Loki's Return(The Avengers)-Moon/Lady

Thor scowled a little. "that young?" he asked, looking incredibly shaken. "there are very few people who have the power, and have been in contact with Loki for that long..." Thor muttered, running another hand through his hair. "i wish to speak to him, would that be permissible? he won't like it, but i only need a hint... something to get me started. if i'm lucky, Loki will know who did this to him... i will have to tell the Avengers..." he muttered. "Tony Stark is a nosy fellow, he will find out that Loki is here within the week, of that i have no doubt." Thor admitted softly. "it is better for me to tell them..." he muttered, worrying his lip. "you can help him?" Thor asked her softly. "you are good for the mind? you can make him see that Death is not the answer, that it's not his fault?"
Elizabeth winced looking at him, looking pained because it wasn’t a good thing to see thor shaken, it meant thing swere more serious then she thought. Looking up at the thunder god she paused, thinking it over before nodding. “We will go see him now. Its evening, most of the hospital staff will be gone, so no one will ask why thor is visiting someone who’s listed under the name of lucas.”She said thoughtfully before nodding, “I am and I will try. He’s very stubborn, but I’m going to help him thor, I promise.”She said already heading for the door to get her boots and jacket so they could go.
Thor nodded before looking surprised. "he won't be sleeping?" Thor asked, looking more worried about disturbing his brother than he was about anything else. "Lucas?" he asked, looking more than a little amused. "i bet he just loved that didn't he? he's always been a bit... 'i'm better than everyone else', having such a 'common' name must grate on his nerves." Thor looked amused at that before his amusement faded. "how long has my brother, not been my brother?" he wondered softly. "how long has he been someone else?" he mused softly, looking at her. "thank you, Lady, for taking such good care of him. he is a petty little sod, but i love him for it." Thor admitted as he followed her outside and hesitated before getting into the car, uncertain still about 'metal deathtraps'.

Loki was sleeping when they appeared, but as soon as Thor moved into the room Loki woke and blinked at his brother. "have you come to gloat then, brother? poor weak little Loki. cannot even make it on earth..." he muttered, glaring. "who brought you here? Hel? i am certain she warned someone of how close i came to her realms. i saw her face, the shock written there. not that Odin would care." Loki mumbled. "just go away Thor, your face sickens me."
“No, he wont.”Elizabeth smiled a little before laughing softly. “He hates it. But I couldn’t check him in as himself, Stark would have been here within a hour if I’d done that.”She said looking amused before resting a hand on his arm, trying to comfort him.”I don’t know, but we’ll help him now.”she muttered before flushing a little at his thanks.”It’s Elizabeth. If we’re going to be working together, you better call me by name.”she said looking worried as they headed out to the car.

Elizabeth winced a little at loki’s words, unsure how to help him, and really not wanting the man mad at her, but she also knew that she had to convince him that thor might be able to help. “No, I asked him to come Loki. I cant help with the voices, but thor might be able to. He’s from your world, he knows better then me what would help.”Elizabeth said resisting the urge to touch him, reassure him that he was okay, and herself that he was alive.
Thor chuckled a little as he nodded. "this is true." he agreed. "Tony does not see the best in people. he is very abrasive, and would have beaten Loki, no matter his state of being. i will have to control him tomorrow when i tell him of Loki being here." Thor admitted with a sigh. "Very well Elizabeth, you may then call me Thor." he assured her, letting her lead the way. Thor didn't seam in the least bit troubled by Loki's words, though he did wince when Elizabeth admitted to calling him. "you traitourush Wretch!" Loki snarled at her. "you foul, loathsome creature! i will gut you for this! i will watch your innerds spill to the floor and i will LAUGH as i watch the life flee from your eyes!" well... wasn't he pissed off. "Do not yell at her Brother. the Voices you are hearing are a very serious threat. i will see them dead." he promised Loki, who looked completely stunned. "Father has lost what little sense he has. i will be taking my place as King before Odin has anymore time to do damage." Thor explained and Loki stared at him. "i need to know Loki... i need to understand... tell me, about the Voices.."

