Haganai Eroge RP (Charlmeister & HeartOfTheDarkness)

He knew she was bluffing, there was no doubt about it. He knew for a fact that she wouldn't be able to handle those crowds, at least not alone. Kodaka wasn't that dense, he just hoped that she'd be a little more honest with herself instead of trying to keep her pride. If he had to, he'll stay nearby when they go to the con.

It seems that there were times that she loved hearing him call her Sora, and there were times that she hated it when he called her that. This seemed to be one of those times where she hated that. "Alright Yozora." He wasn't going to stop, her reactions were fun sometimes, especially when she got embarrassed at times. It was one of the few joys he had with toying with her.

The two of them enjoyed their meal. It was silent for the most part, but it was nice to have company during a meal. When the check came, he kept his word and payed for the whole thing. Afterwards, they headed out. "Is there anything else you wanted to do? Did you want me to walk home with you?"
If honesty was something Yozora could afford herself right now, she'd tell him everything that she wanted, concerning them. That wasn't possible now and it was late, for her anyway so asking him to stay with her for the night was out of the question. There was also his little sister to consider.
"No. I can get home alone." Again, she reiterated the idea that was fine all by herself.

Without thinking, she leaned towards him and bounced up on her toes to plant a kiss against his cheek that glanced the corner of his lips. "Thanks for dinner," she said, her voice light and her face flushed from the realization of what she'd done.

"I'll text you when I get home." And without a second look back, she walked away quickly and disappeared around a street corner. There, she collapsed against the wall, her knees buckled as she caught her breath and cursed herself for doing something that. Able to breathe normally, though her heart still pounded heavily, she pushed herself from the wall and walked along the sidewalk.
Of course she didn't need someone walking her home. Her pride wouldn't allow it. What she did next was a bit unexpected. When she leaned in and kissed his cheek, his face turned bright red when she did that. Apparently she didn't mean to do that too, seeing her face turn equally as read and she quickly left. Maybe she wasn't in as bad of a mood as he thought she was. One of the few times she was like a normal girl, he actually liked that.

Kodaka headed home, picking up something for Kobato to eat for dinner on the way, and relaxed for most of the night. Texting Sena about how they might need to start over with Kobato now that she kind of screwed everything up earlier. It was a shame that she did that, he hoped that he could bring up how he liked Sena with Kobato sooner, but now he wasn't sure how she'd take that news.
Sena, wrapped in a towel, walked inside her room, rubbing her towel through her damp hair when she heard her phone vibrate. Going over to her bed, she sat on the edge and read Kodaka's text and she frowned at what he said. Start all over again. Wouldn't that take months before she could get Kobato to trust her again? And she just couldn't help that natural instinct to pounce on Kobato when she saw her. There was no amount of disciplinary training that would break her out of that habit. She'd just end up screwing things up again. Maybe she was fine with always annoying Kobato.
*I'm gonna just screw it up again. Forget it. She'll learn to love me.* And she added an evil smirking emoji, sending the text before she could reconsider taking the emoji out.

Probably that would scare Kodaka too. Her special love for Kobato could not be tamed. She liked Maria too and though Maria was cute; she wasn't as adorable as Kobato. Sena guessed she actually liked Kobato rejecting her love; it just made her try harder and she liked her little expressions, and when she'd hide behind her brother. She shrugged to herself and dropped her towel, walking to her drawer to pick out a nightdress and underwear. Getting Kobato to wholly accept her was important - but not necessary yet. Not until Kodaka came out with his feelings for her to everyone anyway.

She paused in pulling her thin, blue nightdress over her head. How long would she have to wait for him to do it? He'd said he wanted to keep it secret for now because of everyone else in the club. Or did he just not want to do it because of Yozora. She frowned and laid on her bed; reaching for her phone.
*Hey, Kodaka. Do you like Yozora?*
When Sena sent that text telling him that she'll force his love onto Kobato, he simply shook his head. It looks like Kobato will just have to accept that this is the real Sena, whether she loves her or hates her.

