Loki's Return(The Avengers)-Moon/Lady

Loki was unaware that his lover had been taken until three hours had passed and Fury had finally arrived. of course, Loki had just sat there, bored while Fury berated him... until the man had mentioned Elizabeth... that was when Loki had acted, he had backhanded the commander so hard the man was flung into a wall, before he vanished in a swirl of green flames. Thor had picked Fury up and shook him hard and warned the man that if Elizabeth was hurt in any way, then he would have more than just Loki to deal with. the Loki was back, his eyes gleaming red, and his skin leaking frost so that every step he took towards the Director left a perfectly frosty footprint.

"Where...Is...My...Woman!?" Loki demanded, skin going blue as it reacted to his rage, his fury. he looked like the Frost Giant he was, not that he was much of a Giant, but he had the appearance, and the power, and he was dripping with utter fury as he bared his teeth, revealing razor sharp fangs and long black claws that where threatening to rip Fury apart. it was Bruce and Steve who held Loki back, Thor made no move at all to stop Loki or help the Commander. "NO! HE TOOK MY WOMAN! HE TOOK MY MATE!!!" Loki raged, fighting against the combined efforts of Steve and Bruce, both who where shockingly strong, and in his rage and fury... and HURT, Loki could not fight them properly. so even though Bruce now sported claw marks across his face, and Steve had a black eye, they where able to keep Loki from killing the Commander. "Mortal." Thor stated, staring at Fury with eyes that where so cold they almost burned. "you will tell me where you keep Elizabeth, or i will Swarm Midgaurd with my Asgaurdians looking for her. messing with a Bondmate, is breaking Asgaurdian Law, and if you do not return her this instant, you will face Asgaurdian punishment. should she, or Loki die? you would be killing everyone who has a Bond with them, including me, and your own Clint Barton, and Dr. Selvig and Jane Foster." Thor warned. "My brother was not responsible for his actions against your earth, he was controlled just as Barton and Selvig where. the Tesseract had powers beyond what i could comprehend."
Fury panted as he pushed to his feet, gingerly making sure nothing was broken before looking at thor, deciding what to do before turning to loki, watching him for a moment as he considered the giant. Despite the fury he was facing from both the men, fury was considering keeping the woman anyways. Because he didn’t trust thor, yes, he’d use him, let him protect the world, but he wasn’t willing to trust the world into asgardian hands. After a moment he sighed looking at thor, he tilted his head. “She is in the prison we kept loki in. You know where it is.”He said simply glancing at tony who was looking at him like the iron man was going to bash his skull in. while tony had messed with Elizabeth, he had known better then trying to simply take her away, hiding the girl. That was a ridiculously stupid idea, and he hoped that no one-namely anyone that had a grudge against loki or thor- got to the girl before they did. While it was shield headquarters, there was still countless people on there who had lost friends in loki’s attack.

“Steve, bruce, let him go. He’s just going to go get Eliza now.”Tony said the fury coating his words because he knew this was a stupid move, something was going to happen to Elizabeth before they got her. While he had no idea how or what, he just felt it in his bones.
Loki was nearly mindless with rage, struggling to get to Fury so he could GUT the man and hang him from the roof beams by his own entrails as a warning against ANYONE who DARED to touch what was HIS! this was all Frost Giant, to a Frost Giant there was nothing more important than a mate. they would do everything, and anything to protect their mate, particularly the Dominant ones. Dominant Jotun had been known to attack their own Kings to protect their mates. Dominant Jotun had been known to walk hundreds of thousands of miles, just to get a single flower that would heal their sick mates. there was nothing a Frost giant would not do to make sure their mate was happy, healthy, and safe. this was one thing that Thor did know about the Frost giants. Steve and Bruce let Loki go, their hands frosted over, frostbitten and aching and they leveled their own glares against Fury, Bruce's skin taking on an almost green tinge as he tried to sooth the Hulk, who liked Loki quite a bit, and was very impressed with the rather puny god who had gotten up with relative ease after such a beating. Hulk liked Elizabeth too, she wasn't afraid of him in the least. "How could you be so STUPID as to mess with a GODS Lover!?" Steve demanded of Fury, sounding as if he thought fury was several kinds of stupid, multiple levels of idiotic, and a few steps into Crazy town too. "For God's sake Director! we finally got him on our side and now you might have ruined ANY chance of Loki EVER having ANYTHING to do with earth except blowing it UP!" "Loki would never blow earth up, that would upset Elizabeth." Thor stated simply. "well i'm not so sure it would upset Elizabeth. she hasn't had a fun time of it here has she?" Bruce asked, wincing as he flexed his fingers. "did anyone else see Loki turning Blue?"

