fingers moved inside her and as his cock went deeper in her ass.

She reached a hand down to wrap around his wrist and looked down at his hand, moving up and down against her body as his fingers circled inside her. She moved it faster and harder into her, her moans becoming louder and she leaned against him, bucking her hips and squeezing her eyes shot as pleasure shot up through her. Then she was screaming his name and moving harder against him, telling him to go faster in breathless pants and she bit her lip, trying to silence her loud moans as she rode his fingers and cock.
It didn't matter if she screamed loud. In fact, he liked hearing it. He liked knowing that she enjoyed sex with him so much. Kodaka continued to pick up the pace, pumping his cock in and out of her ass while his fingers moved deep into her pussy. As he dug around in her pussy, the cum he shot in her earlier began to pour out, flowing down her legs and down the drain. "It feels so good Sena, I love you so much." He moaned out loud.

Before long, his orgasm came. Letting out a loud groan, he filled Sena's ass with his cum, shooting deep inside of her. Once he filled her up, he leaned against her, holding her close. "That was amazing." He said, kissing her passionately. As they relaxed together, the water continued to hit their bodies. As long as he had Sena with him, he didn't care what happened.
Sena smiled smugly as he leaned against her. She always loved feeling him against her, as much as she loved hearing him tell her he loved her. It was something she always wanted to hear, having him against her was something she always wanted to feel. She always wanted him to be there; satisfying her and being with her. She pulled back from the kiss to look up at him and she smiled as she turned to face him, her back to the glass. "I love you too," she said and tipped on her toes to kiss him again, wrapping her hands around his neck.

She could already imagine her life with Kodaka. Them living in a cozy house, maybe not as small as his house but probably not as large as hers. Just big enough so they could raise their three kids and accommodate Kobato; to keep pets and just-in-case rooms. She picked up the body wash and squeezed some of the soapy liquid over his chest then took a rag and rubbed it over his chest, slowly forming white and foamy lather against his tanned skin. She looked up at him. "You should be the one bathing me."
Kodaka was also thinking of his future with Sena, although it wasn't as clear in his head as her vision was. He imagined living in a cozy home together, about the size of his current home, maybe bigger if Pegasus is planning to help finance them for a while. They'll have at least two kids, although they may have more. Kobato will have her own room and live with them, at least until she's old enough to live on her own, although Sena would probably still encourage her to stay as long as possible. He'll probably get help from Pegasus on getting a decent job, since he doesn't want to be like his father and have to work overseas. And he'll have plenty of time to be alone with Sena, plenty of time to cuddle, have sex, and just love each other. In the end, he hopes to grow old with her.

Kodaka smiled when she mentioned that he should be bathing her. "Then let's switch places." He said as he took the rag from her and squeezed some more body wash onto it. He started with scrubbing her back, then moved to her front, spending a lot of time with her breasts. Who could blame him, there weren't many girls in the school with a nice body like her's. Sure he loved her with all his heart, it was like a nice little bonus having a girlfriend with a nice body as well.
She smiled and shivered as he moved the rag over her breasts, as if massaging them as he took extra time with that part of her. It tingled, as a matter of fact, everywhere his skin glanced hers singled. And even without contact, there were sensations that started between her legs, triggered by his touch. It felt ticklish and raised goose bumps over her skin and she laughed softly, taking the rag from him to scrub his chest and move it around his neck. She pulled him to her for a quick kiss before pushing him back so she could continue. Sena had never really entertained the prospect of having a boyfriend before meeting Kodaka. In spite of what happened not too long ago, she found having him was satisfying and it certainly filled a void within her.

She was happy he chose her instead of Yozora - rather, she was happy she had made him aware of her feelings for her. They probably would never be like this now if she hadn't instigated anything. But what would he want to do with Yozora anyway. Their relationship would have failed and Sena didn't think she was worthy of him. Probably they should have been together, that way Sena would have gotten the ultimate revenge in taking Kodaka away from Yozora. The idea was enticing but there really was no need for that now that she had Kodaka right where she wanted him.

