Loki's Return(The Avengers)-Moon/Lady

Elizabeth bit her lip to keep from laughing at the obviously distressed man as she dialed for him before handing it back. Watching him for a long moment her eyes widening a little as she listened to their conversation, “...”She stared, not sure what to say as the man blushed, swallowing hard as she dialed again before holding it back to him.”He didn’t promise. You’re not getting in here without having him on speakerphone and promising.”She said, just as hard headed as thor at times as she flicked the phone onto speaker phone so she could talk to tony if needed. She had every intention of not letting steve in if she could help it, and making tony so pissed that he refused to promise would help.
Steve groaned a little as she redialed the phone, grumbling about how he hated trying to talk to tony. he breifly wondered if it wouldn't have been better to have Natasha or Clint do this. he yelped when the phone Rang and he dropped it, he flushed bright red and picked the phone back up as Tony answered the phone. "Tony, promise not to come here for Gods sake!" Steve demanded. "she won't let me see him until you do, and i think she might shoot me if i try! she's damn scary Stark!" Steve complained, shooting wary glances at Elizabeth. "please! you wanted me to see if Loki was a threat, well i can't do that if you don't Promise!" he demanded into the phone. wishing Banner was there, he could always get Tony to do things that Tony didn't want to do. "Don't make me call Pepper!" Steve ordered, well aware that Pepper could make Tony do things too.
Tony growled softly looking annoyed as he shifted his hold on the phone.”Fine.”He said after a moment, actually wanting to meet this woman now.”Though I do want to meet this woman sometime.”he said amused before hanging up. Elizabeth huffed out a laugh, rolling her eyes. “I’m going to have to tell thor to just threaten to tell pepper on him, maybe I could stop having these awkward conversations over having loki in my home.”she said sounding annoyed with them all as she stepped back and leading him inside, pausing long enough to make sure loki was still sleeping before stepping itno the bedroom, watching steve nervously.
Steve snorted a little at Stark, shaking his head. "god damned bastard... ah.. Pardon the language miss." he muttered, still ever the gentleman. "some days, i think i hate Stark more than i hate the bad guys." he admitted with a sigh. "admittedly, i hate this phone more than i hate him, so that's something right?" he asked, offering her a shaky smile. "you really did talk with Thor then? he told me he had but... i'm less inclined to beleive him.. he's a great man, he's just more than a bit... naive i think. ...good God..." he whispered as he stared into the room, Loki pale and frail and looking so broken on the bed. Steve didn't have to fake his week knees as he grabbed the door jamb for support. "Thor said that Loki was sick but... i never expected... why does he have bandages on his wrists?" Steve asked, looking shocked. "and around his neck?" he asked, taking a step forward to get a better look before his eyes widened. "someone slit his throat?" clearly Thor hadn't told them exactly what had happened. but Steve knew that Stark was looking into the hospital records. "he looks so... so..." "pathetic?" Loki whispered, his eyes fluttering open, Steve nearly crawling out of his skin he was so startled. "The Man out of time.." Loki whispered. "i more expected the Metal Man..." "i..." "have you come to gloat?" "no i..." "to kill me then?" "no! i..." "so you're simply here to torment me." "No damn you!... i..." Steve paused, this time of his own accord and Loki scoffed at him. "you don't know why your here, do you Captain America?" "to see if you are a threat..." "i have no magic. i have no strength. what threat could i be? this is my punishment for giving in to the anger and the voices. even Hel will not take me now." he muttered before smiling. "i am.. glad she did not take me." and that was the closest Loki would come to admitting that trying to kill himself might have been a mistake. "go away, your stench upsets my delicate sensibilities." Loki ordered, Steve had to snort at that, he had to admit, Loki had a vicious tongue, but he was pretty amusing.
“Its okay.”Elizabeth smiled a little at steve’s words, nodding. “It is. Though I am sure you’ll learn to like the phone before you’d ever like stark.”she said before nodding. “I did. He came last night to see loki.”She muttered before swallowing hard at steve’s words, “He’s been…hurt.”Elizabeth said hedging because she wasn’t about to admit to the avengers that loki had tried to kill himself, and though she knew eventually tony would find the records, she was putting it off. At least until loki could take care of himself. Smiling slightly at loki’s words she sat on the edge of the bed, “The condition of any of them, including thor, getting to see you, was that tony stark had to stay away.”She said adding the bit about thor because she wanted to make sure that steve knew she wouldn’t allow any of them to see loki if she thought they were a threat, even loki’s brother.

