Haganai Eroge RP (Charlmeister & HeartOfTheDarkness)

Yozora pondered Kodaka's suggestion, glancing at Sena before shifting her gaze to Yukimura. It was just like Kodaka to try and involve everyone, but why hadn't he done the same while he had been on the roof with Sena? It really wasn't rocket science and sometimes she felt she couldn't trust Kodaka; though he gave her no concrete reason to. Everything was abstract and Yozora was keen enough to pick up those slight and subtle signs. Then again, maybe she was just being paranoid and influenced by her insecurities. She didn't want to lose Kodaka but she had to mark her territory in a way that did not betray her pride.

"Fine then. She can come. Just the four of us," she said and cast Yukimura a quizzical look; mutely asking if she really wanted to come. Yukimura smiled and bowed her head then shifted her gaze between them. In her soft and monotone voice, she thanked Yozora for the invitation but declined; saying she had family issues to deal with. Yozora nodded then glanced at her watch. About forty-five minutes for them in club and Rika hadn't shown up yet.
"Where's Rika?"

"What movie are you gonna watch?" Sena asked and got up from sitting before the television then came to sit at the table, facing them.
Yozora ignored her at first, pretended as though she had heard nothing but the wind but seeing Sena get ready to repeat her question, she turned an icy look to her.
"When we get there, we decide."
At least Sena was allowed to go though, but he felt like now they were going to make him choose a favorite. There's no way those two will agree on a movie, everything has to be a competition with them. So chances are that they'll make him pick which movie to see. He might have to try and decide on a movie that neither of them picked.

Speaking of which, where is Rika? He hasn't seen her and they've been sitting around in the club for a while. "Maybe she's getting stuff prepared for when we go to that con in a couple of days. She might either be working on her doujinshi or an outfit to wear." It made him wonder if either Yozora or Sena will dress up, thinking about how good they would look dressed up as some sort of character.
Yozora had almost forgotten about the club's convention date. She hadn't yet decided on wearing the maid outfit. She just thought it might be ridiculous. But then it was just a convention, and everyone else dressed up in weird outfits. She had thought Yukimura was enough in her maid outfit, but if Kodaka wanted her to dress that way then she guessed she had no real problems with it. In addition, she could rub this in Sena's face.

"I guess she won't be coming then. So now that we've got the movies tonight, we can end club now." She said and pushed her chair back, though she didn't get up. Her eyes were on Sena. Sena glanced between them and heard Yukimura say goodbye but she didn't turn to say the same. Yozora wasn't going to be the first to leave, would she? Sena could do nothing but just get up and leave. She didn't even glare at Yozora. Instead, she smiled and the small look of surprise on Yozora's face made Sena feel a lot bigger.
"Bye Kodaka." She took up her bag and left, closing the door gently.

Yozora wasn't used to that reaction. Sena had never acted in such control before and it left her unnerved. "So what movie would you want to watch?" She took the newspaper cut out of the movies that were showing that night and gave it to him. There was an anime movie, an action thriller that didn't look too impressive to Yozora, there was another horror movie and a suspense movie. None of them looked impressive but it was an excuse to hang out with Kodaka. And maybe even try to torment Sena some more.
It was kind of surprising to see Sena like that, especially in front of Yozora. When Sena said goodbye to him, he smiled and waved, holding back the strong urge to kiss his girlfriend goodbye. Sure, she could be a huge bitch sometimes, and she got a little too into things when she liked something. But she was a kind and loving person, it was just hard to reach that part of her sometimes. He was still madly in love with her, and he wanted to be by her side a lot more often than he could. He at least did try to talk Yorora into including her in their activities.

