Shingeki no Kyojin [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Ronan? He's helping collect the bodies..." She murmured, frowning. "Probably not the easiest job.."
"Yeah.." She murmured, feeling bad for Ronan, he was trying hard to be strong, but she could tell he was starting to crack.
Carmina went out to grab some bread or fruit or something for them to munch on. The gears in her head were reeling. The clean-up crew would be back with the bodies soon and she wasn't looking forward to seeing the mass amount of dead trainees and superiors. Her stomach knotted up and she doubled over, covering her mouth to keep from throwing up; remembering all the Titans she had killed while they were distracted eating humans. She inhaled slowly and sucked it up, finding some bread and water as well as an apple. With her findings, Carmina returned to her girlfriend
Meara was brushing her messy hair, having gotten bed head from her little nap. "Hey, you got food..!" She turned, then frowned. "Hey, are you okay? You look pale.." She said, moving over.
"Huh...?" Carmina looked up, train of thought derailed, "Oh...yeah, I'm ok...just..." She inhaled and exhaled, "The loss of many weighs heavy on my conscience..."
Meara bit into the apple and made a noise, chewing slowly and staring at the ground with a thoughtful look.
Carmina shook her head, "I'm not sure...I saw a lot of brave people get swallowed up while we were perched on the corner of the wall...Jean is helping with the clean up, too...I'll ask when he comes back..."
Meara nodded, finishing her apple slowly. "I... I still want to join the Survey corps." She said quietly.
Meara took a small sip of water, frowning softly. "I just wanted to tell you... And if you're gonna join the Garrison that's fine... At least you'll be safe and I get to look forward to seeing you when I get back.."
"I think the bread is tastes odd..." Carmina said absentmindedly. She wanted to avoid the subject of joining any branch of military like it was the plague.
Meara frowned and got the point, fine, it wasn't like she needed permission. "I'm sorry , next time you can have the apple." She said softly, drinking some water.
Carmina scowled faintly and threw down the bread, standing and walking off, "I'm going to see if Ronan's back yet." She grumbled bitterly
Meara frowned, closing the canteen and standing, picking up the bread and tossing it in the garbage bin before heading off with a limp to see what could be done.
Carmina saw movement out of the corner of her eye and looked, seeing the two, "R-Ronan...! Jean...!" She jumped up and moved over quickly, frowning, "H-How many...?" "Over 30%..." Jean muttered, tone heavy. Carmina frowned and looked around, "Jean...? Where's...Where's Marco...?" The look on his face made her heart sink, "I see...I'm sorry, Jean..." " alright..." Jean muttered. Carmina frowned and looked to Ronan, "How are you holding up, Frog Prince...?"
Ronan didn't look at Carmina, something in his eyes seemed off. "Yeah... I'm fine.." He said, then just left, leaving Carmina and Jean alone.
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