A Middle Age Naruto RP (Yajirobe and LadyYunaFFX2)

Lee smiled as he was more then happy to help out Tenten, "of course, I will, we will show everyone just how amazing we both are, and how great we work," he said with a smile as he gave her his trademark thumbs up and then found the things he needed and went to work, making the larger of the two tents with a rather quick pace, even for him. Tenten wouldn't have to do anything really then just watch Lee get to work putting together the tent perfectly, without a single flaw in it as he put it up even setting out everything inside out for the two of them.

He finished and looked over at Tenten a moment later, "Well now, here we are," he said with a grin on his lips as he looked at Tenten proud of himself, "We beat Neji and everything, I hope it is good enough, I made sure to give you the more comfortable of the sleeping bags Tenten, only the best for a teammate, and friend," he said as he smiled for a moment before slipping himself away and turning himself into the tent.

Kakuzu listened to the words of Hidan, and he had a feeling that he had a heck of a point, that girl wasn't trustworthy at all, she said as much right in front of them. He looked at the scroll. "I understand, I have been having a bad feeling about this as well, this scroll, how come given the view that these two females we meet have about Sasuke Uchiha, it would lead me to wonder if there is any money, or if the Uchiha is playing us the fool, using us to mess with people and take the blame for what happens," he said out loud as he looked at his partner.

"Next time this messenger comes we should hold her hostage, your right on that, we can get the information about the seal from her, by any means we can, and then force Sasuke to come if need to and then if we don't have the scroll unlocked have him do so, or just hold him ransom till his family pays a huge price for his head," Kakuzu replied as he looked at his religious partner. "I think if she doesn't show up tomorrow, we kill the girl leave her body and forget about this whole thing. That will be a sign that we were not going to get paid anyhow," he added in as he felt that Hidan had hit upon something important.

"Thank you ... " Tenten replied softly to Lee, still somewhat genuinely exhausted and another - the more hidden portion - annoyed. It showed for the few brief seconds she turned to glance at Neji, that same glare entering her eyes again. It was a clear reminder that she would definitely make certain he wouldn't try to go back on his word and not owe her for this favor. This all just seemed ... so very childish to Tenten. And of all the people, she'd thought Neji would be able to be mature enough to handle sharing a tent, hence the origins of her annoyance."Night Neji ... " As she turned around, her face went back to normal, having only an exhausted smile on her face as if nothing had happened. "Night Lee ... "

It didn't take much more than her hazel eyes to close for the young girl to fall asleep. Even with her still being a bit anxious on sharing a tent, the day had been incredibly tiring, enough to take it's toll on her body and aid with her falling asleep.

Hidan couldn't help but allow pride to take over for once as a smirk crossed his lips. It was moments like this he loved the most. Usually he'd be the one being scolded or bitched at. This time, he was being heeded and paid attention to. True, most of the times it was his fault given his lack of patience and such .. but still, a change in pace was nice every now and again. His head gave a nod, figuring most of the terms seemed fair enough. The only thing he'd even thought on arguing about was the one day rule ... but he could hear it in Kakuzu's tone. There was no room for negotiation and it wasn't out of mercy but merely benefit of the doubt.

If the messenger was truly trying to just lay low, that Sasuke brat wouldn't make himself easy to find. But ... that wasn't their faults, now was it?

"Alright. Want me to keep watch over her and you remain near the front on the off-chance she returns this way?" He inquired, his ankles tensing as he prepared to do whatever was recommended.

Shizuki, on the other hand, was frustrated and tired. Her search to seek Sasuke out hadn't gone well at all. But now, that was the last thing on her mind. It was late and she likely wasn't welcomed here in these lands. As much as she would have loved to head back to her own, it was too far, let alone on foot. So .. she knew better an idea of where to head to. Mounting a horse - this time one she bought with money she'd saved from former payments - she began to ride off towards the ruins she'd written the note at.

"With any luck, there'll be food of some sort ... " She murmured. "Hell, even berries would suffice." Her hunger was another factor that was doing anything but helping her bitter mood. But the worst thing was knowing she was still stuck having to do this crap for Sasuke. But with the hope and reassurance her talk from Neji had given her, she was trying to avoid letting that get the best of her. After all, it'd be over soon, wouldn't it? It seemed like it, especially since she knew actions to get Tayuya back had been taken already.
Kakuzu looked at the scroll for a moment longer as he blinked and then noticed the gas that was coming form the thing. He blinked shocked throwing it as far from himself as possible. He had been tricked, that damn prince had tricked them. Why, was it to get back into good graces for not having found a woman, or perhaps not being interested in finding a woman. He knew that the gas that was coming out of the scroll happened to be some simple kind of sleeping agent as he looked at it, he blinked for a moment as he felt his senses slowly go numb. It wasn't a feeling that he liked at all. He had been tricked, the desire he had for money had been used completely against him, by either the messanger or the Uchiha himself, and he was betting it was the Uchiha. Kakuzu loudly crused the Uchiha as he felt the effects of the gas which hit every area of the cave hitting hard. They were to strong, to overwhelming, and he had been exposted to it for to long as well, even if he got out of the cave, he had a feeling the effects would bring him down. He blinked a few more times then passed out, sleeping on the stone of the cave, trying to the last moment to keep himself from falling asleep, despite the overwhelming pressure and power of the gas.

Sasuke Uchiha waited calmly outside the cave, he had been tracking his messenger when she went to find Tayuya, and figured that things were heading south, he had even overheard the words of the messenger to them. It tipped him off that things were not going to work as well as he had hoped they would. He knew that he could kill her, use her as example or something, yet that would only prove a failure in the end for him as well. He would have to use this to boost his own name again, and make himself a hero out of a situation where he would be the villian. He had set up the gas long before to use when he choose, but this was the perfect situation for the use of it. He worked everything together, and set up off the gas. He walked in tied up the two mercenaries, he would pay them later for their loyality in the future very well and for cover on what happened too. He figured they could disapear, and the next time he would need them he could figure a way to use them and maybe they could scout out for others of like mind to work with too giving him his own private group to use outside of the law. Sasuke unchained Tayuya as well, letting her free though she was out of it as well and used a signal to tell the others who he knew were in the area to come towards him. He had a feeling his messenger would rat him out to Neji, she just didn't seem so trust worthy, a quality that he could use to his own edge, they would if nearby see the signal which was a bright fire on the top of the hill and come to figure out what it was.

True to his thought, Neji was the first one to see this, and got up fast, he looked at the fire and knew something was up. He went to Kakashi who was now also very awake, just waiting on Anko as Lee and Tenten were asleep. He felt bad for that, but he figured that the two of them might as well not be involved in anything that happened at night. He figured that it was possible, and getting away from Lee was going to be hard, and having the chance to keep his two important friends away from danger for the moment was important to him too. He put on his armor, his royal whtie Hyuuga armor and prepared himself to head out fast. He noticed Kakashi was preparing too, now would be the time, he would ride up and save Tayuya. Of course at this moment, he still had no clue such a thing had already happend, and really no clue what the changing role of Sasuke Uchiha happened to be at that moment either. He looked over and found his horse making sure the hourse happened to be prepared for the trip as well up to the top of the hill with the fire on it.

Hidan noticed the gas a few seconds after Kakuzu had also. His violet eyes widened as his ankles took over. They'd been tensed up and he wasted no time in backing away. "Fucker!" He hissed, coughing as some of the gas got inside his lungs. While he was immune to death, sleeping gas wasn't the same thing, unfortunately. He didn't by any means want to pass out by the more time that passed by, the more difficult it'd become to remain awake. Steadily ... gradually .. his consciousness slipped and he passed out.

By the time most of the gas had cleared, a mix of instincts and having gotten more than ample rest was kicking in for Tayuya. Her eyes began to open ... and then they widened at the sight of Sasuke. "The fuck are you doing here?!" Her eyes hadn't even bothered noting her former captors had been restrained, her focus too much on the Prince at the moment. He'd gotten her into this mess to begin with, after all. Why in the hell should she trust him now?!

Shizuki had been moments away from the ruins ... sleep deprived slightly but otherwise well. The sound of what she could no doubt recognize as Tayuya's voice, however, caught her ears. Halting the horse, she slipped off and went inside the caverns. A smirk of amusement couldn't help but cross her face as she first noted Kakuzu and Hidan bound, the slightly frightened Tayuya soon coming into view. "Change of heart, I see? I would assume then ... that I'm done with this messenger role, yes?" Her arms went wearily over her chest, unsure how to react.

