A Middle Age Naruto RP (Yajirobe and LadyYunaFFX2)

As the time was hinted, Hinata glanced up, blinking then chuckling. "So it is. Time really does fly like they say." Giving a small nod to Naruto, she got up carefully to her feet, still keeping his hand held. Even with the darkness beginning to surround them, Naruto would be able to practically feel the heat radiating off her cheeks from the suggestion. "I ... well ... I suppose there couldn't be any harm from reading." And besides, she'd have to learn such things eventually, yes? It seemed like a decent idea the more she thought it on it. Hinata would be keeping her purity for the marriage but still preparing for it simultaneously. And she didn't want to be naive forever so ... why not? Turning on her feet, Hinata waited for Naruto to be ready to head back before walking towards the palace.

"... Hm?" Tayuya replied, a low groan leaving at first. Normally, she hated being woken up and often snapped at whomever was bold enough to do so. But when her mind comprehended it was just Neji, she smiled and slowly began waking up. "I ... I guess so." She replied, trying to think on what had made her so exhausted. And then, the recollection hit her like a brick, making her teeth find her lower lip slightly.

That's right .. you've been forced to live a lie. You're not an Uchiha, you're an Uzumaki.

"... Wait. That blonde your cousin's with ... he's the Prince of the Uzumaki lands isn't he? So .... I'm somehow related to him?" Well .. that was definitely an interesting thought. Now she really wanted to learn more, regardless of how or from whom. If push came to shove, Anko could likely help her do the research. She was one of the few in the Uchiha that Tayuya could genuinely trust.

Standing slowly up to her feet, Tayuya offered a hand down towards Neji, smiling down at him. "Well ... given the unexpected nap we just snuck in, got any ideas for a way to fall back asleep?" She inquired.

"Yes ... mmm .... " Anko moaned softly, her breath hitting his collarbone as she felt him go even faster. Her nips got a bit rougher and she couldn't help but smirk. Hopefully he had some cloaks or items of clothing to hide those areas really well .. lest anyone see the very obvious hickeys that were being left upon his flesh. And if the wrong person asked .. well .. not like they needed to go. An inward chuckle echoed in her head, realizing they'd gone from a date to consummating their marriage. Ah well; at least it was with someone she wanted to be with the rest of her life anyways.

Besides, they didn't have to follow all of these traditional steps like the Hyuugas, Naruto and Tayuya had to oblige with. So it didn't make her feel as guilty as she should despite being a woman of customs usually.

Her nips began to get more frequent and rougher, her moans intertwining with pants that continued to pass her lips. Unwrapping her legs from around Kakashi's waist, she let them slide up and over his shoulders, giving him a much better angle to allow him even deeper access inside. Only one word that seemed like a plea and command left her lips as it echoed throughout the room.

".... More ..... "
Naruto smiled as he took her hand into his and walked with her, "I will get you a copy from Kakashi sensei in the morning and then you can read it all you want, I hear it is intense or something," he said as he walked, thinking about it, he wasn't sure what she would get out of it, but it might help her get used to the idea of being with a man which would be nice on their wedding night if nothing else at all. He walked to his room and slipped in and smiled as he found the book. "Actually, it turns out I do have a copy of the book, JIraya normally gives me the first edition for helping him," he said as he handed her a copy of make out tactics and smiled as he looked at her, "so, I shall see you in the morning right?"

Neji nodded his head and thought about it for a moment, "your kingdom has an Uzumaki member I think from one of the past deals, I read about it in the old reports of a Uzumaki member being sent off to marry an Uchiha, but it said they were still alive and um, they had a daughter but the name of the daughter was listed," he siad with a sigh, "I had hoped it would of been you, but it wasn't, I saw the report when we were in Uzumaki lands in the capital, some woman named Karin is also a Uzumaki clan relative," he said feeling bad for not helping but perhaps something like that had gone down too, or maybe something different, there were a number of ways that they could find out how she ended up where she had. "Oh, um yeah, your related to Naruto, most likely close, have you noticed how similar you look to Kushina," he said in passing as he walked with her though the maze using his eyes to help find the way out. "Perhaps they know more about it, Kushina, and Minato, I mean, maybe they lost someone and lost record of them, maybe they can help you find your origin."

Kakashi was straight up amazed by the skills and abilities of his new lover. He knew that the lover status between them was very much the case at that moment, she was good so very good in bed, it was amazing, he figured Jiraya himself might be amazed at the skills of this woman, her abilities in bed were far better then the woman in the book actually. He felt her legs move and the angle he was taking at her changed to something more downward in orign. He took that chance as he pressed in aggressively like a warrior seeing a sudden opening in a fight or a large man finding himself in a all you can eat top quality buffet. He pressed himsef now fully into Anko, taking her fast and hard and actually a good bit wild too, as his hands gripped her own hands hard. He could feel a preasure building for a sudden moment, he knew that moment wasn't that far off. He knew that this was something that would have its after effects. He and her were together, without marriage yet, they were together as one, and were set on a course that would keep them as one for as long as possible. He knew that in their line of work, that as long as possible might not be so long. It was why he wasn't worried about taking her in this situation before they were married, or anything. Plus they were minions, they were no like Hinata and Naruto, royal people who had to uphold traditions.

