Loki's Return(The Avengers)-Moon/Lady

Loki smirked at her. "it's so funny watching him struggle not to yank her into a random bedroom and give it to her the way she wants it." he mused with a chuckle before he sobered, studying her. "Helblindi was here?" he asked, looking startled as his eyes cast around the room. "ah, he's the one that froze the room for me then?" he asked, slightly nervous. he wasn't sure what to expect from Helblindi, so the man made him more than a little nervous. "... Elizabeth!" Loki gasped as he realized that he couldn't feel her warmth. stunned even more when he realized that her lips where blue and he wasted no time in yanking open the bedroom door and screaming for someone to get a doctor. Bruce was there in minutes, and he groaned as he realized that she was going into hypothermia. he didn't say anything, he just bustled her into the other room and wrapped her in slightly warmed blankets. they had to warm her back up slowly, or the shock could kill her. thankfully she wasn't all human, and wasn't that close to death. another hour in the room it might have been a closer call, but after several hours, Bruce had her sunk into a hot bath to finish warming her up, and only once he was certain Loki couldn't hear him did he lecture Elizabeth about how she couldn't help Loki if she died doing so! he could only hope that the baby wasn't all that affected by the near hypothermia.
"it is. But I think he'll be able to hold out and get what he wants.lshe said looking amused with the idea before nodding."yea for awhile.he just went home to reassure everyone you werent dying.and yes he did the room,"she said yelping as she was pulled out of the room to warm up.by the time bruce finished lecturing her though her eyes were wide and frightened. She'd known she was cold but not that cold.but she was quiet until helblindi got there, then she practically pounced on the frost giant."did i hurt my baby?i gpt dangerously cold,did i hurt them?"she demanded in such a jumble itd take him a few minutes to figure out what she'd said.from the kitchen clint winced as he watched natasha cook. He'd known she was worried,but he hadnt realized elizabeth had been hiding that much panic.

(wanna play natsha?we could have their complicated relationship in here.lol)
Loki pondered that for only a few seconds before he dragged his lover out of the room to get warmed up. Bruce felt really bad about making her so frightened and Helblindi hissed when he was pounced on, sounding much like a cat who had been startled. "what?" he asked, looking baffled before he gave her a funny look. "alright calm down." he ordered, gently settling his hands on her shoulders before he looked to Bruce for an explanation. Helblindi was a warrior dammit, not a frantic woman babysitter. "oh i see. hold on." Helblindi ordered, kneeling in front of her and setting his ice cold fingers on her stomach, spreading his fingers wide and sending his magic, just as cold as he was, into her womb for a check. it felt like she'd dipped her belly in ice water before the probe withdrew and Helblindi smirked. "congratulations, you have a perfectly healthy baby boy." Helblindi assured her. "he is half Jotun, the cold didn't affect him at all, in fact, he seams to enjoy it." Helblindi admitted calmly. "but he's fine with being warm as well." he reassured her. "he appears to be a sorcerer as well. i can't get a good look on what his appearance will be, but there's two arms, two legs, a head and no tail." he reassured her.

"me next!" Loki demanded and Helblindi chuckled, settled his hands on Loki's belly and then yelped as there was a brief 'explosion' of bright blue magic and Helblindi was tossed several feet away from Loki to land at a heap with a grunt. Natasha went to yell at Loki before she realized that he was just as stunned as everyone else was. "ow..." Helblindi grumbled, getting to his feet. "don't worry, that happens sometimes. the fetus noticed my magic and thought Loki was being attacked. she defended him." "she?" Loki asked with a gasp and Helblindi nodded. "yes, a She... it's strange though... i didn't get much of a 'Jotun' reading from her..." he admitted with a frown. "she's brimming with magic, but she's not a Jotun." he admitted. "not much anyway." he admitted, looking puzzled and Loki shrugged. "she's a shapeshifter." he stated simply. "i can feel it. she's not truly a Jotun, or an Aeser, or a human... she's whatever she wants to be." he admitted with a smirk. "see? now she's a puppy... and now she's a Jotun, horns and all, and now she's a little human girl, and now..." he glared at his belly. "Stop that! you'll give your mother a heart attack!" he demanded and nodded when... whatever his baby girl was doing stopped and Helblindi was biting his lip to keep from laughing. "Mother used to talk to her belly like that." he admitted with a grin. "before you where born i mean. we all thought she was insane."
elziabeth calmed when she realized helblindi was bbeing calm, gasping at the coldness of his magic and shivering before her whole body relaxed in relief at the news her son was safe,looking down at her stomach.lgood. Your mama cant do the cold to much baby."she mutttered to the child she was carrying laughing at loki's excitement,yelping as they were thrown back.