Sena pushed him under the spray of water and rinsed him off, washing the rag before squeezing more soap on it and rubbing it against his abdomen. She looked up at him and smiled as her hand went lower with the rag and she cupped him then massaged his balls. She bit her lip and stepped a little closer to him, as if pulled by a magnetic force. "I like how you feel," she said softly as she massaged the soft part of him.
Sure, Kodaka might've been happy with Yozora, but he didn't regret choosing Sena. He loved her, and it was clear that she loved him. While he cared a lot for Yozora as well, he'll just have to keep things as friends with her. It might not go well with her though, but they'll somehow make it through.

Kodaka and Sena each took turns washing each other, scrubbing down their sensitive areas, then cleaning everywhere else. Kodaka felt that he could definitely get use to the feeling of having Sena clean him up during showers, it felt nice. "Same here." Kodaka replied to her, smiling. Once they were both clean he turned the water off, and grabbed a towel, wrapping them both in it. "Let's make sure everything looks like how it should be. Kobato might be home soon." He said, noticing that they spent quite a bit of time together. It was already late in the afternoon. School was over and Kobato was probably at the club. Since Kodaka and Sena weren't there, she probably wasn't going to spend too much time there, maybe hang out with Maria.

The two dried off together, then got dressed, making it look as if nothing happened. When they left the bathroom, Kodaka cleaned up the living room. After throwing everything away, he went to grab some leftovers from the food he made, hungry after all the sex they had. "Do you want anything Sena? I'm getting myself some more to eat." He asked her, wondering if she was okay with the food at room-temperature.
She hadn't really been thinking of how hungry she had been after the sex they just had. Her stomach growled loudly then as she was about to shake her head and say no. Her cheeks flushed and she looked at Kodaka and shrugged with a toss of her hair over her shoulder. "Yeah, I'm kinda hungry," she mumbled and went to the living room to watch tv. Her butt felt a little tender but she ignored the slight pain as she sat down.

There was a knock on the door then the doorbell sounded and she sprang up from the sofa, thinking it was Kobato back from school so she could tackle her as an afternoon greeting. "I'll get it!" She ran to the door, a huge smile on her face as she twisted the doorknob and tugged the door open. Her smile collapsed just as quickly as it had brightened her face. She frowned and stepped back a little, raising a brow at Yozora,whose condescending stare mirrored Sena's.
"What're you doing here?"

Yozora had a closed container in her hands and her face was almost a flush of red. Her mouth twitched, an obvious sign that she was pissed off. "What're you doing here?" She repeated and with such malice and a rough demanding tone that Sena couldn't stop herself answering.
"My dad sent me over here to check on Kodaka. So he's fine you can go away now."
Yozora narrowed her eyes at her, instead of glaring and throwing her out Kodaka's house as she wanted to.
"Well you aren't who I came to see." She moved past her, causing Sena to stagger back.
Kodaka thought it was suspicious that Kobato would ring the doorbell, especially since she has a key to the house. When it turned out to be Yozora, Kodaka was just as shocked as Sena. There was no way Yozora wouldn't pick up on this, him and Sena alone together, both of them not at school.

Kobato came in shortly after Yozora, and she was happy to see Sena. "Onee-chan!" She said as she jumped up to hug Sena. Her smile soon faded when she realized that both Sena and Yozora were now in their home, and she knew that this wouldn't go well. She began to get nervous, knowing that it was her that invited Yozora over to check on her brother, unaware that Sena came over as well.

"Hey Yozora. Sorry I didn't come in today, I'm feeling much better though." He said, trying to calm the mood. His home was suppose to be the one place he could go without having to deal with those two girls fighting each other, and yet here they are. If Yozora picked up on what they were doing, all hell would break loose, and in his home. He didn't want to resort to it, but he'll have to kick someone out if he has to. "Thanks for bringing Kobato home though, I'm sure she was feeling a bit lonely today." Since both Kodaka and Sena were absent, Kobato wouldn't have anyone to sit close to. Sure she liked to play with Maria, but she loved relaxing next to her big brother.
Yozora blinked at Kobato, silently shocked at her approach to Sena. When had all of this developed? Kobato despised Sena right? Hated being near her. She blinked at the two then shifted her gaze when Kodaka 've out to see her. Obviously he wasn't too happy that she was there and she clutched the container, that had little things Kodaka might had found useful, tight to herself and frowned at him.
"Of course you're feeling better." She gave a pointed look to Sena then back at him before glancing sown to Kobato.
"She asked me to come and check up on you. But you probably got someone to do it for you. As worthless as it is." She didn't look at Sena but she was talking her.