This should be a good sign but .. the fact he'd done this ... genuinely worried her. Sasuke never did anything without a reason and now was no exception. She didn't want to begin to believe he'd figured out all she'd done so fast ... or that she may have to try to fight him in such an exhausted state. But all of those were indeed possibilities and just because of that alone, her right hand was closer to the hilt of her weapon.

Anko was the first of the two women to get up, slipping out from her tent. She gave everyone a nod, unable to help but notice the tension in the atmosphere. And it felt like there was more than the fear of not getting to Tayuya in time too .. as if there may be even more. That was all she needed to detect to make her hastily get her tent packed away, getting up onto her horse while waiting for the others.

Sure enough, Tenten came out not much longer after Anko, the movements having caught her ears. Stretching slightly, she gave Lee's shoulders a gentle shake. "Come on ... " She murmured. "We're heading out." Crawling out, she got upon her own horse and began wiping away any remaining sleep from her eyes. Tenten was mostly awake but wanted to be moreso. She'd need all the energy in order to properly assist Neji with this task, she knew.
Sasuke Uchiha smirked as he looked at her, "saving your poor pathetic worthless ass," Sasuke Uchia commented with a smirk and a smug tone to his voice. He looked at her and shook his head, "don't use such language to your savior either, I am the one who got you out of that cave after all he retorted as he looked at her, and then looked ahead, "he is down there, I bet, most likely coming this way to save your sorry ass, guess he owes me one too," Sasuke said clearly referring to Neji Hyuuga.

When Sasuke did this, he figured he would have to slip away from the others with the two of them. He noticed Shizuki's arrival, which was problematic actually. She had to go ahead of him, and he could then claim to have killed the two of the bandits on the way home when they tried to escape. He looked at Shizuki and shook his head, "no, just doing what I had to do, nothing more nothing less," he said with the same tone that he had used just moments before as he looked out. Things were turning up roses, he would be the hero, he would be able to stop this stupid tour though the other two kingdoms and he would be able to avoid having to settle down for the moment as well. Plus he was sure that in the long run, he had the chance to get two new pawns which he could use later on when and if he so needed them. It had been a great play by him, something told him that it couldn't of gone off any better at all.

"Yeah, your job is done, you did a poor job, told my plans, and complained about it too, I did follow you, for a scout your not so great at keeping your own tracks hidden," he said openly knowing it would put some fear into the woman, that she wouldn't forget, "now, I suggest you keep something silent from here on out, or we might have to figure out something to do with you that won't be so nice," he commented his arms crossed in front of himself as he looked at her. "Now, I suggest, you head home and you get some rest, I will be behind with these two," he said waiting for her to make her exit as he grabbed both of the mercs and carried them off, going in a different direction leaving Tayuya there alone on the rock, no wiser for really everything. He took the two of them and untied them, left a agreed to amount of money and a note thanking them for their work, and promising them if they wanted to be paid better in the future, to keep their calenders open when he had use of them.

Lee blinked and got up, "Yosh, thanks Tenten, time to save the day," he said excitedly as he got his green armor on himself finding it in the right spots as he changed right in front of Tenten not caring in a kind of typical Lee fashion most likely not even noticing that she happened to be there at that moment as he changed and headed to his horse. He got his horse and saw everyone else moving out too. Kakashi was up and prepared as was Neji of course.

Neji was impatiant, something that luckily couldn't be used against him at that moment. He rode fast, again causing Lee and Kakashi to ride fast to keep up. Neji did move slow enough to not see Sasuke or Shizuki moving away from the scene, he just saw Tayuya up on the hill. A sense of joy crossed the Hyuugas face as he rode faster for a moment before slowing himself and getting off the horse and moving quickly on feet towards her to first make sure she was okay and unharmed.

Kakashi noticed she was alone too, it bothered him to the core, something had happened, and no one was their to tell the tale. It bothered him, that she just escaped, and he knew that she might have a bit better of an idea of what happened. He wondered what went down to get her from her captivity, and what were the goals of the capture of the woman really, it seemed odd she and not Hinata was captured, but he was starting to wonder if it had to do with inner-Uchiha politics, and maybe something unrelated to her completely, he would have to keep a closer eye on the Uchiha from that moment onward, and he knew when Naruto went to Hyuuga lands, he would have to go with him to just be sure and keep an eye on the young prince, as well as Konohamaru to make sure neither of them or anyone else who went got into trouble.

"Saving me?! You fucking set me up?! How am I supposed to believe this?!" Confusion swept through her, her head shaking furiously. "I'll say what I want! This isn't the Uchiha lands you're in, selfish prick of a prince!" Something was incredibly wrong ... there was no way in hell he was doing this just because. Shizuki may not have known Sasuke for as long as most others, but Tayuya did. This hadn't been out of mercy or any positive emotion. No, this was ... some very selfish desire. It made her stomach turn. Her arms shook from not having been able to move them for a good 24 hours as she got up to her feet. Her back turned as she pivoted on her heels, slightly heavy pants leaving her lips. She remained inside the caverns for a few moments, finally allowing one last warning to leave her lips.

"This is not over by any means. You can fool anyone else you want .. but you sure as fuck aren't fooling me." She murmured, a growl leaving. Not allowing him any chances, she headed out of the cave, not wanting to give him any opportunities to change his mind or try to sneak in a few good punches if not worse to her body.

"... Hmph, habeus corpus, dear Prince. Show the evidence. Until then, you're more of a snake in the grass than others I've met." Others, of course, was a very kind way of referring to Orochimaru. The man had always made her uneasy and she thoroughly disliked being around him, albeit not nearly as much as Sasuke. However, she held her tongue .. but not for the Prince's sake. There was a golden opportunity, one he clearly wasn't thinking of. But ... that wasn't her issue. Regardless, there was no way Shizuki was going to let this slide.

So what if she'd get some form of punishment for having given in and cooperating? It'd be nothing compared to Sasuke's. She intended to head back now ... and confess to Fugaku herself this had, indeed, been his doing. After all, who better would know than someone directly coerced into the act? Keeping her smirk hidden, she forced herself to play the 'polite' card, bowing her head to him. "Yes ... I think I will. Take care then." Heading back to the horse she'd gotten off of, she then mounted it again. And before he could realize the mistake, she hurried off, galloping away. All Shizuki knew was her rest could wait. She wouldn't let him get away with this, not if she could help it.

Besides, with so many witnesses against him ... Fugaku couldn't just side with Sasuke in the end, could he? True, it was his own flesh and blood but ... still. Numbers could often do much more when all was said and done. Hopefully now was one of those times.

Anko raised an eyebrow; not at Tayuya but the entire scenario. Still, she wouldn't speak up aloud. No, the ranger would let Neji celebrate. "Something's very wrong ... " She whispered to Kakashi, slipping off the horse and entering into the cavern. A low whistle left her lips as she found the now unbound criminals, the money and finally the note. Picking the parchment up, she held it up, trying to examine the handwriting and identify it. That, she figured, could be done in a more ... secluded spot. Now was likely not the time, not with those two still alive.

"Kakashi, help me gather this up." She called gently from inside the cave, trying to avoid waking up Hidan and Kakuzu. Whoever had paid them off ... well ... she couldn't let any of this slide. And even though they'd lost the ability to be damn well sure it had been Sasuke, they - well she at least - wasn't going to allow every damn thing he wanted to happen do so. And it would start with the money.

Tayuya had still been so very bewildered, trying to understand what had just happened. Her body tensed and then relaxed as she saw it only to be Neji. Her arms instantly wrapped around him. Her wrists had rings around them from the manacles .. but no actual damage had been done. "I want to go back ... " She finally managed to whisper, her head falling gently against his chest. The strong front she'd been able to keep while in front of Hidan, Kakuzu, and even Sasuke was finally fading away. She hadn't dared let anyone else see it .. but deep down, she had felt incredibly terrified for her safety and life.
Sasuke smiled as he said nothing as he headed home, he knew that his father would side with him. He was the heir after all, and there was no chance for a good while that anyone else could take over. He could play his father so easily, and had so many times. He had been able to get away with so many things over the years, this had only been one of them, but of course Shizuki didn't know his history, his father would ignore the truth and play the line of him being the hero, a fact he knew well, he knew Shizuki was the one who would have to be worried about speaking out against the Uchiha clan, that could bring one into a situation they wouldn't ever want to be found in. He had plans, this was just the start, he would put the other princes in their proper place below him at some point, it just happened that now wasn't that point.