Loki stared at Thor for a long moment, too shocked that his brother was actually trying to help before he sagged into the bed and stared at the ceiling for a long moment and then. "it happened slow. i did not know it at first. it was after my sixteenth year, when i entered the Academy for Magic. the other students didn't mind me at first. you where off at the Warrior's acedemy, and i was alone for the first time, and the teachers begane to snear... and i did not understand why. the other students followed suit, and i didn't know why. i told Father, but he didn't do anything... i was alone, every day, because no one would so much as look at me, and that's when i started to realize that somehow.. i wasn't like them.... the voices came then, in the darkness while i was sleeping. telling me that my life was a lie. but they where only whispers, i did not beleive them, no matter how loud they would get with my fury, and my anger, and my fear at being treated like a leper, when i was the son of a King... the voices told me i was better than them, and this i did beleive... i am better than them..." Loki went silent for a long while and Thor fidgeted, looking worried.

"Loki?... are you alright?" "...no, my throat hurts... come back in the morning, i am tired..." Loki whispered, pale and looking like he was in pain, and not all of it physical. Thor nodded, brushing Loki's hair back and pressing his forehead to his brothers. "i will be back in the morning brother... rest well... i will do everything i can to help you, i swear it." Loki was silent until Thor was out in the hall, but both Thor, and Elizabeth would hear Loki's words as he spoke. "thank you..." and it was clear the thank you was meant for both of them. "i never knew my brother was ostracized..." Thor admitted softly, looking furious. "how DARE they treat my brother like that!"
Elizabeht winced her shoulders slouching moving closer to thor. Even though he was tied up, loki had still managed to scare her. Swallowing hard as he listened to the two, looking sad at the idea before nodding, gently touching his arm.”We’ll be back in the morning.”She said looking him over worriedly before looking up at thor when they got outside, wincing. “They must have…known he was different.”She sighed softly looking at him, running her fingers through her hair looking tired. “you need to rest thor. You’re welcome to stay at my house, since we are coming back to talk to him in the morning.”
Loki didn't seam to know what to do about all the touching of his person. he just stared at the two for a long moment and then went to sleep. he didn't want to deal with them at the moment, so... being the petulant god that he was, decided he would ignore them. "i am sure most of the Adults knew that Loki was not from Odin." Thor muttered. "it would not have been hard to guess where Loki came from when Odin returned with a babe." he growled. "they hated him before he even knew what he was himself!" he complained before blinking at her. "it would be improper to stay with an unmarried woman. and i need to speak to the Avengers tonight, before they begin to worry." Thor admitted. "Tony has booked me a Hotel room. he seams to think i am... how do you mortals say it, get laid?" here Thor smirked. "i think he does not realize that Asgaurdian's mate for life. only one lover for all of our lives." he admitted with a shrug. "it is a very wonderful thing." he admitted with a chuckle. "what time shall i return to the hospital?" he asked, before vanishing into the air once he had the time to return. he did leave his Hotel number and address with her, in case she needed him for anything.

in the morning he was back, right on time, and Loki was in the bedroom, letting a nurse help him to drink from a juice-box. "So i didn't dream that." Loki muttered, studying his brother with his head cocked to the side. "i never thought you would come to help me." Loki admitted as he picked up a plastic bowl filled with Jello. "look, Thor! this is called Jello, you MUST try it!" Loki ordered, offering it to Thor, who chuckled as he examined the wiggling, jiggling squares of Cherry Jello. it was a weird thing to get excited about, but it was a glimpse of Loki that Thor hadn't seen since they where children. Loki who had been fascinated and excited by everything. "this IS good!" Thor exclaimed, amazed as he stared at the Jello. "yes! i cannot decide if it is a fruit, or a juice." Loki admitted, taking it back from Thor when the God of Thunder did not immidiatly return the bowl. "i suppose you want to hear more?" Loki asked, studying Thor who nodded and Loki sighed. "..where did i leave off, i can't quite recall..." "you finished telling me about the Academy." Thor explained softly to Loki. "how they treated you there and how Father didn't help you..." "yes... that's right." Loki muttered, staring at his Jello as he considered how best to continue.
Elizabeth stifled her laugher at the sight of the two men fussing so much over jello, refusing to think about what thor had said the night before. He was right, one lover in all their lives sound good, and the woman was sad because she knew loki, no matter how much she was coming to care for him, wouldn’t want her. Settling on the edge of loki’s bed she watched the two men her hands twitching a little as she struggled to not stroke her fingers over loki’s hair, seeking to comfort him. Biting her lip as she considered saying something, but just staying silent, wanting to just be there if loki needed her.
Loki bit his lip after a moment before he continued. "over the years, becoming... excluded became normal, i focused on my studies and pretended i was happy. but i wasn't, and every day the whispers got louder and louder. i graduated top of my class... but no one showed up to my Graduation." Loki admitted softly and Thor frowned, trying to recall when that was. "i asked why, and Freya explained that she couldn't attend because she had been called in to an emergency... she was still a healer back then. Thor and Odin was supposed to have come, but Odin decided it wasn't worth the effort and took Thor to hunt Guttersnipes." Thor gasped, shocked and horrified and Loki's lips thinned. "yes, at the time i was furious with you for taking Father's attention away, i didn't understand then..." he looked down at his hands. "that's when i started listening to the whispers... they told me things, powerful things, wonderful things that would get me attention..." he closed his eyes. "and then i did the most horrific thing i could ever have done... i let the Frost Giants into Asgaurd." Thor gasped and Loki flinched.