Loki himself was thirty thousand feet up in the air on the Helacarrier, beating his way through the place, heading straight for the hanging cage, terrified that someone was going to drop it, the way he had dropped Thor... only he was pretty damn sure that Elizabeth wouldn't survive a fall like that. he had to get to her, and he was fighting nearly every personnel on board to do so... shockingly, he was refraining from killing. he just knocked them out, attached enough magic to them to heal any dangerous wounds and keep them asleep, and then moved on to the next level.
Fury looked between the avengers, trying to decide how to handle this before deciding to do the smart thing and retreat. Clint was quiet as he watched the director leave, already picking up the phone and dialing, he knew Natasha was in the carrier, hoping that he could reach her quickly enough to make sure loki got any help he needed, muttering quietly as he talked as she ran through the carrier. Tony nodded a little, “He’s a frost giant, its their natural state of being.”Tony said remembering what he’d researched, having bombarded thor into allowing him to read some of asgard’s books before frowning, he just knew they were going to need help, but not sure what to do. Glancing at the thunder god he swallowed. “Shouldn’t you be going after him?”

Someone indeed had gotten there before him, and dropped the hanging cage and even as he arrived to get her off, and loki had a moment to watch the cage go tumbling down, leaving no doubt the woman had been in it. Expect she hadn’t. She’d been hidden away, taken back to asgaurd by one of the fire elves, having played the same game loki had done, using people to get what they wanted. And the fire elf was playing for control of everything, and the elvish king was going to make sure the giant king and thor were well in hand as he took everything from them.

the only good thing, was that she was away from the humans, and that loki would find her easily enough since he knew asgaurd better then anyone, once he realized she hadn't just fallen to her death.
Bruce blinked a little. "so... when he's pale and handsome he's... not... what?" Thor snickered. "Loki is a Shapeshifter. a rare skill for any being, he can take any form he pleases. as a babe, he adopted Aeser form and never changed out of it. he is most comfortable in the form he normally takes, as he feels he is a monster when he takes on Frost giant form. if he is truly emotional however... he cannot hide his truth." Thor admitted. "i should." Thor agreed. "but i would not be able to catch up to him. Loki has Magic on his side, he can move with the speed of shadows, which is almost as fast as the speed of light." Thor admitted with a shrug. "he will simply step out of the shadow he just dove into, and land in the Helicarrier..." he jerked and staggered as pure agony flooded the bond he had with his Brother and he fell to his knees gasping. Clint too would feel the rushing Agony, just not as strongly as Thor. "Loki!... something has happened! Elizabeth has been hurt somehow..." Thor hissed, turning furious eyes to the fleeing Fury. "You will pay for this you insignificant ant!" he snarled even as he forced himself to his feet to go and help Loki.

Loki himself only felt a rush of horror as he watched the tank fall, and he thought of nothing as he hurled himself after it, free falling through space as he screamed for Elizabeth, screamed and streamlined himself so he could hit the glass siding of the Tank, only to blink in utter horror as he realized that there was NO ONE INSIDE! he let go of the Tank, let it fall away, and shifted into a black bird with six wings and turned and raced back tot eh Carrier, uncaring that Iron man had just landed in the docking bay and that the rest of the Avenger's had followed in a private Jet that Tony had built specifically for the Avengers. Loki rushed into the landing bay, took on his Aeser form once again, and roared his rage. this Roar was one that even made the Hulk proud as Loki started looking for hints, clues, ANYTHING. "Fire Elves!" Thor suddenly called, indicating several hairs. it looked like Elizabeth had put up some sort of fight, she'd yanked some of the elve's hair out. "we will have to return to Asgard!" "i am not allowed in Asgard!" Loki raged. "You are if it is in protection of your mate! you know the Laws Loki! you must calm down and THINK! feel through you're bond! you can feel her, can you not? then she is alive, and most probobly unharmed."
Clint gasped as he stumbled away from the window he had been standing at, while it wasn’t as strong as what thor had felt, the agony was crippling. Pushing away from the window needing to help.

Clint cleared his throat looking at the two asgaurdians before smirking a little. “It seems you’re going to get us all there. As soon as you can.We’re not letting you go after you alone. Knowing loki, he’ll overthink things and do something wrong, so we’ll take Stark over there to plan things.”Clint said smirking a little because he had every intention of knocking loki off stride enough to think a little. Tony nodded as he let the helmet of his suit fold back, watching loki nervously, needing the genius back and not the raging lunatic. You could say a lot of things about loki, but the fact that was a brilliant planner and trickster wasn’t something anyone could deny.