Kakashi nodded as he looked for traces and found two pair heading towards Uchiha lands, he had a good feeling who they were. He stopped as he looked for a moment longer, so they had been there, the Uchiha, and his helper and freed her, most likely she wasn't of any more use and one or both were playing them from the start, putting them in a spot to find Tayuya, and the other stuff, so they would report about it as a victory by a mysterious person. He narrowed his eyes as he turned to Lee who had followed him, "I want you to head home and meet with your teacher, and tell him that I am headed to enjoy some challenges with him," he said as he had a feeling that things before all that long might get a bit more challenging.

"Money, criminals tied up, everything is to perfect, nothing can be like this," Kakashi said as he looked though the place and found the scroll and held it up, "Anko, do you happen to know what this is," he asked not knowing the design of the scroll at at as he looked at her, it wasn't something that was made in his land, that much he knew for sure, other then that he figured this was a setup, this was maybe what was used to knock out the criminals. He couldn't help but wonder what was the route of all this.

Neji held Tayuya close to himself picking her up from the ground, she seemed no worse for the wear physically, but didn't mean that she wasn't worse for the wear mentally. He held her close as he walked up to his horse and put her on it gently, before getting on behind her and holding her with one arm, "we will head back, and soon you can come to my land, your new home, I am sorry, I should of protected the thing I find most important far better," he whispered as he rode back to the capital, he would be tired by the time he got back, but that was okay, he wanted to get her away from this place as much as he could. He knew the others could handle the rest of the situation. He could also report back to Kushina and Minato about the issues of what was happening and the troubling events that took place as well.

Noting out of the corner of her eye that Sasuke was heading the same direction, Shizuki bit her lip. Well ... wasn't he supposed to be examining women in both nations? Regardless, she knew her speaking up would have to wait. She likely had - unfortunately - missed realizing he'd overseen and heard the Prince finding out of her betrayal. Fine, she'd admit that .. but only to herself. She wasn't repeating another mistake anytime soon though. It was true; speaking against her own lands and clan would indeed be close to suicidal. But that was why her mind was racing with back-up plans. Just as Sasuke could manipulate his own parents, she could do the same if needed with Kabuto.

And with him being so close to Orochimaru, someone Fugaku could trust more than his own children at times .. it would work. It'd take time ... but it'd work. And that was all she needed. Once entering the Uchiha lands once again, she ignored any odd looks given to her, keeping quiet. Her feet began to wearily and subconsciously guide her back towards Kabuto and Orochimaru's manor .. and then into her room. Hopefully they were both asleep, away, or something of the like. Shizuki didn't feel like dealing with either of them at the moment. If she had to, however, she'd highly prefer to speak with her mentor, Kabuto.

"Mhm. I've used them a few times before .. but for hunting actual game, not people. It's a trap that activates sleeping gas." Anko's head glanced around, a small sigh of relief leaving as the tell-tale of hooves heading off were soon heard. "Good, don't need them around when these two come to. Speaking of ... what do we do with them? They were associated and paid to help with a crime. It seems wrong to just ... let them go. Should we take them back with us and have them imprisoned or ... ??"

While awaiting Kakashi's opinion, Anko slipped the note and tag away. If nothing else, these would be more definite sets of proof to give to Lord Fugaku when she had to speak with him. Her mind temporarily went to Shizuki, wondering if she was okay. The terrified glance she'd managed to see before Tayuya left hinted something truly was as amiss as the two were thinking .. and while the puzzle looked mostly complete, she couldn't yet make any answers. There were still slight, not many though, hints that it may not necessarily be Sasuke. The tag, though, did spell one thing out. It'd definitely been an Uchiha. That was no longer anything she was questioning anymore.

"... But ... I thought we were to remain here a month? I just .. it seems somewhat disrespectful to Minato and Kushina but .... " Her head shook as she sighed. "I'm so confused .... he set me up and ... let me go? Neji, this wasn't done out of mercy." Her voice shook as did her hand which rested upon his. Only Neji and the wind would be able to hear the next phrase which was barely above a whisper in volume. "I'm scared ... " As far as poor Tayuya was concerned, nothing good could come from this. No, this had just been the beginning ... and her role in this had only started. In the long run, she'd be included yet again. Her stomach clenched, the fear that next time there would be no holding back against her quickly overwhelming her mind.
Kakashi looked at Anko, "we take them back with us, they are the only source of information we have, we can't trust Sasuke or his helper, we can't figure anything behind what we know, so it is best to keep them imprisoned but also perhaps get information from them, thought I am sure they are in the dark about most everything that has happened recently as well. Kakashi's eyes looked over the pair, "they will be held in a top level place, you need not worry, and if someone tries to find them we can track them too, whatever happens will happen, it is best to not fall to the level of our enemies or madmen," he commented as he looked at her, " I will keep the scroll as well," he said putting it in his bag. If the Uchiha cause any problems, we can remind them that we have it, and we can use it to help shape world opinion against the Uchiha kingdom. "We should wrap things up here and head back, Lee, Tenten, you both did a wonderful job, thank you for your help, you are both credits to the Hyuuga kingdom, and I will make sure that your lord knows this soon," he said looking at the two of them.

"Anko, if you ever aren't out working for your boss, come by, I would like to continue the conversation we had last night, it was most interesting, and you are most...unique, you tend to stand out a bit," he commented as he picked up the two of the criminals, as he looked and tossed them onto his horse, he would led it back to the capital. He was sure that Anko would look into what happened and would also most likely head home to deal with the Uchiha for a bit at least. He found this woman someone worth perhaps having his eye on, which was something he hadn't even thought for a rather long time.

"I know, but my uncle, well he has something he wants to do, we will be headed there for only a short while," Neji explained as he looked at her holding Tayuya as close as possible to himself, "think of this as a kind of date while we are traveling, we will go there for this event, then we will head back and spend the rest of the month plus a day or so to make up for this," he explained hoping it would work out and be understood, "it is a ball, all the eligible young me from the kingdoms are all going to be at this location, it was planned before even we were put together at the meeting. It is to spark an improvement between the kingdom. You wear a mask hide your identity, so that no one knows who you are, and then you have fun. This way no one knows who is Uchiha, Uzumaki, Hyuuga, of the Sand, Sky, or any of the other kingdoms that might send people to the ball," he explained as he rode.

"Now your right, I don't know what happened, but we will figure it out, and we will find a solution, Sasuke Uchiha is a danger to us all, all the kingdoms, we will be prepared the next time, this time he just caught us off guard," he said softly as he looked at her for a moment, "I am not going to let anything else happen to you, Tayuya, to get though you, they are going to have to go over my dead body understood," he said with a determined tone, though he knew this time it hadn't worked like that, he was mad at himself for that, "I will protect you, and teach you some tricks to deal to help you defend yourself better," hes said pausing as he looked at her and stopped the horse so he could slip both hands around her, "I am just glad your okay, I was worried," he said as he leaned in and kissed the redhead on her lips.

A quick nod of half-agreement was given to Kakashi. "She hasn't been in our lands for long .. but Shizuki's never yet displayed ill will towards the Uchiha. I do believe Neji was right when he brought up she was coerced into this wreck. When he wants something, he does any and everything to get it, his rank too often being able to be used against many others." But ... for now, Kakashi had a valid point. Until they knew more details, even Shizuki couldn't yet be trusted. It did pain Anko slightly .. but the belief Neji was correct kept her spirits up high enough. When the tag was brought up, she nodded again and handed it over. "Fair and .. no, I'm not worried on the security here. As far as I know, there haven't been any records of - attempted or otherwise - civil uprisings."

It hadn't been done in years, but they had still occurred in the Uchiha lands before. And now .. she suddenly had the sinking feeling there would be another soon. Her head lowered as the thought went to her. The last time she'd seen it, Anko had been much younger. This time, though, she'd likely have to actually participate. It annoyed her ... and saddened her, particularly when Kakashi mentioned wanting to speak to her again.

Glancing up, she managed to bow her head to him with a smile. "I'm holding you to your word then. Next time I arrive ... I hope you're ready and in a less hectic state." As much as Anko wanted to remain beside Kakashi, she knew she couldn't. She had to report back to Lord Fugaku and speak to him .. assuming no one was doing that just now. "Until next time ... " She called back, riding off quickly towards the Uchiha lands.

