Loki's Return(The Avengers)-Moon/Lady

Elizabeth smiled a little as she looked at loki, a sympathic look on her face, wanting to tell him they could leave, but knowing they couldn’t,not yet. Smiling slightly as tony pulled her into the opening steps of a dance, she flushed brightly as the billionaire smirked.”So lovely, ms. York. It is good to finally meet you.”Tony said wrapping a arm around her waist as they danced, looking for all the world like he was whispering sweet nothings to the uncomfortable woman who was struggling to not show just how much she wanted to get away from him. Not wanting to offend the man loki had to work with, but equally wanting to be away from him.

“people might like you more, if you stopped sulking in a corner.”Clint muttered as he handed loki a glass of champagne, swallowing hard as he watched tony seducing Elizabeth. Or at least trying to.
Loki scowled darkly as he watched Tony trying to put eh moves on his woman... but he was amused too, Tony clearly didn't understand that, even with only a few drops of Gods blood in her, Elizabeth was a god. and she would only ever love one person, Loki. now Loki wasn't exactly the paradigm of fidelity, but then again... he didn't get a whole lot of sex. still, if Tony did manage to seduce Elizabeth, loki would admit, he'd be impressed. he doubted Elizabeth knew how to cheat though, Loki would step in if Elizabeth asked him to, but for now he was enjoying watching Tony fail. that was the difference really, Loki wouldn't care if Elizabeth cheated on him, because he himself was a slut and wanted her to be happy. but he would not cheat on her, because that would make her sad, and because he didn't need other women to satisfy him.

"i didn't even want to come to this place. and your man of iron doesn't want me here either. he only wants Elizabeth so he can try... and fail, i might add, to seduce her away from me in some petty need for revenge... and because i'm prettier than he is." Loki stated as he examined the champagne before he took a tiny sip, watching Tony intently. not jealous, but not comfortable either. ready to step in the second Tony stepped over the line. "does he truly think he can win her over by being a chauvinistic pig?" Loki asked after a moment. "is that not why she demanded the good Captain to promise he would stay away? and why does not his own woman step in, she doesn't mind that he's cheating on her?" he smirked suddenly and flicked his fingers at Tony, Magic arching through the Room, Thor sighing as he apologized to the person he was talking to and moved over to Tony, who would, without a doubt, realize he was missing something very important... "Tony." Thor stated, looking highly amused. "you should be glad he did not also give you breasts." he warned. "it should only last an hour or so." he promised the man of iron as Loki took a sip of his champagne.
Elizabeth flushed as she stuttered and smattered through a conversation with Tony, looking out of sorts, stealing glances towards loki as tony’s hand slid down her back, absently landing on her ass as he drew her closer, not stepping back, not wanting to offend the idiot, but also wanting to get away.

“Ah, well…I cant even lie and pretend that’s no the reason. Everyone knows you’re here, so she’d show up.”Clint snorted laughing before nodding. “Probably. Countless women enjoy it, and you will see that despite getting a promise, tony’s within touching distance of her.”He pointed out before shrugging, giving a halfhearted sigh as loki magicked tony. “She doesn’t…I don’t understand, but pepper enjoys this..”

Tony froze, swallowing hard as he looked down at the woman in his arms, before flushing in anger as he looked up at the thunder god. “The man’s a menace.”He growled pulling Elizabeth closer, just to annoy loki because he knew the man was watching, and knowing enough about elizabeth’s past to know that she wouldn’t pull away. Her husband had cowed her, made it easy to do what he wanted with her.
Loki was watching her, amusement in his eyes, that quickly turned to anger as soon as that hand landed on her ass. it was his own fault he was turned into a woman for a while. "she is within touching distance, but she is broken. she would not pull away... i will let Thor deal with him, i fear i might kill the idiot." Loki growled. "and i promised Elizabeth i wouldn't draw blood tonight, stupid woman." he grumbled before shooting Clint a surprised glance. "she does?... how strange. she's such a demure little thing, i never would have guessed she was such a pervert." he admitted.

