A Middle Age Naruto RP (Yajirobe and LadyYunaFFX2)

Kakashi wasn't sure what the reaction from Anko would be, he stood there after making the statement and was more then a bit nervous about her reaction, he could feel himself sweeting even a bit as he was unsure what her reaction would be before she actually made the statement as it calmed him down. She would go along with the idea. He smiled as he new it was possible that she could be with child, yet, they were in Hyuuga land, and they could go and see the slug princess and her student perhaps or even back to Uzumaki lands to find one of the many doctors in that land as well.Still he figured that it was time, and he would give Anko options with the Slug Princess of Hyuuga lands being the first choose to go to.

Kakashi nodded to Hinata and Naruto who gave him a smile as he knew that he had the approval of the young prince for the marriage which was nice to know at least. He figured that if Naruto was okay that Minato and Kushina would back him up as well. Kakashi looked over at Anko a moment later with a calm look that somewhat hide the bliss on his face as he felt great that things were going the way he had hoped they would when he had made the suggestion for the weddings.

"Yeah, I am good with that, I think that it sounds good, we all can bring our own touches to the wedding, like the food has to come from Uzumaki lands nad the declarations could come form Hyuuga members and supporters and then whatever else can come from Uchiha members and supporters," Naruto said with a proud smile as he was glad that things were going along so well at that moment. He had a feeling that things would get far more nerve wracking near the wedding, but at the moment he was very happy.

"That sounds good with me," Neji commented with a nod of his head as he held Tayuya's hand, He was glad to have the free day to spend with Tayuya after the marriage to spend the time treating her specially, he was thinking of ideas of what he could do to make the day and night after the wedding special for Tayuya and make it something that she would never ever forget no matter what.

Time went from there, time went fast for Kakashi and Naruto and Neji. Neji showed Tayuya around showing her the musicians who would play for the party, picking out the people who would do the declarations which they were lucky for a woman talented with paper work had come to town while they were working and Neji managed to talk the woman into making the delcarations in exchange for her and her friend having a new home in their homeland, two of them promised then to become knights for the Hyuuga, due to their gratefullness towards the Hyuuga and Neji's kind treatment of Konan and her work paying her rather well for it as well.

Naruto enjoyed his time with Hinata and got to know the land rather well, he was able to find the fun spots and spend time with HInata doing everything from the mundane to the funny to the epic. He was sure by the time that the wedding would be coming around, that he had dragged poor HInata around the whole of the kingdom seeing things and just exploring with Hinata as well as getting used to the different style of cooking that came with the Hyuuga and their styles.

Kakashi took Anko to Tsunade, and left her to figure out what she would figure out, it was apparent that she was with child when they went and it was confirmed by the great slug princess, who was going to take Anko on as her patient with the help of her pink haired student and her black haired assistant. Kakashi wasn't worried at all, he knew they were the three most skilled medics in the known world, and they would handle Anko rather well.

Sasuke continued to work hard, reading training far more then ever before, he felt challenged for some reason by Meizuki, every time he talked to her he felt himself challenged as she was so smart, it made him want to learn more to just be able to keep up with her, and train more to keep up and he pushed himself far more then ever before, working hard on his mental skills, his martial skills and his diplomatic skills. He wasn't even aware of the changes that were happening, he just wanted to make sure that he was the great Uchiha and that he would show her just how great that he was. To prove to her that she was in fact lucky to have someone as great as him, as he was far greater than Naruto, or Neji Hyuuga, the other two would be princes of the other kingdoms. Sasuke wanted to show more of his Uchiha pride and he found himself feeling more pride for his clan and pride that they wre the best. He also some point realized that he she was for sure worthy of him in most likely all ways, and he knew that they were officially arranged to be married in a deal with Konoha that involved Orochimaru's woman Anko as well as a promise for the future that was kind of open in nature.

Days turned quickly into weeks. And soon enough, everyone was rushing about and working on getting the last preparations needed for their respective weddings. Each had their own mindsets and thoughts but all had the same two emotions - in some form or fashion - about the thoughts of becoming married. There was a content feeling and with it was a very, very nervous one as well. But each woman knew it'd all be worth in the end .... especially - a bit more than the others - the ranger.

Sure enough, as Anko had thought, Kakashi did indeed have an idea and plan on whom she could see. Still, part of her definitely felt guilty. The courage to inform Orochimaru, let alone Fugaku, on her new statuses -- engaged and carrying a child -- had practically faded away. This was horrible on her behalf, she knew. Maybe not by birth, but definitely with blood, Anko was an Uchiha loyalist. Or .. supposed to be. The lack of speaking up would likely make her seem like a traitor .. and now she was too terrified to even tell anyone. Her head shook no slowly, the ranger waiting patiently for Tsunade to return. Honestly, though, she'd been relatively sure since day one she'd gotten pregnant.

Calm yourself .. She scolded herself, exhaling deeply. Panicking won't do you any good ... She added, looking up as the sounds of footsteps caught her ears. She didn't even need to ask. Soon enough, Anko saw a confirming nod from Tsunade. "I see. Thank you." She replied, sliding off the table she'd been sitting upon and beginning to head out, only to be stopped.

"Do you even have the slightest ideas on what to do or not?"

".... Well .... somewhat." She answered truthfully. Her mother did give birth to Aniki and she'd been alive when her mother had been expecting. So while Anko did have those memories, it had - admittedly - been a hell of a while since those days. "Avoid overexerting was one of the main things I recall ..."

"Mhm but there's much more besides that. Watch what you eat, avoid too much sugar. As you said, don't overwork yourself, especially near the end of the pregnancy. You're going to need to start seeing someone regularly. I'll let you think on that." It was a big deal, Tsunade knew. While Anko could shift doctors if she so desired, it wasn't generally a wise choice, especially if another was too far away. After making sure she hadn't failed to bring anything else up, she gave another nod. "That should cover most of everything. Here though." Grabbing a book off a nearby shelf, she handed it over to Anko. "It'll have other suggestions I may have forgotten. Just return it when you're done."

"Thank you." With a bow of her head, Anko walked out, beginning to seek out the new father-to-be and inform him. She didn't like it - though why was beyond her - but Anko had to tell at least Orochimaru if not Fugaku.

Hinata didn't overly think of it as being dragged around, per se. It was more like an adventure. Whenever Naruto was out, training or something else, she'd take the time to read if possible. Otherwise, she was preparing for their own wedding, knowing the day was soon approaching. It made her heart race frantically but she was still happy all the same. Still, it felt slightly surreal. She was getting married and not just to anyone, but to the Prince she'd had her eyes on for so long.

At the moment, the Princess was in her room. Not reading, for once, but just lying down and keeping her nerves calm. Soft breaths continued to pass her lips as she glanced up towards the ceiling of her room. A nervous but honest smile was on her face, the dawning that within days she would be wed continuing to rush through her mind.

Poor Tayuya was even more anxious than Hinata. There were so many things besides the wedding that continued to race through her mind, her true heritage having been one. While she had been able to inquire for Minato and Kushina's help, they were still working on finding answers out. It was indeed good to know they would assist her but slightly nerve-wracking that so much time had already gone by and still no clues had been found.

She knew it was selfish and perhaps a bit reckless ... but being crowded by so many others was beginning to make the poor bard even more on edge. Looking almost frantically to Neji, she whispered softly in his ear, "Sorry .. but I need to get a break for a bit. I'll be in my room. Love you." Not even waiting for a reply, she snuck away and - staying true to her word - headed to the room within the palace. While she did usually reside with Neji, it was where Tayuya often went to in order to play in solitude; mostly at least. She didn't like a huge audience .. which made her all the more anxious. She knew there would be a lot of people at the wedding and right now ... she didn't overly want to think of it.

Before she opened her door, however, she saw a note that hadn't been there before. It suggested that Anko had likely snuck this on after she'd begun the tasks for the day. A smile crossed her face as she saw her dress was inside finally, making her sigh in relief. "Thank gods ... " She murmured. That had also been another concern. For a while, it had seemed like that may arrive late. Opening the door to her room, she found the elegant cloth upon her bed .... and a gasp of awe and admiration passed her lips as she found herself glancing down at the dress.

".... You spoil me so much, Anko ... " She murmured, grabbing a hanger from the closet and attaching the straps upon them carefully, hiding it away in the closet. Even if nothing bad happened, she did stick to traditions. And apparently, there was one about Neji not needing to see the dress, not before the wedding. Sitting down upon her bed, she grabbed her flute, her eyes closing as she played the song she'd known for years. This time, though, she didn't even feel like crying as the melody echoed in her ears. In fact, it seemed to make her spirits soar more and feel even better about all that was happening ... an interesting effect for sure.