While Orochimaru had taught her the 'all work, no play' concept, she'd thought of a loophole. Maybe after talking, she could return back. After all, she doubted her .. assistance would be asked from anyone within an immediate timeframe, especially now that Tayuya was safe. We'll see .. she finally decided to herself, her smile widening as she continued heading onto her destination.

Tayuya's head shook, a deep sigh passing her lips. "I ... I see. I'm sorry, I ... that probably came off kinda rude, huh? Before we go .. I want to at least grab my flute if nothing else. I'd say we could both use something more calming." Her teeth subconsciously gripped her lower lip, feeling anxious once again. She'd just gotten away from the presence of strangers. Well ... then again, she'd also been caught off guard. Hopefully ... this version of meeting new people would go much smoother. "I ... um .... "

Her cheeks burned as they began to match her hair. Bowing her head, Tayuya finally completed her confession. " ... don't know ... how to dance of all things ... " It was pretty pathetic, really. She was a bard that could sing and play an instrument but not dance. Oh the irony.

Tayuya's head only bowed more as Sasuke was brought up again. He'd gone from a villain to an abrupt wild card; well, to the eyes of his people. She definitely knew better and given Neji's tone, the Prince hadn't fooled him either. Tears she'd been holding back since being knocked out by Kakuzu finally began to form. "I'm not made to fight. I don't ... I don't know if I can do those. I'm hardly --- " That was as far as she got before his lips connected with hers. Letting dark eyes close, she leaned in, accepting and enjoying the kiss. Silent tears steadily flowed down her cheeks, the poor bard feeling an array of emotions.

Sad and terrified one second, content and happy the next. Her hands shook more as they stayed upon Neji's, her head staying against his chest. "I missed you too .... " She whispered gently, her eyes staying closed.

Poor Hinata had been doing her damnedest to focus solely upon Naruto. But so many people had left to seek Tayuya out; and none had returned thus far. It was beginning to make her fear the worst. She was pacing in her room, glancing out the window every now and again. It wasn't just Neji she was worried for but his redheaded fiance as well. It took a lot to grab Neji's attention and the young woman had done so in almost no time. She distinctly recalled the tone and fury in his voice upon finding her gone.

It took even more effort to even get her cousin to that point. In fact, Hinata couldn't immediately recall the last time Neji had gotten that mad. Her hands slowly went over her chest as she continued waiting for the first hints that someone, anyone from the search would return.
Neji rode the rest of the way, feeling that Tayuya had fallen asleep in his arms. He was happy to be able to return to somewhere they had just been with Tayuya. There was no doubts that this woman was the one he was going to marry, and he would protect her with everything in his very soul wanting to protect her from danger. He rode though the gates and up to the Palace. He got down and walked into the front door, and looked around, seeing Hinata there and smiled at his cousin, "She is fine, just asleep," he said informing her so that Hinata didn't worry about her well being."

Hinata was worried about them, it was in her nature, he figured that was something that would make her a good wife to Naruto someday, but he also figured she would be at his side worried the whole time too. He walked in and carried Tayuya to her room tucking her into her own bed before kissing her forehead, "rest, I am going to meet with Kushina and Minato so that we can go over how to fix things as best as possible," he said to her softly, as he looked over the red heads face moving some hair out of her eyes as he then turned and headed out the door.

Kakashi returned back to soon after Neji and knew what Neji was up too. He wondered what he would need to do for the future, but the report to Minato was needed. He headed to the office and ran into Neji who was headed there as well. The two talked for a moment, talking about the well being of Tayuya. Kakashi had been actually against the arranged marriages, but seeing how this one worked, he wondered with preparation if they could be done successfully. Kakashi and Neji then headed in and talked with Minato, much was talked about, though nothing could be finalized except that they would have to wait to figure things out and that things should continue on the same path they had been on for some time. In short, Kakashi and Neji were to continue as it nothing happened in public and keep a close eye out on things in private.

Naruto hugged Hinata from behind, as he held her, "well, see nothing to worry about, at all, I know that Neji wasn't going to let someone steal his girl from him. I know cause I would never let anyone take you from me," he whispered into Hinata's ear softly, before pulling back. He looked at her and knew that he would protect her no matter the cost, she was the most unique girl ever, and the first one he ever saw that he liked and as he got to know her that like grew quite quickly.

The next month flew by faster than a hummingbird could ever begin to do. Between Hinata, Tayuya, and Anko it wound up being the last two whom had been the most occupied. But if one had to choose between the two, it could - even if barely - be determined Anko was definitely the more busier. First, she'd had to speak to Fugaku regarding the incident .. and that hadn't gone quite as smoothly as she'd hoped. In fact, she had become rather irritated at the results. Of course, the delusional king had sided with his son and while the ranger could understand to some degrees, she knew in her mind the priority of the land came first. It hadn't taken but a week since she left Kakashi for Anko to even get the note confirmed and found that the handwriting did indeed match Sasuke's penmanship.

Still, Fugaku turned his head away from the evidence, seeming to refuse to believe anything any person told him. It was a tiring and annoying situation. But with the new rumors of a diplomatic marriage being arranged for Prince Sasuke, things had seemed to settle down for the time being. Now hopefully they would remain that way, even if only for a brief while.

It had been self-assigned more than anything, but Anko had gone back after the failed talks and remained by Tayuya, officially becoming her new bodyguard and escort of sorts. Not that she didn't doubt or trust Neji .. but as a form of reassurance for herself and everyone included in this deal. Besides, she doubted anyone would want history to repeat. If Anko wasn't helping Tayuya learn how to dance, she was conversing and meeting up with Kakashi.

And thus far, the ranger had been finding herself becoming more and more attracted to the knight. Even while she was getting ready, her mind was still on him. The masquerade that was to be hosted in the Hyuuga lands was about to begin soon and she was remaining in the same room Tayuya was to borrow a private area to change in.

"You think you're ready?" She inquired, using a mirror to zip up her dress.

"I ... yeah. Dance wise, at least .... "

".. Is it the unknown that makes you uneasy, Tayuya?" Upon catching a small nod in the mirror, Anko gave her a reassuring smile. "Well .. if you really want to ensure you find him, whistle a tune as if you were playing your flute."

The redhead blinked, amazed she hadn't thought of the idea before nodding. ".... Not a bad idea. Okay, I'll try that, I suppose. I'm not sure I could dance with anyone else, let alone that he'd be overly fond of .. letting another be with me so ..." Her head shook as she exhaled deeply, trying to keep herself calm. "What of you? You got someone?"

"Maybe ... I have no idea if he's going to wind up showing. Just because Naruto is here though, there is a chance for it." And with Kakashi having a unique hair color, it seemed easy enough in Anko's mind to be able to find him tonight. The main obstacle would likely be the crowd.

Hinata, on the other hand, had been in her room. But her own zipper was being less-than-cooperative. Her cheeks were flushed as she stayed outside the door, too nervous to knock. But finally, she mustered up enough courage and let her hand gently fall upon the wooden structure. As Anko answered it, her head bowed. "Um ... sorry but uh ... " She turned, showing what needed assistance.

"Ah, sure. Here ... " Gently helping Hinata inside, Anko closed the door first before helping the Princess with her own zipper. Glancing back between the two adolescents, she then grasped a bright silver mask and put it over her face. "I'm going to head on down and see if I can ... rendezvous with someone before it gets too crowded. I'll see you both there." Giving each a bow of her head, Anko headed down some stairs, soon arriving into the ballroom.

After a few brief minutes of talking and reassuring one another things would go well, both Hinata and Tayuya walked down, wearing a bright white and gold mask respectively. Each went to a separate part of the room as all three gazed around, curious on whether anyone else was here yet or not.
The time had gone on for Kakashi, Naruto and Neji as well, each of them were busy, Naruto actually was the most busy of the three, working to figure out the balance of being a good boyfriend for Hinata and future husband, with more task as a leader of a kingdom. He was taking to it well, focused most of the time on learning everything that he could from his father whom someday he would take over from as well as his mother of course. Still it was a positive month, which he felt he was able to do much during.

Kakashi focused on keeping an eye on everything, and the only real social time he spent was getting to know the most interesting Anko or meeting with friends such as Gai, Iruka, and Asuma as they all were busy making improvements to the defenses of the capital, after what happened, they had to have stronger defenses to be able to guard against possible attack or sneak attack as well. It kept Kakashi busy most of the time, but he was still able to leaern much about Anko, and had been selected as Naruto's guardian in Hyuuga lands as well.