""oki?you okay?"clint demanded as he snagged elizabeth around the waist before she could attack helblindi for attacking loki, though the thought hellbindi was roddiculos, the woman hadnt been thinking clearly for dauys. Relaxing his hold as it was obvious they were fine,slipping over to natasha he smirked a little."thinl the world's ready for another loki?"he snorted amused ast the idea that 'tony's' daughter woiuld be hell on wheels.

"you okay?"elizabeth said hovering next to loki,despite his obvious okay state, the woman was so overwrought by the last few days she was feeling all over the place. What she really needed was just a few days of peace and quiet with loki. Not that shee'd ask for that, in fact it'd probably take thor and loki#both demanding her to relax and rest for it to happen.
Loki giggled a little and nodded. "i'm perfectly fine. baby just had a bit more of a kick than it meant, that's all." he promised. "no doubt Helblindi was the only one who was supposed to be sent flying." "the babe is upset." Helblindi explained with a small cough as he brushed himself off. "she's overprotective of her 'mother' right now because Loki was just hurt. the babe will be fine, she's just going to be 'trigger happy' for a while... that's the correct term, is it not? trigger happy?" when Natasha nodded he looked pleased. "i've been studying up on midgaurdian custom. i figure if My Lord is going to be here, living and breeding and whatnot, then i'd best know the place as well as i can." he admitted simply. "the Council is desperate to meet you, but i don't think that i would trust the babes safety in the vacuum like conditions of my home. they will have to wait." Helblindi admitted simply and Loki stared at his brother. "my baby wouldn't do well on Jotunheimer?" "i don't know. she might handle it just fine, or she might not. it's not something i think any of us want to 'test'. although, i would feel better, for the both of you, if you went on 'vacation' somewhere. go to Asgard, someplace where people aren't going to shoot you." Loki just smiled and nodded. "yes... we'll go to asgard. Tony would do well with meeting the kids. they will be a third his after all." he mused. "he would make a terrible second wife, but he could be trained i suppose." Thor stuffed his hand into his mouth to keep from laughing, and Helblindi blinked, looking confused. "...second what?" "it's an Aeser thing, don't worry about it."
elizabeth giggled a little at the idea of helblindi learning human customs, this was going to be interesting. Looking glad that loki was fine she looked startled and concerned at the idea her children would do well on jotunhiem, looking a little upset at the idea. She didnt want to keep loki away from the people he ruled, but it seemed they were going to have to stay away."asgard would be good."she agreed before giggling at the loolk on tony's face."i cant get married again!Im already married to pepper. Besides you'd be the wife in the relationship,you're pregnant."iron man pointed out to the shapeshifer.

Clint snickered a little looking at natasha."you'd like asgard. The younger ones are so amused to see a midgardian in asgard,plenty of offers."he said his quiet smirk all that was needed to see what kind of offers he'd gotten while there. Yes, he was shameless in playing her,but it was egtting harder by the day to simply not give her what she wanted.
Loki smirked a little as he rubbed his belly. "yes, it would be a bad idea to let her get cold while she's developing." he agreed. "we'll do some tests once she's older. five.. ten, maybe twenty years old." Helblindi could only laugh at that before he glared at Tony. "you would DARE say that i am a 'WIFE!?" Loki snarled, his eyes blazing at Tony, Natasha turning her head away so that Tony wouldn't see her fighting not to laugh. "You are practically useless for everything else! you would do poorly as a husband! let alone a King! you are good for nothing but breeding and housekeeping! now be a good second wife and sit there silently as is you're place!" he hissed at Tony, Helblindi hiding his laughter behind his hand.