"That man, is protecting his woman." Thor corrected. "a woman who has been badly hurt by her past husband, who is looking more and more like you with every passing second Tony Stark." Thor growled, removing Tony's hands from Elizabeth. "there is a reason why Elizabeth made you promise to stay away and it was not for Loki. where you on Asgaurd doing this, Loki would have every right to cut your hands off, and execute you for trying to play with a new bond like theirs." Thor warned, Loki next to Elizabeth in an instant and sweeping her away to offer comfort. "break their bond, and it's like murdering both of them, as well as i and Clint." Thor warned, tapping Tony's glowing chest. "do not mess with an Asgaurdian's mate Tony. Loki will not control himself again, especially with how much you where frightening Elizabeth." there was a pause and then. "if you must have your revenge, i will invite Loki's daughter here for the next party, you could sleep with her, she likes men like you. Odin only knows why... then again, Loki likes men like you so that might explain it..."
Tony glared at the asgaurdian as he pulled his hands away before looking at the woman trembling in front of her, tilting his head a little. Going quiet as he considered what the other was saying before his eyes widened a little, smirking.”Hm, seducing his daughter would be good…”The smirk that curled tony’s lips was priceless as he looked towards loki before looking around for pepper. "I think I'm going to call it a night..."

“I’m okay, I am.”Elizabeth muttered to the man holding her, leaning into loki’s arms, resting her face against his chest. Trembling hard as she tried to calm she shuddered. “Just make him stay away from me. Please.”she muttered because she knew she couldn’t, wouldn’t be able ot say no to tony, no matter how much she wanted to. Her husband had damaged her to much, made her to dependent and broken to be able to say no to a man like tony. Now loki, she didn’t want to say no to, but tony…she wanted to run away screaming.
Thor stared at Tony for a long moment, well aware that the man didn't feel the least bit sorry for scaring Elizabeth, but not about to push the issue, not now. he'd talk to Pepper about it. "Yes, she'd find it just as amusing as you do as well." Thor admitted in response to Tony's idea of seducing Hela. Loki's daughter of Hel was much too like her father. "i would offer to remove the curse." Thor admitted, motioning to Stark's groin. "but i'd make a mess of it. it should wear off by morning at the latest. an hour would be more to his taste. it was a simple warning after all." Thor admitted with a grin. "and imagine the look on Peppers face when she sees it."

"You are not, and that is alright." he promised her softly. "i will not let him near you again... i wouldn't have let you near him now, but i didn't want to accidental cut the bastards hands off. i thought it best to let Thor deal with the Metal Man..." Loki admitted with a sigh. "it was amusing though, him actually thinking that he could seduce you. he is far too full of himself." he grumbled with a roll of his eyes. "so petty... did you know that Pepper is a pervert?" "i am not!" Pepper complained, going bright red as she glared at Loki. "anyway i wanted to apologize. Tony didn't mean to traumatize you, he's Drunk... like usual, and i don't think he realized how much he was frightening you..." "you are a pervert. you like watching your husband fuck other women." Loki commented, as if making a mention of the weather and Pepper went red again. "...i'm TRYING to apologize..." "it is not your apology that is needed Pepper." Loki corrected. "Tony should be glad that the curse i laid upon him will only last until midnight. had he harmed my woman, he would have been castrated as the previous man who hurt her was." Pepper choked at that and turned to check and see what had been done to Tony.
“Good. That would be very interesting.”Tony smirked looking thoughtful before frowning, stepping back from the god. “Stay away from me.”He growled before looking at pepper, “No!She’s never going to know. Go away, thor.”The drunk billionaire frowned looking annoyed.

Elizabeth swallowed hard as she pressed her face into his chest, shuddering. “It..it..”She swallowed, “he could have. I mean…if he asked.”She muttered embarrassment and shame in her voice, showing that it wasn’t by choice, but by her husband’s design that she wouldn’t have been able to walk away from a demanding, drunk man. “No I didn’t.”Elizabeth muttered in response to loki’s question, tensing a little before glancing over at pepper, her cheek resting against loki’s chest. “Can we just go to thor’s?I just want to rest.”Elizabeth muttered, glad that the thunder god had his own apartment in new York city, having not been looking forward to staying in a house with tony stark. “He’s…a woman.At least, without boobs, until midnight.”Elizabeth muttered before sighing softly,relaxing slowly.
Thor snickered a little at Tony's panic. he couldn't really blame the man of course, Thor wouldn't want someone messing about with his manhood either. he walked away, well aware that pepper was going to know anyway.

