Loki's Return(The Avengers)-Moon/Lady

Thor looked relieved when Clint opted for water. "it amazes me, the things that Loki knows..." Thor admitted with a shake of his head. "how he knew you had once 'been drowning' i will never know." he grumbled. "it's creepy when he looks at you with those big green eyes and says things to you that no one should ever know..." he admitted, sulking. "he even knew when i was no longer a virgin... and he laughed, and laughed, and laughed..." Thor was just rambling now to hopefully make Clint feel a little better. "it's not like you, to act like this..." Thor admitted suddenly. "drinking... having a one night stand with the woman you love... is everything alright?" Thor asked softly.

"well, i think it's just because he doesn't know about their ways." Natasha admitted. "if it's all about power, then they might try to kill him, and you, so that they can have someone more... suitable, for the throne. it happens in some cultures and it's making Loki nervous, not knowing what to expect... apparently only someone with a certain bloodline can be king, i don't pretend to understand it." she admitted with a shake of her head. "i'm just repeating what Frigga told me." she admitted as she glanced at Elizabeth before she sighed and turned away. "he's not much of one." Natasha admitted softly. "i thought he would be different from other men you know..." she admitted softly. "but he's not..."
Clint laughed looking amused before nodding.”yes, it is disturbing when he knows things.”he looked amused before starting to laugh, “Well, I’m sure he did.”He said before shrugging a little staring down at the table. “I’m fine….just trying to give Natasha what she wants.”He shrugged looking away. “But its not working…I’ll…I’ll just have to settle for never having her.”He said looking away before standing, “I’m going to go sleep off my hangover, I’ll see you later.”He said before walking out, looking a little better then he had been.

“Ah, well that makes sense. And I don’t want to put him in danger by being there.”he said looking amused and pleased that her mate was protecting her, before watching the other men. “You judge him without asking him, Natasha. He has his own reasons for acting like everyone else in your life.”she said softly, before stepping back.”Go home for a few days, I’ll see you later.”Elizabeth said softly, touching his arm before walking away.

A few days later Elizabeth pounded on Natasha’s door, trying to look calm, with loki standing at her back. Glancing up at loki she looked worried that they were actually here.”we should be in asgard, she doesn’t want to see him.”She said but even as she said it she knew they had no other options then asking the woman who knew clint the best, to help find him. No one had seen him since he’d walked out of the bar on thor, and while they hadn’t been concerned at first, thinking he’d been sleeping off the asgardian alcohol, as time past they grew concerned and worried enough to ask Natasha to come back and help find the man she loved, even if she was mad at him.
Thor chuckled a little and nodded. "the thing is Clint, what she wants, and what she might NEED are two very different things." Thor admitted softly. "have you simply asked her why she does the things she does? why she is behaving the way she is behaving, or did you simply assume?" he asked softly before sighing as the other left, shaking his head. well, he'd tried.

