Shingeki no Kyojin [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Carmina moved over numbly. "R-Ronan...she...she's not...she's not dead...! She's alive...! I know she is...! She...she wouldn't..." She dropped to her knees, "I know she's alive..."
Ronan looked around with wild eyes, trying to stay calm when he wanted to sob. "Th-There's no blood." He looked to the 3D gear and he blinked. "Her gear... It isn't broken, it was taken off..!" He jumped to his feet and looked around. "Meara!" He called, then spotted the broken widow. "There!" He sprinted over, slamming into the door and breaking it open.
Ronan spotted Meara almost instantly, laying in a pool of her own blood, still unconscious. "Meara!!" He ran to her and kneeled beside her. "Oh god let her still be alive.." He said, checking for a pulse. It was weak but definitely there.
Ronan nodded and picked Meara up gently, holding her tightly against his chest he stood, Meara was small compared to her brother, her face more pale than usual and twisted in pain. "Let's hurry, she's lost a lot of blood." He said, hurrying to the door.
Ronan got outside and up onto the roof in no time, heading towards the wall as fast as he could without losing Carmina or dropping Meara.
As soon as Ronan made it up onto the wall, he ran to the medic, laying Meara down gently so they could do first aid on her.
Ronan moved over to Carmina, Meara having her leg taken care of. "Carmina, she gonna be okay... J-Just calm down okay?" He was trying to hold himself together as well.
"It isn't your fault, Meara was ordered to help protect the others, you had to be on the wall, that's the risk we take as soldiers." He said, jaw clenched, trying to be strong.
Ronan put an arm around her shoulders, his other hand on her head. "She'll be fine, she's tougher than she appears, lass."
"She's going to be fine." He said sternly. "Don't worry about it, she just lost a bit of blood."
After a couple of hours, everyone had cleared the wall and moved back within the safety of the wall and took the injured to the infirmary. Meara rested comfortably in a cot, awake and sitting up.
Ronan jumped, having been dozing off in the chair as he waited for Meara to wake up. "Meara!" He moved over. "How are you feeling?" "I'm okay." She said, still looking worn though.
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