“You have delicate sensibilities?”she teased him a little the soft look on her face as she looked down at her bonded showing just how much the doctor had come to care for him. Tony stark was going to have problems if he decided loki was a danger, because Elizabeth would fight him into the ground to protect loki, iron man or not.
Steve shook his head. "i don't think he could even be a danger to an Ant right now..." he muttered softly as he stared at Loki. "someone tried to kill him you mean." Steve muttered. "they slit his throat! people don't do that!" he hissed, horrified that someone had actively tried to KILL Loki. without magic, the man was as harmless as any normal person off the street. Loki wasn't much of a fighter, all the Avenger's knew that much. he focused on tricks, manipulation, traps... not brawls and fist fights. "i see. well, admittedly, Tony Stark is the second most annoying of your little group." Loki grumbled and Steve cocked his head. "who is the most annoying?" "the green behemoth." Steve had to bite back a snicker. "the human contained within is not as annoying, but that monstrosity is simply too much." "why do i get the feeling that you say that because he beat you up?" "on the contrary, i intend to thank him for beating me up." that, startled Steve to no end.

"of course i have delicate sensibilities." Loki grumbled. "i am much more fragile, and therefore i must be pampered and spoiled." he stated with a sniff and this time Steve couldn't contain his snickers. "you took a beating from the Hulk and you claim to be 'Fragile'. now THAT, is a point blank lie." "...well, i'm fragile compared to the other Asgaurdians." there was a pause and then. "ok, i'll let you have that one..." Steve muttered, glancing at his watch. "thanks for letting me check up on him... er, Clint might stop by, he wants to... uh, talk to..." he paused and then. "actually i'm not sure why he wants to stop by, but i think he feels bad for Loki." Steve admitted with a shrug. "he won't hurt Loki." "he can't hurt me. there was a Bond forged between us, of sorts. when i connected my Mind to His, we formed a sort of magical connection. it makes us Brothers. we cannot do harm to each other." Loki explained, already about to fall asleep again. "he is the second least annoying creature i have ever come across..." "..oh? and who is the least annoying?" "Elizabeth of course." Loki mumbled before he was asleep again and Steve gaped at Loki. "...i think he might have a crush on you..." he admitted to Elizabeth.
Elizabeth swallowed hard looking down at the man on the bed, before nodding slightly.”Someone really wanted him dead.”she said not about to admit that the person who’d wanted him dead was loki himself. Giggling a little at loki’s words she smirked, shaking her head in amusement at loki’s continued ability to surprise. Wondering why the man would want to thank banner for beating him up. Smirking wider at his words.

“Well, I am sure I’ll be able to take care of your fragile condition, oh great one.”she teased a little before looking up at steve, frowning a little.”Well…I guess he’s better then stark, though a ant is better then stark.”She said thoughtfully but glad to know that the avenger wouldn’t be able to hurt loki. That made her feel easier about letting him in. Flushing at steve’s words she looked flustered before standing. “yes, well.You should be going.”She said flustered and out of sorts, not admitting to wanting loki.
Steve shook his head a little. "it's like beating up a little kid.." he muttered as he examined the weak Loki on the bed. he looked just as baffled about thanking Banner but brushed it off as the God being a bit loopy. "everyone is better than stark." Steve grumbled. "at least Pepper can control the egotistical..." he cut himself off, scowling at his cellphone as if wishing it was Tony so he could throw the man into the wall. "yes, i should be going." Steve muttered with a small sigh as he headed out. "if you need help, with anything. be it Loki, or someone trying to hurt Loki... call Banner, because i'm not sure how to answer this stupid thing..." he admitted, handing her Bruce's card, which had his Phone Number on it. "have a good evening miss." he stated, offering her a polite nod of the head before wandering off, picking up the phone as it rang and smiling as Pepper was the one who talked to him instead of Tony. she told the Captain that he had the feed up, and that they where watching Loki sleeping now. she of course, also commented that he looked terrible. and two hours later, when he woke up and struggled his way to the bathroom, even Tony could admit that Loki wasn't much of a threat.

