Shingeki no Kyojin [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Neither of you are allowed to die.." Carmina said and held their hands, "I can't lose either of both mean a lot to me.."
"Yeah, yeah, I promise, mom." He said, Meara nodding. "I promise you won't lose me, Carmina."

Everyone from the 104th graduating squad stood at attention before a stage, where Commander Erwin Smith stood before them.
((Whee! I play Shizuo! That means m'wife is Levizaya~~))

"I am Erwin Smith, Commander of the Survey Corps. Today, you will choose a military branch. Put bluntly, I'm here to persuade you to join the Survey Corps. During the Titan attack, you learned how terrifying they can be. And how limited your power is. However...this battle brought humanity closer to victory than it's ever been, through Eren Jaeger's existence. By risking his own life, he's proven himself, without a doubt, a friend to humanity. With his help, no only did we stop the Titans' advance, but we have a way to discover their true nature." Everyone seemed surprised by this and Carmina made a noise, already figuring they could use Eren for such purposes.
((Fuhk! :7 Prepare for me to fuck everything up..~!))

Meara stared at Commander Erwin with sparkling green eyes. This am was as brave as they came, well except for Carmina, but still. She stood stock still and watched the blonde.
"We believe that in the basement of his Zhiganshina home, there are answers about the Titans that he himself doesn't have. If we can reach the basement, we will find a clue that will end this century of Titan rule." Erwin stated. Carmina bit her lip; the idea was grand and pure in intent, but would there really be answers to the millions of questions in one young man's basement? "We will head for the basement in Zhinganshina. However, that requires us to retake Wall Maria. In other words, our objective hasn't changed." Erwin turned as Petra and Mike pulled up a map of the wall, "But with the Trost gate sealed, we'll have to take the long way around, from Karanes to the east." He returned his attention to the trainees, "The four years we spent laying a route for a large army have gone to waste. In those four years, more than sixty percent of the Survey Corps lost their lives. Sixty percent in four insane figure. Any trainees who join will participate in our excursion beyond the walls, in a month. We expect thirty percent won't return. In four years, most will be dead. But those who survive will become superior soldiers with a high survival rate. Knowin these discouraging facts, any still willing to risk their lives, remain here. Ask yourself...are you willing to offer your beating heart for humanity?" Erwin stated firmly. Carmina took a deep breath and stood firm.
Both Meara and Ronan stood strong, unmoving as almost everyone left, only leaving a very small amount of people who wanted to join the Survey corps.
((You jumped ahead a little but that's ok! XD))

That is all." Erwin concluded, "Anyone who wishes to join another branch is dismissed." Many trainees looked at each other before turning and walking away. Carmina watched them all with a scowl, "Cowards," She thought. Jean watched the trainees walk passed him with a frown, "Damn it...come on, you already decided! Don't make me hate myself any more..."
((I have failed!! *fling*))

Meara looked around, eyes falling on Jean, he looked pale, but so did everyone else there- well not quite everyone."

Erwin looked over the remaining trainees, blue eyes hard, "Can you die if you're ordered to?" He asked. "I don't want to die!" A trainee called out. Erwin smiled softly and gave a brief nod, "I see. I like the looks on your faces." He said. He stood straight and his expression was firm, "Then I welcome everyone here to the Survey Corps! This is a true salute!" Erwin saluted proudly, "Offer up your hearts!" Everyone saluted, though they all looked scared - excluding Mikasa and Carmina. Carmina's brows were furrowed, determined to fight for humanity. "No going back now." She muttered.
Meara's shoulder brushed Carmina's, her jaw set and eyes fiery. This man, Erwin, there was something about him, something that gave her hope.
"You have done well to endure your fear. You are brave soldiers. You have my heartfelt respect." Erwin said gratefully. Carmina glanced at Meara, "No dying..." She looked to Ronan, "That goes for you, too..."

After training and many explanations on where everyone would be going, Ronan would be on the outer western flank, and Meara and Carmina on the south flank, but Meara was in the back and Csrmina was more in towards the middle. Meara would be riding with Jean as well as a few older soldiers she didn't really know.
Carmina was with Armin and Reiner, waiting around like everyone else for Commander Erwin to tell them to leave. "Man...I wonder why none of us are more near the middle with Eren..." Carmina mumbled. Armin looked to her, "Because Corporal Levi and his Elite team are guarding him..." He said and Carmina huffed, "Lame.."
Meara shifted her weight on her feet, checking her gear and glancing to Jean. "I'm kinda surprised you joined the Survey Corps, Jean."
Jean glanced at her, "Why do you say that?" He asked softly

((Ne, are they executing the plan or are they all just standing around...?))
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