Neji on the other hand had a lot of time on his hands, he spend most of what he could around Tayuya teaching her little tricks for self-defense, as well as just enjoying her music, even for a week trying and mostly failing himself at trying to learn how to play various types of music himself with the idea that he could master it and play with Tayuya, and Neji was okay overall, but his mind wouldn't accept anything but the best, which was why he kept it on the down low after the week waiting till he got good enough to show Tayuya that he was improved.

As the day arrived, none of them saw where the females were, Naruto walked in with Kakashi, Naruto was dressed in a orange and white robe which looked like it fit his personality so perfectly. HIs mask of all things was a frog mask as he couldn't find anything and had forgot till the last minute, it was embarrashing, but he liked frogs, and he figured that he stood out, so that if he didn't find Hinata, he was darn sure that she would be able to find him as he sat there his eyes looking around calmly waiting for her and her alone. Kakashi wore a blue robe himself, one that was somewhat a show of status, but pretty bland overall. He wore an fancy mask with animal markings to make it look like sort of a dog, but he had used it years before as a member of the elite of the Uzumaki army. He was there mostly to just keep an eye on Naruto, make sure he didn't get himself into trouble and see what happened from there. He did wonder if Anko was there, it seemed possible that she might be.

Neji walked in with Lee not that long after, Neji was in his traditional robes as a member of the Hyuuga. He figured that it would stick out enough that Tayuya would be able to find him, hopefully. He wore a simple white mask that hide his face decently well as he walked in and found a seat not far from Naruto, as he watched his all green clad rival wonder off in some direction not worried about it, figuring if he needed to find Lee he could without any serious problems at all.

Both Tayuya and Hinata almost instantly picked up on the silent cues, the latter covering her mouth to conceal a chuckle. Hinata knew Naruto truly did mean well .. but the mask was no doubt an interesting choice that had made it practically inevitable to react in such a way. The orange suit and frog mask truly did seem to do Naruto much justice in it's own odd form and fashion. While Naruto had been doing his lessons, she'd learned as much about her fiance as possible. His love for frogs had been one of the easiest traits to recall and thus the mask may as well have had his name stamped on it. The Hyuuga Princess had yet to meet anyone who was as fond of the amphibians as her future husband.

Much like Hinata, Tayuya had done similar tasks whilst around Neji. One of the easiest things she noted was his typical attire, though the white seemed to fit him as well. He truly was like the very exotic knight in shining, white armor. It made the irony all the more sweeter to the bard. Usually, it was supposed to be a princess who had royal blood in them to meet such people and yet, she'd still been able to be with Neji despite her lack of the proper heritage. It made her smile behind her mask. It was more intriguing when she thought back to her very first day she'd been told by Fugaku of being wed off. She'd tried to argue and fight against it.

But now .. she would have to properly thank him when she got the chance. There was no one else Tayuya could begin to imagine herself with.

Hinata hadn't seemed to notice something but Tayuya had over the past several weeks. She didn't doubt that the words of the Lords and Ladies were more than official enough to declare anyone a fiance. But .. weren't rings needed to make it slightly more conclusive also? Her head glanced up towards the ceiling, not wanting to seem as if staring. No point in overthinking ... She decided to herself. Besides, she hadn't done much more than kissing, holding hands at most. There seemed to be little doubts, bordering on none, that Neji wanted to try to be with anyone else. That day would certainly come ... which made her smile widen all the more.

The blue almost instantly caught Anko's attention. Why? Because at such an occasion like this, it was an intriguing color to see a man wear. Usually, the more typical colors would be things like black or white. But no, this one had chosen blue. And the mask .. that was also unique in itself. The animal markings almost suggested either the wearer was somehow tribal or just had a fondness for dogs. Probably the latter ... tribal-like people haven't been around for a hell of a while .. The ranger reminded herself, sneaking a quick glance at herself.

Hm ... this is shorter than I remember. Hopefully that doesn't come off as looking too ... loose ... Her teeth lightly gripped her lower lip, anxiety trying to overwhelm her.

As more and more guests walked in, it seemed there was still one last person missing. The main host and immediate person whom would be able to declare the masquerade official to start; Hiashi Hyuuga.

All the women waited in their respective spots, keeping their wits and patience about them all. Now that each had mentally spotted someone which had gotten their attention, each seemed more than ready to head to their respective partners.
Neji was good at picking things up and the fact he had been looking for Tayuya made it so much easier to find her. Then again, it wasn't so common to see anyone with redhair, plus he knew just what she looked like, and her style too, so finding her was eay. He walked up to her and looked at her, "Well my lady, I think I have found the one who I shall dance with this night, if you don't mind," he said gracefully with some charm behind his words as well as he reached down took Tayuya's hand and kissed it, if there was any doubt who he was, he was sure it was gone by that point. He was very content with his relationship, but this wasn't a ball for him or Hinata they had been spoken for, it was for those unlike ones who had not found someone and were not connected with anyone to have such a great experience as what he had. That was at least what Neji was guessing, at least.

Naruto had seens someone but felt guilty about her, maybe it was a cousin of Hinata, it took him a good long moment before he figured out it was Hinata, which didn't make him feel like the smartest person ever by any stretch. He walked up and grinned behind his mask as he looked at her, "Well, hi, let me see, who is this really hot beautiful woman, it couldn't be Hinata Hyuuga could it," he said faking that he had no clue who she was for a few moments which he knew would cause her to turn red, behind her mask. He then looked up and looked her in the eye, "Well now, beautiful woman, do you mind if I dance with you, I am okay at this, my mom taught me how," he said loudly as he looked at her, always smiling behind his mask as he made the comments.

Kakashi moved around scouting out the area carefully for a moment as he noticed someone looking at him, and spoted the hair color of the woman, purple, he knew who it was right away, also based on where she was in relation to Tayuya too. He worked his way around the room as he found his way over to where she happened to be standing. He stood still looking out at the younger people gathered, "it is odd being the ones watching yet, seems you can still dress up to put these young ladies into some state of envy," he stated as he refered to he dress and the looks of jealous that she would get form some of the other women, about her ability to be able to pull off such an outfit. "The room looks good, everything seems in order," Kakashi commented as he stood there, he was sure she knew who he was, she was smart, and how many people had the same hair color as him. He wasn't Jiraya afterall, so it had to pretty much be him, even with the front of his face overed the back of it wasn't which showed his white hair.

Haishi walked in and looked around, spotting his daughter was as easy as it could be. He noticed that she was right next to Naruto Uzumaki, which told him the deal was working perfectly, the fact that he also noted his other daughter dancing with a young man told him, that Minato had been correct, and he knew their alliance with Uzumaki was going to just grow stronger. He was glad for this, and looked around a bit more finding his nephew, he looked rather happy as well, it seemed everyone but Sasuke Uchiha was here happy due to the deal. He knew the Uchiha would have to live with the deal which turned against them to some degree, but he had heard of the new deal being worked out, which would hopefully keep things settled down. Haishi walked in and looked at his two daughters before heading up to a balcony and sitting down as he sat there relax for a moment and lowered his hand, "the grand ball has officially began," he announced as he made the gesture.

"Not at all." She replied softly, the mask thankfully concealing her cheeks reddening and matching her hair as the kiss was given to her hand. Her body relaxed and once Neji began to walk out, she eagerly joined him. Her head slightly glanced up, trying to remember whose hands went here before looking back to Neji. Never thought I'd be so glad for this damn thing "Um ... like this, right?" She asked, slowly putting her hands upon his shoulders. Or did it depend on the type of dance? ... Hell ... ugh ... Hopefully she'd had somewhat of an idea. If nothing else, she knew Neji could give a friendly reminder ... but damnit, her pride hated that over the entire month of Anko's training, she'd already nearly forgotten what the hell to do.

For a few seconds, Hinata had thought he was almost serious. But she managed to pick up on the joking tone of his voice and smile. "Oh it definitely could be, good sir." She replied softly. Sure enough, Naruto's guess on her cheeks going red had been right and much like Tayuya, she was glad for the new form of concealment also. Her head shook no as she gently grasped a hand. "Mind? No. Quite the opposite; I'd be honored. Let's find a spot and prepare then." She suggested, finding an unoccupied place out on the floor with Naruto.

