Loki's Return(The Avengers)-Moon/Lady

elizabeth looked startled at her mate before frowning looking sad."...he gave in before she agreed to more then one night stands...he's heartbroken.."she muttered sounding sad for their friend before sighing quietly.

Clint relaxed slightly at the familiar name, having expected to be called clint. Offering her a small smiile he nearly jumped out of his skin when thor appear, looking away from the man.knowing if anyone would figure out what he'd done.it would be the man who counseled him to figure something out between him and natasha,not realizing elizabeth and loki already had.

"for a man not competeing,youre awfully excited."sif teased thor as she neared them,concern flickeirng over her face as she looked at her friend, having notcied he'd avoided her for most of the evening.
Loki sighed a little. "and so is she, because she finally gave in... was ready to give him more, and he left her." Loki stated softly. "i'm sure things will work out once the pain eases..." he muttered. "even if we have to lock them in a room together." he mused with a smile as he kissed her and then helped himself to the delicious food laid out. "Of COURSE i am Excited! they have Guttersnipe this time!" he stated, clapping his hands before he sulked. "mother would not let me participate!" he complained, Loki snorting. "of course not Thor! no one has a chance against you! it's the same reason i'm not allowed to compete. it just wouldn't be fair to the other contestants." he stated with a roll of his eyes. well aware of how forced Thor was being as soon as Sif walked into the room. Thor was even looking strained, as if it was taking every bit of effort not to flee the room.
sif looked amused but it to was forced,sensing that her friend was upset but not sure why.her heart hurting at the idea that she could lose him she sighed quietly."you'll just have to watch and make sure they're doing it right."she said smiling at the thunder god.
"she's been as forced as him...what is with everyone..."elizabeth muttered watching sif and thor before looking at loki."maybe we should lock clint and sif,and thor and nat in a room with each other so they can help figure out their emotional problems."
Thor had to huff at that and he sulked. "they never do it right..." he complained and Loki sighed as he looked down at Elizabeth. "Thor is upset because Sif is getting married." he explained in hushed undertones, so that only she could hear him. "he's loved her since he met her five hundred years ago, but he never pursued her because he knows it would never work. he's trying to distance himself from the pain, which means avoiding Sif, which is upsetting her because she doesn't know why Thor is avoiding her." he explained. "locking them into a room would not end well." "Elizabeth!" Hela called happily as she bounded into the room, skipping over to the group before gasping in delight at the sight of Natasha. "it's another girl!" Loki had to snort at that and he smirked at Hela. "you need help picking out a dress, don't you?" "no! i know the PERFECT dress! but knowing YOU, father, Elizabeth doesn't have anything pretty to wear, so i thought i might offer her something of mine." she explained, glancing at Natasha. "do you have a dress?" "i don't do dresses." Natasha stated with a faint look of horror. "oh... well i have some pantsuits that would look very nice with you're pretty hair." Hela admitted, reaching over to examine her hair. "yes. i have a outfit you would look simply wonderful in!" "...i'm not getting out of this, am i?" Natasha asked rather weakly and Hela smirked. "no, no you're not. come along!" she ordered, dragging a protesting Natasha out of her chair. "come on Elizabeth! i have the PERFECT idea for your hair!" she admitted, beaming at her father's mate. "you're going to look so gorgeous, you make people stop breathing!"
elizabeth laughed at hela's obvious excitement before smiling a little."no, i dont have anything nice enough to wear to a party."she said having been nervous about that before laughing harder at natasha'4 reaction,amusement flashing through her eyes and pain as she watched the way clint watched natasha as they were dragged out.

When they were done she slipped a arm through hela's as they walked towards the hall to meet up with loki and the others for the celebration,looking down at the dress hela had chosen. She had to agree it was beautiful and she hoped loki agreed."do you think loki will like it?"she smiled as they stepping into the courtyard,glancing at natasha,though her face was calm curiousity shown in her eyes as she watched clint approach them.