Meizumi had been training, much like Sasuke. However, she didn't do much studying. In place of that, she continued to expand upon her techniques that she already knew and wound up learning, writing them all down in her black book which - to her knowledge - had stayed safe and hidden away. No one had found it, or so she assumed, given no one had asked of it. At the moment, Meizumi was outside. The blindfold hid her mixed eyes as she worked further on her stances and swings. No one had really said much to her ... which was becoming slightly unnerving in some aspects. It was a wild card, one that could be dangerous or a good thing. She had no idea if Fugaku was content or not with her. But perhaps more importantly than the Lord, this also easily applied to Sasuke.

While she had been honest with her admitting that the swordswoman wished to court the Prince, it did seem more fair for him to make the official first move. Furthermore, she didn't want to seem as if pressuring him. So she hadn't brought it up since they first met. Meizumi had more than enough time and was willing to give as much as Sasuke felt he'd need.
Naruto dodged another strike from Kakashi, it was close by the blonde was able to just avoid it. He moved to his right dodging another attack before launching himself forward with his own attacks against his teacher, each of the attacks was blocked in turn as Kakashi was able to switch from attacking to defense in a mater of moments. Naruto attacked more wildly then Kakashi but with a lot of energy placed into the attacks. Kakashi had no problems dealing with them mostly due to his experence working with the young man. He then looked for a quick opening and went for a counter a sweep kick against Naruto as Naruto saw this and jumped backwards as the two of them looked at each other.

"Your pretty good for a old man," Naruto said with a grin on his face as he looked at his teacher, "I guess I might have a few more decades of being okay if your still good," he teased his teacher.

"Sure, we shall see, Prince, last time I checked you still hadn't beat me, and if this is you at your peak, well we will see what happens," he countered back with a bit of a tease back at his student as the two smiled, "So, how are the wedding preparations going," he asked looking right at him. "How is the princes still happy?"

"Well yeah, they are doing really well, um she is something else, and the weeding is going along well it seems, everything is just taking time, the honeymoon plans are my main focus," Naruto commented as he looked at his teacher attacking lightly as the two exchanged more blows with each other. "So, Kakashi, just how did you manage to land the snake, and why did you choose her, everyone knows that you had your pick of pretty much everygirl in Konoha, they all adore the ground you walk on."

"Your a idiot, haven't you see her," Kakashi replied, "she is special, and unique. She is a warrior and she understand my needs as a warrior and she is my equal in every area there, she is beautiful, and just generally amazing, no woman in konoha or anywhere can simply compare to Anko, but I am sure you understand that Naruto, based on how you act around your princess."

Naruto blushed severally as he heard this, "Yeah, I know," he said quickly and replying to answer that he did understand where Kakashi was coming from as the two continued the training for a moment longer before stopping. "Neji you want to go next, you versus me, kind of prince versus prince?"

Neji sat watching the two of them as he looked at some papers in his hands, they were papers giving information about deals involving marriages in the past, but none of them had anything to do with Tayuya. He had promised he woudl help her out and he was working his hardest on the wedding and this, taking the bulk load of the wedding preperations and going though the whole records of the Hyuuga clan, and all other related information to see if he could find anything about a deal. Nothing at all, and he was kind of down for this, he wanted to find the information for her, find something that would cause her to smile.

"No, thank you," he said formaly as he looked down, "I have to much work todo, and I find watching you educational enough for the moment," he replied as he looked up from the papers, he had been watching them over the top of the papers he was scanning though. He then blinked as he found one, a order for a joint spy mission, a team from the Uzumaki and a team from the Hyuuga were to spy on the Uchiha. It said that the members of the Hyuuga who went were his father, he was to join two members of the Uzumaki clan in the Uchiha lands. It had a failed mark on it and gave no more information other then the name of the man who organized it, Sarutobi Hiruzen the grandfather of Hanabi's future husband.

Sasuke was working when he handed a note to one of the guards and ordered him to give the letter to Meizuki. It was a order for her to show up in his room that night for dinner, the two of them, to wear something thst she didn't train in and to bring nothing else with her. He handed the letter and then turned and walked to his room. He then went about cleaning the room himself to make sure it was in good enough condition for later before having his servants make a small meal of soba noddles and put it on a tray which ended up in his room on the table which was sat out by itself as he waited to see if Meizuki could follow the order.

It only took a few moments for Anko to recall ... that he was probably still busy training with Naruto. Her feet changed directions as she guided herself to heading towards the correct way now. Sure enough, she came into view and saw even Neji with them. Well ... the news could wait, she figured. Kakashi had taken her aback by proposing in front of everyone those past weeks ago. But this ... was a bit too much. She didn't know on announcing it yet to everyone. Giving all the guys a light smile, she cleared her throat to signal her presence.

"You all done yet by chance?" The ranger inquired, appearing behind Kakashi though not right behind. She gave herself space in case he wasn't finished with the training.

At almost the exact same time, Hinata and Tayuya walked out of their rooms, nearly bumping into each other. The bard was the first among them to speak up. "Um .. do you know where the guys are supposed to be?" She inquired.

"Mhm. Here ... " Turning around, Hinata began leading Tayuya to the area they were all training in, recalling this was meant to be one of the days for such an event. Keeping her eyes in front of her, she finally asked gently, "How .. are you feeling?"

"... Mostly well. Kinda nervous but more happy than anything."

Hinata gave a nod of understanding, smiling softly. "So have I. It feels like a really good dream. If it is though, I'm glad I haven't woken up from it." She added.

Soon enough the other two joined Anko, emerging to the scene and looking towards their respective husbands.

Tayuya's head tilted lightly as she saw Neji reading. Walking slowly up behind him, she wrapped her arms around his waist from behind. "Is that something I may know of or not?" She asked curiously, avoiding the urge to try to peek over his shoulder and read. After all, if it wasn't her affairs, she wouldn't pry for what he was reading.

As the light tapping was felt on Meizumi's shoulder, she sheathed her blade and pulled the cloth off of her eyes. Taking the note, she bowed her head to the servant and silently read the note. A nervous sigh left as she finished taking heed of the instructions. It was a slightly nerve-wracking request .. but she'd obey it. Not just because it was common courtesy but he had asked nicely, a good gesture in her mind and eyes.

But first thing was first ... Meizumi needed to get ready. Heading back into her room, she closed her door and began stripping, grabbing one of her few dresses and setting it gently upon the bed. Tossing the dirty ones in a hamper, she then headed towards the bathroom. Before changing in, she'd get a shower in first.

It took about ten minutes, more of the time being used to dry and make her hair look nice than actually washing her body. As she walked out with a dry body and hair, Meizumi then slipped the dress on, a matching pair of shoes adorning her feet. It was weird to be without anything else - at the very minimum, a weapon. But .. Sasuke had asked for this. The least she could do was oblige. After straightening her dress out, double checking to make sure everything else was in her room, she guided herself into the halls and soon arrived in front of Sasuke's door.

Her hand raised and knocked upon the door. Swallowing softly, Meizumi finally spoke up, "It's me, Prince Sasuke." Her hands went in front of her body as she held them gently, patiently waiting for him.
Kakashi looked over to see Anko and blinked, he wondered if she had heard his declaration to Naruto about what type of woman she was. He blinked as then nodded his head as he waved over to her. He looked over to Naruto, "tomorrow this time, I will be here again, your getting better, but you have a long ways to still go before your as good as your dad. Neji, next time I want to see just how good the Hyuuga Genius is in action," he said looking first towards Naruto then towards Neji before he walked over to Anko and smiled at her for a moment.

"So how is everything," he asked taking her hand and leading his future wife away from the others figuring that she didn't want to deal with the kids at the moment in time. He walked down into the palace towards his room, that wasn't that far away.

"Well Hinata, you missed a heck of a show, I kicked some serious butt today, I am going to be the best for long," he said with a proud tone as he looked over towards his future wife and then smiled happily at her, "I think I got the honeymoon plained out completely too, I got a letter from my father and he agreed to let us go down to the ocean at our familes island estates for our honeymoon."

Neji looked at the file as he heard her, he knew that she wasn't going to read over his shoulder, and read classified infromation, though luckily this wasn't and he could show her it. He took the single file out and put the other ones on the ground as he looked up at her with a calm but caring smile on his face as he looked at Tayuya for a moment. "I think I have found you a seriously large lead in your own search," he said confidently as he held the file up to Tayuya to read.

"These are two unknown members of that group you wanted to know about, they went on a mission with members of this kingdom, and it was a failed mission, they were no heard from again. Oddly the person from my mission is also dead, killed not that long after the date," he said quietly not giving out details before moving closer to whisper more quietly, "I know he is dead cause it is my father who went with two unknown Uzumaki members, and the grandfather of the one who came with Naruto, Konohamaru signed on to the mission, he is still alive."

Sasuke heard the words of Meizuki and walked to the door opening it as he motioned her inside of his room. The room was lit by candles, it was somewhat a romantic atmosphere in the place. He sat down and looked at her pausing as he focused on her, "I am glad you decided to show up, Meizuki, I had some minor doubts, but I am sure this will be worth your time," he said with his confidence still very much easy to pick out in his tone of voice.