Natasha snickered at the look on Tony's face and frowned as she looked at Clint. she knew that he wanted her, she knew that she wanted him too... but that scared her, she'd never wanted anyone before... well she'd wanted them, but she hadn't wanted to KEEP them. so she was doing her best to disregard Clint's rather blatent attempts at 'seducing' her... still the thought of some Asgardian slut bedding him... it made her want to see what would happen if she shot a god in the head.
tony gaped a little at the other man before huffing a little glaring at them all as he heard elizabeth giggle,and knew the others were laughing. Standing he shook his head a little,"I have to go see to my company before we go.come get me when its time to leave." elizabeth swallowed harder to keep from laughing as tony huffingly left the room looking up at loki."we really should tell him he'4 not a father.its making him irritable."she muttered before watching clint and natasha in bemusement before looking up at loki again."we should make them room together in asgard."she decided looking amused as clint smirked to himself.

When they arrived in asgard clint was indeed almost instant surrounded by the court women as they walked into the palace, smirking as he flirted and walked after the others."sorry girls,I have to make sure thor and elizabeth and loki get to see frigga first. Then I'll be back with more stories of midgard."he promised as he gracefully pushed through the crowd as he followed the two brothers.

"frigga!"elizabeth smiled happily as they approached the woman in her sitting room,leaning down to kiss her cheek.

((we need to find someone for poor lonely thor...lol xDD))
Loki snickered a little. "we'll tell him after we hand him the bunny." he promised with a smirk. "i want to see him try and cradle a baby bunny. he already knows the little one is a shapeshifter." he mused with a grin as he rubbed his belly. "still, Tony would make a very poor Aeser husband." he admitted. "Husband isn't a gender, it's a 'title' more or less. the one with the most power, intelligence, and strength is the husband, so that they can protect the wife, or wives. generally, males are husbands, but not always. Sif, for example is a husband. she would refuse to be protected, and so will probobly find herself a wife to coddle, love, and protect. Tony is a little too self obsessed to be a good Asgaurdian husband, not to mention he resolves everything with violence, the brute. it's no wonder he and Thor get along so well." Loki complained with a roll of his eyes.

Natasha glared as she watched the Aeser sluts hanging all over Clint, and drew her gun when a male approached her. he backed off right quick under Natasha's frosty glare and she followed Loki and Elizabeth inside the castle where Frigga was sitting. "Elizabeth, darling! welcome back!" she purred, kissing Elizabeth's cheek back. "it's so good to have you back! everyone is excited! Sif has taken a wife!" Loki gasped at that, shocked and Frigga laughed. "i know! he's a lovely young man." Frigga admitted with a grin. "a bit on the puny side. but i suppose that's why he's the wife." Thor and Loki both snickered at that. Sif had always liked them scrawny. "there's going to be a Dance, and of course a Tournament, both magic and weapon! will you stay to watch it?" "if Elizabeth wants to." Loki promised, because he knew that Elizabeth wanted to. not to mention that Natasha was ecstatic to finally see what Gods where capable of, and like Thor, Tony probobly just wanted to see people beat on each other.
clint smirked as he walked in next to natasha,tilting his head slightly,"you should be nocer to them. They just want to make sure you have a good time in asgard."he said sounding amused but gritting his teeth at the idea of her sleeping with any of them. He might kill them first.looking interested at the news of the dance he wondered just what it was going to be like.

