Loki's Return(The Avengers)-Moon/Lady

Elizabeth sighed looking at him before laughing softly. “I will, since he bothers you so much.”She said rolling her eyes a little as she stood before pausing, looking at him.”That would have been a sight to see.”She said and when she returned in a hour, she looked still shaken and heartsick, but more at peace. Having gotten her husband away from her, she was glad to be able to return to helping the patient she cared for, the one that she was drawn to on a instinctual level.
he nodded. "he does bother me, his constant bitching grates on my nerves." he grumbled before relaxing as the healer left and he cracked an eye open to look at her before huffing again. "you still look terrible... i should have killed him instead." he muttered. "i'm thirsty." he stated suddenly, staring at her. "fetch me some of that fruit juice... i like the fruit juice... the one in the box." the fruit punch juice boxes that they kept for the little kids. one of the other nurses must have brought it to Loki, no doubt tired of the man's constant annoyances. he was full of creative insults, simply full of them. "and then i want more of your mushed apples." well at least he was feeling better if he was making demands again.
Elizabeth raised a eyebrow as he made a demand, looking amused as she walked out again without replying. Returning with the demanded apples and fruit juice helping him sit up just enough to eat before sitting on the edge of the bed,”well, its good to see you feeling good enough to be demanding. Anything else?”She said looking him over.
he looked highly smug when she did as he was told and drank the juice and ate the applesauce without complaint, even if he couldn't feed himself. he doubted he had the strength to even lift a spoon at the moment. "no, i am fine now." he stated simply, sighing. "my head hurts though." he admitted, his skull practically pounding with the pain. "how long will i be here for anyway?"
Elizabeth looked worried about him, "I'll see about getting you some pain medication."She said looking worried about him, tilting her head slightly before smiling. "Until you heal, and then I'll move you into a house, a little less clinical."
he huffed a little. "human healing is so slow and pointless." he grumbled, annoyed that it was taking so long for him to get his energy back. still, the information she had given him was helpful. all he had to do was play nice with the doctors and he'd be moved to somewhere else. then he could escape and try again... only, he didn't particularly want to anymore. "would i be living with someone? it's not as if i'm very good at taking care of myself." he admitted simply. "i find it particularly unfair that the Allfather would give Thor help as soon as he landed upon this planet, and yet left me here for two weeks to rot in the streets... not that i could do that properly either." he grumbled. he wasn't a god anymore, no. but the lack of food, water, and warmth still didn't seam to affect him much.
“You’ll be living with me, now since I don’t have to worry about a husband being jealous, or anywhere to go. It’ll be okay.”She said looking at him, curious about him because she had no idea how in the world he was still living when it was obvious that he had intentions to die. Maybe he couldn’t die, since he had been outcast from the gods?Maybe impossible? “Well, I’ll give you some help now.”She said smiling at him.
he lifted an eyebrow at her, looking a little surprised by that. he was honestly going to be living with her? well that didn't sound too bad... he could handle that. maybe he would find another way to repent for his crimes, he was curious about this human, he wanted to learn more about her... he'd kill himself when she wasn't so fascinating. "that is not the point woman. the point, is that my father claims to have loved me, yet every time i needed him, he was paying attention to Thor instead of me." he stated simply, closing his eyes. "my father claims to love me, and yet he only has eyes for Thor." he sighed. "that is why the voices, where able to get inside of me. they fed on my neglect and turned it into rage, and hatred." he stated softly. "and no one ever noticed."
Elizabeth frowned at him, her fingers twitching a little as she rested her hands in her lap, resisting the urge to stroke his hair. Swallowing hard she tilted her head. “What voices, loki?”She whispered softly looking worried about him, even more worried about his sanity, swallowing harder as she resisted a stronger urge to get on her knees, and beg him to understand that she wouldn’t pay more attention to thor, didn’t want the tall blond god.
Loki hessitated a little as she asked him and he took a glance at her, looking almost... frightened. "they fed on it, you know... my jealusy, even when i didn't know what it was then... the more jealous i became of Thor, the louder they became. i did not know where the voices came from, not until they where suddenly gone..." he admitted softly. "they slipped into my mind in the night at first, i was afraid of them, and afraid of the darkness. but the Allfather scoffed at me, and told me that Gods feared nothing, least of all shadows... he did not understand and he did not try to." he closed his eyes. "they whispered to me more as my anger grew, and as Anger turned to rage, and fury, and HATRED... i let the Frost giants into Asgaurd, because i thought if i could only get some sort of attention, the voices would go away. but no... instead i found out that the Allfather never loved me, i was just a tool... a frost giant runt, left to die in a alter..." he muttered. "and that is when the voices where not voices anymore... they pushed me inside, and they took control, and used my body, my mind... my soul to try and kill my brother, and they damn near succeeded..."
