Loki's Return(The Avengers)-Moon/Lady

Elizabeth looked bemused and worried at the idea of him simply exploding, nuzzling him a little before frowning.”Cant do that…wont be able to hug..or kiss you…or you know…anything from friends.”She pointed out sleepily, whining as she aws put to sleep.

When she woke Elizabeth frowned a little turning her head to look towards the door, but made no move to pull away from loki,”Thor?”She muttered sounding worried, but calm.”Is loki okay?I mean…he was so upset…is he okay?”She asked worried about her mate and if her disappearance had brought back some of the insanity that he had suffered from whiel being controlled by the tesseract.
Thor looked over at her and offered her a smile before he carefully checked that the door was locked and moved over to her. "Loki will be alright... he's not letting anyone but Clint, Mother and I into the room, but that's only to be expected." Thor admitted softly, so that he didn't wake up Loki. "he's terrified he's going to wake up and you'll be gone again." Thor admitted as he settled into the chair next to her. "he's frantic, and upset, but give him a few days and he should be alright." Thor promised, smiling at her. "you would have been so proud of him Elizabeth. once we got him calmed down, he acted as bravely as you did when you attacked that elf. he planned the entire rescue operation. even Tony Stark was impressed." he admitted with a small chuckle. "the Tesseract never even touched him, it never even woke up. the spells we have on it are holding very strong." he assured her. "let him coddle you a little, that will help too." Thor considered that. "but don't let him baby you, or smother you." he warned. "Loki loves you very much, but there's no need to let him go overboard."
Elizabeth smiled as she strokrd loki's hair as he curled up against her side,making sure to stay close even asleep. Nodding as she considered hiswords she smiled."I am proud. I will tell him when he wakes."she agreed before sputtering out a laugh."hes going to want to follow me everywhere isn't he?"she said snickering at the idea knowing that she was going to have to put her foot down to keep her mate from going way way overboard.
Thor smiled a little. "no, he's more likely to try to lock you into a single room for the rest of your life so that no one else can ever get near you ever again... but he'll back off if you yell at him i think." Thor admitted with a chuckle. "but then he'll follow you around everywhere until he's certain that no one is going to try to take you again." Thor admitted with a smile. "i can only hope that nothing else happens... Loki won't be able to control himself so soon after a disaster like this." he admitted, looking worried. "if someone tries to take you again, he'll go into a rage, and i doubt it would end in anything but bloodshed." he admitted, worrying his lip.

three hundred miles away, on the Helicarrior, a bright flash of light appeared, and a new figure appeared, as Blue as Loki, eyes as red as blood, and adorned in golden jewelry and with horns adorned with golden decorations. he looked like a foreign prince... and he was. he was Helblindi Loki's older brother by about two hundred years. he looked around the people scattered about the ship and sniffed, clearly unamused that they where all gaping at him like lack witted morons. "I look for Loki, son of Leufey." Helblindi demanded, his voice deep, rich, and made several women wish he wasn't so intimidating so they could flirt with him.
“Oh. Well. I’ll tell him he cant do that. I need to see other people.”Elizabeth said frowning a little as she looked down at loki,gently stroking his hair, blushing a little at the idea of being loved so much. “Well, I’ll just have to let him follow me around just so he can make sure I’m safe, for a little while. Not forever.”she sighed softly closing her eyes.

Fury paled looking up at the man in front of him, swallowing hard as he tried to think before deciding being civil was the best course of action for now. “He is not here. He is in asgard with Thor Odinson.”Fury said looking at the man, trying to decide what he wanted with loki.
Thor chuckled a little. "he won't listen to me." he pointed out with a smile. "your the only person he's going to listen to at this point, you'll have to be the one to tell him." Thor admitted. "smack him around a little if he tries to do something you don't want him to do. don't let men walk over you." he ordered sternly. "Thor will give you lessons on how to protect yourself, so that men like Fury can't invade your personal space again." he promised before holding something out to her. "Clothes. it seams awkward running around in my clothing." he admitted, sounding amused. "you will like Asgardian clothes i think." they where soft, and smooth, and strong, like silk mixed with leather. as soon as she started getting dressed, Loki woke with a growl and looked around, ready to attack whoever had touched his woman, calming only when he realized it was just Elizabeth getting dressed. "morning." he chirped, examining her. "injuries all better? Thor told me i had to sleep or he'd pull my spine out." "i did NOT!" Thor complained, where he was standing in front of the door, back to them so that he wouldn't see Elizabeth's nudity.

