Loki's Return(The Avengers)-Moon/Lady

Loki chuckled a little. "apparently it's a very rare ability, even for the Jotun, something to do with me being a shapeshifter. even though i'm in purely male form now, i still carry hermaphroditic, and female qualities." he muttered. "at least, that's the way i understand it." he admitted, calming down now that he knew she wasn't upset with him. "we shall have to keep this a secrete for now." he muttered, smirking as he kissed her cheek, a wicked little gleam in his eyes. "...what say we play a little... prank, on mister Stark for the way he frightened you, hmm?" he asked, smirking as he leaned forward and whispered in her ear, outlining the plan to get Tony drunk... not that it was hard to do... crawl in bed with both of them naked, and let the man think the baby was his, just to watch Tony spazzing out. "it will be fun, don't you think?" Loki asked with an impish little smirk. "and he'll stop trying to flirt with us! he thinks he's being subtle, but he really isn't."

Thor snorted. "Loki is not pregnant. we'd know by now if he was." Thor stated simply. "Loki would have known two days after conception, so unless he got pregnant yesterday, there would be no need for silly Tests of pregnancy." Thor grumbled. "Loki knew the day after he conceived with his children, so i am certain that he would know if he was pregnant now." Thor admitted, glancing at Tony with a smirk. "you only want to check in on them so you can watch them have sex... do you really think that Loki doesn't know that there is a camera there?" he asked with a snicker. "he knew the moment you put it up that it was there." Steve cursed and Thor laughed.
“That’s weird.”Elizabeth teased a little smiling slightly as she stepped closer, snuggling into him. “Ohhh…I like that.”She said grinning a little at the idea, knowing this was going to be fun.

A few days later Elizabeth whined quietly as she finished throwing up, leaning back against the bathtub, looking up tiredly at her lover as he walked into the bathroom.”You know, we’re going to have to do something about this. We cant both be pregnant at the same time, we’ll be miserable.”she whined looking towards the counter where she’d just taken the pregnancy test, and the woman was feeling so sick. Unlike loki who was going to just be moody and a pain in the ass, Elizabeth was going to have every other pregnancy symptom. Thor really was going to be miserable trying to take care of them.
Loki had a lot of fun getting Tony drunk off his ass and flirting with him outrageously. Loki was a flirt by nature, he flirted with everyone, mostly he flirted with Elizabeth, but he flirted with everyone, so it was ridiculously easy to make Tony think that they had actually had sex. though Loki admitted later to Elizabeth that he'd nearly blasted tony through a wall when the 'little bastard' dared try to TOUCH Loki. down there. in his most special of places... as if the man actually thought it was a toy! thankfully Tony passed out before then with a little help from Magic, and with more magic he stripped Tony down and hopped in bed with him and let Tony wake up with Loki sleeping next to him. it had been most amusing to watch Tony splutter and sputter and pout because he couldn't remember actually having sex. so Loki was, apparently not talking to Loki now because of that. much to the rest of the Avengers amusement. Thor's inparticular since he knew very well that Tony had not slept with Loki.

Loki offered her a smile as he rubbed her back before jerking, shocked. "what? you're pregnant!?" he asked, startled. "but you haven't show any of the signs! oh hell i was sure i'd worked that spell right!" he grumbled, glaring at the pregnancy test as if it was it's fault before he gasped in glee. "we're going to have TWO babies!?" he demanded, wide eyed at her, looking so overjoyed it was hard not to be happy. "but what about the puking? you said not to worry about it, but i AM worried, this is the third day in a row now... maybe we should take you to the doctor?" clearly, Loki had no knowledge of Midgaurdian pregnancies. "and don't worry, we'll make Tony help too. it's 'his' fault we're in half this mess." he stated with a sniff. "honestly 'I forgot the condom' what a dick!" he flashed her a wink that couldn't be seen from the 'new' camera that Tony had installed himself while Loki and Elizabeth had been out shopping. "Clint will help too i'm sure, and Natasha. she already loves you. and Pepper will help too... after she beats up Tony of course."

several miles away, Pepper was indeed beating Tony, with a plastic tray that she'd brought his lunch down on. "How in the HELL did you get the GOD OF MISCHIEF PREGNANT?!"