Elizabeth stared, eyes wide as he considered that. Studying him she gently reached up and brushed his hair back from his face, looking at him worriedly. “Did you ever tell thor?”She said, wondering just how much she was going to hate his family, sick with fury and fear at the fact that the allfather had simply turned his back on this angry, pained man that he'd claimed to love.
Loki stared at the ceiling and shook his head. "no. i have not told Thor... he wouldn't understand and even if he did, what good would it do? the Allfather does not care and he never will. he won't care that It was inside of me, controlling me." he whispered. "i still did those things and it is only right that i pay for them. i am a warrior, and that is the warriors way." he whispered, feeling exaughsted again. "i'm so tired, of everything... of existence... of the Allfather and of Thor... i am tired of this pathetic life..." he opened his eyes, his deep honey colored eyes staring at her. a clue that Thor should have noticed, because when they had been fighting, Loki's eyes had been an icy blue. "the voices are gone now... but they will be back because the anger is still there, the jealousy and the desire to prove myself is still there, and It will feed on those emotions, and make them stronger, and the voices will have me again."
“Well, at least you know who you are. A warrior. A good place to start if you’re going to live.”She muttered looking him over, gently stroking his hair.”Sleep loki, I will be here when you wake tomorrow, I'm going to go home and sleep myself for a bit..”She muttered, the soft murmur of power to her words, as if she was guarding his sleep. Waiting until he fell asleep before standing, stepping out of the room. Staring at the wall as she decided what to do before giving in, and reaching out to the one person she knew who might be able to help. Thor. And she only knew one way to get to the man, to go through tony stark and hope thor got the message that there was a matter he needed to attend to in Chicago and that she would be at home should he want to see her that evening.
he snarled at her a little. "i don't want to live you Mewling Quim!" he hissed before he went limp, closing his eyes and sleeping with just a few strokes of his hair. he had wanted to ask her not to leave him alone, but she had put him to sleep before he even had the chance. he breathed softly, weak and helpless in the bed, looking so broken.

at eleven, a thunderstorm blew in, lightning crackling and striking the ground here and there, and with a thud, Thor landed. astonishingly... he was wearing normal clothes, a pair of jeans and a tight white shirt that made him look simple delicious. he tucked his Hammer into a loop on his pants, and moved over to the house that Tony Stark had pointed him to before shoving him out of the private jet, and knocked. "i am Thor Odinson, you have asked for me by name." he stated, studying her intently. "why have you called me with such desperation?"
Elizabeth pulled open the door, looking surprised that the man had actually showed. And while she had assumed that he would, it was still amazing that he was there. At a moment overwhelmed by the simple deliciousness of the man in front of her, but her attraction to loki shoved it aside after a moment, stepping aside to let him in. “I…well…now that you’re here I’m not actually sure how to ask you about it…”she said frowning wondering how to bring up loki without her house going up in lightening.
The massive man stared at her for a long moment and then sighed. "What has Loki done this time?" he asked, it was probobly meant to sound annoyed, but being the therapist she was, she could hear the worry laced deep in Thor's voice. the God of Lightning and Thunder was exceptionally worried about his younger brother, and from the way Thor's eyes kept glancing around, looking to see if Loki was inside, he knew that something was wrong with his brother. which was probobly the only reason why Thor was there, was because he had assumed correctly, that it was about Loki. not that he had told Tony Stark, nor any of the other Avenger's that, or they wouldn't have wanted him to go. honestly, they didn't even know that Loki was back on earth.
Elizabeth stared at him, dark blue eyes widening and anger fillign them, because of his assumption that loki had done something wrong, though after a moment she got control, the therapist in her wanting to take care of him. “Tried to kill himself. He got himself checked in after…we saved him…but I wanted…he..”She stopped unable to get the words out as she moved further into the house, sitting down on the couch, looking upset. “he’s not here.”she said watching him look around.
Thor stared at her, wide eyed in shock and horror and he started to tremble. "i told him... i TOLD my father that there was something wrong! i KNEW my brother was sick, somehow, anyhow!" he hissed, his eyes filled with a vindicated rage now. "i told him not to send Loki away, i told him it would only make things worse, i TOLD him, but like ALWAYS he wouldn't listen to me!" he was pacing back and forth now, dragging his hands through his hair. "i knew sending him away was going to end badly, but i NEVER thought he would... that he even COULD!..." he paused, looking at her with wet, fearful eyes. "how close did he get? is there any way i can help him? Gods...please tell me i still have a brother..."