Elizabeth laugherd at the annoucement."we eere just talking about how she'd be the husband thats great!"she smiled happily before looking at loki then frigga.lwe're going to get married to...like they do in midgard.."she said nervous about how the woman would accept the news before nodding excitedly."I do!I want to stay."she nodded looking interested in what this battle would ebtail laughing at the interested look on both thor and tony's face. They both indeed were looking forward too seeing people beat on each other.
Natasha glared at Clint. "if you want to whore yourself out, go ahead. but i am not letting someone touch me just because they're Pretty." oooh she WAS affected by all the women hanging around him. she only made sly slaps at his 'moral character' when she was really pissed off. not that she was pissed at him, he couldn't help being a MALE after all.

Frigga laughed and nodded. "she's delighted of course. and the Warrior's three are intimidated properly now." she admitted with a grin. "they thought it might be 'fun' to pick on the 'new guy', and she beat them into a pulp." Frigga admitted, making both Loki and Thor burst into delighted laughter. "Married?" Frigga asked, looking a little confused. "it's a bonding ceremony mother. to show that we will love each other always. it will mark us as legal husband and wife in the eyes of the midgardian law." Loki explained, glancing at Clint, who had tried his best to get Loki to understand. he mostly got it. "it's basically the human mating ritual i think." Loki admitted, Natasha biting her lip hard to keep from laughing. "it's going to be simply amazing! Pepper and Natasha have been showing me all sorts of things to do for a wedding! it's as big as the Mating celebrations here!" Loki admitted, looking highly excited before beaming at Elizabeth. "then we will stay." he agreed with a nod. "the tournaments and the feasts will last about a week. but Thor can shuttle us back and forth if we've forgotten something, or if someone needs to do some work or something..." he smirked at Tony. "would you like to meet your step children now or later?"
clint raised his eyebrows at the verbal slap, thinking over his answer for a few moments before responding."you have no moral high ground to stand on when talking about my sex life,black widow."he muttered his words low and nasty, for once showing just how very frustrated and pissed with her he'd become as time wore on. Before turning his attention to the happy couple, ignoring the painful twist his heart gave, for a moment hating loki for having his mate when clint's woman was denying him. And within a moment of him lashing out at natasha all that anger and frustration was once again hidden as he smiled listening to loki describe his wedding.

Elizabeth laughed at the idea of sif beating up the warriors three before nodding."it'll be fine. It'll do us good to just rest and know we're safe."she muttered remembering him getting shot,and hoping nothing like that would happen in asgard. Giggling as tony went pale but nodding despite his misgivngs he sighed."o-okay. I better just meet them now."tony said already mentally preparing himself.
Natasha flinched at Clint's words and quickly placed herself away from him. how could he possibly know that she had been celibate for three years because she couldn't stand a man touching her if it wasn't him? he couldn't know, and she couldn't let him know. still, to accuse her of being a slut when he was out fucking every pretty Aeser woman that crossed his path hurt.

"come along then." he ordered, smirking at Tony. "my children are quite delighted to meet my wives." he admitted with a smirk tossing Elizabeth a wink as he led them to a massive sitting room where a hundred foot King Cobra was curled up, watching with eyes as green as his fathers. in the other corner was a Wolf as big as a house, fur black as coal with a single white patch around it's eye, a strange collar made of some shimmering ribbon around it's neck. there was a very odd looking dapple grey horse with black hooves and glowing golden eyes pawing at the floor as id bored. and then there was Hela. "Father!" Hela chirped, catching the attention of the other three creatures in the room and Loki beamed as he embraced each one in a tight, loving hug. "this is our new mother?" Hela demanded, wrinkling her nose as she studied Tony. "...i don't like him much Father. he has no poise or grace at all." the three other animals laughed ion various sounds and Loki chuckled. "no no, he's the breeder. This is your new mother." Loki stated, setting a hand on Elizabeth's shoulder and Hela blinked at her, looking startled before she narrowed her eyes at Loki. "do you have her under a spell?" "what? no of course not, why would you ask that?" "because she is SO clearly out of you're league." Hela teased, Loki sputtering indignities as he sulked at his daughter who was laughing as she pulled Elizabeth into a hug. "i am so happy to finally meet you. i've never seen my father so happy."
clint studied her for a long moment before sighing softly, having expected a violent reaction to his words the moment they were out of his mouth,the silent acceptance hurt hiim badly. Assuming she indeed agree with him, that she had no room to talk about who he was sleeping with when she was sleeping with someone else. And while he was letting her believe he was sleeping with every asgardian who threw herself at him, he wasnt.hell the knly one that he had given into had looked enough like natasha that both elizabeth and tony had stared at him for hours for it but hadnt said a word at him for trying to get natasha out of his system without ever sleeping with her, since both his hope of having a relationship and being able to resist anything she offered to give him dwindled with every day. Snickering as he watched tony leave with the other two he looked up at thor."can we go get our rooms?I'd like to get some sleep..."