When Yozora looked through the movie listings, he tried to think of different movies to watch. Maybe not another horror, since Yozora was terrified the last time we did that, plus he didn't know how Sena might react either. The suspense one might be debatable, depending on whether it's simply heart-pounding or basically a more realistic horror. The action thriller did seem interesting, but from the looks of it Yozora didn't seem too interested, and he wasn't entirely sure on the anime one, although Sena may like it. "I don't know. For me, it's a split between the anime and the action one. We can probably decide when we get there." He said getting his bag ready. Kobato didn't come to the club today, since she had some extra homework to finish and she didn't want Sena bothering her. Since Kodaka was going to be coming home late, he sent Kobato a text telling her to order something to eat.
Yozora wrinkled her nose in slight disapproval at the choices he had made. She wasn't too interested in the action thriller, but she guessed it could be watched. She had no real interest to see the anime movie but probably Sena would want to watch that. She could watch it on her own; while Yozora enjoyed Kodaka's company. She took back the paper and folded it into a square before stuffing it back in her bag. Getting up, she picked her bag up and walked to the door, waiting for Kodaka to walk with her out the room. When they reached the school gate, she told him goodbye and went towards the train station.

At home, Sena was fuming and glaring at her collage of Yozora photos, plastered to the canopy of her bed. There were a few scattered about on her floor, cut to pieces and dirty. She loathed Yozora and wanted badly to just get even with her. And the only way she could do that would more than likely coat Kodaka his friendship with her. What was the big deal, anyway? Why did he even try to maintain a friendship with the same girl that bullied his girlfriend. He hardly ever stood up for her, though he did convince Yozora to let her tag along this evening for the movie. But besides that, it pissed her off. Kodaka wasn't Yozora's boyfriend, yet that could be drawn as a close assumption because of the way she acted. Sena wanted a break from her.

She decided she wouldn't go. If Yozora was going to be there then things would be difficult. She would want to sit beside Kodaka, she would want to be touchy feely with him. And she wouldn't want to share him. So it was better not to go. He wanted to remain friends with Yozora then she'd try to compromise and give him time with her. It made her mad but it was just a small sacrifice she'd have to make for right now.
She almost thought to text him that she wasn't coming, but decided against it.
Kodaka made a quick stop home to put his things away and change, then went back out to go to the theater. As he rode on the bus, he tried to think of things to do with Sena, now that their lunches together have been spoiled. He also figured that there was a chance that Sena won't even come to the movies with them.

It was hard to defend her when Yozora teased her. He did always keep Yozora from going too far, although most of the time it was after Sena already ran out of the room crying. He stopped Yozora from releasing that recording of her reading her eroge sex scene dialogue. He fixed Sena's phone after Yozora sent her a tone of spam texts, although he should've suspected that when Yozora asked for her number. He did feel that he needed to have her back more often then.

Before he got to the theater, he sent Sena a text. "I understand if you don't want to come with us to the movies. I'm sorry. If you want, although it might be a little late, we can try and watch a movie together after I send Yozora home. You can meet with me shortly after our movie gets out, and we'll watch a movie together, just you and me." It might keep her out a little bit late, not to mention being a bit expensive to pay for four tickets, but he wanted to spend time with Sena, to be close with his girlfriend.
His text didn't make her feel all better, but it did quell most of her anger. She texted back that his idea sounded good and that she'd be there. A smiley face she added to convince him that she wasn't just responding that way to be nice or with an edge of spite. She went to her closet and picked out a dress with straps that tied around the neck. It had a plaid pattern, with different shades of red and there were lines of gold. The top of it was gathered and stretchy, that way a bra wasn't really necessary. But she'd still wear a cardigan with it. She planned not to wear any panties either.

This was all influenced by the game she had played the night before. She had gone out with her virtual boyfriend to the movies, the room was empty excepting them and they sat in the back where the shadows were thick. There they had sex and the girl gave the guy a blow job. Sena had never done anything like that with Kodaka and she wanted to experience that; to taste his cock and give him pleasure - as much as he had given her. The prospect excited her, though she wondered if he would actually like it. She frowned to herself then shrugged and went to her bathroom to shower. Yozora thought she had won, but actually she had lost.


Yozora waited in line for Kodaka, picking at the blue cotton candy she had bought from the street vendor. The sweet fluff melted away in her mouth and she licked her lips then took another bite. She was almost near the front of the line bit couldn't see Kodaka coming. She frowned, finishing the candy, and threw the stick aside then licked her fingers that became sticky from it. She tested him, asking him here he was then went to the front and paid for their tickets. When he finally arrived, she slapped the ticket in his hand.
"You're late." She didn't buy a ticket for Sena. The girl could get her own ticket.
When he saw Sena's reply, he smiled, happy to get some alone time with her. Before he got off the bus, he sent her one last text. "I'll text you when our movie finishes. I might need a little bit of time to make sure that Yozora actually leaves. If I take too long, pick a movie for us and I'll cover the snacks." And with that, he got off the bus to meet Yozora.

