Haganai Eroge RP (Charlmeister & HeartOfTheDarkness)

Rika's sales went far better than she had expected. She sold more than half of her doujins and had engaged in some awkward conversations with some of the otakus who'd come by to praise her work. Yukimura had been the only one who hadn't become flustered by the attention, like the good maid/butler she was, she thanked everyone with a smile. Rika was sure though that Yukimura didn't care about her doujins, half the time she had been scanning the crowd from her seat; wondering if "Aniki" was okay. Her loyalty was beyond average and Rika had almost told her to go find Kodaka but she'd have probably become lost in the crowd.

They only had two boxes. Rika would make a note not to print so many copies the next time. Though she had made more than her profit goal, there was still some amount of loss since she didn't know what to do with the rest. The restaurant was across the street and down the road, not too far from the bus stop - but not exactly close either. "Say, Kodaka," she started as she opened the door to help him out since he had most of the load. "Do you want one of the copies. I made one special for you," she grinned and it was almost too hard not to tease further about what she'd written about. Though now, the joke wouldn't have full effect because everyone now knew Yukimura was a girl.

Sena picked the window seat and she almost wrinkled her nose at the decor of the place. Not much creativity was put into the interior decorating. There was just wallpaper and each table had a small vase with flowers - the flowers at their table were wilting. There were stains on the table cloth that almost looked too worn for display. The only thing nice enough about the place was the polished wood tiling and the big screen television, positioned so anyone could have a good view.
"What a dump," Sena mumbled.
Rika shrugged, "It's not too bad. Right, Kodaka."
Sena blinked and looked between the two.
When Rika suggested that he should take a specially made doujin she made for him, Kodaka didn't really know what to say. He wasn't really interested in taking it, but he didn't really want to be rude and reject the gift she was offering him. "Um, thank you." He said a little nervously. Putting it in his bag, he figured he'd at least find something to do with it when he gets home. Knowing Rika, it'll probably be something perverted, although he might at least scan through it later on, it might be like that manga Yukimura keeps bringing him.

The restaurant seemed a little run down, or at least it looked like it had been here for a while. It had the style of 'back in the day', only adding in a large tv and redoing the floors. "It's alright, hopefully the food is good." Kodaka's heard stories from his dad about finding these amazing meals in run-down places, like it was suppose to be a secret from most people. When they took their seat, Kodaka sat at the end of the table, with Sena and Kobato on one side of him, and Rika and Yukimura on the other side. When they placed their orders, Kodaka got himself a sandwich while Kobato ordered herself a small side of fries, more tired than hungry.
Sena ordered a burger and fries with a large glass of soda. This was a basic meal she could trust. Yukimura had rice cakes and egg rolls and Rika got a sandwich, similar to Kodaka's. Wrinkling her nose, Sena lifted the bun to inspect her burger. It looked okay enough. Putting it back in order, she picked it up and took a bite, chewed tentatively then relaxed. Rika looked at her the entire time as if waiting for a response she knew would come. And it did.
"I guess this isn't too bad. I've been to better though."
"Right. You're right." Rika wasn't entirely sure why Sena felt the need to add that so pompously. No one had forgotten who's child she was, or how high up the social ladder she was either.

Everyone started to eat and Rika cleared her throat, fixing her glasses on her nose. "Did you guys like the convention?"
Sena scoffed and Rika smiled at her. Even though she knew Sena was just going to complain, it was good for conversation. Friends were supposed to have conversations and they hardly had much of that - especially when Yozora was around sometimes.
"It was annoying. I got lost and all sorts of people were- oh! My phone."
Rika frowned and raised brow, "What happened to it?"
"It broke. I'll need to call my dad."

Sena didn't bother asking anyone to lend her their phone, she knew someone would offer her a call. She stole a side glance at Kodaka but Yukimura beat him to it. "Thanks," Sena said and called her father.
"Oh, Kodaka. Would it be too much to follow me home? I'll need the help with the boxes." Rika looked at him and smiled.
Of course Sena had to remind everyone of who she was and how she always got the best things. While Kodaka didn't care much for it, it's been a while since she's done something like that. Probably due to what's happened between them recently, she probably had no reason to complain about anything.