The leading away from the group was much appreciated and it showed as Anko finally let a sigh of relief leave her lips. "Thank you." She replied softly. "I already have a lot of people to inform as it is ... but .... " She gave a nervous nod, wrapping her own hand around his gently. "I .. well, yes. I am indeed pregnant, Kakashi. We're .. pretty sure it's only one but it's too soon to figure that or gender out for now." Her head gently fell against his chest as she let herself rest against his body. Her eyes slowly closed as she waited, unsure and slightly nervous on his reaction of this.

"Oh?" Taking both Naruto's cue and deciding to let Neji and Tayuya have some space, she began following behind her soon-to-be-spouse. "Mind hinting more? Or are you aiming to completely surprise me with that?" She asked, her smile widening.

".. Hm?" Tayuya swallowed and instantly went quiet upon hearing Neji relay all the information which had been supposedly found. "So ... assuming those two unknowns were my parents ... I don't understand. Why was I raised in the same property that they were supposed to spy on?" It didn't make any amount of sense. However, when he hinted that the grandfather of Konohamaru was still alive, she looked up to Neji. "I'm guessing that same man - the grandfather - is going to attend the wedding, isn't he? Maybe ... we can eventually send correspondence to him asking for further information?"

She'd at least restrain from doing so now. Her focus needed to be on the upcoming wedding more than anything. And after the ceremony, it'd be on Neji and their own honeymoon, hence the suggestion of writing to this man and asking for more details.

Meizumi's head bowed in appreciation, a small smile forming on her face. Reaching a hand back, she closed the door behind her and walked inside. "I wasn't worried on this not being worth my time." She reassured him softly, taking a seat upon the nearest surface, a chair. She'd thought about asking why he'd summoned her .. but that would be redundant. The answer would likely be revealed soon enough. Besides, she'd been this patient with the Prince. A few more moments wouldn't kill her.
Kakashi blinked as he looked at her and then heard her nervousness as she looked at the pupilless female. He let got of her hand and slipped his hand to her face and then caressed it gently against his fingertips as he looked at her. "Well then, I figured that was most likely the case to be honest, but at leasy we know it is official now. I am glad, I don't mind that you are having my first born, your going to be my wife soon, and I figured on having a child with you at some point after that, this just moves up the time tables," he said with a calm but confident tone before he pressed his lips against her, "it doesn't change my opinions about you, just means I have to start planning for how to raise a kid better then my father raised me."

Naruto walked into the library and found a book that was in there, and put it on the table, it was a book about the island where the Uzumaki kingdom had started in its early days, it was a small island in the middle of the ocean, tropical with lush beaches and a tourist place visited by members of all the kingdoms for relaxing, the Uzumaki lands took up a large bit of the beachfront as did the beach home that he was referring to. He put the book in front of Hinata so that she could read over it and get an idea just where she was going to be going with him.

Neji nodded, "Yeah, lots of questions still," he nodded with a look up at her, "yet it is possible, it is the only lead I have found in all the work I have done, I am sorry, I wish I could find you something more clear, something that would tell you of their names of a for sure answer," he said looking down for the moment upset with himself for not being able to help Tayuya more then he had so far. "Anyhow, yeah, of course he will be here, the Sarutobi clan is the second most important one in Uzumaki Kingdom, this man once was the defacto ruler rulling for Kushina before she was of age to rule for herself with Minato."

Sasuke nodded his head, "this is our first date, it is proper to have a date with a woman your going to marry, isn't it, it is what I have read at least in the courting of two people, they first have to have dates and get to know each other," he said shaking his head, "it is rather silly stuff, but it seems tradition as my anciestors have done this and thus I will, though I know plenty about you already," he commented as he cut the food for her, "I am not sure if I am doing this right, but how was your day," he said somewhat coldly not used to trying to deal with or maybe even court a female.

Anko was astonished Kakashi had parent troubles also. He seemed so well-mannered ... it depressed her slightly to think someone so generous and kind as him had to endure any issues. "My condolences. I had my own as well." She replied softly as the kiss ended, frowning lightly. "That ... is honestly the most likely source of my anxiety. I kind of raised myself and my younger brother. My mother became neglectful after a while, especially after father left her. She just .... kind of gave up for lack of better wording. And .... I don't want to repeat major mistakes .... " A nervous chuckle passed her lips. "And I don't even know how to start trying to prepare besides books .. " She said, holding up the one Tsunade had given her.

"Thank you." Hinata replied gently, taking the book from Naruto. It seemed almost silly but even after all this time, she hadn't found enough courage to muster more than a kiss or holding hands. How would she be able to do anything on the honeymoon? Still, all the concerns that were echoing in her head refused to show in her eyes on upon her face. Her smile widened while reading and looking at the book. "This looks amazing." She commented.

Tayuya's head quickly shook no. "It's .. it's fine. That is indeed quite the lead, as you said. And for that - plus other things - I'm very grateful for it all." Letting her hand intertwine with Neji's, she rolled her fingers over his palms softly. The bard was in a similar mindset as Hinata - except she hadn't gotten hints from reading. She'd been around Kabuto enough to learn a few anatomy lessons ... so between that and her rather vivid imagination, she'd thought of trying some things but never actually got the courage to do so. "We'll get to that bridge when it arrives. For now, I'm more than content with just focusing upon you, love." She added, leaning forward to press a soft kiss upon his lips.

"True, I suppose." She didn't know as much though mainly because she never expected to marry; well, not a royal person at least. And definitely not this soon. It was ... new to be spoiled slightly not only by a Prince but someone younger than the nineteen year old swordswoman. Usually people older than her, similar to her superiors in fact, did such tasks. But .. it wasn't bad by any means. Just foreign.

More than that, poor Sasuke was clearly making a genuine effort and that in itself was a nice gesture. "I don't think there are really any - or many - ways to do this wrong. But ... it was well, thanks. And how was your own day?" It only seemed fair to return the favors. If nothing else, maybe it'd help him feel more confident about this process.

The main thing Meizumi had wondered about slightly was why he'd chosen for the date to be in his room. Generally, that signaled more intimate meanings but .. maybe he hadn't known? She'd give him benefit of the doubt. He had hinted that he'd taken the time to read up on other matters so he really may not have understood that such an invitation wasn't usually made. Not unless they were going through the more sensual stages, anyways.
Kakashi looked at her and nodded his head as he listened to her story about her mother and her father, and the problems she had with her. He blinked as he thought about it, and they were kind of similar but really quite different stories from each other as well. He looked at the medicine bottle and nodded his head, "Well, I guess we are a bit different. My father was by his very nature a workaholic, he put his work, as a knight before his family. My mother died very young, heartache from worrying about my father most likely. We never were close cause he never was around you see, he trained me, showed me how to fight, in fact in his day he was considered as good or better then even Orochimaru," he said looking at her, "yet, he died on a mission when I was a young teenage student of Minato," he commented explaining his side of things, "Now, I am guessing we are going to have to find you a doctor in Konoha, but perhaps could you try talking Tsunade into lending her one of her assistance."

"It is suppose to be, I haven't been there in a very long time, since I was young, when mom and dad where not quite in charge yet," he said looking over at her, "back when gramps was in charge, I mean...Hiruzen Sarutobi, the man who he saw a one of his childhood mentors as well helping him so much as a youth along with Iruka and his parents, "Naruto commented as he looked at Hinata, "it is going to be fun, we can go to the beech, and play in the surf, and do all the fun stuff together."

Neji nodded his head feeling better that she was fine with the information that she had gotten. He blinked and then returned the kiss as he looked at her, "I have done a lot of work on that, I have hired people to declarate the whole place, and food Naruto took care of, and have the inventations designed too," he said with a grin as he looked at her, "now, I will leave one thing in your trusted hands to worry about," he said kissing her, "where we will have our honeymoon." Neji had a feeling that she would be betteer at that then him, he wasn't quite as advance in the areas of what it would mean for them to be together as Naruto, his sister or Tayuya. He just figured he would figure that stuff out as it came about and then just go with what felt natural for him to do, trusting in how his body would work on their first night after the weeding.

"Fine, then we can continue with the date then," he commented as he poured her a glass of water after he made one for himself. "Now my day was normal, I was able to get in a good amount of training and studying in the course of the day," he said as he paused serving up the rolls for them to eat, "I want you to not tell anyone what we did tonight, especially if female your age and a bit younger ask you," he said looking at her as he then took a bite of food, "They seem to think that I am not dating someone and I needed to find a way to quite them, as well as spend time with you. I figure this will deal with both issues at once," he commented as he smirked at her making it rather clear why she was in his room for the date. "I have no intention of sleeping with you, at least now," he said honestly, "you are the most frustraiting female I know, each day I see how strong you are in mind and body, it causes me to want to get stronger as well, to be more like you, I want to be stronger, so I can prove the greatness of my clan, and prove to you my own greatness," he said as he made an pretty bold statement especially for him.