"natasha,you look lovely."clint said only the slightly of accents to his words, the only sign he ever gave that he was well past drunk, hell it didnt even affect his ability to shoot straight, all it did was change his voice. And he only drank when he was torn up about something. Holding out a arm towards her,he smiled slightly."shall I escort you to dinner, lady?"he teased her slightly, and this cloose you could tell he'd been drinking alot of asgardian ale. Coolly formal and reserved,as if not even 12 hours earlier he hadnt had her screaming in pleasure.
Hela grinned at Elizabeth and the beautiful ballroom dress, it wasn't puffy or poofy or anything, it was streamlined, hugged the best places, and glittered naturally, as if the dress was made from spun crystal... which, according to her, it was. "no, i don't think Loki would like it much. it's SO not his color." Hela stated simply. "he looks better in off greens and blues." she grinned at Elizabeth and winked to show she was kidding about Loki crossdressing. "look there and i think you'll see just how much my father loves your dress." Loki was standing at the other end of the hall, but he was staring at them with two champagne glasses full of something that had a faint purple tint to it. he was simply standing there, staring at her, as if trying to devour her with his eyes.

"...Clint?" Natasha asked, looking startled. she was wearing spun spider silk apparently. it was softer than regular silk and shone int he light as if it was metal. she looked beautiful in it, and best of all it his her weapons perfectly. "are you drunk?" Natasha asked, staring at him in stunned horror. it was rare that she saw him drunk, in fact the last time he'd seen him drunk was after Budapest, when they'd failed to save over fifty children from a terrorist attack. "this is just a light brunch." she corrected. "it's to hold our appatites during the tournament." she admitted with a smile. "apparently there are different 'challenges' for the various competitors. like the sorcery, they have Aeser on Aeser competitions to see who is the best fighter, but there's also those that fight various creatures to show off their various localized skills. it should be interesting. then after the tournament is the dinner." she'd been talking to Frigga apparently.
elizabeth smiled a little as she looked at hela,laughing in delight.lhm, we could get it for him in green. He'd look lovely."she decided flushing as she looked up at her mate,fiddling with her dress before walking over,spinning to let him see.lwell?what do you think?"she asked blushing under his scunity.

Clint flinched at the sound of his name tilting his head towards her as they walked."just a bit.thor needed a drinking partner."he said not admitting that it had been thor joing him in drinking, and not him joining thor. He'd already been well on his way to drink before the asgardian had shown up. Smiling at her decription of what to expect he smiled pleased."well, they wont have the best archer here,biut it'll be interesting to see how it goes."he said smiling at her, as quietly formal as he'd been when they'd first met.
Loki was staring at her still. "you're just gorgeous." he breathed, stroking the mass of braids that Hela had twisted into beautiful designs. "Hela must have had fun." he mused with a grin. "she used to do this to my hair." he admitted with a nod. "Thor used to laugh his ass off when i'd show up two hours late for a meeting with designs braided into my hair." he admitted with a grin as he leaned down and kissed her. "you're simply breathtaking."

Natasha sighed a little and rolled her eyes. "for goodness sake Hawkeye!" she chastised. "you should know better, Asgardian ale is supposed to be three times as strong as the earth stuff!" she pointed out. "i'm shocked you can even stand." she complained. "you'd better sit down before you fall down... and no more drinking tonight!" she ordered, sounding amused. "i'll go get you something to eat. maybe that will sober you up a little bit." she muttered as she walked off to get him some food, mistaking his attitude for drunkenness. even as she forced herself not to feel anymore heartbroken than she already did.
elizabeth smiled blushing as she looked at her lover."she did. She also tried to convice natasha she needed a dress and braids,but I stopped her. I figured clint had enough to worry about with natasha in a dress..."she muttered giggling at the idea of loki in braids."thats cute."4he teased before frowning as she watched clint make his careful way to one of the tables to sit and watch the fesititives."...is he drunk!"she asked for the first time sounding truly worried about the man'4 state of mind.