Elizabeth swallowed hard as she moved to sit in the corner of her cell, looking around her nervously. Though she was scared and worried about loki, through the bond he could tell she was mostly unharmed, scared, so terrified she was about to pass out from fear, but she was unharmed except for where she’d gotten hurt for fighting back.
Loki snarled at them again, his eyes a bloody red before he focused entirely on his brother, and what the man was saying and Thor whispered softly to his brother for a long moment and Loki had started to calm down, the freezing cold had stopped and Loki took a deep breath, settled into a cross legged position and closed his eyes and started Yoga breathing exercises. in through the nose, out through the mouth. breath in, hold it, breath out, hold it, breath in, repeat. this went on for about five minutes, Loki getting visibly more and more calm, but not relaxed, and finally he brought his hands up, laid them over his lap and moved them outwards, revealing the same staff he had used during the Chitauri attack. only instead of a glowing mini Tesseract, it was a glowing bulb of green energy that looked more like a miniature sun. he stook up and motioned for the others to step back. "Brother, what are you doing?" "i need to get to Asgard, the Pool of the Eye can show me exactly where she is, and who has her." Loki stated as he set the bronze blade into the floor, and began to carve long, intricate runes and letters and designs into the floor.

"as far as i know, Loki is the only person strong enough to make a 'call' between the worlds." Thor admitted softly. "he's the strongest sorcerer born in known history." he admitted, sounding highly smug, and proud of his brother as Loki examined the patterns on the floor. "Man of Iron." Loki stated, reaching out to him. "i need a piece of your technology, i care not what it is.... you won't be getting it back though." he warned, waiting for Tony to hand over something. he set it on the floor, directly in the middle of the Array and stepped outside of the massive circle he had made in the middle of the Helacarrier and he brought the tip of his staff down onto the Array, and magic flared brightly as Heimdall responded to the call.

"I am Loki Leufeyson! Ruler of Jotunheim, King of the Jotun." Thor jerked, stunned by that revelation. "My Mate has been Stolen, my Soul has been split and she is held without consent. i Demand access into Asgard that i may See the Pool of the Eye, so that i can Reclaim my Mate!" there was a pause and then Loki nodded. "i bring Thor Odinson, Ruler of Asgard, King of the Aeser. i bring Bruce Banner, He of Two Minds, and Kind soul, i bring Clint Barton, Brother by Bond, Soul of my Soul. i bring Natasha Romanoff, Speaker of Truth's and Lies. and i bring Tony Stark, Man of Metal and Iron, Ruler of Technology." Loki paused and then Bowed to the Circle. "I so Swear. my only enemy is those that took My Mate, no Asgardian will face my wrath, save those that have wronged me, and broken ancient law." and the Circle pulsed, flashed... and opened like a Door into a staircase leading down and Thor grinned and headed for the stairs, where they stepped out into the Bi-Frost on Asgard. where Heimdall waited to make sure they where not any trouble. and Loki stood, as blue as the day he was born, and looking PROUD of being a Frost Giant for the first time in his life. because had Loki been Aeser, the claim would have been ignored. because while Aeser did mate for life, messing with the mate of a Frost Giant, was never, ever a good thing to do. ever. and the group of guards waiting to make sure Loki was telling the truth, whispered and pointed and gossiped as Loki started towards them. "Move." and that single word was filled with so much power, that they scrambled out of his way, as he left a long trail of ice behind him so cold, that blue flames flickered over it.

(Long post is Long XDD)
Tony winced a little before handling over his phone, watching loki with interest. While the man wasn’t able to do magic, the man was still interested in seeing what happened. His eyebrows raising even further as he watched loki, stunned at the title, realizing that loki was already a king was indeed interesting.

“If I like die on this thing, you have to tell Natasha she can have my bow.”Clint muttered to thor as they walked into asgard, looking at the man waiting for them. Looking after loki as the guards scrambled out of his way, looking up at thor. “Do we follow him, or try to keep people from freaking out?”he said after a moment.

“He’s coming for me, you know.”Elizabeth said from where she was sitting on the floor, sitting cross legged as she glanced at the guard the fire elves had left on her. “He’s already in asgard.”She said feeling her mate through her bond, trying to not freak out to much, not wanting to worry loki as she knew he was following her.
the Cellphone had disintegrated under the onslaught of the Magic, it's components used to activate, and create the 'bridge.' "i did not know you where a King." Thor muttered to Loki, who rolled a single shoulder. "i didn't either." he admitted simply. "not until the Tesseract gave up it's hold on my mind. i was King the second i killed Leufey." he admitted. "that is how Frost Giant Society works i guess..." Loki admitted simply as he stepped through the Bi-Frost. "We follow him." Thor stated to Clint. "he won't wait for us, as soon as he knows where she is, he will go there, and if we are not there with him, he will go without us. besides, i care not for their feelings on this, My brother and his mate are the only thing that matters... don't step on the ice trail." he ordered as a yelp came from one of the guards who had poked the icy fire with his staff, which had frozen solid to his hands in a split second. Thor headed after his Brother, all the way up to the castle, where Sif and the Warriors three where waiting to see what was going on, along with Thor's mother, Frigga.