When he saw Sena's next text, he wasn't really sure how to answer it. Of course he like Yozora, but he himself wasn't even sure how he really felt about her. He didn't really want to tell Sena that, but he felt like he shouldn't keep secrets from her. 'I'm not really sure myself. I like her as a friend, and deep down she'll always be my best friend from my childhood, but I guess I also feel a bit guilty for making her the way she is right now. I probably should've told her that I was moving away sooner, but I waited until the last minute and missed my chance. Because of that, she's become the cold and lonely girl she is now. That's probably why I fear teller her about us. She shut herself away from society when I left, I don't know what she'll do if she learns about us.' He sent the text, a little depressed from thinking about that. Maybe he could've made this whole scenario better if he told her he was moving, but there's nothing he can do about that now.

He decided to text Sena again, wanting to tell her something else. 'I'm sorry if it makes me seem pathetic. I understand if you're upset with me. I do love you though, nothing can change that.' He wasn't going to leave Sena now, he promised that he would be there for her.
The term best friends made her flinch, and something inside her became heavy; fell into her stomach and left her with a sinking, burdened feeling. Jealousy? Yes, she was jealous - rife with it. And she wasn't going to lie to herself about it either. She envied Yozora for the connection she shared with Kodaka; even when most days it seemed like they ween't even friends at all but more like acquaintances. Yozora didn't even seem to...Sena really had no right to judge her. She had a tendency to treat Kodaka as if he was not important to her but that was just a habit; and she hardly did it now.

His next text only made her feel somewhat better, but it didn't lift her spirits much. She had his love while Yozora had his friendship. She wasn't going to be greedy and say she wanted him all to herself - though that's exactly what she wants. She didn't want to have to share him. Not with Yozora, Rika or any of them. She was fine with Kobato.
*Ok. See you tomorrow* She sent that and rested her head on her pillow, scrolling through their text history before she sighed and set the phone aside.
Kodaka had this sinking feeling in his stomach, the same feeling he had when he realized he rejected Sena. He felt guilty, knowing that she wanted to act like a normal couple, and he was making her pretend that there was nothing going on between them. Sure they would be going on dates frequently, but that probably wouldn't be enough to make it seem like they were a normal couple. When he saw her last text, he could almost see that sad look on her face. Trying to think of something special for just them to do, he thought of something. "How's about we have lunch together on the roof? I can make you something." He sent her the text, hoping it would be something that pleases her. Usually he would eat lunch by himself, and Yozora would typically keeping to herself the whole day until it was time for the club. And remembered hearing that having lunch alone on the school roof was typically romantic, at least that's what he typically saw in anime and manga.

He felt like he was in a difficult position. He loved Sena, she loved him back, but he had the feeling Yozora had similar feelings for him. Not only would she possibly kill Sena if she knew about them, but he was afraid that she'd do something drastic to herself. On top of all of that, he wasn't sure if he had any feelings beyond friendship for Yozora, he wanted her to remain his best friend. It would be nice if there was a way to work out some sort of relationship where all three of them would be happy, but that was practically impossible. It wouldn't be fair to have to share their time together, and there would be no way Sena and Yozora would ever be willing to do something like that.
Almost about to resign herself to sleep; null her thoughts and ease her depression in unconscious bliss, the vibration of her phone stopped her. Sena sighed, a little annoyed now. Right now, she wasn't really interested in anything else Kodaka responded with. Maybe he was just returning her goodnight. Reluctantly though, she turned over onto her back and dragged the phone from the table. She lifted the sheet over her head, her hand resting on the pillow and her chin atop it as she read his text.

*Are you sure. Yozora won't mind?*
It wasn't her intention to mock his wishes but in her present mood, saying things like that was something she could not avoid or stop - even if she tried as hard as possible. Sena had been taught not to keep anything bottled inside. And it was frustrating enough that it now seemed it had just been a big mistake to confess to Kodaka in front everyone.

It irritated her that now, she would have to try and bottle her emotions. She didn't want to have to hide to hold his hand or kiss him if she wanted to. Or anything else for that mater. She wanted to be free about it and not care what Yozora had to say about it. Yozora was not her friend. Sworn enemy, is what she is, Sena thought. And again she was reminded that this relationship wasn't just about her. She had to consider Kodaka's feelings as well. Because love was about compromise, right?
She rolled her eyes at the thought.
Kodaka was certain that she wasn't in the best mood. That response felt like it was kind of snarky. Normally he would argue back with a remark like that, but it didn't help that he was kind of pushing her to do this. She was so happy to be a couple with him, and he's making her keep it a secret. While he doesn't want her to flaunt their relationship around, he would like to be a bit more open about it as well. He wanted to go on dates with her, he wanted to hold her hand, he wanted to kiss her.