Clint winced."it wasnt that bad.I'm not that drink,"he muttered watching her go amd by the time she got back with his food though clint had been pounced on by the one asgardian he hhhad hoped natasha wouldnt meet, jada, the only woman he'd slept with since he'd met natasha,and the two looked enough alike to be mistaken for sisters."you should go jada..."he said looking anxiously about him, more then anything wanting the greedy woman away from him,violently flinching as she touched his arm,but drunk enough he didnt trust himself not to kill her if he respondedm" but i still want you clint..." "jada..."clint muttered sounding lost and world weary. No matter what he told himself he knew there was nothing there now for him and natasha...maybe he should just accept it and move on? "natasha,thanks."he said smiling as he took the plate of food from here.
Loki snickered a little. "i'm frankly amazed she got Natasha into a dress at all." Loki admitted as he handed Elizabeth the flute of clear, yet slightly purple liquid. "it's non alcoholic." he reassured her. "it's the oil that we press out of Jovus Beans." he admitted with a smile. "the oil sours the fermentation process, but alone, it's very sweet and refreshing." he admitted, taking a small sip. it was like taking a drink from a clear, ice cold spring, with the faintest taste of honey on the aftertaste. "...i do beleive he is." Loki admitted with a sigh. "excuse me a moment." he muttered, setting his glace down and motioning for Thor, who came to stand with Elizabeth as Loki made his way over to Clint and the harlot that was Jada.

"you are that drunk." Natasha corrected. "or i wouldn't have to steady you as you walk. what would you do if we where attacked?... are you even wearing a gun right now?" she demanded, her eyes narrowed. "because i know you're not wearing your bow." she rolled her eyes and stalked off before she started yelling at him. before Natasha came back, Loki was there and he had Jada's wrist in an iron tight grip, dragging her away before Natasha saw her. "you're welcome... whose that Loki's hissing at?" she asked, blinking at her look alike. "...well that's a little creepy." she admitted, wrinkling her nose. weirded out by the fact that she had a doppelganger, but unaware of the woman's connection to Clint. Loki sent Jada off after a severe tongue lashing about taking advantage of heart sick humans, and warning her that if he saw her near Clint again, he'd make sure she spent the next year with his daughter. "Hawkeye, you have to try this." Natasha ordered, pushing the flute of purple stuff over to him, it's amazing, and they have these fruit..." she picked one up. it was fuzzy like a Kiwi, but when she peeled it off, it looked more like a white orange. "it tastes kind of like someone mixed a coconut and an apple."
cliint looked at natasha with a annoyed look."of course I'm wearing a gun."he said annoyed that she'd even consider gling unarmed somewhere that wasn't his apartment. Watching her leave he turned his attenton to loki as the man dealt with jada looking relieved and a little guilty as he studied the god of mischief, huffing out a breath. If loki hadnt known about jada before, he did now and he didnt think loki would just leave it alone. Glancing up when natasha returned he laughed quietly as he took the flute,eyes widening in surprise at the taste,both of the fruit and drink."we should go find our seats,make sure we get good ones."he said really just wanting to get away from jada. Despite loki warning her off he didnt think the greedy possessive harlot would let go that easily.

"this is amazing loki.lelizabeth said smiling as she sipped the purple drink looking up at brothers, a worried frown on her face."you two should talk to clint. I think he needs someone."she advised looking at the man as he leaned against natasha a little as they went to find seats for the entertainment,not sure if he was indeed that drunk-1hich was even more worrying_ or just using it as a excuse to touch natasha more then usual.
Loki made sure that Jada understood, or at least promise him that she understood before sending her off with a promise that if she went anywhere near Clint for the next several days, Loki would rip her apart. he knew it wouldn't keep her at bay for long, she was a greedy bitch, and Clint was heart sick and easy prey to be taken advantage of. humans where the new 'fad' and Jada was always at the height of fashion. "yes, let's go get some seats. we're sitting with Thor right?" she asked. "i want him to explain the creatures these people are fighting."