"Loki, son... what is happening. Heimdall says that your mate has been taken... Loki?" "please, mother. do not be upset. Loki is focused right now. he's not truly aware of anything but the location, and safety of his mate." Thor explained to Frigge, who had been completely ignored as if she didn't exist. Sif and the Warrior's three followed Loki at a distance, wary of being attacked as Loki climbed a massive spiraling staircase that led to a massive pool ten feet in diameter, and two feet deep. he pricked his finger on his staff and then extended it out so that the single drop of blood landed directly in the middle of the pool. "Show me." Loki commanded, the pool rippling with every word he spoke before it stilled and showed him what he wanted to know, a snarl falling from his lips as he studied his woman, locked up in a cell like an animal. "More, i need to see more. show me where she is. show me who holds my Mate!" Loki demanded of the pool, which rippled again before smoothing out and showing a clearer image and now Loki's voice was deep with centuries of hate. "Surtr." the King of the Fire Giants, or the Fire elves. the eldjotnar.


The fire elf didn't even twitch. "When he comes, we will know." the Elf stated, her voice clear and cool as she turned glowing eyes on the 'human' prisoner. "And then we will control the Aeser and the Joton. and the Eldjotnar shall be the New rulers of Yggdrasil, and the nine realms. we eagerly anticipate your Jotun's arrival, for as soon as he comes, he ill fall."
“No!You can’t!”Elizabeth sprang to her feet, unaware that loki was watching her defend him just as viciously as he would her, and yet, she was mostly human, in a humans fragile body. He was going to have to work quickly if he wanted to have a mate to take home. Snarling as she lunged for the fire elf, having every intention of beating the elf to death so she could leave, she had to get to loki before he came for her.Not realizing that that had been the intent of the elf’s words, making her lash out, drive loki even more insane at her pain.

Meanwhile Clint swallowed hard dipping his head to the lady frigga as she joined them, before looking at thor. “Can we convince him to stay here?We know where she is, and him there is exactly what they want.”he muttered worried about his bonded brother, afraid that loki would walk directly into the trap being set for him, and destroy all their worlds.
the Elf smirked and struck, hard and fast as the pathetic little human attacked her. three swipes of the Elf's hand and Elizabeth was on the floor with a broken arm, a bruised throat, and a black eye, and probobly a cuncussion. "that was not a smart thing to do Human." The elf purred, sounding sadistically amused. "sit there and be still ad i won't be forced to tortued you. after all, the more pain you feel, the more agony your precious mate will be in. so long as you both obey the New King, you won't be hurt. understand?" the Elf demanded, yanking the girls head up by the hair.

Loki snarled furiously as he watched his mate being attacked, but he didn't immidiatly rush off, he stayed and studied the woman who was hurting his mate, his eyes narrowed violently before he spun on his heal and stalked back down the stairs. "Loki, wait, we need to plan..." "Shut up." Loki demanded. "i need to think and your incessant TALKING makes it impossible!" Loki hissed at Steve who looked more startled than he did afraid. "Man of Iron." Loki stated suddenly, pointing at Tony. "you are most displeasing and annoying... you will work perfectly. come here." he ordered, examining Tony's face intently. "not nearly as pretty... hmm but a few spells... yes..." he muttered stepping back and setting the tip of his staff against Tony's forehead, and suddenly there where two Loki's. Tony was still in his suit, but by all appearances, he was Loki. "there, perfect." Loki muttered, looking highly pleased with himself. "The Man of Iron will meet with Surtr in my stead. i cannot allow him to have command of me." Loki growled. "Thor, you will go with the Man of Iron. i don't know how his Mortal Magic will fare against such foul creatures as the Fire elves." he looked at Bruce. "can you command the Beast?" "...no, not really..." "will he follow commands?" "no not really..." "...will he follow commands if it means he will save Elizabeth?" "...he might." Bruce admitted to that one. "he Likes Elizabeth... you want him to be the 'guard' for 'loki' and Thor?" "if he is agreeable." Bruce considered that for a long moment before he nodded. "Hulk agrees... so long as he gets to smash something." "if he doesn't get to Smash Fire elves, then i will see about getting him some Guttersnipe to play with. i think he would enjoy them." Loki admitted and Bruce smiled a little. "i will cloak the rest of us n invisibility." Loki decided. "we will follow at a distance. Thor, as Kng of the Aeser, you will lead the talks. Tony... just... stay silent." Loki ordered. "pretend to cry or something, i don't care." Loki ordered. "if Surtr attacks, then blast him to... what is it you say?" Loki asked before waving it off. "the rest of us will follow suit. try not to let it dissolve into a war until AFTER we find Elizabeth please."
Elizabeth whimpered as she fell, curling up around her broken arm, panting quietly as she struggled to focus, whimpering as her head was yanked up, nodding gingerly as the world swirled around her, looking at the elf holding her hair, slumping to the ground as soon as she was let go.

