Loki's Return(The Avengers)-Moon/Lady

Clint snarled at the other man, but didn’t protest the man’s words. “And now I am suffering it again!I could have killed her loki!I would have butchered Natasha and woken up long enough to see what I’d done before eating my gun. I can hear it.Its there still.”He growled

“Hm, but she’s so pretty…I will go…for now.”The voice whispered, making it appear like he’d had a choice in leaving instead of clint forcing him away. Totally not realizing that the other’s had come, or that loki had left the room. Totally focusing on emptying his stomach, even as he muttered the only prayer he knew, the only one he said to a god he didn’t believe in most days, the mutter of Russian saying it had been Natasha who’d first told him the prayer, and he’d never bothered to learn it in English, though he did know what it meant.”You who has given me to fight, protect me, keep me from harm. Grant me the strength in battle, honor in living, and a swift clean death when my time comes. Cover me with your shield, and with my bow may your righteousness be brought to earth, to keep your children safe. Let me be the defender of the weak, protector of innocent, the righter of wrongs. Oh my lord god, do not forsake me as I face evil’s warriors, and guard me as I go forth to fight.”The muttered a slow repetitive, and a prayer he only said when he was desperate, because the master assassin usually felt that he was beyond god’s scope, that he wouldn’t be touched by god’s mercy. But he was desperate and hurting.

Elizabeth looked pained before swallowing hard, “We have to figure out how the tesseract’s doing this to him.”She said before nodding towards Natasha.”She wanted to talk to him. Make sure it’s not you controlling him.”She said wincing a little resting a hand on loki’s arm, needing him to know she didn’t believe that, but could Natasha be really blamed for thinking of it. “We’ll stay right here. And he’s not armed, she can take care of herself.”She said trying to convince loki to let Natasha in, even as she pulled him away from the door so Natasha could walk inside.
Loki shuddered a little. "yes, you could have." he agreed. "but you didn't, you pushed her away just like you wanted to. you kept her safe! don't think i don't know what you where doing, fucking her at night and leaving her in the morning. you wanted her to hate you, so she wouldn't be near you! because you knew, somehow that something was wrong. even affected by the Tesseract you still have some control, USE IT!" he hissed before shuddering a little as the man vomited and he sighed as he looked at Natasha. "no. it's not Loki." she muttered. "Loki would never threaten his mate..." she muttered. "can't we... i don't know. just destroy the tesseract?" "...we don't know how, and even if we did, we don't know what would happen to clint." he admitted softly. "i couldn't keep her out even if i tried." Loki admitted with a sigh. "if he attacks you, i will step in. i won't let him hurt you, neither he, nor i would forgive me if i did." he pointed out even as he opened the door, Natasha slowly entering.

"Clint?" she asked, slowly easing her way into the room. wary, but not really frightened. without weapons, she knew she could kick his ass. she had always been better at hand to hand than him. she settled into place at the doorway, leaning against it, but holding herself ready for an attack as she joined him in the prayer, adding her voice to his, as if trying to lend him the strength to be strong.
Elizabeth relaxed, looking relieved that the woman realized the truth, nodding slightly.”True. She’d just beat you up and go in anyways.”she said amused leaning into her lover a little, shifting to let him have a clear view just in case clint really did lose control. “…we need to find the tesseract. Thor brought it back here, where is it?”Elizabeth said, quietly having a conversation with her mate even as she watched the two in the apartment cell.

CLint tensed at the sound of her voice, his prayer stuttering slightly as he listened to her pray with him, resting his forehead on the toilet edge, shuddering as he slid to lay down on the floor, closing his eyes. Finishing the prayer he shuddered, laying still on the floor, resting his cheek against the tile, feeling the coolness against his skin. “….you shouldn’t be in here, natasha.”he whispered slowly, his voice sounding hoarse and as loud as a shout in the silence, sounding tired and defeated. The man had been broken and remade, emptied out even as he struggled to hold onto the parts of himself, only the deep abiding love he had for Natasha had given him the control to shake the tesseract’s control, and even now he couldn’t admit to it. not when he thought she didn’t want a relationship. Because even if he had been pushing her away for her own protection, he also really did think she didn’t want him for longer, and the scars left by both his actions and hers was going to be hard to work around as she tried to help him get his bearings again
Loki grinned. "exactly, and i have no desire to be beaten up today." he admitted with a smile, trying to hide his deep worry and anxiety. this was SO bad for his baby. "the tesseract is being held in a cave. that is all i know. i am not allowed to know it's location for this specific reason. we could not be sure that it would not reassert control over me. it seams like my magic, and my will is keeping me safe. Clint has neither of these things protecting him."

