Shingeki no Kyojin [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Carmina made a noise, thinking, "Well, we could-" She stopped when a faint earthquake hit and she scowled, "The hell...? An earthquake?"
Meara blind and looked around, feeling the tremor go through her entire body. "Earthquake? That's odd.." She made a face.
"If I would guess, I'd say that came from Wall Maria..." She muttered. She frowned, "Maybe Alessa will know something." She said and looked to Meara, "C'mon, let's go find my sister and ask her!"
Meara nodded and hurried after Carmina, a feeling of doom making her shiver, but she shook it off, today was a nice day with only few clouds in the sky. They'd be fine.
"Alessa!" Carmina called out to her sister, who was standing stock still on a roof. Alessa looked and moved over, "Carmina...Meara..." "What's going on, Alessa?" Carmina asked. Her sister looked towards Wall Rose before back at the kids, "A...A Titan...breached Wall Maria..." "What!?" Carmina gasped. Alessa raised her hand over her head, "I could see it...peeking over the's huge enough for you to see even from 100 kilometers...!" "But Wall Maria is 50 meters high!!"
Meara felt frozen, she was just now hearing the faint screams of people behind the wall. "What?" Her eyes widened and her heart plummeted into her stomach. "Pa... And Ronan... They're... They're trading inside Maria today... Alessa!" She looked up to the girl. "Did you see Pa and Ronan!?"

((*rolls into the sea*))

"After they evacuate the citizens, they'll get the merchants out next. I'll see to it that they get out with the citizens...!" Alessa ran off and used her maneuver gear to get over the wall. Carmina looked to Meara, "Everything will be ok. You can count on Alessa to get them out safe."
((They'll be fine~ Maybe~))

Meara nodded, but she was trembling, more pale than normal. "Carmina what if-" She couldn't finish her sentence, eyes watering.
((M'wife!! Ronan at least has to live!!))

"Alessa won't let any stupid Titan eat them!" She said firmly, "I told you, Alessa is the best the Garrison's got...! She won't let anything bad happen...!"
((Oh yeah~! Ronan is totes mcgoats gonna live~!))

Meara nodded and wiped away her tears. "I know Alessa's the best..." She sniffled. "Let's go try and find Ronan and Pa."
((Ok, good~))

"They won't let us leave the gate...but we can climb one of the roofs and keep an eye out for them!" She told her
((However~ It'd be most unfortunate if they were to lose someone else~))

Meara nodded, her face set even though tears were still in her eyes. "Let's go..!" She said.
((Who? Cuz I already gots a plan for Alessa...))

Carmina nodded and pulled Meara to the closest house to the gate, scaling up to the roof to look out for Ronan and Meara's father
((No one important~! Don' worry about it! I wanna know the plan~! •3•))

Meara pulled herself onto the roof, standing up beside Carmina and turning to look over the wall. Her eyes widened at the sight before her. "Titans..." She felt like she had been frozen, she had heard titans had been big, but she didn't expect this.

Carmina dared not look, wanting to keep an eye out for Alessa, "I don't understand why this is happening..." She muttered
Meara's hand held Carmina's, watching as a Titan picked up a man who had been trying to get away from a Titan, but he fell, then eat him. A wave of nausea made her fall to her knees, hand clamping over her mouth.

Meara closed her eyes and pressed herself against Carmina. "Why? Why is this happening?" She whispered.
Meara sat down once she was on the ground, looking down at her feet. "Meara.." The first of the people who had been evacuated by boat had entered Trost; Ronan stood numbly before the two girls, face so pale his freckles looked more like flecks of mud. His eyes were hollow and sunken in, his shoulders stiff. "Ronan!" Meara jumped up and hugged her brother. "Where's Pa?" Ronan said nothing.
Carmina looked up when Alessa jogged over, "Alessa...?" "It was many bodies..." "Alessa, shut up!" She regretted even asking, knowing how sensitive Meara was right now.
By the way her brother just stood there, Meara already knew the answer to her question, but she didn't want to believe it. "R-Ronan... Hey, wh-where's Pa?-" "He's dead." Ronan said, voice so bitter it scared Meara.
((Its ok~ Carmina and Ronan can be buddies after the culling~))

Carmina frowned heavily, "Hey, c'mon, let's go to my place for some tea..." She offered. Alessa nudged her head, "I gotta...get back to the gate." "Good luck, Alessa.." Alessa nodded and jogged off
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