"Well, I see now where you get your own workaholic side." She teased slightly, hoping to lighten the mood even if only a bit. Her head nodded slightly as the mentioning of finding a doctor was brought up. "Well, she did suggest I think over whom I want to begin to see on a regular basis so .. she probably could take up that position. I ... also need to give correspondence to at least Orochimaru and Kabuto on the news." Even now, the ranger had been desperately trying to understand why the thought made her so anxious. The only thing which kept entering her head was when she left her former family, the Snake Master had become more of a father than her own. So ... in that aspect, he may see her as a daughter; adopted but still. It made enough sense, she guessed. Anko did wish to tell him of the news but .. yes. The very possibility he may overreact was probably what was making the woman slightly uneasy. Or at least she hoped that was all it was.

Hinata smiled, closing the book as she finished reading it. When her mind thought to it, they had wound up skipping the swimming trip due to the incident that happened to Tayuya. This would definitely be a nice way to make up for that loss. "Mhm, it definitely sounds fun." Setting the book upon the table, she took a deep breath and then held Naruto's hands gently. "How .. are you feeling about everything coming up?" She asked softly, wondering if it was only her that was slightly nervous or not.

Tayuya's face paled slightly as it was hinted the location of their honeymoon would be chosen.

Fuck .. why's he leaving this in my hands?!

Her color began to return, however, as a location did come to her. "In between Konoha and the Uchiha lands, there's a location known as the Valley of the End. Few people ever go there and the one time I did see it with my own eyes, it was gorgeous. The waterfall was especially a nice view. It's ... " She looked up, trying to quickly estimate in her head. "Not the furthest distance away but it can't be reached on foot. Maybe a day away by carriage or horse if not less."

The request to keep quiet on the date seemed a tad odd at first. But the more Meizumi thought upon it .. it wasn't that bad, she supposed. Plus, he was being generous on the favor. "Very well, I can do that if you wish." She promised. Waiting for Sasuke to finish preparing the food, she took some and began eating. A smile couldn't help but cross her face as she chuckled softly. Only when she was done chewing did she explain, "Forgive me, my Prince. But trust me when I say you're not the first person - male especially - to say such things of me. However .. in your own ways, you are beginning to prove yourself to me. Even though I did accept your father's offer ... I won't lie. It sounded like an impossible task, just to even get you to be somewhat civil. And yet ... you've made some changes - all for the better - since I came here. That, to me, is far better than any physical display you could show me."
Kakashi blinked and shook his head as he knew she was teasing, and he smiled a bit wanting to get away from the sad topic as well, "Well then, we will look into information on who you can see on a regular basis, perhaps, Lady Tsunade knows someone who can help you, cause I am sure she can't leave the Hyuuga lands, given the fact she is such a important figure in their kingdom," he said as he looked at her and then thought about the second part, "yes, that would be important as well, they are your closest workers from your kingdom, I am sure they will be glad to know about this. "I will trust you in handling the King of Snakes and his spy, I don't actually know them other by reputation, as two people who can get out of most any situation."

Naruto paused as he looked at her and thought about it, "Well the getting married to you, well now, a lot of things, first I am so excited, I wish in a lot of ways it was tomorrow, I must admit I am not good at this waiting thing, and I know that it is for the best, it just isn't my strong point. I just want to be married to you finally," he admitted looking at her, "secondly, I am also nervous, I don't want to mess up, say the wrong line, fall on my face in front of your family, and have them thing me a idiot failure who got you due to luck. Lastly I am just nervous maybe due to the general excitement of the moment, but I know it will work out," he said looking into her eyes, "I know that it will work out when I look at you actually," he said blushing severaly as he looked at Hinata, "I look at you and I am like, yeah, she is the one, I am so damn lucky."

"Valley of the End, I have heard of it, it is suppose to be beautiful, never have been there before or close to there, actually the closet I have been most likely was when we went to save you," he admitted as he nodded his head, "sounds good, I like the idea, we have a bit of time to finalize it and all, I know you can pull it off," he said as he smiled at her, "plus we have a week here before we head there so we can be at Anko, and Hinata's weddings as well," he pointed out as he smiled at her.

"You are the strangest woman, I have ever meet in my life," Sasuke said bluntly as he looked at her, "every other female seems to care about looks, and style and coolness far more then you do," he said as he tilted his head, his red eyes looking at her closely. "you see to not be bothered with that, and looking for something different then the women that have made up my most annoying fangirl club since I was young," he said before taking a bite to eat, "I don't know what you think now, but I will do what is best for the Uchiha and for myself, and I know without a doubt you are the best for both the Uchiha's clans future and my own future," he said with a stubborn admission as he looked at her. "your skilled, and talents are more impressive then any other, and you strangely different, which is appealing as well."

"I've heard it's supposed to be busiest with doctor visits near the end. So we definitely have time, no doubts on that." A low and very nervous chuckle left as she heard Kabuto referred to as 'his spy'. It was true but in Anko's mind, he was a far better doctor than espionage expert. Her head lowered slightly as her hand squeezed a tad tighter around Kakashi's. "... I hope they will be, at least. When Orochimaru took me as his student, he took over - to some degrees - the role of being my dad. So .. I don't know how he's going to take this, honestly." The ranger finally confessed, taking a deep breath. But still, she'd just vowed to do this in front of her own fiance. She wouldn't go back on her word. But it definitely didn't take away her concerns.

The more Naruto spoke up, Hinata felt her own cheeks following suit and turning red with Naruto's. By the time he finished talking, she pulled him in a gentle hug. "Thank you." She replied, almost in a whisper. "That means more than you'll begin to know." Her head gently rubbed against his cheek a few times before she gave it a soft kiss. "You're my world, you have been for years despite my lack of courage to speak up before. But now that this has happened ... I feel even luckier, happier than I could have begun to guess. I'm sorry that this was thrust upon your chest, per se. But I'm glad and proud that you've accepted and adapted to this so very well. I love you ... "

... Wait, what?! I thought he just wanted me to choose? Argh, crap ..

Still, her smile remained as Tayuya nodded. Anko or someone could probably help out somehow. Like Neji said ... they had time, thank gods, to do all of these things. "True. Alright. It'll be done in time then." Her smile widened as she recalled her dress. "They finally got the dress here, by the way. No peeking though." She quickly added, her smile widening as she let her head fall gently against Neji's chest, relaxing against him.

Meizumi went silent, thinking on the words. Was she seeking something out to begin with? The swordswoman had honestly never thought of it in that aspect but now that Sasuke pointed it out .. maybe she was. But what was she looking for? It'd be something that Meizumi would need to think more of. Revenge definitely wasn't the correct reply. It'd be redundant, the raiders had been dealt with long ago by Kushina and Minato. "... I suppose I am." She mused softly, shaking her head no after a while. "There's no point to being so vain and thinking of naught but looks. It gets a person nowhere, or at least that's how I've noticed it." Her cheeks couldn't help but redden - in pride more than anything - as he deemed her to be good for the future of the Uchiha lands and his own. "Thank you. Just as you're trying, so am I." Perhaps in her own different methods .. but it was true all the same.
"So basically Orochimaru is your adopted dad, I can understand that another way we are similar, and the reason I help Naruto, Minato has watched out for me since my early days like I figure Orochimaru has watched out for you," he said looking at her and smiling, "I am sure it will work out, if need be, I can send a letter to Obito to work on warming Orochimaru to the possiblity over time, if anyone can do something like that it would be Obito Uchiha," he said talking about his best friends with a smile on his face."I figure, it will work out, somehow it will work itself out, plus I am sure he wants the best for you."

Naruto was a deep red color, as he looked at Hinata, he smiled as he heard her words, and looked down, "I love you too Hinata, you are special, my princess and soon my queen," he replied with a happy tone as he looked at her, "I am so ready for wedding night too," he said still blushing severly, "sorry, it just your so beautiful, and I really can stop thinking about you most of the time," he said rubbing the back of his head letting off a weak laugh hoping to slip by the awkwardness he might of just caused by his own statement to her. "Anyhow, think everyone is going to show up for our wedding, it is a kind of big deal," he said smiling, as he knew that the fact it was between them made it a big deal.

"Yep, plenty of time, plus if nothing else we can just go camping out there or something, anything will be fun with you, so don't stress it so much," he replied as he let her rest against him. "The dress huh, that is going to be most interesting, I am looking forward to seeing you in said dress," he said as he yawned for a moment. "I really need to learn to play a insturment so I can play with you," he added as he then yawned and rested his eyes, still awake.