"aaah i can just see the look on his face when he finally tells her." he admitted with a sadistic little smirk. "hmm... i wonder if we have any clay pots?" he muttered, scanning the room. being from an entirely different world, Loki had slightly different dietary needs than most people. needs that could often be found in.. very odd locations. like clay pots, where he could get certain chemicals as well as iron and salt and other such things. Elizabeth had woken at three in the morning last night to find him eating some drywall. which Tony was probobly going to have to fix.
Elizabeth laughed at his reaction,”Maybe you’re not the magican that you thought you were.”She teased looking sick and tired before laughing again.”Loki, throwing up and not feeling well is normal for midgaurdian preganancies, don’t fuss.”She said sighing softly before laughing harder at loki’s words. “idiot billionaire. You’d think he’d know to use condoms.”She muttered shifting to lean into his arms, smiling. “Well of course. But it might be alwhile, pepper’s going to go insane.”

Tony winced defending himself and shielding his head.”Hey woman!Stop beating me!I didn’t mean to!”She growled trying to get away from her.”Go talk to thor. Ask how asgaurdian pregnancies are. I need advice.”he whined.

“hmmm no. but call thor, I am sure he’d get you what you needed.”Elizabeth sighed softly wincing a ltitle. Because she knew her lover was different and she felt weird for not being able to help him out and cook for him, like clint was for her. The assassin having come over the last few nights to try and take care of her.
Loki snorted. "no i think i was so overwhelmed by sex that my magic faltered." he admitted, looking sheepish. "it's been a few hundred years you know." he admitted with a shrug. "you never did get to meet my children did you?" he asked, frowning. "it completely slipped my mind to introduce you while we where in Asgard." he admitted with a smile. "you'd love Fenrir." he admitted with a nod. "and Sleipner too, he loves to give rides..." he glanced at her. "he's an eight legged horse... don't ask..." he muttered, flushing brightly. "at least that one was slightly natural." he admitted after a moment. "i was a mare at the time, so it wasn't too unholy." he admitted with a snicker. "Hela was the only one out of my four that was actually carried by the mother... probobly the reason why she's the only one who looks remotely human." he admitted with a nod as he rubbed Elizabeth's belly gently. "i didn't know that Midgardian's got sick when they where pregnant..." he admitted, looking a bit troubled. "isn't it dangerous? are you sure we shouldn't see the doctor?" he asked, worried about his lover before brightening at the mention of Thor. "that's a great idea! Thor can go to Jötunheimr to get me the fruits and vegetables i need! you're a brilliant woman, you know that?" he asked, smirking at her as he kissed her. "let me write a letter, and then we can contact Tony. i want his help in making the nursery... he can't decide on the colors or where anything goes or what we buy, but he can paint the walls for us, and move the furniture."

Pepper scoffed. "i'm not talking to him! this is YOUR mess!" Pepper stated with a scowl before pausing. "actually... i am curious about how it works... lets both go." she demanded, grabbing Tony by the ear and dragging him to Thor, who was all too happy to explain that Loki was, in essence, always a male, always a female, and always a hermaphrodite. that was the way Shapeshifters worked. even though he was a man, he still had a woman's internal organs stored in some sort of alternate space. once Tony's seed, or simply the genetic material from Tony's body entered Loki, Loki's magic moved it into that alternate space, and mixed Loki's, and Tony's genetic material forming a common, normal, every day Fetus... of course, it WAS Loki that they where talking about. who knew what would come out of his womb!?
“Ahhh, well that makes sense.”She said snickering a little at that before shaking her head.”No, you were kind of being obsessive in making sure I didn’t meet anyone new.”She teased looking at the man as she stroked his hair out of his face before looking at the other, for a moment looking at a loss for words. “…I have some very odd stepchildren.”She muttered after a moment smiling as loki rubbed her stomach before sighing, shaking her head.”No, not usually. And I will, soon. I should anyways, just to make sure everything’s okay.”She sighed before laughing at the other’s words, amused that loki hadn’t thought of it himself. “I did, but its always good to hear it.”She teased leaning over to kiss him before nodding. “We will. Tony’s good at moving things.”