"The convention was alright, but it was ridiculously crowded. Not sure if I'd want to do that again, or I'd at least like to go to a smaller one next time." He found some decent things at the convention, but the crowds made it kind of not worth it. Being pushed around, and knowing what the others had to go through. Before he could offer his phone to Sena, Yukimura handed her phone over. This was nice. It was true, Yozora did often make this tension in the air that made it hard for everyone to talk. It was like everyone expected her to talk down at them for saying something she didn't like.

When Rika asked him to walk her home, Kodaka nodded. "Sure, I can do that." It wouldn't be fair to make her carry everything home, and Kodaka owes her for everything she's done for him. Rika was always helping him out, and she was the first friend he's made in so many years. He liked to help her out, even though she's a huge pervert.

Turning to Sena, he waited for her to finish talking on the phone. "You mind taking care of Kobato while I'm helping Rika? I'll come pick her up when I'm done." He asked her, knowing that she wouldn't deny spending time with Kobato. He would normally be alright with letting her go home by herself, but Kobato seemed pretty worn out by the con, and she showed it by leaning against Sena, starting to get sleepy. Even though he said he'll pick up Kobato later, he'll probably spend some time with Sena when he joins them, especially since their family likes to keep him and his sister over as much as possible.

Once they finished their lunch, they paid for their food and left the restaurant. Sitting at the bus stop, Kodaka held on to the boxes as they waited for the bus. Kobato remained by Sena, resting her head on her arm.
During her conversation with her dad, Sena had overheard Rika's request. She knew Kodaka would have said yes but it slightly upset her that he did anyway. What were two boxes anyway? She was sure it couldn't be that heavy. Feeling herself pouting, Sena turned her attention away from the two and looked outside as she finished talking to her dad. After hanging up, she handed the phone back to Yukimura.
"Dad will pick me up at the bus stop and of course I don't mind. She's better off in my company than yours anyway," Sena said with a toss of her hair over her shoulder.

Rika smiled then and after everyone finished and paid for their meals, they left the restaurant. Sena made a comment of not wanting to eat there again then they reached to the bus stop. The next bus was scheduled to come in the next fifteen minutes. Pegasus' town car arrived in ten and helping Kobato up, Sena went to the car. "She can stay for the night. You guys come and I'll let him leave you at the next bus stop to your house."

Sena asked the chauffeur to open the trunk, allowing Kodaka to stack the boxes in then they all filed in the car. Everyone was awfully quiet until Rika spoke up for the chauffeur to stop so she and Kodaka could get out. Yukimura came out with them as well and they boarded the next bus.

Yukimura's stop came before theirs and after saying goodbyes, Rika waited a moment then turned to Kodaka. "Thanks for the doujins you got me," she said. "I'll read them tonight. And we can act out all the stuff if you like. I'd like it. Well, that's if you got me what I really like." She grinned at him. It was much easier teasing him when everyone else wasn't really around - not with the new atmosphere that was in the club room.
Kodaka got the feeling that Sena wasn't too happy about Kodaka agreeing to help Rika. While she was being a bit ridiculous, he kind of understood where she was coming from. They were technically dating, but they haven't really done anything special together lately. They barely saw each other today, and Yozora busted their secret lunches they had during school. And he honestly wanted to spend time with her too.

When they got out of the car, he said goodbye to Sena and Kobato, then got on the bus with the others. On the bus, he sent Sena a quick text. 'Would you mind if I came over later? If not, maybe we can do something tomorrow, just the two of us? Kobato will probably want to stay home tomorrow.' Hopefully Sena will send something back to him.

Once he was alone with Rika, she started teasing him. "I'd rather not. I honestly don't know what's in those." He replied nervously, trying not to let her rile him up. She was such a cute girl, and she was totally his type. If only she wasn't so perverted, he'd probably ask her out in an instant. Or at least he would if he was still single, since Sena was now his fiance.
Rika smiled, "I'm sure you have an idea. Unlike Yozora and Sena, I don't think you're a complete idiot. Though you do great at pretending to be one." She stopped the bus driver and got off with Kodaka. The walk to her place wasn't a long one. her home was in the second scheme of the neighborhood and she led him up the sidewalk and stopped at the third house on the cul de sac. It was a flat and had a small, open lawn. Rika took her keys from her bag when she reached the front door, painted mahogany, and twisted the key in the lock then opened the door.
"Come in." She said.