Anko's heart seemed to freeze and simultaneously race as the same person she'd been gazing and admiring from afar seemed to notice her back. ... Well of course it's easier while on duty to keep your stealth, silly. She reminded herself, mentally replying how someone else had noticed her as quickly as they had. But it all seemed more than fair enough when she thought of it. Like the other two, Anko's cheeks turned slightly red albeit for Kakashi, it was much more of an accomplishment than it'd been for the other two. It took a hell of a lot to even begin getting Anko off guard.

Now that the man was closer up, however, Anko could easily note his voice and hair color. But she'd play along -- for now -- and pretend to not know it was Kakashi. "You're far too generous. I feared this may give off the wrong impression on the type of woman I am. Still, thank you all the same." Taking another glance fully up and down, a smile formed on her face. "In your own ways, you aren't too bad yourself. The color is nice and the pattern ... " Her hand raced up, slowly rolling around one of the paw-like shapes. "Is very unique, exotic in it's own form."

Only when she finished teasing the pattern did her hand leave, an inward chuckle echoing in her head. That had been really bold but so damn fun. Maybe she should start going against the 'all work, no play' mindset? She'd definitely think on it.

And finally ... the words all the women had been waiting to hear echoed in their ears.

"The grand ball has officially begun."

Each wasted no time, Tayuya taking the longest to ensure her hands were in the correct position, but all still began to dance once the music started.

"Glad you could make it .. " Anko finally whispered, allowing herself to reveal she'd noted the tell-tale signs of her partner.
Neji looked at her and smiled, it was odd to see her not knowing what to do. It was a side he knew she didn't share with anyone else other but himself. He looked at her as he slipped his hands to her waist and nodded his head, "you have everything where it should go," he said to her softly as he smiled, the music would go well and he thought of something, "just follow me lead, I will move with the music, we will become one with it, and we will embrace the calmness of the music as well," he aid to her softly as he moved with her he was good at dancing, really good actually, it can from his natural footwork. He moved with her as if he was leading someone who was a starter but not wanting to show it, his movements smooth calm refeshing almost to follow, he wanted to make the dance like the music itself which he was sure she would be able to understand well as the calm young man danced with the musician.

Naruto moved with HInata to the spot unlike Neji he was not pro at this, he was nervous, very much. He wanted to make a good impression with Hinata, and he knew that this was going to be the best chance he was ever going to have to do so as an dancer. He had praticed with his mother thoughout the month, and he took her into his arms and started to dance. His dance was him as much as Neji's was Neji. It was up beat despite the song leading her in a high energy dance moving quickly out of time, but with a great sense of joy in each and every single motion and movement he made with Hinata.

Kakashi looked at the two couples and smiled chucking under his breath at Naruto, he was so like his mother, he could remember her actually leading Minato to the dance floor as the lead of their dance. He looked over at Anko, "so does the guardian of redheads and student of the snake know how to dance a bit herself," he asked her, as he figured he might as well enjoy himself. He wanted to dance with her as well, "the mask, it is something I got when I became a knight, a traditon for Uzumaki Knights to get one, but no two are ever the same," he informed her.

Though Tayuya's heart was racing slightly, the knowledge she was with Neji was definitely making her much more calm than fearful. She was at least glad to hear the basics, if nothing else, had been remembered. Inwardly sighing, Tayuya began moving once Neji did. She'd almost begun to inquire .. but decided overall, it didn't matter. This was meant to be a night to remember and enjoy, not ask questions at. Besides, when's the last time you spoiled yourself? When the mental answer of 'Never' crossed her head, she smiled a bit more. It hadn't been until the music and dancing had officially begun but now, Tayuya was beginning to see just how much she had needed this, especially after the escapade with Sasuke and those two ... criminals. "You look very nice, very handsome .. " She finally managed to reply. While it was true the focus should stay upon their dancing, that didn't mean outright not speak at all. It just meant to choose one's questions and words carefully.

The upbeat nature was definitely one of Naruto's stronger traits. Hinata had known that for years. But she hadn't quite expected him to transfer it to the dance floor, making her smile more. He wasn't breaking the golden rule by stepping on her toes so in Hinata's book, he wasn't doing half bad. Then again, it took a lot to annoy or unimpress the Princess in the first place. Her father had sometimes warned her of not being too picky and she knew there were times to do that. Now, however, wasn't one of them she felt. "You're doing good." She reassured gently, hoping it'd make him feel less anxious. The sensation could almost literally be felt radiating off him and Hinata wanted to do all she could to make this as fun for Naruto as it was thus far for herself.

Following Kakashi's gaze, Anko snuck her own brief glance to the other two couples. Her smile widened more to see the lessons hadn't been in vain. It was incredibly sweet and romantic to see how perfectly each couple seemed to go together. Fate may as well have assigned this to them from the day they were born because she couldn't begin to imagine either woman with another man. When Kakashi spoke up though, Anko realized it was time to see what the stars had in store for herself. They'd been rather generous so far, even before having met the knight. But ever since their encounter, her days had seemed ... better, happier. Now would no doubt be one of the best chances to test that out.

"Yes, though the Master Snake doesn't know that. I do have a few more typical feminine traits about me. Work just keeps me from showing them." She replied, giving a playful wink and smirk. "There aren't many things I do behind his back but this .. was definitely one." Taking one of his hands, she guided them out towards the floor, being careful to avoid bumping into anyone else who was dancing. Her smile widened more as she began to get informed of the mask and what it had stood for.

"So if my mentor is the Master of Snakes, does that hint you're the Master of Dogs somehow?" She asked, a sincere and curious tone present rather than a sarcastic one he may have expected.
Neji listened to the kind words of Tayuya and smiled behind his mask just a bit, as he looked at her. He actualy hated the damn mask, he wanted to look her in the eyes, see them as he found them to be something of a wonder in themselves, a small part of something larger, where the part and the sum were in his view amazing. "You are doing well yourself Tayuya, the man up on balcony, is my uncle, Hinata's father, lord of the land as it were, I think after the dance, I shall have to introduce him to you," he said as he continued to dance with her, twrilling Tayuya expertly before catching her in his arms and just holding her for a moment before the dance continued, "He is very stoic, so a lack of emotion is common," he added as he didn't notice that the pair had more eyes on them as they gracefully moved about for a second. "Tomorrow, I can take you to your future home if you wish too," he said to her figuring that would be a moment of joy for her as well.

As he danced, Neji noticed his rival dancing, it was decent, for once he wanted to make sure he was better then Lee at something, and he picked up his game, or skill a bit with Tayuya. Of course the fact he was dancing with Tenten and not Sakura was interesting as well, but he couldn't help but find it cute too. He noticed Naruto as well with his cousin, and felt proud of Hinata, she got who she was after, she won Naruto's heart, even little Hanabi looked happy with her date, it was a proud moment in the Hyuuga family, he couldn't help but for a moment as he danced look up to see his uncle with amazingly what looked like a smile, something he never thought he would see on his face ever.

Naruto was glad to hear the words, he knew that he wasn't a great dancer, he hadn't been paying much attention to his mother at all when she showed him how, though then again, his mother wasn't the best dancer either from what his father told him. He looked at Hinata and smiled, "Thank you, Hinata," he replied happily, "you know me, I am just naturally good at everything I try," he said with normal tone, "well most everything," he then quickly added almost as a kind of cover for anything he might not be so great at."Hinata, um, I have been wondering this for a long while," he asked with a most serious tone as if what he was about to say was the most serious thing ever to be asked in the whole history of the world. "Does the Hyuuga Kingdom have any ramen bars?" he asked his seriousness not changing a bit as if the need of a ramen bar for a place was absolute.

"Lord of Dogs huh," Kakashi commented as he looked at her, his tone light and somewhat mysterious too, "I guess that could be seen as true," he added as he took Anko into his grasp, pressing up closer to her then Naruto or Neji had either of their dates, it was clear, that Kakashi knew what he was doing fast. He had true skill at dancing, and a lot of experience too at this craft as well. "I must be honest, I didn't know you were afraid to show off your female features, well at least your physical ones," he said teasing her as he danced, his tone also light and playful. "I think it is the fact you are stronger then most that makes them thing your manly I would guess," he added throwing out the ideas which seemed most logical to him as he made the comment.
Kakashi kept his eye on everything, mostly his own guardian as he danced, Naruto, was his mother in so many ways, he could manage to pull something off that normally wouldn't fly at all. It was amazing to see, that the son of his teacher, being so happy with the Hyuuga. Then again, so many of the other people in the room were happy, it seemed as though the Hyuuga had the right idea by planning this event, it would be good for the people, and relations between the villages. He returned focus to the dance turning up the heat dancing super close to Anko pressing her skills in this as well as his. The dance became like a combat of of the bodies them moving across the dance floor so well so fast, so excately, that they got numberous eyes to focus on them, amoung the ones who were not dancing at the moment.

