Shingeki no Kyojin [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Meara watched Eren struggle to stay up, a small shiver running down her spine. "He saw it up close.." She murmured.
Meara smiled sadly, nodding. "Yeah, I do." She said. "Ronan says he's still going to join as well.. Nothing changes his mind once he's set on it."
Meara looked sad but she didn't want to force her friend. "Have you heard anything from Alessa?"
"You'll be the best wall protector ever." Meara smiled. "Yeah, guard the wall, mom." Ronan put his arm around Carmina's shoulders, much taller than her. "Or are you going by Short-shit now?" He teased.
Ronan grunted and flicked her ear, moving over to Meara and giving her a small shove. "Jerk." "Cry baby." "Hag." Meara stuck her tongue out at him.
Meara nodded. "Yeah.." Ronan waved over his shoulder to the two as he left. "I'm surprised try let you keep your hair that long." She smiled. "I like your hair, it's pretty."
"As long as I keep it up so it doesn't get caught in the Maneuver Gear, I should be fine." She answered, "I have some duriable pony tails and ribbons."
"That's good..! I wouldn't want that pretty hair of yours to have to be cut off." She said, smiling, then her cheeks flushing.
Meara waved her hand, grinning widely and looking back to the other trainees. "It's nothing..! Anyway, so the Garrison, huh?"
Meara made a noise, gripping her sleeves of her trainees uniform. "I still can't wait to be in the Suvey corps."
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