Intense huh? Hinata couldn't help but wonder how so. Once Naruto handed her the book, though, she knew the answers would be given soon enough. Her heart raced and her head managed to bow politely to Naruto. "Mhm. I'll see you in the morning as well." Giving him a quick but very passionate kiss, Hinata then walked towards her room, closing the door behind her. Slipping her shoes off first, she then lied down on her bed and began to read the book. It seemed harmless at first ... but when it got more intimate, she felt herself burning up. If Neji or anyone else was here, they'd swear the poor Princess was having a fever.

"Dear gods ... " She murmured, her hand shaking lightly as she continued to flip through the pages, taking in every single word and detail. Hinata wasn't exactly .. disgusted but definitely amazed and taken aback. People ... did such things? Well, they must have. Otherwise this wouldn't be written out ... right? Swallowing softly, the bright violet eyes continued to read along with the words, finding herself becoming more and more intrigued despite the anxious sensations creeping in alongside them.

"... Really?" She couldn't help but laugh at that. "Oh the irony. And she has the hots for Sasuke." In a horrible and yet twisted way, it was hilarious in Tayuya's mind on Sasuke's reaction if he ever found out that Karin was related to the Uzumaki's. Given how he failed to react or treat her, she doubted the Prince even knew. Hell, he probably hadn't known Tayuya herself was one. No ... no, things would have been different and likely for the much worse if he had. She went silent quickly upon hearing she may be closer than just cousins. ".... Oh wow .... um .... " Her head shook no but the more the bard thought on it, Neji was correct. Her and Kushina did look a hell of a lot alike; more than she'd thought of.

And then the idea of asking Minato or Kushina - likely both - was brought up. Given all of her options, those seemed to be the best aside from Anko. The Lord and Lady had seemed genuine in wanting to help everyone dragged into this massive marriage deal out, even Hinata as well as herself. "Yeah ... yeah they probably would be one of the better options." She replied, continuing to navigate alongside Neji through the maze.

Anko was trying to do her own calculations, seeing and feeling the very slight hesitation coming from Kakashi. It wouldn't be impossible for her to bear any children now but the better question was how likely was it? Truth be told even if it did happen here and tonight, that was more than fine with Anko. She didn't doubt Kakashi's words that he wouldn't seek out another woman ... and while they weren't wed yet, it sounded like he had intentions of fixing that when it was doable for him.

The grip upon her hands made Anko smirk and realize that all of that could be dealt with when the proper bridge arrived. Her hips continued bucking up, her pants and moans getting harder and heavier. Like Kakashi, she was getting close to her own climax, a few beads of sweat slowly falling down her face. "Yes ... ohhhh ...." Her own hands squeezed around her new lover's, purple strands of hair tossing from side to side as her muscles continued to clamp around the knight's shaft, her body trembling and convulsing in ecstasy.
Naruto watched her leave and smiled as he went into his room and got ready for bed. He blinked as he thought about her reading the book, he could see her face turning red from the scenes that it talked abou, hot and bothered, he wondered how the princess would handle the situation. As he thought he turned a bit red as he imagined HInata touching herself, and then himself touching her, he blinked as he shook his head driving away the thoughts no matter how tempting they were, he did need to get some sleep that night.
As he laid down the toughts came back, he couldn't get rid of them so easily this time as he laid there, he had to grab one of the pillows and hold it for a moment, she was going to something else in bed if she read those all the time till their wedding. He was able to drive away any thought as he smiled focusing on that single though of the wedding and the joy of it. He soon was asleep himself laying holding onto the pillow and snoring as well as he laid on the bed.
Neji listened and smiled at the comment, he wondered if anyone knew of it cause it was possible, she would of been a target for a marriage between the two of them. Neji thought about it more when something big hit him, like a ton of bricks, "Tayuya, what do you think your lord's reaction is going to be," he said to her as he stopped outside of the maze. "When he finds out that the woman he sent to marry a Hyuuga is not really someone from his own country," he commented blinking, "it goes against the tready, it only said a Uchiha female to marry me, your not an Uchiha female," he said wide eyed as he looked at her knowing that she would pick up on his worry. "Wouldn't that in and of itself break the treaty and without Sasuke marrying he gets nothing."

Neji knew this to be true, and it felt horrible, he felt suddenly sick to his stomach, he wasn't going to marry anyone but his woman, he looked up at her, "perhaps we whould make sure to keep this search quiet till at least we are married," he said to her softly, "I think your idea is good, I am sure they will be here before the marriage of Naruto and Hinata, perhaps you can talk to them in private, I think they seem rather trust worthy at least."

Kakashi was sure of what he was doing, now he just would have to find a way to work out this relationship past the marriage date of Tayuya. He soon hit his climax as he send his seed into Anko taking her a bit longer as he wanted to make sure she hit her climax as well. He wanted to have her in his life. The challenges were huge, he could see them, he could see that things were not goin got be easy, but perhaps something could be worked out, a trade of some sort, someone would work for the Uchiha for a set period while Anko worked for the Uzumaki and would be closer. He would have a lot of thinking to do, a lot of planning, but at this moment he was mostly focused on the blissfullness of the moment as he soon slipped from within Anko to the spot on his own bed besides the woman.