Tony paled with each moment staring at thor before swallowing, “No…that cant be it. I mean, what in the world could he give birth to?I don’t want a animal child!”Tony whined looking so nervous and pale that clint was actually worried the man was going to faint.
Loki considered that for a moment and then chuckled. "fair point. i wasn't exactly in my right mind. we'll have to make another journey to Asgard to meet the kids." he promised before grinning viciously. "we'll take Tony. i'll get the kids to call him 'papa'. it will be hilarious." yes, Loki WAS that vindictive. "they're not that odd anyway." he admitted with a shrug. "you should have met their mothers." he admitted with a snicker. "or in Jori's case, father... i think he's dead now actually. it was several hundred years ago, and even Asgardian horses only live fifty or so years..." he muttered before shrugging. "good. yes. i want mother to do it?" he pleaded with her. "i don't trust those silly human healers... mother can do it so much better..." he promised, laying his head on her belly before standing, "we'll have to buy some furniture." he mused with a grin. "some nice heavy stuff that Tony has to work at to move. because he's sure as hell not wearing that Armor in here." he growled before he wrote a letter to Thor and sent it off with a moth the size of Hulk's head. Loki was being creative again, that always spelled trouble.

Thor smirked a little as he watched Tony. "calm down. Hela is a mostly perfectly normal girl. you might get lucky." Thor admitted, looking highly amused. "of course, i could be wrong... am probobly wrong. considering it's a mix of you and Loki, i wouldn't be surprised if the kid came out as a rabbit. neither you nor Loki can stop humping long enough to do anything productive."
Elizabeth smiled a little at him, “We will.”She said smiling softly as she giggled, “That would be pretty amusing.”She said before laughing harder as she considered it, realizing that her mate was indeed punishing tony for scaring her. Looking amused at the idea of loki sleeping with a horse, she swallowed before moving on, and distracting herself from the idea of loki’s sex life. “Well, we’ll go back to asgaurd today. And go see the children after we talk your mother.”She decided before standing and walking into the bedroom to get ready to go. “Hm, you just don’t want to see him as iron man.”She teased sighing softly as she dressed and wrapped her arms around her mate, needing the comfort, and scared of being pregnant, not that she’d admit it to him.

“..Thor!I don’t want a rabbit!Stop it.”Tony growled looking anxious before looking at the moth with wide eyes as it landed, waiting to see if he needed to attack it or something.
Loki smirked, quite pleased with himself as he nodded. "very amusing." he agreed happily. "i'm half tempted to find some random forest animal after i give birth, and present it to him as his baby." Loki admitted with a viscous smirk as he reached over the counter, snatched up a coffee mug, snapped the handle off and stuck one end of the broken handle in his mouth like it was a lollie, all without breaking stride, as if he wasn't even aware he'd done it. "i hate that infernal metal suit. it makes it hard to beat him properly." Loki grumbled, chewing on the piece of mug as if it was a piece of hard candy. "we'll take Tony next time, i want to make sure the Kids understand the plan." he admitted with a smirk as he wrapped his arm around her, kissed her forehead, and frowned activated the Bi frost from the permanent portal he'd made in one of the unused rooms. he knew Frigga was going to be over the moon about more grand-babies, and it would be a welcome distraction. she wasn't taking Odin's death very well.

Thor snickered a little as he watched Tony freaking out and he examined the letter, nodding. "ah. i'm on grocery duty it seams. Elizabeth had the most intelligent idea of sending me to Jötunheimr to get Loki the food he needs, so he'll stop eating the furniture." Thor admitted with a nod as the giant moth turned back into the tape dispenser it had started out as. "...also, Tony. you're being summoned. Loki and Elizabeth are getting health checks by my mother, and then they are going baby shopping. you are expected to carry their purchases." Thor stated, glancing at Clint. "you should go too. extra pair of hands and an extra bodyguard. i don't trust someone not to try to mess with them while their pregnant."
Elizabeth snickered.”Bunnies. You should present him with bunnies, since you fuck like one.”She teased looking up at her mate, wondering if he knew the midgaurdian terms of fucking like bunnies. Looking vaguely disturbed though she’d grown used to it, as loki at the handle she swallowed trying not to feel as freaked as she was. Not wanting to hurt her mate with her fears, and knowing she was being stupid. “Ah, well, we’ll do it next time. Lets go.”She said smiling as she leaned into him, grinning as they walked into frigga’s rooms, looking concerned for the older woman.”lady frigga?”She said softly looking pleased if a little worried, not sure how to speak to the royal woman who just happened to be loki’s adopted mother. “We have news.”

“Well, at least one of them is still being intelligent while pregnant.”Tony snickered before relaxing, sighing quietly. “I can do that.”Tony said glad to have something to do instead of focusing on the fact that he was sure he was getting a freaky baby. Clint smirked a little before nodding, “Yes, that would be bad. We don’t want them destroying a city block because someone decided to criticize them.”