"I see that is a interseting point of view, I must say your Yuki Kingdom females are interesting, that or is it that you are a Yuki who was raised by a Uzumaki member, who knows," Sasuke commented as he looked at her and took a bite to eat. "I have tried to talk to my brother but he has little advice, tells me to be me," Sasuke said as he looked at her taking another bite. "So how did you learn that fighting style, it is just so different from anything I have ever seen, was it learned from the Yuki Kingdom, or the Uzumaki, cause few ever would be bold enough to actually give it a try, and most wouldn't be able to trust their senses enough to enable it the chance of working."

A chuckle couldn't help but leave Anko's lips. It was odd how similar she was. If the ranger didn't know much better, she'd almost swear their fates had been written since birth, to wind up together. Her head slowly nodded, figuring if nothing else he should want what was best for her. There'd likely be an initial reaction of shock. But she'd had some herself so ... Anko would understand. It was what would come after the shock - anger or happiness - that worried her the most. But she was trying to reassure herself it'd be the latter. Her head moved from side to side, rolling her fingers over one of Kakashi's palms. "No .. no, it's fine. I can write it. Besides, it's my obligation to do that much. He'd want to hear that directly from me."

"T-thank you. And .. no. I understand. I'm ready too ... but I'm not going to take back the decision that Neji and Tayuya should go before us.For them, I'll definitely wait." Her head nodded and heart raced upon being reminded that - literally - everyone would be at their weddings. "I .. have been trying to avoid thinking of that. I can deal with big crowds but they really make me nervous. But .. it definitely will be. The Prince of the Uzumaki kingdom marrying the eldest Hyuuga Princess? Of course they will be present." She paused as a thought left her, "I don't think a marriage like this has been done in a long while, actually. Maybe it's never been done even ... "

"Those are far more technical than people realize." She stopped, trying to think of a good way to explain it. "Some have an easier time with, for example, tambourines because of their lower body speed and movements since it relies mostly on your hips. You need to figure out your forte as it can be linked to the best instrument for you to use and play. You'll probably have an epiphany on that eventually. But the best advice is not to feel rushed about it."

Finishing taking a sip of her drink, Meizumi couldn't help but feel her smile widen slightly as the memory came back to her. "Actually ... it was a bit after Minato and Kushina took me in. They and Naruto were away. I made the idiotic mistake of trying to get a glass of water. At the time, my room didn't have an adjacent bathroom so I had to wander out through the halls. It was pitch black and late at night though. When an odd sound caught my ears and startled me, my eyes instinctively closed. I realized that night just how well sight deprivation could work. As I joined the ranks of the Uzumaki knights, I self-taught myself away from the others when the protocol training was complete. Ever since then ... it's just been a matter of practice, really." So it sounded incredibly odd. Yeah, Meizumi knew that. But no sane person would have suggested such an idea, or so she doubted.
Kakashi sat there looking over at Anko, his dark eyes focused on her pupiless eyes as he smiled at her, it was great to be able to be this close to her. He wasn't sure what it was that drew his first attraction to her, but it was rather complete, she was the apple of his eye, the one woman for himself, and he was excited ever since the wedding came up he was surprised that he was settling down. In the back of his mind he could remember the letter expressing surprise and shock from Obito, Rin, and even Minato. They were supportive, but most of all surprised that he of all people was going to get married. He wondered if something similar would happen for Anko. Of course the news he was going to be a father was also a stunner. Minato wasn't so happy at first but only was okay with it cause he was going to marry Anko. Kakashi remembered that letter quite well. Disapointing someone especially a mentor was not something that was easy. He hoped this didn't cause Anko to have to deal with such a thing with Orochimaru.

"Sounds good, well, I will be hoping that this turns out good for you," he said softly as he looked at her, "you are beautiful," he said randomly as he looked at her from the angle he was at. "I am very glad it is you whom I am going to have a child with, we both know the importance of being there for the kid, and we are both I think determined to do better then our own parents, I think due to both of those things we might just be pretty good, at this," he assessed as he leaned to his right a bit leaning agianst his elbow as he looked at Anko.

Kakashi paused for a moment, "I heard that Naruto gave Hinata a version of the book," he commented to her as he knew she would know the book. The book that was partly the reason why, she was with his child, not that he was going to mind that at all. "Perhaps you should give such a copy to Tayuya, I am sure she could use the knowledge before her wedding day," Kakashi mused outloud as he gave her a small smile wondering what the reaction would be.

Naruto smiled as he nodded his head as he looked around his room for a moment looking for something. "Yeah of course, those two have the right to go first no doubt," hes said with a up beat tone as he looked around some more, pausing as he turned towards her to replied and give his own two cents as well. He went back to looking around and sighed before he slipped under the bed looking for the same things as he had been. He listened to her comments, she was right, people would come, they would come from all over, all the minor kingdoms would send their most elite, the large kingdoms would send people, hell even Sasuke might even show up to the wedding. He wasn't a big fan of that, but he knew that it was rather possible for it to happen. "Well, when it happens just focus on me and my voice, I will do everything I can to help you though the wedding," he replied as he smiled finding the box and standing up and walking over and handing the box to Hinata, "my mother sent that to me," Naruto said with a smile as he handed her a box that held a beautiful fox charm necklace. "it was her's and she wanted to pass it down to you," he commented as he smiled at her.

Neji smiled at her explanation she went around the bush as it were with it. He laid back on the ground as he let Tayuya lay against him as he rested his eyes, tired from reading though all those papers that he had. "Well then, I will start off with a simple instrument and I will focus and I will master it. If one puts there mind to something anything is possible, and I will master it, just will take time as all things do," he said his tone pretty confident as he looked at her opening his eyes for a moment. "Now, I best get headed back in, return the papers to their proper spots before, I head to do something else," he said with a sigh, not wanting to leave Tayuya for even that small period of time at the moment.

Sasuke nodded as he listened to her story, it was interesting, he nodded his head so basically it was almost by chance random luck in some ways, with lots of work behind it. "Well then, that does make some sense, I figure it was some skill from your former homeland," he commented as he paused before taking another couple of bites of his meal his eyes looking up at her every so often as he ate. He looked at her and paused, "so, Meizumi what is it that you look for in a potential boyfriend type person, if I am going to improve myself as seems to interest you, I should know my aims and goals for my improvement, then I can track my growth on a more well developed level."

It hadn't been only the 'mysterious' factor for Anko that drew her to Kakashi but that was definitely one. It was ironic in that aspect, really. They'd met at first due to obligations more than anything. But even during the assignment, the ranger knew she wanted to be with him for more than just professional purposes. It'd been a hell of a risk but it had certainly been worth it. She had no intentions of betraying the Uchiha lands by any means; something that hopefully Orochimaru wouldn't interpret her actions of marrying and bearing the child of one of the knights of the Uzumaki. If anything, she intended to try to strengthen the alliance. Gods knew Fugaku definitely needed it, especially after the fiasco which occurred with Tayuya.

Anko's cheeks reddened from the compliment, letting a hand raise and then fall upon his cheek gently. "You spoil me. You're very handsome yourself too, you know? But thank you all the same. And given our similar pasts .. yes. It should help out somehow." Exact details would obviously be figured out later. Right now, she knew she had to stop procrastinating. Her ankles had tensed as Anko prepared to head back to her place before the suggestion of giving a copy of his book to Tayuya was heard.

She chuckled, a sly smirk crossing her lips. "... I think that will be her wedding present from me." She finally decided, pressing a soft kiss upon Kakashi's lips, as if to thank him for the idea. "Now ... much as I'd love to stay out here with you, I've put off the writing of the news for far too long. I want to get that done and over with, personally. If you want to follow and watch, feel free to unless you have your own obligations to do." With that, the ranger let her ankles resume their paused movement as she turned and headed back to her temporary residence.

Hinata had been ready to offer assistance, seeing Naruto looking for ... something. But she decided against it, noting his pace was far too determined to want help more likely than not. By the time she'd been ready to give in and ask, he walked over to her with a box. Her smile widened as a low gasp of awe and admiration left, her eyes studying the necklace. "I'm honored to have gotten so much favor from your parents. I'll have to thank her personally." Moving raven-blue locks aside, she turned so her back was facing Naruto, more than content to allow him to have the privilege of placing it on.

Neji wasn't alone in the reluctance to separate. But this was his home and he still had duties. So for that reason - along with knowing he'd be back when finished - she gave him a soft kiss on his lips. "I'll be waiting in your place then." She replied, slowly unwrapping her arms from around his waist and heading off to said destination.

Meizumi had been eating in between explanations and listening to Sasuke's words. What had by far been the most difficult question, however, soon caught her ears as her fingers tapped against her cheek slowly. "... I've never thought much on that, truthfully." The swordswoman replied after a momentary pause. "I merely expected to stay in the ranks as a knight, my obligations remaining to the Uzumakis. Needless to say, it was quite the shock when your father chose me of all people to try to see about marrying you. But .... " She went silent, beginning to ask herself what would she care about?

