A Middle Age Naruto RP (Yajirobe and LadyYunaFFX2)

Neji blinked his face far more red then normal, he hadn't though that she might do something like that so the surprise element was there for her when she kissed his lips. He blinked as he looked at the door for a good moment or two while she was gone looking for her flute. He shook his head regaining some measure of composure as he soon he managed it, she had returned to be by him. He smiled as he looked at her holding her.
"Off we go," he commented as he leald the young woman off towards the area he told her about. He lead her right to it, but the walk was a bit away from the castle, she would be able to see more of the capital city then she had till that point at least. He led her though the thick bamboo outcroping that was set up itself sort of like a maze itself. A fun one, though not so tricky, just follow the direction your going you would get to your destination. He found it shortly after, a small field with a small hot springs which naturally occured in the middle feeding the bamboo areas around it water, with benches set up on all sides of the pool of water.

"This is it, the place I mentioned earlier," he said with a soft smile on his lips as he looked at Tayuya to see her reaction to all of this mostly.

Naruto leaned back a bit as he sat down, and then thought about it and smiled, "your home is very pretty, and I am glad that I got the tour from you, it is just fun walking with you Hinata," he said with a geniune tone to his voice as he looked at the young woman. "I think that it is very lovely, very different then my home, but that difference is nice," he added as he smiled at her. "Now, I guess you also mean the big day," he said with a nod of his head rubbing his chin for a moment.

"I know pretty much who I will invite, um, and my best man, and all that," he said with a smile as he felt good for having thought of all that already, but for him it wasn't hard, he wanted to invite those people who were closest to him and important to him. He figured that it was what was needed for such a moment as this. He looked at her, "so what is on your mind, penny for your thoughts?" he asked looking at her.

Kakashi didn't notice Anko at first but something gave her away after a bit, he continued to read the book finishing the very hot and heated chapter as he then closed his book and tossed it right up to where he knew she was sitting, "You know, that you do create a shadow right," he said looking ahead of himself, figuring she was reading to much to notices she got to close to him.

"It is a old book actually,you can keep it, I think you were liking it. This is the reason why I had to keep an eye on Naruto, its writter was Naruto's personal teacher," he explained as he got up and looked at her, "Now, if you were looking for pointers and want to actually pratice that type of stuff, normally I would reject you right now, but in the future sooner rather then later, I would be up for helping you work on some of those tricks," he said looking right at her.

Fugaku nodded his head, "well you are an impressive woman, and your the one that I have been looking for," he said as he put his hand out to shake her hand, "you know I have two sons, one is happily married, one is hopeless. I made a deal with your kingdom to find someone who can be his wife. I want to make you that person in the deal, I want you to marry Sasuke Uchiha, the next ruler of the Uchiha kingdom," he said pointing his point bluntly as he looked at her.

"Now, this won't be easy, but you will be doing your village a great servace for this, for the agreement has to be upheld, it is an agreement that also allows your prince to marry the princess of the Hyuuga lands, without him finding someone, it is possible that I can object ot the marriage on grounds that the deal was not fully carried out," he said looking at her, he wasn't sure if she was a loyalist or not, but it was worth a shot, he really needed this woman to keep his son inline.

Lee worked himself around town that day, going place to place looking at each place and being told various things, before he came out. He thought he looked good, but his style sense was as horrible as ever. He was wearing a suit with a over sized colar and was straight up green of all things. He got odd looks from people, but he knew no better figuring they were supporters. He felt proud of himself, for picking out his awesome green suit, but he would have to wait to see what Tenten thought, so he headed to her house to meet up with her early.

The sight of what Neji had referred to upon having mentioned the word 'bamboo' was soon revealed after a slight walk. Her legs burned a bit .. but it'd definitely been worth it. Her own smile widened as she took the time to walk around even further, getting a better view of the gardens. "Gorgeous ... " She managed to reply, finally taking a seat one of the benches provided, using the water as a mirror to look at Neji. Her hands subconsciously moved her flute around in circles, a habit she did when nervous. "So .. wow ... where ... do we begin exactly?" Having chosen and figured that Hinata and Anko would be included as vital roles had been the easiest part for Tayuya. But to fill in the rest of the spots? That ... was an entirely different story. It was selfish, she knew, but the bard really didn't get along well with many of the others from the Uchiha kingdom.

In fact, sometimes she felt like her presence there was ... almost a fluke, something that should be existing to begin with.

Her head shook slowly, trying to ignore the harsh thoughts as Tayuya waited for Neji's input and ideas.

"The choosing of roles is the simplest for myself. I'm pretty sure I have all - or at least most - of everyone figured out. The most difficult things that keep entering my mind .. are choosing an exact day for the wedding and location. With the latter, I'm wondering about a midway point perhaps, in between both our homes so that it doesn't seem like ... one kingdom is favored over the other. Off the top of my head, I don't know if there are any good outdoor places ... but if nothing else, Father can send people out to scout around and gather information." She stopped, nodding after a few moments to reassure herself those were indeed the main concepts going through her head and then glanced up into the blue eyes. "What do you think?"

Catching the book with one hand, Anko snapped her fingers with the other. ".... Damn. I thought I was at a good angle to avoid that still." Seeing no further point in concealing herself, Anko let herself fall out of the tree, landing on her feet in front of Kakashi. "I see. I ... well.... that's certainly a not-so-typical genre of book published. I've never known anyone to freely read them ... nor thought they could be quite that ... vivid and descriptive." Her cheeks reddened upon hearing the thought of actually taking what she'd read with him and practicing some things.

Still, it didn't stop her smirk from showing. "Here?" She inquired, chuckling. "You wouldn't." It was a mix of a half-statement that bordered more along the lines of a very bold dare, seeing if he really would have the nerve to try such acts .. and risk getting caught simultaneously. Anko realized that likely hadn't been a smart thing but honestly ... that was what usually got her in trouble the most; her words and mouth.

As Fugaku offered his hand, she took it, unable to help but feel honored. Few people got to do this, let alone with the man on good terms. Meizumi's prideful smile turned into an incredibly nervous one within seconds. " ... Me?" She asked, an array of emotions shooting through her mind. Meizumi had been briefed up on the meeting between Fugaku, Hiashi, Minato, and Kushina by the Lady herself. She'd known that of all the people, Sasuke wound up having the most difficulty keeping his part of the deal. She also had heard of the rumors and escapade regarding Tayuya and how many had thought the Prince himself to have been behind it, some knowing and vowing it had been him.

But even disregarding the possibilities, she stuck with the facts. And the first and immediate one that went to her head ... was the Prince would not like this. It seemed, however, Fugaku had noted her attitude and that even she wouldn't stand for being spoken to in a disrespectful manner, which was very true. In fact, she'd never once tolerated rude behavior and wasn't afraid to let people know she was less than fond of their mannerisms. It was one of her most famous traits and a good part of the reason she was one of Minato and Kushina's closest knights, Kakashi being another.

Anger couldn't help but swell inside her, mainly at the thought of Prince Naruto's wedding being able to be interrupted. As much as Meizumi wanted to believe he wouldn't resort to that ... something hinted to her gut he'd brought it up for a reason. But more than that, she calmed herself with another phrase that had left him.

"...But you will be doing your village a great service for this."

Even with all the uncertainties, Meizumi knew he was likely correct. And Minato and Kushina - as far as she could guess - would be proud of her. Swallowing softly, Meizumi finally gave a slow but firm nod, looking into the onyx and crimson eyes. "Very well. I accept." She replied. Not to say she wasn't nervous still ... but the knowledge of doing this for the Uzumaki lands was keeping her emotions in track.

