Loki's Return(The Avengers)-Moon/Lady

Loki nodded a little. "no one should have experienced that." he muttered calmly before beaming as he watched the Jello intently. pondering how much he could eat without being rude. "THAT MAN IS NOT MY...." he paused as he realized the rest of what they had said and he went pale and stared at them with wide, stunned eyes, too shocked to really know what to feel about that. he stared at the two men for a long, long silent moment before he stood up and walked out of the room and thor winced as his bond with his brother throbbed as Loki locked himself into the bedroom, and proceeded to be ill. "oh dear..." thor muttered, glancing at Elizabeth apologetically before he went to wait for his brother to stop puking. "Loki, i'm sorry..." Thor called into the bathroom. "do you want me to leave?" "NO!" Loki shreiked, the door slamming open, Loki clinging violently to his brother. "don't leave me!" Thor winced again and wrapped his arms tightly around Loki, whispering in his brothers ear as the sickly man burst into tears and clung to his elder brother with a desperation that might have crushed Clint or Elizabeth's ribs.
Both humans stared after the twp asgardians, at a loss on how to respond before swallowing hard, having no idea how to comfort them both before moving back into the kitchen and setting about making a small dinner for the four of them.

When it was ready Elizabeth moved into the bedroom looking at the two men sitting on the bed, looking pale and shaken, her bond to loki nearly crippling her in the need to help him, and feeling sick that she couldn’t.”We made dinner, do you two want to come down, or I can bring some up here.”She said quietly watching them
Thor held Loki tightly, not letting the man do himself damage as Loki began to scream while he sobbed, wanting to hit things, wanting to hurt someone, wanting to... he didn't know what he wanted to do. he laid out accusations on Odin, accusing the man of never being there, of always making himself the center of attention, of killing himself before Loki could have closure. finally he fell asleep, still safely encased in Thor's arms and the God of Thunder took Loki to bed, standing guard in case this latest tragedy caused Loki to try again. Loki blinked awake when Elizabeth came in and blinked at her for a moment, uncomprehending what she'd said before he slowly sat up and moved to get out of bed, standing on trembling legs. tired from trying to beat Thor up and struggling against the man's tight grip. but he managed to stay standing on his own, though he had issues when it came to the stairs and Thor had to carry him down. Loki looked blank, felt blank and he poked at his dinner, clearly trying to figure out how he was supposed to feel. "this is a wonderful meal Elizabeth, thank you for inviting us."
“You’re welcome.”Elizabeth smiled a little as she looked at thor for a moment though her focus was so obviously on loki that the other two might as well not be there. “You should stay tonight.”Clint muttered looking at thor, swallowing hard.”I’ll stay to.”He said the unspoken ‘in case he loses control and tries to kill himself’ there. He didn’t want Elizabeth have to deal with loki alone, no matter how bonded the two were, this wasn’t something they should do alone.

