Shingeki no Kyojin [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"There's no trees for them to anchor on to." Carmina muttered, frowning, "They can do it. They can kill it. Have faith." She told herself
Armin watched as the first one stood on his horse and used his 3D gear to get close to the Titan, cutting out the back of it's ankle and skidding away as the large monster fell. The other jumped onto it's back and cut the back of it's neck out, jumping off the Titan and running to his horse. "They did it..!" Armin said in amazement.
Armin watched the me mount their horses again, then he glanced back on a whim and his eyes widened. "Another Aberrant?" He muttered, looking forward.
A female Titan was approaching fast, and the two men conversed, getting ready to attack as a team again, but by the time they turned to look over their shoulders, the female titan was upon the two, bringing its foot down hard on one of them, the other attempting to use his gear to cut her down, but his blades broke and she grabbed the wire of his gear and slammed him onto the ground before running for Armin and Carmina. "Carmina! Split up!" Armin called letting go of the second horse and kicking his faster.
Armin rode as fast as he could, but the Titan was upon him in seconds. It brought its foot down and knocked Armin from his steed, making him fall to the ground and tumble, the female Titan dropped to a crouch beside him and gently pick him up by the hood, lifting him from the ground and studying him for a moment before setting him down and standing before running off.
Armin nodded. "It... It removed my hood to look at my face... That's no Abberant... It has intelligence..!" He said, pushing himself to his feet.
"It seemed that way..." He frowned. "When it saw my face, it just set me down and ran off... So it wasn't after me.."
"Wait..." Carmina's eyes widened, "A-Armin...wh-why do you figure...the Female Titan...i-is heading that way...? Of all's heading that way..."
"It's heading to the middle of the formation... You don't think that's where Eren is... Do you..?" He stood up, then spotted Reiner heading towards them, leading Armin's horse.
"Armin! Carmina!" "Reiner!" Carmina looked and smiled weakly, "Thank God..." "What are you two doing? You won't last outside the walls unless you're on horseback, Armin...hurry!"
Armin nodded and mounted the horse. "We need to follow that female Titan!" He said and kicked his horse.
Reiner and Carmina followed, "I saw the smoke round signaling an Aberrant. Was it that one with the nice ass?" Reiner asked. Carmina made a face, "That's no Aberrant. It's a human in a Titan's body...!" She told him. He looked to her in surprise, "What was that?"
Armin perked, then reached for the bag on the saddle. "I need to send a flare up, this is an emergency." He said.
Carmina watched him fiddle with the flare with a frown, only to perk when a shot was fired behind them. Looking back, they saw Jean, "Wait...I think Jean fired it." "Jean!" Carmina grinned and looked for Meara
Meara was just behind Jean, completely unharmed. She grinned when she saw Carmina and she waved, happy she wasn't hurt or worse.
"I'm glad you're okay too." She said softly, then her eyes fell on the female type Titan. "So what's going on with this one? An Aberrant?"
Carmina shook her head, "Human in Titan form." She answered. "It came from the right flank," Reiner said, looking out at all the other yellow flares, "Does that mean we're so compromised, we can't continue the mission?" "Looks like the right flank recon squad was partially wiped out...Titans, tons of them." Jean said, "I don't know why but there are lots of fast ones. For now, we're holding them back, but recon is no longer possible...we've taken heavy losses, and if we aren't careful, we'll be destroyed!"
"That Titan came from the same direction." Armin looked to the female Titan. "No way.... Was it leading the Titans?"
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