The book had been one that Tenten didn't really even need to read. She'd done so many times and thus practically memorized the damn thing. With a weary sigh, she closed it and put it beside her on the bed. Getting up and stretching slightly, she glanced over at the time. It wasn't yet .. but she may as well resume getting ready. Pulling the curtains in front of her windows, she then began slipping into the dress, getting out of the casual outfit in the process.
Neji relaxed as he listened to the natural melody of the spot, the birds the water, everything flowing together in its own natural arrangement. He leaned back a bit and took a deep breath gathering his thoughts into his mind as he listened to the question from Tayuya, he figured that he knew what she was hinting at, but he didn't reply as he gathered his thoughts on what he was going to say to her. He then slowly straighted himself and nodded as to tell himself his answer was okay in his own mind.

"You see, I figure we can have it here or with Naruto and Hinata, I figure this will make things easier for a us all, I haven't talked about this with them yet, but I was thinking that we could have a double wedding, perhaps at the same time, since many of our people that we would invite are basically the same," Neji commented after thinking over the idea. "I can be in town, or wherever they have it, and I figure we can invite those who are our friends, I am not worried about size or anything, and we can work with them on the time and date too," he replied to her question as he moved closer to her, "now could you do me the honor of playing a tone," he asked with a smile remembering how amazing her sound always came across.

Naruto looked at her and smiled, "well we can have it any time, I don't think that is a worry," he commented about the first part as he sliped an arm around her as the two of the remained there, "Now for the place, I think we should have it here," he said honestly, "I say this cause of this simple reason," he said as he smiled, "you are going to live with me in my home, we can have this as your kind of last action as the princess of the Hyuuga, kind of a good bye perhaps, then we can honeymoon in my lands, then both get their share of the wedding and all," he said having actually thought about the issue a decent bit

Kakashi was surprised by the words of the purple haired woman, was that a challenge. He looked at her his head tilted for a moment, he was sure that was a challenge, and in this case, he couldn't let it go, normally perhaps he would ignore it and let it slide by, but now, with her and this type of challenge. He slipped to his feet, and moved closer to Anko, slipping his arms around her waist, as he pulled her into a long kiss before letting his hands press slightly against her backside as his lips moved from her lips down along her jawline with small quick kisses before finding their way to her neck, which he suckled on ever so slightly for a good moment before letting his lips move to her ear\.. "I am sure I would," he said leaning in and whispering into her ear.

"Good, you will do well, I must tell you, Sasuke isn't the ideal prince, but you will see this, and most likely he won't like me finding him a wife, don't worry about putting him inline, I am trusting you can handle him," the Uchiha commented as he looked at the girl for a moment giving her a serious look, "You may go get what you need, and you can come back here and meet me back here, we will leave as soon as possible, we have much to do and plan out."

Lee stood at the door calmly, well excitedly hardly able to stand still, he looked at the time, he was early, he hated that he wasn't on time,but it was better to be early then it was to be late. Lee wearing the green suit was not the picture of style, but he was him, and he would never be called untrue to himself. He knocked on the door and waited quietly for Tenten to answer, the moments he waited made the young man rather nervous actually.

A slow nod left Tayuya's head. "... Maybe talking regarding arrangements will be easier when they're around." She agreed, smiling to hear the much easier request and question. Placing the instrument against her lips, the bard began playing the same tune she'd first allowed Neji to hear. His guess had been right, it truly did seem to fit this atmosphere. Truth be told, Tayuya was still curious - and annoyed - for not knowing the origins on her own song. It was just a basic bit of information that most other bards knew so ... why shouldn't she? It was the only reason she was wanting to know the blanks that hadn't yet been filled in.

At first, Hinata had been amazed on Naruto's logic regarding the location. But when all was said and done, he had a pretty good explanation as to why and how it'd work. It made her smile, leaning her head against his shoulder gently. That ... could likely work, I suppose. Given the fact all of our arrangements - mine and yours plus Neji's and Tayuya's - were made at the same time, I think we should be speaking with the others about this. It makes sense ... and Neji will likely have good ideas to add with yours."

Just the reaction was enough to make Anko's heart race. She'd partly expected him to be angry but no it was just .. intrigue, maybe even amusement. The kiss on her lips had been expected and when she felt it, Anko leaned into it. When he pulled away and focused on her neck, though, that made her drop the book, a shocked gasp leaving her lips. "Gods ... " She murmured, shuddering as her eyes closed, her arms draping over Kakashi's shoulders. An amused smirk couldn't help but cross her lips despite the new sensations and she couldn't help but let one question slide out, albeit in between light pants. "Now .. instead ... of five thirty then?" She asked, letting her hand find the back of his head and weaving her fingers through the locks.

"Yes, I can." Getting up to her feet, Meizumi gave Fugaku one last bow of her head. "It shouldn't take long." She reassured, leaving the meeting room and going to her own. Much like Neji, it was a small house not even inside the castle. Hers, though, was much smaller and had more of a warrior-feel to it. Most of the inside was more along the lines of a dojo though it did have the basic rooms needed to live; a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living and dining room. Her feet easily guided her to her room and soon she found herself in front of her drawer. Aside from her blade, clothes would be all she'd need.

A deep breath left as she continued grabbing clothes. There had been another reason she'd agreed .. but hadn't dared said it to Fugaku, not wanting to seem offensive. But from what she'd learned in life thus far, everyone had two halves to them, their better and worse one. Maybe - just maybe - she could begin to get Sasuke to find his more ... respectable and possibly kinder one? It was a long shot, she knew, but if nothing else, doing this for the Uzumaki kingdom would more than suffice for her.

Once she finished gathering enough outfits, she opened another drawer, taking pay she'd gotten from a multitude of jobs. Sliding in a pocket of her pants, she then went to doing one last task ... just in case neither the Lord or Lady had seen. She deftly scribbled a note explaining the meeting between herself and Fugaku, what had been said and even decided before putting it on the front of her door. Her hand shook slightly and after taking one last look at her home, she turned and arrived back into the room where Fugaku had been waiting for her. "I'm ready." Meizumi said, partly to Fugaku himself and another seeming to try to reassure herself.

Thankfully the light pink dress had just slid over Tenten's body. "Second please." She cried out, working on getting her shoes on which were certainly easier to deal with than the dress. Straightening her outfit out, she gave one look down to herself before answering the door. Admittedly, green wasn't at all the typical attire for such events. However in the end, it wasn't ever within Tenten to judge anyone else. "You look nice." She greeted with a smile, moving aside. "Um .. since you're a bit early though, do you want to come in?" She offered.
As Neji sat he listened he moved to the ground sitting to the right of Tayuya's feet himself in a sense of bliss, his hearing of her music with the sounds of the birds and the water was a perfect compliment.He enjoyed it, and he smiled as he meditated there letting his body relax, as he knew that her music helped him find a center of peace that he didn't know before he had meet her. It was one of the many things that she did for him, one of the many thing he was very grateful for.

As she played another person walked up and listened, he was old, his hair gray, wrickles were over his face, he was very much advanced in years but there was much spirit behind his crimson eyes as he sat down and listened. He blinked as he listened to the song, and knew, he came for the way that sound played in the area too. He took out a pan flute and started to play the same tune as her note for note as he sat there across the pond from the two of them, his notes light as he enjoyed playing.

Naruto smiled happy that he proved to her he could think and come up with plans when he needed too. He figured that he had been studying for so long he would feel rather bad to not help out. He then heard her idea, to work with Neji and Tayuya over the idea for the wedding and work it together. He smiled as he nodded his head, "I like that idea too, I figure it though we will have to have our own private honeymoon no family members anywhere near it," he added with a grin on his lips.

Kakashi felt her hands brushing though his hair and her arms on his shoulders. He couldn't live down and back out of this challenge now, that would just be wrong, he knew that he had to push this challenge forward, plus it wasn't like he hadn't been envisioning this for a while now, especially while reading the book that he had been. He still heard her question and let his lips find her ear again, nibbling on her earlope a bit. "Well, I am sure that we both have might have enough stamina to go that long, but I think we might get caught by then," he whispered about her time, teasing her as he then let his lips move and press back against her lips as he pressed his fingers more against her backside for amoment pressing her forward and pressing her body against his as his firm lips pressed against Anko's lips taking the command of the kiss letting it go on as long as he could, pressing the kiss deeper little by little as a way to sort of pace the kiss and let it endore longer then it would normally endure.