"how can i ask him, when he won't even talk to me anymore? he hasn't looked at me in months." Natasha muttered, closing her eyes. "he wanted my body, he got it, and now he wants nothing more to do with me." she stated simply as she headed for him so she could sob herself to sleep. she was more than a little shocked when she opened the door and saw Loki, who was looking almost frantic, and Elizabeth, who looked rather panicked. "what is it? what's happened?"
Elizabeth swallowed hard looking relieved that the woman was home, “Clint’s missing.”She said simply already stumbling over the words.”I know you two are having issues, and he’s being a ass for his own reasons, but he’s missing Natasha. And no one knows him better then you do. We cant find him, we need help figuring out where he’d go.”She stumbled over the words, looking frantic because she was afraid that Natasha would be angry enough with clint of being a bastard to simply let them continue searching on their own. Panicked because even loki’s bond to the master assassin hadn’t allowed them to find him. She only hoped natasha’s knowledge of the man, would help. “Please, nat, don’t let something happen to him because he cant figure out what either of you wants and he's scared to ask."
Natasha froze, wide eyed with shock. "what do you MEAN Clint is missing!?" she demanded, startled. "he wouldn't just run away!" she complained. "wait a moment." she ordered, racing back into the house, cursing as she quickly got dressed into her 'uniform' with all the guns and weapons involved. "let's go!" Natasha demanded, leading the way back to Elizabeth's house where the 'permanent portal' was set up. Loki glanced at Elizabeth, more than a little shocked by the woman's swift action before he smiled. "not expected, but i'm certainly glad." he admitted before rushing after Natasha, who was just stepping into the Bi-Frost when he got there. she did at least wait for them before calling Heimdall to 'take them up scotty'. she stormed through the streets of Asgard, furious that Clint would be so STUPID as to either run away, or be kidnapped. she knew him well though, there was another reason why he was called 'hawkeye' he would be up very high if he had left on his own, so she started snapping orders to search all the towers before asking if there where any mountains, or very tall trees?
“Exactly what I said. He’s gone, we thought he was sleeping off his hangover, then he stayed gone.”Elizabeth said looking anxious because she knew that, she knew clint wouldn’t just run away, no matter what his mood was. She knew something had happened but not sure what. Nodding at loki’s words she swallowed as she watched them starting to search, and by both thor and loki’s request she wasn’t helping beyond coming up with ideas where to look. Until they knew what was going on, neither man wanted to put the mate of the king of jotunhiem in danger. Standing at the window she overlooked the city as she listened to the others running around before paling, a memory coming to her, already turning to talk to loki as she pointed towards the towers over the mountains,”Loki!”She yelled to get his attention, needing it now before going quiet for a moment. “Jada lives in one of the mountain eyries. I remember her telling me about it, and until Natasha said he’d go somewhere high I hadn’t thought about it. You better get up there, and take Natasha."She said slightly pale as she looked at Natasha, not sure if the woman had figured out clint’s fucked up relationship with the asgardian. and even if she wanted to protect her friend, her worry for what kind of trouble clint could get into with a the slut made her shove it away until they could find the missing assassin.And if anyone could get clint to see reason if he was acting screwy, it would be Natasha.
Natasha nodded as she listened to Elizabeth further explain. Natasha was fairly certain something bad had happened as well, and she was fearing what might happen. Clint had been acting so strangely, not like himself, and while she didn't know what it was, she knew something was very, very wrong. Loki turned as soon as Elizabeth yelled and his eyes widened, surprised before a low snarl fell from his lips. no doubt Jada had Clint drugged to the teeth and held in her cave. she was going to suffer for this! especially since he knew Clint had not gone with her willingly. "Come on Natasha!" Loki ordered before his body shifted and twisted into a massive golden eagle. he spread his wings, caught her arms in his Talon's, and took her into the air. he knew exactly where he was going, this wasn't the first time he'd had issue with Jada. he let Natasha go onto the 'landing pad' and then shifted back into his own 'Blue Devil' form. he looked shockingly like Helblindi once he was in Jotun form, and he wasted no time blasting open the doors of the veranda. "JADA!" his voice, he knew, would carry through the entire house.
But silence was all that answered him,even as Tony landed on the landing section, and holding his hands up in front of him, ready to respond to some sort of violence as he looked around, before frowning a little. “Loki…”He said slowly, looking a little pale as he let his hands fall slightly, staring up at the blood that had worked it’s way through the stone. Already moving towards the stairs in a silent rush, because he knew that a human wouldn’t survive that much blood loss, and even a asgardian would be struggling. Moving silently through the eerily quiet eyrie he paused at the bedroom door, hearing the rustling of clothes. Nudging the door open with his foot, he could only stare at the man in front of him, not sure what to think. He had known Clint was a assassin, and while he was a amazing archer, he hadn’t realized just how good clint was with getting down and dirty. Staring at the dark haired man he was jolted into a memory of loki's voice.