Loki shook his head. "i would never have let him rape you." he promised her softly. "promise or not, i would never let him touch you in such a manner, i would have killed him." Loki admitted, gently kissing her forehead and her temples. "yes, we will go to Thor's." he promised her softly. "but... could i perhaps, have one dance?" he asked softly, offering her a smile as he started to dance with her. "this is the only thing i looked forward to doing tonight, was dancing with you." he admitted, well aware that it wasn't a slow dance song, but he didn't know how to fast dance, and slow dancing was more intimate. fortunately Banner seamed to notice, and he whispered to the DJ and the fast paced techno song switched to a romantic one. Loki didn't care that he was being video taped by half the people there, and that it would spread across Youtube. he didn't know what Youtube was anyway. all he cared about was the woman in his arms, he didn't even notice Pepper racing across the dance floor and yanking Tony's pants open and looking down before dissolving into drunken laughter at her husbands misfortune.
Elizabeth sighed softly, relaxing at his words as she leaned into him, resting her cheek against his chin, the woman barely coming to his chin, looking so small and fragile in his arms as she flushed. “well, one dance, since you were so good and didn’t kill him.”She muttered slipping her arms around him, making a mental note to teach him how to do the fast paced bump and grind, even though the thought made her blush as she looked up at him. Tugging him down for a gentle kiss, ignoring the video cameras pointed their way, leaning back.”Did you bring your romance novel?”She teased amused, wondering if she could seduce him.

“hey away from me!”Tony growled in annoyance as he yanked his pants closed, glaring at his wife. Clint shook his head as he moved over to bruce’s side, watching the couple on the floor, “Well. I don’t think we’ll have to do as much work as we thought, once the known world sees the former conqueror dancing with his girl. He’ll be accepted.”he said though he still looked worried about how the world would respond.
he smiled a little at her, his head tilted as he watched her. "i did promise you i wouldn't do any mangling today." he admitted, leaning down to share the kiss. "yes, i brought three." he admitted with a smile. "i didn't expect to actually have fun at this party so i was just going to read through it... until Tony." he admitted with a sigh. "that and that AWFUL music... do human's not have eardrums?" he asked, sulking as he spun her and then dipped her with an affectionate smile, as he gave her another kiss before coming out of the dip and chuckling. "you are simply adorable when you blush, My Love." he admitted, grinning a little as he wrapped his arms around her for the last little bit of the song before offering her a bow, as was only polite before kissing her knuckles, like he knew she loved. "come, i grow tired of the noises here. let's go to Thor's and enjoy some time alone."

Pepper just continued to laugh as she walked away, baffling everyone. those that didn't know... which was everyone but Thor, Loki, Elizabeth and Pepper, simply assumed that Loki had shrunk Tony's cock, or turned it furry or something. it wasn't bad, or permanent or Pepper wouldn't be laughing like that, but it made them wary to approach the God of Fire, Ice, and mischief. "we don't have to do any work." Bruce stated simply. "unfortunately, we weren't able to keep a lid on things... this morning, a newspaper article came out that explained that Loki came to earth and tried to kill himself. there's about a hundred theories as to why he tried, but many of them are hitting far too close for comfort." Bruce admitted with a shake of his head. "it doesn't help that Loki is still wearing the bandages... Fury isn't going to be happy that we didn't tell him."
“Hm, and you do keep your promises well.”She said smiling a little, laughing softly at his words. “well, tony and the music ruin the most well laid plans.”She giggled flushing harder as he dipped her, smiling as he pulled her back up and bowed, smiling at him gently. “Yes, time alone sounds grand.”She said smiling as they made their way to thor’s, looking amused as they got to the apartment. Going quiet and nervous as they let themselves into the silent place, looking around her. While she wanted her boyfriend, after everything, sex also made her nervous, so she had no idea how to express the desire without making him feel badly.