The place was empty and wide. The kitchen was to the left and the living room was to the immediate right, a large tv in its center and a sofa along with single seater sofas. The overall interior was a dull, neutral gray. The sofas were black and the center table was glass with books scattered on it.
"Let me show you my room. We're alone now, so you can have your way with me," she threw him a look over her shoulder after she took her shoes off and walked with them in hand as she les him to her room. Her room was the third door and she slid it open.

Her furniture were piles of books, stacked neatly along the walls of her room, excepting the east wall where her bed was. There was a small table and her closet was against the west wall. There were yaoi posters on some of the walls and she sat on her bed and looked at him.
"You can put the boxes over there," she pointed to an empty space near some of the books closest to her closet.
For some reason, Rika's home was exactly what Kodaka expected. It was pretty plain, kind of empty, and her room was the most decorated part of the house, filled with books and yaoi posters. She didn't seem like the type to really spend too much time at home, and if she did, she'd be in her room.

Placing the boxes where Rika told him to put them, Kodaka looked around the room some more. "Um, nice room you have." He wasn't really sure what to say. He wasn't really sure what to do next either. If this was Sena's house, her family would pretty much insist on what he did next, and he'd politely comply. Something like this was new and alien to him. Was he just suppose to leave? But that seemed rude. Plus, he had a feeling that Rika was planning something.
Rika thought he'd say something else, but what followed was silence that he made completely awkward by his body language and blank - almost pained- expression. She pouted and removed her glasses then pulled her hair up into a loose ponytail, strands falling over her eyes and down the sides of her face.
"There's no way you and Yozora could have been friends in the past. How did you guys hang out? Or did you just play. I guess kids wouldn't have much to talk about. But words shouldn't be that hard for you to come by; unless you'd like me to teach you how to have a good conversation. Without it being awkward."

She got up and shrugged off her coat then unzipped her dress. Stepping out of the cotton pool at her feet, she reached in her closet and reached for a shirt and shorts. "This would be the perfect moment for you to yank me and throw me on the bed," she said, her tone very disappointed. "Why do you look so rough when you aren't, not even a little bit?" She pulled her shirt over her head then pulled on her shorts up to her hips.
"Would you like a drink? And even if you don't want to, don't decline. It's bad manners and if you do, I'll kiss you. This is me training you right now."

Leaving her glasses, she went to the kitchen and opened the double door refrigerator. "Would you like water or juice?" She turned to look at him then went to take two glasses from the cupboard.
He knew he was bad at making conversation, but she didn't have to scold him like that. "We just mostly played when we were kids. I don't know what we talked about, the words just came to me back then I guess." How should he know what he talked about when he was a kid? Plus, that was back when he thought Yozora was a boy, so it was pretty easy to talk about things with another guy. Now all of his friends are girls, making certain topics a little bit awkward.

The second Rika started getting undressed, Kodaka turned around and looked the other way, his face flushed. "You could at least warn me next time." She was always teasing him about wanting him to take advantage of her. He wanted nothing to do with her twisted fantasies, no matter how many times she tempted him. "Well sorry for being born like this." He responded to her questioning his looks. Just because he got his mother's hair and his father's serious face, everyone thinks that he's some sort of punk.

Before he could turn down the drink, he sighed when Rika mentioned that she won't take no for an answer. "Fine, I'll have water then." It was impossible to win with her. Even Yozora had trouble arguing with her, Rika was a pro at this.
His tone conveyed his near exhaustion with her but that was okay. "Water, okay." She poured some from the glass pitcher and slid the glass over to him. She had Apple juice for herself and slid onto the stool next to him. Taking a drink, she studied the color of the liquid then turned to look at him. "Are conversations painful for you? Do I annoy you? How are you gonna get better at something if you don't try at it. You don't even know how to make a good joke. When we start dating how are you gonna entertain me?" She couldn't stop the smile that came to her face, wanting to see his reaction to the last thing she said.

It was as if Kodaka still needed some time to accept the fact that he now had friends. Or would it be easier if his friends were guys? But all boys talked about was perverse things and Rika thought she was doing great filling that hole. Even if she directed most of that between them and him and Yuki back when they all thought she was a boy. "Is it that you don't really see us as friends, so that's why it's hard for you? Do you like me?" She asked then shook her head, realizing that question would be too difficult for him. "Nevermind."