Her insult had smarted but the satisfaction remained hidden behind a placid gaze. She took her bag off and stiffed the container inside. The air was tense, she could feel the weight of it but ignored the best way she knew how. "So, since Kodaka's fine, why are you still here?" This time she looked at Sena, who was openly glaring at her - biting her lip as if to prevent herself from saying something that was hot on her tongue. She shifted her weight and folded her hands.

"Obviously I'm not worthless if he's feeling better, Yozora," she said icily. She would have added that she did more than enough to make him feel good, especially in the shower. But as much as she wanted to, she didn't because it wasn't really worth the conflict. Then she wondered if Kodaka would react the same way if Yozora stopped talking to him.
"Exactly. So what are you still doing here? Are you stupid, simple or slow. Your job is done so you should leave."
And the two began fighting again. He was having a great day, then Yozora shows up, and now things have started to go to hell already. While he wanted to remain polite and be nice to both of them, there were times he had to put his foot down.

"Please, just stop. Can we enjoy a nice evening together?" Kodaka raised his voice at the two girls in order to stop their arguing. Kobato clung to Sena, surprised that he brother was getting aggressive. "You two are free to stay for dinner, but I don't want any fighting, please, at least not in our home." While he tried to make it look like he was talking to both of them, it was pretty clear that it was mainly directed towards Yozora. To be honest, most of the fights between the girls are started by Yozora. And Yozora is usually the one to push things a little too far. He didn't want Yozora getting violent and he didn't want Sena to run out of the house crying.

Walking into the kitchen, he moved the food from earlier to the side and began preparing dinner. He wanted the girls to at least try to get along. While he knew Sena would have difficulty with that, he knew Yozora would probably have a rougher time, seeing that he's starting to defend Sena.
Kodaka's input frightened them both and they exchanged glances then looked at him. Yozora bit her lip and nodded, slight color rushing to her cheeks. She was a bit put off by what he said and would have muttered an apology if Sena wasn't standing there. She hated her but it would be better if she buried those emotions right now just to make Kodaka comfortable. She had never seen him really annoyed before and she didn't like knowing, in the back of her mind, that she had something to do with it. Well if Sena wasn't here she wouldn't have said anything to irritate him in the first place. She walked by Sena, making a point of brushing by her and followed Kodaka to the kitchen.

Sena glanced down at Kobato and led her to the kitchen. She had been transfixed for a moment, happy and surprised that Kodaka had actually defended her to some extent. She guessed Yozora had really annoyed him. Smiling, her chin tilted as if she had regained the superiority she felt she had over Yozora. And in some ways, she actually did.

"What did you guys do all day then?" Yozora asked. Not because she really wanted to know but because she wanted to make conversation with Kodaka. Not Sena.
"I took care of him. That's what we did all day." Sena answered and looked at Yozora, who gave her a droll stare. She nodded though, instead of saying something she knew would make Sena cry.
"Sena came by earlier this morning, brought me something to eat, then I had some medicine, I took a nap, then we made lunch together after I woke up and was feeling better." Kodaka explained to Yozora, making it sound like Sena was actually taking care of him, and it would explain the food that was made earlier. "Feel free to help yourselves to what's left of lunch. Dinner will take a little while." He said as he began cutting up the ingredients.

He wanted to take care of Sena, and he crushed his heart to see her cry every time Yozora teased her. This time, he wanted to defend Sena, show her that she loved him. However, he didn't want to hurt Yozora in the process. At least with this kind of agreement, the two girls can at least pretend to get along since they are guests in his home.