Clint smiled a little before sighing. “Damn. Now not only do we have to deal with the vultures circling, fury’s going to be here in the morning. You know, maybe loki can just make him magically shut up?”He grumbled. He generally liked the man, but he also knew that loki wouldn’t stand for anyone butting into his business, or deal with nick fury, or upsetting Elizabeth. Between the reporters and fury he didn’t know what was going to be worse. Smirking at the thunder god across the room he tilted his head.”We should make sure thor stays away from his place tonight.”he mused.
he smiled. "once i make a promise, i always keep it. i might be the god of lies and mischief, but i do have an honor." he admitted with a chuckle as he took her arm in his and walked her home, humming a little as they walked. simply enjoying being with his lover. "it does, doesn't it? ever since Thor and Clint showed up, we haven't had a moment alone." Loki had carefully avoided mentioning Odin ever since he had found out the oldest God had died. it was still too raw, too painful for him to deal with. "hmm. this is an unusual home.." Loki muttered, clearly not understanding the concept of a Hotel. "there is no kitchen, how is he to eat?" Loki asked, looking baffled. "do you suppose Thor is going hungry?" he asked, worried about his brother.

Bruce nodded. "yes i know. and yes Loki could." he admitted with amusement. "it might even warm Stark up to him a little. "Fury will admit that having Loki on call and under control will be a good thing. You and Thor being able to control him somewhat will also be a good bonus for him." Bruce admitted. "it's the reporters i'm worried about. Fury will back off if Loki gets annoyed, the reporters wont." he admitted with a sigh. "...did you hear about Elizabeth's husband? he hurt her, so Loki orchestrated an 'accident'... the man had his phallus and entire left testicle completely sheered off by a piece of randomly falling glass. the right testicle was crushed and had to be amputated." he was well aware that Tony was listening. "this was before he even knew he was bonded to her. can you imagine what he might do to someone who hurts her now?" he paused, blinking at Clint. "why do we need to keep Thor away from.... oh..." and Bruce blushed and coughed into his hand. "he'll stay here... i'll make sure of it."
“It’s a hotel room loki, he just…rents it. you know, like staying at a inn?”She said smiling at him, amused before shrugging. “Thor would definitely not be going hungry. You can order food from the kitchen downstairs and they bring it up.”She said turning to look at him, gently touching his face, kissing him lightly.”don’t worry about thor, he knows how to take care of himself.”She said before stepping back.”I’m going to go get ready for bed.”She said blushing ever so slightly as she headed for the bedroom where thor’d put their suitcases, having every intention of changing into her pj’s.

“Us, and Elizabeth. She will have more of a influence to him then either of us.”clint said before smirking, “We’ll have thor threaten the reporters with some thunder and lightening. Anything would be better then loki dealing with them.”he muttered before wincing resisting the urge to cup himself as he nodded. “I did. And that was barely 6 hours after he met her. I don’t want to consider what he’d do for her now.”Clint mused smirking as tony paled, even through his drunken stupor responding to the visual. Snickering at bruce’s words he nodded. “Yes, a good idea. The last thing any of us need is for someone to interrupt...that….for them. A city destroyed would be the result of a sexually frustrated asgaurdian.”he snickered at the thought amused at the look on tony’s face before sighing.
Loki blinked. "oh, well as long as he isn't going hungry, and i hate to tell you this but Thor cannot take care of himself." he stated simply. "he hasn't the brains for it... oh, this is Soda isn't it?" he asked, opening the mini fridge. "i like Soda." he muttered, pulling out the can of beer, popping it open and taking a swig before he spit it out and started choking and gagging. "what foul SWILL is THAT?!" he demanded, setting the can on the bar and pointing at it, as if it was it's fault Loki hadn't liked it. "nasty stuff. oh! Grapes, i like Grapes." he muttered as he pulled out the bowl of fruit and started to munch, planning for the night because he was horny and wanted more than just kisses.

Bruce nodded. "she's really a wonderful girl. you know Loki actually thanked me... well he thanked the Hulk anyway. for beating the shit out of him... Hulks words, not mine." Bruce admitted with a small chuckle. "i think we'll leave Tony to deal with the press, he's the best at it... or Steve... actually now that i think of it, doesn't Pepper handle all the press? maybe she'd know what to do?" he mused, his head tilted a little. "i'm sure Loki wouldn't do anything too bloody, he wouldn't want to upset Elizabeth... it would probobly be slower than that, more painful, but internal... i did hear him thinking about melting a person's penis over the course of a few hours... but i'm not sure how serious he was." Bruce admitted. "...admittedly, i think he was talking about mine... i'll go talk to Thor." he decided with a small chuckle as he walked away and caught the Thunder god by the elbow. "don't go home tonight." he ordered softly. "Elizabeth is finally taking the next step with Loki..." at seeing the others confusion he sighed. "their going to fuck like rabbits Thor."
“I’m sure he’s capable of calling downstairs to get food, and if not, Tony or Steve would have made sure he’s not starving.”She said looking amused before nodding as she tugged on her tshirt as she stepped out of the bedroom, looking surprised at his reaction to the pop. “Well, just decide on something else. Here. Orange juice.”Elizabeth said smiling a little as she studied the man, biting her lip as she studied him, “I’m going to go lay down. Read a bit.She said sounding awkward and not really meaning to join her for reading, but sex, but so heart bruised and nervous after her evening with Tony, she had no idea how to go from here.