“Loki?do you want to go lay down?”Elizabeth asked softly gently touching his face to get his attention.
Thor nodded. "i will stay." he agreed softly. "Loki should not be left alone." he muttered softly. "he will need us. he's very much emotionally unstable, he's never had the support he's needed, this pain is taking him thrice as hard as it did me." he admitted softly. "it doesn't help that he never had a chance to hash things out with my Father..." he muttered softly. "he feels betrayed all over again..." he admitted softly as he watched Loki poke at his food. Loki blinked and turned to Elizabeth, looking so confused, so lost, so baffled it was almost heartbroken. he was so lost in his own mind, that he wasn't even truly aware that he was still with other people. "...yes, please..." he muttered before turning his attention back to his food and poked at it some more, Thor wincing. "he has no idea what you asked..." he muttered. "i'll carry him up the stairs." Thor decided, sliding away from the table and carried Loki back up the stairs and tucked him in bed and stood watch over his brother while Clint and Elizabeth finished dinner. "Elizabeth? will you read to me?" Loki asked rather pathetically when she walked into the room. Loki had once read stories to Thor when the big warrior had been ill or upset, Thor had always seamed to like it, Loki was hoping he'd feel better too if someone read him a nice story.
Elizabeth offered him a small smile as she walked into the bedroom, glad that thor and clint were well enough to be by themselves, settling into the bed next to loki holding the romance novel he’d been reading. “I’d be glad to.”She said smiling as she started to read, keeping her voice slow and even, though there was embarrassment in the words, and banked lust as she read the sex scene, struggling to not respond to the visual with loki tucked in against her side, knowing this wasn’t the time to think about that.
Loki listened to her read with a small smile on his face. now he knew why Thor had lied this so much, it was so soothing to have someone's voice wash over him. he chuckled as they reached the sex scene and he wrapped his arm around her waist and yanked her into bed with him. "crappy." he muttered. "real life is so much better." he admitted, pressing a kiss to the back of her neck. "will you stay with me tonight?" he asked hopefully. "i don't want to be left alone..." he whispered softly. "i'm scared to be alone..."
Elizabeth yelped as she was jerked down, swallowing hard.”really?”she muttered blushing a little, not about to admit that sex hadn’t been that great with her husband, and usually left her feeling weird and used. Sighing softly as she nodded, shivering as his lips brushed against her neck.”Of course I’ll stay loki. You know that.”she muttered relaxing into his arms.
Loki sighed, relieved as he nuzzled the back of her neck. "you're shivering... are you cold?" he asked, sitting up and dragging the blankets up so that he could cover her, his hands sliding onto her belly, slipping under her shirt so he could feel her smooth, soft, warm skin, giving her neck a little sniff. "you smell good, did you know?" he asked softly, snuggling a little more into her, simply seeking the warmth and comfort of another person. "Elizabeth?" he asked softly, hesitating. "i love you..." he admitted softly, voice filled with apprehension, afraid he was going to be rejected, saying it anyway because he wanted her to know.
“N,no I’m okay.”Elizabeth muttered even though she snuggled into the blanket and him, shuddering as his fingers slid over her stomach, swallowing hard as she resisted the urge rocking her hips into his before relaxing, smiling softly at his words. “I love you to.”She muttered turning her head to look at him, smiling gently, twisting to gently stroke his hair out of his face, wanting to reassure him she wasn’t just saying it, but that she meant it.
Loki paused, looking so startled at her it was almost funny. "you do?" he asked, looking almost baffled. "but that's... you can' love me." he protested, frowning a little. "i am bad, and scary, and evil... you're supposed to be afraid of me, not love me." he complained, pouting a little as he snuggled even more into her. "your so warm, and soft, and wonderful." he muttered with a small smile. "i'm glad that it was you who took care of me." he admitted. "...is it wrong of me, to... hate my father?" he asked after a moment. "to hate him for dying before i could yell at him? to hate him for dying before i could make him understand?" he asked softly. "is it wrong of me to hate him?"
Elizabeth frowned at him, “Well, I’ve never been afraid of you, you know. I do love you.”She smiled a little shifting, laying face to face with him, gently stroking his hair. “No, sweetheart, no. You wanted to make him understand, and he robbed you of the chance. Its fine to be angry with him.”She whispered gently stroking his hair, even though her eyes were focused on those soft kissable lips. While knowing she shouldn’t be thinking about it, all she could think about was kissing him. Not wanting to tell him what clint had told her, that odin had killed himself, to selfish to give his son a chance to talk to him
he scowled a little. "i am a scary god..." he grumbled before leaning into her hand, sighing a little. "he killed himself you know." Loki whispered. "Thor didn't say it, but that's what happened. a God doesn't die for no reason, and no one else could have killed Odin. he killed himself because he was too frightened to face me. because he didn't want to see the mess he made of me, and my life..." he whispered furiously as he nuzzled her jawline, shuddering a little. "i hate him." and this time his voice was stronger. "i hate him for taking his life away like a coward..." at least Loki had tried to kill himself for the better of others. he had tried to kill himself, because he had been afraid that the Voices would come back. he had tried to kill himself to protect others. Odin had killed himself out of selfish desires and his own shame. "Elizabeth?..." he asked softly, looking up at her, hesitating before. "may i kiss you?"
“Hm, no thor’s scary. You’re just snuggly.”She teased looking at him, pain filling her face. “I know. Clint told me.”she muttered looking worried about him, pained to consider what the man had to be going through, flushing a little as she got nuzzled, her hips rocking into his slightly, swallowing hard as she looked at him, nodding softly. “yes.”she said after a moment lowering her face towards him.
he huffed a little and shook his head, sulking at the other with a pout before grimacing as he held her before smiling as he pressed his lips to hers, eagerly accepting, and leaning into the kiss, his mouth moving against hers as he relaxed a great deal, feeling the love that she truly offered. he broke the kiss, held her, and smiled. "i love you." he whispered again, snuggling into her happily. "i'm going to sleep some more." he admitted with a sigh. "i'm so tired." he mumbled, drifting off to sleep. in the morning, Thor was watching Clint make Coffee and a simply breakfast, his head tilted. "do you think Tony would have a Temper Tantrum if we invited Loki into the Avengers?" Thor asked curiously. "my brother needs something constructive to do. something useful and helpful to others..."
Elizabeth smiled as she shifted to get comfortable, letting the man lull her to sleep.

