Shingeki no Kyojin [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Meara sheathed her blades, cursing softly under her breath, then she noticed she was shaking. She gripped her hand to steady it and looked to Carmina.
Meara stood frozen on the edge of the partially destroyed wall, eyes wide. "We need to... We need to return for orders." She muttered.
Meara tried to stop Carmina but it was too late. "Wait!" Meara used her own gear to follow after Carmina, making sure to keep away from the titans.
"Alessa!!" Carmina headed more into town, seeing the Garrison hurriedly escourting citizens to the exit. Alessa looked and moved towards her sister, "Carmina, what the hell are you doing...!?" "I wanted to be sure you were ok...!" "I'm fine! You have orders, don't you...!?" "W-Well, I..." She honestly didn't know. Her adrenalin was pumping hard and she was trembling, "I-I..."
Meara shook her head and answered for Carmina. "No, we have yet to report in, we'll do so right away...!"
"Well, then, report in, trainee!" Alessa ordered. "Ten meter class Titan!" One of the Garrison yelled and Carmina looked back. A 10-Meter class was making its way over to where they were. Carmina moved to kill it, swinging around to slash its neck. She cut into the flesh of its neck but not deep enough, "Shit!" She hissed and screamed when it swatted her away. "Carmina!" Alessa yelled
Meara's eyes widened and she drew her blades, using her gear to get to the roof tops, clenching her jaw and glaring at the Titan, trying to swallow her fear.
Alessa shot forward and moved quickly, killing the Titan with ease. Carmina groaned and rubbed her head, "Shit, that hurt..."

"Carmina!" Meara dropped down and ran to her friend. "Are you okay? Can you still walk?" She asked, crouching beside her friend.
"C'mon, you should get checked out..." Meara looped her arm around Carmina's slender waist and helping her to Alessa. "Alessa!" She called. "Will you be okay alone?"
Meara nodded and helped Carmina towards the gate, keeping her steady with one hand around her waist.
Meara blinked and looked to Carmina with a worried expression. "Carmina, you aren't okay, you were hit by a Titan, you're lucky to be alive, please let me help you?"
Meara made a face, but nodded and walked close to Carmina in case she had any trouble, keeping her eyes out for straggling citizens or Titans.
Meara looked to Carmina with worried eyes, then used her gear to get up on the roof tops with Alessa.
"Come on, slow pokes!" "Shut it, Alessa." Carmina smirked and Alessa laughed. Carmina shook her head and looked ahead, only to see a 17-meter class Titan swing at them. Carmina screamed and moved pulling Meara with her, "Alessa!" She looked to see if her sister dodged but her eyes widened, the Titan grabbing Alessain its meaty hands. She was stunned, "A...lessa...?" "Run!!" Alessa screamed before the Titan chomped down on her. Carmina's heart stopped, body tensing, "No...ALESSA!!"
Meara felt like ice water had been poured down her back, but her brain screamed to run. "Go!" Meara suddenly screamed, grabbing Carmina around the waist and throwing her over her shoulder, holding her tightly as she used her 3D gear to get away from the Titan, eyes wide with shock.
Meara stumbled and held on tighter. "No! Don't let her death be in vain!" She snapped, was the Titan following them? Gods she didn't know, not care, but she wasn't slowing down.
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