"i'm not afraid of you right now." Natasha stated simply. "you where always pathetic at hand to hand. i could easily kick your ass." she admitted simply. "Have you ever had someone take your brain and play? Take you out and stuff something else in? You know what it's like to be unmade?" she asked softly, her eyes flicking to his. "because i do. i know how much it hurts. i know how much you blame yourself, but if you don't blame me for Budapest... for the ledgers dripping in red... then how can i blame you for this? Loki claims that you where pushing me away... but for once, i don't want to be pushed." she admitted simply. "my life, has always been bad. you know, you saw me at sixteen, with more life experience than even Tony stark did... i have always hated men... just as i hated my mother. but you are the one man i can't hate, the one man who i might actually... love... and i will not allow you to leave me alone this time."
“Ah, but his love is protecting him. At least as long as he’s being forced to kill Natasha.”Elizabeth muttered, having seen the man, having realized that clint was being pushed in a certain direction, and as long as his will held, he wasn’t going to let anyone take Natasha from him. “You need to rest love. After we get her out of there, I want you to go up to see helblindi, and have him check the baby.”she said worried about him. They both were doing harm to their children, by worrying and being anxious.

Clint rolled to his side, pushing up off the floor slowly, making sure he wasn’t to hurt before snorting a little.”It seems we are destined to keep having this conversation.”He muttered remembering saying those exact words to her the first time she’d rescued him from the tesseract, and that’s exactly what it felt like. Like he was being unmade and redone.”I know you did. I remember. At 19, that is a hard thing to forget.”He said softly, looking away from her, because it still pained him to consider the teenager he’d pulled out of Russia, running to Budapest, and watched that blow up in their faces. No wonder they were so good together, their bond was forged in blood, steel and love.(not that either of them had admitted that part yet)

Moving across the room with that lethal grace he pinned her to the wall, hands caught in his as he looked down at her, hips pressed into hers as he held her, even caught as she was, he knew she would still be perfectly capable of kicking his ass if she wanted him to get away. “And if I want to be left alone?”He muttered looking her over, both fear of hurting her, and fear of being left alone showing in his eyes. For the first time in a long time, his emotions were written on his face.
Loki nodded. "right now, his desire to love Natasha is killing the Tesseracts power... which might also be why it can't affect me. i love three people too much to let it have control." he admitted with a smile. "a young woman, a little girl, and a little boy." he admitted setting a hand on his belly. "you saw Helblindi this morning didn't you?" according to Helblindi, Elizabeth's little boy was handling her stress with aplomb. the little boy wasn't in the least bit affected by her worry and stress. although, she was being put on a strict nutritional diet so that the baby wasn't 'runty' when it was born. "i'll see her as soon as Natasha comes out. i don't want my little girl to be hurt either..." he admitted, rubbing his belly, which had just the faintest curve to it. nothing that someone would notice unless they knew exactly what they where looking for.

"...it seams so." Natasha admitted with a nod. "i also remember, at sixteen, you risking your life to protect mine." she admitted. "had you not disobeyed Fury, i wouldn't be alive... had it not worked out, he would have killed you. we have always been together since then, how could you try to abandon me now?" she demanded. "when i finally need you..." she muttered, gasping as she was pinned to the wall, Loki making a sound outside the door, but not trying to intervene just yet. "you think you can lie to me?" she asked, leaning forward, pain in her eyes. "you want me... you've wanted me for a long time. but i was too afraid to let you have me. i was afraid to be loved, and i was afraid to love." she admitted softly. "i was afraid... but i'm not anymore." she whispered. "i want to be with you... i want to love you... and for once in my life... i want to be loved." she whispered, tears welling in her eyes. "i'm tired of being alone, and i'm tired of being afraid and..." she finally just kissed him.
“Ah, well that makes sense.”Loki said smiling, flushing a little at his words, “I love you to.”She said smiling at him before nodding, “I did. And he’s well, though a little warm and I have to eat different things now, so he wont be on the runt.”She said shrugging a little before looking pleased that it had been that easy to convince him to go, smiling at his motion because her stomach to, had just the faintest curve to it.