tony swallowed hard not knowing that to expect, glancing at elizabeth's face as they wallked glad to see the woman looked just as nervous as he did. Sputtering at hel's words he looked at her in annoyance before looking at loki."Must you introduce me as your wife?"he grumbled. Elizabeth giggled a little looking at the three. Smiling nervously as she stood next to loki, her mouth falling open in the startlement at hel's words to her father before laughing as she was hugged."its good to finally meet you. Your father's told me alot."she said blushing slightly at the praise,glad that someone who knew loki as long as hel had, agreed that he was happy. Stepping away she she moved towards fenrir slephir and jorgi, raising a hand to hesitantly run her fingers over fenrir's coat, looking nervous about the huge wolf's reaction."hello fenrir. Hello jorgi. And hello slephir."she said offering the three a hesitant nervous smile. So wanting loki's children to like her.
Natasha sighed as she settled into a bench out on a veranda, looking down to an impressively amazing garden. for a moment, she honestly hated Clint for making her feel the things she felt. "yes, we can go... but..." here Thor hesitated and then. "it probobly isn't my place to say anything, but you do realize that was cruel to her, don't you? claiming she had no right to talk?" Thor asked, staring at Clint. "you and i both know, you haven't been sleeping with anyone. not here at least. from what i've been able to understand? Natasha has not laid with another man in over a year. that's what Loki says anyway. he can sense these things." Thor admitted. "he was contemplating her celibacy as being the reason why she's 'such a frigid bitch.'..." he wasn't as close to Clint as Loki was, but Thor was intend on getting Clint and Natasha together so they'd stop trying to kill everyone with their eyes.

Hela grinned a little at Tony, lifting an eyebrow at him. "well you're certainly not the husband." she chastised him. "you're even more puny than Sif's wife is." she commented with a roll of her eyes. "silly human sentiment. that's what it is." Hela commented to her father who smirked and nodded. "he better have spoken often of me! i'm his only daughter after all!" Hela admitted with a grin at Elizabeth. "we'll do some girl things sometime right? like Clothes shopping and maybe some nail painting? because my brothers aren't so good at that sort of thing." Loki snickered at that and Jori rolled his eyes before both Jori and Fenrir froze, stunned when Elizabeth just walked up to them. "...you're not afraid of them?" Hela asked, startled and Loki chuckled. "of course she doesn't. she's not stupid like the Aeser is." he admitted with a shrug. Fenrir lowered his head, sniffed her twice and then nuzzled her as gently with his nose. considering he was taller than she was, laying down, that was impressive. Jormunder hissed softly, tickling her face with his tongue, tasting her before he nodded, as if pleased with her. Sleipner just laid down and took a nap. "don't mind Sel." Hela commented with a grin. "he's a bit... er, 'special'..." she admitted. "he's about the intelligence of a six year old." Loki explained. "so he doesn't really understand what's going on. all he cares about is that we're being boring. oh, and be careful around him, he likes to eat shirts. he's worse than a goat."
clint was quiet as he walked with the thunder god,staring down at the floor as they walked. Looking slightly dejected and ready to just give up and sleep with natasha. Though he wanted more. He knew she didnt and he was mentally preparing to let her have whatever she wanted,if she would just give him a single night so he could pretend she was his."...she drives me to be cruel. She might not have slept with anyone,but she doesnt want me either.at least she doesnt want to."he muttered shaking his head unwilling to tell thor about the asgardian he'd slept with if the man didnt already know. Having elizabeth know was bad enough when she knew that the asgardian wasnt chosen because he really wanted her, but because she looked enough like natasha to relieve some of the heartbreaking tension that was driving him to be cruel."...why do you get to talk about someone else'4 sex life,when you have none?"clint said to thor after a moment trying to deflect from his own sex life.