"Elizabeth." Loki called as he managed to make it back into bed, offering her a small smile as she came in. "i like this place. it is calm, and peaceful... do you have any Jello?" back in Stark Tower, Steve wanted to laugh at the almost reverent look on Loki's face at the mention of Jello.
Elizabeth smirked at the man as she looked him over, trying not to look at him anxious at the effort it had taken him to get to the bathroom. It hurt her heart to see him so weak. Holding up the bowl she was holding, “already got it.”She said smiling as she sat on the edge of his bed, holding it out for him to take.

Tony made a face, nto wanting to admit that he was indeed not much of a threat, glancing at the camera feed, shaking his head as he glanced over at the other avenger walking into the room. “Clint, Thor. It seems you were right, he’s nto much of a threat.”Tony said grudgingly, nto wanting to admit that he’d been wrong about something and that he’d been wrong about loki playing a trick on them to just get back to earth.
Loki smiled at her a little. "thank you!" he stated as he took the bowl and started slurping it up, one little bit at a time. "they itch..." he admitted, scowling at his wrists as he rubbed them against the bedding in an effort to make the itching stop, without doing damage to himself. it was a good sign though, it meant he was healing, physically at any rate. "i wonder if Thor will come back?" he wondered, sounding hopeful. "it's been a long time since i could just talk with my brother." he admitted with a sigh, smiling at her, looking worried. "i'm starting to get better... where will i go when i am healed?"

Thor nodded. "i did tell you, and i have to tell you... Loki was not in his right mind. i went back to Asgaurd for some... tests, for lack of a better word... the thing you called the Tesseract. it, connected, to my brother's mind at a very young age. he cannot be held responsible for his actions against this planet and it's people..." "...he can't be held responsible, but he blames himself." Steve stated as he walked in, handing a folder to Tony, looking deeply troubled. "this is the hospital records, i had Natasha get them for me... he wasn't attacked." Thor had gone very still. "he did that to himself Tony. he tried to kill himself! the doctors that did the surgery on him said that he begged them to die anytime he was coherent." Thor sighed a little. "i should have known you would find out." he grumbled. "always so nosy..."
Elizabeth smiled at him, looking amused at his happiness to have the treat before frowning slightly, smacking him lightly on the shoulder. “Don’t rub at them, you’re going to hurt yourself.”She ordered before smiling at him.”I am sure thor will be back to see you. And if not, I’ll drag him back to visit.”she said before frowning slightly, “Well…you could stay here if you want.”She said thoughtfully.

Tony frowned,”Can it still control him, even from where it is in asngard?”He asked looking thoughtful before taking the folder, frowning as he started to read, flicking a glance up towards thor. “You should have told us. The girl should have told us, she lied when she said someone attacked him. Can she be trusted?”
Loki flinched violently at the smack, lifting his arms to protect himself before he even realized what he was doing, and once he recovered he looked absolutely mortified of the reaction he'd just had. "please don't slap at me.' he muttered, looking quite ashamed of himself now as he returned to his glorious Jello. "i would like very much to see you Dragging Thor about." he admitted, looking highly amused at the imagery that brought. "you aren't even half his size." he pointed out with a small snicker before he stilled and he stared at her. "...you would let me stay with you?" he asked softly. "even though you wouldn't have to once i'm all better?"