Helblindi stared at Fury, his head cocked to the side as he considered the threat level from the human. "of course he is. the little shit can't stay in one realm long enough to find him. first it's Hel, then it's Midgaurd, then it's Hel, then it's Midgaurd, then it's Muspelheim, now he's in Asgard again!" Helblindi growled, annoyed with his younger brother, the new King of the Jotun. "will he be back, do you know? i have an official Royal Writ that he really must see and this was the last place he activated his energy." Helblindi admitted, deciding to be polite, since the human was being polite.
“Well, I will like those lessons. I didn’t want to go.”She sighed softly looking down at the clothes before flushing, “Sorry. It was the only thing I could find when I heard the agents coming.”She muttered blushing as she slipped away from loki so she could dress, looking amused at loki as he woke, leaning down to kiss him before nodding as she finished dressing. “they are.”She said swallowing hard before giggling at loki’s outrage.”Good you needed sleep.”She decided before biting her lip looking thoughtful. “Loki, can we stay here for a few days?I just…want to be in one place.”She said looking around, not wanting to return to a place she’d just been kidnapped from until she was feeling better.

Fury laughed quietly at the other’s words.”yes, he has been busy.”he said looking amused as he considered what had happened, and what he knew about thor. While he didn’t know loki well, he assumed thor would make the mated pair rest after their ordeal. “Yes he will be back, but not soon. You could find him in asgard quickly, if you would as heimdall.”
Thor nodded a little. "i'm not complaining, i doubt Loki would have stopped himself from slaughtering people if you had shown up naked." Thor admitted with a small chuckle. "thought, i am a little but curious, i've never seen the true extent of what my brother can actually do. he usually relies on tricks and deceit to do what needs to be done. i know he has impressive skills, i just don't know how impressive." Thor admitted with a shrug. "it would have been a bloodbath, i know that much for certain." he admitted, Loki blinking at her. "i didn't need to sleep." he complained with a sniff, but he looked much more relaxed and stable after a good rest. "yes, we can stay here for a few days." Loki promised with a smile. "Thor has also agreed to move to a new location." "i have? i mean.. i have." Thor stated, nodding at the Door. "you can look now Thor, she is properly attired. we should consider sending the others home..." Loki muttered, Thor chuckling. "Nay, they are all enjoying their time here quite much." Thor admitted. "Banner in particular appears to be quite at ease here. it will be a good place for them to Vacation."

Helblindi stared at Fury and then. "Jotun are not allowed into Asgard." he stated simply. "not since the War. no matter how much i must speak to the Prince, it will have to wait until he returns.. you are one of his retainers? has he a home that i might wait in? one that is in little to no use?" it would be rude to just make himself at home where Loki stayed after all. "this is an interesting Home... we are in the air?" Helblindi asked, studying the gaping hole where the cage had been dropped. "what a strange place my Prince has chosen to live..."
“Maybe we can figure out how much he can do. He would do well as a avenger.”Elizabeth said thoughtfully before relaxing as she sat down again, looking amused at thor’s obvious confusion.”Well, then we’ll just have to wait.”she said yawning a little as she snuggled into loki, content to just stay in bed and be with him.

“Yes, there is a home you can use. Come, I will show you.”Fury said before nodding, laughing at helblindi’s words. “yes, you are in the air.”he confirmed deciding to leave the rest of the talking left up to loki when the man returned.

A few days later tony smirked slightly as he stepped up and leaned against the balcony railing next to Elizabeth, smirking at the woman as she watched loki and thor battling it out, the two testing to see just how impressive loki could be. And well, there was nothing hotter then watching to good looking men beat on each other. “You’re looking better.” Elizabeth tensed a little at the words, swallowing hard but refusing to give into the fear that tony invoked as she watched loki.”I am better. I wish we didn’t have to return home, I am sure there is going to be a lot of problems awaiting us.”She said sighing softly not looking forward to returning to midgaurd that afternoon.
Thor snickered a little. "do you really think that Loki would work well with others? we couldn't even get him to share his toys as a child." he pointed out with a laugh. days later, Thor was realizing exactly why it had been so hard to capture and contain Loki. he was a devil! he was lightning fast, and knew exactly where to strike so it would hurt the most. he yelped as Loki's blunt wooden staff struck him in the shin, AGAIN. he growled and struck at Loki, who was no longer there, and burst into Curses as he was jabbed in the Kidney, Loki laughing at his poor brother as he rapped Thor hard on the head, causing Thor to burst into curses again. Clint and Bruce where taking bets with Natasha, and Steve was keeping an eye on tony, well aware that Loki would slaughter the Iron Man if he upset Elizabeth. "i'm sure things will be fine, i mean, what could have happened while we where away?" Steve asked with a grin. oh how he would later regret that, because Helblindi was still waiting for them, ever so patiently. and he was hearing some very, very disturbing things about his new King fraternizing with MORTALS. that just wouldn't do!
Elizabeth smiled looking at the good captain, shrugging a little. “I’m sure something could have.”She said sighing as she ran her hands through her hair, looking at tony in amusement because he wasn’t doing anything but being supportive, as if he was just biding his time.

