Shingeki no Kyojin [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Alright, I trust you." She replied.

Year 850

Carmina stood with the rest of the 104th Trainee Squad, pouting that she made 17th in her ranking for graduation. "Dammit..." She mumbled under her breath, keeping her salute as their commanding officer made the graduation speech
Ronan stood a few people before Carmina and Meara stood beside Carmina, holding her salute as well. She frowned softly, listening to the commander talk about the Survey corps, the Military, and the Garrison.
Carmina scanned the top ten, seeing Eren and Jean up there. She made a jealous noise, "Even Ronan scored higher than me." She grumbled
Meara shook her head. "I dunno, but I'm sure Ronan's gonna rub his higher ranking in our faces." She murmured.
"Maybe..." She muttered. The next day, Carmina was annoyed to learn their job was to help clean the wall. "Son of a bitch." She growled
Meara didn't look very bothered, she simply cleaned out the cannons and looked to Carmina. "Don't worry about it...! It's easy grunt work..!"
Sasha came out, cheeks red and practically drooling. "Hey guys..." Meara looked up as Sasha pulled some meat from her coat, making her eyes widen. "I borrowed some meat from Shadis." "Oh Gods..!" Meara stood up, stomach giving off a low growl.
"It's okay, he won't even know it's gone..!" Meara didn't think that was true at all, she hadn't had meat in years. "I-I'll have some.." Meara couldn't stop the words before they fell out of her mouth, blushing.
Sasha nodded her head, but put the meat in a small box. "I'll put it here so we can have some later." Meara nodded in agreement and returned to cleaning the cannons.
Suddenly a huge strike if lightening shot down from the sky in a deafening roar, making Meara stumble and look back, the biggest Titan she had ever seen was directly behind Eren, and before anyone could even move, a huge amount of steam blew everyone off the wall.
Carmina let out a scream of surprise before using the 3D Gear to grapple onto the wall, "H-Holy shit...i-its..." She trembled slightly, "The Colossal Titan...!"
Meara twisted in the air, the wind whistling in her ears before she spun around and used her 3D gear to grab onto the wall. Dread washing over her. "Oh gods..." She looked up, eyes wide.
Carmina looked and her eyes widened, "The breached the wall! The Titans are gonna get in!!" She yelled. Connie looked and gasped, "Samuel!!" He called, their comrad unconscious and fallig head first towards the ground
Sasha watched Samuel fall for a second before quick thinking kicked in. Releasing her grappling hooks, she ran straight down the wall towards him, shooting one into his leg and another into the wall, letting out a sigh of relief.
"Thank God..." Carmina muttered. She looked to the Colossal Titan and gulped, "What are we...gonna do...?" She muttered. Eren gripped the hilts of his blades, "Canon Maintanencd Team 4, prepare for combat!" He unsheathed his blades and started running back up, using his 3D Gear to move faster, "Our target is the Colossal Titan! This is our chance! Don't let it get away!"
"He's crazy..." Meara murmured, watching Eren dissapeared over the top of the wall. Meara set her jaw and drew her own blades. "Send word the wall has been breached!" She called out, though her eyes were fearful. She used her 3D gear to run up the wall, gripping her blades tight.
Meara reached the top of the wall just in time to see the colossal Titan vanish into thin air, her eyes widening as she froze. "It... It's gone.." She murmured, lowering her blades.
Carmina moved on to the top of the wall and her eyes widened, "Did...Did Eren kill it?" "Eren!" Thomas peeked over the wall, "Did you kill it?!" "N-No, it got away!" Eren called and moved back up the wall
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