Tony looked startled at loki’s reasonable response, and even more amazed that the man was planning so calmly. Giving him a weird look at his words,”I beg your pardon?I’m fairly pretty.”He growled before looking down at himself, it was weird feeling his iron suit and seeing loki…though…maybe he could get some kisses from Elizabeth like this? Shaking his head to clean it and focus he looked at loki.”I’ll take my chances, I blasted your ass, I’m sure fire elves will be just as interesting.”He said smirking slightly as he listened to the others talking before nodding. “As much as I look like you, there’s no way to pretend to be you. Silence is best.”He said thoughtfully before laughing. “The moon, loki, the moon.”he snorted amused before nodding, following thor to the fire realms, staying silent and looking around him, as if expecting to find Elizabeth, willing to act like loki to make sure this didn’t get all of them killed.
Loki was gripping his arm, where he could feel Elizabeth's agony, that sharp, horrific pain was keeping him sharp, keeping him smart... he'd break down once she was safe. his life with the Aeser had done one good thing for him, he had long been able to control his baser instincts, such as the one that made him want to rip apart everything in sight in search of his mate. "You are not 'Pretty' Tony Stark." Loki stated with a roll of his eyes. "and you should be glad for that, most women do not like men who are prettier than they are." he admitted simply. "as for your voice, you will sound very much like me, my illusions can affect your voice, but if you do not speak like i do, then they will know." he pointed out. he carefully made himself, the rest of the Avengers, Sif, and the Warriors three invisible when the last four demanded to come along with.

the group followed behind Tony, Thor, and the massive hulking green beast that walked behind them, clenching and unclenching his fists, eagerly anticipating smashing something to pieces. one visit to the Bifrost later and they where in Muspelheim the Fiery realm Capital Castle shone brightly on their landing spot and Thor hissed through his teeth as he glanced at 'Loki'. "Slump a little more." Thor whispered to Tony. "you are distraught by the loss of your mate, act like it." he whispered, Loki snorting. he himself could feel the panic clawing at him, desperate to find his mate, to find her and heal the damage that was done to her and rip apart the entire citadel and make them ALL suffer... the heat of the place was rather painful too, and it was not helping his need to get His Elizabeth out of there.

(Will you play Surtr?)
“If I slump more I’m going to pretend to be a melting icicle.”Tony muttered as he slouched on command, glancing around him. And indeed even for him, without a frost’s giants dislike for heat, he was feeling uncomfortable here.

“Welcome to muspelheim, king of asgard, king of jotuhiem.”Surtr smirked as he watched the two walk into the audience hall, “It is good you responded to my invitation, for the woman has been very foolish in attacking my people. I was afraid more harm then a human could heal would be inflicted.”Sutr studied the green beast, trying to decide if he should be worried yet, but not. Not yet.
Thor's eyes narrowed on Surtr, his eyes blazing with Fury. "You will return the woman to us immidiatly! King of the eldjotnar. you break many Laws set about long before you where even Born!" he snarled. "The Great Tree will not stand for this!" he warned, tightening his hand on hs Hammer as the Hulk Growled. "Do not think i don't know what you plan! you think i would simply give up my throne!? that Loki would simply abandon his people and let you slaughter them as you please?!" Thor demanded, glaring at the King of the Fire Elves. "You would risk a war with two races, for your own petty play for power? do you really think you have the resources to fight against two kingdoms? My mother knows we are here. should we not return, she will go tot eh land of the Frost giants and strike an accord, and they will wipe you out for this treachery." Loki, invisible and silent, looked for any hint of Elizabeth, desperate for sight of her. that was all he would need, just a sight, if he could find her, before they brought her out, he could slip her free before the Frost Giant's even knew she was missing... he just had to FIND her, but she wasn't in the room... and all the doors where closed. he couldn't look any further without revealing himself. he could only hope, desperately, that she would be brought out to them.
Surtr looked thoughtful as he considered the man in front of him, “You are being silent, loki laufeyson. Does the silvertongue finally failed you?” Tony swallowed hard, shrugging a little, looking around himself with a desperate look, searching for the woman, as if it really was his mate missing, before swallowing hard. Willing to deal and hope loki forgave him for saying it. “You and I would benefit from a deal. Who better to rule, then giants, instead of asgardians?”Tony said slowly, a near perfect mimicry of loki’s casual arrogance. “But I will not consider dealing until I see my mate.”he demanded, knowing that they needed to see the woman, that if they could get Elizabeth, the real loki could get her away.