Thor shook his head. "no. fortunately, just like the Good Doctor, and Clint, as soon as he was struck hard enough in the head, his brain... reset? is that the word?" he asked, looking at Clint. "being a God, Loki needed a much harder blow. i beleive that when the Hulk beat Loki into the floor, it was what was needed to knock the Tesseract's connection straight off of him. i have learned a great many, many troubling things about my brothers life. the hatred that he showed was real, the Tesseract simply made him act on it. Loki has been betrayed by my father too many times, and that is how the Tesseract got it's hold on him." Thor explained. "i have put many spells and wards and other such things, it should not be able to gain control of anyone again..." "She's protecting him." Steve stated in response to Tony's question. "he is weak right now, physically, emotionally, mentally... neither of them would want people to know that he did that to himself. for god's sake he was so desperate to die he slit his own throat!" "...that is my brother you speak of." Thor warned, looking ill and Steve winced. "...sorry."
Elizabeth winced moving back from her, tears filling her eyes, “I’m sorry.”She said staring down at her hands swallowing hard as she thought about dragging thor about, smiling sadly. “Hm, but I am sure he’d be to much of a gentleman to not let me drag around.”He said before looking at him, before down at the blanket again.”You can. I mean, if you want to.”

“Reset is a good word for it.”Clint said looking thoughtful, remembering what loki had said about being glad for banner to beat on him. Well, that explained that, if it was true. Nodding slightly in gladness that the tesseract was out of commission for the moment he frowned slightly at the woman’s image on the screen., trying to get a feel for the woman. “Will he be a danger when he’s strong again?He’s asgardian, he’s going to recover, if not quickly, he will with time.”Tony said, though willing to admit that loki wasn’t a danger at the moment, he wasn’t willing to cede that he could still be one.
Loki nodded. "the Chitauri where... cruel." Loki whispered. "i have not truly recovered from their... attentions." he explained, sounding more than a little off kilter. "this is true. he would no doubt, find it as amusing as we do. he is a fun loving man." Loki said with true affection in his voice. "he would find it fun to obey such a little slip of a woman." Loki admitted, flashing Elizabeth a teasing smile before he hesitated, studying her before he reached over and took her hand. "i would like very much to stay with you." he admitted softly.

"Loki is Loki. any Asgaurdian can be a threat, a danger. but Loki will not attack humanity. as a child, he was incredibly fascinated with this world. he would spend hours simply watching the earthlings." Thor admitted with a smile. "not to mention, he has formed Bonds with people here. very strong ones. a Bond to an Asgaurdian is nearly unbreakable. Life Mates, Soul Brothers, Familial bonds... that is why the Tesseract was able to get into such a strong mind as Loki's... the Bond between him and my Father had cracked, and where starting to break." Thor explained softly. "this can spell madness, or worse to an Asgaurdian." Thor explained. "once a Bond is formed, betrayal is almost impossible. if Loki was to attack earth again, he would be betraying the Bond he has formed, to Clint here, and to the woman. Loki is in love with her. and has formed something akin to a Brothers Bond to Clint when their minds met int he Tesseract." he looked at Clint. "you can feel it, can you not?" he asked with a small smile. "i too have formed Bonds to humans, Bonds of Warrior Friendship." he admitted. "simply the thought of harming one of you, even indirectly, makes me feel quite sick." Thor admitted with a shrug. "with those two new Bonds, the Tesseract should not be able to pray on the nearly broken Bond that Loki has with Odin..." Thor swallowed thickly. "it would explain my fathers increasingly deteriorating state. i do not think he understands what he did to Loki..."
“Oh.I’m sorry.”She muttered gently slipping her hand into his, looking sad for him before smiling at the affection in his voice. “Then I shall endeavor to order him around some.”She said smiling a little before blushing at his words, smiling. “I would like that.”She said smiling, relaxing.

Tony nodded looking reassured, though not ready to simply write off the man as a non threat, he was willing to trust thor’s judgement on his brother, glancing up at clint as the man watched the video, nodding a little at thor’s words.”I do. I feel sick at the idea of hurting him, or the woman.”He said knowing the bond to loki was keeping him from even considering hurting Elizabeth, feeling sick to his stomach for even saying the words outloud. “Should you be at home, taking care of your father?If loki wrecked this kind of havoc in a broken bond state, what will your father do?”Tony said after a moment, looking concerned. Even if odin didn’t understand what happened, it could be dangerous.
he smiled at her. "good, he needs to be kept in his place from time to time." Loki stated with a sniff and a chuckle before offering her a much softer smile. "i would like that as well. i have come to care for you a great deal." he admitted, hesitating before leaning down and brushing a kiss across her forehead before laying back down with a tired sigh. "i won't have to go back to Asgaurd... that is such a relief, i don't know how to describe it."