With your world in the balance, you bargain for one man….Can you?Can you wipe out that much blood?Drakoff’s daughter, Sao Paulo, the hospital fire…barton told me everything. Your ledger is dripping, its gushing red, and you think saving a man no more virtuous then yourself will change anything? This is the basis of sentimentality. This is a child’s prayer, pathetic. You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers. You pretend to be separate, to have your own code, something to make up for the horrors. But they are part of you, and they will never go away. I wont touch barton. Not until I make him kill you, slowly, intimately, in every way he knows you fear. And then he’ll wake just long enough to see his good work, and when he screams, I’ll split is skill. This is my bargain you mewling quim!

Staring at the half dressed man in front of him, he tried to figure out what was happening before looking at the butchered body of the asgardian on the bed, then at the assassin twirling a low bladed knife between his fingers, though the fact that he had blood splattered across his bare stomach and thighs, and even that he had gotten that close, said this kill had been closer, more intimate then just torture… and he felt even sicker as he remembered who the woman was. Natasha’s doppelganger. Had the man totally lost his mind?
Loki swallowed thickly and knelt, setting his hand into the pile of blood, lifting it to his nose. "it's not human blood." he stated softly, his eyes glancing around, wary of someone else being there. he didn't think for a moment that Clint might be responsible for this, he was certain his brother didn't have it in him. he was wary of another Aeser being in the house, and went to search, just to be sure. he headed up once he was certain the house was empty and he gasped, horrified as he saw Jada, clapping a hand to his mouth as he fought not to be sick. most Aeser where not capable of such brutality, and so seeing so much blood and internal organs had Loki reeling in shock. "Clint... brother... what have you Done!?" Loki demanded, wide eyed and stunned as he carefully eased his way into the room, wincing as he stepped in a large puddle of blood, but ignored his own queasiness as he slid forward. "Clint?... Clint?" Loki whispered, wide eyed and horrified before he froze and started backing away from Clint, looking frightened, and confused,as if he wasn't entirely sure WHY he was backing off, but knowing that something was very, very wrong...
Clint raised the knife between them, sunlight glinting across the metal as the man made to defend himself against the jotun moving closer to him even as tony froze just inside of the door, moving to keep Natasha from stepping in, even if tony thought they’d need her to bring clint back, he didn’t want her to see what clint had done to that butchered body. Feeling even sicker as he realized that jada wasn’t dead, she was trapped in that torn apart body, and still alive as clint went to work on her. “Natasha…you don’t want to see this…”Tony said slowly taking a step back, physically trying to keep the woman from coming in.

Clint frowned a little, the confused look on his face all the more eerie and creepy for the fact that he was just wearing his cargo pants, barefoot and barechested, the man looked like a assassin’s wet dream, if you could ignore the fact that it looked like he’d been bathing in blood. Clint barton had indeed made sure to hurt jada in every way Natasha feared, and still the aeser was alive as the real man struggled against the command to kill her, aware enough to make sure that she wasn’t dying quickly, praying hoplessly that someone would come for them. But it had been days, and the man trapped in his own body wasn’t sure either of them would survive. Looking at the two men in front of him, his head cleared for a moment and he looked sick as he looked down, before the tesseract reasserted itself, and clint barton was once again gone.

“I…I…she was..”He stopped turning his head to look at her, for a moment the real clint barton showing in that look before it melted below the tesseract’s creators playing. “She was annoying and wanted attention. I don’t think she likes the attention she got.”He said with the sneering annoyance that made him sound like loki when he’d been controlled by the tesseract, instead of his normal self.
Natasha shook her head as Tony stopped her from walking in and she swallowed thickly as she closed her eyes and Loki took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. he shuddered as he watched Clint intently and finally started stepping forward, very carefully, very slowly. "Clint... this isn't like you." Loki whispered as he glanced at Jada. still alive, there was still a chance to save her. he froze as he saw the flickering in Clint's eyes and his own widened in shock. "Oh great Odin..." he whispered before he smiled at the other, looking almost 'pleased' acting for Clint and the man controlling him. "she was always a bit of a stuffy, bitchy bat." he agreed softly. "she never could take no for an answer, she wanted what she wanted and she'd do whatever she had to to get it. no one will miss her... come here, you're a mess." Loki ordered. he had to stop Jada's bleeding before she bled to death. he could do it, but he had to get Clint away from her first. he had to hit Clint hard enough to knock him out. he had to incapacitate his brother.