Naruto's thoughts had actually been rather accurate. Hinata had been damn close to touching herself, curious on the images now flooding her head plus wanting to explore masturbation. But maybe when she didn't have to worry about gaining sleep. That was the only thing keeping her from fulfilling Naruto's thoughts; though her panties were definitely drenched by the time she finished the chapter she was on, making her change out of them and toss them along with her dirty clothes. She stared down at herself ... and decided she was too tired to bother getting dressed. Besides, everyone here knocked so there was no real fear on anyone seeing her. Pulling her blankets and covers over herself, Hinata set the book down upon her mantle, closing her eyes. A nervous but very content smile was on her face as she drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Tayuya's hands shook at the suggestion of this technically going against the treaty. Her head shook no quickly and adamantly. "It'll be one of the few times my anger is more than his. Someone among his own ranks - whether it be himself or another - has been keeping this from me my whole life. Personally, I say find the real traitor before trying to stop our marriage. After all, what else have they been hiding alongside my real heritage and more than that, why? Makes you have to think ... that's likely what I'd say to Fugaku. However, there were rumors going around for the brief time I was back in the Uchiha lands before coming here that there was supposed to be a diplomatic marriage with Sasuke."

In fact, that was the only thing keeping Tayuya calm and from having a cursing fit in front of Neji. "More likely than not, that has begun to get set into motion ... " And if it hadn't .. well ... someone better get going, now shouldn't they?

Her head nodded as the bard took a deep breath, trying to keep herself calm as she embraced Neji. "Deal or not ... the hell with that. I love you ... " She murmured softly, letting her head fall against his chest. "For now though ... I'll wait for Kushina and Minato." She agreed, her hands still shaking lightly against his back. Most of the anger had faded but definitely not all of it.

Seconds after Kakashi hit his climax, Anko followed suit, crying out in delight. "Interesting date." She teased Kakashi gently, rolling on her side as she faced him, giving the man a deep kiss upon his lips. Her fingers weaved gently through his hair as her eyes easily noted his own had that same damn look that she did when Anko went into a 'thinking mode', more or less. "... Something bothering you?" She inquired gently, letting her head rest on his chest.
Naruto Neji Kakashi Sasuke and Rock Lee

Naruto wasn't one of the people from her kingdom and he didn't bother to knock the next morning when he woke up. He went to go and find Hinata and wake her up, he figured it would be cute and it would be fun to do that. He slipped into the room and saw her laying down on her bed and blinked as he tapped her on the shoulder as he couldn't wake her up with his slight taps, she was sleeping soundly. He smiled as he remembered a trick his parent did on him and grabbed the covers and pulled them hard before seeing the naked Hinata Hyuuga. A moment later Naruto was passed out on the ground with a nose bleed, having seen the body of his future wife.
"Yeah, good point, and I won't let anyone take you away from me," he said as he walked with her to his room, he kissed her and soon headed to bed, the next morning he woke up and looked around finding time to do some training which he did in the courtyard, it had been to long since he had, since it had been a while He focused on the basics pressing his skills working his endurance as he figured he would have some time that morning to get things worked on in his form.

Kakashi looked at her and shook his head, "I just need to sleep on it, I am just thinking of a plan to end up with you in my bedroom for as long as possible," he admitted before yawning and drifting to sleep. He woke up the next morning finding himself holding Anko as he yawned and rubbed his eyes, he figured that it would a good day, nothing much he knew of was going to happen that day at least, which meant he could spend more time with his new lover, doing things together, it was going to be important to make the most of the time they had together.

Sasuke prepared himself the next morning getting his things together and heading down to the courtyard, it would be a match that he was in, a match to prove to this upstart she was or wasn't worth his time. He walked down confident in his skills, he was pretty good, he might of lost to Naruto, but that was sheer luck or he had himself convinced of that fact, he stood ready looking around for his foe, his want to be future wife, she would have to prove herself to him here if she wanted that.

Lee woke up and panicked he had no idea how he got into the bed, he had no idea what Tenten was doing in the chair next to the bed asleep. He felt so guilty, he had to have done something bad. He got out of bed quickly, he had to make it up to the sweet kind weapon master. He had to repay her doing whatever she did that was so kind for him. He went in and started to make breakfast cooking up some omelets for the both of them.

By the time morning arrived, Hinata woke up feeling rather refreshed despite the very erotic readings that had caught her eyes the night before. She sat up and stretched, tilting her head back slightly. At that new angle, however, she then saw it .. the passed out Naruto upon her floor. A shocked gasp left as she pulled the covers quickly over her body. "... Naruto?! W--what are you ... ??" She wasn't mad but this was definitely something Hinata hadn't at all expected. Not yet, anyways.