The heterochromic eyes slowly closed as Meizumi thought long and hard on the answers. "Loyalty ... though I'd guess this to be a given trait. That must be there somehow, regardless of form or fashion. Most of these are things I will likely return back somehow, thus I'll be as devoted as my boyfriend would be back. Honesty .. even if it seems brutal. I'd rather be told the honest truth than a lovely lie on any given day. Given my policy on looks, this applies to others. Beauty really is skin deep as they say. It'd be a bonus in my eyes but ... I won't push for any individual to look like a certain way, nor would I want such thoughts given back."

Her fingers tapped faster against her cheek, feeling like she was missing several other answers. "A bit of patience would be appreciated .. especially given I have no honest idea on exactly what I'm doing but still making efforts to do my best." Slowly, the one green and one blue orb began to open again. "Passion in some form or fashion as it can apply to other things besides one's lover. Those .... are probably the main things that I can immediately think of. May I know the same answers back from you?" She added, curious if their mindsets were at all similar or not.
Kakashi smiled at the idea of her giving the present to Tayuya, it was a good solid idea, and he knew she and Neji would benifit from her learning, something about Neji told him he wouldn't be interested in such books, most likely due to his demeaner or something. He returned the kiss quickly, "Well then, I will go about and make sure all my work is done, and I am not needed for the rest of the night," he said with a grin as he looked at her, figuring that he might have some minor work to do for the set up, or the planning for security for the wedding at that moment. He headed in that direction to get that taken care off. He would go and meet back up with Anko as soon as he was done.

Naruto felt his hand become a bit nervous as he looked at his future wife, he took a deep breath as he moved around her and slipped the necklace around her neck before carefully clasping it together, the second part being the more challenging part. He was so worried somehow something would go wrong, something would fall apart, and somehow he would end up causing trouble. He did take the chance to do one thing for the heck of it, and so that he could see just what reaction he got from Hinata. He let his hand give her butt a good patting for a moment before stepping back, "so go look in the mirror, tell me what you think about it?" he asked softly to her.
He stood there at the door watching her now for her reaction for what she would think of the necklace, he didn't want to move, he wouldn't. He smiled happily as he knew that she would be his queen someday. Then again that might be a bit off due to the fact his parents were not that old after all. He leaned against the door frame as he was mesmorized by Hinata, he had said the truth, he did want her in such a way that he wanted to be intimate with her and her alone.

Neji went off to return the work, he moved quicker then before heading to each place, but making a copy as well for Tayuya on the information that would be helpful. It was a good bit of information to turn in and hoped that Tayuya wouldn't be upset by the fact he was a bit later then she most likely thought he be. He walked into his place and looked around finding a book, he quietly started to read it, and tried his best to understand it, it was a book teaching one to read music which he figured was a key no matter what he did with instruments.

Sasuke looked at her and paused, "someone strong," he said with a straight forward tone to his voice, "someone who is strong in body and mind, someone like you said is loyal and smart, I don't want some fangirl, I have had to deal enough with their crap over the years," he said honestly as he looked over at Meizumi for a moment as he then ate a few more bits. "I want a woman who is strong so she will be able to help the Uchiha, and loyal to the Uchiha and myself," he finalized as he put it in front of her, it wasn't as complex as what she had said, but then again, he didn't see any reason at all to be complex about explaining what qualities that he was looking for in a woman, he figured they were to be forward and his were such.

Sasuke finished his meal and looked over at her, "so what do you think of my homelands, can you stand it, do you want to return to Uzumaki lands right now, for if you do you can, I perfer you to remain, if you want to go, I will tell my father the name of another woman, who I will marry, and I am sure he will do all he can to make that happen, if you accept as I hope you do, then I will continue to improve for you, though I am not sure I will ever be this perfet person for you," he said honestly as he looked at her for a moment longer, "in short, I want to give you the choose now, you can choose to remain here, or go home, either way is fine, and I will make it happen either way."

Her feet guided the ranger right in front of her desk. Pulling out a parchment, ink, and a quill, Anko began to focus on writing a letter. It took several tries before it came out the way she wanted it to look like. By the time it was all said and done, along with having been read over several times, it would read as follows.

Preparations for Tayuya and Neji are going smoothly and in the final steps. I realize that when it's over, I'm meant to return. However, there's been a slight change of plans. During the fiasco last month and masquerade, me and Kakashi wound up getting to better know one another. Things went from one point to another ... and needless to say, I've found out as of today that I'm pregnant. To be exact, five weeks. After Hinata and Naruto have their marriage, we're going to do ours.

I truly apologize for the incredibly late delay with this. I didn't know for a while how to write this out. But in the end, I knew it wasn't right to not inform you. So I mustered enough courage up to create this letter.

I hope some peace has finally found the Uchiha lands.

I am not, by any means, relinquishing my loyalties to you, Fugaku, or the Uchihas. I am, however, hinting that I will have other obligations besides the things I've been doing as of late.

Yours truly,
Anko Mitarashi

A semi-shaking hand kept the letter held as the ranger walked outside, finding a hawk resting nearby. Just like how Shizuki knew how to handle the birds, so did Anko. Attaching the letter to it's talon, she gave it a soft smile. "Back home, to Orochimaru ... " She replied softly, her heart racing as she watched it fly up, up, and soon vanish out of sight.

Ugh, hopefully this will go well ... Anko prayed, slowly walking back inside and lying upon the bed.

Hinata kept her hair out of the way until Naruto finished up. Giving him a content smile, she began to walk towards the mirror ... when his hand landed upon her rear. She jumped slightly and gasped a bit .. but blushed all the same. The Princess seemed slightly torn; uncertain what to say or do. Part of her almost wished his hand hadn't moved away but ... would it really be proper to ask him to continue touching her like that? Her head shook as Hinata appeared in front of the mirror, her smile widening even more.

"It's gorgeous .. I love it." She replied, turning and giving Naruto a hug.

It wasn't like Tayuya .. but for once, she felt like being slightly more lazy than usual. It'd likely been due to having gotten everything on her behalf mostly done. In fact ... yes. All but travel arrangements for the honeymoon were complete. Still, there were some days left and it wouldn't take that long. Walking past the front door, she let herself fall upon Neji's bed - soon to be theirs - and relaxed her body on the soft surface. The possible lead on her true heritage continued to race through her mind, the bard's curiosity now definitely piqued. The biggest confusion was if her parents were sent to spy on the Uchihas, why had she been raised with them? It made no sense .. but hopefully the man Neji had spoken of would be able to fill in the rest of the blanks.

Meizumi went quiet to think on the answer. She wouldn't lie, it was a bit odd being out of the Uzumaki lands. But for the most part, she had adjusted rather well. What she hadn't expected, though, was the same phrase that continued to repeat in her head a few times.

"I prefer you to remain ... "

Really? That .. honestly did astound the swordswoman. They had started out really rocky in getting along. Then again, that had been then. This was the here and now. Finally, her head shook no.

"I don't wish to return. If I had any desire for it, I definitely would have spoken up much sooner. No, I intend to stay here and see this through to the very end. I already gave you my word, I'm not going to break it."
Kakashi walked down the hallway his thoughts on the wedding planning of his own, he figured that it was connected with the others,but their wedding was different, he knew that it would be, cause it wasn't prearranged like the other two, which meant they had choosen each other for reasons other then political, and that made it different fight off the bat. He stood looking down the hall pausing for a moment as he took a deep breath as his finger touched a ring he had his teacher send to him. He would give this ring to Anko in a rather short period of time, it was the one his mother had when she married his father, and he would give to her when she became his wife. He thought about the seriousness of the situation and then pulled out his book and read, despite how this book had effected his future, perhaps for the better more then likely, it still had no seeable effects on the knight as he walked into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed before closing the book and turning to look over at Anko.

"So, did you get what you needed taken care of," he asked as he gave her a small smile as he then said nothing else.

Naruto smiled as he looked at Hinata, it did look good on her, and he knew that he would have to owe his mother for this one, it seemed that his mother liked Hinata a great deal, which made this so much easier. He moved up closer to her sliding an arm around her waist as he pulled her close looking at her in the mirror insteads of directly, as he admired his future wife for a moment longer.

"We actually have to go, rather you actually have to go get your fitting taken care off, for your wedding dress, I figure that you might want to take Tayuya, and Anko with you as you go try them on, to make sure they fit correctly," he said to her softly as he looked at her, he had to meet with Neji and Kakashi as well, to plan what would be their combined bacholar party. He figured it was tradition and he wasn't about to break tradition at all at least not with the wedding anyhow.