Elizabeth laughed as tony sulked looking nervous at the sight of the wolf snake and horse,as if thr man was finally accepting that 'his' child might be a animal. Elizabeth smiled nodding a little,"we can. And we need to get things for our wedding...mating ritual on midgard."she explained smiling before flushing looking embarassed at hel'4 reaction, looking worried for a moment before realizing the woman was just surprised."no...hurting me would upset your father,and they wouldnt want that.lshe said smiling giggling as she was licked and wrapping her arms around fenrir's muzzle to stay on her feet as the wolf nearly knocked her off her feet with his nuzzle."careful sweetie."she muttered petting him before looking at sel, nodding at the other'4 words."ah.i see.oka."she said accepting it,and while she'd probably freak and worry later about being a good stepmother,for the moment she was calm and happy to be with her family.
Thor sighed a little. "have you ever considered that she's cruel to you for the same reason you're cruel to her?" Thor asked simply before he smirked at the other. "i am a god, whose going to stop me from sticking my nose into other people's business?" he asked, looking amused at the 'loki' answer. "besides, i'm not the one deluding myself. i know i am a lonely, bitter fool who can never have the woman he wants. your just pushing yours away, so it's your own fault." he pointed out, looking quite pleased with himself as he stopped. "this is your room. unfortunately, because of the parties, most of the rooms are full, so you'll have to share this time around."

Loki smirked at Tony, eyes dancing with a glittering sadistic amusement. he knew Tony would be SO relieved to realize that he WASN'T a father and that he wasn't a stepfather to creatures that could eat him in a single gulp. "most people are afraid to even get near them." Hela admitted. "even when Father says it's alright. as far as i know, only myself, father, and uncle Tyr has ever approached without fear." she explained. "for such a tiny woman, you are full of bright courage." she snickered. "even uncle Thor is a bit afraid of them." she admitted as she moved over to Sleipner, who was just watching them all with a look of 'ok, you're still talking, can we go do something fun now?' "Hey Elizabeth. would you like to go for a ride?" Loki asked with a grin. "there's nothing Sel loves more than going for a run." he admitted with a smile as Sleipner leaped to his feet and started prancing in place, as if showing off how fast he could go.
clint sighed looking frustrated with the talk already."she'4 cruel because she wants a one night stand and I'm not settling for that so just...stop."clint growled angry with the other man for making him feel like he was completely incapable of doing anything right before looking up at him, raising his eyebrows."...who do you want?"he asked cuurious about who would say no to thor before frowning, getting a bad feeling."if I'm sharing with nat, know that I'm going to hit you."he growled at the thunder god.

Elizabeth flushed at the praise,rubbing her stomach."maybe being pregnant is making me brave.lshe said blushing before her eyes brightened as she looked at the horse."really?he wouldnt mind?I would love to!"she said her bubbling excitement at the simple things making it obvious why loki liked her as she scrambled up onto selphier's back.
Thor sighed a little. "there are things about Natasha that even you don't know Clint." Thor whispered softly before he smiled a little. "Sif of course, who else?" he asked Clint. "but Sif is not a submissive, and neither am i. while i want her, i know it would never work. she'd kill me in the week." he admitted with a chuckle. showing just how hard this week was really going to be for Thor. who wanted who he could never have. particularly since she had already chosen her first wife. "i don't know whose rooming with who." Thor admitted with a shrug. "Mother made the arrangements." he admitted simply. "i have to share with Tyr and some brute from the Jotun, who is here to try and make 'good relations' in the 'name of his king'. apparently they didn't know Loki was going to be here."