Clint winced a little looking around the room, having not realized she knew he’d risked his life by letting her go. He’d assumed she hadn’t known that fury had passed down the command to kill him the moment he set foot on SHIELD property if he’d had her in tow, the fact that he hadn’t been killed, spoke more to his quick talking and bullseye talent then fury’s acceptance. It had taken years before fury had forgiven him for the disobedience. “Because its best for you. Don’t you understand?You saw what I did in that room, black widow!”He said pinning her tighter to the wall, snarling, angry with her for not letting him walk away, only ever calling her black widow when he was pissed. But she was making it hard to do what he needed to do, hard enough that he knew he wasn’t going to be able to walk away. Looking away from her he gave a shuddering breath.

“I did.I don’t any more. Please…”Clint muttered eyes widening as she kissed him before jerking his head back, slamming her into the wall before he stumbled back, the bed hitting in the back of the legs, making him fall back into the bed with a wince, laying there for a moment as he curled up, shuddering. The hawk’s wings were broken.”please Natasha…please just let me pretend I don’t want you anymore…I need you safe…please…”he muttered looking like a overgrown child laying there.
Loki smiled a little as he lifted her hand and kissed the knuckles before sighing a little. "yes, Jotun babies need different nutrients i suppose. i didn't think about it." he admitted with a shake of his head. "should we stop them?"

Natasha smirked a little as he watched him flinch. yes, she knew, and she also knew that he hadn't known she knew. "shouldn't i be able to choose what's best for me?" she asked, watching him intently. in all honesty, she loved the way he pinned her down like this. she had always been highly submissive in bed. loved to be rendered helpless, pinned down, controlled, taken. how messed up was it that she was turned on while int he midst of a very dangerous situation? "yes, i saw. i also saw something you refuse to admit. you held back, you controlled yourself just enough to make sure that she survived, and you seam to misunderstand something." she admitted with a smirk. "i doubt you could ever hurt ME." she grunted as he slammed her into the wall, but she'd been hit harder than that by weaker men, she knew him far too well. "your scared. a pathetic coward." she stated simply. "and lying, you where always a terrible liar." she admitted, simply standing there, staring at him with eyes as hot as fire, and yet as cold as ice. "you are assuming that i am just going to let the Tesseract have you... but i won't. i will fight it with everything i have because i have NOT finally accepted that i love you Clinton Alexander Barton, only to lose you to some glowing blue THING!" she snarled, yanking his hair back so that he was watching her face the entire time she said this. she wouldn't let him look away. "now Eat your fucking diner, stay off that god damn leg and let me save you for once!"
Elizabeth looked into the room for a moment before looking at loki shaking her head. “No. She’s right. He wont hurt her. And even if he tries, she’s stronger at then him at the moment, since he has no weapons.”She muttered frowning a little, worried about her friends before gently nudging them towards the door.”Come on. They’re going to have sex, and I don’t want to witness it.”She muttered, walking out, and even if the sex didn’t happen, this was to much of a private moment to witness.

“Well no, not if your going to be stupid about this.”Clint growled looking annoyed with her before swallowing hard as he laid on the bed. “I lost control Natasha, I gutted her.”He said though it was weak, because he knew that she was right, he’d been in enough control, jada had looked enough like Natasha that he hadn’t been able to throw a killing blow, and with the real Natasha…no she was right, he probably wouldn’t be able to kill her. Yelping as she grabbed his hair he let her pull his head back, his dogtags the only sound in the air as the hit the front of his shirt, clinking against each other as he looked up at her, eyes wide, pain in his eyes because she had a really fucking tight hold on his hair, snarling softly at her demand before sliding off the bed, moving quickly, as quick as only a hawk in a dive could, once again pinning her to the wall, because she might not know that he knew, but he knew she was a submissive, which suited him fine, because he liked being in charge, at least in bed. Any other time, he was willing to listen to her, but no…he was going to be in charge here. His fear for a moment banished by amusement and red hot lust as she held onto his hair even as held her against the wall, “How about I just have you for dinner.”He growled as he dropped to his knees, rough hands tugging down her pants even as he pushed her legs apart, his mouth finding her moist skin as his hands held her hips still as he went to work on her.
he snorted a little. "yeah she's going to fuck him. you know, i feel threatened, i do beleive she has bigger balls than me." he complained with a pout as he took Elizabeth's hand and headed down the hall.