Either he was always late, or she was just always early. It felt like very time they met, she scolded him for being late, even though he was almost always on time. He simply smiled and took the ticket, then went into the theater with her.

The two of them bought their snacks and drinks, then they went into the theater. The action movie began with a war scene, guns firing, bombs exploding, people screaming in pain as they get caught in the fire, it kind of god Kodaka's blood pumping.
Sena wasn't there. Just as Yozora had wanted it. If Yukimura had come along, that much she wouldn't have minded because Yuki was no threat and probably wouldn't even want to watch this show. Yozora wouldn't even have to worry about her ruining the mood if she were to try and initiate something with Kodaka. If Sena had come, nothing would have been possible and tonight...She sort of wanted to tell him about that night when she had stayed over his house. There was no doubt in her mind that Kodaka still thought it was something that had only happened in the realm of his dreams. Yozora wanted him to know; maybe that way she would have more of a chance with Kodaka - to claim him before Sena could. She was his best friend, that meant he would have to prioritize her over the spoiled bitch.

The movie didn't really interest Yozora. The gunfire, explosions, the crazy little stunts from the actors. The plot made no sense to her but her attention wasn't focused on trying to watch the movie. Instead, she kept stealing glances at Kodaka, who seemed absorbed in the movie. Her popcorn remained untouched and cold in her lap, the ice in her drink had melted and the cup was covered with beads of water from the condensation. A light blush colored her cheeks and across her nose as she slowly reached her hand across to touch Kodaka's. It was a tentative brushing of fingers over his knuckles then she pulled her hand back. She wasn't sure what to do exactly, if she was to try and lean into him, hold his hand or say something to him. They were alone again, she could drop her tsundere cover and try to loosen up around him. It could pop up as a defense reaction if he asked her what she was doing. She didn't want him to question her. She just wanted him to hold her hand.

She wondered if them having a relationship was possible. They were best friends and they had had sex, the only thing that was left was for him to make an official proposal to her to be his girlfriend. But knowing Kodaka, it would be awhile before she could ever get that out of him. She definitely knew she wouldn't pull a confession stunt like that desperate Sena, but she wondered if that was probably the only way of getting any response out of Kodaka. The question was heavy on her tongue but she contained it. After the movie, she'd tell him.
Every now and then, Kodaka would feel Yozora's hand brush against his, and he'd look over and smile at her. The truth though was that it made him kind of nervous. Did Yozora actually have feelings for him? He wasn't sure if another affair would be right. It was kind of okay with Kate, because there were no strings attached, it was just sex to help relax. Yozora, it was much harder to deal with this with her, she was his best friend, he didn't want to ruin that relationship. Plus, he's already with Sena, he loved Sena with all his heart. He loves Yozora too, but he just wants to be friends with her. If this was a perfect world, he'd be able to compromise something with the two worlds, the only problem was that both she and Sena hate each other.

Once the movie was over, Kodaka made a quick trip to the restroom, sending a text to Sena telling her that they were done with the movie and that she could head over, although keep away from Yozora if she crosses her. The two of them left the theater and began walking slowly together. The sun went down, but it wasn't particularly late, he was starting to get hungry, but he didn't want to keep Sena waiting by grabbing a bite to eat with Yozora. "I guess I should be going now, I need to make sure Kobato did her homework and not just watch her show all night. It was fun doing this, reminds me of when we use to hang out as kids." He smiled at her, slowly starting to make his way to the bus stop.
His response of smiling each time he felt her hand against his, confused her. She didn't know if he was just being nice or if it was a subtle encouragement to keep doing it - or to do more. She averted her gaze each time he smiled at her and decided not to touch him anymore because he was confusing her. The movie ended and her chest tightened from the prospect of telling him what was on her mind - her feelings and the secret. She followed him out of the movies, her legs shaking but not visibly so.