Loki laughed a little and nodded. "yes, my children are very well behaved that way. they would never hurt someone whose pregnant." Loki agreed before laughing at her glee at the thought of riding Sleipner, who huffed and snorted and whinnied and pranced, all excited. "do you know how to ride? he won't wear a saddle." Loki warned as he pulled a brindle and reins out of nowhere. no Bit though, Loki couldn't bring himself to control his son that way. it was mostly just something for them to hold on to so they didn't yank on Sleipner's pretty mane. "he's strong enough to carry two, so if you've never ridden before, i'll go with you."
clint studiefd the other man for a long moment his eyes sympathic."im sorry thor..."he muttered pain flickering through his eyes at what his friend was going through. They might not be as close as him and loki,but clint still cared for the blond and it hurt to see him like this. Smiling half heartedly he sighed."well, at least loki will have someone besides helblindi to talk to. Helblindi freaks him out a bit."he said before disappearing into the room to get some sleep.

But hours later,and after discovering he was rooming with a visiting asgardian,the man went out to find natasha, amused that the woman had been given a room to herself,because it was so small. Looking down at her as she opened the door he swallowed hard,studying her intently as he raised his hands,burying them in her hair even as he lowered his mouth to hers,nudging her back into the room, glad it was just them in the moonlight. She always looked beauitful in just moonlight,and if this was all he ever got, he wanted it in silence and beauty. Raising his head a moment he looked down at her even as his fingers tugged her shirt off."tell me to go and I will."he said his voice rough with lust.

Elizabeth flushed embarassed in her excitement that she'd forgotten she'd never ridden before."no.come with me."she said smiling as her mate settled on the horse behind her,cradling her against him to make sure she couldnt fall laughing in sheer delight as selphier took off
Thor nodded. "i will find someone i am sure." he muttered. "and i'm not entirely sure Loki will like this man... he gives ME the creeps..." Thor admitted, scowling. "i fear i might be murdered in my sleep... can i bunk with you?" he asked hopefully. "i'll sleep on the floor if i have to." in the end though, Thor went back to his room with the creepy Frost Giant for a nap, because he couldn't stand to see Sif's 'wife' a tiny slip of a man who looked more like a girl than Elizabeth did! apparently he was a 'specialist'. which meant he could make a person scream in agony in only a few moments. he hadn't been needed in over a hundred years, but he stayed in practice in case they needed him again.

Natasha found herself unable to fight Clint anymore. not at all able to turn him away. so desperate to have him, ever since she's nearly lost him during the Loki Incident, she had been completely terrified that she would lose him for good. and she just couldn't handle that. so she let him have her. she let him take what he wanted, and she enjoyed it very, very much. "leave, and i'll cut your balls off." she whispered back as she fumbled with his belt, shoving his pants down, and after that, no words where needed.

Loki chuckled a little, settled in place behind her, and whooped as Sleipner raced off. one would thing that with eight legs, he'd be slow, ungainly, and slightly clumsy at best. but now. he was faster than a car, as graceful as a swan, and about as clumsy as a seasoned Ballet Dancer. Sleipner and Loki both hollered their glee as it raced for a massive gorge, ten feet across, the horse didn't even pause. in a single massive leap, they where on the other side without even a stumble. and then they where in a place that Loki knew no one else knew about. it was a massive cliff, a long thin waterfall tumbling into a small pond at the bottom, with a gaping hole at the very bottom that drained away the leftover water. "this is my sanctuary." Loki explained to her with a smile. "the other Aeser cannot get across the Gorge." he explained. "and Sleipner won't bring them here. i used to hide here, when the others got to be too much to bare."
clint laughed at her demand even as he got her out of her clothes. Spilling them both onto the bed with a graceful fall.and started to give them what they both needed in the form of multiple angles,positions and desires. Quieter then he normally was,and despite the lust filling his eyes his face was serious as he watched her,comitting each moment to a memory that he knew was going to have to last a lifetime. And when they were done he laid there for a few moments before moving to the edge of the bed,sitting there, his whole frame slouched with defeat for a moment before starting to get dressed.