she smirked at him, wickedness dancing in her eyes. "you didn't lose control, you simply had to struggle for it." she stated simply. she thought about commenting on how he probobly liked having her under his complete control, but figured that was a bit too much. she gasped as he snarled, a sound she knew all too well. he made that same sound on missions when she was under straining and wanted to disobey. she'd dreamed of that sound, of him snarling while he pinned her to the ground and had what he wanted of her squirming form, like a wild animal... "fuck!" she gasped as soon as she hit the wall, arching as she released his hair, submitting easily to him, she was too horny otherwise. her hands immidiatly flew back into his hair as his lips met her cunt and she tossed her head back and keened, high on pleasure and submission all she could do was rock her hips, desperate for more.
Elizabeth laughed softly at that, squeezing his hand as they walked, looking amused. “Don’t be. If it was anyone else but clint she wouldn’t be this determined to rescue them. That doesn’t make her braver then you, just crazy in love.”Elizabeth said smiling as she tried to make him feel better. “Helblindi?”She called as she knocked on the frost giant’s door, biting her lip a little, glancing at loki.”after this, we should go see thor. Make sure he knows clint’s…or Natasha I should say…has things under control.”She said with a little giggle.

“I intend to.”Clint snarled at her cussing, smirking against her skin as he shifted his hold, holding her still as he ate her out, smirking against her skin as he listened to her. After driving her to the edge of pleasure, he pulled away before he could shove her into a orgasm, looking up at her with his mouth wet and eyes wide with lust, looking like a assassin’s wet dream as he looked at the woman in front of him, “You have a thing for my hair…I might have to cut it if I don’t want to go bald…”he muttered teasing her as he stroked his hands along the outside of her thighs, dark amusement in his eyes as she shifted back to his heels, for all the world looking like he was content to just sit there forever. Sliding a hand up the back of her leg the only warning she got was laughter filling his eyes as he jerked, tumbling them both to the ground as he pinned her, hands catching hers, pinning them over her head as he settled himself between her legs, still fully dressed and teasingly close. His control all but gone, only not giving into the need to fuck her, because he’d already worked out some of the demanding lust in their one night stands. Now, that she’d admitted to wanting, loving him, he had every intention of making sure she didn’t ever want someone else. “You look lovely under me…”he muttered leaning down, nibbling along her jawline.
he snorted a little. "this is true." he agreed with a chuckle before he sighed a little. "yes, we should tell Thor... maybe it will help him, you know, get over Sif... it's a shame Jane has her own lover, he needs someone to love." Loki muttered as Helblindi opened the door. he was half naked at the moment, dressed only in leather pants and looking sleepy. "oh. Loki, Elizabeth. here for another baby checkup?" he asked with a smile. "i was just taking a nap." he admitted. "come in and lay on the bed." he offered, Loki settling onto the bed as Helblindi carefully settled his hands on Loki's belly, frowning a little. "hmm... she's quite upset." he warned. "i'm going to give you some herbs to make Tea out of. i want you to drink a cup three time a day, it should help keep your stress level's down." he promised. "it will make you kind of... spacey for a while after, but not too bad. just make sure to get plenty of rest during the day and try not to exert yourself physically."

she moaned, shuddering violently as he promised her a good fuck, panting hard as she ground into him. "f..fuck, don't you DARE!" she ordered, gripping his hair tightly. she loved his hair. "why did you Stop!?" she whined once she'd managed to get her brain functioning again. "H..Hawk!" she moaned as she was stroked, arching into his touch. "CLINT!" she gasped, finding herself on her back. "Fuck Hawkeye!" she moaned, arching into him, trying to yank her hands free, a rather pathetic attempt. if she needed to get free, she could, and they both knew it. she'd been held down just like this in training and she's still kicked his ass. instead, she arched, rubbing his cock with her groin, shuddering and shivering. "please... oh god Hawk, please don't tease me you brute!"
“But nothing dangerous?”Elizabeth said looking worried about loki and her daughter before smiling a little. Sitting down on the bed she leaned over and pressed a kiss to his forehead, “I’ll make sure he drinks it. And no more chasing after clint, I think he’s going to be okay for awhile.”She said snickering a little. “We’ll just have to rest and plot to find someone for thor.”She decided smiling, taking the herbs from helblindi as the frost giant handed them over.

