Loki's Return(The Avengers)-Moon/Lady

Loki smirked at her. "because you're a naughty naughty girl who needs punished." he purred, eyes glittering with laughter and lust. it was an idea he'd probobly had before, but had never voiced until now because he was afraid Elizabeth wouldn't like the idea of 'role-playing', but hey, Loki was a god. run of the mill, 'vanilla' sex probobly got boring after a while.

she grinned a little. "aren't you the one who told me that 'everything is fair unless the enemy does it first'?" she asked with a smirk at him. "oh i'm keeping it alright." she admitted with a laugh before she licked her lips. "i could think of something for you to do." she whispered, voice low with arousal. she'd always had a high libido. she could only be glad that she was on the pill. they hadn't exactly been using protection.
Elizabeth flushed a little as she looked at her mate, raising her eyebrows. “You’re high, you know that?”she muttered teasing him a little because she had been worried she’d been boring to a man so much older then her, but hadn’t been brave enough to ask. Sliding out of her chair she moved over to slid into his lap, straddling his waist as she studied him, “Whatever did I do to deserve being punished hm?”She teased, looking at her lover in amusement.

“…A animal is not the enemy. I reserve that rule for stupid humans.”Clint said not about to admit that hunting animals made him vaguely squeamish. Not because of the killing, but because you had to gut and take care of things afterwards. The man could slaughter a roomful of humans and not care, but as him to get up close and personal and pull out organs and such, it made him squeamish. Which was just a indication of how much the tesseract had gotten to him, because he had gutted jada, and hadn’t been throwing up everywhere. The was a reason he was a archer, he preferred not getting close if he had a option. “oh really?”he asked raising his eyebrows as he leaned back in his chair, running his fingers through his hair.
Loki blinked at her. "high? i'm not high. i'm on the floor, see?" he asked, indicating that he was indeed planted firmly on the floor. "uh,... punish you for... for..." he frowned hard, clearly thinking very intently. "making me horny." he decided. "naughty naughty." he muttered, kissing her deeply and grinning.

she snorted a little. "it is when it's trying to eat you." she pointed out with a small chuckle. well aware that he didn't hunt animals for a reason, just not sure what that reason was. "yes really." she muttered, leaning int his touch happily, reaching up, tangling her hands in his hair and kissed him deeply, moaning eagerly. she wanted to get laid SO bad.
Elizabeth smiled making a note to tell him about this later when he wasn't as high as a kite,quirming in his lap."so I can see. Its good your on the ground."she mused smirking as she kissed her lover back moaning."hmmm I think you enjoy being horny though."she teased burying her hands in his hair.

"...boar's don't try to eat me. Kill me yes,but not eat."he whined looking annoyed with the conversation because after all these tears he'd managed to not tell her why he didn't hunt animals, and he had no intention of doing so now. Smirking as he kissed her before standing, pulling her up with him and quickly undoing her jeans and pushing them down, so eager to have her again that he didn't even bother pushing his jeans all the way down before pinning her to the wall and driving into her. It was a good thing she didn't mind being submissive, because clint was loving seeing her like thia,and knwoing he was the only one who got to see it.
Loki grinned at her as he kissed her again. "yes, if i wasn't on the ground, then i couldn't have sex with you." he agreed, panting as he stroked her body. "i wanna fuck you right here." he decided. "over the table." he panted, already working on dragging her shirt off, kissing every inch of exposed flesh.

she snorted a little. "Boars have been known to eat people actually." she admitted simply. "so have pigs. it's not a well known fact, but they can, do, and will eat human flesh if they happen upon it." she admitted with a grin. Natasha would know that, she hated being helpless under most circumstances, and not being able to feed herself was one of those. so she had taught herself how to hunt, and not just with a gun either. she was quite the survivalist, and loved to catch and harvest her own food. she gasped, arching as she was pinned to the wall, moaning as she clenched around the sudden intrusion, moaning like a whore as he fucked her. this was the only moment, the only time where she didn't mind being helpless, didn't mind being submissive, didn't mind being 'beat'. because it was Clint, and she knew that he would never abuse her. "fuck... harder, oh god, so good."
Elizabeth giggled a little as she raised her arms to let him drag off her shirt, moaning as she buried her hands in his hair, moaning.”Ohhh…you mean on thor’s table?”She muttered turning her head to look at the table, smirking a little as she got up, moving to sit on the edge of the table.”How do you want me?”She said smirking slightly.