"...yes, and Loki would feel the same thinking about you, or any of your freinds. anything that might hurt you, Loki will be highly reluctant to do. he might still do it, if he has no other choice, but it would leave him very ill for many days." Thor admitted. "like say, Tony was trying to kill you, Tony is your freind, so hurting him would not be to Loki's tastes, but he would protect you anyway, because you are more important than Tony. does that make sense?" Thor asked, smiling a little before he winced and swallowed thickly, Thors face crumpling into a mask of pain. "...my father is dead..." he whispered softly, closing his eyes. "he took his own life when he realized Loki tried to do the same.."
Elizabeth blushed harder at loki’s words, shifting to lay down next to him, resting her head hesitantly on his shoulder, before shifting to snuggle against the other, closing her eyes. “No, I wont let you go back to asgaurd. Now sleep sweetheart, we both could use the rest.”She muttered smiling slightly.

Both tony and clint nodded, looking thoughtful before a concerned look crossed clint’s face, reaching out to touch thor’s arm.”I am sorry, thor.”Clint whispered squeezing his arm gently before swallowing. “I think loki has the right idea, we all should get some sleep.”The assassin said tilting his head towards the video screen where Elizabeth and loki were starting to fall asleep, concerned for thor and knowing that they’d have to tell loki, but it wouldn’t have to be at this moment. Tomorrow would be soon enough. Though loki and odin had their bond broken, clint knew loki would still want to know.
Loki nodded as he wrapped an arm around her when she crawled in with him and he sighed softly, feeling relaxed and comfortable, and accepted for the first time in his life. "yes, i hate being so tired all the time." he muttered softly as he closed his eyes, and went to sleep.

Thor nodded, gently touching the hand that was offering him comfort. "yes... sleep for the weary of heart." Thor agreed with a sigh as he looked at Tony. "would you permit me the use of one of your rooms? i haven't the energy to go back to Asgaurd this night..." he admitted softly. he crashed to sleep the second his head hit his pillow, and Steve glanced at Clint. "did you know you had a Bond with him?" he asked, looking confused, and curious. "does it hurt? i mean... can you feel what he feels?" no, but Clint could feel a niggling sensation that Loki was unwell that was slightly distracting. Loki would feel the Bond a lot more than Clint would. Loki would know the very instant his Bond Brother was in trouble, unwell, or in pain, and would probobly be there in a split second to defend, or comfort as needed.
Clint frowned shaking his head a little.”I didn’t, at least…not consciously. I’ve been feeling bad for weeks, so much that Natasha was worried, but I think I was sensing that loki was unwell.”He sighed a little,”I’ll go see him soon.”He said before leaving the room, looking thoughtful.

A few days later clint leaned against the balcony railing looking at thor, looking concerned for the other man. Knowing he was planning on going to see loki and Elizabeth, he wasn’t sure how to ask the other if he wanted clint to go with him without offending the man. “How are you?”He asked the asgarudian after a moment.

“Loki?You awake?I’m home.”Elizabeth called up the stairs, having been so worried about leaving him alone as she’d run down the street to get food and some more books for them to read.
Thor nodded. "yes, that was probobly Loki. he's been punishing himself since he was placed on earth..." he admitted softly, feeling quite horrible about having not noticed that his brother was in so much pain. he decided not to tell Loki about Odin until the man wasn't so weak and pale. but finally there was no putting it off anymore. "i am..." Thor hesitated, uncertain how to express himself before he looked at Clint with wet eyes. "i am afraid. i was not expecting to be King for some time yet, and no matter how poor the bond, Loki did love my father." Thor admitted with a sigh as he looked to the door. "will you come with me Clint? being Loki's Brother, you are my Brother too... it will be good for you to be with us."

