Shingeki no Kyojin [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Reiner grabbed his horse and pushed Armin into the saddle, continuing to run as he pulled the horse to a safe distance. When they got far enough away, Reiner started patching up Armin. Jean set Carmina down and looked to Meara, "Can you clean her up? I need to call Bullfart." He said and moved to call his horse.
Meara kneeled in front of Carmina, pulling her hair away from the gash in her forehead and cleaning it before carefully wrapping it. "Carmina? How do you feel?"
"I'm okay, don't worry about me." Meara said, listening to Reiner talk to Armin and Jean whistle for his horse.
Meara nodded, then stood. "We can't stay here any longer." She said so everyone could hear. "And we only have one horse between the five of us... If jeans horse returns, that means we have to leave someone behind.."
Carmina rubbed her head gently, "Guess it'll be me.." "No!" Jean turned sharply, "I'll stay behind!" "The hell you will!" Carmina spat
"Carmina you aren't staying!" Meara scowled. "Wait! First, let's fire a smoke round... If the formation continued straight ahead, the row 4-3 team should be nearby." Armin said, standing up.
Meara fired a purple round, frowning softly. "That's the sigma cry an emergency, but I doubt they'll understand just how bad it is.." She frowned.
"We can't wait another three minutes." Reiner said, "By then, we must decide-" "I'll stay..." Carmina muttered. "Carmina!" "Jean, shut up...I don't want to hear any arguments from anyone. The Female Titan killed my horse, Jean and Meara's are missing...its best if I just stay behind."
"You aren't staying." Meara said sternly. "I'll stay." Armin piped up, turning to Reiner. "But there's something I want you to tell them for me, Commander Erwin specifically."
"Maybe you can tell him yourself...!" Jean said, "Someone's coming! And they have a couple horses!" Carmina looked and tried to focus, "Is that...? Krista!"
"My horse!" Jean cheered, moving over quickly, "Good boy, Buchwald!" "Meara, look, its yours, too..." Carmina said, recognizing the celtic stitch on the horse's blanket, "And we're great now that you're here,'re a life saver.."
Meara jogged over to Flax, a brown horse with tan flecks covering his entire body, petting his nose with a smile. "Thank god.." "I saw your flare and I already had Jeans horse... He ran to me terrified."
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