Getting up, she went around to the fridge and took out a small bag of nuts. She offered the bag to him. Probably she had to use baby steps with Kodaka because he was so awkward about everything. It wasn't that she wanted to change him, but just his attitude towards them at the club. Friends weren't supposed to be awkward with each other.
"It's not that I dislike being around you, I enjoy your company. I enjoy being at the club. And you guys are my friends. It's just a special case for us." Kodaka didn't know how to explain it, but they all kind of knew it deep down. They weren't exactly seen as 'normal' to the general public, yet at the same time the goal of the club was to become normal in order to make friends. The club members ended up becoming friends in the end, no matter how much Yozora tries to say otherwise. It's just that Kodaka is still sort of afraid of the change. He doesn't want things to become different, and yet things will become very different when the news of Sena and Kodaka's relationship finally comes out.

When Rika mentioned the idea of dating, his face turned red and then he looked away. Rika was a cute girl, but he already loved Sena. But it also kind of hurt him to keep it all a secret from everyone. When she offered him the bag of nuts, he just shook his head and declined. She was right, how could they go on as friends if he doesn't open up to them? He needed to start. "Rika? Can I tell you a secret?" He asked her, getting a bit nervous.

"You can't tell anyone else about this, especially Yozora. I'm trusting with this, as my first best friend I've made in a long time." He looks up at Rika, seeing if she was willing to accept the truth he was about to tell her. It might come as a shock to her, but he knew she would probably be one of the best people to handle it. Plus there is a chance that she's already aware of it.
A special case? She frowned at that, wondering if he really believed they were social misfits. With all her genius, there were still a few, basic things that Rika couldn't understand - like Kodaka's feelings, for example. He was just confusion. She held the bag as she nibbled on an almond nut, her brow raised as she waited for him to share his secret. It also flattered her that he acknowledged her as his first best friend. Though he didn't treat her like one, but she guessed this would be a start.

"What is it? Ah, are you finally going to confess?" She smiled and sat down. "I'm not prepared at all. Should we do it on the table after?" Putting the bag away she folded her hands on the table and looked at him. Rika guessed it was serious since he was asking her not to tell anyone in the club about what he had to say. Did he think it would create a lot of tension if everyone else knew? And lately, since Sena had confessed there was usually some tension present in the clubroom.
"So what is it? Are you going to move?"
Kodaka sat quietly for a moment. He knew that this might come as a shock to her, but she'd probably handle the best out of everyone else. It was hard to predict how Yukimura would react, she was always so calm and silent. And Yozora would probably go on a bloody rampage if she knew that he was getting married to Sena. When Rika mentioned something about moving, he was almost tempted for a second. Running away from it all would seem easiest, taking Kobato and Sena with him. But he knew that wouldn't fix anything. The last time he ran away from something, Sena's world was almost shattered.

He shook his head and smiled at her nervously. "No, I'm not going anywhere. Kobato and I are too happy here." Taking another moment to take deep breath, Kodaka finally confessed the truth. "Rika... I'm going through with the marriage with Sena. We've been secretly going out." Kodaka looked away from Rika. He couldn't bare to witness the possible look of anguish she might have on her face. Did she hate him now? Will she tell Yozora about their secret? He could feel his school life ending and his new found happiness slipping away.
Rika kept her surprise as slight as possible. Sure, she had sensed that there had been more tension lately where Kodaka, Yozora and Sena were concerned but she never tried to pry by asking Kodaka any questions that would make him feel nervous. She smiled, genuinely happy to hear it. She folded her hands on the table and looked at him. Was he looking away because he didn't want to face her after admitting to that?
"Is it what you really want though? Or are you going through with it because you feel like you have to? Do you actually really like Sena?" she asked and put the bag of nuts aside.

Rika didn't always want to put him on the spot, but she wanted Kodaka to be able to face his emotions without evading it at some point. She guessed he developed in some way, since he was agreeing to the marriage but somehow, she had a slight feeling that he was doing this because he wasn't capable of rejecting Sena's feelings - or what the chairman wanted. He could actually want this but she just wondered if it was Sena and the chairman that had a major influence on him accepting it.
Hearing Rika's tone did relieve him. His muscles relaxed as he looked over at Rika, happy to know that she was okay with it. When she asked him about his true feelings for Sena, he smiled. "Well, our families are close. And our fathers want it to happen. Plus it would kill be if I rejected her again. And Kobato loves being around her now." But those weren't his reasons why he loved her. Shaking his head, he looked back at Rika. "Sena is narcissistic, selfish, vain, a pervert, and a stalker. However, she can be kind, loving, and gentle if she actually tries. I never feel happier than when I'm spending time with her." In spite of her many flaws, he loved Sena with all his heart.