As far as Tayuya had guessed, the mental exhaustion had helped her fall back asleep; that plus Neji being asleep beside her. It was slightly disappointing for her to wake up and feel he was gone, in fact. But .. she had a way to make up for that. The bard could lure him, she knew, with more than just music; moreso given they'd skipped dinner. It had been unintentional .. but nonetheless, it had still happened, she realized. Humming softly to herself, Tayuya began cooking breakfast for them, figuring it was her turn to spoil him even if only for one time.

Anko didn't usually have rude awakenings of any kind. But it seemed today ... was different. She groaned and lightly tossed in Kakashi's arms, thinking it was but an annoying sensation of her stomach growling. But when her body realized it was much worse, she woke up with a start, her eyes widened. ".... No fucking .... " That was as far as she got before a hand covered her mouth; not to stop herself from cursing. No no. She had to run -- and quickly as the abrupt feeling of needing to vomit overtook her. Even though she hadn't seen any of the other rooms beside the bedroom, her feet seemed to know where to guide her. And the second Anko reached the bathroom, she sank to her knees and puked in the toilet, shaking in fear.

No fucking way! First time?! Her head shook no ... not sure whether to be more scared, happy, or in disbelief at the thought she may have already gotten pregnant. But that ... would be revealed in a few weeks. Until then, no sense in making assumptions yet.

Meizumi had been awake since dawn, practicing in one of the unoccupied training areas outside. The sounds of footsteps echoing not too far off suggested that - hopefully - Sasuke hadn't chickened out. Well, that much would be good. Sure enough, after making her way to the courtyard, she saw the raven haired Prince. Her eyes studied him, trying to size him up. "Need a bit more time or are you ready now?" She asked, dipping her hand into the pocket to retrieve her blindfold.

In the midst of having watched Lee, Tenten finally realized she had fallen asleep while in the chair as her back ached. "Goddamnit ... " She murmured, sighing softly as the scent of breakfast caught her nose. Wait ... breakfast? Who was cooking? Standing up to her feet, she went into the kitchen to see ... Lee? A soft smile crossed her face. "I didn't know you were taught how to cook. No offense or anything it's .. it's good to see." She paused, almost immediately remembering the events of yesterday. "... You feeling better now?" She added, feeling her body tense up slightly.

Naruto came to and blinked as he looked up and heard Hinata and then blinked as he looked at her, his face glowing red as he looked down embarrassed as he blinked, "I am sorry, I came into wake you up and I wanted to surprise you and all, and you didn't wake up at first...so I ..pulled down the blankets, it is a trick my mom used to use on me when I overslept, and well, I um well saw you naked, sorry," he said honestly as he blushed and turned his back to her to make sure he didn't see her again.

The smell of the food was easy to notice for Neji, it was perhaps cause he was hungry, but he couldn't avoid the smell, he jumped down and walked inside and smiled as he looked at Tayuya cooking and found himself a seat, "soo good morning," he said over to her as he whipped a bit of sweat from his brow. He was really pretty hungry at that moment, and he was glad to spend more time with Tayuya as well. He figured the smell itself even if he wasn't as hungry as he was would of gotten his attention.

Kakashi heard the sounds form the bathroom and walked over to the said room and looked inside and saw Anko throwing up into the toilet, he tried to remember if she had drank anything and couldn't remember that they had, he walked over and patted her on the back, "Well now, seems something you had didn't sit well with you," he said as he looked at her, "I am guessing that your not used to Hyuuga foods yet huh?"

Sasuke smirked as he noticed the blindfold, "seriously fighting me blind what type of woman are you," he said shaking his head as he drew out his long sword and took up his stance. He figured he might as well see what this woman could do. He didn't think much, so a simple attack would work, most likely she would fall on her face and admit to the fact she had been picked due to her looks and not her skills. He attacked dead on with a slash that was aimed at her core.

Lee heard some movement, and knew that Tenten was up. He worked to finish everything up as quickly as possible as he heard this wanting to have it done by the time that she got to the room. "It is funny, I don't remember yesterday after trying that food at all, what happened, I hope I didn't do anything upsetting," he said as he put the food on the plate, "of course I know how to cook, Gai told me, that to maintain your youthful energy you have to know how to cook well and then you will have even more youthful energy," he said with a smile as he sat down in the chair and looked over at Tenten, "so I learned all sorts of cooking, pretty much anything."

"I .. it's okay. I just ... " Hinata's head shook quickly, a small smile managing to cross her face. "I admit .. this was going to happen, eventually .. you seeing me without clothing, I mean. I just .. didn't quite expect it but ... but I'm not angry. Really." Keeping the covers held against her body, she gave a nod towards her door. "Um .. would you mind giving me a few minutes? Like how I did when you couldn't find your clothes?" Obviously looking for anything to conceal her skin with wouldn't be the issue .. but she was pretty sure Naruto understood her question well enough.

"Morning." Tayuya replied, her own hunger having seemed to fuel her on. By the time Neji walked in, she'd just finished making the last bits of bacon and pancakes. Eggs had been done for a while; they were also easy and quick to prepare. Setting the tables and placing food on each, she then walked in and placed one down in front of Neji, the other across. Heading back into the kitchen, Tayuya returned with two glasses of orange juice. "So ... after this should we see about catching Hinata and Naruto?" Between discussing marriage plans further or trying to plan ahead should Fugaku realize she wasn't an Uchiha to begin with, the bard's mind did not want to think of the latter. Not if it could be helped, at any rate.