Elizabeth screamed in delighted terror as they jumped over the gorge,her eyes widening as she looked around at the beautiful place.lits so peaceful..."she muttered leaning back into his arms biting her lip a little."loki...hel wants a mother,like to do girl things with...how am I supposed to do that?I didnt know my own,i cant...lshe said the panic of being a stepmother finally hitting her.
Natasha gave her all to the man. she'd never made sounds in bed before, but she couldn't help it now, the moans spilling out of her mouth where embarrassing, but she was too horny, too... content, to care. she'd never realized that sex could feel so good. she lay on the bed, panting and half asleep, delighted by the romp when she realized he was getting dressed... he was LEAVING... icy fear, and shame flooded her and she closed her eyes, swallowing thickly, she pretended not to notice as he left. only once she was sure he was gone, did she curl up onto the bed and begin to sob.

Loki laughed at her delighted fear filled shrieks. "it is." Loki agreed with a smile as Sleipner started to graze on the lush green grass. Loki nuzzling Elizabeth's neck. "hey, hey calm down." Loki ordered softly with a smile. "Hela doesn't want a mother. she'd like one, yes, but she won't MAKE you be one... she wants a girl to hang out with." he explained. "she wants a woman who she can do lady things with. someone to chatter about dresses and boys and complain about her father to." he explained with a smile. "she wants a freind." he promised her. "the Aeser have always hated me... and they hate my children as well." he admitted with a sigh. "no one wants anything to do with them, save Tyr... no female will do anything girly with Hela. so she's excited to finally have a girl she can commiserate with."
elizabeth frowned thoughtfully before nodding."I can do that"she said smiling relaxing back into him as she closed her eyes,content to just be with him.

In the morning elizabeth frowned watching her two friends before leaning towards her mate."...whats wrong with clint?"she muttered looking at the obviously exhausted man who'd looked like he'd met the wrong end of thor's hammer. But the beating clint had taken wasnt a physical one, but a emotional one as he hated himslef for what he'd done, but had been desperate enough to not want to change it.

"morning nat."clint muttered as she joined them at what tony called the avengers table in the great hall, with the avengers plus elizabeth all sitting together. Easily slipping behind the mask of concerned friend just to stop her from seeing hpow heartbroken he was.
Loki watched Clint intently and finally. "...he slept with Nat." he explained softly. "Nat and Clint are both..." he sighed. "regret... i taste so much shame and regret..." he admitted softly. "i think things didn't go as well as we had hoped..." he muttered. "which stinks because we haven't done anything yet... mother wouldn't let me room them together. something about it being 'improper' or something." Loki admitted with a small weak chuckle. it hurt so MUCH to see Clint so heart torn.

"...morning Hawkeye." Natasha stated softly, only half awake. but she always called him Hawkeye, because she didn't like the name 'Clint'. it just didn't seam to suit him, as she'd once told him. the name was entirely improper for him, and she usually only called him Clint when she was angry at him. he had left her last night, she was heart broken, furious, enraged... but not at him, because how could she blame him? she had let it be known from the day they met, twelve years ago, that she only did one night stands. she had been all of fifteen, and had more experience in bed, than Tony did now. not that she'd known any better. "Good morning my freinds!" Thor called in delight. "the Tournament starts today! it's going to start with the sorcery rounds, and then once they fix the arena, it will get down to the physical battles!" Thor explained with a grin. "then it will be a feast and a time for dancing and socializing! it will be much fun!"
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