Neji went to find Naruto he had a couple of questions for the young man, and he figured he would wait on him to be done with Hinata before he went and talked to him. He sat down on a bench that had a good view of the Uzumaki's room as he figured that that the both of them would be there. Naruto as a cousin in law in multiple was was odd, but he seemed nice enough. He was good to Hinata, which was important to him, and he wasn't Sasuke. Good if Sasuke would of ended up with Hinata, he would of been so upset he couldn't put his feelings into proper words, especially now he knew about the Uchiha so much better.

Sasuke raised an eyebrown, he had not predicted this, he figuerd she would want away, back to her homeland, back to someone else, but that she wanted to remain, was surprising. He blinked and the surprise showed so much on his face he knew that she had to notice it as well. He nodded his head as he finished his meal and stood up and pulled Meizumi's chair out in a gentlemanly fashion.

He walked her to the door, "thank you for the meal, perhaps we can spend...more time together tomorrow, I must pratice one more then before you walk out the door," he said as more of a command then a question to the white haired woman as he stood by the door and looked right at her for a moment. He then kissed her on her lips for a good moment before pulling away, and leding her out the door before slipping back inside and closing the door, leaving the end of the kiss as a kind of great cliffhanger, as he didn't want her to see his reaction to the said kiss, or her reaction either as he figured she would just leave and go her own way.

Anko managed to meet Kakashi and give him a brief hug, her arms resting around him. "Mhm, I did. Now all to do is wait ... and hope for the best." She was missing something, wasn't she? But what? Her mind tried to think ... and finally it hit her. A low sigh left as she reluctantly moved away. "My apologies but I do need to get one of the most essential things for our wedding. It's called a dress." She snuck a kiss in first and though it was brief, there were definitely hints of passion behind it.

"I blame Tsunade. I got too focused on the appointment with her and nearly forgot till now. It shouldn't take too long, though. Tayuya already has hers ... so just myself and Hinata need one." And she had full intentions on letting the latter spoil herself first before choosing one for herself. The union between the Princess of the Hyuugas and the Prince of the Uzumakis would be an incredible day; she knew everything for Hinata needed to be very well done. The dress would be no exception. "I'm sure, however, you can find a way to kill time with the other guys though. Behave until I return." She added, giving him a playful wink before heading out, first going to seek Tayuya out.

Hinata had almost asked what he meant before Naruto had a good point. She had pretty much everything but her dress .. and the necklace reminded her of an additional errand they could likely all do. They all - or she was pretty certain - needed to still get their rings to exchange and wind up giving to the men. If nothing else, she herself had to and it'd be productive to get two tasks out of the way at once. Slowly pulling herself away from Naruto, she gave a nod of agreement. "True ... alright then. No trying to peek at it when I return, okay?" She teased.

Hinata's heart raced for a few moments as she found enough courage. Leaning forward, she gave Naruto a kiss upon his lips, slowly pulling away as she finished. "I'll see you later, my beloved." A smile was on her face even as she turned and left to head out and rendezvous with the other girls.

Poor Tayuya damn well nearly fell off the bed as a knock made her leave her thoughts, glancing over. An eyebrow raised and before she could ask 'Who is it?', it would be revealed soon enough.

"Tayuya? Hope I didn't bother you but we all need to go dress shopping ... well, me and Hinata do."

"Anko .. yeah um .... sec." Taking a few moments to gather her composure, the bard shook her head and exhaled softly before walking to the door, giving the ranger a hug. "So .. how'd your appointment go?"

"... Yeah, I am .... "

"Tch, kinda naughty don't you think? You two couldn't have waited till you got married? Seriously though, I'm happy for you."

Anko merely gave Tayuya a light and clearly fake bop on the head, smirking. "Could have? Yes but we didn't want to. At least it was a consensual thing." She added, giving a light shrug as she began to walk beside her to find Hinata. "... Um ... mind keeping this just between us?" She added. "I don't want everyone knowing, not quite yet. Just those I've had to inform .... mainly Orochimaru."

Tayuya cringed, clearly glad that hadn't been her who had to do such a task. "Ugh ... what a pain that must be. Yeah, no problems though."

"Thanks. It ... was nerve-wracking for sure." While Tayuya's hair slightly bounced, her eyes had noted something. Gently resting her hands on Tayuya's shoulders, Anko moved the red strands aside, lightly frowning. "How long have you had that mark? I didn't think Orochimaru gave one of these to anyone else .... "

".... Wait, what?! That .. hold on. I thought it was just a birthmark or something."

"No ... different shape but I can sense the same arcane magics. It's the same that Orochimaru gave me." She then turned the bard so she could see for herself as the purple-haired woman moved her hair aside. "I'm sorry to have sprung this on you .... " She added, sighing as she pulled Tayuya into a hug, cursing herself in her head. It was times like this the ranger had direly wished she'd listened to her first instincts; which had been to keep silent but investigate the matter.

But now that it had been revealed ... she'd need to talk to Neji about this and - eventually - Orochimaru. Really though, what in the hell had he done that for? Even if the bard didn't wish to have that knowledge, the ranger did.

".. I know this was completely my fault for pointing it out but ... um ... you can help me with my dress if you like." Anko offered, wanting to make up somehow for upsetting her best friend.

".... Alright." She murmured, exhaling deeply to calm herself down. Logic had begun to kick in and hell, if Anko had one for the longest damn time, maybe it didn't mean anything. That's what she wanted to believe, anyways. So why had her stomach just turned into a very tight knot so quickly? All she knew was for once, it definitely wasn't because of thinking on the upcoming wedding.

Steadily, the two resumed their search for Hinata so they could all get their dresses.

It was difficult to keep from chuckling aloud at Sasuke's reaction. Simultaneously, it was also intriguing to certain degrees. He'd .. really expected her to say she wanted to go home? Well, if the Prince doubted her to be a woman of her word, hopefully that would better prove him wrong. A nod left her head and as she got to her feet, Meizumi had been ready to inquire on what he wanted to practice. The reply came in the form of a kiss ... and though it was far too short, she could feel actual passion behind the simple gesture.

While she had the opportunity, he'd feel that she returned and accepted it. As the door closed, a hand covered her mouth to now muffle a low laugh which finally left her lips. "Good night, my Prince ..." She murmured softly, her cheeks burning as she turned and headed back to her room.
Naruto smiled as he waved to HInata he knew she was going to have fun, and he figured it was a good thing that she would be having fun too. Naruto looked at Neji as he came up shortly after Hinata walked away. He smiled at his soon to be cousin in law, though in a way he felt more like a future brother in law then anything else. Naruto smiled happily glad to see the Hyuuga, "so, what is up, anything big going down with you," he asked Neji as he looked at him from his room to out in the hall where Neji was standing.

"Well Naruto, I am doing fine, it is good to see you two are doing well," he said referring to his relationship with Hinata as he looked at him, "Well now, I was thinking about something, there is a tradition that we males must do before we are married, I figured that it was something that we must talk about at least and figure out if we are going to follow though with the tradition or if we are just going to avoid it. I have no idea if the women will do this, but it wouldn't surprise me either way honestly."

Naruto blinked looking at him as if he was some alien clown, he had no clue what the hell he was talking about, something that could be figured out when you just looked at the face of the young man as he looked at Neji. He blinked but luckily Kakashi also was looking for the pair and walked up on them just about that moment as he smirked overhearing the conversation and seeing Naruto.

"A bacholar party," Kakashi commented as he looked at the pair of them, "it is tradition for single men to have a blast the last night before they are to be married, it is the way to avoid seeing one's future wife the day before he is to marry her as well," he commented with an all knowing tone, "a last night to be wild and have fun and live it up, I say we do it, nothing over the top of course, I don't want to piss off my future wife, that wouldn't end well, especially given her current skills and job," Kakashi commented.

"Agreed, I couldn't stand to think that something we might do would hurt HInata feelings," Naruto said with a nod of his head as he looked at the other two.

"Fine then it is agreed on," Neji said with a nod, "we shall reserve one of the rooms in town, we shall get food and drink, and invite our friends and enjoy our time that night," he said looking at the others, I shall work on this, I know the village best, Naruto, talk to your teacher he has connections, Kakashi do so as well, perhaps Naruto's father can sneak away and join us too, it shall be rather fun."
"Good, well now we just have to tell the women we will be busy that night, say the night before Neji's wedding," Kakashi offered to which all agreed.

Sasuke went to bed early that night thinking about the woman who was the most odd, interesting and captivating woman he had dealt with pretty much ever. He had so many feelings about her, and honestly he didn't understand most of them, they were new to him and he was working his best to understand any of them better then just terms and words he saw in books that hardly justified themselves on how he should feel about his feelings towards Meizumi. He hoped to spend more time with her the next day, he would order her to the park or for a walk or something.

Tayuya had mostly calmed down by the time the ranger and bard arrived at Hinata's door. But even Anko could practically feel anger still rushing through her friend; and she couldn't blame her. In fact, she'd be joining her too were she not carrying Kakashi's child. But she didn't want a miscarriage and was keeping her emotions in check. Rubbing a hand gently up and down Tayuya's shoulder a few more times, she raised her hand and gave a knock on Hinata's door.