“I know I’m god.”Clint said smirking as he pressed a kiss to her shoulder looking amused as he held her close, fucking her as hard as he could, shifting his hold, fingers bruisingly tight on her hips as he thrust into her. Gasping as he came, biting down on her shoulder and sucking, giving him a hickey before raising his head to look at her as she came, looking her over before kissing her gently, at odds with just how violently he was taking her, having every intent on leaving a mark on her body. Needing to feel the woman come undone in his arms.
Loki growled eagerly. "all ways." he whispered, smirking. "i want you in all ways, but for now, this is perfect." he chirped with a grin as he ran his hands over every inch of her, burying his hands in her hair as he kissed her, deep, and loving, and passionate before he laid her on her back, undid her pants, and proceeded to give her the 'tongue lashing' of her life. and didn't stop until she was begging for more, or less, he couldn't really understand her when she was all needy like that.

Natasha was in heaven, she really was, arching and writhing as she was fucked, hard and proper. her hands burying themselves in his hair as his hands moved to her hips, crying out again and again as he plundered her. "f..fuck!" she moaned, cumming hard at the bite, already completely undone. you didn't get anymore undid than that. she was writhing, begging, pleading for harder, faster, MORE.
By the time they were finished Elizabeth was a whimpering pile of goo, shifting to snuggle against her mate, resting her head against his chest.”…thor’s going to kill you.”She muttered resting her head on his chest, amused because she knew that her mate was coming down from his high, and while she knew they should be moving, she didn’t want to get moving yet.

Clint growled as he came, shivering as he held her tightly against him as she shuddered, sliding to his knees, slumping into her as he panted.”Bloody…hell…”He panted closing his eyes as he slipped out of her, shifting, curling up against her as he drew her down into his arms, panting as he tried to recover.”…every time cant be like that…otherwise I might…die of a heartattack.”He muttered.
Loki chuckled as he slowly pulled out of her, magicked the both of them clean and flopped into a chair, pulling her into his lap so he could mark up her neck with love bites and hickies so that everyone knew who she belonged to. "hmmm you're beautiful you know." he mumbled softly as he nuzzled her. "i'm tired, let's have a nap." he ordered, nuzzling her just behind the hear this time before he picked her up and carried her off to bed.

she moaned eagerly as she shuddered and grinned at him. "every time has to be like that because god damn that was amazing." she breathed, panting in delight as she squirmed deeper into his embrace. "let's have a nap." she ordered sleepily. simply snuggling into him, more than happy to sleep on the floor with him if it meant not moving.