A nervous chuckle left Anko's lips as she shook her head slowly no. "Kakashi ... " She murmured slowly, washing her hands and face after flushing before turning. "We kinda skipped dinner. And even before then ... I had almost nothing. I don't think it was food or drink. I'm ... pretty sure that .... " Taking one of his hands gently into her own, she exhaled deeply before finishing the sentence. "Well ... that was from you. I hope you intended on having a family one of these days .. because that wish may very well get fulfilled."

Meizumi merely replied with a smirk, continuing to gaze upon the Prince before letting the cloth blind her eyes. "You'll see, young Prince." She merely replied. Everything which needed to be noted had been done; his height and his weapon being the two main details Meizumi had made damn well sure to take note of. They were about the same ... which made it easier for Meizumi, honestly. She wouldn't have to duck or crouch too slow. All she would have to do is angle her blade correctly, swing it in the right direction ... and that would basically be it.

When Sasuke charged, she heard it coming and sidestepped. Unfortunately for the Prince, she'd had a battle plan upon waking up and knew the best way to settle this was quickly. Only when she heard his footsteps away from her - due to lost momentum likely - did she take her turn. Her right hand swung the katana harshly but whereas he may have expected it to go for his gut or midsection ... that was very much incorrect. In fact, it was one of Meizumi's favorite locations, simply because no one usually saw it coming until it was far too late.

Her blade was aimed ... for his right ankle. She wouldn't fully cut the muscle, but definitely enough to incapacitate him, give him a taste of how it felt to be truly helpless. If it landed... the fight would be over. He'd never be able to catch up to her, never be able to land a hit upon her body. She could stand five paces away from him ... and there would be no way he could get close enough to her. And she highly doubted he'd dare toss his blade; that would only make him lose his weapon and truly end the spar.

"Um ... " Tenten hesitated, unsure of whether to say the truth, let alone how to. There was no kind way to put it to him. Her smile widened as a compromise came to the conjurer's head. "Tell you what. Let's eat first ... then I'll answer that, okay?" It'd allow her time to think and prepare herself. Even while waiting for him to reply, her mind swiftly raced, her pulse beginning to follow suit.
Naruto nodded quickly as he looked at her, glad she said she wasn't mad at him, he quickly left the room and sat in the hall against the wall, he was still red, he hadn't somehow realized that his future wife was the hottest woman he had ever seen in his life. He knew for sure, that nothing that JIraya ever researched including the babes at the hot springs even compared to her. He looked down nervous and excited, he felt more like he hit a super jackpot with her then ever before.

Neji nodded as he looked at her and then thought about it, seeing Naruto and his cousin would make sense, they could get things moving on what they would do and how they would handle it and what would be the plans for the wedding. He looked at her and then would get things moving along faster then would be normal for such a thing meaning they could have the wedding faster, then it could be out in the open who she was he figured. He nodded agreeing with himself, "OKay, most likely they will be eating breakfast together, so it shouldn't be hard to find them at all."

Kakashi got her meaning quickly and blinked and nodded his head as he patted her back, "well then, that means I will have to send a message to Minato and Kushina and have them arrive here as soon as possible. I will have to have a talk with them, their is word that the Uchiha talked one of the Uzumaki members into marriage with Sasuke without approval of our leaders, that will have to be talked over as well as will other things, I think I might be able to get you thrown sent to my lands if you like," he said as he knew that if she was, that he wanted her to be with him.

Sasuke moved fast, watching her movements he saw the reason for the blindfold fast, he might be a arogrant punk he did know how to fight as well as any person. He watched her movements now closely as she dodge his attack. He had to take her counter attack seriously, he knew if he didn't he would be in serious trouble no matter what she did, he knew he was a target one moving in a fixed direction and a easy target. He had guess this, that she would counter when she dodged his attack, he jumped up into a front flip to cut his momentium and to turn raising over her blade as he landed a good handful of feet away from her and looked at her.

She was good, her skills her angle of attack, were what one would expect. He looked at her, he had seen what he needed to see, he would have to respect her as a warrior doing anything else would be unwise. He put his blade away and stood up, "enough, I don't see the reason to fight you anymore, come have breakfast with me, I want to see if your good at anything other then fighting," he said as he walked past her, she could strike if she choose to, but he had just paid her a complement in his own way, and was willing perhaps to accept her, she was at least showing some interesting aspect to her personality unlike Karin.

Lee nodded as he agreed, he sat down and started to eat, he then took a deep breath, "if I did something bad, I am sorry, I wouldn't want to ever upset you, Tenten," he said in a sweet almost innocent type way as he looked at the weapon master, his eyes focused on her as he then returned to eating, happy and content with life in general and happy with what had happened as far as his relationship with said weapon master.