Clint yelped as his hair was pulled,”You’re going to pull it out,woman!”He growled whining a little before smirking as she whined about him stopping. Looking amused that she wasn’t trying that hard to get free, even if they both knew that out of the two of them, she was better with hand to hand. While he was over all stronger, and better with a bow, she could wipe the floor with him in 9 out of 10 hand to hand fights. “You should be nicer to me.No need to namecall.”he teased nibbling at her skin, amused that even in the middle of sex, she couldn’t stick with just one name. Smirking as he held her hands in one hand, tugging off the rest of her clothes before undressing himself, also one handed, making sure she stayed pinned under him as his bare skin came into contact with hers. Shivering as he looked down at her once he was named, the only thing left on was his dogtags, swinging a little between them as he held himself up on his hands, studying the woman under him.

Growling as he reached down, cupping the back of her thigh in his hand he wrapped her leg around his waist, tugging her hips up a little as he drove into her, freezing as he got used to the feel of her body around his cock, groaning softly as his eyes fluttered shut, his head dropping a little as he just enjoyed the sensation.
Helblindi smiled. "no, nothing dangerous, she's just upset because her 'mommy' is upset OW!..." Loki smacked the back of Helblindi's head for the 'mommy' comment. "yes, he'll be alright for a while." Loki agreed with a sigh. "i'm not much for tea, but i'll drink it." "you can sweeten it with honey or sugar. it won't affect the tea." he promised with a shake of his head as he handed over a box of loose tea leaves, lightly shredded and smelling faintly like... pot.

Natasha couldn't help it, she started to laugh, because it was the same thing he used to say when she was kicking his ass all over the training mats and had a hold of his hair. "god, i'll be nice to you when you stop teasing me!" she hissed, writhing underneath him. feeling so delightfully out of control, feeling so wonderfully helpless. "oh god! more..." she moaned as he nibbled on her, wanting to help them get naked, but her hands where well pinned down. she panted at him, loving the feeling of the dog tags sliding against her skin. she cried out as he finally slid home and she arched, clenching tightly around him, shuddering and trembling because it just felt so damn GOOD! "d..don't stop! Hawk, don't stop, PLEASE."
“Good.”Elizabeth said smiling a little, giggling slightly as helblindi was smacked before looking pleased that her mate was going to be fine, running her fingers through his hair, looking at the box. Smirking a little as she smelled the leaves before looking at loki.”Come on. Time to go rest.”She muttered poking his shoulder in amusement.

Clint looked up at her, amusement showing in his eyes as he watched her writhe under him, “hmm not yet.I’m enjoying you not being in charge.”He teased looking amused as he thrust into her, holding still as he slid home, just because she told him to move. Leaning down he swirled his tongue around her nipple, drawing it into his mouth, biting down as he thrust into her, mingling pain and pleasure as he fucked her hard enough that he was pretty sure the stone floor was going to leave a imprint on her ass and his knees. Raising his head to look down at her he moved in her, eyes fluttering a little as he came, clinging to her, holding her against him, clinging to her like he thought she was going to disappear in his arms.
Loki chuckled a little and settled his hand into hers and let her tug him off. he didn't know what 'pot' was so he wasn't all that concerned, or aware of the box of loose tea in Elizabeth's hands. but pot had been well known to help with pain, stress, and even seizures. was it so surprising that Frost Giants would have a similar plant? "well, let's have a cup of Tea then." Loki decided. "it's noon after all." he admitted with a shake of his head. "he did say three times a day right?" he asked, his head tilted.

she whimpered, wrapping her legs tighter, trying to MAKE him... but it didn't work, just as she knew it wouldn't. because he was stronger than her, bigger than her, and she loved it. "nnn... nn fuck! oh please!" she gasped, submitting to him in all ways, because he was the one she wanted. he was the one she loved, he deserved her subservience. "God yes! Hawk!!!" she gasped as he sucked on her breast, arching into him, yanking on her hands, wanting to bury them in his soft soft hair and YANK for teasing her. she could do nothing but moan, and scream, and gasp as she came harder than she'd ever cum in her entire life. and she clung just as desperately to him, burying her face in his chest. "please don't leave me..." the sound of a frightened, broken little girl with a past too hard, clinging to the only person she had trust in.
Elizqbeth noded looking worried about him leaning over to kiss his cheek."he did,nd we can go make some now. We'll go talk to thor while we have tea. Hes less liable to yell at us ig we're doing things to relieve stress."she mused