He didn't know how to answer her text. He couldn't think of a decent answer that would make her happy. He then thought of something. It'll be stupid and painful to do, but it was the only answer he can think of. He decided to send a text to Yozora first. "I need to talk to you tomorrow evening. I have something very important to tell you."

Now it was time to try and set things straight. He didn't want to hurt Yozora, but he couldn't make Sena hide her feelings. "I'm going to talk to Yozora tomorrow. You won't have to keep this a secret for much longer." He was wondering whether he should ask her if she wanted to go with him, but he felt like she would gloat about it, or Yozora would literally try to kill her. This was probably going to be one of the hardest decisions of his life.
His next response made her chest tighten with apprehension. Yes, she wanted them to be more open and not have to hide. Yet the contradiction was, she didn't want him to do anything that could alter his happiness; or make him lose Yozora as a friend. She was important to him. All of them were, Sena knew that. Kodaka wanted to make friends. He'd succeeded in doing that and she knew she was being selfish.

She could try, couldn't she? To consider his emotions and not be so conceited as to think her feelings were more important than Kodaka' s. It was as difficult for him as it was for her; even moreso. She knew this.
*Don't. You don't have to. We'll continue the way we are. I'm sorry. Forget what I said. Please.* She didn't want to be the reason why Kodaka' s life could become miserable instead of easy. She knew how he felt about her. She could settle with that kind of reassurance right now.


Something important to tell her? Yozora' s thoughts crashed into each other. She felt unnerved and eager. Her face flushed. She really shouldn't have kissed him. Or maybe it wasn't anything bad. But there was hardly any room for optimism in her already pessimistic mind. Her thoughts were always bordered by negativity. She always expected the worst. But for some reason; she felt hopeful.
*Ok.* She Texted back.
When Kodaka saw Sena's response, he was taken by surprise a little. Seeing what she said did make him really happy, showing that she did really care for him as well, even if she didn't know how to show it at times. "If you say so. Thank you. Can we still have lunch together tomorrow? I'll try to make it a regular thing with you." He still wanted to spend more time with her. He'll find a way around his predicament to try and have more time with Sena.

Now all he had to worry about was what he was going to say to Yozora now. If he wasn't going to tell her about his relationship with Sena, what else would be important to tell her? Maybe he could ask Sena tomorrow, she'll think of something embarrassing to ask her, maybe ask for something that would normally make Yozora uncomfortable. The idea of asking her to dress up for the convention came to mind. She did look cute in that maid outfit when he caught her trying it on.
Lunch with him. She was willing to settle for that. It would be much better than having to eat in the cafeteria, or out by the garden where she could not escape the boys breathing down her neck, trying to speak to her and annoy her. Having lunch with someone she actually liked being around was an enticing prospect within itself. Sena had based her life on some of the galge she had played. Though most of the relationships she forged in the virtual world were mainly with females - because of the lack in her present life - what she created with male personas was what she truly wanted.

Kodaka would give one of those things tomorrow. Lunch on the roof. That was always such an iconic moment in her games and she had always wished it for herself. She smiled. She knew he probably felt relieved now that he didn't have to think of ways to tell Yozora the truth. In a way, she was comforted knowing that it wasn't something he would have to do. Sena wasn't afraid of Yozora but she was intimidated by her. She was also unsure of what the monster would do if she found out. Shut the club down. That was her first assumption and while their club was as useless as a club for the blind; Sena was attached to it. The bickering and pointless conversations. She didn't want to lose that, if she was honest with herself.