When they arrived home Elizabeth frowned as they walked into the apartment, frowning in bemusement at the man waiting for them. What in the world…”Loki…?”She whispered stepping closer to her mate as she considered the jotun prince, looking nervously at helblindi, not sure what the man was doing there waiting for them to return, but sure that it was going to be bad.
Loki won the battle against Thor, much to Bruce's amusement as he handed over his money to Clint,. he had been betting on Thor winning, since he had intimidated Hulk a little bit. but Loki had proven that swiftness and cleverness could fell even the mightiest of opponents... Hulk still wasn't impressed with the Puny God. Loki walked into his home with a groan as he stretched, Helblindi waiting there, standing directly in the middle of the living room, just standing there. "...Who the hell are you!?" Loki demanded, his voice low and dangerous as he immidiatly placed himself in-between the stranger and Elizabeth, Helblindi didn't look very impressed. "and why are you standing half naked in the living room!?" "i am Helblindi, Son of Leufey. Leader of the Imperial Armies. Your Loyal serf, Majesty." Helblindi stated with a bow, Loki hissing. "Get out! Away from my Mate!" Loki hissed. he would allow freinds near, and somewhat freinds like Tony, but he was sure as hell not about to let Helblindi near her. "..oh, still a bit volatile..." Helblindi muttered as he studied Loki. "...i'll come back tomorrow then?" "...what do you want?" "to take you back to Jötunheimr, where you will take up your Throne and Rule us in Glory." Loki blinked at Helblindi as if he was insane. "Mortals are not allowed in Jötunheimr." "...no they are not." "My Mate would not be allowed in Jötunheimr." "...no she would not." "then piss off."
Elizabeth swallowed hard as she looked around the apartment as if looking for a weapon, shifting making sure she was completely hidden by loki’s slender body trembling a little as she gently touched his back. “AT least talk to him. He came all this way.”she said sounding calm and reasonable even if she was afraid, having recognized the man leufey, as in loki leufey. Swallowing hard as she considered that she would be left behind, even if she knew loki would fight for her, she also knew that a king could not abandon his people, and it seemed the frost giants needed loki.”Loki?”She muttered worried about him.
Helblindi blinked at the girl and sneered a little. such a pathetic creature. he stopped immidiatly when Loki snarled at him. "i won't talk to him, he is just another person trying to remove me from my right and proper Mate." Helblindi's eyes narrowed. "even if she is your Life Mate, she cannot live on Jötunheimr, it's too cold for them." Helblindi warned, Loki scoffing. "i KNOW that! do you think me an idiot!? even if she could survive the cold, she couldn't survive the loss of oxygen, but i will not abandon my Mate! i won't. i am the King am i not!?" Loki demanded. "you ask for the impossible! she is My Queen!" there was a long pause and then. "oh my god..." Helblindi stated, his eyes widening as he realized just why Loki was acting the way he was. normally Loki would have sat down and talked things through, found a way to manage earth life with Elizabeth, and Jotun life as King... but Loki was practically frothing at the mouth. "...i need to go speak with the Sages." Helblindi decided after a moment. "they will find a way to.. make this work. for all of us..." Helblindi promised, Loki's eyes narrowing as he studying Helblindi before he relaxed and nodded. "alright. i'm sorry, i don't know what came over me." Loki admitted, looking confused by himself and Helblindi smiled. "i do. don't worry, mood swings are to be expected." "...what?" "bye!" Helblindi chirped, vanishing in a flash of white light and Loki's eye twitched. "...well, now i know where my mischievous streak comes from..."
Elizabeth frowned looking at the two, swallowing hard as she considered the two men, looking worried about her mate, and wondering what was wrong, if she was going to have to expect this reaction no matter who wanted him to do something, wondering if this was a consequence of her kidnapping. “…..that… was abrupt.”She said trembling before slumping into her mate’s back as he stood in front of her, wrapping her arms around his waist, startled at her own strong fearful reaction at finding the frost giant in her living room.
Loki blinked a little as he watched Helblindi vanish. "it was strange... the last time i reacted with such Childish tantrums was..." he paused and then swallowed thickly. "oh dear..." he muttered, settling his hands over hers, letting her hold him tightly. "...i need to make a letter..." he muttered, moving over to the closest desk and pulling out a pen and a piece of paper, writing quickly in odd little symbols and squiggles before he turned the Pen into a tiny red robin, gave it the letter and watched it fly off. "ok, all better." Loki chirped, offering her a smile. "come on, let's get you into a soothing bath." he decided. "the hot water will relax you. and i won't go anywhere." he promised.