Elizabeth stared at him, this hadn’t been the reaction that she’d expected. Standing she herded him into sitting down at the couch, shushing him as she rubbed his back. “You do. He’s…hurt badly, but he’s alive. And…”She shuddered a little.”He’s hearing voices, said they drove him to what he did…and that the allfather wouldn’t listen to him when he asked for help, and…I reached out to you.He’s going to be angry I did, he said you wouldn’t believe him but…”She stopped stuttering a little, wanting him to believe so much, needing help to help loki.
Thor looked so relieved that Loki was still alive that he let her usher him inside and into a couch without any fuss at all. "Voices?" he asked, looking shocked. "what do you mean voices?... i don't understand." he admitted. "if he's hearing voices, shouldn't there be someone there?" clearly Asgaurdian's didn't have the concept of Schizophrenia. "...Father was never one for showing weakness, and he was always harder on Loki." he growled, tightening his fists. "i didn't understand then, but i do now. Father wanted Loki to be powerful and strong, like me, and him, so that he would be accepted as the Frost giant Prince, despite his smaller stature..." Thor blew out a furious breath and set a hand over his face. "i deserve his anger. i did not try to help him either. i didn't understand, i didn't know how..." he whispered softly. "i did not know what was wrong with him, but after the battle... he wouldn't eat, he wouldn't sleep, he wouldn't talk... he just sat there and stared off into nothing..."
“No…he says…he says there’s someone out there, trying to get in his head…I don’t know if he’s imagining them or if they really are there…but…he said they’re what drove him to do what he did.”She muttered sighing softly, before wincing. “he might have been hard on loki in effort to make sure he could survive as a frost giant, but it also made loki hate him.”she muttered quietly sitting next to him, “He wants to die. He’s accepted that death, or this kind of life, is what he deserves for doing what he did to new York…”
thor shuddered at that thought, gritting his teeth as he shook his head. "Asgaurdian minds do not... fracture, in such ways. if there are voices whispering to Loki, then they are very real." he informed her, studying her. "i have known Loki since we where children... three hundred and fifty years we have been together. and i have known my father for just as long." he admitted. "my father is a hard man, he does not show affection easily, or at all in most cases." he admitted, closing his eyes. "there is often when i hate him as well." he admitted with a sigh. "i do not understand how Loki could WANT death! why would he wish for such a death?" he asked, frowning. "if there are Voices controlling him, then he cannot be blamed for what happened in Asgaurd, and in Manhattan." he shook his head. "but Loki was always a sensitive child, no matter how hard Father tried to stamp out the emotions... he never succeeded, in either me or my brother." Thor admitted, gripping his fists tightly. "but i do not know how to help Loki.. if there is someone, or someone's affecting him... i do not know how to make that stop..."
“Well.Good. At least I wont have to try to convince him its all in his head.”She whispered, looking relieved at that, because she hadn’t been happy about the idea about trying to convince loki that it was all just imagined. Sighing softly she looked at the man, “He blames himself for what the voices made him do.”She said shrugging a little before looking at the thunder god, shaking her head. “I didnt ask you to come here because I thought you would know how to stop them, even if I had had hope you would, but because you needed to know. You are his brother, you should know, and...you love him. You didn’t kill him when you had the chance, I thought you would want to know.”she shrugged a little flushing embarrassed at making assumptions about the man, looking down at her hands as she rested them in her lap.
Thor chuckled a little. "no. you won't have to try and convince him of that... can you honestly imagine a creature as powerful as me or loki with multiple personalities, or with voices telling us what to do? we might very well destroy other worlds, or even our own! not a good thing. we have never had such mental problems, unless we are cursed in some manner by another." he admitted with a small shake of his head. "Loki has been cursed somehow, by someone with malicious intent... the only question is, who? did he mention how old he was when the whispers started?" Thor asked, looking worried. "i know he thinks i hate him..." Thor admitted softly. "he has every right to think that after everything that has happened. i could hate him for it, but i... he is my brother, i couldn't blame him." Thor admitted. "i knew as soon as i brought him back to Asgaurd that he wasn't at fault, that something was wrong... but Father was so..." he sighed a little. "i think that Father can no longer be trusted to make a proper judgement. i am planning on overthrowing him soon, if he does not make me King. he cannot lead our people anymore... but if Loki is cursed, i don't dare take him back to Asgaurd. whoever cursed him is probobly there, and they would immidiatly seek to regain control of him. i will not risk his safety that way..."
“Young…when he first started feeling…different from you and your father. Jealous, angry…I don’t know, I cant help that much.”She said sounding upset that despite the whisper of power in her voice, her high intelligence, that she had no idea what she was, that she couldn’t help the man that she cared about. “I’m moving him into my home as soon as he is strong enough to leave the hospital, I’ll make sure that he is safe thor. I just need help finding out what happened, because I have no place to start.”she said wanting to help, but feeling at a loss on how to do so.
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