Clint paused as he made breakfast, tilting his head as he thought about it, stifling a laugh before nodding.”Yes, simply because loki is the closest anyone has come to beating him. He’ll protest because he doesn’t play well with others. Just tell him when he protests that loki’s bringing the girl with him, and that between us, loki wont be a danger.”Clint said shrugging a little, glancing towards the staircase, wanting to ask a rude question, but not sure how to ask it.
Thor chuckled a little and nodded. "you are right of course, Tony is a very egotistical man." Thor admitted with a small sigh. "Loki is always a danger, Friend Clint." Thor pointed out with a grin. "he's just not a deadly one anymore, don't forget, i gave him his Magic back... not that he's realized it yet. he'll be playing many pranks. i have no doubt there will be gender changes and odd shape-shifting in the future." he admitted with a grin before he studied Clint intently. "is something the matter?"
Clint snickered at that, smirking. “We should turn Stark into a woman.”he mused because while annoying, the pranks would mean that loki would be back to himself, and with Elizabeth, he was sure loki wouldn’t do anything to badly, since it would make her unhappy if it was. Clint shifted biting his lip before sighing. “you and jane, loki and Elizabeth…I mean..youre not human…and they’re,…women eventually they’ll want kids…I mean…”He huffed out a frustrated breath.”I don’t want you two getting hurt, because of some stupid biological thing, and wanted to know what you’re thoughts on it were.”
Thor chuckled a little. "Tony would spend an unseemly amount of time fondling his own breasts." Thor pointed out with a small snicker before he paused, blinking at Clint. "ah, i see. you have made a simply mistake my freind. Jane Foster and i are not a couple. she has a very lovely boyfriend." he admitted with a nod. "my Mate is not yet found. as for Loki, Elizabeth is not human herself, not fully, and now that she has bonded to my brother, she will live as long as he does, or longer." Thor admitted. "as for children, Loki already has a few. Hela for one thing, the Guardian of Hel." he admitted with a smile. "Loki is upset with her for forcing him out of Hel three times." he chuckled a little. "he has another... er, well it's not a son as it is a massive Wolf the size of a house, but it came out of Loki." Thor admitted with a shrug. "he is a shape-shifter you know. Fenrir is a sweet... thing, but his middle son Jörmungandr, now he is a nasty piece of work. he's always threatening to kill me, and he takes the shape of a giant serpent." Thor admitted, wondering how freaked out Clint was getting yet. "Thor... i wish you would leave Jori alone!" Loki complained, shooting Thor a scowl. "he's only threatening you, because you threatened him first!" "he BIT me!" "he was PLAYING."
“Ah, well. I see.”Clint said though it amused him to consider, and he wondered if stark knew that jane wasn’t thor’s girlfriend. For a man who prized being informed on everything, it would annoy him to not be in the loop on things. Looking vaguely disturbed as thor kept talking he grumbled. “Stop, please.”He whined looking relieved as loki came into the room, a teasing smirk on his lips, “You look well rested.”He teased,”Maybe you should sleep with your bonded more. You’ll be in a happier mood.”he said looking amused because teasing loki about having someone amused him, before looking at Elizabeth as she walked in.

“Boys, its to early in the morning to argue. Stop. And tell me whatever you decided.”Elizabeth said looking at thor, while she didn’t have a full gift for prophecy, she could get a sense when things were going to affect her, when things were about to change.
Thor chuckled a little as he watched Clint curiously. "stop what? i haven't done anything." he complained, looking confused, even though you could see the twinkling laughter in his eyes that said he knew EXACTLY what he was doing. "yes, i beleive i will sleep with her every night." Loki decided. "she's soft, and warm, and smells wonderful." he bragged, nose in the air and ever so proud. "decided brother?" "yes. i have decided that you would have your magic back Loki." Thor explained. "and that you are to be able to travel to and from Asgaurd, as you please. whether or not you decide to return to asgaurd, ever, will be up to you... provided you don't go on a rampage." Loki snorted a little and poked the coffee Machine, wishing it would work faster. he quite liked coffee. "you will also be assigned to the Avenger's..." "WHAT!? No! you can't do that!" Loki protested, looking mortified. "Brother! you can't! i hate them!" Thor bit back a laugh and several hundred miles away, Pepper laughed as Steve grumbled. watching again. they where worse than peeping toms.
“…I don’t want to know more, please stop telling me. Thor’s scarred me enough for one day.”Clint whined rolling his eyes, snickering as loki poked the coffee machine, pouring them all coffee. Elizabeth tilted her head before swallowing hard, looking sad as she moved to sit at the table. Thinking she was going to be left behind, between loki returning to asgaurd and joining the avengers, she was sure the man would forget her, and the bonded part of her heart felt crushed.