While Kodaka was cooking, Kobato went to relax in the living room with a small plate of chicken. She began to watch her show, wondering if anyone would join her while she enjoyed her anime.
Yozora nodded at him. She had no real right to press about the issue and Kodaka's passivity put her at ease. Probably he left off a bit of what they did but his entire disposition didn't betray any of that. Neither did Sena's, she wasn't even looking at him now but was watching Kobato from the kitchen archway as the child watched her show. She really would have preferred if Sena wasn't here and almost blamed Kobato for causing her to be in this position but the child hadn't known that Sena was here. But Sena always felt the need to show up where she wasn't wanted.
"Good that it did a good job then I wouldn't want to have to kill her for making you feel worse." Her tone wasn't too serious but Yozora meant it - to some degree.

Sena looked at her then but said nothing. She walked out of the kitchen and joined Kobato on the sofa to watch her show. Yozora was really the least of her problems. She had enough sex with Kodaka and he had already reassured her that he loved her. She trusted him, and believed that he wouldn't do anything to hurt her. But the fact that Yozora was here dampened her mood. She didn't feel exactly as happy as when she had thought Kobato had reached home from school. She wasn't exactly upset either but she was uncomfortable. She glanced over her shoulder from time to time, seeing Kodaka work in the kitchen, Yozora watching him.

"What are you gonna make for dinner. I took your homework for you. Maybe we can do it together later. After Sena leaves," she added and looked at what was left. She wasn't really hungry since today she actually had a big lunch at school.
"I'm making a stew." He said to Yozora as he continued cutting up vegetables. It would take a little while for it all to cook, but it was really going to taste great once it's ready. Plus there will be plenty of leftovers for lunches for the next few days. When she mentioned staying after Sena left, he wasn't entirely sure about that. "Thanks for getting my homework. I'll probably head to bed a little early to get a little more rest before tomorrow. Plus, I think Sena's father will be coming to pick her up. He needs me to pass something over to my father, but he doesn't know his address, and her dad likes to talk." It was clearly a lie, but it should be enough to convince Yozora to leave earlier than she wants to. Sena wanted to stay with him the entire day, and he still wasn't entirely comfortable spending time alone with Yozora at the moment, especially with what she put him through recently.

Kobato relaxed with Sena, not really paying much attention to the conversation her brother was having. She'd occasionally stop to sniff the food once it was cooking, getting hungrier for dinner, even after her little snack.
Yozora had picked up a small trend with Kodaka, maybe it was to send a message or just all a coincidence - she hoped it was the latter. He made excuses. When it came to them spending time together, there was always something else he had to do. Those times he had actually come out to the movies with her would only come to her as a seldom blessing, it seemed. They were best friends yet hardly spent much time together. To her, he spent far more time with Sena than her. She didn't let her disappointment show, but instead nodded as if she understood. Kodaka wouldn't lie to her. It was something she really wanted to believe but it could be a challenge; she was prone to overthinking and had become cynical since they parted ways when they were younger. She trusted him. Her only problem really, was Sena. If she could get her out the picture...

"Whenever you aren't too busy then, we should hang out. And if you actually don't want to, you can just say so. We're not kids anymore." It slipped out involuntarily - and in a hostile way. She had been thinking it but hadn't exactly meant to do so out loud. Shaking her hand, Yozora waved her hand as if to dismiss whatever he would say to that. "Forget what I said, I'll just leave the book and you return it on Monday, since tomorrow's the convention." The last part of that was said slowly as a thought, that made the corners of her lips tilt in a slight smile, came to Yozora. If she wanted, if she did it properly, then she probably could have Kodaka all to herself tomorrow.

Sena could hear them talking, she was straining to hear every word though she tried to focus on the show with Kobato so she could talk with her about it. This would always happen, right? Just as she and Kodaka were back on sociable terms, Yozora would come along and just act like the wrecker bitch she was and screw it all up. Sena's thoughts were never usually too hostile towards Yozora but now, she felt as if Yozora was deliberately crossing the line - sending messages that Sena clearly understood. She had more dignity than fighting over a guy and her pride wouldn't let her. But when it came to Kodaka, she thought a little differently.
He figured she'd be a bit bummed out when he said that he was busy. At least she didn't make a big fuss about it though. While he did enjoy Yozora's company, she had a really bad habit of interrupting any good time he has with Sena. It might've not been as big of an issue in the past, but since the two of them are dating, it would be nice for them to have some alone time every once in a while. Plus it'll be nice to have Kobato and Sena bond a little more.