Yozora nodded, a bit disappointed that he didn't want to just hang with her for a little while. It wasn't that late and the movie ended a lot sooner than she had expected - not that she had been watching it in the first place. She watched him walk away, his footsteps slow, towards the bus stop. She called out to him and went after him, reaching out for his hand. She grabbed it and turned him to face her. She looked up at him and opened her mouth yo say it; that she liked him and she had kept them having sex a secret because she didn't want to complicate things. But she found herself unable to say anything and instead, did what she had done the last time. She raised herself on her toes and leaned into him giving him a firm kiss on the lips. Her eyes were shut tight, her face was flushed and her grip on his hand tightened to stop the tremors through her body. She licked his lips and pulled back, looking at him and she gave him a small smile. "Thanks for coming with me," she said in a small voice and turned to walk away and Sena stood there, gaping and unable to move.

She had left out long before Kodaka's text because she was excited to see him and couldn't be bothered to wait in the house any longer. Her games weren't enough to occupy her time and she just wanted to get out the house. She had been walking along the street to the theater and had glimpsed Kodaka heading to the bus stop while she picked up a sweet from one of the street vendors. And after she had made her purchase she had decided to sneak up on him, because she had thought Yozora had long gone in the different direction. She swallowed and stared at them, their figures became blurred and she turned away and ran, dropping the tickets she had bought for them both.
The kiss certainly took him by surprise, leaving his face red as Yozora said goodbye to him. Afterwards, he walked away and got on the bus, only to get off at the very next stop and head back to the theater. This certainly did complicate things. Last time he checked, best friends didn't kiss each other like that. While it felt sweet to receive something like that from Yozora, it felt wrong to him. What if Sena saw something like that and took it as a misunderstanding. He felt like he had to talk to her, to at least bring it up so that she knew that he still wanted her. Little did he know that Sena already saw it and ran away.

Kodaka sat at the entrance to the theater, waiting for Sena. He sent her a text, checking to see if she was coming. "Are you on your way? I'm outside of the theater." He continued to wait, hoping that Sena would show up. Time went by, Sena never came. The last showing for the night started and Sena never showed up, he sent her one last text before heading home. "Is everything alright? You never showed up. I have something I should talk to you about."

He picked up something on the way home, and Kobato was already asleep by the time he got home. He tried to eat, but he didn't have much of an appetite. All he thought about was Sena and Yozora. He thought about Yozora's feelings for him, and how he should handle her. While he was happy that she felt that way about him, he's already with Sena. However, he didn't want to ruin the current relationship he has with her. He also wondered if Sena was okay. If she got sick somehow, or if something came up. He also had a sinking feeling in his gut, wondering if Sena happened to see that unintentional moment he shared with Yozora. Going to bed, Kodaka didn't sleep well, he spent most of the night worrying about the two girls in his life.
She was sobbing all the way to the park where she had to wait for Greg to come and pick her up. She had stumbled over her own feet, had almost fell then when she finally reached to the park, she sat on a bench by the entrance. Her hands cradled her head, the tears sliding over her fingers and her face was wet with it. She couldn't contain her sobs and cried openly. There weren't many people in the park and those who were there were further in, sitting at gazebos or on the swings. She shouldn't have come anywhere, she should have stayed home and played her game. At least that would have been comforting.

Her phone vibrated and she ignored it, knowing it was Kodaka. Greg would call her if he was nearby, not text. She hated Kodaka and she wanted to tell him that but she was so rife with it that she couldn't be bothered yo text him and she didn't want to see his name on the screen of her phone. She shut it off instead of flinging it - like she wanted - against the cobblestone pavement. She wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand and sniffled hard to stop her runny nose. And she thought he was different. And she had at least hoped Yozora didn't actually like Kodaka. That he didn't have feelings for her.