"Clint!" Natasha yelled suddenly, having managed to slip past Loki, her own face paling as she stared at her gutted doppelganger, slowly bleeding to death and she swallowed thickly before turning her attention to Clint. "Clint, come here... come on, it's me you want, isn't it? me you hate? me you want to kill?" "Natasha what the HELL are you doing!? get OUT of here!" Loki demanded, flinging a hand out at Clint, trying to blast him into a wall while flinging his other hand at Jada, healing what he could feel, managing to stop most of the bleeding. while it wouldn't save her, she would at least have a slim chance of surviving long enough for them to get help now.... maybe.
Clint smirked at the jotun, nodding slightly.”So she was. No sex was worth putting up with her.”He said wrinkling his nose a little even as he stepped towards Loki. “A man gets messy taking out the trash.”he mused even as he turned towards the yell of his name, spinning on his toes, knife flashing up as he moved towards Natasha. “Natasha!Don’t!”Tony yelled reaching for her and grabbing for her even as clint lunged for her, curling his body around her as he felt the knife scrape across metal. Knowing that if he was giving a chance, clint was going to kill them. He didn’t know what was wrong, but he knew something was.

Helped with loki flinging magic at clint and tony’s punch towards the man’s face clint went flying towards the wall, with a bone crushing crack as the man hit the mountain wall, tony flinched as the other male slumped down to the floor in a boneless heap unconscious. Wincing because he knew that something was really wrong, and not just clint lashing out at a woman who’d been hounding him for days. “Take care of clint, I’ll get jada down to frigga.”He said sparing a glance towards the male assassin to make sure he really was unconscious before he hurried over to jada, gently picking her up and threw open one of the windows before getting them both out of the eyrie. Quickly descending to the castle he handed the asgardian woman over to frigga and Elizabeth as the two worked to save her. Going to fill thor in on what they’d found in the eyrie on the mountain, and worried about the man he called legolas to annoy the blond haired archer.
Loki grinned. "i've always been told she was terrible at sex. so i don't doubt it." he admitted with a light smirk. "and you are messy, Mother is going to throw a fit if you get blood on the furniture." he cursed as Clint noticed Natasha, who gasped as she realized that he really WAS trying to kill her!, she gaped at him, eyes wide with pain and betrayal and fear and CONCERN because she knew, no matter hw angry or upset Clint was, he'd NEVER wish death on Natasha. they had practically grown up together, Natasha at sixteen, and him at nineteen had been very close ever since they met each other. Loki winced as Clint hit the wall and he nodded to Tony. "please hurry." he ordered. "she won't last long without proper healing." he admitted before leaning down next to Clint and checking to make sure the man wasn't bleeding to death. "Natasha, i want you to stay here." "but..." "i can't carry both you, and Clint, i need to get Clint confined before he wakes up. something is very, very wrong." he admitted before shifting into a miniature Dragon, picked the man up, and flew him down to the castle, passing Tony on the way, banking directly into one of the 'cells' which was more like a mini apartment than a prison. it was commonly used for people who had not yet been proven guilty. Clint would stay there, locked in but comfortable, until Loki could see for certain what was wrong. "i just don't understand! he's acting like the Tesseract has a hold on him again, but that shouldn't be possible!" Loki complained, pacing back and forth, so worried that he didn't even realize that he looked a little bit off his rocker.
