Shingeki no Kyojin [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Meara! Let me go, dammit!!" Carmina was crying now, the Titan long focusing on a new target. Carmina held onto Meara's coat, sobbing, "L-Let me go..! I have to kill it...!"
Meara landed on a roof and stumbled, grunting when she hit the tiles, holding onto Carmina so she wouldn't fall to the ground. A blur of orange and brown flew toward the Titan, taking it out in a quick kill before heading toward Carmina and Meara. "Meara! Carmina!" It was Ronan. "Ronan!" Meara felt on the verge of tears.
Carmina pushed herself up and moved towards him, beating on his chest weakly, "Bastard! I was the one who had to kill it...! It was my kill..! I was the one who was supposed to avenge Alessa!"
Ronan looked to his sister questioningly, but by the grave look on her face, he could tell exactly what had happened. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and held her tightly against him. "I'm so sorry." He said softly.
"You haven't lost your entire family." Ronan said, keeping an eye out for any Titans, making sure they didn't draw near. "But right now, we have to get the citizens out and get somewhere safe."
Ronan nodded and Meara wiped her tears away, nodding as well. "Yeah.. We should stick together now.. No use in going solo."
Carmina dried her eyes and moved, "C'mon..." She ran off and used her gear to run from roof to roof, failing to see the ribbon tying her hair was coming undone
((Her suffering will never end!!))

Carmina kept going, spotting Jean and Connie in the distance. "Hey! Jean! Connie!" She called. She gasped when her ribbon came out and she stopped, "Crap!" She ran back to get her ribbon, gasping loudly when a Titan flew at her and grabbed her long hair. She hissed when it lifted her up and over its mouth. She glared and grabbed her blades, "Fuck! You!" She unsheathed her blade and cut her hair before using her gear and swinging around, killing the titan in one deep clean cut
"Carmina!" Ronan and Meara dropped down to the ground and ran to Carmina, both looking paper than usual. "Carmina, are you okay?" Meara rushed over.
"Yeah..." She reached up and ran her fingers through her incredibly short hair with a frown, "I'll need to fix my hair later though..."
Meara looked around, spotting a Titan slowly walking down the street towards them. "We'll worry about it later, we need to get out of here." She said, Ronan keeping an eye on the Titan.
Ronan followed after Meara, who looked at Carmina with concern. "You have to be careful, Carmina." She said as she maneuvered through the streets.
Carmina stayed quiet as she made her way to Jean and Connie, seeing others with them; Annie, Sasha, Armin. Carmina made a face. Where was Eren?
Meara landed on the roof and jogged to Carmina, Ronan close behind. "Why are so many people gathered here?" She asked softly and Ronan shrugged.
"They're closing the gate and we need to get over the wall, but..." Connie made a face and Jean scowled softly, "We're low on gas for our Maneuver Gear." He said. Carmina scowled, "Where's the support team?" "HQ is full of Titans...we can only assume..." Connie stopped and she bit her lip
Meara frowned. When was the last time she checked her gas? She frowned when she checked her gas, being nearly out of gas. "Shit.. I'm low too..." Ronan tapped his gas tanks, as if it would do anything.
Meara watched a far off Titan, frowning softly. "We need to get back to HQ." "Ronan, that'd be suicide, we can't go..!" Meara said quietly. Ronan shook his head. "Maybe... But we still need to get gas."
Meara nodded. "Let's go." "I'm with ya sis, where you go, I'll follow and make sure you don't kill yourself." He said with a grin.
Carmina looked to Jean, "We're going to try and make it to what you have to and come back alive, ok?" Jean nodded, "Right." He agreed and Carmina looked to Meara and Ronan, "Let's go! Fast as you can and pray your gas doesn't run out before we get there!"
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