Greg came and she got up, going to the car and sat in the back; silent and brooding. He looked at her through the rearview mirror when he felt the despondent aura she carried with her within the confines of the town car but he said nothing and drove her home. At home, Sena peeled off her dress and toed her shoes off before flinging herself on her bed - in just her underwear. Stella came in with a magazine and phone in hand.
"I placed the order for that thing you wanted for Kodaka."
"Cancel it. I don't want it, anymore," she mumbled and buried her face in her pillow.
When Kodaka woke up the next morning, or actually when he decided to simply get out of bed, he struggled to adjust to the sunlight shining into his room. He barely got any sleep last night. Once he fell asleep, he kept waking up from nightmares involving his life going to hell. All he could think about was Sena, she must've seen him with Yozora and that must be why she's not responding to him.

Once he got out of bed, he slowly did his daily routine, even made lunch for everyone. When he and Kobato got to school, she ran off to deliver Sena's lunch, wanting her brother to rest.

Kobato ran into Sena's classroom and quickly gave Sena her lunch. "This is from An-chan, please enjoy." She said, unsure of what happened between them, Sena looked awful as well. She gave Sena a quick hug before running off to class.

Throughout the day, Kodaka looked as if he was in a daze. His eyes were red with bags under them and he struggled to stay awake. To his classmates, he looked like he was ready to kill someone. In reality, he was tired and depressed, wondering if he ruined his plans of having a happy life with Sena. When lunch came by, he stayed at his desk, eating quietly and slowly, finding his food tasteless.
It was hard for her to focus on anything. She tried to convince herself that Kodaka was an insignificant jerk and that she had only given him a chance because...because... She slumped on her desk, a hand cradling her head as she let out a deep and loud sigh in the middle of her class, drawing the attention of her teacher and the other students nearby. He asked if she was okay but didn't press the matter when she didn't answer. She was the top student in his class, if she wanted to sleep then she could have a free pass. There were tears that threatened to fall but Sena was tired of crying. She hardly slept in her bed and now her body felt like a dead weight because of the lethargy.

Class ended but she had no intentions to move. Until Kobato came in with food from Kodaka. She had been smiling until Kobato said it was from her brother. And before Sena could tell her to take it back, the girl was already gone. She looked down at the wrapped box but didn't open it. Pushing her chair back, she got up and walked with it to one of the boys in her class.
"You can have this," she said haughtily and walked out the room, leaving behind the excited chatter that raised the minute she approached the student. Sena wasn't hungry for Kodaka's food. He could give it to Yozora from now on. And she decided she wouldn't go to club today either.


Yozora looked behind her and was surprised to see Kodaka having lunch by himself in the classroom. He looked worst for wear. Red eyes and visible bags beneath his eyes. She wasn't used to him looking so fatigued or sad. She moved out her chair and carried her lunch with her to him. There was a vacant chair near his desk and she pulled it up next to him. "Oi, you okay?" She poked his forehead and frowned at him.
Kodaka looked up at Yozora, but he didn't do much to respond. He continued eating until she sat beside him. He just wanted to be alone, he didn't want to be around anybody at the moment. When she asked him if he was okay, he weakly shrugged. "I don't think I'm feeling too well. I picked something up to eat on the way home last night, and I've been feeling like crap all night since then. I don't think I'll make it to the club today." To be honest, part of him wanted to yell at her, to curse her out, to blame her for his misery. Why did she have to be such a cold and rude person? Why did she have to fall in love with him? Why did she have to ruin his relationship with Sena? But he couldn't do it. Even if it would make him feel a little bit better, it wouldn't change anything. It might make things worse, plus it wasn't fair to yell at Yozora for something she was unaware of.

Lunch went by quietly between them, and class felt like eternity. Once class ended, Kobato followed her brother around until he went to the church alter to sit there alone. He sent Kobato off to the club as he sat by himself, feeling miserable. He wanted to cry, but he did his best to hold it in.

Kobato was scared. She's never seen her brother so miserable, and she felt that Sena might have something to do with it, but she wasn't sure whether it was his fault or if he did something to her again. She ran to the club to try and get her, but when she popped her head in, Sena wasn't there. She then ran off, texting Sena, hoping she was still at school. "Are you still at school? I really need to talk to you." She had nobody else to turn to, she wanted to see Sena. She wanted Sena to help her brother.
The text came in and after reading it, Sena decided to stay back a little to talk to Kobato. Her gripe was with her brother, that meant she wouldn't ignore his sister just because she didn't want to talk to him. She tested her back and told her to meet her around the back of the school yard where some benches were. She sat there and waited for her to come then called Greg and told him she would be a little while, unless Kobato wanted her to take her out for ice cream.

