Shingeki no Kyojin [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]


Carmina frowned and watched him go. It was just stress, she told herself, that's why Meara was still bent for the Survey Corps and Ronan was being an asshole. Carmina looked to Jean, he seemed to be her only friend at that point. She took his hand and took him to get some water
Ronan got to the bunks and moved to the bathroom, washing his face, then putting his head in his hands. He growled, then smashed his fist against the wall, grinding his teeth.
"Ronan..." Carmina stood at the doorway, Jean making sure no one interrupted them, "Ronan, talk to me...what happened...?" She reached out and touched his arm gently, "Come on, big brother..."
Ronan pushed his messy hair back with one hand and turned to face Carmina, tears in his eyes. "She's dead... Mina.." He hissed a curse word, wiping his tears away quickly. "Mina Carolina, graduate of the 104th trainee squad fell in the line of duty." He said, clenching his jaw.
Carmina frowned heavily, "Ronan...its ok to cry...I won't think any less of you...I cried when Alessa saw me..." She hugged him tight and frowned, "Don't try and be a tough guy, big brother...she meant a lot to you, I can tell...let it out...please, hurts me and Meara seeing you like this..."
Ronan broke down, tears streaming from his eyes. "I loved her... God, I should've gone with her... I could've protected her..!" He said, gripping his hair and crying onto Carmina's shoulder.
Carmina frowned more and rubbed his back, "You would've died in her stead, and then what...? You'd leave Meara all alone and then I wouldn't have anyone to test my potions on..." She tried to cheer him up, even if she knew it wouldn't work.
Ronan ground his teeth and shook his head. "Why did she have to die..? What are we doing this for, Carmina?"
"We're doing this for our survival, Ronan...we're doing this to beat the Titan's...! Mina and Alessa both died so we could continue to live...!" Hot tears filled her eyes but she fought them as hard as she could, "Th-They knew the risks...just like you and I do...we have to keep moving forward and always remember them...w-we fight for them now, Ronan...their strength is ours now..."
Ronan dried his eyes, nodding, but there was a bitter look in his eyes. "Yeah..." He held Carmina tightly. "Thanks... Carmina.." She said, though his chest still ached.
Ronan snorted and laughed, even if he was still crying. "Whatever, she-devil." He said, ruffling her hair, then looking towards the door. "Jean if you say anything I swear I'll kick your ass." He said, though there was a playful tone in his voice.
Jean made a noise and Carmina smiled softly, "Jean won't say anything. He's a nice guy." She said, making Jean blush, "Y-Yeah.."
"Shut up." Jean huffed. Carmina laughed softly and hugged Jean, kissing his cheek and making him blush more, "I-I gotta go!" He said quickly and walked off. Carmina giggled and shook her head
"How's Meara..? I haven't gotten to see her yet today." Ronan asked, moving over to Carmina.
Ronan made a face. "Carmina... I may be a dumb guy, but I know when something's wrong... Spill it."
"Fighting? You guys are nearly joined at the hip, what are you fighting about?" He asked with a frown.
"I don't want to talk about it...its stupid..." She muttered, "Just go be with Meara, I need time to think before cremation starts..."
Ronan put a hand on her shoulder, leaning down and kissing her forehead gently. "Daddy's here for you, Carmina." He said, giving her a reassuring nod before going to find Meara.
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