Shingeki no Kyojin [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((Cuddling snuggle buddies~? Or just buddies~?))

Meara took Ronan's hand and nodded, Ronon dead silent. "Y-Yeah... Let's go have some tea..." Meara managed out.
((Just buddies~))

Carmina took them to her house and made them some tea, frowning softly. "I jinxed us...I jinxed humanity..." She muttered

Meara put her hand on Carmina's. "The Titan's getting in the wall wasn't your fault..!" She said, though tears were flowing down her face at this point.
Carmina said nothing as she poured the hot water into their tea cups. In the next following days, many adults were sent out to gather food for the citizens now residing in Wall Rose. Carmina watched her mom and dad leave with the others, trembling as she held her mother's prized necklace, "Don't go...please...its dangerous..." She muttered. Alessa couldn't bare to watch them leave
Meara took Carmina's hand, frowning softly. "It's gonna be okay, Carmina." She said softly. Ronan , who seemed to be almost completely back to his old self, put a hand on Carmina's head and ruffled her hair. "I'll take good care of you." He said, knowing this was hard, but his eyes still looked hollow.
Carmina frowned and nodded weakly. When next to no one came back, Carmina sat at the dinner table with Alessa, sobbing loudly. Alessa frowned and rubbed Carmina's back, trying to comfort her. But, it was in vain.
Meara's hair had smoothed out over the past couple of days, leaving her with hair that was more wavy than curly. She poked at her food, not very hungry. She frowned more, wishing there was something she could so for her friend. "I enlisted today." Ronan said, biting into a piece of bread.
Ronan scowled and put his bread down. "No." "If Carmina's joining then so am I..!" Meara piped up, making Ronan slam his fist on the table. "No!"
"You can't tell me what to do, Ronan! We're going and that's final. Come on, Mearan." Carmina got up and walked out. Alessa frowned heavily, watching her sister leave.
Meara stood quickly and followed Carmina outside, leaving Ronan at the table with Alessa. "Wait up!" Meara called after Carmina.
((You sell your soul?))

Meara took Carmina's hand, giving her a reassuring smile. "I am too... But we can do this..." She said.
Meara nodded, setting her jaw. "We can do this, you especially. You're brave and strong, Carmina."
Meara shook her head. "I mean it." She said. "You're tougher than I am, that's for sure."
"Only cuz my sister rags on me if I'm a whimp." Carmina answered. She shook her head, "It doesn't matter...pretty soon, we'll be leaving to become soldiers. You ready?"
Carmina grinned and tugged her back home. In the year 848, Carmina stood with Meara with the other trainees, listening to Shadis yell at random trainees. She showed no fear when he stopped at her, "What the hell's your name, short shit!?" "Sir! Carmina Fiore from Trost!" Carmina saluted firmly and furrowed her brow, staring up at him with a look of determination. He got in her face and she didn't move, keeping her eyes locked with his. "Why are you here, huh!?" "Sir! I want to prove that humanity still has the power to defeat the Titans!" "Well isn't that just fantastic! You'll be a nice little snack for the Titans, won't you!? About face!" Carmina turned and ground her teeth hard, not one for being barked at. Shadis nearly walked passed Meara, but stopped and turned on her anyway, "What's your name, ginger!?"
((He's so nice~))

Meara stood at attention, not looking away. "Meara Schneider, sir!" She said. Her hair was still quite long, braided down her back like usual.
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