Hours later Elizabeth smiled tiredly as she walked downstairs to see her mate, “Loki, jada’s going to live. Is he?”Elizabeth said nodding towards the cage where clint was still laying on the bed, frowning slightly. Watching him for a long moment she realized the archer was awake, but not screaming to be let out yet. Either he knew himself and knew something was very wrong, or he was still acting like he was still controlled and holding still to figure out what was going on. “How hurt is he?”She said looking over his body, wincing a little as she realized he’d at least broken a arm being flung into the wall, maybe more. “Natasha wanted to come down but I told her to wait, let me come down and see if it was okay.”She muttered a little eyes widening a little as clint staggered to his feet. “Loki?D-did I...”The man called cradling his arm against his chest, not even able to ask what he'd done. Collapsing back down to his ass as his body let him know it didn't appreciate being abused, leaning back against the wall as he struggled to clear his head, shaking it as the tesseract tried to reassert itself. Torn between two things, the tesseract's control and a love so deep that clint was starting to shake the control in his fear he actually did kill Natasha, not realizing that it had been jada he'd been working on, not Natasha.
Loki sighed a little as he shook his head. "i'm wary of sending anyone in there to heal him. human or not, he is highly dangerous." he admitted softly. "i am glad that Jada will live. she is a horrible bitch, but she didn't deserve what he did to her. Asgardian's are not known for such things. we kill, yes, but we never torture, ever." Loki admitted softly. "he's a cracked tibia, a cracked humerus and a broken radius. he also has three broken ribs, and one of his floating ribs has been cracked. he has a mild concussion, but no broken bones in the head. he has no internal bleeding as of yet, and isn't in any danger of dying or irreparable damage as of yet." he explained calmly. "he is most certainly not 'ok'..." Loki stated softly. "somehow, his mind has been invaded, again. which shouldn't be possible! he never touched the Tesseract! he never even got near it, so how is it affecting him!?" of course, Loki was simply assuming that the Tesseract was directly involved. he took a deep breath and glanced at Elizabeth. "wait here." he ordered before he moved into the room, a shimmering green field extended about a foot around him, ready to blast Clint again if he attacked. "no Clint. you didn't hurt Natasha. and the woman who was hurt, is going to make a full and complete recovery... not even a scar." that was a bit of a lie, there would be a scar, but after a few years, twenty or so, it would fade and vanish after about thirty. there where very few injuries that could permanently mar an Aeser.
Elizabeth swallowed hard, “He’s trained from 16 to be deadly.”She muttered hating that her friend was so hurt and not understanding why this was going wrong. “No one deserved what he did to her, but I am glad it was jada who he did it to…if he had done it to Natasha, she would have been dead days ago.”She muttered because while it was horrible to say, it was true to. Wincing at the list of injuries she was glad to hear no life threatening ones, or irreparable damage to the assassin.”I’ll go tell Natasha, she will be glad to hear.”She said looking nervous as loki approached clint, waiting long enough to make sure that clint wasn’t going to attack him before heading upstairs.”Natasha?Clint’s hurting, but nothing life threatening or irreparable.”She said, speaking of his body, not sure if the damage to his sanity would be fixable. Reaching out she rested a hand on the woman’s arm.”He’s not himself Natasha, he didn’t mean to attack you…”She muttered scared the woman was going to hate him for being such a bastard then this happening.