several hours later, Natasha was smirking as she spotted Loki in the kitchen where he was looking for something to eat for himself and Elizabeth. "oh Loki! do you have any idea how SILLY you looked earlier? higher than a kite!" "so i've been told." Loki admitted with a small chuckle and a shake of his head. "you have blackmail material on me now i take it?" "oh i SO do." Natasha admitted with a laugh and Loki snickered. "you got laid i hear." "twice!" she chirped happily and Loki laughed. "make me food? i'm terrible at coking." "i'm glad to see your sour mood is gone." "yes, the Tea really helps." Loki admitted. "i'm out of it for an hour or three, but it seams to relax every part of me, body and mind... i'm thinking of slipping small samples into Thor's food so he doesn't stress out so much."
"Romanoff, I could have done well with never knosing just how many times you an barton had sex."tony grumbled. "You mean you managed to not hear them?I thought all as asgard heard."elizabeth said snickering from her chair where she'd been watching loki look for something to eat. While she could cook,loki had wanted to take care of her, which apparently meant getting her food even if he couldn't xook. "Thor would probably feel better. Though you might want to take his hammer away,nd keep him away from sif until hes not high anymore."tony said snickering a little.
Natasha smirked. "your just jealous Tony, because Miss Virgina Potts is denying you sex after that horrible scandal that caught you naked in an elevator." Natasha teased with a smirk. "besides, it's not my fault he makes me go insane, he's REALLY good at what he does." she admitted with a smirk. "and i think Sif heard you Toy." she commented suddenly, studying Sif in the doorway, no doubt suddenly realizing why Thor had been so busy avoiding her. and it wasn't just because he was busy... though, he was busy. "you utter buffoon!" Loki hissed at Tony, narrowing his eyes at the man. "i should take away your manhood for that! Thor doesn't need any more stress!"
“N-no that’s not it.”Tony said frowning at the woman and looking annoyed before shuddering. “I don’t want to know that.”He said even as Elizabeth looked interested. “Just how good are we talking?”She asked looking at the assassin smirking a little, having every intention of teasing her own mate before swallowing.”Si-“She winced as the woman walked out again, sighing softly.”Well fuck.”She muttered looking at tony. “It’d be less stressful if he just talked to her!”Tony said looking annoyed and worried with the man threating him.

“Thor?”Sif asked as she knocked on his office door, looking around for the man. Starting to get annoyed now that she knew he wasn’t simply busy,but that he was actually avoiding her.
she smirked a little. "very good, for me at least. i doubt you'd like it Elizabeth." she admitted with a shake of her head. "he's very domineering." "...domineering?" Loki asked, suddenly worried. "he hurts you?" "only a little, and god is it wonderful." Natasha admitted with a wild grin. "don't tell him though! he doesn't realize he's left a bit of bruises and if you tell him he'll go all tender and soft and i HATE that." she complained, Loki staring at her as if she was insane. "how can he possibly talk to her Tony?" Loki asked softly. "the woman he's loved all his life is getting married and he can't have her because they are both dominant. would you want to talk to her if you where in that position?"

Thor jerked into a sitting position,blinking stupidly with ink smeared across his face. he had been doing paperwork and had fallen asleep and he looked right terrible too. in the full light of the room, you could actually see the dark circles under his eyes where he hadn't been sleeping in his desperation to find a way, any way to pull the Tesseract out of Clint, so that if it attached to Loki again, it couldn't take his brother. "Sif?" he asked stupidly, shaking his head. "damn, i fell asleep..." he muttered, already searching through the papers again, every last piece was about the tesseract, what Odin had found out, what Helblindi knew about it, any piece of information they knew... but Thor wasn't good at this sort of thing, he was wearing thin.
“Ahhh…I see. Well. No. But you know, him being domineering, really doesn’t surprise me.’Elizabeth mused looking amused at the idea before snickering. “Poor Natasha. I should tell him, you know he’ll freak out if he realizes it later.”she snorted amused because she just knew that clint would feel bad and be just as tender and soft as Natasha thought he would be. Tony huffed out a sigh, running her fingers through his hair before looking down. “Damn…no..I wouldn’t. I don’t know, but its killing him. He needs to figure something out.”Tony sighed quietly.

Sif looked worried as she moved into the room moving to his desk and picking up one of the small tissues on the desk, gently wiping his face off, frowning at him.”You should get some sleep thor, you’re not doing clint any good, much less Loki. You wont be able to help them if you fall apart.”She said looking at him worried.
Natasha grinned a little before she scowled at Elizabeth. "don't you dare! or i'll tell Loki you like it when..." she smirked, dropped her voice to a whisper and muttered delightfully obscene things in Elizabeth's ear. Loki lifted an eyebrow at that before ignoring both women and turned his attention to Tony. "it wouldn't be so bad, but he's struggling to work on the tesseract problem." he admitted with a sigh. "Sif will work things out.