Once Naruto left her room, she slid out of bed and began getting dressed. Oh the fit her father would have had, even if nothing besides his eyes finding her nude body had happened. Still, it was often thought to be bad luck to see such a sight. Her head shook no. As much as Hinata loved her father, she'd keep this to herself. It had been a genuine accident and that had been made obvious easy enough. If it hadn't been ... Naruto would have likely been sneaking gropes in and he certainly wouldn't have obliged with leaving the room. Exhaling softly, she got into a new outfit then met up with her fiance outside the room. "Don't worry about it ... really." She insisted, leading him towards the kitchen for breakfast which would likely be ready thanks to the numerous servants and their routines.

Tayuya's own head nodded as she sat across from Neji. Her head bowed politely as she gave a silent thanks for the food before taking the knife, cutting the pancakes into slices, then beginning to eat. Her eyes peeked up to Neji as she tried to gauge his reaction. He knew how she felt when he cooked. This ... was a new experience. Tayuya had cooked before but admittedly, not as often as she could have. But the ability to read and follow directions would help .. or so she prayed.

"Oh?" An amused smirk couldn't help but cross Anko's lips. She knew Fugaku had been desperate .. but to that extent? It was intriguing for sure. "I thought it was supposed to be diplomatic, not forced. Well ... that will definitely be a hell of a talk." It irked her, honestly. Anko feared she would have to go back and snap sense into the Uchiha Lord. But then .. the possibility that could maybe be avoided was brought up ... and it made the ranger smile. "Yes, I would. If anything, Orochimaru or Kabuto should likely deal with any ... rash decisions Fugaku has made anyways. They're technically his right hand men, with Orochimaru having more influence and power. Now ... I don't know about you .... but I'm famished." She hinted, noting that regardless of whom wound up cooking, a few articles of clothing would at least be needed first.

Meizumi's body tensed as she heard Sasuke back away. Her mind had expected him to charge yet again. She waited for the tell-tale signs of those to reach her ears. But ... nothing of the like even started. She blinked, confused but kept her blade held at the ready. Silence lingered between the two until a noise did resound after a few moments; but definitely not one which Meizumi had planned for. A blade ... sheathing? Her heart raced, unable to believe what she was hearing. Is he ....??

The question got abruptly answered as Sasuke even spoke up, signaling he was done. Giving a slow nod, she pulled the cloth off and couldn't help but admire one - no, two - things of the Prince. He'd been one of the first people to immediately understand the purpose of the blindfold. Most others just stared at her in bewilderment, thinking her crazy ... until it didn't matter anymore. Secondly, he did prove there was a slither of respect and manners in the boy. Hope really wasn't lost for him yet, thank gods. It meant this arrangement wouldn't be as impossible as it'd sounded from the get-go.

The part regarding breakfast hinted he probably wanted to see if Meizumi could cook. And the answer was definitely. Kushina and Minato had only spoiled her for so long. By the time she hit double digit age, she had been forced to live and cook alone. So the past nine years had gone into self-teaching herself a few things, namely mundane skills. And the ability to make edible food had definitely been on that long list of tasks.

"Well ... unexpected for sure." Tenten admitted, telling half of the truth and not simultaneously. Her head bowed as she looked down to the food and gave an approving smile. "Mm, very nice." She added, continuing to eagerly eat ... especially with the fiasco that had happened at the restaurant yesterday.
Naruto nodded his head as he took her hand, "yeah, it was a accident, best to just forget about it," he said with a nod of his head, he knew he didn't want his mother to know about it, he would be in for a world of trouble if that happened, so it was best to just keep in to himself, and be glad he found his future wife to be such a tasty number. He walked with her to the mesh hall and found a seat as he sat right next to Hinata.

Neji looked up and blinked as he saw the look on her face as he ate, he wondered what it was for. He looked at her and then took another bite before it actually clicked in his mind, "well your breakfast is good, it taste very good actually," he said honestly, he wasn't going to say anything at all if he didn't like it, no point in lying, he would then have to deal with years of bad cooking just due to trying to make someone feel good about their cooking skills, but it was good, he liked the pancakes.

Kakashi looked at her and could see why she would be hungry after what had happened. He walked in and gathered his things, putting on a shirt and pants, he handed one of his body suits though the door to her as well out, he was sure it would fit her well enough, at least well enough to move around in, he then gave her one of his shirts as well, handing it to her as he figured she would need them given the state of mess her and hsi clothes were in and the fact that these were at least clean and fresh.

Sasuke walked in, now he knew why she was picked, to keep him in line, he knew she was skilled, smart and he knew from one of the other kingdoms as well. He sat down in the personal dinning room of the royal family. He waited for her, as the kitchen was next to it. He couldn't cook at all, he depended on others to cook for him. "Your style it depends on sensory depervation correct, I haven't ever seen anyone use that before, your a knight correct, I am guessing of decent rank," he asked pausing to ask on single question to her a deep and rather important one, "where you forced to be here?"

"Of course." Hinata repeated, more to herself than Naruto. As they arrived in the dining room, she took a seat beside Naruto. Sure enough, the food had already been laid out. All they needed to do was grab a seat and put food onto it. Waiting until she finished chewing, a new thought came to Hinata. "So ... after we speak to Neji and Tayuya, did you have anything in particular you wanted to do?"

