Shingeki no Kyojin [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]


"What are you here for, ginger!? Plan on trying to steal the souls of our trainees!?" He barked. Carmina clenched her fist and growled softly, "Or maybe you're going to try and steal the Titan's soul! I'm sorry to inform you that you'll go hungry!!"
"No sir! I'm here because I want to help in humanity's war against the Titans!" She didn't really understand the whole soul stealing part, but she kept that to herself. Beside her a boy, who easily had another foot on Meara shifted, Ronan. And he looked displeased, but said nothing.
"You and short-shit will be lovely little snacks, I'm sure! About face!!" He yelled and moved on. He looked at Ronan and saw the look in his eye before moving on. "The fuck? He just ignores you, Ronan?" Carmina whispered angrily
Ronan shrugged, holding his salute still. "Don't worry about it, Carmina, it's fine.." Meara whispered quietly, staring ahead.
Carmina grumbled and huffed angrily. Later that night, in the mess hall, a good handful of trainees huddled around one kid - Eren Jaeger - listening to his story about the Colossal Titan. Carmina ate her food quietly, not finding anything so interesting about the boy's encounter with the Colossal Titan.
Meara sat with Carmina and of course Ronan sat with Meara. "I still don't understand why he thinks I came here to eat the Titans souls.." She muttered. "Do they even have souls?"
Carmina smiled softly, "Its an ancient joke that people with red hair ate the souls of humans and every freckle they had was the soul they devoured..." She explained.
Meara looked at the dozens and dozens of freckles on her arms. "I guess I ate a lot of souls." She said jokingly. "Don't let it bother you to much." "Ah..! He speaks..!" Meara teased, smiling softly, it being the first time all day Ronan had spoken.
Ronan looked over at her, shaking his head. "No..." He nodded his head to the group of kids gathered around a boy. "Listening." He said simply. "They're saying that they're upset two witches were let in." He said, letting a small smile crack.
Carmina smirked, "The potion to turn you into a frog in nearly complete, y'know~" She teased. She laughed softly and stopped when someone approached her. She looked up at the trainee known as Jean Kirschtein, "Yes?" "Y-You're...from Trost, too...?" He asked. His face was flushed and his gaze was glued to the floor. Carmina pulled her waist length hair over her shoulder, "Yeah, what of it?" "U-Um...I've never really...seen you think your hair is...pretty..." He muttered. Carmina rose an eyebrow at him, "Are you hitting on me?" "N-No! I-I mean...well...I-I was...complimenting you..." He gulped. Carmina smiled softly, "Well thank you...Jean, was it?" "Y-Yes!" He perked up immediately. Carmina smiled a bit more, "Thank you, Jean...and if I wasn't lesbian, I might have considered dating you." She told him. Jean's face dropped, "You...You're...?" "Yup. I'm really sorry, Jean." "O-Oh...well...ok..." Jean walked away defeatedly and Carmina went back to eating like nothing happened.

((*waits for Meara and Ronan's response*))
Ronan blinked, staring at Carmina, bread halfway to his mouth. Meara didn't look all that surprised, but something else glinted in her eyes- relief? "So does that mean I'm out of the question?" Ronan sounded like his old self, a small glint of mischief in his emerald green eyes.
"Hm?" Carmina looked to him quizzically, "Ronan, honey, I wouldn't date you even if we were placed with the sole purpose of repopulating humanity~" She smiled teasingly at him. She looked back at where Jean was sitting, "I do feel a little bad, though...he's kinda cute..." She muttered. She shrugged and went back to eating
"Honey?" Ronan gave a small snort of laughter. "Are you my mom now?" He shot back, Meara smiling softly and letting her foot rest against Carmina's unconsciously.
"I could be. I could nag you all day long if you like." She answered. She finished her food and looked when the drill went off, "Welp, time for bed." She stood and stretched, "Later, you two." She said as she left to head to her dorm
Ronan waved to her, then looked at Meara. "Did you know?" "No..!" He shrugged and Meara stood up, bidding her brother goodnight before heading off to her own dorm.
In the next few months, the trainees started practicing for 3D Gear. Carmina wobbled and huffed angrily. "What's the matter, short-shit, having troubles!?" "No, sir, just getting comfortable!" Carmina hissed
Meara wobbled a bit before hanging comfortably in the gear, looking over to Carmina with a soft frown. This man was horrible, but she understood why he was doing it.
Meara joined up with Carmina, her hair now short and pulled back into a ponytail. "Hey..!" She stood beside her friend as all the other trainees used the 3D Gear.
"I did ok, trainings been hard, but I'm really getting the hang of the Maneuver Gear." She said, brushing some of her bangs behind her ear.
"Its kinda tricky..." She looked back at the others, "But I guess its hard for that Eren kid." She noted, seeing Eren hanging upside down from his training gear
"Eren...?" She looked to Eren, frowning softly. "He was that one kid who was in Zhiganshina?" She asked.
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