Fugaku nodded his head as he had the carriage brought before them, "we are headed to Uchiha lands, have you been to Uchiha lands before," he asked calmly as he looked at the woman. She had strength of character, and resolve, she very much was a credit to her kingdom. He had meant that part word for word, and if she could save Sasuke from himself, she was a saint of a woman and would be nearly worshiped by the people of the Uchiha kingdom. "It is a long trip, I suggest you get some rest."

Lee rubbed the back of hsi head nervously, "i wanted to see you and I was just unable to sit still or do anything but thing about you," he said lookign down his face showing his emotions, "Your just so amazing, Tenten, you helped me and worked with me and dealt with me, and I know that isn't easy, the power of youth scares many people away, or so I have noticed," hes aid as he reached and pulled out a flower pin and offered it to her, "I saw this and I figured it would look pretty on you, so I got it for you," he said still with two bright red circles on his face form his blushing.

The sight of the newcomer sitting down hadn't been what made Tayuya halt. What had, though, was hearing the exact same melody leaving her flute. It was slightly off key due to it being another instrument but otherwise, there was no mistaking it. That was the exact same song. Taking the time to better examine the man, her own dark eyes noted the man's were crimson. ...An Uchiha? She inwardly wondered, waiting a few moments to finally speak up. "Um ... excuse me but how do you know that?" This clarified one thing, at least. She hadn't just been imagining or over thinking that this song did indeed mean something. And if he was an Uchiha like she'd thought ... that made it all the more significant and simultaneously hinted the others truly had been hiding something for years. But if Tayuya could be given answers now, she wanted them. She'd been more than patient enough, in her mind and eyes.

"W-well ... I think that's how they usually work anyways." Wasn't it? Still, Hinata managed her own smile, letting an arm gently go around his waist as her head found a shoulder. "We can probably mention the idea around dinner when we all rendezvous in the dining room and they're not nearly as likely to be busy. Until then, I don't want to bother them." Glancing down for a few moments, she finally looked back over at Naruto. "Until then, we have quite a bit of free time. Is there anything in particular you wish to do?"

A playful scoff left Anko's lips. "I meant .. starting the date, smartass." She retorted quickly, sighs and moans continuing to leave her lips. Is this what the Copy aspect referred to? Because unless he'd done this with another woman, holy hell was he amazing, mainly because he'd only read the words. There hadn't seemed to be any pictures so his own mind must have been as vivid as her own, able to see the words and imagine them almost perfectly. Her eyes closed, partly to relax and enjoy and another to recall what bits she had managed to read along with him. He'd gotten past most of the foreplay parts so ... she went to the other source of knowledge.

Though Anko never did get down healing nearly as well as Kabuto, she did know anatomy. After all, it did help her in other ways; knowing what vital areas to hit, what muscles, joints, and so on were the most vital. She could probably use a few non-lethal tricks here.

Letting her hands finally move, one went along his shoulder blade, beginning to massage it before her dominant slid in between his legs, slowly teasing his still concealed and clothed member with her hand.

Meizumi's head shook no gently. "I'm not from here, either." Stepping into the carriage, she set her bags beside her, sitting across from Fugaku. "I was born in the Snow Lands." The test alone had made her exhausted so the advice was easily taken to heart. "I will. Thank you." Leaning her head against the back of the seat behind her, mixed eyes slowly closed, her pulse beginning to calm down as her body relaxed. She was still very nervous -- about meeting the Prince, hearing his reactions, everything. But if he could begin to find his better side ... it'd all be worth it, moreso knowing this was helping Kushina and Minato out. It took almost no time for the young swordswoman to fall asleep, even with being around someone she hardly knew.

The words were genuinely sweet to hear. Off the top of her head, Tenten could never recall anyone saying something similar. Well, not in the way that Lee was speaking of. As a comrade and friend, yes. But this was deeper and had more meaning behind it. " ... Thank you .. for everything." Taking the pin, she placed it carefully upon her dress, ensuring to avoid wounding herself in the process.
The man looked at her as Neji watched quietly as the two of them seemed to know something that was the same, and feeling that it was best to stay out of the situation. He looked at her and blinked as he shook his head for a moment at her question, he had red eyes, but he wasn't an Uchiha. "The song, how do I know it, it is a pretty common one my lady. Let me tell you a bit bout me then. When I was a young man, I was a warrior of Uzumaki, back during the great warrior, we left, I left too, to help out the Hyuuga in their batlte with the Uchiha and their Sand Allies," he said pausing, "anyway, back in the day, that song is the Uzumaki parting song, played by mothers before they send their children off to war, and most likely death, a farewell song," he said as he looked at her, "I guess it hasn't been played in a long time, I myself found a wife amoung the Hyuuga and married and had a kid here, "my granddaughter works for the Hyuuga today, Kurenai Yuhl, most likely to marry a Sarutobi sooner or later, and return back to the Uzumaki lands with her student Princess Hinata," he said with a smile.

Naruto thought about what he wanted to do until then and he blinked thinking for a moment and then he looked over at Hinata and smiled as he took her hand into his own, "a number of things really, I want to most importantly spend time with you," he said softly as he looked into her eyes and held her hand with his own hand. "then I want to try your food, and I want to do all those fun things you always had to have done growing up or in general around here with you," he added with a grin.

Lee smiled as he looked at Tenten, and put his arms around her, "Well now, um, we can go early you know to dinner, the reservations didn't have a time to them so much, I just was picking a random time cause well, I figured that was how dates went," he honestly as he looked at her. "um, yeah, it is the new place that opened up, Sensei told me about it, said the food was good, but the place might be a bit boring compared to others he ate at.

Kakashi was surprised as he felt her finger press and rub against her covered manhood.He looked at her as his hand ran over her arm as he looked into her eyes, she wasn't so bad, he smirked, as he knew that two people could do something like that, and he could as well. moving a bit closer to help, he moved his finger from her arm and towards her own covered womanhood. He looked at her playfully,"I call this, the thousand years of pleasure technique," he said i a whisper as he pressed his finger against her covered area pressing hard against it, finding the spot he knew he had to find to tigger the most reaction her clit and rubbing against it with his fingers. It was a silly name, but hey it was something that he figured would work well, he had read it in a book somewhere and picked up on it really fast.

"I see, a Yuki Kingdom gal," he said as he leaned back, and listened to her thanking him, and shook his head, "no, you don't understand, my lady, I sent your future husband to find a wife recently to your kingdom as part of our deal, and he came back empty refusing to find a wife. Thus I found the best I could, when I saw your courage, and bravery, you seemed the...logical choose, I am putting my faith in your abilities, perhaps everyone is," he said idly as he leaned back and looked out the window, "Uchiha kingdom is much higher in elevation then the other two kingdoms. It is also covered in dense evergreen trees," he advised the young woman across from him, "must more like your families homeland then Uzumaki actually."

Tayuya was so very confused and taken aback. "... Uzumaki?" She repeated, glancing down at her flute - as if it had answers - before back to the old man. But ... if this was true, why had she been raised in the Uchiha lands? It was clear she had a lot of questions that needed to be answered, preferably from Fugaku or someone back in the respective lands. She wasn't sure whether the feelings of being far more angry or torn were trying to dominate the poor bard. Regardless, they were all there. "I see." She finally managed, giving the man a nod of her head. "I ... appreciate the information."

Tayuya's head couldn't help but bow down. A farewell song... her parents hadn't just died. But they'd done so in some form of combat. That alone was enough to make her damn well nearly cry. Were it not for the fact a man she barely knew plus her fiance were in front of her, she would have. All the bard knew was ideas for wedding plans had quickly been shoved further into her head. Her mind was focusing solely upon these new hints and bits of knowledge, unsure how exactly to feel on it all.