Haishi was watching, he was smiling, he couldn't help himself, his children, Neji included were happy. He might be a stoic man, but he was glad to see his family happy, they were his world in some way, and to see them finding the ones that were right for them, it made him feel reliefed about the deal, and proud of each of them for going though with the deal as he smiled looking out on the party, not caring at this point if someone might notice that he had broken his stoic mode or not.

The mask was honestly beginning to bother Tayuya also. It wasn't nearly as comfortable as it could have been. Were it not for the fact this ball was specifically made so that everyone had to wear one, she would have eagerly removed hers by now. But it had, according to Anko, been a tradition to keep them on until the night was over. So she'd abide and mind her manners. "Thank you. Anko's been making sure since I arrived here to get these lessons down. And how is beyond me, but I've noted myself to be a fast learner." When Hiashi was brought up, her heart raced a bit more. Upon thinking on it, Tayuya did realize she had yet to meet the man.

"I .. would be honored to meet him." And even if that wasn't true, she had the feeling he would want to meet her anyways. But since her words had been genuine, it seemed like a win-win to the bard. Though the mask hid her eyes, it didn't conceal the smile that showed on her lips. "I'd love to. I ... no, I definitely haven't been this happy before. I was terrified at first upon hearing of this arrangement. But now, I'm ecstatic it was made. I don't see myself being with anyone else nor wishing to."

It'd been .. all so sudden. One second, Tenten was watching the others dance and the next thing she knew, her hands had been taken and guided upon her partner's shoulders. Thankfully, her own footwork was graceful like Neji's, so the conjurer of weapons knew how to dance. She just hadn't expected anyone to take an approach to her and that, more than anything, was taking her aback the most. A genuine and simultaneously nervous smile was on her face. "I ... I'm flattered. Thanks for choosing me. You .. dance well." Black was a very common hair color so that wasn't a giveaway for her just yet. If nothing else, the voice could be some clue.

"I'd say you have definitely been doing very well for yourself in all the tasks I've noted you able to do thus far." When his tone became serious, she almost prepared for a worst-case scenario type of question; mainly out of instinct. But thankfully, it was a more merciful question. Her smile widened and it took a lot of willpower to avoid chuckling out loud. Her head slowly shook from side to side. "Um .. I'm afraid not. That's the main reason I never knew of ramen before. Our food is more ... well ... fancy." She explained, figuring the best way to tell him was the blunt and honest way. "It's not too bad though. In fact, let me make a suggestion if I may. I tried your ramen when I was in your lands. Mind returning the favor and doing the same while you stay here?" She offered.

Only when she caught a glimpse of her father watching from the balcony did another realization dawn upon Hinata. "Oh! If nothing else .. you do need to meet my father after tonight. Neji and Tayuya will likely join us as I'm pretty sure they haven't done that either. He sometimes seems strict but ... he does mean well. Don't be intimidated by it." Noting the rare smile that had appeared on his face, her own widened as she added, "Especially since he seems to be in a very good mood tonight."

"I suppose. It is somewhat true. I'm not seen as much but the ranger, scout, huntress back in the Uchiha lands. The most who sees me as a bit more is Orochimaru himself and that's only to the degree of his first student who succeeded in graduating from him." Not that it wasn't a feat but it was like Kakashi had said. No one viewed her as an actual woman nor had dared to approach her as if she were one. Which .. then brought up an interesting point in question. "That being said, what made you want to speak with me in the first place? Just because I'm unique or .. is there something else?" Every now and again, she allowed her own pupiless eyes to check up on Tayuya. For having been so nervous not too long ago, she had adapted very well and the ranger was definitely pleased all the lessons hadn't been in vain.
Kakashi heard the question as he danced with Anko, and thought of the best way to reply to it and remembered back to their previous conversations, and smiled behind the mask, he was more used to hiding his face then others, thus the mask ment little to him and telling his feelings and thoughts were much easier then they might be for the others. He just wanted to be creative in how he used his words to tell her. "Well now, it is really simple actually, Anko, I have found a beautiful young woman who has caught my eye. It isn't something I was expecting, but when you find a one, you naturally gravitate towards her when and where you can, especially in such events as this," he said as he moved, keeping one eye on Naruto from time to time.

Naruto blinked as he was totally bumbed out by the fact there were no ramen bars, he was about to be rather down on it, when he heard Hinata's question about him trying her food as she had his. He felt bad about his first reaction, guilty, how could he not try something new, he was good enough to find new things. He didn't have to have the same food all the time did her. He also couldn't tell her no either, and he was glad at the moment that he didn't see her beautiful face, cause he would of been the one red from embarrasment for a change."Yeah of course I will try it, it is all good, just new stuff for me after all," he said in reply.

"Well, I heard your dad is kind of a stick in the mud, or at least that is what my mother tells me about him," he whispered quietly so that no one else would hear him say it, he knew he was in a party, and he wasn't bad enough to so loudly say something bad about the host at the party. Maybe he would of in his younger days, but he had grown up a little since those younger teenage days. "I will love to meet, him, I figured I would at some point."

"I see, I will have to thank Anko, for giving you those lessons, but I think she is occupied herself at the moment," he said as he then saw the smile and heard her side of things. He wasn't surprised, he could see himself fearing the worse about the relationship, he had admitted that he was worried she would of been a female Sasuke. Now thinking about what that would of meant, wow that really would of been super scary. He looked at her and took a breath, "Well now, I agreed to this for Hinata," he said honestly, "I went into this agreement so that Hinata could have the man over her dreams, the hyper active good hearted idiot she is dancing with. Now, I think I ended up perhaps with the best part of the deal, and I am so grateful for having someone who can bring peace and sorenity to my life as well as passion and turrbluance as well," he admitted with a smile as he heard the music and reacted to it.

The mystery person said nothing to Tenten, he figured she would just laugh him off and wonder why he wasn't dancing with Sakura. Honestly, she was a childhood crush nothing more, he knew she would never return his feelings. He moved gracefully too, he was a trained martial arts master afterall. That being said, he knew he could get away with this, especially given that the person dancing with Sakura sort of looked like him actually, and Tenten would assume that it was him dancing with Sakura.

Anko's cheeks burned, beginning to match the color of Tayuya's hair. Attention was something that was very foreign to Anko. Even Orochimaru hadn't spoiled her -- well, not with compliments. Dango, yes but praise about her appearances? No way. And because of that, the words intrigued, amused, and flattered her all at once. "... Really? I .. I mean .." Her head shook, a soft chuckle leaving her lips. "Congrats. It takes a lot to make me stammer like a nervous teenager. Truly though, I've seen myself as much more of a tomboy than attractive lady so ... thanks." Sneaking in one more glance towards Tayuya and Neji, there appeared to be no issues between them. Feeling more confident on that, Anko decided to keep her attention solely upon the man in front of her. "Then since we're exchanging confessions and words ... I thought the same upon first meeting you. You're very handsome and even with the interesting reputations you have - mainly of usually being late - you're more intelligent than most other people I know. You didn't hear that from me though." She added, giving him a sly smile.

Hinata nodded quickly. "I understand. Though there's been quite a lot of new things lately. The ramen, being into a foreign land, this arrangement -- though each day that's gone by and I'm still with you, I'm more and more grateful for it." Even with all the times she'd been able to thank Minato and Kushina, it almost didn't feel like it had been enough. This had gone so perfectly, so smoothly ... sometimes it still felt like a dream. Ah well, at least she hadn't woken up from it yet if it was. A soft chuckle left as Naruto went on regarding her father. The words had, if nothing else, been .. unique to choose, albeit it was slightly true.

"Well ... he doesn't try to be. Even with all the years that have gone by, I think a part of him still misses mom. I'm not one hundred percent sure though. He likely just over worries; about myself, Neji and Hanabi. He's raised basically all three of us with little to no additional assistance. He really does try though." Hinata hated seeming like she tended to make the same reasons up, especially regarding her mother. But it did seem to be at least one factor that bothered him. And to many degrees, Hinata couldn't blame her father. But still, why not move on? Wouldn't that have been what her mother would wish?