Clint looked up at the man, collapsing back into the wall with a relieved sigh, closing his eyes as he panted, in pain but numb. “….at least not physically. I know what I did to jada loki…she might not recover.”he said before he responded to the mental image of what he’d done, but in his head it wasn’t jada, it was Natasha that he’d turned into so much meat. Scrambling he move so he wasn’t going to throw up on himself, falling as he went to brace himself on his broken arm, hitting the floor even as he threw up. Looking miserable and hurt, battered enough that the tesseract’s control was gone, at least for the moment.
Loki nodded a little. "yes, and then he trained Natasha to be just as deadly." he pointed out with a sigh. "Elizabeth, in Clint's fractured mind, there is no difference between Natasha and Jada right now.... it would be like you shooting a person that looked exactly like me." he pointed out. "it's going to take a lot of effort to get him calmed down, let alone fix whatever is wrong with him." he sighed. "still, you are right. i am glad it was Jada, as awful as that is to say." he watched Clint carefully as he stepped inside and sighed as he watched the other. he moved over to him and carefully held him so that he wasn't putting more weight on his injuries as he puked, and with a wave of his hand, the vomit was gone. "Clint, you have to understand, you can't be held responsible for what happened... i don't know how, but the Tesseract is directly influencing your mind again." he explained softly as he carefully settled Clint onto the bed. "for your safety, i am going to strap you down. a healer will then come in and tend to your wounds. once she is gone, i wil let you go." he promised, already strapping Clint down, infusing magic into each strap so that he couldn't break free. then he stripped Clint of clothes, and weapons and carried them outside while the healer did her thing. Loki came back with clean clothes as the healer left, and helped Clint get into the shower and get clean before helping him get dressed in the new clothes.

Natasha shuddered as she heard the knock and she looked over at the door. "i know that." she whispered. "i know he's not himself but... i can't... get it out of my head..." she whispered. "the things Loki said while we had him imprisoned... he said he would make Clint kill me in all the ways i most feared and that's EXACTLY what he just did! Clint just killed a woman that looks just like me in all the ways i fear!!!" Natasha whispered, rocking back and forth. "Loki wants me dead... i'm sure of it... i just don't know why...." Natasha was in a state of severe shock.
Clint shuddered as the man held him up, swallowing has he slumped into the other. “You should have done that in the first place. I’m dangerous.”Clint muttered not protesting as he was strapped down though he flinched as each strap wrapped around broken bone, closing his eyes as he rested. Quiet as the other helped him shower he didn’t say anything until he laid down on the bed, watching loki redo the straps. Looking up at loki he smiled a little, “Please loki…can you send Natasha down?I’m strapped down and everything…I just need….need to see her.”he muttered even if he believed loki’s words, he couldn’t believe them really until he saw for himself that it hadn’t been Natasha under the knife.

Elizabeth looked startled, her mouth falling open.”What?No. Loki doesn’t want you dead.Its not him, Natasha.”Elizabeh said moving to the other woman’s side, wrapping her arms around her, holding her tightly, knowing she needed to calm the other woman, because she knew there was no chance clint would calm until he saw her, but if he saw her like this, he was going to lose his mind.
Loki shrugged. "i'm not concerned. had you attacked me, i simply would have blasted you into the wall again." he assured the other. "i'm sorry Clint." Loki stated softly. "Natasha is very shaken up. she saw what happened to Jada and she's... panicked a little bit. it wouldn't be good for her to see you right now." he admitted softly. "as soon as she's not trying to kill me, i'll bring her down, alright?" he asked leaning forward and kissed his brother's forehead. "rest now. i'll leave the straps undone while there's no one in the room." he promised. "dinner will be delivered to you through a slot in the door, try to eat as much as you can."

Natasha shook her head. "no... Loki want's to kill me. he's always wanted to kill me." she whispered. "and Elizabeth is in on it. or she's being controlled too... sweet, innocent Elizabeth..." Natasha whispered, shuddering violently. "all wants me dead..." she whispered before shuddering again as she fell limp onto the bed, a healer walking in. "it's alright dear... it's just shock. she's trying to rationalize." the healer explained with a sigh. "and she doesn't know it yet, but she's pregnant."
Clint winced sighing a little as he slumped back into the bed, closing his eyes. “….dont bother. Just forget I’m down here. She’ll be better for it.”the assassin said sighing a little as he closed his eyes.”Whatever. Go away loki.”He said tiredly already starting to go back to sleep.