"you know the rest... you where banished for trying to pick a war... and i discovered where the voices came from..." Loki swallowed thickly, his eyes widening with horror and fear. "i touched it... my skin turned blue... i thought i was cursed... Odin came... he said he loved me but he LIED... i was nothing more than a TOOL!" Loki hissed, trembling violently. "i was so angry, so scared, so BETRAYED and the voices... i was so tired of being abandoned, and i was so tired of being forgotten... i just... let them have me. the whispers, and the voices... i let them have me. but i still had slight control. i managed to keep myself from killing someone... but when i fell off the Bridge, when my grip slipped and i fell into the abyss, i landed with the Chitauri, and they touched me, and they laughed, and they tortured me..." he was wracked with shudders as he whispered now. "they slipped into my mind... and they pulled the voices outwards, and i was trapped within my own mind... and i did such horrible, horrible things. the Blue Energy took my mind, and wouldn't give it up..." "...the Tesseract..." Thor whispered. "the Tesseract possessed you..."
Elizabeth was quiet as she listened, though the low thrum of power circled around the three of them, seeking to comfort loki, to calm him even without saying anything, the woman was a strong empathy, which made her a amazing healer, but also different then human. But she had no idea who, or what, she was, so it would be left to others to figure it out. Swallowing hard as she moved up to his side as he talked, Elizabeth sat at his side, gently stroking his hair, stopping when she stopped, flushing slightly. “Sorry.”She muttered dropping her hand blushing softly.
Loki relaxed a little at the Thrum of power and Thor studied her intently, eyes narrowed as he studied her before he grinned, a sly sort of grin that really didn't look good on his face. it would have looked perfect on Loki's face, which is probobly where Thor got that 'i have blackmail material on you' Grin. Loki leaned into the hand stroking his hair, and when she moved away his hand snatched her wrist. he'd never been tied back up after he'd been given his Jello. he stared at her through narrowed eyes. "if i wanted you to stop, i would have told you to. you will continue." he ordered, placing her hand back on his head and Thor stuffed his hand into his mouth to keep from laughing out loud at Loki's demanding behavior.
Elizabeth went still staring down at the man even as he put her hand back on his head, looking thoughtful. “Demanding little brat aren’t you?”she muttered though she gently slid her fingers through his hair, looking up at thor, flushing harder.”What are you looking at?And don’t grin like that. Its disturbing.”She whined a little, not about admit to anything, and even less that she could feel the power calming all of them.
Thor snickered a little as Loki hummed his agreement. "Loki has always been demanding." Thor admitted with a grin. "how do i grin that is so disturbing?" "your face is disturbing." Loki muttered, sounding half asleep, reveling in the soft contact. Loki did not get much physical contact with anyone. Thor was the only person to touch Loki in a positive manner, until now. "You are a Daughter." Thor commented suddenly ass he watched her. "a decedent of the Gods. i would say a fifth, maybe a seventh generation." he mused and Loki cracked an eye open, looking smug. "i knew she wasn't human. but i don't think she's a Daughter." Loki mumbled. "she's too much power to simply be a Daughter..." "some Daughter's have great power." Thor corrected. "some Daughters have more power than you or i." Loki blinked at that. "really? i didn't know that... hmm that feels lovely." he mumbled and Thor smirked again. "he really likes you." Thor admitted to Elizabeth. "he doesn't allow many to touch him."
Elizabeth flushed looking down as she continued stroking loki’s hair, frowning slightly at his words.”What?”She said looking startled, dropping her hand, looking confused. “I’m human!”She said sounding anxious before looking at thor, blushing at thor’s words, nodding a little. “Well, I like him to. I mean its hard not to.”She muttered looking around, flushing at her words, not able to admit to just how compelled and drawn to loki she was, at least not when he was awake