Hinata's head tilted slightly upon the last sentence and suggestion. "Um .. which exact things I did growing up? Mind clarifying a bit?" Still, just the knowledge that he definitely wanted to be with her was a nice start and more than enough to make her smile. But she wanted to have a more definite list of things in mind regarding what they could do for the day.

"Well ... " Tenten paused looking up before shrugging softly. "Honestly, I think it depends on the people dating. Traditions are done differently but .. usually a time frame if not exacts are at least figured out." Her smile widened, the idea of food sounding very appealing, more so when she realized the conjurer had yet to eat today so far. She'd been too occupied and excited getting prepared for this moment. "Sure, let's go. I'm famished, actually."

"Oh gods ... " Anko gasped then groaned in bliss, her left hand gripping tighter on Kakashi's shoulder as he found her clit. Usually the ranger was far more patient and in control of herself. But this man was finding an array of ways to make her just part her legs for him, not thinking on consequences or much else. "Mmm so good .. " She murmured, her pants and breathing getting heavier, the volume barely in control to keep anyone else from hearing where they were - let alone what they were doing. Her hips lightly bucked against his finger, her right hand continuing to move up and down his shaft. Her lips moved to the opposite side of his face that wasn't being toyed with and began licking along the side of his neck, her left working still on his shoulder as low sighs and moans continued to pass her lips.

The barely conscious Meizumi gave a weary nod, taking in Fugaku's words. It was interesting to hear him so .. desperate. No Lord or Lady got to that point easily; so she could only imagine he really did need this. A smile managed to cross her face upon hearing he was believing in her. Even if she hadn't known him long personally, it was still a nice gesture. "I don't intend to fail." She replied. "It'll likely take a bit of time .. but that's fine. I have that as I'm sure your son does also. Everyone has their two sides of the coin per se. Even with how ... pessimistic he's been sounding, I'm sure there's his much better portion somewhere. But it also appears no one has yet to have found it." Another nod was given as she noted how the Uchiha lands were, mentally taking note of the new changes she would have to expect.
The man could sense the sadness form the young woman, it was so evident and easy to see. He looked at her for a moment longer. "I figured you were a Uzumaki, normally most redheads are Uzumaki clan members," he said looking at her, "I wish you well and I am glad that I could help you," he added before he headed off knowing that the two of them seemed to need some time alone to comfort each other, or more the boy to confort the young woman. He wondered who she was but then realized who the young man was, and knew she was his fiance, but besides that he knew nothing of her.

Neji could see the sadness too, in her eyes, and moved closer, and grabed and held Tayuya in his arms gently pressing her head against his shoulder, "It is okay, even I can tell this effects you greatly, love, you can let it out, it is okay, I don't mind," he said to her softly as his hand rubbed her back gently. He didn't really like to see her sad, but he knew that he was willing to help Tayuya in any possible way that he could manage to help her. He smiled softly as he thought about it, "at least you know where the song comes from now."

Naruto turned a redish color as he figured himself to nervous, "I mean, what things did you like to do around here as you grew up, like um what is there to do for fun," he said rubbing the back of his head, his face a deep crimson color as he looked at his feet. He felt like a idiot, but he knew that Hinata would accept him for the idiot he was. He looked at her and took her hand, "what is there to fun around here, movies, um parks, you know that type of stuff," he said loudly, regaining his confidence really quickly.

Lee smiled as he took Tenten's hand and pulled her along, to the restruant that Gai Sensei had told him about, "this place is suppose to be great, he said the food was the best ever, and he said that Kakashi sensei liked it too," he added as he walked up to the Soba stand that was off the main way in the village, it was large enough for them, and he soon walked with her into it finding a seat for the both of them, he finally let go of Tenten's hand and smiled, "Well here were are," he said looking around the nice but modest restruant.

Kakashi could feel the growing excitement of his own body, and he could just hear the growing excitement from Anko was the touched each other and pressed against each other and generally just got each other in to such a mood that there was no such idea as turning back from it. He picked up Anko and carried her over his shoulder like a caveman taking his prize, carring her to his room. He was sure his intent was rather plan and clear to see, as he walked down the hall avoiding any looks that he might get form anyone looking at the silver haired man or the purple haired woman.

The trip wasn't so long, they arrived in Uchiha lands the palace was much grander then the Uzumaki but guards were everywhere guarding everything, as if security here was way higher and the people were naturally more defensive then they were in the other areas. Fugaku got out of the carriage first and held the wagon open for his future daughter in law, there was a odd darkness to the place, but that could be just a result of the whole capital sitting under a large mountain peak on one side.

Tayuya's head shook no as she finally managed a few deep breaths. "No .... " She replied softly. "Crying isn't going to do anything on it. But I'm not just letting this slide over. This shouldn't have been such a big deal." And yet it had been. Tayuya wanted to know why. Besides, in what regards was this ever considered fair? She'd been so damn loyal to all those higher up in rank among the Uchiha - despite never having been one - and this is the repayment she gets? Fuck that! She was tired of getting used, starting to believe the only one in the Uchiha ranks that could even be trusted was Anko. Her hands shook as Tayuya slowly stood up, bowing her head to the newcomer. "Thank you." She replied softly, glancing back to Neji as she lowered her voice slightly. "I don't mind where we head to ... just as long as you're with me. I fear I may try to break some things if I did much alone at this rate."

There wasn't nearly as much compared to the Uzumaki lands, a realization that made the heiress match Naruto as she, too, blushed. "Ah .. well then ..." Standing up, she helped Naruto get up as well. "Tons of parks, actually. There's one that was similar to the hill you took me to and has a good view of the sunset also." Smiling softly, she began leading him towards the exact park she'd been referring to.

Most other women would probably have scolded Lee for the slight dragging. Tenten, however, didn't say anything. In truth, she had little troubles keeping up. And she could see - feel even - that poor Lee really was trying his damnedest to impress her. So .. she wouldn't say anything negative unless there truly was something to point out. But small things like this? No, that'd be unnecessary. "Oh ... I've seen the place but never been inside." Her smile widened as she let her fingers subconsciously roll over Lee's hand. "Alright, let's go then." Taking the initiative, the conjurer began to walk inside.

The now loose purple locks instantly fell in front of the pupiless eyes. It was odd to have to move her hair aside but when she did .. and put two and two together on the location, her heart raced. Along with the anxiety, there was a feeling of bliss and desires fueled on from anticipation. Besides, a good part of her was glad he'd done this. There'd be more privacy, less chances for people to halt them ... and she wanted this to be a memory to never forget. Anko couldn't help but inwardly chuckle as she noticed that of all the things he'd forgotten, it'd been the book. Ah well ... he was about to live events from it. Not like he'd need it anytime soon.

Despite the journey having been short, Meizumi did manage to sneak a fast nap in. It was a blessing and curse, but the young maiden had always been a light sleeper. So when the carriage halted, her eyes opened and glanced outside the window. Sure enough, they were here ... and she almost wondered if the correct decision had been made. Well, too late now Swallowing softly, she accepted Fugaku's hand while using her free one to take hold of her bag. It wasn't nearly as heavy as it could have been and that had been a good reason she'd taken her earnings; for extra clothes or necessary material items. Her eyes remained upon the castle ahead though her mind was solely upon the Prince ... especially his reactions to this all.
Neji looked over at her and nodded his head, "Well now, that isn't going to change anytimes soon, so your good on that front," he said as he moved closer and laid on the ground right there for a moment, "lay down, look up, the large bamboo gives this area a neat look when it bends in the wind," he said softly as he patted the ground next to him. "Family is always a big deal, especially when you are missing parts of it," he said as he figured that was why he was so protective of the part of his family that he still had, as well as what would be his future family as well.

Naruto nodded, happy to follow HInata to this location, they even if they were sharing a similarity that the had, it was nice to him. He walked with a extra bounce in his step and felt himself enjoying his day with her. It had been fun, he felt that he had gotten to know his future wife a bit better and he came up with an idea for the future wedding, which made him feel proud of himself as well. Naruto looked up on the grassy hill and smiled as he started to make his way up ahead of Hinata.