Elizabeth cursed, sitting next to her, looking worried for her as the woman talked, looking up at the healer.”Bloody hell. Just what we need.”he muttered knowing this was going to be bad, so bad. Because of their relationship issues, a baby was the last thing clint and Natasha needed. “Don’t tell her, or anyone else.”She said to the healer, wanting to be able to get a feel for things-and a chance to talk to loki- before either assassin found out that she was pregnant.

The next day found Elizabeth detouring down to see how clint was doing, looking into the small apartment wincing as she watched the assassin through the glass for a moment, watching him pace, though there was none of the usual grace, it was obvious the man was still hurt, but it seemed he was punishing himself for what he’d done.Looking up at loki she rested her head on her mate’s chest, sighing softly.”I don’t know what they’re going to do loki…but I’m going to go see if natasha’s up, how about you see how he’s doing.”She muttered before heading up to natasha’s room.”Natasha?”Elizabeth said opening the door a little staying behind it, not wanting to get close just in case the assassin lashed out at her.

“I know you’re there Loki.”Clint called as he finished another circuit, flicking his eyes towards the godling, “Don’t you have better things to do then spy on me?Your mate’s getting round with child, you should babying her, not me.”he said, though his words should have held sneering arrogance if he’d been controlled by the tesseract, his tone was of soft concern and violent self hatred, wanting his brother to go take care of someone who mattered, and not him.
Loki glanced at Elizabeth before focusing his attention on his brother, his eyes worried. "be careful Elizabeth. if Clint is affected, Natasha might be too. take a healer with you." he ordered softly before turning his attention to the door before sliding in. "she'd cut me if i tried to baby her." Loki stated with a shrug. "besides, she's worried about you as well, she won't leave me alone unless i check on you, and stress is bad for her right now." Loki admitted as he crossed the room and settled onto the bed. "do you not understand what happened my brother?" he asked softly. "the Tesseract is still in your brain, somehow you have been reconnected to it. your actions are not your own. so i will choose to ignore your comments." he decided as he looked at his nails for a moment. "the healers said you did not eat your dinner."

Natasha looked much better as Elizabeth walked in, but the suspicious look she sent Elizabeth showed she was still trying to rationalize what had happened. trying to find someone other than Clint to blame. it was hard for Natasha to blame Elizabeth though, she LIKED Elizabeth, so in her state of mind, she simply assumed that Loki was controlling her too. she'd never really forgiven Loki, not really, not after the nightmares she'd had, and had to help Clint through. and now she was living one of the worst nightmares she'd ever experienced. "how is Clint?"
“She might, but she deserves some babying.”Clint said turning to give the man a look through narrow eyes even as he continued to pace, though the slight limp he was sporting said he’d been pacing more then he should have, punishing himself for not being able to stop. Shaking his head he growled, self hatred written in his face as he looked away from the other man. “I knew what I was doing loki, Jada picked me up when I left thor in the bar, and I butchered her for looking to much like Natasha.”He swallowed shuddering a little, “So much like Natasha…a perfect victim…one you already said you’d kill…”he muttered, his voice going that soft slight asgardian accent, his eyes unfocused. The tesseract’s creator, reaching through the man to taunt the sorcerer he thought would never be able to force him to leave clint. He was going to force both natasha’s death, and loki to kill his brother, the creator extremely unhappy that clint had managed to resist enough to nearly kill jada, not Natasha, but he would work with what he had.