"...i can't sleep... i have nightmares..." Thor admitted softly. "the way she screamed..." he was talking about Jana of course. "and.. i dream about the bridge... when Loki fell, i dream about things i have no right dreaming about... i would rather do something useful but there's nothing to do that i am good at! there's nothing to hurt, nothing to break..." he ran his hands through his hair and closed his eyes. "should you not be with your mate?" he asked after a moment, looking confused. "i haven't seen him yet..." Thor was curious about the man who had stolen the woman he loved' heart. he was truly glad that Sif was happy, of course he was, but... it still hurt a bit.
Elizabeth sputtered flushing as Natasha whispered to her, leaning away and nudging the woman in the side. “Nat!Nooo.”She whined looking amused as she squirmed away and nudging her mate.”Loki!Tell her to leave me alone.”She demanded as tony nodded, looking worried as he walked out.

“I know, thor.But she’s doing well. Your mother said she’s healing well.”Sif muttered gently stroking his hair before sighing softly, “Do you want help with the research?”She asked looking at the books on the table before frowning.”I was. But you’ve been avoiding me, and I want to know why.”She said sounding annoyed with him, looking down at the man in front of her.
Natasha laughed in delight at Cat's blushing embarrassment and she squealed in shock as Loki flicked his fingers at Natasha who went bright red and looked down at herself, pulling her pants out just enough for her to examine herself before she went bright red and looked at Loki in horror. somehow, every single last 'hair' had... disappeared. while she didn't mind the hair on her legs or arms or upper lip vanishing... that one area was a bit... personal. she wasn't sure if she was supposed to be worried or not.

Thor shook his head. "her body is healing, but mentally..." he sighed a little. "well, maybe... Odin knows i'm awful at this kind of Crap." he admitted, running hands through his hair before he cringed and looked away from her. he knew better than to try and lie to her. "it doesn't matter really..." he admitted softly. "but it still hurts even though i knew it could never happen..." he muttered, hiding his face in his hands with a deep sigh. "i didn't want to ruin your big day, so it would be easier to just... not be near you so you would never suspect..."
Elizabeth yelped her eyes widening as she looked at her friend before looking at her mate, swallowing hard. “Clint’s going to kill you, you know, when she tells him you ‘shaved’ her.”She snickered in amusement because she knew that the assassin was going to try and hurt loki when he realized what he’d done.

“I know, but only time will tell. Nothing can help with that now.”Sif said watching him before sighing looking at him, frowning as she sat down in a chair next to him, “…you should have said something. This isnt fair to you, you know. Not when I love you to…”She muttered hesitating before reaching up and gently tucking his hair out of his face. Because while she knew they would probably kill each other if they tried, she was just in love with him as he was with her. And there was a reason her wife looked nothing like the huge hulking king sitting next to her, because it would be to painful to consider.
Loki smirked. "it's a simple hair dissolving spell. anything from the nose down is dissolved, i thought she would be happy?" he asked with a smirk. "as perverted as she is." Natasha just choked, fighting not to laugh at that. she wanted to be angry at him. "and how long will this last?" "er... a week maybe? the hair will grow back naturally." he admitted with a shrug. "it won't itch when it's coming back though." "thank god." Natasha muttered, shaking her head as she pulled the elastic of her pants out to examine herself again, her head tilted. "well... he might like it." she admitted, looking amused. "i'll have to try."

Thor sighed as he closed his eyes. "how could i tell you, when you finally had a chance at happiness? i know you love your wife very much. and he adores you, that is easy to see... how could i ruin that for you?" he asked her softly, biting his lip a little. "we might love each other, but we can't be together... you must realize that?" he asked softly, closing his eyes as he laid his head on the desk. "you have a chance to be truly happy. and i want you to be happy Sif..."
Elizabeth laughed looking amused.”Well..thats true. She is fairly perverted.”She said snickering slightly before laughing, shaking her head as Natasha examined herself.”This conversation is disturbing, I hope you know that.but you should go see. It’ll give him something else to think about besides what’s happening.”She pointed out.

