Shingeki no Kyojin [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Ronan ruffled her short hair, messing it up and putting it out of place. "Take it easy, okay?"
After a while, all the soldiers were called up to the wall to hear a briefing about plugging the hole in Trost. Carmina made a noise and waited around like everyone else, listening to all the chatter from other soldiers about how unbelievable that sounded.
Meara stood beside Carmina, taking in all the information she was being given. "We can take back Trost?" She whispered to herself, then grinning, but it was almost crazy.
Carmna looked around, listening to the whispers of riots to ge out of this apparent suicide mission. She felt her chest tighten and she could hardly breathe; trainees and Garrison alike were ready to up and surrender to the Titans? Just like that? Alessa would have died for nothing! Her trembling hand gripped the hilt of her blade, "Bastards...! I-I'll teach them to let everyone's sacrafices be in vain...!" She whispered angrily, "I'll show them some bloody respect for those who died in their stead!"
Meara put her hand on Carmina's so she couldn't draw her blade. "Let the cowards leave then, the ones with balls will stay and help get back humanity's dignity." Her voice was steely and cold, her face set and eyes fiery.
"It wouldn't do either of us any good if we went around killing other humans, we can't make them fight." She turned to look at her friend. "But we're going to fight, and when humanity can roam the world free and get out of the terrible grasp the Titans have on us, we'll be victorious."
"Attention!" Commander Pixis voice bellowed from the top of Wall Rose. Everyone grew silent as all attention landed on him, "I will now elaborate the plan to retake Trost!" Carmina released the hilt of her blade and listened. "The objective of this plan is to seal the hole in the destroyed gate!" Whispers floated around but it was still silent as everyone listened. "I will now explain how we intend to seal the hole!" He gestured to the person next to him, who stepped forward, "Belonging to the Training Corps, this is Eren Jaeger." "Eren...!" Carmina gasped
Meara looked up with wide green eyes. "Oh my god..." She felt a small wave of relief wash over her and she smiled softly.
"He is part of stressful top secret Titan transformation research. He is capable of generating a Titan's body and moving it according to his will!" Pixis said. Carmina looked amazed, "So, we can use him to fight Titans...!" She muttered. "In his Titan form, he'll lift the large boulder in the vicinity of the front gate, carry it to the destroyed gate and seal the gate! Your duty protect him from other Titans until he's moved the boulder!" Pixis instructed
More murmurs rippled through the crowd, most panicked. Meara looked around, then at the ground, clenching her fists. "We can do this." She said quietly, so only Carmina could hear her.
Carmin nodded, "Si. We can." She replied softly. She looked to see if others felt the same but was shocked to see a lot of people trying to leave. "No...please, don't leave..." She begged quietly. More and more people were walking away and she turned, "Cowards! Pieces of shit! Don't you dare leave now!" "Heed my command!!" Pixis yelled and everything stopped, "Those who desert us now will all be pardoned!" He stated
Meara looked around, her eyes falling on one man who had drawn his blade in despair, screaming how he couldn't deal with the Titans anymore.
Everyone was still; quiet and surprised by Pixis' words. Pardoned? Really? "Once a man surrenders his fear to the Titans, they are no longer fit for battle! Those who have experienced that fear are free to leave!" Carmina bit her lip, tempted to walk away. But, she couldn't leave Meara and Ronan. "Furthermore, thise of you who want your parents, siblings, and loved ones to experience that fear for themselves may also leave!" He stated. Carmina looked down, remembering Alessa's final moments. She shook her head and stood firm in her place; some of those who were leaving started to come back.
Meara stood beside Carmina, eyes locked onto Pixis, her eyes were fearful, but also glimmering with hope.
"Let us think back to four years ago. Recall the plan to recapture Wall Maria. Though I presume you all know this without me having to say, the plan itself sounded glorious, but in essence, it was a way to rid ourselves of the unemployed tha the government was unable to support!" Carmina's eyes widened, recalling when her mother and father were sent away to gather food. No, there's no way. "The only reason why everyone maintained their silence was be ause we managed to survive within these confined walls thanks to their sacrafices!" Pixis explained. Carmina felt many things: anger, nausea, shame. "All of mankind bears that sin, including myself!"
Meara glanced at Carmina, frowning softly and them looking back down at the ground. She had heard some rumors as to why people were sent out to get her food, but she had never really believed them. "I'm so sorry, Carmina.." She said softly without looking at her friend.
Carmina remained silent, clenching her fists tight. "Because the inhabitants of Wall Maria were few in number, the conflict did not escalate. But what about now?! If Wall Rose is breached, reducing the mouths to feed by a fifth won't suffice! Not even half of theremaining population can be supported within only Wall Sina! Should mankind cease to exist, it would no be because we were all devoured by Titans! We humans would be our own end!" Pixis stated, "We mustn't die within narrower walls. I implore you! Die where you stand!"
Meara listened closely to his speech, gripping her shirt excitedly. They could do this, they were going to get back Trost.
"Ever since the Titans appeared, mankind has not once claimed victory over them! For every Titan advanced, we retreated in kind, continually giving up territory! However, when this plan succeeds, mankind will recapture territory from the Titans for the first time in history! That moment will mark the first time mankind has triumphed over the Titans! Compared to all that mankind has lost thus far, this may be overwhelmingly insignificant. However, despite that, to mankind it will be a great advance." Pixis said. Carmina looked when she saw everyone move towards the wall as they prepared for battle and she looked to Meara, "Are you ready...?"
Meara nodded, her eyes determined as she followed Carmina and this rest of the soldiers. "Make sure you come back in one piece, okay, Carmina?" She asked.
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