Elizabeth looked relieved to see the woman up and looking better, flinching at the look she received, looking around the room to make sure the woman wasn’t armed before moving to sit on the edge of the chair next to the bed. Studying the woman she swallowed hard, “Sane, for the moment.”She said simply looking down before swallowing hard. “The tesseract’s controlling him. He’s fighting it off, but…”She shrugged helplessly, not sure how long it would last, or what they had to do to save the man. “He’s hurt. He had a concussion, cracked humerus and radius, along with a few broken ribs.”She said simply, knowing better then to hide clint’s physical issues from the woman. Biting her lip she swallowed uneasily, because she knew the assassin, knew that this wasn’t going to be easy. “He’s being controlled again Natasha, but its not loki. I promise, its not him.”She said begging the woman to believe, to help them figure out how to save a man they all loved, because she didn’t know how much clint’s sanity would be able to take.
Loki chuckled. "i'm pretty sure the full body massage i gave her last night was plenty." Loki assured his brother. "you're damaging yourself, sit down." Loki demanded, wondering if he was going to lose Clint? "you knew what you where doing when i controlled you as well, that doesn't mean that you where responsible for it. the Tesseract is just being subtle, like it was for me. you think i didn't realize what i was doing was wrong? that doesn't make it your fault. you are being forced Clint." he froze in horror as he stared at Clint "...i never wanted Natasha dead, never!" he hissed, horrified. "and i won't let you kill her either! release Clint now you sick bastard!"

Natasha grimaced a little. "Tesseract... it's such a good excuse isn't it?" she asked softly. "is he still hurt?" no, the healers had mostly healed him, though they where going to have to heal his leg again. "you would claim it's not Loki... i want to see Clint." she demanded, standing up. "if he tells me it wasn't Loki, then i will beleive him..." Natasha stared at her. "if it IS Loki... i will kill him." she paused. "after he gives birth..." because even Natasha couldn't kill an innocent baby. "then he can't hurt anyone ever again."
Elizabeth flinched at natasha’s words, shaking her head a little.”No. They healed him,but he’s been pacing, probably messed up his leg again by now.”She muttered before nodding, “I came up to see if you wanted to. He asked for you last night.”She said swallowing hard looking pale at the idea of losing her mate, even though she knew this wasn’t loki, it still scared her. Nodding as she walked towards the door with the other woman.

Clint glared at the man ordering him around before huffing out a sigh and moving to sit on the bed, before looking at the other. “But I was!”Clint blurted looking annoyed with the other man, could that be what had left the man emotionless and withdrawn for days at a time sometimes?That he was shouldering the blame for things didn’t even have the possibility of being his fault?Yes, yes it seemed he was. Clint stared at the man with unfocused eyes, his lips quirking up as he looked at the godling. “Ahhh…that’s what you say now…” ‘clint’ smirked his eyes shifting towards the women walking into the hall. “She is pretty. I think I want to play with them both…” ‘clint’ purred even as he collapsed to his knees, “Fuck!Fuck get out!Now!FUCK!”Clint’s snarled fury was in the words as he braced himself on his hands and knees, scrambling for the bathroom and soon the sounds of his throwing up filled the room as his ‘master’ filled his head with images of what he was going to do to Natasha, and memories of what he had already done to jada.
Natasha nodded. "he's always doing that." she muttered softly. "always hurting himself more..."

"You where NOT!" Loki snarled, touching a finger to Clint's forehead. "if you are to blame then so am i!" he stated. "after all, did i not slaughter eighty people in two days!?" he demanded, lifting an eyebrow. "did i not kill two hundred and fifty people, and wounded over four hundred when i pulled the Chitauri into your world!? do you think i do not feel gut wrenching, heart wrenching GUILT for that!? but that does NOT make it either of our faults that it happened! the Tesseract is sly, it worms it's way inside, and makes you think you're thoughts are your own." he froze at the threats towards his mate and he immidiatly moved to step in the way. "you leave Elizabeth alone!" he hissed, his eyes narrowed. "leave Clint alone!" Loki demanded, stepping forward, wanting to help, trying to help. "please let my brother go..." he pleaded before wincing as Clint started to Vomit and he sighed a little, scrubbing his face. "Elizabeth, you'd better go." he stated, glancing at the window and startled to see Natasha and he hesitated, glancing at Clint before he moved outside, closing the door. "he's bad... very bad. he's never forgiven himself for what he did while under the effects of the Tesseract..." Loki explained, biting his lip. "i can't blame him..." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "i don't know how to help him..."
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