Surtr raised his eyebrows looking at thor. “It seems he is the more reasonable of you two when his mate is at risk. I think I will keep her, though I will show you she is…fine.”the king paused, wanting to say unharmed but not able to do so. Nodding to one of the guards he barely hid a wince, because he knew loki was going to freak out, when the girl was brought in.

Elizabeth, barefoot and dressed in one of thor’s dress shirts, having been taken straight from bed by fury’s men, not even wearing pants as she stumbled barefoot and barely dressed between the giants, cradling her broken arm against her stomach, looking hurt and broken.
Loki nearly fell when he heard Tony speak and Thor jerked, shocked by his 'Brother' before glaring at 'Loki' for his betrayal... not that it was a very hard glare because even knowing that Loki was really Tony, had it REALLY been Loki, Loki would have done the same thing and Thor wouldn't have blamed him one bit. Loki would do anything to keep Elizabeth safe, even if it meant selling out everything he knew and loved. "...My brother has always been more reasonable than i." Thor admitted with a shrug. "i cannot blame him for this decision. where it my woman being beaten in your cells, i would do the same." Thor admitted with a raised chin, telling Surtr that Thor knew EXACTLY what had happened to Elizabeth. when Elizabeth was brought in, Loki damn near did lose it. he had to slam his eyes closed and take several, long, deep breaths to keep himself from going 'ape-shit' all over the Fire giants. he quickly made his way over to her as Thor gasped upon seeing her. "Fine!? You call this FINE!?" he demanded before grabbing Tony hard, wrapping his arms around his 'brother' before 'Loki' did anything stupid, bending down to whisper in Tony's ear. "pretend to struggle... gods, i hope Loki doesn't go insane right now..." he muttered, worried about his real brother and how Loki might be handling this.

Loki was handling it the way he handled everything. he locked it up in a tight little box deep inside of himself and set it aside for later. he could go insane later... he needed to rescue her now! Hulk helped mask Tony's lack of reaction by bellowing like the beast he was, outraged that the Woman was hurt so badly. and the Guard who had done it was standing there, face blank, but with a smugness in her eyes that couldn't be hidden. Loki wrapped his arms around his 'woman' and without a single word... they where both gone, turned invisible. he could not outright magic her into Asgard, or back onto Midgaurd, but he could hide her from sight. "No one can see, or hear you now." Lok whispered in her ear. "Go straight to the back of the Palace. you see the door? that leads to the Cliff? go there, we will Follow. Heindall will take you straight to Asgard... do not be afraid." he whispered, giving her a small shove as the Fire giants began to freak out, the guards sweeping the area with their staves and staffs. as soon as Elizabeth was outside of their reach, outside of the Palace and heading for the Bi-Frost connection, Loki created his clones, dozens of them, spreading them throughout the room, all of them leaking his magic, as blue as the day he came, his fury lending him power, his rage making him leak ice so cold that it froze even the Lava under his feet. "And what will you do now!?" one of the Clones demanded, gripping his spear so tightly, his blue fingers where white, his red eyes dancing with fury, and insanity. clearly Loki had nothing to lose now that his lover was safe. the rest of the Avenger's tensed, waiting to see what would happen as Heindall activated the Bi Frost, and swept Elizabeth away to Frigga. who would tend to the girls injuries.

"Did you know, about five centuries ago..." Loki started, that madness still gleaming in his eyes. "a young Aeser stole a Frost giant Maiden and planned to rape her, so that he could have more powerful offspring." the fake Loki was walking around, punctuating his tail with small hand movements. most of the Avengers where more than a little worried that Loki had finally lost his mind completely. "The Frost Maiden, had a mate, who came home to realize she was gone, kidnapped. he did not know who took her, so he went on a bloody rampage... he killed twenty three of his own kin, because they got in his way." Loki smirked viciously. "not that anyone cared, they had helped the young Aeser get in after all. no one likes a traitor." Loki admitted. "the Frost Giant made his way here, into Muspelheim. where he slaughtered one hundred and fifty three Fire Giants. once he realized his mate was not here, he went up to the next realm, and killed fifty three Valdir. then up into Agard, where he killed ninety four Aeser. and would have killed more had not the young Aeser stabbed the Frost Maiden in the heart, and killed her." Loki grinned viciously. "so overcome by grief, the Frost Giant simply... released... and exploded." Loki admitted, swinging his arms wide. "he destroyed an entire half of the castle, and everyone inside of it." Loki stated before fixing Surtr with a very insane grin. "now aren't we glad that i am a little bit more in control of myself then my predecessor? hmm?"
Tony sturggled as surtr shrugged a little, looking royally pissed “I’d worry about what I’m going to do to the bastard.”he muttered to thor struggling to the calm looking king or the smug guard. “It is not our fault she attacked us. The guard merely defended herself.”Sutr said calmly before yelling for guards as Elizabeth disappeared.