That, in itself, was another problem. Hinata had been way too young to remember her mom so ... she never really got to know anything of her, let alone beliefs. Well .. that could have been another motive behind hosting the masquerade; to see his children and nephew happy rather than himself.

Tayuya nodded again. "She hinted while helping me get ready that she was hoping for someone. I'm assuming she found him .. or someone to amuse her long enough." Her own cheeks reddened .. but it didn't stop her reply. "With how much devotion you have to your own family ... I have no doubts you'll be a good father one of these days." It hadn't dawned on Tayuya until sometime in the past week but the thought of being able to have her own family - making up for the one she lost so long ago and starting anew - began to sound more and more like a damn good idea. And given that would be something that could be arranged after the marriage .. there were few ways she could see Neji not liking the idea. Besides, he did seem to be the only other male aside from Hiashi so ... wasn't it his obligation in a sense?

"I am grateful also... " She replied softly, barely above a whisper.

Tenten's first gut instinct had been she'd almost gotten offended. But then .. maybe this person was shy? Like Hinata? It wasn't impossible for men to be that way. So .. she gave him benefit of the doubt, giving the masked figure a gentle smile as she continued to dance with him.
The music came to an end, as the people stopped to dance for a moment, Lee looked at Tenten, and smiled his smile visable, he gave his trademark smile, of course this gave him so away, "Thank you Tenten, I am sorry if I wasn't the person you were expecting, but I did my best," he said with his normal tone, knowing she would know that it was him that had danced with her. He figured she would be annoyed, or frustratied with him, but he could live with that response.

Neji looked at Tayuya and took her hand into his own after he had finished the dance, "lets go, I want to have you meet him before he decides he is bored with the dance and decides to leave," he said motioning Hinata to follow, he knew she and Naruto were, it was the most obvious thing in the world, plus he was pretty good at spotting people anyhow, "okay, now, just remember, relax, you will do fine, he isn't a bad guy, he is a lot better then Fugaku at least, he isn't a child apleasing dictator," he said as he led her to meet him waiting for Hinata and Naruto to arrive before he did so. He figured if they were both there, then it would work out better.

Naruto looked over and then looked at Hinata, "um, I think it is time for us to meet with your dad," he said looking at what he was sure was Neji moving towards the older man. "So um, should I let you do all the talk, dang, I am nervous," he admitted outloud as he knew he was going to marry this guy's oldest daughter which meant that he would most likely be rather protective of her.

Hayate noticed this movement and then refocused his attention on Anko, "oh the late thing, another thing I picked up from being around Obito Uchiha to long, so it is your kingdoms fault I have that bad habit," he said playfully as he knew that he had it. He stoped the dance and looked into her eyes, as he broke the rule and removed his mask, tilting it to the side as he looked at Anko before making his move as everyone else's attention was other places, he was glad her mask didn't cover her whole face, as he pulled her against himself his strong body pressing slightly against her body as he kissed her lips for the first time.

"... Lee?" Shock was the first tone he'd hear. Before he could begin to move away, her hands upon his shoulders tightened slightly, silently hinting she wasn't done speaking. "No ... no that was really good. I was just .. I didn't expect anyone to even want to dance with me. I was ready to just watch Neji, Hinata, everyone else waltz away. You did really well and ... I did have a lot of fun. Thank you. Besides, not everything needs to be a competition between you and Neji, you know? Sometimes you just need to spoil yourself and naturally enjoy things." Hopefully the last bit of advice would help him feel even more better. Her own smile crossed her face as her grip on Lee's shoulders loosened again.

A small, nervous chuckle left Tayuya's lips. "Nah, I doubt he would. From the hints you and Hinata have given .. he seems very strict on keeping to traditions." And honestly, that was what made her the most nervous. In that aspect, he was similar to Lord Fugaku. But she was silently praying Neji was right on the difference between then. She gave a deep exhale before they reached in front of him, managing a smile to her future father-in-law. The fact Naruto and Hinata would be here soon also did make this a bit easier; it wouldn't just be them Hiashi would focus upon that meant.

Seeing Neji begin to head up to the balcony, Hinata took one of Naruto's hands and gently helped him head up. "Mhm, it is." Her head shook no. "Not all of it, no. It's okay .. relax. I can feel your pulse through your wrist. Calm down.... for one, he was at the meeting. He knows this was arranged. At most, he's going to ensure the deal has been going smoothly which ... " Her smile widened as the Princess continued, "I'd say it most certainly has. In fact, it's one of the best things that's happened to me in my life so far. Honestly, I think he'll be a bit more worried on Neji as he was just tossed in there and forced to be part of the equation by Fugaku." If Naruto hadn't known now, those words hinted she'd been at that fateful meeting over a month ago now.

Her head tilted slightly upon seeing Kakashi's mask leave his face. The actual ball, per se, wasn't yet over. Just the first dance so she had been ready to ask, but her lips got locked before she could inquire. Anko's cheeks flushed more as she leaned in, deepening the kiss. A small moan only audible to Kakashi would be hear. It almost pained her when she had to pull away and break it. "Well ... is that supposed to hint we're done speaking? Or would you rather do that elsewhere?" They, unlike Neji and Hinata and their future spouses, didn't have to technically follow traditions. Engagement, waiting, the whole procedure ... but she still wanted to ask rather than assume. Especially since Anko had almost been certain he said something about usually following tradition so ... did it mean he wanted to make tonight the first night they officially courted? More? She'd wait for him to speak up before jumping to conclusions.
"Lord Haishi, I want to introduce you to my future wife, I know you don't even know her, or her name, but her name is Tayuya," Neji said as he looked at the man in front of him, his uncle and bowed deeply for a moment before standing up, it was his introduction of the woman. He was sure that this would go well, he hoped it would anyhow. He looked at the stoic look on his uncles face.

Haishi kept up a stoic gaze though he already approved of both Tayuya and Naruto, the story of his nephew going to her rescue told him all he needed to know, if she could get him to act in such a way, that said a lot. "Lady Tayuya, you are to marry into the house of Hyuuga, it is not a small thing, I would guess it is like marrying into the Uzumaki or the Uchiha. Neji is the head of the armies of the Hyuuga, he is also guardian if something should happen to me, it is possible you might someday be the first lady of the Hyuuga kingdom. Would you watch over my nephew and help him make wise chooses, and take care of my people?" he asked, giving her the hardest question he could, he was sure it would be something to catch her totally off guard, but he figured that it was needed, Hinata couldn't follow him, she was marrying Naruto, which meant if anything happened to him before Hanabi was old enough, Neji was in charge.

Naruto blinked, he hadn't expected that type of question, he was surprised to no end. He paused as Haishi looked at him to ask him a question while Tayuya thought about hers, "Uzumaki, Naruto, you are going to marry the pride of the Hyuuga, my daughter, you better treat her correctly," he said with a tone that got Naruto to feel himself grow a bit nervous. "You will be the King of the Uzumaki someday, make sure you don't always put the needs of your kingdom ahead of that of your family, without your family your kingdom will faulter, and make sure you keep my daughter your then wife happy, and I hope work toward keeping peace between us, I am counting a lot on you to do much, I expect you to be better then either your father or mother as a leader, understood," he instructed him, he knew who both were, there was no time for pleasantries, he never got the chance to scare Hinata's suitors and this was his only chance to do so, and he wasn't going to waste it.

Naruto blinked, "I um, promise, I will take care of her, she is the most important person in the world for me, and I know, my parents tell me the same thing to care for your family and that everyone in your kingdom is part of your family," he declared with a smile as he looked at Haishi, causing the Hyuuga to nodd in acceptance of the answer.

Lee smiled nervously, "I thought if you knew it was me, you wouldn't take me seriously," he said softly, "you ended up in my tent cause I asked Neji to do something like that the next time he had the chance, a while back," he said still blushing which looked funny on the young man with the bowl cut. He looked at Tenten, "well, in short um, would you want to go out sometime," he asked moving around a bit feeling so very nervous as he asked.

Kakashi heard her comments and he so wanted to ravash that woman at that moment, but he couldn't, "I so wish I could take you up on that tonight, I would remind you just how woman you are, just encase you forgot, but sadly, I am actually on duty," he said as he pointed towards Naruto, "tomorrow, a date you me, somewhere in town, once I find a place, we shall have a fun night, not Tayuya, no Naruto to worry about, okay?"
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