But thinking more into it made him worry again. "I think the true obstacle is Yozora though. Those two girls never see eye to eye. In fact, they're always at each other's throats. I love Sena, and I want to be with her. The only problem is that Yozora is still my childhood friend. And I'm afraid of what would happen if she finds this out..... or when she finds this out." There was no way that they could keep this a secret forever. "Thanks for hearing me out though, it really did help." Kodaka didn't want to burden Rika with his problems, but it felt great to at least get some of them off his chest.
He loved her? That confession would have knocked the breath right out of her of Rika liked him a lot more the way her perverted flirts tended to let on. She didn't force herself to smile, unwilling to deceive herself and him that she was completely okay with this. Who he chose to be with was fine by her but, to a degree, it hurt her a bit that he didn't really feel anything towards her ; in spite his occasional outbursts. She nodded though, understanding his situation. There was no way Yozora and Sena would see eye to eye; and if that day came no one would be alive to witness it.
"You're going to have to tell her eventually. I mean, you're gonna be married soon. That's something you can't keep from her."

When he listed all of Sena's faults, Rika smiled slightly and shrugged when he thanked her. "It's no problem. That's what friends are for. I can't flirt with you now," she pouted at him then got up. "You should get going, I'm sure she's wondering where you are." She smiled brightly, though she didn't feel as happy as her expression conveyed. She walked to the front door and opened it wide. "I'll see you at school." She was basically pushing him to leave and she wanted to do so quickly, before she gave in to her bottled urge to cry.
He knew she wasn't entirely okay with this. While he originally tried to pretend not to notice, he eventually picked up the feeling that most of the girls had some sort of feelings for him. While it was kind of uncomfortable at times, he normally tried not to let it bother him. He didn't want things to get too complicated within the club, yet he knew that this engagement would really stir things up. "Yea, I know, it's just that she's..." He felt like he didn't need to finish. Rika knew how rough Yozora can be, especially with Sena.

When she tried to push him out the door, Kodaka got the feeling that she needed to be alone. While he wanted to say or do something, he didn't really know what would fix this. All he was really able to do was to leave, saying goodbye to Rika as she closed the front door. For a few minutes, he stood outside the door, regretting what he did. Sure she was his friend, and it felt good to get some of that off his chest, but he felt like he just did something horrible. Finally, he started walking to the bus stop, texting Sena, asking him if it was alright to come over.
Sena lay on her stomach beside Kobato while they played one of her games. She wasn't giving Kobato much of a challenge; her focus mostly occupied by thoughts of Kodaka and Rika. She wondered what took him so long to call or to text? If he may have lost track of time because actually he was as much a pervert as Rika and was entertaining her advances now that the two of them were together. She pouted at that thought, which she found silly at first but the prospect of it made her a bit jealous. Kodaka had made ignorant outbursts on more than one occasion that he liked Rika but her perversion put him off - just as it did with everyone else.

Hearing her phone vibrate she reacted immediately, jumping up to get it from the bed. He texted, asking if it was okay to come over. She rolled her eyes and wondered if Kodaka really thought he had to ask permission. Her father had told him on so many occasions that he was always welcome to stay. Well she guessed his mannerisms were charming. She texted back that it was okay and that he'd better hurry before she changed her mind and left him to just go home - without Kobato - and stay by himself. She returned to Kobato and told her that her brother was coming soon.
Seeing Sena's text did cheer him up a little bit. Things will work out somehow, some of them will just need to take some time. He was already on the bus and heading to Sena's home when she texted him back. 'Yes dear. I'll see you soon.' Kodaka texted her. He knew he didn't really need permission to go over there, but he figured it was more polite to at least announce that he was on his way.