“o-okay.”Elizabeth muttered as she was grabbed, whimpering, stumbling a little as she was shoved. “Come home loki.”She muttered worried about him before she did indeed follow his directions and leave.

Tony gave thor a hidden bemused look, wondering if loki had indeed lost his mind before preparing to fight if the fire giant went for him. While he didn’t always like loki, he did like Elizabeth, and he’d take loki home for her. Swallowing hard surtr nodded slowly, “Yes, very glad indeed. What may I do to make right this wrong, king of jotunhiem?”he asked slowly though it pained him to ask, he knew this gamebit had been lost, that he’d lost this round.
Thor glared at Surtr. "She only attacked because she was goaded into it!" he spat. "she is mortal, a human! she never posed any threat to you or yours!" he complained before jumping, almost as startled as the guards where when Elizabeth vanished. "i will, My Elizabeth. i will always return to you." he promised softly before turning his attention to the King of the eldjötnar, his Clone smirking viciously as the Fire King admitted to his mistake. good, Loki wouldn't demand his death then, knowing that he had lost would be more than enough of a punishment. the spear swept around and aimed at the King, Loki looking every bit the Proud... albeit insane, Prince that he was. "I Demand your VOW!" a Vow was a very serious thing to a being of the Nine realms. especially one that practiced sorcery because Magic itself would bind a person to their word. "I want you Vow, good King, that you will never again try to gain power through the use of an others Mate!" now that Elizabeth was safe, Loki could admit amusement that Surtr had honestly thought he could outwit Loki... he was the god of lies and tricks for fucks sake, of course some stupid fire god wasn't going to outwit him. "Make the Vow, or i will invoke the Ancient Rites, and end both you, and your line, right here and now." anyone with bloodline links to Surtr would be killed for Surtr's crimes if Loki carried through his threat. it had been done before. it was rare, but it was a viable threat. "Make your Vow!" at least Loki wasn't making Surtr Vow not to try again, he just couldn't take another person's mate again. "and i also demand free passage for me and my men. of course." Loki stated as an afterthought.
Surtr studied the man, his pride making him consider it longer then was necessary because he knew that there was no other option now that the plan had failed, then to agree. “I vow to never use your or another’s mate to gain power.”Surtr said tilting his head slightly, looking them over before sighing, waving a hand. “I grant you free passage if you leave now. Go.”the fire giant said watching them go.

“Loki?”Elizabeth stirred under the healing web, looking around her frantic, scared at the newness of things, not feeling safe in a world she didn’t know. “Shh, my daughter, you are safe. My son will be here soon enough to visit with you.”Frigga said softly as she moved to stand next to the girl, reaching through the golden light to touch elizabeth’s arms, making the woman frown slightly before Elizabeth realized that no matter what odin claimed, or loki himself said, frigga still viewed the frost giant as her son, and would protect those precious to him.
Loki's eyes narrowed at the Fire king before nodding, pleased with the others Vow. "good." he stated with a growl as he led the way back to the Bi-Frost, the Avengers trailing behind him, along with the Dozen's of Clones in case the Fire Giants decided to attack. they didn't, and Loki grinned viciously as they landed, and ignoring the people he had brought with him, he stalked down the bi-Frost and towards the castle, Thor breathing out a small sigh of relief before he clapped his hand on Tony's back. "very good, Man of Iron! it was your words that made the plan work so well!" he stated with a grin. "even Loki was impressed with your calm and your wit!" Thor admitted. "it would be best if we left Loki alone right now... it's taken every bit of self control he's had not to slaughter every last Fire Giant there... but we cannot afford a War just yet." Thor admitted with a sigh, shaking his head. "Elizabeth is going to need much time to recover from this as well."

Loki strode into the room, dropping the spear to the ground now that he saw there really where no more enemies and he sank to his knees next to Elizabeth and started to babble in a frantic, high pitched tone that showed just how bad he was at the moment. apologizing to her again and again for letting 'them' take her and promising her he would have proper revenge, just as soon as he had the man power, promising her no one would ever hurt her again before apologizing again, rambling in circles because he couldn't seam to get his mind to focus in the least. it had taken everything he had to stay controlled and focused while his woman had been in danger and in pain and in the hands of enemies. thank goodness Odin was dead because Loki might have killed the old man had he been there with Frigga. in fact if anyone entered the door he raged at them, chasing them out. only Thor, Clint, and Frigga where left alone where they to enter. showing that no matter what Loki said, he did see Frigga as his family, as his mother.
Tony laughed looking amused, “Well, I just had to remember he’s a arrogant self serving little shit. It worked.”Tony snorted smirking.”I am glad to be back to myself though.”he said smiling as they settled down to wait.