Lee nodded as he walked in and looked around, it was busy, he smiled though proud of himself as he walked up to the counter, "um party for two for Lee," he said two the waiter who looked at him and shook his head before motioning Lee and Tenten to follow him. They walked to a booth where the waiter put down the menus and two glasses were turned up for water as well. "Here you go, your waiter will be here shortly to take your order."

Fugaku looked at the men and motioned them to take the things for Meizumi and take them into the castle for her to her room. He figured that she would want to see the castle, and get to know its ins and outs. He walked ahead clearing her with the guards to have free access to all the parts of the castle without any problems at all. He turned to her and looked right at her. "My son is in his room second floor if you wish to go meet with him right now," he commented to her.

In fact, Sasuke had heard of what his father had pulled off picking out a wife for him without his approval. Damn it, he couldn't challenge his father's power that was even out of his league. He at in his room pouting about the fact and looking out the window as he saw the white haired woman that his father had picked out for him. He wondered what he saw in her that was so special, he had no clue, he figured that most likely it was something more fluky then anything else that drew his eye to her, maybe her endowments.

Kakashi indeed did very much forget about his book, but as he figured, this was far better then reading a book no matter how good the book happened to be. He carried Anko into his own room, which was pretty common in appearance, and then tossed Anko down on the white sheets of his bed and looked down moving to move over her, putting his kness on either side of her own legs as he slipped his hands to her body pressing and caressing, touching and feeling, getting a much better understand on what was on the otherside of her short sexy outfit that she wore.

"Thank you." Tayuya replied softly, letting her eyes follow Neji as he relaxed on the ground beside her. The suggestion was ... interesting, to say the least. But this also was his kingdom. Neji likely knew what he spoke of, certainly more than Tayuya herself. Nodding gently, she followed suit and laid down beside him. Her eyes closed as she took calming breaths. Keeping her flute held in one hand, the other took a hold of Neji's. The choice of words did seem to make sense as Tayuya thought more and more upon it, making her nod slowly in agreement.

Much like Naruto, Hinata had her own sense of pride flowing through her. She was going to get married .. but more than that, to the man she'd had her eyes on for years. And the best part? There hadn't been any real serious arguments thus far. This truly had been practically perfect thus far. More than Hinata's own happiness being included into the equation was Neji's and even Hanabi's. The thought made her smile more and soon the two were in a park with multiple sakuras all around them. Taking a seat on the grass, she glanced up at Naruto. "What do you think?" She asked, a light breeze blowing a few strands of her blue-raven hair.

Taking a sip of the drink for a few moments, Tenten let her eyes go down to the menu. Her heart raced and suddenly, she felt at a loss on what to say.

Shit, shit, shit well say ... something, anything.

Looking up from the menu, she took the time to better study Lee. Her smile widened as she gave him a nod. "Thanks again for this. You ... look nice."

Unfortunately, Fugaku's thoughts were correct. If she was going to eventually marry this boy, she would indeed need to know the interior and exterior of the castle. Her head bowed slightly to the Lord, mentally taking note of where Sasuke's room was before walking inside. At first, it seemed very similar to the way Kushina and Minato's castle had been built. But by the time she finished exploring all of the first floor, Meizumi saw that wasn't completely accurate. It was huge, like most other buildings were but the type of architecture was definitely different.

By the time she'd finished up with the first floor, Meizumi felt herself almost hesitant to go upstairs. But ... there would be no point in avoiding the Prince. They'd have to speak to one another, eventually. It seemed like a smarter idea to take the initiative while trying to be civil rather than their first talk including an array of curses and swearing.

Taking the stairs up, she soon arrived at what Meizumi assumed to be the correct destination. Her head turned .. and she saw few other places that could be correct. Well, if nothing else, this would definitely be a way to get attention. Raising her hand, she gave a firm yet gentle knock upon the door.

His guess would be somewhat right. When Sasuke opened the door, he'd definitely notice that out of all the other women, Meizumi was indeed bustier than most other women, matching - maybe even being close to beating - Hinata with 32Ds. However, he'd soon find out that was not the reason she was chosen.

Anko had tried so hard to gather her bearings. But even as she was placed upon Kakashi's bed, her cheeks were still crimson. Her heart was racing and only seemed to go faster as he leaned forward. She propped herself up to a half sitting up position upon her elbow, enough to allow her right hand more freedom of movement. Her teeth lightly gripped Kakashi's lower lip, teasing and lightly nipping upon it, more sounds of delight leaving as his hands began to explore every curve, every inch of her body.

Her own right hand went back to where it'd been, seeking and soon finding Kakashi's member. This time, though, she allowed it to snake under the waistband and past any boxers he may have been wearing, wrapping gently around the now exposed flesh. Her cheeks got even more red, amazed and aroused at how warm and hard it felt in her hand. Slowly, she began moving it up and down, taking her own time to explore and stimulate Kakashi just as he was doing to her, moaning as she continued to receive and give pleasure.
Neji looked up and smiled as he rested and moved closer to Tayuya as he laid there bit by bit, he wasn't sure if she noticed him or not but he did move closer to her, he yawned and smiled as he put his arm under his head as he rested against it. "To think, it is so peacefull.." he said with a yawn, a moment or two later the Hyuuga was dead asleep, taking a nap as he enjoyed the feel of the sun on his face, the relaxing sounds and the calmness of the moment were just to much motivation to fall asleep and take a nap.

Naruto smiled as he looked at the trees, they were bautiful, this place as beatiful, it had a look that really fit the Hyuuga clan as a whole. He saw the pink leaves of the Sakura Trees and smiled a bit as the scent from them was unlike anything he ever noticed before. He sat next to Hinata and smiled as he saw the clouds, "I have a friend back home, who is so lazy he just lays around and watches clouds all day, but he is smart, and I guess he does kind of make up for the laziness sometimes."

Lee looked up from the menu and smiled, "your most welcome, I appologize too," he said looking at her, "for taking to long to notice you," he said bashfully as he looked at her giving her a smile, "but from now on, I promise I will never not notice you," he said with a traditional very Rock Lee over the top tone to his voice as he looked at Tenten. He smiled, "how about we get the daily special today, maybe luck is on our side and it is something amazing."

"So, your the woman that my father has picked for me, odd, didn't think Uzumaki's had whtie haired people, other then that pervert of theirs, you won't be one of his brats with the Slug Princess would you," Sasuke asked guessing that this woman based on her apperance was some illigetimate child of JIraya and Tsunade, her hair color, general appearance made him figure that this was a rather possible thing. He looked at her standing up, "so what are you good at, why were you picked, you must have some reason that would draw him to you," he said looking right at her now, having gotten to his feet and turned to face the young woman.

Damn, she was was good, Kakashi mentally though to himself as he felt her hand skillfully rubbing against his member as she was very much excited, she could cause him to be excited much easier but this was doing the trick well as he let her and continued the kiss for a good moment before working his pants out of the way, as well as adjust himself to slide his shirt off, at this point, they both knew where this would end, and the shirt he had on his body wasn't needed at all. He looked down, his body and face were all showing his dark eyes focused on her own eyes as he leaned down and kissed her now, moving her hand away form his member to hold as his lips pressed against her own lips again and his body firmly pressed up against her own body, teasing her with this as well,

She had noticed Neji getting closer. In fact, it'd been what made her turn towards him. What Tayuya hadn't expected was poor Neji to fall asleep -- right there of all places. She chuckled softly, resting her head on his shoulder. Whether it'd been the planning, knowledge they both found out, or some other fact she hadn't yet taken into account ... something had worn him out and fast. Her eyes closed, figuring there couldn't be any harm in joining him for that nap. It'd be slightly odd just because she was used to avoiding naps. But she supposed a change every now and again wouldn't be too bad. One hand continued to hold her flute, the other wrapping gently around Neji as soon, she joined him in a peaceful slumber.