Clint groaned as he let go of her hands slouching down onto her, reating his head on her breast as he panted and tried to recover. Tightening his grip around her he considered leaving,then realized that it was already to late to try. She'd claimed him as hers,and he was incapable of walking away even if he thought it was for the best."I hope you don't regret asking me to stay.."he muttered pressing a kiss to her breast giving her his own childlike broken smile ad he wrnt to his knees and pulled out of her,only moving far enough away to get them both into the bed,laying down next to her he epullowed his head on her chest going quiet as nightmarish visions chased each other in his head. She'd managed to push them away for a moment but the guilt ridden assasin was being plagued for the crimes he commited against the innocent. He never regretted the lives he took of the guilty or others,but like natasha, he was haunted by his ledger full of innocent blood."you won't leave me either?"he muttered for once as desperate as her for the reassurance that his partner and lover wasn't going anywhere
Much to Thor's amusement, the Tea really did 'mellow' Loki out. after a full cup of the rather sweet tea, he sort of just sat in his chair and smiled while he stared at nothing. Helblindi assured Elizabeth that was supposed to happen, and she could get his attention easily enough if she wanted or needed it. the tea basically just set off his pleasure receptors, and turned off the parts that caused anxiety. he was just really really happy. it would only last an hour or two and he'd be back to normal, just a little more stress free and chipper. "Loki? are you alright?" Thor asked, glancing at Elizabeth as Loki's grin widened. "i'm great... everything is great. the ceiling is really pretty did you know? yeah really pretty..." "...Elizabeth is he alright?" "i'm great." Loki sighed happily.

she snorted a little. "i will never regret." she whispered softly. "not this anyway." she admitted softly as she clung to him, her legs too weak to support herself. "i won't leave." she promised softly before glancing at the clock. "well, i might in an hour to get us food." she admitted. "now shut up and go to sleep." she ordered, snuggling into him, all too ready for a nice nap.
Elizabeth grinned looking at her mate then thor."hes fine. Helblindi gave him a tea to help with the stress and its made him a little loopy."she said smiling at her brother in law trying to decide how to bring up what she wanted to talk about before deciding to follow his lead,nd be blunt. Thor was many things,but su tle wasn't one of them"how are you doing?"she said concern in her dark eyes.

Clint smiled."so bossy.."he muttered even as he dropped off to sleep. When he woke he gasped at finding himself alone,his mind scrambling to find her even as he frantically searched the room,thinking he might have dreamed it all,pusging up out of bed and heading foe the door before he remembered he was a prjsoner and couldn't go out. Paysing there in front of the door he tried to figure his next move before jerking back as natsha neqrly beamed him in the face with the door on her way back in."bloody fuck!"he snarled at her as he scrambled back a few steps,his relief at remembering she'd said she'd go get food visble on his face despite the angry words."you should have woken me."he sulked not realizing she'd tried only to find him for probably the first time in his life,so dead tired and overanxious that his training hadn't lkick started him awake when she'd tried to tell him she was leaving for a few minutes
Thor blinked a little. "well... as long as it's helping." Thor muttered as he examined Loki who giggled faintly before continuing to stare at the ceiling with a look of almost reverence. "i'm frustrated." Thor admitted, running a hand through his hair. "my brother is being driven mad by a thing that by all rights, shouldn't even exist." he pointed out. "not to mention my other brother is so distraught about it, he has to take drugs so he doesn't hurt his baby. i can't find any way the Tesseract could be affecting Clint. nor can i see a way to destroy the blasted thing."

she blinked at him as he cursed, holding massive tray of food. "...Clint, i DID tell you." she complained, scowling at him. "don't yell at me, i'll kick your ass and then eat your share of the food." she warned as she moved into the room. "go take a shower, you stink." she ordered as she started setting up their coffee... or rather, the asgardian equivalent. only once he was cleaned and dressed did she let him eat. "you know, this asgardian meal is pretty darn good." she admitted with a grin. "i've never had boar before, it's amazing. and their vegetables are really weird."
Elizabeth sighed looking at her mate before sighing as she looked at thor. “I don’t know how to help with that Thor. If we do manage to destroy it, we might destroy clint to.”she pointed out before sighing softly, looking worried.”Not to mention the woman you love is getting married. You’re just not having a good week.”She said having every intention of getting him distracted for a few minutes from the real problem, because they all needed a few moments of rest.