*Yes. On the roof.* She texted back and turned over in her bed, snuggling with her pillow - pretending it was Kodaka - beneath the sheets. She was already fantasizing about their lunch on the roof. And she didn't want anyone to interrupt them.
He was relieved to see that text, telling him that she was okay with having lunch with him tomorrow on the roof. While sitting in public sounded nice, it also sounded like it could be a hassle. Since he was seen as a delinquent, rumors will most likely spread of him possibly blackmailing Sena. There's her group of boys that always follow her around, it'll be annoying to have them watch from afar, with the occasional brave one try and confront him. Although she probably would willingly kiss him in front of those boys, to show them that she's willing to date him. While showing off their love sounded fun, he actually preferred his alone time with Sena, getting to sit close to her, relax. Maybe he could see if he could come over again, alone this time and spend the day with her.

"Sounds great. I'll make us something. And thanks again. I love you." He sent the text to her, then went to bed. Things worked out better than he expected. He still needs to think of something to ask Yozora, but maybe Sena will be able to help. She'll probably love the idea of him asking her to dress as something embarrassing for the con, knowing that she'll most likely do it if it's for Kodaka.

Then next morning, he got up early to make the lunches. Kobato came in and asked if he was making food for Maria again, he told her it was for Sena and Kobato was left wondering who would be worse to have her big brother cook for? The evil nun? Or the boobie monster?

When lunch came around, Kodaka made his way to the roof top. When he made it and saw Sena, he closed the door behind him and smiled. "Sorry if I kept you waiting. I hope you're hungry." He said to her, handing her a lunch box and some chop sticks.
*I love you too.*
It was an impulsive response that embarrassed but warmed her. She rolled over on her back and stared at the ceiling. She liked it better when he had said it to her. She hoped he would say it more. Lifting the sheet over her head, she closed her eyes and slept, with a small smile on her face.

She looked in the freezer for ice cream sandwiches. But wouldn't they melt? No, she could keep them in her dad's mini fridge in his office. Kodaka was carrying lunch, and she wanted to carry something too. Maybe she could let Stella teach her to make a bento so she could surprise Kodaka with it.

She put the sandwiches in her bag, wrapped in paper towels and when she was dropped at school, she found her dad's office and set them there, telling him that she'd come back for them at lunch. At lunch break, Sena pulled the two treats from the fridge and found her way up to the roof. He wasn't there yet and she almost poured.

Sitting with her back to the railing, she opened her ice cream sandwich and started eating. She was halfway through it when she heard the door open. She looked up at him and swallowed the bit in her mouth. "Of course I am," she said curtly and looked from him to the boxes.
This was nice, having lunch with her like this. They sat down together and began enjoying their lunches together. Even though they had the same food, they'd feed each other bits, just to have that cutesy feeling to it. Kodaka could get use to this, having a girlfriend, doing things like this with her. Even the sandwiches she brought were tasty.

"Hey Sena. I've got something to ask you." He wasn't sure how she'd honestly react to this, but he hoped that she would be more than willing to help. "I actually already set up a meeting with Yozora before you told me not to talk to her, so now I need to come up with something important to tell her. I was thinking of asking her to do something she's not comfortable with, like maybe wearing something at the convention this weekend. Anything you had in mind? Maybe you'd like to see Yozora get embarrassed while wearing something she'd never wear." While he normally didn't encourage their fighting, he kind of needed her for this, a way to dig himself out of the hole he put himself in. At least she'd have a chance to embarrass Yozora, that'll hopefully be something to lift her spirits.
"Let her dress up as a dog." There was no hesitation. She didn't even need to think it through. Then, if Yozora dressed as a dog, Sena could put her foot on her back, or kick her. Put her on a leash. There was a high chance she'd end up having to run from Yozora after embarrassing her in public but she'd be satisfied with it. She didn't forget how badly she wanted revenge and she wanted to humiliate her as badly as she'd done her.
"And get her a leash too."

She grinned at the thought, looking triumphant as if she could already envision her victory and could gloat from now. Yozora probably wouldn't agree to that ridiculous idea. She never was one to act a fool, not even on Kodaka's request.
Kodaka simply smiled and shook her head. "As much fun as I know you'd have from that, I was thinking of something a little more believable. Since she hates dressing girly, maybe see if she could dress as a maid or something. And it doesn't have to be for the convention. Maybe I can see if she can take Yukimura's role for a day, work as the servant for the club for a day." This made him sound like he was into some weird master x slave fetish, but he needed to think of something awkward to ask her, something she could maybe believe and possibly do for him.