She wondered what exactly Kobato would want to talk to her about. Usually Kobato only talked to her if it was something about her brother. She had never talked to Sena about anything else alone. Maybe now was the time she'd finally come to Sena for advice on things happening in her class. Maybe she had a boy she liked or was making a friend and wanted Sena's opinion on it. She was finally going to be like a big sister. That much cheered her up from her sullen mood.

Her body started to succumb to hunger pains and made it known that it needed food. She rubbed her belly though, trying to soothe it for the moment until Kobato came to her. She probably should have eaten what Kodaka had cooked. She scoffed at the thought.
Kobato ran around the school looking for Sena. She was terrified, worried that her brother might do something. When she finally found Sena, she couldn't hold it in anymore. She began sobbing as she ran to Sena, wrapping her arms around her and sobbing into her breasts. "Sena...... please...... please help." Her words started getting less and less understandable as she continue to sob. "An-chan..... scared....... sad........ dead....... help...... promised....."

Kobato continued to cry for a while as Sena comforted her. Once she started to calm down, she tried asking Sena again. "Please, help An-chan. I don't know why, but he looks like he's upset and in pain." She said to Sena, trying not to start sobbing again. "I think the last time he was like this was when our mom died. He wouldn't leave his room, and he always cried." She didn't remember much from back then since she was so little, but she remembered that both her brother and father were very upset at the time. She looked up at Sena with her sad eyes, begging for help. "You promised, you promised me that you'd make An-chan happy. Maybe he can help you too, maybe make you feel better."

The desperate girl didn't wait for Sena to respond, she just took her hand and began leading her to Kodaka. When they reached him, he was in the same place, but he was in a different position. Was he praying? And he looked like he was shaking, as if he was crying. Kodaka wasn't really the religious type, so seeing him pray was a bit worrisome.
Sena was shocked and for the most part, couldn't say anything to Kobato who was crying and talking at the same time. She felt bad and somehow was affected by her tears that she felt as if she wanted to cry too. She ran her hand through her hair, rubbed her back - did those little things Stella would do whenever she cried in her arms. She hadn't thought Kodaka would be that way and she felt guilty about what Kobato said but not, at the same time.

As Kobato pulled her to where her brother was, Sena balked. She didn't really want to see Kodaka. Not right now when her own emotions were still in an ambivalent state. Inside she was hesitant and anxious, on the outside she was slightly irritated. When they reached to the door of the church, Sena frowned when she saw him at the altar and wondered if he was actually crying.

She looked to Kobato, unsure of what to do. She knew she wasn't going to try to talk to him on her own. But now that she saw him, she couldn't ignore him.
Kobato took Sena's hand and slowly dragged her to Kodaka. It was clear that something happened between them. She wanted to blame Sena, but she remembered that it was her brother's fault the last time something happened between them. As they got closer and closer to Kodaka, they started to hear him talk. It was like he has been talking quietly for a while.

"Please god..." He said, holding back the tears as they ran down his face. "Please, give me another chance with Sena. I love her, she means the world to me. I didn't mean to hurt her, it was all a misunderstanding. And now, I don't want to lose her. I wanted to marry Sena, have a family with her, maybe Kobato can babysit our kids. I wanted us to be happy." He prayed, not really knowing if a miracle like that would happen. Sena was pretty hard headed sometimes, sticking to her decisions to the very end. If she didn't want to see him, she just might never want to see him again. "So please, let me see her again. Let me tell her that I'm sorry, and that I love her." He said, practically on the verge of sobbing.

Kobato wanted to run up and hug her brother, but she knew that Sena was the one he wanted to see, and she hoped that she would help him.
Sena frowned as she heard his prayer. A misunderstanding, is that what this all was. But she had saw the kiss. He seemed as involved as Yozora had been. What had it been? Had she kissed him while he was unaware. She glanced to Kobato, wondering if she wasn't going to say something to her brother and let him stop. It made her feel bad and as if she needed to go to him and hug him, tell him everything was better. She wanted to leave but Kobato's sad and desperate look made her unable to move from her spot of indecision.