Elizabeth snickered.”Bunnies. You should present him with bunnies, since you fuck like one.”She teased looking up at her mate, wondering if he knew the midgaurdian terms of fucking like bunnies. Looking vaguely disturbed though she’d grown used to it, as loki at the handle she swallowed trying not to feel as freaked as she was. Not wanting to hurt her mate with her fears, and knowing she was being stupid. “Ah, well, we’ll do it next time. Lets go.”She said smiling as she leaned into him, grinning as they walked into frigga’s rooms, looking concerned for the older woman.”lady frigga?”She said softly looking pleased if a little worried, not sure how to speak to the royal woman who just happened to be loki’s adopted mother. “We have news.”

“Well, at least one of them is still being intelligent while pregnant.”Tony snickered before relaxing, sighing quietly. “I can do that.”Tony said glad to have something to do instead of focusing on the fact that he was sure he was getting a freaky baby. Clint smirked a little before nodding, “Yes, that would be bad. We don’t want them destroying a city block because someone decided to criticize them.”
Loki snickered. "i will give him a beautiful bunny for a son." he smirked. "i know exactly where to get a newborn bunny too." he admitted. "i can't wait to see Tony trying to bottle feed it." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "and when the joke is over, we can keep the bunny as a pet." he mused happily. "our children would do well with a pet bunny, don't you think?" he asked with a smile as he pulled her into a kiss before heading into Asgard. "Yes! wonderful news! i failed in spells again and got us both pregnant!" Loki stated happily, which resulted in a ten minute lecture from his mother about safe sex, which left Loki as red as a tomato, even as he nibbled on some flowers from a nearby vase. which freaked Frigga out as much as it did Elizabeth. "...is he eating clay pots again?" Frigga asked, glancing at Elizabeth. "it was always funny, watching Loki eat things that not even an Aeser would eat... he's kind of like a goat when he's pregnant..." she admitted before she beamed at Elizabeth. "but a baby! oh i'm so excited! i know Loki is. he loves babies." she admitted with a chuckle. "he's a wonderful father, despite how it might seam." she admitted with a grin. "but what is he talking about with Fenrir? calling some man named Tony 'daddy?'"

Thor smirked at Tony. "...my brother is worse than a woman when shopping." he admitted with a smirk. "you'll ave a few dozen packages to carry." he admitted, well aware of what Loki was doing, and not caring in the least. honestly he thought it was funny as hell that Tony was being punished, and the idiot didn't even know about it. "...i'm more worried about Fury, the fire Elves, and the Jotun." Thor admitted, blinking at Clint. "but yes... Loki would destroy a city block right now simply because someone insulted Elizabeth..." he looked at Tony. "also... you are requested to fix the wall... Loki ate another one." sometimes Thor wondered how much of it was actual cravings, and how much of it was Loki just making tony suffer.
Elizabeth giggled nodding, “Yes. We would do well with a bunny.”she decided, blushing and stuttering through the lecture looking at her lover in bemusement as he nibbled on the flowers. Swallowing hard before she nodded, “And drywall. And cups. And pretty much anything he gets near. We’ve asked thor to go get him the food he needs from jotunhiem, so hopefully he’ll stop eating things.”She said smiling a little before blushing, “He does. Its quite adorable to see him so excited. And well, yes. Tony…is a womanizer. He’s been trying to seduce me, and loki, for months. WE’ve decided to play a trick on him, and make him think he’s the father of loki’s child, just to freak him out.”She said sighing softly looking nervous, looking up at her mother in law, rubbing a hand over her stomach.”Frigga?I…I don’t know if I can do this…”She said looking slightly sick, and voicing the fear that she’d been unable to tell loki, glad that the man was focused on talking to fenrir then listening to her.