"... Ah, Anko, Tayuya ... you're here for the dresses right?" A simultaneous nod from both the women would confirm her question had been correct. "Alright. I was actually on my way to find you both. I thought of something else we all - or at least I - need besides that."

Both looked at one another, as if seeing whether one person or the other had the answer before looking back to the Princess. "... Hm?" Both asked.

".... Rings for when ... at the altar ... the ones that need to be exchanged .... " Hinata's face darkened slightly, the image clearly going through her mind and making her both anxious and content at the same time.

"Ahhh .... " Both replied, Anko first chuckling upon seeing Hinata's reactions. "You'll be fine." She reassured her, helping move the bard away so they could allow the Princess room to leave and join them.

Getting to the destination was easy enough. It'd been the selecting - mainly for Hinata - which caused the three to be out for several good hours. That plus multiple talks of various subjects. And though they were all tired from just getting the dresses, they all agreed upon needing to get wedding bands for their future husbands. This, it appeared, was by far the harder task between rings or dresses. One thing, however, had been more than easy to figure out.

Silver or titanium ... definitely not gold would suit them all better.

Along with the respective bands, each also figured out an engraving to have included on the inside of the rings.

A weary set of content but exhausted sighs passed all of their lips as each left the stores, each woman content but more than happy with how the results had gone. Bidding one another good night, each went away to hide their new purchases in places that they were certain would be able to keep the items concealed well enough. No sooner than this was done by all the females did each fall asleep, mentally and physically preparing for their own big days that were quickly approaching.
The talk between the three of them went on a bit longer then any of them had planned as Kakashi did what he said he would and sent a letter to Kakashi as well to other friends of his to slip down and head to the bacholar party. He also worked on ideas for what he was going to ask King Minato to bring with him as well to help out, it wasn't hard, it just took time. Naruto too worked on this helping Kakashi the whole while as well as sending a letter to JIraya getting his help though what was basically blackmail on him.

Neji worked on getting it set up, he went into town, finding a place to hold the event and getting it sat aside for them on that day, he then talked with some people to prepare it for them so that it would be a place of a lot of fun, with games and drinks and everything that they would need for the party, he knew Naruto would invite the cook at his favorite restruant to cook too, but he found people to ask to help and work with, as well spending a lot of the day working on preprations himself.

Naruto headed to his room first finding his bed, he fell asleep rather quickly, enjoying the feel of the soft bed as he was tired from all the preperation work, he knew though the party was going to be fun, then two days later he would be married himself. It was so exciting, it was unlike anything he had done, and he knew it would remain that way for a good long while.

Kakashi went to sleep next, he didn't bother with anything as he slept with most of his clothes on, he was tired too, sleeping in his own bed for once he wasn't actually next to Anko for this one night, it felt odd for him to be sleeping without her near him even after only doing so just once, he didn't like it, and he slipped out of bed, went and found her before climbing into the bed quietly and falling asleep more contently.

Neji was the last one done, and tired too, he went to bed and pulled Tayuya close to himself as he held her in his grasp as if she were his pillow as he knew she would end up using him as a pillow as well before he drifted off to sleep as well, he was happy he got so much done. He had a lead, he had gotten everything the wedding and the bacholar party set up, it was one heck of a produtive day for him.

In the end, the women had agreed on a bachelorette party themselves. Anko mainly got money for the future child, though she did get a few other items, including sexy pieces of lingerie as did the other two women. Nothing too crazy happened, as they all requested and agreed to that much and it'd all gone rather well, actually.

The next two days came and went swiftly, though before then any and all of the last preparations needed had been done. That being said, Tayuya had - as promised - gotten for herself and Neji all the work for their honeymoon finished, including reserving a secluded cabin nearby the waterfall at the Valley of the End. The hardest parts, if anything, had been designating the rest of her bridesmaids and other important women to include in the wedding ... and especially whom would walk her down the aisle.

The latter, though, had been decided after quite a bit of contemplation. And it seemed fitting and fair to give that role to Hiashi. He wasn't by any means the closest father-figure in her life, but it seemed the most appropriate for this wedding. She also had no idea if Kabuto or Orochimaru would even be attending, albeit it'd be hard to be beside them without being somewhat - okay, very - nervous.

And poor Tayuya was more than anxious enough as it was. Thankfully, however, Anko had remained behind for a bit longer to help her remain calm. None of the women had walked out yet to take their places, so she had time. The ranger was behind the red-haired woman, helping her zip her wedding dress up. A content smile crossed Anko's face as she led Tayuya to a mirror. "You really do look gorgeous."

".... You really did spoil me with this far too much but ... thanks all the same." Taking a few moments to glance at herself in the mirror, she turned and gave Anko a hug, shaking slightly.

"... What is it the most?"

"Just .... I dunno. It's not about the actual act. Partly the crowd, partly who else is gonna be there, all you've told me, other things of my past we kinda found out about ... "

The list made Anko frown slightly as she pressed a finger gently up to Tayuya's lips. "Today ... keep your focus and concentration on Neji, alright?"

"... You make this sound so damn easy. How are you not nervous?"

"Oh I am. Trust me. But I'm also pregnant. Having a panic attack wouldn't do me any good. In fact, that'd be the worst thing. So ... due to that and it coming with my job, I can naturally keep my emotions pretty well under control." She replied, offering Tayuya a small smile, reluctantly pulling away from the embrace. "I don't want to be the last one in so ... I need to rendezvous with the others. I'll see you in a bit."

"... Alright." The voice in poor Tayuya's voice clearly hinted she didn't wish for Anko to go but knew she had to. Once her friend left, she sat down carefully on her bed, waiting for Hiashi to arrive. She felt ... restless and her hands thus picked up the gift her friend had given her last night. It was supposedly an erotic book and she'd already read a good portion of it last night. But there was still a lot to continue to read. So ... why not now? Taking steady breaths through her nose, Tayuya continued to wait, glancing up at the ring she was going to bring with her soon enough. The sight plus knowledge of finally being able to wed Neji - without any consequences - was making her feel better; especially since she wasn't technically an Uchiha. But soon, that wouldn't matter.

Within moments, Anko got in line beside Hinata and some of the other women. The Princess glanced over to the ranger and whispered softly, "How is she?"

"Nervous but well otherwise. She'll get here fine though, don't worry."

A slow nod left Hinata's head and now both began to wait for the future bride to arrive, knowing fully well each would have to do this themselves.

Among the crowd - mingled in among many other guests - was Meizumi. The news of the weddings had gotten around and for a mix of diplomatic and political reasons, she'd found herself accompanying Sasuke to each of these. It'd taken a lot of convincing, but the swordswoman was pretty sure Sasuke finally understood and accepted neither would lie on their true status. Truth be told, however, she was far more concerned on Sasuke than herself. Sneaking a glance over, a gentle yet thoughtful tone was heard in her voice. "You alright, Sasuke?"
Neji was ready early, and working on how to do this, he felt so nervous, he felt like he couldn't stand still for a moment, he looked around, as he was worried. What if he was messing up here, what if he wasn't good enough for someone as amazing as Tayuya, he was the thrown in part of the deal, he wasn't sure what to focus on, he remembered the night before, it was so much fun, so many of his friends gathered together, and he even got a lot of advice from older people like Minato, and Asuma. He know just had to do this get married, why was it such a big deal, but it was.

Neji was walking around nervously as he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked at his old friend, "so what are you doing back here, Lee?"
"Checking on your, my youthful rival," he said with a smile as he looked at his friend for a moment, "you are shinning with youthful energy today, Neji," Lee said with nothing but respect in his tone, "your doing the right thing," he said with a smile in his simple way before hugging him crying in typical Lee fashion, "I can't believe my rival is getting married, I am so happy, it is so awesome," he said as Neji patted his friends back for a moment caught off guard by the action of Lee as he had a stunned look on his face.

Lee back up and smiled chaning emotions so quickly it was almost funny, "Well, go show that woman, just how great of a man she is getting, and prove why you are my rival," he said looking at him.

Neji blinked and raised an eyebrow, "yeah, yeah, sure thing Lee," he said motioning Lee to leave the room, and smiled, Lee had his moments.

Neji walked down the isle to the front of it to wait for his bride, he stood there, why he picked Lee to be his best man, he wasn't sure at first, but he was glad he had. He stood there stoic in demeanar as he waited for Tayuya to arrive.
Sasuke had been dragged here mostly, he had to come and he hated it, he hated these people. He let out a sigh as he would hide in the crowd. "I just want to get out as soon as possible," he whispered to her, "these people and I don't like each other," he added so she knew what his feelings were, not that he wasn't sure he had made that point before, he was there cause he had to be that that was it.
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