Thor smiled. "i will speak to Clint." Thor promised with a smile. "loki is many things, but comforting is not one of them." Thor admitted with a small snicker as Loki stalked after one of the Jotun who was there, curious about them, even as he was cautious about them. he wasn't sure if he could trust them, they freaked him out a little too. he spoke to one, looking about ready to flee at any moment, but when the blue skinned shrunken down Frost giant stammered, stuttered and spilled his plate of food all over the floor to bow to Loki, Loki looked a great deal less wary about his new subjects. "my brother is most amusing." Thor admitted with a grin. "he finally has what he's always wanted, and he's too scared to take it." he mused, handing her a small plate of food as they all started out to the seating. it was half the size of a football field, in the shape of an oval, and there where already massive Guttersnipe that looked like massive midgaurdian komodo dragon with massive antlers and tusks that they where already using to dig massive ruts into the arena, looking for food.
rlizabeth sighed softly before giggling.'no. Even when he tries,he's not very good at it,"elizabeth said teasing her mate as she watched him walk away,giggling at thor's words."he'll adjust soon enough and we'lll forget he was ever nervous about it."she snickered watching from thor's side because she knew loki was nervoius enough without having his mate near people he didnt know. Resting a hand come thor"s arm she walked with him towards their seats settling down. Looking amused as clint and natasha settled in the row in front of them.

Clint'4 eyes widened at the sight of the lizards, giving natasha a amused smile before twisting in his chair to look at thor."is it just asgardian'4 allowed to compete?i want to slay a dragon. I bet i could."he said heartsick and drunk enough to bring the sucidial tendancies of his youth towards the surface. While he wouldnt actively try, he was heartsick enough to be more reckless then he usually was.
Guttersnipe, lol

Thor grinned a little and nodded. "it's not really his fault. he was always expected to be as cold and emotionally detached as possible. being hated by most of the Aeser certainly didn't help." Thor admitted with a shrug. "i only wish Father hadn't killed himself, i might have done it for him." he admitted, severely angry at the actions his father had taken. "Clint." Thor stated, staring at the assassin. "those beasts down there are impervious to mortal weapons." "...are you sure about that?" "of course. after i found out about Guns i was curious." Thor admitted with a shrug. "i borrowed one of Tony Starks more impressive weapons, brought it here and tried to shoot a Guttersnipe... it didn't work. all it did was piss the little beasties off." Natasha looked suitably impressed. "ah, Loki there you are." Thor stated with a smile as Loki sat next to Elizabeth. "i was speaking tot he Jotun. i couldn't contain my curiosity anymore." he admitted with a sheepish smile. "they aren't so bad i suppose." he mused with a shake of his head. "ah, they're doing the Guttersnipe first." he muttered. "very interesting. i hope we see some new spellwork. last time was infernally boring." Thor laughed. "you only say that because they all used the same spells!" "well, everyone knows that ice and cold make a guttersnipe hibernate. this is a battle of skills, not a battle of who can make the guttersnipe sleep the fastest." loki grumbled before he smiled at Elizabeth. "Aeser are not known for their intelligence unfortunately, nor their originality."
clint sulked a little at that.lthats not fair. I want to slay a dragon."he muttered smiling a little before laughing softly as he looked at natasha.lyou're going to have to go hunting with me when we get home toi make up fir it." tony snorted a little as he leaned forward to look at the assassin.lits not fair to let you go hunting. You hit everything you aim for." "not everything,but close."the sadness that flickered through his eyes said it wasnt animal hunting he was talking about, even if it didnt show on his face. Leaning back in his seat he reached around natasha to snag the protesting billionaire's beer, sipping it as he blanantly ignored natasha's order to not drink more.

Elizabeth smiled slightly at loki's words leaning in to kiss his cheek."does this mean I get to meet them?"she said having been avoiding the jotun because she knew it made loki nervous to have them near her. Laughing at loki's disappointment she patted his hand."I'm sure they'll do go-oh!"she gasped as the fighting started eyes widening as she watched the battles,ignoring clint's pointers from the seat in front of them.despite not being a magic user, the man knew something about hunting, even if his usual prey was the scum of humanity and not gunterstripe
Thor chuckled a little. "i'll make sure to have one for you before we leave." he promised both Clint and Natasha. "they aren't hard to catch, they are incredibly stupid." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you can try to defeat one all you want then." Thor promised with a small chuckle. Thor gently reached over and squeezed Clint's shoulder, offering him comfort at his heartbreak and Loki hesitated. "...maybe. we'll see... after the babies are born." he decided. "i don't want them near my unborn offspring." he decided with a nod, watching Clint steal Tony's beer... or the Asgardian equivalent anyway, and before Clint could take a swallow, he reached out and plucked the cup from the man's hand and drained it empty with a well placed spell. Clint was drunk enough as it was. Loki leaned forward as it started and ran a running commentary on who was who, and what they where doing. one of them actually did something original, and drowned the giant lizard in quicksand, most of the others did various ice, snow, or cold air spells to defeat their lizards. as Loki expected, the one who had used the quicksand won, for 'his cleverness'. then it was a tournament, one on one in advancing rounds. this was much more exciting as the sorcerers set each other on fire, turned each other into animals, and blasted at each other with various elemental skills. after that it was a 'talent show' for lack for a better word, where they showed off newly developed spells. that done, everyone stood up for a stretch and to go back to enjoy some more drink and finger food before the physical tournament began.
clint frowned as his beer was stolen looking annoyed but quickly lost interest in the alcohol as he watched the fighting. Shifting a little in his seat as his body responded to the fact that natasha was sitting next to him...and that she was in a dress.