After a while, the stew was finally ready. "Alright, everyone wash up." He called out to all of them as he began setting up the table. Kobato jumped up from the couch and pulled Sena to the sink, they washed their hands together and sat beside each other at the table. Once everyone was ready, he began placing bowls of stew for everyone, and some bread in the middle of the table.
Sena glanced over at Yozora but said nothing to her as she started eating some of the stew. As always, she enjoyed Kodaka's cooking - even if he made it a little spicier than she was used to having her stew - she enjoyed it. She coughed and got up to get some water from the tap, filling her glass, then took her seat beside Kobato. For the most part, the dinner was silent and unlike in the club room, where silence hovered most of the time, she felt an awkward tension that fringed the air. Naturally, since Yozora was the only one here and every time she looked at Sena, she felt scrutinized and suffocated. She tried her best to ignore feeling that way.

"We should play your game after this Kobato, and this time let Kodaka play against me. He's probably just worthless with you because you're his little sister but he wouldn't hold back against me." She tossed her hair over her shoulder and looked down her nose at him as best as she could from her angle across from him. "Though he wouldn't beat me anyway." She took another spoonful of the stew, forgetting to cool it and yelped when the liquid scorched her tongue. The spoon clattered to the table as she covered her mouth, her face scrunched as she massaged her tongue against the roof of her mouth, whining to herself.
"Stupid," Yozora muttered under her breath, and continued eating her stew.
Kobato listened, but shook her head when she told her that Kodaka held back on her. "No, An-chan just isn't as good as me, even when if he doesn't hold back." She giggled with Sena, thinking about how her brother just wasn't as good at the game. They were acting like actual sisters for once.

Kodaka rolled his eyes and ignored Yozora's comment. "I don't play it as often as you two." He said in return, not denying that he was bad at the game. Dinner went on pretty quietly, the four of them enjoying the food. It was nice to do something like this once in a while, and it was good to see Yozora at least make an effort to try and avoid making rude comments at Sena. Once dinner was finished, Kodaka began taking dishes to the sink and began cleaning them, letting the girls enjoy themselves.
Sena had been playing with Kobato when her phone rang. She knew who was calling and she relucantly pulled the phone from her skirt pocket and answered Pegasus with an unenthusiastic hello. She stayed on the phone for awhile, dropping the controller in her lap as she nodded and answered in drawn out "yeses" and "nos". Finally she got off the phone and frowned deeply when she heard the tooting of a car horn outside. Greg was here already? Then what was the point of her dad calling to give her the impression that the chauffeur had just driven out from their home. She put the controller in the sofa and leaned over, squeezing Kobato to her chest, pretend sobbing though tears did threaten to come. She didn't want to let go but eventually did when her phone vibrated against her leg.

She got up and took her bag with her, slinging the strap over her shoulder. Yozora was still in the kitchen, offering to help Kodaka with the clearing up. She wrinkled her nose and cleared her throat to get Kodaka's attention. "I'm going now, later," she grumbled and walked out the front door, slamming it. She was mad because she left Yozora there and she couldn't tell Greg to wait outside or anything like that since Pegasus as expecting her back home to do the homework he had collected for her - as he had told her over the phone. Sliding in the passenger seat beside Greg, she tugged he seatbelt over herself and gave him an irritated greeting. He arched a brow but said nothing and pulled onto the road.

Yozora had a small smile of victory on her face when she heard the car drive off. She actually hadn't expected Sena to leave so early; Pegasus was a lot stricter than even Yozora had predicted. But she should have known since that time they had given Sena that ridiculous hairstyle and she'd come back and told them that her dad had spanked her. "So what're you going to do now? It's early, we could work on the homework. It won't take long," she offered in that same small voice whenever it was just her and Kodaka alone.
Everyone seemed shocked that Sena already had to go. Kodaka was actually hoping to spend a bit more time with her, expecting that Yozora would be leaving soon. Kobato looked visibly depressed, not wanting to see Sena go. Both siblings walked Sena too the door and said their goodbyes to her. Kobato gave her a big hug before he left, and Kodaka had a difficult time holding back the urge to hold her in his arms. After that passionate afternoon they spent together, he didn't want her to leave his side.