Loki was sitting in the living room, reading the last book that she had available in the house. he looked up at her when she came in and offered her a smile. in the three days since Steve had been there, Loki had made a dramatic recovery. he was still very easily tired, but he could walk about the house now as he pleased... so long as he took long breaks. he had been devouring the books, enjoying the mental activities much more than he had anything available on Asgaurd. "more Jello?" he asked hopefully, his head tilted. he had moved on to solid foods again, his throat no longer so painful he couldn't chew. but his obsession for Jello remained.
Clint winced a little at the expression on his face, unsure how to deal with that kind of grief, moving over a little, brushing his shoulder against thor’s to comfort him before nodding,”I would like that.”he said smiling a little at the other, “Besides, being able to see the slip of a woman bossing you around, I’d definitely want to be there in person to see.”he said teasing him just a bit.

“I got some. A few different flavors.”She said looking amused as she set the food on the table before moving into the living room, looking down at him. “I also got you some books to read. Thought you’d might want something else to read besides my girly books.”She said smiling as she looked down at him, standing in front of him, gently stroking his long hair out of his face.
Thor offered Clint a tiny smile at the comfort. "ah! you wish to see her dragging me about the ear! yes, very amusing!" he agreed, feeling a little bit better. "we are going by Dark Energy." he warned. "it will allow us to get there instantly... instead of sitting in that metal contraption that Stark calls a 'Jet' for eight hours." Thor wrinkled his nose before holding his arm out to Clint. "we will have to hold tight, if i drop you, i might not find you again." with that warning, Thor wrapped his arm tight around Clint's shoulder, and smirked as they vanished with a sensation like someone had grabbed the top of Clint's stomach, and yanked it out through his toes, before shoving it back in place with a punch through the gut, they where there.

"Cherry?" Loki asked, delighted. Cherry was his favorite, followed closely by Blue raspberry. "i like your romance novels." he admitted with a smile as he stood up and joined her in the kitchen sitting down in the kitchen chair, because he wasn't strong enough to stand around just yet. "Thor's here." he commented suddenly, sounding delighted. "he just appeared by Dark energy." he admitted, smirking as the knock on the door was a little harder than what was considered polite. "he brought Clint with him, i can feel him."
“It will be.”Clint grinned before wrinkling his nose. “IF you insist.”he said swallowing hard as he stepped closer to the other, sounding worried about the fact that he was going by dark energy.

“Yes, I’m going to make some now.”She said smiling as he sat down, starting to make the jello before frowning a little as hse glanced at the door.”he’s going ot break my door if he keeps it up.”she muttered before moving over to open the door looking up at the man. “You’re not supposed to break someone’s door when you come visit them.” Clint bit his lip to muffle his laughter at the woman’s words smiling as they stepped inside, looking loki over.”You’re looking well.”he said something tight and hurting relaxing in his chest as he said it.
Thor looked properly chastised as she scolded him and Loki hid his snickers behind his romance novel. well, her Romance Novel, but he was reading it. "i am feeling much better." Loki admitted, offering Clint a smile. "i am sorry for my actions against you Hawkeye." he stated, offering the other a small nod of the head along with his apology. "would you like some Jello?" Thor bit back his own laugh at that, looking delighted to see Loki so happy and relaxed. "i still have a cup left over in the fridge i think... Thor? are you alright?" Loki asked, suddenly sensing his brothers Somber mood. "...something has happened..." panic flooded Loki's face. "The All-Father is making me go back to Asgaurd, isn't he!?" he demanded, sinking back down into his chair, his legs trembling too much to hold him up. "no, Loki..." Thor promised. "you don't have to go back to Asgaurd... it's..." here Thor hesitated, uncertain how to continue.
“you’re forgiven, given how…I understand what you were going through. In a way no one else would.”Clint said tilting his head a little before swallowing his laughter before nodding. “I would. Thank you.”Clint said smiling as Elizabeth handed him a jello bowl, looking at the brothers worriedly.

“No!I wont let you take him back.”Elizabeth said glaring at thor, bristling as she looked at the asgauridna before calming at thor’s words even as she moved over to stand next to loki, wrapping a hand around his shoulders, looking worried. “Its your father Loki. He has..past way.”Clint said gently, doing what thor couldn’t.
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