Clint bit his lip not about to mention that he’d thought he’d dreamed it all. Blushing slightly at her order, both at his mistake and that he stank, sulking as he headed to get a shower. Smiling a little as he walked back into the room, he rubbed a towel over his head, drying his hair before sitting down to start to eat, looking at ease half dressed and just wearing a pair of cargo jeans. “…If you’re trying to subtly tell me you want me to hunt boar when we get home, I must decline. There’s better ways to kill myself then hunting a pig.”He said smiling a little, for the moment not worried about anything, just wanting to relax...and maybe see how insane it was going to drive her to have him in the room half dressed.
Thor sighed a little and nodded. "i know. and i hate that. there's nothing at all that i can do here... i can't help him and that... it upset's me in ways i never realized i could be upset." he admitted with a shake of his head before he groaned and hid his head in his hands. "can i have some of that tea?" Thor asked hopefully. Loki hadn't stopped smiling yet and Thor just wanted to feel happy for a while... but he couldn't, he had a people to lead... he was the King and he had to protect them.

Natasha just smirked at his petulance and hummed as she watched him come back out, her eyes gleaming as she licked her lips. "oh hunting wild Hog isn't THAT bad!" she complained with a roll of her eyes. "at least, not for people like us... oh! i almost forgot..." she leaned forward, looking all playful. "Loki's stoned." she whispered, clearly fighting back laughter. "Helblindi was worried about the baby so he gave Loki these little tea leaves, and i'm pretty sure it's pot! when i was gathering breakfast... lunch i mean, he was just staring at the ceiling with a wicked grin on his face, when i asked him if he was ok, he started going on about how he was great, and about how the colors smelled amazing!"
“You are a good friend thor.”Elizabeth said smiling a little looking at him before sighing, moving over to sit next to him, and wrapping her arms around him,”It’ll be okay. We’re here for you.”She muttered resting her head against his before nodding. “of course.”She said smirking a little, she was going to enjoy watching these two get stoned. Standing she got him a small glass of the tea before handing it to him.”here.”

Clint smiled looking amused. “Yes it is. Its cheating if you use a gun, and the damned things are to big to down with a simple arrow on the first shot.”he said sulking a little before eyes widening, staring at the other. “No…I mean, surely Elizabeth wouldn’t let him get stoned…”he said stuttering a little because surely the man hadn’t gotten stoned before starting to laugh, for a moment his worry forgotten. “oh man, I wish I could see that.”he snickered shaking his head before sighing, running his fingers through his hair making the wet strands stick up every which way, just because he knew she had a obsession with his hair.
Thor snorted a little. "i've learned a lot by living with the humans." he admitted with a smile. "and the Avengers have shown me a lot as well." he admitted happily, leaning into the hug, grateful for the comfort before he studied the tea. "i can't have much, i still have people to take care of." but he drank enough to get pleasantly buzzed, kissed both brother and sister on the forehead and ambled back out to deal with more things, only he looked a lot better now. "Elizabeth!" Loki hissed, glancing at her with a grin. "liz... you have a really nice ass." he informed her. "i wanna spank it."

she snorted a little. "everyone uses a gun when they go pig hunting." she pointed out with a chuckle. "and from what i saw, Elizabeth was highly amused."Natasha admitted with a grin. "i took video!" she admitted, pulling out her phone and showing him the video of a happily grinning Loki informing the world that he loved elizabeth, that the colors smelled amazing, that the table was going to walk away if they didn't restrain it, and that the tea he was drinking was just awesome. it was entirely too amusing. and Natasha didn't pay a single bit of attention because she was too busy licking her lips at the sight of his hair.
Elizabeth smiled watching him sip the tea. “you wont do any of them good, if you don’t take care of yourself. Take a few hours kust to yourself.”She said looking amused as she watched him go before turning to stare at her mate as he hissed at her, raising her eyebrows. “….you are very odd loki. Whyever do you want to?”She said looking amused at the stoned man, wondering just what he was thinking about.

“Doesn’t mean its fair to do so.”Clint said making a face before shrugging a little before snickering as he leaned over to watch the video, “Oh, you’re going to have to keep this. I could imagine he’d like to keep others from seeing this. Perfect blackmail material.”Clint decided amused as he watched the video, pretending to not notice that the sight of his wet and slightly curling spikey hair was fascinating to his lover. “Wish there was something Icould do in here…”he said sounding vaguely frustrated because the man hated not being able to help figure out what to do next.
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