"I'm guessing the same one who recommended that place in your own kingdom?" She had recalled an individual matching the same description ... Shikamaru he'd said? Something along those lines. She chuckled softly, nodding as her own eyes glanced up to the sky. "Being lazy every now and again isn't so bad. If anything, I envy your friend. I don't get enough days to just ... spoil myself much. I'm kept far too busy." Taking the time to look back to Naruto, her smile widened. "You like this place then?"

Tenten's head tilted. Him? Apologize? Even as he explained why, she shook her head no. "You... didn't need to. Not for that but ... thanks anyways." She stopped and thought on the suggestion. The worst that could happen, in Tenten's mind, was winding up getting something overly spicy. A bit of a kick in her food was fine but not too much. Besides, they had water to remedy that .. and he had a point. Maybe luck was on their side. "No risk, no reward they say. Sure. Let's go for it."

"I was not born there. I was born in the Snow Lands." Her voice remained calm, even as he went on and gave his thoughts. Admittedly, some others had wondered the same of herself so she did let it slide. The combination of her hair and bust was an easy mistake to make .. and she had sworn to herself to try to be civil. No sense getting annoyed or worse over something that was just .. a foolish guess. "Well, simply put .... " Meizumi paused, gathering the best choices of words before nodding. "My overall skills; sword fighting and a diplomat of sorts, though mainly the first. Since I can handle men fine with my blade, he believes the same outside of fighting." And while that was indeed true, she didn't want to come off as a bitch to prove a point. No, that could wait for now.

Her head shook then bowed as a realization hit Meizumi. "My apologies ... I nearly forgot. My name is Meizumi."

While Kakashi took the time to strip, Anko followed suit -- albeit more nervously than the male before her. Clothes always kept her arcane mark hidden away ... and even though she did trust her mentor with having been given the gift, something always felt amiss about it. It'd been enough to make Anko more than self-conscious about it but never question Orochimaru on it. But there were definitely other factors that she was nervous about and slowly, they began to become more evident.

Letting the cloak slide off, her tunic joined it next. Underneath was a set of tightly bound bandages and after those came off ... Kakashi would realize she was much bustier than he'd been seeing her as. Finally, her own pants left, including the undergarments ... and though it'd been for her own personal reasons, Anko was still very well shaved in between her legs. Each article of clothing that was removed wound up on the floor, her body shaking more from the cold now that her skin was exposed to the air. There was a bit of fear and anxiety but no second thoughts otherwise.

Leaning into the kiss and deepening it, Anko's free hand slid around and rested upon Kakashi's back, helping him stay close to her body and simultaneously keeping them both warm.
Naruto blinked and nodded his head, "I guess I did, in my kingdom there isn't as many people my own age actually," he explained as he looked over at her for a moment, "that one, then there is Ino, she is the daughter who works at a family flower shop, and then also Chouji, he is the only knight my age," he explained to her as he relaxed sitting there for a moment looking at the beautiful face of his girlfriend.

Lee smiled and nodded, "yeah, and if it is bad we can just get desert and enjoy that and say we had dinner," he said with a huge smile on his face as he looked at her and looked over, "you know it is odd, to think that everyone else was getting themselves arranged to get married, I guess it is nice that we have the ability to pick who we get to court," he mused thinking over it for a moment.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, "You not joking, your not some tease or something that is just pretending to be tough when your just a weakling," he said with a smirk it was easy to tell that he had no confidence in her abilities or in believe that she is who she says who she is," he said with a calm tone to her face. He looked at her and smirked as she looked at her and then shook his head, "well now, I figure that we can test that out tomorrow," he said calmly as he looked at her, "I wonder if you are really worth anything."

He looked down at Anko as Kakashi felt his hand pressing against her as well his body, he felt the warmth of her body so easily against him as he couldn't help but even get more excited from the closness of her to himself, from the feelings of her kisses, as well as the fact he was so hard from moment before and her touching. He could feel that her body was a bit different then what he had seen but he put little overall though too the idea of it at that moment. He ground his member against her womanhood rubbing it all over as he used that to tease her a bit more, as he was sure soon, he and her would be united his hands finding her legs and pulling them around his waist.

"Not many your age?" Hinata mused, going silent to think on that. "Almost sounds like it can get lonely real fast." She added, letting her head gently rest against a shoulder. "Or .. was that guess wrong?" She added, realizing it may have only been true for herself. But she did know that if she were in Naruto's place, that would make her feel less-than-content to have so few people around her.

"True. Alright then." A light shrug left Tenten as the last part was mentioned. "Well .. not completely. Royalty have arranged marriages rather frequently. What I am slightly amazed at is that Neji wound up being included into this deal." Even if he was royalty, they all knew he wasn't as .. direct with his heritage when compared to Hinata or even Hanabi. "But .. yeah. Being able to choose is nice." All the same, it'd seemed like everyone had been given pretty good partners. Well, all but Sasuke. Then again, at the rate the Uchiha kingdom was going along, Tenten would be more amazed anyone would now want to be allied with them.

"No, I'm not." Her own voice got stern quickly and though she'd nearly raised her hand to bring it upon Sasuke's cheek, Meizumi restrained herself. "Alright ... tomorrow. Be ready by noon. Failure to show up means an automatic forfeit. I'll definitely be there .. waiting." If it took for her to beat him in combat, so help her. But one way or another, Meizumi was now completely driven to get the Prince to change -- hopefully for the better. Turning on her heels, she left Sasuke's sight, heading into her room. For now, she'd get rest -- maybe food before then. But aside from that, she didn't see any immediate interruptions from anyone else. So she had full intention of getting sleep to help prepare for tomorrow.

A low whimper mingled in with a moan as Anko felt his member rubbing right along the entrance. Common sense hinted to her it wouldn't take many pushes for her to lose her maiden status. As her legs were guided around his waist, the ranger let her eyes study the man in front of her. There was only one honest concern, one issue which would no doubt have made her have regrets. And while she had the chance to speak up, Anko would do so before it didn't matter. Swallowing softly, she pulled away, temporarily halting the kisses upon their lips. Raising her left hand, she let it rest upon his cheek.

"I'm assuming this won't be the last time we're .. together like this, correct?" It had almost been what happened with her parents. He'd left -- but not before impregnating her mother with herself and her brother. But still, the concept was the same and she definitely didn't wish to repeat such histories if it could be avoided. "If push comes to shove though ... I will track you down." She added, managing a small smirk that hinted a part of her was teasing and then there was the other very serious side of her ... which had meant those words.
Naruto nodded, "there were days when it could, there are a number of people older and younger then me who I spent time with, like the one who is to marry your little sister someday, he is like my little brother in a lot of ways," he explained as he looked at HInata and smiled at her, "I figure that you must have some good friends, there seems to be a number of people your age in town,Neji and his friends, um that odd bug guy, the dog guy and um that mean looking pink haired girl," he mused as he had seen all of them at the dance when they were there.

Lee nodded his head as he thought about it, "I don't think I like Sasuke Uchiha, he seems kind of lacking the power of youth," Lee commented as he thought about Sasuke for a moment before the good came before them, it was some noodle dish that looked like it was in a sweat and sour type souce, "Well here goes," he commented with a smile as he took a bit and smiled, and then felt the heat from it, "it is spicy, Tenten," he said his face going red right away from the food.

Kakashi looked down and heard the question from Anko and her comment as well. He kept the calm look as he took her hand into his own and then held it for a moment as he looked now down at Anko, and focused his eyes on her own, "the last time...like this, heck I don't know that it wil be the last time that we are in a spot like this, and I am sure it won't be the last time we are together," he said taking her hand and moving it over where his heart would be. "You cause this to beat so fast," he said looking down pausing his quest to take her maidenhood for a moment, he wanted to seriously make this point to her, something about how she said it and the timing told him that it was something to not brush aside before just randomly taking her maidenhood.