By the time half time started the man was mostly sober,but reckless enough still to do what he did next. Wearing his usual cargo pants and t-shirt, it was obvious he wasnt as armed as he normally was, but wearing the simple fighting knives under his shirt. Looking down at the woman he was walking with into the courtyard he looked around before drawing her into one of the shaded side courtyards, having every intention of turning a one night stand into a one day stand. She was to deep under his skin to be just satifisted with just this, but needing to see her in pleasure by the light of day before he let her go. And drunk enough he thought he could get away with it. Lowering his head to hers he kissed her slowly before lifting his head,eyes dark with lust."you should wear dresses more.this one suits you."he teased.

Elizabeth frowned a little as she walked with loki,tilting her head slightly."...he's making it worse...he'll say something that it'll be obvious he wants a one night stand...even if thats not what he wants."she sighed softly knowing clint was being cruel in his treatment of him and natasha's sex life in a effort to protect himself.
Natasha gasped as she was pulled into a dark alcove and she nearly drew her gun and shot the idiot. "Clint!" she hissed furiously. "you scared the shit out of me, i almost shot yo... mmm." she was silenced by the kiss and she blushed bright red and looked away from him. "you don't mean that." she complained softly. "i look awful in dresses..." she muttered, as always, shy whenever someone honestly complimented her.

Loki sighed. "he is making it worse... i don't know what to do about it either..." he admitted softly, worried about his brother. "Thor will talk to him, i'm sure he will... i can only hope that Clint doesn't make things too much worse..."
clint laughed softly as she went for a gun, feeling reckless enough to not care he'd almost gotten shot."good thing you didnt cause who'd you get to do this..."he smirked a little as he sank to his knees, resting his forehead against her stomach as he slid a hand h
under her skirt,calloused fingers teasing her skin."you do, you know me. I wouldnt compliment you if I didnt think it was true." he muttered closing his eyes,tormenting himself by not letting himself watch her face as he slid his fingers into her. Knowing he'd never get more then now, but he'd make sure everyone who came after was compared to him.

Elizabeth nodded a little looking up at him."thor will."she agreed before sighing looking up at him."are you sure you're okay?"she muttered worried about him to
she rolled her eyes at his blatant disregard for safety before she gasped as he molested her in public. she had to bite her hand to keep from crying out, and she only lasted minutes under his skill. "Hawkeye if you're not in my room tonight, i will gut you." she hissed before fleeing, red faced and rather mortified by how much she WANTED him!

"yes, i'm fine." Loki promised with a smile. i'm just worried... Clint, he's not handling this well, and neither is Natasha... she's so frightened Elizabeth... i'm not sure what she's afraid of, but she is! she's completely terrified." Loki admitted with a sigh. "i don't know how to help either of them and it makes me feel TERRIBLE!"
elizabeth smiled a little sadly sighing a little."well,its not clint. He'd kill himself if he thought she was afraid of him frowning a little."we'll see. We'll talk to them."she said sighing as they settled into watching the rest of the tourament,also trying to figure out to help thor to.

Later that night clint smirked a little as he slipped into natasha's room, careful to stay mostly in shadow so she couldnt see just how much this was killing him. He wanted her, but he also knew this was it, all he'd ever have was sex, even if they had sex more then a few times, he just knew that she'd never let him closer."nat?"he muttered as he stepped inside
Loki hesitated and then. "it could be that she is afraid of Clint... or rather, what she feels for him." Loki admitted softly. "there's really no real way to tell unless she says... but it's a theory at least."