meanwhile the letter landed in front of Thor, who was sitting with the Other Avengers, blinking at the piece of paper which had been delivered by a robin... which promptly turned back into a Pen. "Friend Tony!" Thor stated looking at the man. "What is a 'pregnancy test' and why does my brother need one?"
Elizabeth frowned looking up at the man she was holding, but letting him pull away from her. “What’s up?”she asked worried about her lover before smiling softly as she nodded, heading for the bathroom. “Good. You always did lie seeing me naked and in the bathtub.”She teased looking at her lover, leaning up to kiss him before stepping into the bathroom and starting to undress as she ran the water.

Tony paused, looking at the other man stupidly, for a moment unable to think of anything before starting a little as clint snickered. “It is a test to see if someone is with child.”Tony said sounding a little shocked, wondering if the world was ready for a pregnant Elizabeth when it meant loki was going to be frothing at the mouth to protect her. “And I would assume he needs one for elizabeth.”
Loki smiled at her. "nothing... nothing yet anyway, i'll know for sure later." Loki promised her. he had to admit, human's abilities to test for pregnancy was wonderful, and it worked for Jotun, human, and Aeser alike. though unlike humans, a Jotun and Aeser knew within days of conception, instead of weeks. "...yes, yes i do." he agreed with her with a very happy lecherous sort of grin as he pulled his own shirt off and joined her int he bathroom.

"with child?" Thor asked, blinking, shocked. "you think Elizabeth is pregnant already!? oh dear... Loki is going to be impossible. the only thing that's worse is when he himself is pregnant..." Thor complained with a shake of his head. "he gets incredibly obstinate. everything is 'no' and 'i won't' it's awful!" Thor admitted with a shake of his head. "he'll be a bit overprotective of Elizabeth, but i don't think he'll be that bad around us at the very least. as much as he hates us..." here Thor looked amused. "he still trusts us, he knows we won't hurt Elizabeth."
Elizabeth laughed looking amused as she slipped into the water, leaning back into his chest as he got into the tub with her. “You know, I think we should have sex in the bathtub. Just imagine how scandalized thor would be to know we used his bathtub in such a way.”She teased twisting to kiss him, looking at her lover amused.

“Well, why else need a pregnancy test? And loki already is impossible.”Tony pointed out rolling his eyes even as clint went to get a pregnancy test. “And he already tells us no, and I wont a lot. It wont be that much different.”Poor poor dillusional tony, who was underestimating just how pigheaded loki could be. “Here. There’s a few there, just in case she wants to try more then once to make sure.”Clint said holding out the box of pregnancy tests as he walked back into the room.
Loki laughed a little and nodded. "i think we should as well!" he agreed happily as he nuzzled her neck and nibbled and licked and ran his hands down her wonderfully perfect body, humming happily as he kissed a line down her back, fingers sliding into all the places that Elizabeth loved the most. with as much sex as they'd had in the last several days, it was no wonder one, if not both of them was pregnant, which was probobly why none of the Avengers where terribly shocked about it.

"...you underestimate my brother..." Thor muttered. "he will make his attempts to rule the earth like a child's pout." he muttered. "the last time he was pregnant, he set fire to my fathers beard 'because it was an insult to hair', set free all of the penguins here on earth, and i do mean every single penguin. he completely renovated the east wing of Asgaurd 'because it was ugly' and ate a century old statue that had been made in my fathers honor." Thor stated. "the food cravings he gets make even Jotun cringe." Thor admitted simply. "especially when he started eating the marble. thankfully he has not been pregnant in some century." Thor admitted with a grin. "i think he has grown past that ability... which is a pity because he always births the most... interesting creatures." Thor muttered as he took the bag from Clint with thanks and prodded the pen. "up you get little Robin, a return delivery for you." Thor ordered, the Pen turning into a robin once more, twittered, took the bag, and flew off... despite the fact that it shouldn't have been able to fly with that much weight attached.
Elizabeth laughed as she nodded, and when they were done the woman snuggled into his chest, resting her head on his shoulder as she panted, stirring a little as the bird landed on the counter.”How’d it even get in here?Its a fake bird.”she muttered tiredly not wanting to move out of his arms, even long enough to get dressed despite the water growing cold.