Hinata gave a light nod of understanding, smiling to Naruto. "I see." Keeping her head against his shoulder, she looked up to the sky. The silence that lingered between them was a nice change of pace from the usual hustle and bustle of servants around the heiress. She almost never had alone time but now that she did .. it was something Hinata realized to treasure more often. "What about you? What do you like to do when people aren't pestering you to be the future ruler? I gave you somewhat of a list ... but I don't think I've heard your reply back yet."

Tenten could have easily gone on and on that there was much more wrong with Sasuke than the 'lack of youth' but decided against it. This was their date .. and thus not the place to go on and on about something or someone they both disliked. Her focus should be on Lee, not much more. When she saw his face going red, she'd wondered if the conjurer had said or done something to make him embarrassed .. but then he explained it'd been the food, which made her cringe slightly. "Hm ... I don't mind a bit of spice but if it's doing that to you .... I'd say that's overdoing it a bit."

"Well ... " Anko quickly shook her head, inwardly cursing herself. There were an equal amount of cons that came with pros to having been around Orochimaru so long. And it was clear one had been lack of socializing with others. Exhaling deeply, Anko thought much better on how to explain her concern. "Well .. not the last time. I suppose given we're not from the same kingdoms, that arrangement will already be difficult to figure out." And especially with the ranger not knowing exactly how much longer she had to be alongside Tayuya. Technically, once she got wed ... Anko was to return to the Uchiha lands, at least as far as she knew.

But a lot of her had been thinking, especially after the fiasco with Tayuya and Sasuke. Normally, Anko had a lot of pride in her people and those she protected. But if the Prince was going to keep such mannerisms up and sink so low ... she was questioning whether she wanted to return. It was insane, Anko knew, but what would be the point in going back? Her head shook yet again ... she'd think more on that later. Right now, there was a more immediate thought that had been going through Anko's mind, one that Kakashi needed to hear about.

"I suppose the better wording is ... I don't want to be forgotten of after this time. I don't want this being interpreted as an act of lust or lower." Hopefully that made more sense. Summed up, she wanted him to be feeling similar emotions - let alone genuine ones - like she was. Otherwise if this were any other man before her ... Anko definitely would not be allowing someone to be this intimate with her, especially not this fast.

The requests were selfish ... very much so. Anko knew that but hopefully .. Kakashi would understand. After all, few people took more than one lover.
Naruto blinked as he remembered that he hadn't actually answer that question and then rubbed the back of his head, "well at home, I tend to like spending time with those who are important to me, um going to hot springs with my teacher Jiraya or going on research trips with him. Um watching clouds or having lunch with Chouji and Shikamaru, hanging out around town teaching Konohamaru, realy just being with people is the thing I like to do the most, what I do isn't so important though going to hot springs is really fun,but who I am doing the action with is the more important thing."

Lee blinked as he felt off, really off for a moment as he started to blush as he quietly moved to Tenten's side of the table and slipped his hand down to grope her but as he smirked at her. The strong taste of the stuff had triggered his otherside as it were, he wasn't sure why this happened sometimes, but he did lose control of his mind almost and became a different person. He looked at Tenten, "so, hey sexy, we can slip out of her and go back to my place," his tone was that of someone who had to much to drink, his motions were sharp though like he had something that perfected his mind and body, it was a odd combination that might in and of itself throw Tenten off a great deal.

Kakashi could sense the worry about this, he looked down at her and caressed her face with his fingertips so softly as he looked into her pupiless eyes. He took a deep breath as he smile at her. "Well now, I don't get my eye on anyone much, and your the only one I want to have my eye on, your the only one who is in my heart and the only one who will be in my heart in this way," he said as he leaned in and kissed her neck again, working to heat up the situation they happened to be in again, his lips sliding over her neck and then down her check giving her small kisses to her soft skin, letting himselef kiss all the way to her belly before working his way back upwards, letting each soft kiss linger for a tiny moment before he moved up a bit and gave the next quick kiss. His hands slipping back to press against her womanhood rubbing it before sliding just into the purple haired woman as he worked to prepare her for him and his size. He figured that his words he hoped tol her that to him, she was the only one he was after and would be after. He figured that he could work this up back into a heated passion, no even a more heated passion as he slipped a second finger into the purple haired woman, pressing in lightly as he kissed his way back to her neck and then slowly back to her neck.

" ... Hot springs?" Hinata mused, smiling at the thought. "Hm, maybe I should bring that up to Father. Gods knows we definitely could use some around here, him especially. But that .. sounds really nice actually." In fact, it made the Princess wish he'd brought it up when they were back at his home. Ah well, she could see those after the wedding, especially if she did wind up living in the Uzumaki lands. As her mind remembered the words 'research trips', she looked back to Naruto, intrigued. "So when you go with Jiraiya to do those 'research trips' ... what do you gather information on exactly?" It'd been clear that the poor Hyuuga hadn't learned about his teacher's reputation, otherwise the answer would have been much more obvious.

The first reaction from Tenten had been to blush, especially at the words 'Hey sexy'. But the more Lee spoke up, the more she felt concerned and worried. What in the hell had been in that food? Was this some odd form of sorcery? Regardless, this was definitely not the same Lee she was used to being around. "We can't just bail .. not without paying the bill. Hey ... Lee? You okay?" Raising a hand, she rested it upon his forehead, seeing if he'd gotten a fever or ill somehow.

For a few moments, Anko worried that another woman may have their eyes upon Kakashi. But honestly .. even if that was true, it wouldn't matter. Not now that he admitted he wouldn't glance their way. It was definitely enough to help reassure her and make the ranger relax, her hand wrapping back around Kakashi's. "Good. I'm glad to know this isn't just me." Her eyes closed, relief sweeping through Anko. The reply definitely had been what she'd wanted to hear; or if not that, a more honest version of 'No'.

But thankfully, she hadn't gotten the latter, improving her mood greatly. Soft shudders trailed down her body with each light kiss that connected upon Anko's skin, low moans leaving her lips. Or they did before the kiss connected. As they locked lips, she returned the exchange with her own soft nips and kisses, her legs wrapping just a bit tighter around Kakashi's waist. She could feel him trying to help prepare her body ... something she was definitely appreciative about. Even when he pushed up to the hymen, she could feel it'd hurt to actually break through.

But after hearing the words and taking Kakashi's vow to heart, she wasn't too worried about the pain. If anything, there was far more anticipation and desire .. and it showed as she lightly moved her hips up against him, her juices beginning to coat the head of his cock and all that was already inside her, including his finger.
"Yeah hot springs are really amazing, and they are so relaxing, I am guessing you don't have them around here, normally though you have the genders slip up when you go," Naruto explained as he looked at Hinata and smiled then blushing at think about being with her in such a place. He paused as he heard her question about his teacher and blinked and then shook his head, "I don't do the research, it is Jiraya that does it, and I keep guard for him encase someone shows up to get him in trouble. I must tell you, he is a good man, but he is a super pervert too, he will be taken with you I am sure, but I promise I will keep him from spying on you when we get home."

"I am perfectly fine my sexy babe," he said as he slipped her closer and pressed his lips against her own rather skillfully and aggressively as he pressed himself up against her as he let his lips do the real talking as he kissed Tenten deeply and pressed her against the back of her seat, before using his arms to somehow pull and adjust the weapon's master to a position of sitting on his lap as he continued the deep kiss his face still red as he gave her the kiss.

Kakashi looked down and nodded as he pressed his lips against her own, feeling her adjusting her own legs, her own hips opening herself to him, he knew that it was time. He kissed her lips firmly as he pressed his member into her stopping for a moment finding she hadn't been with someone based on what he noticed, he was shocked to say the least at first, but when his mind went over what she said he understood why this was the case. He let his lips deepen the kiss as he then pressed though her barrier as he pressed himself just in, and paused again. He knew that this was going to be rather painful, and it would be something that would take her some time in getting used to. He waited as his lips focused the action pressing his tongue past her own lips and into her mouth. Kakashi let his tongue do a bit of exploring to see what it would be like to press into the mouth of the purple haired babe. He found and played with Anko's own tongue as the kiss contined, himself waiting for a moment or two longer before starting up his thrust, pressing himself into her bit by little bit, his thrust smoothe, and calm, never going overally agressively, but gently on her as he knew that this was key for her to enjoy this first time which was important to him.