After about another fifteen minutes, he arrived at the gate to Sena's home. He made his way up the long path and finally reached the mansion. It was surprising that Pegasus wasn't waiting at the door this time. Kodaka wondered if Sena even told him that he was coming over. Although it didn't seem to matter, he'll be happy once he sees him. Once he reached the door, Kodaka rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer the door.
Sena blinked down at the response. Dear? Where did that come from? Her cheeks turned a bright red and she threw the phone aside as if it stung her fingers. She grabbed her controller up and continued playing the game. She battled with the urge to grin and giggle, against keeping it all in and being mad at the fact that he used that term. He was getting bolder, and it also hinted at the fact that he had done nothing with Rika so she didn't have to wonder about that anymore.

When she heard the doorbell, she turned to Kobato and said, that must be him. Pegasus wasn't at home and Stella had gone out to do some grocery shopping since they had run out of some items and Pegasus wanted something particular for dinner when he got back. She ran down the corridor then down the stairs, to the front door. She twisted the doorknob and pulled it open for Kodaka to come in. "What took you so long to get here?" she asked, closing the door behind him when he came in. "Kobato's in my room."
Sena was as beautiful as ever, and seeing her answer the door simply drove all of his worries away. "Sorry for taking a while. The bus ride took a little longer than I hoped for." Kodaka came inside and walked with Sena to her room. If only they had nothing to worry about, no friends to get in the way, no school to hold things off, nothing to bother them. He just wanted to be with Sena for the rest of his life, be with the girl he loved.

Once they got into Kobato's room, she ran up to hug him, missing her brother. To anybody that didn't know they, they could assume that the three of them were a family. For the rest of the afternoon, Kodaka joined the two girls in their game, sometimes sitting back and watching them, sometimes joining in on the fun.
"Papa will be back a little late, Stella went to get groceries," she said as she laid back on her stomach to continue playing with Kobato. Although she was happy to see him back with them, and also badly wanted to do things with him she couldn't with Kobato in the room. With her back turned to him, Sena pretended to ignore he was even there and gave Kobato her undivided attention. She gushed over her when she won and gave a slight pout of defeat. She wanted to play one of her galge with her but thought the themes of it would probably scare the girl and would have Kodaka taking her away just to shelter his sister from Sena's perversions.

The door downstairs opened before she could actually suggest it to Kobato and she looked towards her door, muttering that Stella was probably back. She got up and went to look and saw Stella packing out the groceries in the cupboards. Turning an seeing her, the young butler reached inside the bag and gave Sena three packs of chocolate pudding.
"These are for you guys. Your father called and told me they'd be here."
Sena looked at the three pudding cups and chose the one with the labels of hearts around it was for Kobato.

Going back to her room, she tossed one to Kodaka and sat beside Kobato, handing her the pudding cup with a spoon. "Here, Stella bought them. It tastes really good, she buys it all the time. Do you want me to feed you? I'll do it." She said quickly, without waiting for an answer. She pulled the wrapper off the top and stuck the spoon in the pudding, the consistency of it was slightly thick. She lifted the spoon with just a bit on it and offered it to Kobato, smiling at her.
Kobato felt like she was being smothered a bit, but did her best not to let it bother her. She took a few bites of the pudding when Sena fed her, then shortly took it for herself, wanting to simply make it look like she was being greedy, not wanting to hurt Sena's feelings. While she was much more comfortable around Sena, she still didn't care too much for her clingyness, although she did her best to make an effort to get along with her, for her brother's sake.

Once she finished the pudding, Kobato leaned against her brother's arm and started to get sleepy. Before long, Kobato had a hard time continuing the game and soon ended up falling asleep with the controller in her hand. It had been a pretty long day for her, and the convention took a lot of energy out of her.

Kodaka had just finished his pudding when he felt his little sister leaning against him, fast asleep. "Looks like she's out of it. Why don't we let her sleep for a bit?" He gently lifted her up from his arm and got up, placing a cushion under her head to rest on. It made him happy to know that things were going well between her and Sena. Watching his sister fast asleep, he began to gently stroke her soft hair.
Sena frowned slightly when she saw Kobato nodding off before falling asleep completely. She had wanted to continue playing with her, but the convention must have taken a toll on her. She crawled over to the tv set and shut the tv off after removing the game CD and placing it back in its case. She rested her controller against the console and turned to look at Kodaka who was stroking his sister's hair.

She nodded at his suggestion and moved behind him. Her body was pressed against his back and her chin rested lightly on his shoulder. "Do you think she had fun today? Did you?" she asked softly, shifting slightly so she could look at him. Her lips grazed his cheek and she moved back, a light shade of red going across her nose and cheeks.
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