As he thought about it, he continued enjoying his lunch with her. Leaning against her shoulder, he started to relax. "I'm sure something will work out. I'm just happy we can do things like this. Maybe we can try and do this an every day thing." He suggested to Sena, hopefully she'd like the idea of doing more romantic things with him.
Sena scoffed then shrugged noncommittally. She knew that was a bit of a far-fetched suggestion to make. Yozora wouldn't do it, not even for Kodaka. She had her pride, and Sena wouldn't do it either. But maybe she'd dress up as a bunny, she liked those outfits; especially how cute it looked on the girls in her galge. A maid outfit. That sounded so simple, nothing challenging. Of course Yozora would do that; even if she hated dressing in girly attire.

"If that's what you're gonna go with then, okay." She finished her lunch and set the box aside, reached for her ice cream sandwich and frowned when big drops of it got on her skirt. It had melted and she had forgotten that that would happen since they were out in the sun; though they weren't directly in its range; but the heat had still done its damage. She frowned and let out a disappointed whine as she tried to get the stain out.

He leaned against her and she forgot about the sticky and drying ice cream stain in her skirt. She smiled shyly, her cheeks going a slight shade of red and she nodded. "Yeah, we should do it more."
"While you may have to pay for the consequences, Yozora will be the club's servant for a day, which means she shouldn't be able to argue with you if you ask her to do something." Although knowing Yozora, she'd probably work her way around it. And once it's all over, there will be hell to pay for Sena, and possibly Kodaka too for suggesting the idea.

Kodaka began enjoying his ice cream sandwich that Sena brought. "And I'm sure you're dad would be happy if I came over more often. Maybe I should stop by every few weeks, although I can't promise that Kobato will go every time." He could maybe talk her into coming, at least until she's unlocked everything in her new game and has mastered her favorite characters. She did seem to have fun playing with Sena, even if she's scared of her.

When he finished his sandwich, he licked the ice cream from his lips and looked over at Sena, seeing a bit of ice cream on the corner of her lips. Leaning in, he began to lick the ice cream off, then leaning in further to kiss her. "I love you." He mumbled right before he planted his kiss.
Sena thought about that. If she took advantage of Yozora while she pretended to be a maid, maybe she could stay away from the club the next day to avoid Yozora's wrath. She wasn't afraid of the girl, but Yozora had an awful temper and vengeful spirit that Sena couldn't rival, even if she tried as hard as she could. It was why she had such difficult moments planning her tiumph, while she would stare at her collection of Yozora photos, plastered up on the canopy of her bed.
"You're right and there's nothing she can do about it eitehr," she said, tossing her hair over her shoulder - feigning bravado.

Pegasus would be pleased if Kodaka came more often. That would be a direct sign that he was getting along just fine with Sena, and that there relationship was blooming into something more serious. How serious though, he wouldn't have to know. She nodded at him and smiled, folding the ice cream sandwich wrapper away from herself and setting it in the empty box her lunch had been in.

Her eyes became a little wide when he licked the corner of her mouth, then kissed her. Her cheeks became warm, her face flushed and her heart and stomach seemed to be aflutter from his kiss. She smiled at him and kissed back. "I love you too," she said in a small voice. She felt shy and nervous all over again, it was a strange feeling but she liked it. "When are you going to see Yozora?"
He thought she'd like something like that. She'll just have to avoid Yozora for a little while, let her calm down a bit. Either that or she's going to make Sena dress as a maid for a day, which he wouldn't find that bad. She looked really cute when she dressed as a maid and cast a spell on his coffee to make it taste better.

It was nice to actually hear her say that she loved him. "I'm not meeting with her until after the club. I might have to take her out somewhere in order to convince her to dress up, so I'll probably be busy tonight." It was a shame, he would've loved to have some fun with Sena tonight. They didn't have much longer for lunch, so they didn't really have the time to do anything. They could always skip class and have fun on the roof, but Yozora would get suspicious of him, and Sena probably shouldn't get into any trouble. Chances are that her dad will hear about her skipping right away, since he's the director of this school.