“Nooo…thor, you should go shopping with them. He actually likes spending time with you. He’s liable to beat me or something.”Tony whined looking annoyed before snickering. “I’m worried about them to, but helblindi’s not been back, fury’s still plotting his next move, and the king of the fire elves is currently sulking. The most pressing problem is that loki is pregnant.”He whined looking worried and annoyed at the announcement before sighing. “You go get him food Thor, I mean it. Make him stop eating the damned walls.”
Frigga chuckled a little. "well at least he's not eating dirt... last time he was pregnant, he ate enough dirt to make a pond." she admitted with a shake of her head. "we never realized that it was because he had different dietary needs." she admitted with a smirk. "a womanizer? i take it he frightened you then? Loki would take exception to that. we're not exactly a 'loyal' group. as long lived as we are, we tend to take many lovers, but Loki is not Aeser, he is Jotun, and i suspect they are a one person only kind of people." she admitted. "he would protect you with everything." she mused. "still, it's good to see Loki playing pranks again, i never knew... never even thought that he was acting strangely because of that foul thing." she muttered before looking shocked at her. "can't do what? can't be a mother?" she asked before smiling at her. "come and walk with me." she decided, wrapping her arm around Elizabeth's and led her into a massive, beautiful garden full of strange but pretty flowers. "when i was pregnant for the very first time, i was terrified." she admitted. "i wasn't sure i would be able to be a good mother. i spent my months pregnant, hiding from my husband, worried he would find me ugly and fat. being the blind idiot he was, he never noticed." she admitted with a roll of her eyes. "i spent the entire time worried that i would fail my child, that i wouldn't be able to care for him properly... all sorts of silly fears." she admitted, smiling at Elizabeth. "and then he was born... and all the fears went away, because there was a perfect bundle in my arms, and i knew that no matter what happened, i would always love him, and he would always love me."

Thor smirked. "i can't. i have to go get the fruits for Loki." he stated simply. "and he probobly will beat you. he DID tell you to put on a condom. he didn't really understand what you meant by 'don't worry, i'm clean'. idiot. i suppose it never occurred to you that HE might not have 'been clean' whatever that means. i know human men can't get pregnant... actually as far as i know Loki is the only man who can get pregnant. but that's besides the point." Thor shrugged. "the point is, you acted like an idiot and now must suffer the consequences. you should just be glad he's letting you help, instead of ripping your head off and eating your spleen. and you should be glad he's only eating walls. he's been known to ingest metal too, and i know he's been eying up your metal man suits." so Thor was helping Loki punish Tony... now he knew why Loki enjoyed playing so many pranks, this was FUN.
“Yes, very much so.”Elizabeth said smiling a little as she considered tony’s punishment for scaring her. Before flushing a little looking down before nodding.”I cant. Really.”She said sounding nervous as she walked out, looking around her as she bit her lip, listening to the other woman, calming before tensing, shaking her head.”But what if I have puppies, or a dog or something!I don’t want a animal!I want a normal baby!”She said, her fear and anxiety, and true freaked out at the idea of loki’s kids finally breaking through.

“…shut up.”Tony said scowling at the thunder god as he settled back into his chair to sulk before jolting to his feet.”No. He can stay away from my suits.”He said before rushing out of the door. “That was mean.amusing, but mean.”Clint said snickering a little as the man laughed amused as he looked at thor, “Go. I’ll make sure he’s not being a idiot, and that Elizabeth and loki get where they want to shop okay. Go.”He said looking amused.
Frigga gaped at the girl before she begane to laugh. "oh darling... you are forgettign something!" she stated with a grin. "you are the mother! just like Hela, who was carried by a female, your baby will take mostly the form of you. Loki's babies are unnatural because HE is unnatural... as much as i hate to admit that. though i think he takes great glee in defying every single law of nature that has EVER existed." she admitted with a roll of her eyes. "Loki's children are odd, because he is odd. your baby will be mostly human. you won't give birth to puppies." she promised with a smile. "and because Loki's baby needs to fit in with humans, his will probobly look mostly human as well. i do beleive that the reason why Loki's babies ended up the way they did, is because Loki did not want their other parent to have anything to do with them. he is highly possessive of the people he loves you might have noticed. even with me and Thor. and the people he had relations with, where not people he had actual feelings for. you are different. he loves you very much, and he wants you to love his children, all of his children. he's just as panicked as you are, he's just a bit... weird about how it comes out." she chuckled. "and even if he does give birth to a puppy, would you really love it any less?"

