Shingeki no Kyojin [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Meara gave a sad smile. "I'm fine, it was just a little crash." She said, but it didn't sound all that convincing.
Meara bit the inside of her lip, looking away. "I'm okay now, aren't I?" She said, trying to lighten the dark situation.
Ronan and Meara talked until one of the nurses shooed Carmina and Ronan out, telling Meara she needed to rest.
"I could cut it for you?" Ronan made a scissor motion with his fingers, a soft smirk on his face.
Ronan grabbed her arm. "Hang on there, lass." He said. "You and I both know that Meara loves you, and we both know she can be more stubborn than a mule.... She's going to be in more danger when she joins the Survery corps and she still has her heart set on them."
Ronan frowned, watching her leave before heading off to go to bed himself. The next day Meara was up and walking, with a limp though.
Carmina sat around and played with her new hair style; it was pixie short in the back with shoulder length tufts of hair in the front. She played with the end of her tuft and sighed softly, missing her long hair
Meara limped over, plopping down next to Carmina and running her hand through Carmina's hair gently. "I like it, though I'm gonna miss the length."
Meara slipped her hand down into Carmina's hand, looking at her. "Carmina... About what happened before we left.."
"No! Not at all! .... A-Actually..." She looked around, cheeks pink. "Could we... Maybe do it again..?" She whispered, no one was around, but she still seemed shy about it.
Meara blushed more. "I-I guess it's really not... I've just... Never kissed anyone before until you.."
"Neither have I..." Carmina replied, resting her head in her hand. She didn't mean to come off as bitchy; she was so stressed and and so tired
"C'mon... No ones doing much today, why don't you lay down..? I could lay with you, if you'd like?" Sh offered.
"Carmina.." She cupped Carmina's chin in her hand, gently bringing her head up and kissing her softly. "Please..? For me?"
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