“I know. He knows that’s what snapped the tessaract’s control.”Clint buttered nodding a little. “WE’LL let pepper deal with it.”He decided grinning at the idea before smirking as he watched bruce walk off, hoping that he wouldn’t get to much through the bond. It was uncomfortable enough to know Elizabeth was seducing the god, he didn’t want the emotional real time show about it.
Loki pondered that and then nodded. "this is true." he agreed with a smile. "Tony verily does like thor." he agreed. "as does Bruce, they would not let my brother starve... juice of the oranges?" he asked, taking a sip before nodding. "yes, i agree, this is much more to my tastes." he chirped happily before beaming at her. "yes! we can read the new Romance story!" he stated, delighted as he picked up his bowl of fruit and followed her. intending to seduce her, while being completely oblivious to her own advances as he laid next to her and let her read until they reached the first sex scene... where he took over, his voice low and husky as his hands mimicked every action in the book. sliding his hand down her belly, stroking her through her underwear, kissing her neck with ly little smile that said he'd been planning this all day.

back at stark tower, the curse on tony suddenly dissolved. as Loki figured it, it would be cruel to not let Tony get laid. especially as he himself was about to. Pepper was still snickering about it as she took Tony's hand and leaned up to whisper suggestions in his ear, mostly about how HOT it would be if Tony laid Loki. particularly since Loki 'likes men like stark'.
“Yes, we can.”Elizabeth said smiling shyly as she sttled into the bed, reading, whining quietly as he took the book, resting her head back against the headboard as he stroked her stomach and going lower, whimpering quietly as she squirmed, her legs opening a little as she shivered, holding the book open so he could keep reading. “…having problems…coming up with actions on your own?Have to use the book?”she teased lightly flushed and panting as she squirmed.

Tony let out a breathy happy moan as he felt his body return to normal, smirking as he wrapped his arms around pepper, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.”Hmm, you just want me and the idiot to go in front of the camera at her house, so you can have a video.”He said sulking a little as he stroked a hand over her back.
he chuckled a little as he nuzzled her. "my sexual experiances usually consist of me being the one on my back." he admitted with a grin. "or it being very fast, and very unsatisfying. i want neither this time. i want to savor every sweet noise of pleasure i can draw from you." he admitted softly. "i'm just using the book as a referee guide.." he admitted with a grin as he kissed his way down to her stomach and running his tongue along her belly button, humming. "you taste very sweet. like candy and happiness." he murmured happily, abandoning the book so he could lick and kiss and suck her flesh anywhere he could reach it.

pepper smirked. "i love it when you screw other boys." she admitted with a small chuckle. "besides, you have to admit, wouldn't that be the sweetest revenge?" she asked, lifting an eyebrow at Tony Stark. "Thor told me that Asgaurdian's aren't known for their fidelity." she admitted with a grin. "even after they find their Bond Mates. Elizabeth wouldn't take you up on it, but Loki might. besides, Loki's daughter... Clint told me that Loki has a Wolf for a son, a massive Snake for a son... and gave birth to a massive six legged horse... i really don't think you want to meet Hela..." she admitted with a shake of her head.
"Poor loki,you should enjoy sex.."she muttered reaching doen to slide her fingers through his hair as she squirmed, not about to admit she'd never had a orgasm before,when she was pretty sure the man was already going to drive her insane with pleasure,she didn't need him trying even harder to please her. Moaning his name as she lozt herself in her bonded.

"...maybe I don't...maybe I'll just seduce loki."he muttered a little disturbed that loki had given birth to such beasts.