Thor smirked a little. "you are not. not completely." he stated simply. "Loki would not be laying there, letting you touch him if you where purely human." he pointed out, Loki grumbling as he grabbed her wrist and placed her hand on his head again, he clearly wasn't paying any attention to the conversation, he was already almost asleep. "and it is more than just a passing friendship. i may not be the God of Love, but i do know enough to know that there is more than just a simple bond forming between you two." he stated with a smirk. "there are many kinds of bonds. you cannot deny that you are not feeling a pull towards him. it is obvious he feels a pull towards you, you he wouldn't be so desperate for your attention." there was a pause. "and he's asleep anyway so don't bother lying."
“Oh.Well…I don’t know.”Elizabeth said looking confused, and wondering what she could be before laughing quietly as loki grabbed her hand. Looking amused as she gently stroked his hair she looked down at the man, blushing at thor’s words, not sure how to explain. Biting her lip as she realized she had no reason to lie before she shuddered a little. “…when he first came in, I felt…compelled to hide him, to protect him.from even the chance you would find him, or any of the avengers.”
Thor smiled at her. "that is the Bond forming. Asgaurdian's like me, and yes like my brother, no matter what he might think, we make very strong Bonds to each other. that is why it hurts Loki so badly, to know that my Father has been using him. because his bond to Odin is breaking. it is how the Tesseract was able to get into Loki's mind, through the cracks in that Bond. he is Bonding to you in another way, you are his Guardian, his Savior. that is a Bond nothing can break, because you could never betray him, and he could never betray you." Thor explained simply. "but humans cannot make such Bonds. therefore, you cannot be truly human. you might not be all 'God' but you do have some Gods blood within you... you shouldn't be afraid of such a Gift. though Loki will be. he is afraid of being hurt again, i know. but you two together... i have a feeling you will do many amazing, and great things." he paused and then. "speaking of the Avengers, they where not happy that Loki was back on earth." Thor admitted softly. "only Hawkeye seams to have sympathy for my brother."
Elizabeth blushed her lip looking thoughtful as she looked down, before swallowing hard nodding.”I would never think to betray him.”She said sounding angry at the very idea, swallowing hard as she looked down at the man sleeping, gently stroking his hair before looking up at thor. Looking nervous. “he’s…going to be leaving here tomorrow. Will my home be safe enough, because I am sure once tony stark knows he’s here, he’s going to make the connection between your visit to me and come looking.”She said looking nervous.
Thor smiled a little. "and he would kill himself before betraying you. did he not castrate a man simply because he made your heart hurt?" so Thor knew about that. yikes. "He will be as safe in your home as he is anywhere else... i am hoping that without the Tesseract in contact with him, as it was in Asgaurd, it will not be able to affect him." Thor admitted. "right now, his forming Bond with you, is what is keeping him the most safe. his bond with you, is healing the broken bond between him and my Father... honestly, i think my ignorance of his life might have helped as well, i betrayed him, yes. but i did not know i was doing it. that makes him feel better." Thor sighed. "but no matter where you go, Tony Stark will find you. you simply have to put him in his place. he is a proud man, a good man, but he is very stubborn." he grumbled. "as is the Captain." he grumbled. "they will both show up soon, they can't help themselves."
Elizabeth flushed at his words, looking away, “Oh. Well. I didn’t mean for him to do that.”She muttered before nodding a little as she considered that. “I’ll keep him safe.”She muttered before smiling slightly, “..I will deal with them when they show up.”She said sounding more sure then she thought. She just knew that no matter who showed up, it wasn’t going to be good. And sending thor home, after all, he had his own girlfriend to look after, and she needed to deal with tony and captain on her own terms, without having thor to scare them into behaving.