Kodaka decided to relax for a little while longer, lean over, and rest his head on Sena's lap. Wasn't that a thing that couples were suppose to do? Or was it girls suppose to rest on the guy's lap? He wasn't too sure, but he was comfortable, getting to look up at Sena.
She shrugged at him. Sena didn't really want him to be alone with Yozora but she couldn't stop that from happening. Kodaka had to go meet her anyway she took it. She looked down at him when he rested in her lap and smiled. "Where are you gonna take her?" sheasked, her fingers stroking his blonde hair. She had always found the color of it to be strange, yet oddly unique and nice; so strange that that was the only thing he'd inherited from his mother physically.

"You can come over tomorrow evening, if you'd like. Daddy's gonna be at a meeting. So we'd have the house to ourselves. And Stella wouldn't bother us," she said in a low voice, almost a mumble. Sena liked them like this, and she wanted more of it. It made her feel all sorts of things; nervous, overwhelmed and something else. She leaned down and kissed him.
"Not really sure. Since I'm making an odd request, she'll probably want me to take her out to dinner, or to a movie." It was hard to tell what Yozora wanted, even harder to try and figure out what she was thinking. She always bottled herself up from the world, she even alienated her friends sometimes. Sometimes Kodaka wished that she would just be a little more honest about things.

It felt nice to have her fingers stroke his hair. There were times he wished that he inherited some sort of different feature form his mother, it would've probably made his life a little bit easier, but he was fine with this. He loved his mother, and he misses her at times. With their father always working, it was usually just him and Kobato. It might be nice for someone else to join the family, even if Kobato is a little uncomfortable around her, it'll make the house a bit livelier.

"Sure, I'd like that. It could just be you and me tomorrow night, unless you'd like me to try and force Kobato to join too." While he loved spending time with Sena, he knew she loved Kobato to death. Maybe if she tried again, she could get Kobato to love her. Eventually she'll be able to open up a bit to this girl, no matter how crazy she may be.
Sena frowned. Dinner and a movie? Wasn't that something couples did together? Her jaw tensed visibly but she said nothing and her fingers stopped moving through his hair, massaging his scalp. "Oh, I see. Well have fun later," she said, with a curt edge to her voice and she looked beyond the railing at the students filing back inside the school when the bell rang for classes to resume.

"You can bring Kobato, or not," she shrugged. "It's neither here nor there." She'd have to start from square one and that thought wasn't very appealing as it usually could have been. Tomorrow, maybe, she'd change her mind when she wasn't in a bit of a sour mood.

She shifted her legs then moved his head out of her lap, pushing him away gently. "We should go back down now. Classes are about ready to start, wouldn't want you getting in trouble." She bit hard on the inside of her jaw before she could have said "Or Yozora gets suspicious." When they got downstairs and were about to part ways, she glanced at him. "See you in the club room. Or not." And she walked away quickly to get to her class.
Kodaka didn't really see any problem in taking Yozora either out to dinner or to a movie. Back in his old school, he went out to eat with friends and went to see movies, it was something friends did. He didn't really think about it as a date, it was just hanging out with a close friend. He did notice that Sena's mood shifted, and he felt that he shouldn't really talk about Yozora so much around her.

Before he really had a chance to cheer her up, the bell rang telling students to head back to class. They started heading back inside, and she ran off before he could kiss her goodbye. Things just never seemed to really go his way, no matter how much he tried to make things work out and have everyone happy.

When it was time for the club, Kodaka sat with Kobaoto like usual, Maria was sleeping in the corner, Yozora was reading her book, Yukimura stood there waiting for someone to call on her, Rika was reading her doujinshi, and Sena was playing her game, but it didn't seem like she was really getting into it. As Sena played, Kobato clung to her brother, also holding on to her bag, which seemed to have something in it. "Is there something you want to say to Sena, Kobato?" He asked his little sister out loud, making sure everyone heard it. Her face went red, frightened. "I.... I....." Kobato couldn't say anything to get herself out of it. She quickly grabbed something out of her bag and held it behind her back, then stood beside Sena. Her face was red, and she looked like she having difficulty saying what she wanted to say.
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