After being given enough hints on what the 'research' had been, Hinata blushed quickly. "Ahh .. I see." Her head bowed as she contemplated for a few moments before glancing back up to Naruto. "But ... you don't really need to do those bits of research much anymore, do you?" She asked hesitantly, a rare twinge of jealousy flaring up in her. She'd wait before adding more to that statement ... but gods help her, Hinata hoped that there wouldn't be any future projects like that. Past was past .. so she wouldn't blame Naruto for anything that happened before the arrangement had been made. But now, things were different ... and hopefully he'd understand that much. It would be one of the very few times she'd ever be so selfish, but it was at least with good reason.

"No you're --- " That was as far as Tenten got before Lee initiated a harsh and swift kiss. Her eyes widened and panic instantly flooded through Tenten. Her mind was racing about a mile per second, her heart following suit. Rare curses raced through her head, echoing loudly inside.

Shit, shit, shit! Too fast ... no no. Not now ...

But what could she do? No, not could; that was a dumb question. The better one was what should she do? Tenten didn't want to hurt Lee; not too much. But she definitely didn't want any of this, not so soon. Her head shook no, light pants leaving as she jerked her head away. "Lee ... get .... a grip ... of yourself ... " She managed to reply, feeling her hands ready to shift into fists soon. She'd give him a chance; but if push came to shove, she was going to begin to take rather drastic actions soon.

A muffled whimper left Anko's lips as she felt the hymen removed, her arms gripping Kakashi's shoulders instinctively. Her body trembled lightly as several waves of pain raced through. But when it all faded, there was nothing but pleasure for Anko. Her body remained still as it worked on regaining it's composure. When there was absolutely no pain at all, her hips lightly rocked up, low moans leaving her lips as her own tongue began exploring alongside Kakashi's. Her grip on his shoulders loosened as the ranger allowed one hand to weave through his hair, running her fingers lightly through it. A bit of blood had no doubt coated Kakashi's shaft but soon, there were far more juices as her body began getting more and more aroused with each passing second, making her hips move up faster, her muscles lightly squeezing around every inch that was deep inside her.
Naruto sat there as he leaned against his hands, which were firmly planted in the dirt behind himself and listened to Hinata. He knew just form the time he had spent with her, that she was the soft spoken type, but her words had important meanings, and were important, thus when she said something it most likely had a lot of feelings behind it. He heard her comment asking if he had enough research on females, and he looked over at her looking at her and moving closer, putting one of his hands on the other side of Hinata and smiling. He looked at her with a sly look on his face, "Well yes, and no, I do plan on researching more, a whole lot more, maybe even more now then ever, but," he said pausing, "I only plan to research one female, figure out what makes her happy, what makes her smile and what turns her on and makes her make all sorts of naughty sounds," he said looking over at her with the sly look still on his face as he made the statement to her.

Lee looked at her and smiled drooling a bit as he shook his head, he was out of it, soon his eyes were shut and he was laying against the table having pulled Tenten towars him before passing out on the spot. The dish he had, well used a type of alchool in it, which really messed up Lee's whole system completely as it oddly had this strange effect on the young man. He was resting as he smiled softly mumbling something about tenten and how beautiful she was.

Kakashi pressed his hand to her sides more firmly as he broke the kiss, his hands moving up along her sides slowly gently as he let himself touch her body as he picked up the pace of his thrust a bit, enjoying each and every second of this passionate sex he was having with Anko. He let his hands soon find Anko's hands and grip them firmly as they were pressed together he looked down at her and the look was one of passion, lust and admiration all mixed oddly together. He could fee his body moving towards something his body tightening up a bit as well. He could feel a natural warmth spreading thoughout himself as he looked down. He took a deep breath as he picked up pace even more unable to and not wanting to slow down his pace at all.

For a few brief moments, Hinata had felt ... saddened and even annoyed. But as Naruto explained his reply, her cheeks got even more red. "T-thank you .. Naruto." Was it an odd compliment? Definitely. But at least he'd admitted that his focus would only be upon her. And given the Princess's anxieties, that was a relief to hear he wouldn't worry about glancing towards other women. It was tempting to give him a kiss then and there .. but given what they were speaking of, she was a bit terrified honestly. All Hinata knew how to do was kiss .. and while it was true that she could - and should - learn of more, she didn't want to consummate their marriage. It was supposed to be rather simple to fall into such temptations from various people and rumors she'd heard. While it was true that Hinata generally had good self-control .. she didn't know if pushing her luck would be wise.

As Lee fell against Tenten's body, she inhaled and finally detected the liquor, making her scoff in annoyance. Letting Lee stay asleep against her, she whistled and called for a waiter, shooting them a glare. "What is wrong with you all?! Serving alcohol to clearly underage people?! I should address this to Lord Hiashi himself!" The terrified look and quick apology was more than enough to get Tenten to have the waiter make the meal free in order to keep her silence. Normally, she wouldn't take such bribes .. but in this case, it seemed fair enough.

Damn straight this is free ... She inwardly cursed, guiding Lee up to his feet as she helped him keep a hold of one of her shoulders. She was furious; though not at Lee, at the staff. She hadn't gone further than five steps out of the restaurant to realize ... she wasn't certain where his house was. So, her feet guided her to hers.

Opening and closing the front door behind her with her foot, Tenten helped Lee lie down upon her bed. Pulling a chair up, she sat in it, gazing down in concern at him. Hopefully, he'd avoid a hangover. Those were supposed to be nasty she heard.

The same look in Kakashi's eyes were easily found in Anko's, though the lust was more along the lines of desire. Still, it was definitely easy to observe and even more than her pupiless orbs, it was in her actions. Even with him picking up his pace, she didn't seem to mind or care much. In fact, the faster he went, the more it got Anko worked up, making her moans longer and louder. "Yes ... mmm ...." Using the fact their hands were still intertwined to her advantage, Anko gently guided Kakashi closer, allowing her access to his neck. Without a second thought, her lips went right to his right shoulder blade, switching between teasing and nipping it, trying to find what his triggers were .. what could - and would - drive the man more insane with the same want and lust that the ranger could find in his eyes.
Naruto smiled as he thought about it, waiting till marriage was so hard, so very much so. He looked over at Hinata and took her hand in his own, "Well now, I think it best we get back, um it is getting pretty late after all, and we need to meet with Neji tomorrow and plan out everything that is going to happen with this co-marriage idea of ours," he said softly to her and got to his feet, "if you want to read the results of Jiraya's research, I can find you one of his books, it might um help you learn about some odd lustful that people do," he said as he helped Hinata up as well, "a lot of people love to read them for some reason, I always though they were kind of boring though."

Neji looked up a nd woke up seeing the moon above him he felt embarrased for having fallen asleep as he had. He blinked and felt something against him, and saw the red hair. He let out a soft sight of relief as he looked down and took his hand and caressed her own face gently with his hand. "Well now, it seems that we both were pretty tired from everything," he said to her softly as he shook Tayuya gentle, he sighed as he looked at the moon again. "we best hurry home, I think I can get back home, but your going to need to follow me close it is going to be very dark in the maze this time."

Kakashi felt Anko's lips against him testing him as he had tested her before. He let out a soft moan of his own as he took her, he was very much into the sex between them. He was very much into the moment. He could feel himself energized by it and driven forward by it as well. He held his hands tightly against her own hands, letting her know this just from the intensity of the grip he had on her hands. He picked up his pace to the fastest he could still achieve at that moment. He looked into her eyes, the lust, passion and sheer desire for the purple haired temptress were impossible to not notice. He wanted her so much, he had her and still wanted her so much. He was driven forward, pressing himself in agressively going nearly all out against Anko as he was breathing hard, sweat forming form his body their little intense tango of love went on.
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