"Thank you." Tayuya replied, her focus remaining upon her food for now. The revelation that she wasn't even an Uchiha but an Uzumaki couldn't help but continue to race through her head, even now. Thankfully, however, she didn't lose her appetite from the newly found knowledge. If anything, it had seemed to increase ... regardless of why. But soon, she found her plate to be empty, chuckling softly at herself as she got seconds. "There's extra if you want more for yourself." She added, sitting across from him after grabbing a new stack of pancakes and some eggs.

An amused smirk crossed Anko's lips as she felt the clothes fall into her hands. They were interesting, to say the least. But .. Kakashi did have the right idea. She had to wash her usual attire before daring to slip into it. And that could wait until she got back to her own room. For now, she wanted to remain with him, only needing to leave when it was truly necessary. Putting the clothes over her body, Anko had noted the lack of a reply in the possibility of being a father. Was he too nervous to say or waiting to know for sure?

Likely the latter ... she decided, figuring there wasn't yet any reason to panic, celebrate, or some odd combination of both.

Once she finished getting dressed, the ranger followed Kakashi out of the bathroom and towards the kitchen .. assuming that had been where he headed off to.

"Yes, specifically removal of sight more than anything else." Noting Sasuke refusing to move into the kitchen, Meizumi knew that her guess had been correct. Taking a quick glance around, she found enough ingredients to make omelets, bacon, and pancakes. Even if Sasuke wasn't, she was famished, having had little to eat before falling asleep and arriving here in these lands. "With the blindfold on, my hearing and reaction times are increased by at least tenfold." She added simply, her smile widening.

"You're the first to realize the cloth isn't just for show though. For that, I congratulate you." Setting all the ingredients aside, Meizumi then began to gather pots to put the food in. "I am a knight, yes. To be more exact, a few ranks below Kakashi whom is in charge of us all." And finally ... the last question was giving, making her sigh softly.

"... Somewhat. Not in the degree of having a blade to my throat or anything though it may as well have been to some degree. Your father hinted if he couldn't find anyone for you, he'd find a way to cancel Naruto's wedding." He had asked the question .. so Meizumi saw no reason to keep the information held from him. "And after all Kushina and Minato have done, I can't just let that happen. Though to be fair ... weren't all the arrangements somewhat ... forced in their own ways?"

It was an odd emotion to hear from the Prince, but the very slightest hints of guilt could actually be detected in his voice. And she was trying to do her best to take away some of the negative emotions. After all, there was a good part of his which hadn't been his fault. And she wasn't only doing this from feeling obligated either. He'd shown there was indeed a kinder side to him. Meizumi wanted to help him find even more of it ... and realize that despite this having been slightly forced, she still wanted to remain here, especially if he could become easier to like.

Naruto sat there and thought about her question for a bit as he rubbed his chin, "no, nothing at all, I figured work on wedding plans, then perhaps write a letter home to my parents telling them how I am doing, and after that nothing at all, I am just kind of figuring things out as they go," he explained as he leaned back and thought about it for a moment. He figured that at the moment he was just going to go with the flow, "the only other thing I will do is train, cause I am behind on that right now."

Neji took his fork and took a stack of pancakes from the plate, and put them on to his own, "your welcome," he said as he took a bite of his food. "I must admit, I haven't had these in a long time," he said as he looked at her, "I shall make you something of our normal culture's breakfast tomorrow, Tayuya," he said calmly as he looked over at her with a focused look on his face. "Now, I think we should talk to our cousins today," he said looking at her as he figured that she would get his meaning, "you know for the brief time I might be able to refer to you as this Uzumaki Tayuya doesn't sound so off, though not as good as Hyuuga Tayuya," he commented to her as he gave her a simple smile.

Soon he was finished and smiled as he cleaned up the dishes, "well best we get moving so we can catch Naruto and Hinata having breakfast, he commented as he helped Tayuya clean up the mess, before he walked the short distance over to the mess where he was sure he would find them with Tayuya.

Kakashi thinking just how she thought, best not deal with the possiblity of fatherhood till it was for sure. He felt that if he got himself up for the possiblity that he would be let down when it came out to be false. He knew if he had a son or daughter he would watch out for them, he would do his all for them. He knew that his father was busy, as a result he was never hardly around, and his mother died so young, he had good memories but also many sad ones as well due to hear death at such a young age. They were two things that caused him to want to make sure he was better as a father and husband then his father had been, of course that being said both things were still a ways off. Kakashi took Anko's in his arm and walked to the mesh hall and saw Naruto and HInata already there.

Naruto blinked as he saw Anko in Kakashi's clothes, "Kakashi's sensei did you pick up a new student?"

Kakashi shook his head, "no, this is Anko, she is someone I am working with now not my student, got it, you could in fact learn a few thing from her on tracking," he said looking at Naruto.