Thor snickered at Clint, grinning impishly. "i see why Loki loves this, it is much fun!" Thor admitted before he paused. "although... Loki really would eat the metal suits if Tony annoys him enough." Thor admitted, making a face. "the things my brother eats, is entirely too disturbing... honestly, i think he enjoys breaking all the laws of nature. he is a bit panicked though, about this baby, so try to keep him as calm as possible. stress isn't good for any of them, the parents, and the babies." Thor admitted as he picked up his hammer and left to go find Helblindi for some proper food for Loki. later, Thor would admit Helblindi was just as shocked and horrified as the rest of them that Loki was eating things like rocks, metal pans, and drywall. Helblindi's exact words where 'The King is eating WHAT!?' needless to say, Thor didn't have any problems getting the food. though he did get waylaid by Helblindi asking for health reports.
“…oh.”Elizabeth flushed looking down at the ground as she listened the the other woman, giggling slightly.”Loki does take great pleasure in being contrary just for the sake of it.”She said before smiling, looking amused that loki’s children was odd just because he was odd. “Well, he is possessive.”She snickered looking amused that he was so possessive he’d made his children a little odd, smirking a little before smiling slightly.”Well…I guess a puppy would be okay. It wouldn’t be so bad.”She said calming down sighing softly before looking up at loki as he joined them in the garden.”You ready to go?”She said smiling a little because she wanted relax, and maybe see if loki would talk to her, so she didn’t feel so alone in her panic.
Frigga giggled. "doesn't he though? his first word was 'No' you know." she admitted with a smirk. "he said it constantly, and always." she admitted with a grin. "it was always 'No' and then he'd do what i asked him to do without fuss." she snickered. "it was really very adorable. he was such a cute baby... well, when he wasn't turning into things. i nearly had a heart attack when i checked up on him one night only to find a baby wild boar in his bed!" "Mother! don't tell her embarrassing stories!" Loki demanded, flushing brightly. "oh... so you don't want me to tell her about the time you decided 'clothes where unnecessary' and went around in the nude no matter what we did to try and keep the clothes on you?" "i was Five!" "you where nude!" "yes! let's go home then, before my mother tells you more lies!" he decided, looping his arm around hers with a grin. "i managed to speak to all the kids. they agreed to all meet next weekend so you can meet them. they're very excited." he admitted happily. "i was a little worried, they've never had a mother before. but their all fully grown, so i guess it doesn't affect them too much on the emotional level." he admitted with a smile. "i can't wait to see the look on Tony's face when they call him 'Daddy'... though i am a bit concerned with how much Hela seems fascinated by him..." he admitted with a scowl. "if that womanizing bastard touches my daughter i'll have him neutered... and it won't be as quick and painless as your husband rec... oh wait, the divorce was finalized, sorry. Ex-husband.."
“Hm, that doesn’t surprise me.Elizabeth said giggling before smiling.”Oh, yes that would be horrible, I’d worry he’d get stuck in whatever shape he was in.”She said laughing harder as loki joined them, “Awwww. To bad he’s not going through that phase again. I could get behind him always being nude.”She said teasing her lover and laughing harder as he wrapped his arms around her.”Good.”She said relaxing, despite the idea that the kids were excited, it still made her nervous to be meeting her stepchildren. Just because she was human, and definitely not magically or anything that most asgardians were, she was afraid they’d be upset she was their fathers mate. Not that she’d admit to that fear, not wanting loki to worry. Raising her eyebrows at the idea of hela being fascinated she snickered,”you’ll have to tell him that, cause you know he cant help himself.”She said giggling at the idea of her ex husband, looking thoughtful as he took them back to midgaurd, resting her head on his chest. Wanting to ask him something, but not sure how to.
she giggled. "well, it WAS pretty fun when he'd turn into a tiny puppy or kitten and pounce on Odin at random intervals." she admitted with a snigger. Loki LOVED the sounds Odin made when the man was in a panic about being attacked." she admitted with a laugh. "he did get stuck once." she admitted. "he spent three months as a Siberian tiger... and then of course there was the... incident, as a mare. he had to stay that way until he gave birth." she admitted, smirking as Loki went bright red at the insinuation of him simply being nude all the time. "that would hardly be proper!" he complained before pondering. "however, i might be convinced to... try it, a few times, alone in the apartment." he mused with a smile. "Hela would eat, him, alive!" Loki stated with a snicker. "i highly doubt Tony would be 'top'.... maybe i should let Hela have a go at him, he's certainly learn a lesson or two." he mused with a smirk, looking down at her. "are you alright? you're tense... what's wrong?"