Tony sulked as he leaned back in his chair, smirking a little though at loki’s reaction.”See?I didn’t have to worry, he doesn’t want to join anyways.”he said before raising his eyebrows a little, and despite dating pepper, the man was looking the woman over at loki’s side. She was beautiful, he couldn’t help himself, even more so because she was loki’s girl, and despite knowing about the bond between the asgaurdian and his mate, tony was thinking about trying to seduce her. He was incapable of not considering it.
Thor snickered a little. "well, i won't tell you about the time Loki became a woman then." he mused with a grin as Loki crossed his arms. "i refuse, i will not go to Asgaurd, and i will not join the Avengers. Elizabeth needs me here." he stated with a sniff and Thor snorted. "Loki, it's not like you're expected to DO anything, just help us if the world is put in danger again. you wanted punishment, this is it." Loki sputtered, furious, angry... yet... there was a look of... delight at the thought of being able to help people. "...fine, i'll help if the world is in danger." he growled, his eyes narrowed. "but you had better not bother me unless it is the WORLD that is in danger." Thor snorted. "you will come when i tell you to brother." Thor stated with a roll of his eyes, Loki sulking because he knew it was true. "fine, but i don't want anything to do with the others." he ordered, glaring at Thor who shrugged. "i cannot control them the way i can control you." Thor pointed out. "they might appear. i can't stop them." "they will be pranked." "i will warn them." "i will turn them into disgusting things, things with slime, and tentacles." "i will warn them." "and i hope you enjoy spending the rest of the weak as a woman." Thor sputtered as Loki pointed his finger at him. Thor was smart, he fled the room laughing.

Pepper chuckled as she watched Tony. she knew his habits, and if one was being honest, she loved watching Tony make his conquests. she had an entire private computer devoted just to Tony fucking other women. which was probobly why she was so perfect for Tony. "Tony, you have to cut Loki some slack... you didn't blame Clint for trying to kill you." she pointed out. "he was used, from a very young age. try to be nice to him, he never had a chance..." she paused. "but... i've looked into this Bond thing... Loki will kill you to protect his woman Tony... try to be careful." she warned, kissing him intently before stalking off, her ass swaying from side to side.
Elizabeth looked startled at loki, her face going soft as tears shone in her eyes. “Oh. You don’t have to stay just for me loki.”She muttered looking at him, biting her lip. Feeling…despite the bond, that he deserved better, more then a simple descendant of a god, giggling at little at the brother’s arguing. “Hmm, I think that’s my cue to go. Talk to you later loki, eliza.”Clint grinned as he beat a hasty retreat before he could get turned into a woman fleeing.

Tony turned his head looking at pepper, “No, but I can blame loki.”he sulked, mostly because the other man was not only dangerous, but also pretty enough to give tony a run for his money in the lady department had he had the inclination to do so. Frowning a little as he watched pepper walk away he smirked to himself, already planning the party to invite both loki and Elizabeth to, having every intention of trying to seduce the woman despite the warnings. He just couldn’t help himself.

(if you want to skip to them getting ready for the party you can...XD)
Loki looked at her, ignoring the two fleeing men as he took her hand in his. "You are my Bond." he stated softly. "do you know what that means? it means i will never be happy, unless i am with you. it means that you are my joy, and my life, and the light in my darkness. you keep the nightmares away, and you make me feel as if i am worth the life, and the chance, that i have been given. my dream in life now, is to make you happy." he admitted with a smile. "because seeing you smile, makes my heart leap into my throat, and my palms to grow wet, as if i am a child with a crush for the first time." he admitted as he pressed a kiss to her lips. "never, will there ever be a woman more perfect for me than you. never will there ever be a woman for me other than you. you are the only woman i will ever love, it is the way my people work." he admitted, kissing the tip of each of her fingers. "everything i do in my life, now, will be 'just for you'..." he offered her another smile. "you are my everything, you are my reason for living." he admitted, pressing a kiss to her palm. "and i will never let you go."

and with that said, three days later, he was sulking. "i won't go. i refuse." "Brother please! Tony is only trying to give you a chance, why can't you do the same?! now put on your fancy suit." "no. i won't go." Loki growled, even as he pulled on his clothing. leather pants, of course. how could Loki dress in anything but leather? he looked just as good as Tony did, but he didn't have the right charisma. really Tony didn't have much to worry about, because he snapped, snarled, and glared at any woman who tried to get near him at the party, and he hid himself as best as he could in a corner, ignoring all attempts by the others to make him mingle. he didn't want to be there, he wanted to curl up in bed, and read all the naught parts of the latest romance novel aloud, and then seduce Elizabeth into another kiss, and maybe a fondle or two. but no, he gets invited to a stupid party, full of stupid people, doing some stupid thing called 'dancing'... at least Elizabeth was having fun.
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