Once Sena left, Kobato slowly went back to the living room and turned on the tv, but she seemed disinterested in it now. Kodaka finished up his cleaning and turned to Yozora, trying to mask his disappointment. "Yea, we can go ahead and do that real quick. Kobato and I should probably head to bed early tonight, since we've got to get up early for the convention tomorrow." He didn't really want to do anything now.
Yozora nodded at him and took the book from her bag to hand over to him. She figured he'd prefer to get things done alone and she hated feeling like a bother. There were some things at home too she needed to sort out - an excuse really, though she pressured her brain into finding things that she'd need to do at home. "I'll see you tomorrow, nevermind about this. Later." She told Kobato goodbye also and walked out the house, unable to stop herself from slamming the door. She walked down and pushed open the gate, locking it behind her.

She walked all the way to the train station instead of taking a cab that would have saved her the energy. But right now, Yozora preferred the walk, doubting that the cab driver would want to keep her in his car while he did the rest of his rounds for the night - he'd probably even tax her for it. The night air was refreshing, pressing most of the frustration out of her. The only challenge she used to face before Sena was getting Kodaka to talk more about his feelings - and just talking, in general. She had an ineptitude too and a quality she knew was frustrating for Kodaka but she thought it could have been something he could find endearing about her. But it didn't seem that way; especially now since Sena was an obvious factor in his life.

Normally, she'd want to deny it but Yozora wasn't stupid. While she didn't have hands-on evidence that something was going on between then she felt there was something there that she wished was between her and Kodaka instead. But she wouldn't get that if all she did was seethe with envy each time Sena was around him. If she wanted him, then that meant working for him. Sena hadn't just snapped her fingers with the hopes of making him like her, she actually had to confess. Yozora's face flushed at the thought of doing something so desperate and borderline pathetic. It wasn't in her to do it. She still wanted to tell him about that night but had no idea how she'd do it. She wanted to tell him because she wanted to do it again. And she'd make sure of it happening.
When she got home, she texted it to him. Later, Rika sent a text out to everyone that they should meet at the train station at 8.
Kodaka nodded when Yozora said she'd leave. He didn't mean to make it look like he was kicking her out, but he also didn't want to be too intimate with her at the moment. Since he was with Sena, all he could think about was her. After she left, he went to his room to work on the homework, relieved that it was all review stuff. When Yozora texted him, he replied telling her that they can talk when they are roaming the con together. He was still worried about how she'd actually do around so many people. She tries to look tough, but he knew that she'll have a hard time. Shortly after, Rika sent out the text of the time and place to meet up. At least it wasn't too early in the morning. Before he went to bed, he sent Sena a text, telling her that he missed her and that Yozora left shortly after her, giving her no reason to worry about anything.

The next morning, Kodaka woke up early and had to help Kobato out of bed. The two of them had difficulty getting ready, mainly because it was on a weekend, when they usually sleep in. When the two were ready to go, they made their way to the train station, trying to stay awake on the bus ride over. He sent out a text to everyone saying that they were on their way to the station.
Rika was the first to reach the train station. Dressed in a blue-green halter top dress with polka dot patterns, a white cardigan over it and brown sandals on her feet, she sat at the bench where the train they'd take to the convention would make its stop. She had two boxes stacked atop the other beside her on the bench, though she could have set it on the ground. It was her message that she wanted none of the strangers sitting beside her. She took out her phone to text the others that she had arrived and was waiting for them. There was an awful feeling that built in her chest, from both the excitement and anxiety of going to the convention. Hopefully, they'd get there in time and not be caught up in the crowd - some part of her knew it would probably be inevitable.

Yukimura was the second to get there. She had seemed to be aimlessly walking along the street when Rika waved to her and caught her attention. She ceiling over to her and bowed slightly, saying hello in that soft, monotone voice of hers. She wore shorts, a white top and red jacket, a small bag was at her hip, the strap slung over her shoulder and she wore red and white sneakers.
"Are the others here yet?"
Rika shook her head, wondering if Sena would be the one to make them late. Or Yozora. She had gotten Kodaka's text but hadn't responded to it. She patted the space beside her on the left, indicating that Yukimura sit.
"We might end up waiting a while," she murmured.
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