“….that’s disturbing. It’s a good thing it’s Elizabeth pregnant. Loki’s bad enough by himself, without being hormonal.”Tony said before raising his eyebrows a little, looking amused.still having every intention of seducing both tony and Elizabeth, only because the woman showed no signs of wanting him. While he wasn’t a rapist, the man was incapable of walking away from a challenging woman who said no. “now. Fury said he had the most interesting visitor while we were away.”Tony said refocusing on the topic at hand.
Loki chuckled a little and snuggled into her, kissing her cheek as he nuzzled her neck and scowled at the bird. "you where supposed to wait in the bedroom... infernal things.. i always forget not to give them a personality... oh well, now's as good a time as any." he muttered, kissing her again before snatching up one of the packages. "now lets see... how does this thing work?" he muttered, pulling out the instructions and examining them intently before nodding, pulling out the devise, stood over the toilette and followed the instructions by peeing on it. no doubt weirding Elizabeth out in the process. "...crap..." Loki muttered as he stared at it before sighing as he turned to look at Elizabeth. "so... what do you think of children then?"

Thor chuckled a little and nodded. "yes, Loki is a... how do you say it? a pain in the posterior?" he asked with a grin. "he's always been melodramatic and more than a little moody." Thor admitted with a shrug. "yes, Loki told me... the... visitor, was waiting in their home. his name is Helblindi, he is the Leader of the Jotun Armies. he answers to the King, and only to the King. he would be like a combination of a president, a butler, and a personal assassin. anything Loki wants, needs, or desires, it is Helblindi's job to make sure it is done, gotten, stolen, or delivered. though he admittedly usually delegates the tasks to others." Thor admitted. "i doubt he would have stayed long, Loki is still very volatile, and if he suspects Elizabeth might be pregnant, he'll be even more so."
Elizabeth stared at the pregnancy test, looking at a loss on what to say. Looking even more freaked as he actually took the test, opening and closing her mouth as she tried to figure out what to say as she climbed out of the tub and dried off before dressing. “What…I mean…who did you sleep with?”She said the heartbroken look on her face as she looked at her mate painful as she considered what to say to him.

“Pain in the ass.”Tony corrected snickering a little before sighing. “What do you think loki will do?Will he return to jotunhiem?”He said thoughtfully as he leaned back into his chair as he considered what the frost giant would do. While he didn’t think the man was a danger, he was worried about helblindi would do if loki refused to return home.
Loki looked at her. "oh... no Elizabeth darkling... it doesn't quite work like that." Loki explained with a flush. "see.. i didn't... i didn't think to protect myself, because your a girl... i forgot that girls can get me pregnant just as easily as boys can." Loki explained, looking more than a little embarrassed. "that's how my first son came about. i protected her, but i didn't think to protect me..." he explained in a rush, not wanting her to think he'd cheated on her. "i'm not entirely sure how it works, but something about your genetic material is absorbed through my skin and it mixes with mine..." he paused, looking baffled. "actually... i never really understood how it worked... honestly i don't think Mother knows how it works..." he admitted, fidgeting. "the baby is yours Elizabeth, i swear it." he whispered, taking her hand. "i could never cheat on you... the Bond between us makes it completely impossible. even the thought of doing it makes me feel utterly sick." he whispered, nuzzling her hand. "please don't be mad.. i didn't mean to get pregnant..." he whispered, feeling all out of sorts because his mate was upset with him. "i won't get rid of it! it's a little you, and i love it..." he whispered, looking at her with wet, hopeful eyes... and yet worried that she might reject him.

Thor shook his head. "i very much doubt it. mortals cannot live in Jötunheimr. there is very little oxygen, you would suffocate in minutes... and that's only if the thirty below temperatures did not kill you." he pointed out. "he will most likely go to Jötunheimr every day to deal with what needs be dealt with, and then return here to be with Elizabeth..." he sighed. "things will not end well if Helblindi, or the other Frost Giants try to keep him from his Elizabeth."
Elizabeth stared up at her mate with wide hurting, teary eyes as she considered him studying him. “…that’s weird.Truly.”She said looking at him, swallowing hard as she curled her fingers around his as he took her hand, sniffling a little as she stepped into his arms, snuggling into him, starting to cry softly. Just as emotionally distraught as him, maybe she really should take the pregnancy test to. They both were going to be pain in the asses, if they were both pregnant. “I’m not made…I…I like kids…”she said still looking awkward, wrapping a arm around his waist. While it still freaked her out a little he could get pregnant, it was…she could accept it. at least, enough not to freak out just yet.

Tony sighed nodding a little.”Well, we’ll just have to see where this goes.”He sighed settling in to see what happened next, smirking. “You know, there’s still cameras in the apartment. We could always just find out now which one of them is pregnant.”he pointed out.
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