Nat stiffened when he walked into the room, and she was glad it was dark so that he couldn't tell that she had been crying. "Hawkeye." she muttered softly, turning in her bed, letting the sheets slip down to reveal that she was completely nude. he had already been given more than any other man had in her entire life. a second lay. if this was all she could have of him, then so be it.

in the morning, he was gone again, and Natasha wanted to go home... she didn't like Asgard so much anymore.she wanted to go back to her comfort zone, her nice emotionless mask in place as she went to work for Fury and did what she knew how to do. this playing with emotions was something she'd never thought Clint cruel enough to do... but that's what was happening. and Natassha was resisting the urge to carve out her own heart and stab it, if only to make the pain stop.
clint frowned over three edge of his ale glass tugging it closer as he saw thor sitting down across from him.lgo away."he grumbled sounding more heartbroken then angry. Figuring the man was here to try and stop him,and the insistant headache he had said he probably should listen, but knowing natasha didnt want him anymore was destroying him quicker then the almost awareness he had of orders to kill her.....he wasnt playing with her emotions on purpose,he was just trying to give her what he thought she wanted even if it was detroying him."though if you're here to join me in drinking,come right ahead."

"natasha?will you walk with me?loki said I needed a guard to go to the gardens,but he'4 busy this morning."elizabeth said as she knocked on the woman'4 door afraid for both her friends. Because could see how his treatment of her was affecting natasha, and how much doing it was destroying the man natasha loved. If they couldnt stop him soon she was truly afraid the man would do something rash,and permanant...like drinking when he knew he had a drinking problem. Which was why he so rarely did it. Bwcause it had taken him years to climb out of a bottle, and she didnt think even natasha knew the man was a alcoholic, she only knew because loki did.
Thor sighed as he sat in front of Clint. "you are hurting yourself Clint... and you are hurting Natasha." Thor accused gently, chastising the drunken man. "give me that." Thor ordered, swiping Clint's beer. "you're going to kill your spleen." he meant liver of course, but Thor wasn't known for his smarts after all. "Clint you can't do this to yourself." Thor complained, setting his hand on the others shoulder. "we might not be connected like you and Loki are, but you are still my brother too." Thor promised. "and your brothers are very worried about you."

Natasha smiled weakly and nodded. "of course... he's talking tot eh blue people again?" indeed he was. Helblindi had shown up to chastise one of the frost giants for getting too drunk and destroying his room and Loki had decided to finally sit down and talk to the people he was apparently ruling. "i'm going back home today." Natasha admitted suddenly. "i don't much like Asgard, there's too many strangers who i don't think i could kill if they sufficiently annoy me." she admitted with a shake of her head. "and there's some things i need to take care of back home." she admitted. "the Gatekeeper assured me that i didn't need a God to come to and from, so if i get lonely i can always come back."
clint looked strivken,not at the idea he was hurting himself,after all that was his intent, but that he was hurting natasha. Not even protesting as thor took his drink he gave the man a weak smile but didnt bother correcting his mistake. Clint knew what he meant.flagging down the bartender to get a glass of water he was quiet for a few long moments as he sipped the water before sighing,"you know,it took me two years to climb out of the bottle when I was 19. Never thought I'd find something to break my resolve not drink again."he muttered rubbing a hand over his face,knowing he'd need help,natasha's help but not wanting to tell her just how very fucked up he'5 been before he met her. But he could do it...maybe he could live with that, friends but never anything more. Maybe.

Elizabeth smiled at the woman before nodding.lhe is. And since I'm pregnant he doesnt want me anywhere near them, the overprotective brute."she complianed before looking startled at the annoucement before nodding."if thats what you need to do..."she said biting her lip thinjking before turning to face the other woman as they reached the gardens."true. They are a hard bunch to kill...but the one who's really annoying you you could kill. He's still human you know."she said as a opening,giving the woman a chance to talk if she wanted,or if not,well elizabeth would let it go and pray thor was having better luck with clint.
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