Elizabeth winced a little at the high babbling, shifting her hand to stroke his hair as he knelt beside her, just being with him, not trying to talk since she knew he wouldn’t be able to understand. Later would be soon enough to talk.

Nearly a day later Elizabeth sat up slowly, looking at the man slumped over the edge of the bed, having been put to sleep by frigga so she could heal, it was her first time really being awake, instead of just semi conscious. “Loki?”she whispered, gently stroking his hair, gently shaking him. Sitting up she curled her broken arm around her stomach, shaking and trembling. Traumatized and hurting, she wanted nothing more then to have loki hold her.
Thor snickered a little at that. "if it was Pepper int hat room, broken and bleeding, would you not do anything in your power to protect her? even if it meant selling your soul to a devil?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at Tony. "you must remember, Asgardian's feel things much more strongly thank humans do. our emotions run very high, and Loki's higher than most. it is why the Tesseract could control him so easily, because it fed on doubts, fears, and pain already existent. without Elizabeth, Loki would not be half the man he is... in fact, i have no doubt that he would be dead right now. the only reason he didn't try to kill himself again, is because Elizabeth made him promise not to try again." he chuckled at Tony. "besides, you know you enjoyed being 'pretty'... though my brother does have a point. women do seam more attracted to the rugged and handsome."

Loki babbled for over an hour before Frigga finally put him to sleep. he groaned as she called to him and he sat up slowly, blinking at her. "Elizabeth!" he gasped, surging to his feet and hovering over her. "i'm so sorry i took so long! i never should have let those monsters hurt you." he muttered, gently stroking her face with his cold, cold fingers, hands settling an inch or so over her broken arm, letting the soothing cold seep into her injuries, numbing what little pain was left. "there, how does that feel? you're trembling like a leaf..." he muttered, gathering up all the bedding in the room with a flick of the wrist before pausing, looking bemused. "oops... i only meant to summon the one.." he admitted sheepishly as he wrapped the blanket around the both of them, holding her gently, knowing what she wanted without her even having to ask. "shhh darling. i'm here. you're safe now. i'll not let anyone harm you again.." he promised, kissing her cheek. "the Fire King was a fool to think he could out wit me..." he smiled at her. "attacking a Fire elf? really Elizabeth... you should have more faith in my intelligence." he complained softly. "still, i was very proud with the way you defended me. bravery beyond any Asgardian."
Elizabeth winced a little at how very cold he was, while she’d grown used to him being cooler then her, it was more now as he numbed her injuries. Relaxing as the pain numbed her system, closing her eyes, giggling a little as she looked towards the bedding, “I think you are overcompensating, love.”She teased as she shifted curling up into his arms, finally relaxing, slowly the trembling stopped as she rested her head on his shoulder, quiet but scared still. Despite being in his arms, knowing that he had come for her, she’d been badly scared and hurt, to much to be calm. Going quiet at his words she huffed out a quiet laugh, “…I couldn’t let you get hurt. I had to try and get out.”She muttered blushing a little embarrassed about her angry reaction at the guard’s words. She’d been to scared and upset, and unable to think clear enough to know that attacking a fire elf was a bad idea, having reacted out of worry for her mate.
he smiled a little as he shook his head. "my magic is just a bit... uh, fragile, at the moment." he explained. "i'm too upset to control it properly... honestly that stupdid Fire King should be lucky i didn't just explode as soon as i got close to him... Frost giants have been known to do that you know." he admitted with a sigh. "i have to admit, i was very proud of you." he admitted. "as terrified as you where... you still managed to defend me." he chuckled a little. "i'll have to find a way to keep you safe somehow, with magic perhaps... a spell maybe, one that will burn the flesh of anyone who tries to touch you... yes i like that idea." never mind that she wouldn't be able to get hugs from people if he did that. "your still hurt, and exaughsted, sleep. i will watch over you." he promised, holding her tight. "i won't let you go." he murmured softly, nuzzling her ear as he hummed a short tune that had her sleeping in seconds. when she woke again, loki was sleeping as well, his arms wrapped tightly around her, but that was ok because magically, her arm, black eye, and bruised throat had been healed completely. not even an ache was left. Thor was standing in front of the only door into the room, which was probobly the only reason why Loki had allowed himself to sleep, knowing that thor would keep them both safe.

(going to bed, have a good night^^)
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