The next day Elizabeth looked nervous as she settled loki into her house, smiling as she helped him into bed, trying to not think about the fact that soon enough both captain America and iron man were going to show up on her front porch.”Do you need anything?”She said smiling down at her bondmate as she settled him into her bed, not telling him it was her personal bedroom of course, but something in her had balked at the idea of putting him in the guest room.
Thor chuckled. "no one means for it to happen, it can only happen when you are perfect for each other in some way." he admitted with a grin. "you are perfect for him, because you can control him, he is perfect for you, because he gives you some control in your life. as demanding as he is... he really does need someone to take care of him, and in return he will protect you, from all things." Thor admitted with a grin. "'Tis a good match, the Lady Fate has smiled upon you." he admitted with a nod. leaving when she shooed him out.

Loki was exaughsted by the time they reached the house, and he bitched the entire ride about how the 'metal contraption was going to kill them all.' apparently Loki didn't like Cars. or giant green men but that was for a different reason. he did compliment her house though, claiming it 'is not an eyesore' "no, i don't need anything... just a nap." he muttered softly, laying in the bed, looking frail and weak... because he was. he was no longer in danger of dying, but he was still as helpless as a newborn. he couldn't even stay on his feet at this point. he was asleep by the time the doorbell rang five minutes later. and there, on her front porch, was Steve Rodgers, also known as Captain America, and he did NOT look Happy. "You have Loki. i want to see him." Steve ordered sternly. clearly not about to accept that Loki wasn't a threat until he saw for himself.
“No.”Elizabeth said staring at the man in front of her, raising a eyebrow. Did the man think she was weak willed enough to simply let him in her home because he demanded it? And she knew loki, knew the man no matter how much he wanted to die, wouldn’t want the man who hated him to see him so weak. So Elizabeth would hedge and try to convince him to go away, and she might succeed, as long as tony stark didn’t show up. She just hoped the billionaire had things to do that were keeping him from showing up right away though she knew he'd be here soon enough.
Steve looked at her with a look of almost shock on his face, as if he wasn't sure that such a tiny woman had actually told him No... or maybe it was that someone, anyone, had told him no. "are you insane!? do you know who it IS that you're hiding in your house! he's LOKI! God of Chaos! he tried to KILL humanity!!!" Steve raged at her. but he was a gentleman, and he didn't try to force his way inside. he was old fashioned, but he would never strike a woman, or even shove her. hell he felt bad just yelling at her. "i insist that you let me see him! I promise, i won't hurt him. i just want to make sure that he isn't a threat." Steve promised her, realizing he was losing his temper. "please. i won't even speak to him... i'll just look in through the door..." it was all Steve needed to do really. in his hand he had Stark Tech, a tiny Camera that neither Loki nor Elizabeth would notice... hopefully anyway. it would literally allow Tony Stark to watch Loki's every move... if Steve could get inside.
Elizabeth’s mouth quirked into a smirk, amusement showing at his shock. “I know.”she said simply, watching him rage before sighing quietly, realizing that she wasn’t going to get away with just telling him no. “I will let you in, as long as you promise Stark wont be showing up. You I can deal with, you wont be annoying chauvinistic, Stark’s a asshole, and I don’t want him anywhere near me.”She said waving her fingers at him a little in a shooing motion.”Call him. And as soon as you can tell me he wont be here, I’ll let you see loki for a moment.”
Steve blinked at her. "..." well that was a surprise, not that she could blame him, only whores liked Tony for the most part... well, whores and Pepper, and honestly Steve was pretty sure he was drugging Pepper. she was much too nice a girl to be with Tony. "uh... alright hold on..." Steve muttered, pulling out his brand new Cellphone and stared at it, flushing brightly. "...i hate this thing..." he muttered. "buttons and settings and..." he grumbled as he finally opened it and started punching buttons, getting more and more flustered with it before he cursed and thrust the phone into her hands. "You call him! i'm sick of Technology!" he complained, crossing his arms and sulking. clearly he hadn't adjusted to the modern age yet. it was easy to find Stark's number and start the phone ringing, and only once she did that did he take the phone and set it to his ear. "Stark! i hate your Celliphone!" he raged. "too many buttons!" he raged before sighing. "listen, i'm not allowed to see Loki until i get a promise that you won't show up... as in ever... yes it's because your an asshole. yes it's because you're a chauvinist... no she's not ugly... Tony Stark, you promise me right this instant! no i don't care that you won some crappy tin statue... no i don't care, it's an eyesore... just promise Tony! Tony? TONY! oh my GOD i did NOT need to hear that! for gods sakes who answers the phone when you're... er..." he glanced at Elizabeth and went bright red before looking away. "yes yes. tell Pepper i said hi... no i'm not blushing! shut up! give the phone to Pepper!... Tony give the phone... give..." he paused and looked at the phone in his hand and looked at her, still bright red. "i...uh, i think he hung up on me..." poor Steve.

(Yes, i did have to do that XDD)
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