She took a hesitant step towards Kodaka and licked her lips, pressing them together as she came near him. She didn't exactly know what to say to him. Apart of her was still unsure about what had happened last night. She wanted to ask him about it, but it seemed he had more on his mind than what had happened between him and Yozora.
"Kodaka..." She said after much swallowing of her pride and arbitrary feelings. She had to do this, for Kobato at least.
Kodaka froze when he heard Sena's voice. Was he going crazy? After a night of no sleep, we he just hearing things? He looked up and turned his head to see Sena, although what she saw wasn't too appealing. His eyes were blood-red, his nose red, the bags still under his eyes, tears still running down his face, he really looked like shit.

Was this really a miracle? Did Sena hear his prayer and come to him? He also saw Kobato, did she bring her here? She was like a little angel to him sometimes, even if she wanted to act like a vampire. He wanted to reach out and hug her, and let it all out, but he held himself back. While it was clear that he was suffering, he had to look somewhat like a man and hold back his tears.

Trying to calm down he looked up at Sena. He then lowered his head. "I'm sorry about last night. I didn't expect Yozora to kiss me, and I was taken by surprise when I happened." He said to her, hoping she'd believe him. He honestly did want to stay with her, he chose to be with Sena, and he didn't regret it.
Her first thought was that he looked terrible. She had never seen him like this and it scared her as much as it concerned her. He seemed to be honest about this. And Sena knew Kodaka wasn't an actor or a liar. She bit her lip and looked away for a moment before shrugging at him. If he said it was a mistake then she guessed she would believe him. She smacked her lips and shrugged.
"Well okay. But you should go home and get some rest. You look awful." She wrinkled her nose at him then looked at Kobato, giving her a half smile.

Sena had never seen Kodaka cry before and the fact that she caught him, made him a bit more endearing to her. And now, she honestly felt bad for having jumped to conclusions about him and thinking negatively about him. Yozora was the only one deserving of that hatred. She bit her lip and shrugged, wrapping her hand around her midriff as she looked about the church.
"Sorry I didn't give you a chance to explain." She muttered then looked at him.

That was over with now and she wanted to escape him. Seeing him like th t affected her and she no longer wanted to see Kodaka cry. She walked out of the church and started towards the parking lot across the school.
Kodaka smiled, but he was still a bit out of it. "Thank you. I'll head home now. Maybe we can see that movie tomorrow." He said, getting up. He watched Sena leave, knowing she was struggling with her own feelings now. Probably seeing him like this didn't help either.

As Sena walked out, Kobato ran after her and wrapped her arms around her."Thank you. Thank you so much. I know An-chan doesn't look like it, but I know he's really happy to be with you. Thank you, Onee-chan." She said, smiling as she hugged Sena. If she can make her brother feel better, then Kobato would be happy. She would be happy to have Sena join the family.

Kodaka walked out of the school and watched the two hug each other from the entrance.
"You're welcome," Sena said to Kobato, her words a bit shaky and unsure. She hugged her back and glanced up to Kodaka when she saw movement from the corner of her eye. She lifted a hand at Jim, waved then separated herself from Kobato. "You two should head home now. Do you guys want a ride?" She felt that was the least she could do to compensate and she'd tell Stella to make that order again. She wasn't sure if Kodaka would like it but he could at least keep it at home if he didn't want to wear it.

She led them to Greg and told him that she wanted him to drop them home. She sat in the front with him and put her seatbelt on. He gave her a small box of food he had bought while waiting for her to finish up whatever she had been doing - which must have involved the frequent guests sitting in the back. Sena was happy for the food. The hunger pains had been awful and now with each bit of sushi she put it her mouth, it seemed to go away by small degrees.

When Greg parked up outside their gate, Sena looked around behind her at them and smiled at Kobato and she shifted her gaze to Kodaka. He seemed okay but still out of it, nonetheless. "I'll talk to you later," she said, her voice soft.
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