“Awww that is very adorable.”Elizabeth said laughing, looking amused at the idea. Smiling softly at the idea before wincing a little at the idea of loki being a mare. “That would be…interesting.”She said looking up at her mate before before leaning into him a little, nuzzling her cheek against her shoulder. “Hm, I think you need to spend the pregnancy naked. You’ll be all cute and stuff.”She said smiling before sighing, leaning into him a little as she rested her head against his chest. Nothing’s wrong. Well, not really. I mean, no.”She babbled a little sighing softly.
she giggled a little. "Thor thought it was Hilarious. especially since loki hadn't actually meant to... you know, with the stallion he was leading away." she snickered. "apparently, he goes into heat when he assumes female forms. he hasn't been in female form since that horror." she admitted with another snicker. "mother!" loki complained, completely scandalized. "how was i supposed to know it was breeding season for mares!?" he demanded, as red as an apple. "i didn't know! all i wanted was to get the damn Stallion away before someone killed it. i didn't know it was going to..." he grumbled and sputtered and muttered, annoyed with his mother a little before he grinned at her. "maybe i will spend the rest of my pregnancy naked." he mused, nodding. "that would be nice." he admitted. "clothes are rather uncomfortable when your the size of a blimp." he mused. "is something bothering you? is it something mother said? did Thor say something? do i need to beat them up?"
“Hm, I’l take your word for it. All I know is that you look good naked.”Elizabeth teased her lover a little sighing softly as she played with the edge of his jacket as she looked at his chest, laughing quietly at his words.”No, no its not them…”She sighed blushing a little because she was having such trouble just asking him what she wanted. But she was afraid he’d say no, and she wasn’t sure what she’d do if he did. “I no longer have a husband, I mean, I haven’t for awhile, but its final and…she sighed in frustration at herself. “Will you marry me?I know we are by the asgardian and jotun standards, but I want to do it by misgardian’s…”
Loki huffed and stuck his nose in the air. "of course i look good naked. how can people as gorgeous as you and i not look equally beautiful in the nude?" he asked with a smug little smirk before he blinked at her, looking confused. "well, yes, i know you don't. i'm still not sure how that works." he admitted with a slight tone of bafflement. "..." he stared at her, completely uncomprehending of what she was trying to ask. "...i think i don't understand. what is a Marry?" he asked, looking completely baffled. Adgardian's didn't have marriage. they just went about living with whoever they loved. and while Loki knew she was 'divorced' from her husband... and that it involved a lot of paperwork, he wasn't exactly sure how it worked or what it was. "hum... Marry you, it sounds fun, i will ask Clint to make it so." Loki decided. "if you want it, then you shall have it." he decided with a nod before he gave her a suspicious look. "you don't want me to fuse myself to you, do you? because some creatures do that, and i don't think i'm capable of THAT much commitment... i would at least like to be able to pee on my own."
“Well, that’s very true.”She said looking amused before sighing quietly, before looking up at him, looking thoughtful her mouth falling open at his next statement. For a moment having no idea what to say, “N-no. No fusing. Its…a ceremony where everyone recognizes us as a mated couple and well...I don’t know how to explain.”She said frowning thoughtfully before huffing.”Yes. We’ll have clint explain. And tony pay for it. And-Thor!”She smiled happily at her mate’s brother, looking pleased to see him.”Did you hear?You’re going to be a uncle, twice now!”She said giggling happily, so overhappy that loki,even if he didn’t understand it, would be willing to marry her that she was hyper.
he smiled a little at her. "oh a ceremony!?" he asked, looking delighted. "will there be dancing? and showing off? i do so love to show off." he admitted happily. Loki would probobly LOVE the wedding. all the planning, the suits and dresses, the decisions, and not to mention all the attention! yes, a wedding would be Loki's ideal party. "and of course Tony has to pay for it." Loki smirked suddenly. "we should make an offhand mention of making him my second wife." he stated with a smirk. "you have those here on earth don't you? multiple wives? Odin had three i think." he admitted. "Aeser women will only mate with the strongest male, for the most part. occasionally someone will actually fall in love, but it's fairly rare." he admitted with a nod. "i don't think Tony will get the insult." he mused with a sigh. "oh well. never mind, i only want one Wife." he admitted before beaming at his brother as Thor smirked. "Two children! wonderus!... will you actually let me hold these babies Loki Brother?" "no. you are a brute and you will do them damage!" "i won't! i am very gentle when i want to be!" "you won't touch my babies you brute!" "Honestly Loki! just because i used to pull the heads off of Sif's dolls, doesn't mean i'm going to do it now that i'm an adult! least of all to a REAL baby!" Loki narrowed his eyes at Thor and Thor sighed. "fine. i won't touch the babies..."
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