In the morning elizabeth stirred,snuggling her naked body againdt her lovers,resti.g her head on his chest, sighing softly."...your brothers home.."he muttered hearing the other asgaurdian, not wanting to get up because she so didnt want rhor to know that they'd put his bed to very good use.
Loki smiled a little as he kissed her intently, stroking her passion. he didn't let her rest until she had orgasmed no less than three times, and he had emptied himself twice. his Magic was a little spitzy, but he was fairly certain he'd managed to protect her womb against pregnancy. in the morning he huffed a little and snuggled tighter to her. "i don't care. he's always up to early." he grumbled, nuzzling the back of her neck, where he had left a very nice hickey. "besides, he won't come in here with the smell of sex still lingering." he assured her with a yawn. "although he will be annoyingly amused and will 'congratulate' us... perhaps we should just stay in here until he leaves?" Loki mused. "besides, i don't think i can move..." he admitted, rather happily. "i don't think i've ever had sex so good." he admitted. "i never imagined having feelings for the person i was sleeping with, would have such an impact on the PLEASURE." he admitted, kissing her slowly. "and you make the most wonderful noises. it was so hard to stop." he admitted with a smile. "especially when you started whining that you didn't want to ever leave the bed."
Elizabeth smiled a little at his words, whimpering quietly as his lips brushed against the abused skin that had a hickey. “Hmm maybe.”She said before flushing at his words,kissing him back.”Oh. Well.Thanks.”She muttered looking around because he’d embarrassed her so much at the idea of what sex could be like. Smiling softly as her stomach growled poking him a little.”Well, you have to get out of bed, go get me food.”she demanded with a sleepy yawn, quite willing to spend all day in the bed.
Loki smirked a little as he nodded. "your so shy." he teased with a smile. "it's adorable." he admitted with a grin before he sighed. "yes yes, fine." he grumbled as he slid out of bed and walked around, trying to find his pants before yanking them on and heading out to greet his brother and demand sustenance. of course, she could hear Thor laughing and congratulating Loki on finding 'A wonderful Mate!' and she could hear him pining for his own sweet woman to hold and Loki telling Thor to shut up and show him how to work the infernal thing that would thus order food. finally after a half an hour of playful bickering, bantering, and verbal abuse on both brothers accounts, breakfast was there and Loki was handing it over to Elizabeth.
Elizabeth was indeed blushing and out of sorts by the tiem he came back, smiling as she took her food. “Do we have to do anything today?”She said looking worried as she ate, because she had a feeling that tony stark wasn’t going to leave them alone as long as they were in the city, not to mention captain and clint and bruce. While the others weren’t so bad, tony stark terrified her.
he chuckled a little. "i am expected to... assist, with Fury's... Fury." Loki admitted with a grin. "in other words, i'm expected to be there and not attack anyone no matter how they insult me." he admitted with a shrug. "he won't be there for another... hour, at least." Loki admitted as he glanced at the clock. "you are not expected to come, and in fact i would feel very much better about this if you didn't. i don't trust Fury not to... take command of you in order to fully control me." Loki admitted, kissing her forehead as he located his shirt, socks and shoes, wondering why he hadn't just magicked it all on in the first place. "will you stay here until i return?" he asked softly, stroking her hair gently. "you will be a bit sore after last night, and Thor has a wonderful tub." he admitted with a smile. "it would do you good to have a nice long soak." he admitted, giving her another kiss.
Elizabeth blushed a little at his words before nodding.”A bath sounds amazing.”She muttered kissing him back, though she worried about him going out on his own, she had to trust that thor and the others would be able to protect him.”Don’t worry, I have a book and a bathtub, I can take care of myself.”She said watching him get ready, smiling as he left, not realizing that even as he left with thor, and the other avengers arrived at stark tower, fury had done something intelligent, and sent other agents of S.H.E.I.D. to thor’s to collect her, and despite her protests at being taken into custody, the woman was human, and not able to stop them from bustling her back to the flying base. Sulking and wondering how long it would take loki and thor to come after her, though she didn’t know if loki would risk something ‘accidently’ happening to her in a effort to get her back.

Looking around her new ‘room’ she frowned at the glass, not realizing she was in a similar cage as the one that had held loki mere months before, life threatening and fragile, perfect for holding a woman who had control over what fury deemed a threat.
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