“I do.But I love you to.”Sif said sadly leaning forward to press a kiss to his forehead, sighing quietly as she sat next to him, closing her eyes as she rested her head on his shoulder.”And what about you? I want you to be happy to thor, and you’re miserable…”She muttered.
Natasha rolled her eyes and grabbed her share of the food for herself and Clint and went back down, shaking her head as she slipped into the room with a sigh. "hey Clint? remind me not to annoy Cat in Loki's presence." she ordered, shaking her head as she handed him his tray. "and don't ask, you'll probobly see what he did for yourself... at least he didn't turn me into a man."

Loki snickered a little as he studied her. "do you think i was too mean? it was only body hair, right? i can do localized too you know." he admitted, tugging up his pants to reveal smooth hairless legs. "see?" he asked with a grin as he rubbed his chin. "i never have to shave either."

Thor chuckled weakly. "i wouldn't be half as miserable if it wasn't for the damn tesseract." he admitted softly. "i'm just..." he yanked on his hair a little. "it's so HARD... watching the woman you love, but can never have, watching my brother risk losing his baby because of stress... watching my other brother go mad because there's a THING in his brain that makes him want to kill his own mate..." he yanked on his hair again. "someone is playing with me Sif, fucking with my head and i don't know what to DO about it!"
Clint raised his eyebrows as he moved over to get some of the food looking her over."I can do that."he said before pouting a little."I might see?you mean your going to deny me the chance to check you over and see whatever he did?"he muttered smirking at her.

"No,but don't expect her to be happy either. Cause you know clint's going to tease her about this."she pointed out before laughing leaning forward to kiss her mate,"so smooth.no risk of razor burn"she muttered smiling slightly."how do you feel?"she asked running her fingers through his hair.

"Don't do that.you're going to go bald."she muttered as he tugged at his hairscolding him just like she always did before sihing,rapping him in a hug because she didn't know how else to comfort him before smirking."your going to do what you always do. We're going to let loki do his research,ause there's no one better at it, and then whoever he finds out is behind thuis, you're going to go smash them with your hammer."
she smirked at him. "i'm a bit worried about how your going to react." she admitted with a snort. "i feel kind of naked..." she admitted with a shake of her head as she undid her pants and slid them down, letting him see exactly what had happened.

Loki snickered a little. "oh yes, he'll tease her mercilessly... after he murders me for doing such a thing to his woman." he admitted with a grin. "i feel alright." he admitted with a shrug. "that Tea really helps." he admitted with a smile. "i think i might try and help Thor now that Clint is stable... actually i have a theory about that." he admitted. "but i need to... be certain before i let Clint out of that room."

Thor sighed and offered her a tight little smile as she scolded him, glad that he hadn't ruined their friendship at least. he leaned into the hug, closing his eyes as he luxuriated in the comfort. "your right, Loki needs to be the one doing this... but i'm worried, why is the Tesseract affecting Clint, but not Loki? what if Loki IS being affected and he hides things from us? even if he doesn't want to, he might not be able to help himself..."
Clint raised his eyebrows looking interested in what the loki had done, but his mouth fell open a little as he looked her over.”…that is…disturbing as it is amusing. Poor Natasha.”he teased looking amused because it was fairly amusing to see what punishment that loki had dished out. Reaching out he tugged her over, looking up at her, pressing a kiss to her stomach.”poor, poor Natasha.”he muttered trying not to laugh at her.

“Good.”She muttered before smiling,”Lets go find him then.He’s probably already tired of having the discussion with sif. They both could probably use a break.”She said knowing that the woman was also in love with thor, as much as she was with her own wife, but also knowing that they couldn’t work. It was painful to see.

Sif smiled a little before frowning.”I don’t know. Maybe because clint’s the weaker link?I mean, Loki’s a sorcerer. Clint has no such protections…”She said sounding worried, now that he mentioned it, wondering why loki wasn’t being affected.
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