A young man looked over at them as he blinked, he could see that these people were interesting, he had come for a reason very different from the Uzumaki or the Uchiha. For he wasnt' from either of their villages, he was from across the sea on a large island kingdom that was off to itself, or he was before his exile form it. He had made a deal with the people in charge allowing for his exile, now he had no home and was here sitting calmly as he observed these two, he was similar to Tayuya in one fashion, they both were musicians, while it wasn't his defining skill it was near the top of his great skills as a former elite warrior of the Island Kingdom of Mist. His fingers touch the cords of his interment and he started to press against the instrument as his began to play. He had time to kill before he meet with the leader of this kingdom to ask basically for a job.

Neji could heard the sound down the hall of the music, Naruto blinked and looked at the stranger, he looked out of place, he wasn't someone he knew. It wasn't someone Kakashi knew either, it was odd, but he guessed that he was a low level worker for the Hyuuga. The song though did break up the argument and was at a good time to ease the tension and awkwardness of having to introduce Anko to the group.

Sasuke listened to her comments, it made sense, that his father would do something like that. Still, if she was that good it made sense he would use whatever means he had to, to get her to agree, "you could of said no, an agreement can't be changed once agreed too," he mused as he looked at her, "no without serious problems I am sure he wants to avoid, most likely now he will have to talk a new deal with Uzumaki for you hand, but I know either way you don't have a choice and I have to marry you as well," he said calmly as he put out that he understood what it meant.

"Now, you can do with what you want, I can marry you in name only and you can remain here, but given the style, you can also take up a class and train people in your ways, that will make many happy around here," he commented as he leaned against his elbow, "now I think that it would be best though if we pretend to be interested in public so they don't see though the forced marriage," he said assuming that she was there due to her duty, she figured that she was a loyal Uzumaki and was doing it out of that loyality, "now, if you want to make this perhaps more down the line, we shall see, you are interesting... more so then your peers like the Hyuuga Princess or the Slug Princess's student, or that girl over there."

Across the way a young woman was eating calmly as she over heard the comment she turned and stuck her tongue out at Sasuke before returning to her work, the Fuma clan female didn't care what Sasuke Uchiha did, as she quickly finished up her meal and left.

Hinata gave soft nods as Naruto spoke up, mentally noting the to-do list that had appeared for the day. If nothing else, she could resume reading while Naruto did his training. The thought almost made her go red until footsteps from behind them caught her ears. As the figures of Kakashi and Anko came into view, she gave each a respectful bow. "Good morn, Kakashi and Anko." A soft chuckle passed the Princess's lips upon hearing the somewhat nosy question; though a part of her was, admittedly, curious. Apprenticeships didn't generally happen at their ages. Usually those started around Hanabi's age, give or take a few years. So ... was that the point of Anko wearing Kakashi's clothes? Something told her no but she wouldn't pry on those answers.

Anko returned the bow of her head and felt her body tense slightly up when Naruto inquired on her choice of attire. However, she could be a fast thinker, thankfully; her mentor had greatly helped out with that much. "Yes." She deftly replied. "In fact, we're helping one another out. I'm assisting him enhance and improve on his ranged techniques - tossing daggers, using a bow properly, things like that while he does the reverse. He's helping with close range combat for me since I usually keep my distance." It was true ... and not all at the same time. But there was no damn way she'd tell anyone the actual truth; not unless it was needed. Even Fugaku and Orochimaru ... even to them, Anko had no intentions of letting them know now that she was in a relationship; a rather intimate one at that matter.

"Neither have I. I figured it'd be a nice treat for once." The idea of eating and trying the more traditional foods within the Hyuuga lands made Tayuya realize that there wasn't much of a pattern with that for the Uchiha ones. And while it was true the bard hadn't forgotten she wasn't one anymore, it was still where she at least grew up in. Ergo, Tayuya did know more about the customs over there as opposed to those in the Uzumaki lands. It only irked her slightly that they avoided such things because now she couldn't return the favor and spoil him with those sorts of things. Ah well, she knew there would be many other delights to give to her fiance, especially in the future.

The smile that showed on her face hinted Tayuya had definitely caught onto the not-so-subtle cue upon hearing the words 'our cousins'. It was a bit odd at first to even hear a surname added onto her first one, another thing the musician had been used to for so long. But ... Neji was right. It didn't sound too bad after thinking about it for a while. "Very true." She agreed softly, letting the name 'Hyuuga Tayuya' repeat in her mind several times over.

Once she was done with her second plate, Tayuya stood up and did her own dishes. She would have followed suit with Neji's .. but didn't know how much of an appetite he may or may not have and thus would wait for him to either grab another plate or not before putting the extras away.

"True. But according to what I heard from when you visited our lands, you failed to find anyone. So ... the deal hasn't been completed just yet." The scent of food could be detected, specifically the bacon. Eggs were always easy so they could wait to be done last. Her head quickly shook no upon hearing the suggestions leaving the Prince's lips. "No." She replied, going onto explain her logic while still keeping her concentration and cooking. "That wouldn't be fair to the people here, let alone anyone who may figure it out anyways. Besides. lying to those around you is just going to make the situation far worse than better. Don't you think?"

She paused, partly to think on how to continue while also setting the finished bacon upon a plate. "It is true that this was slightly coerced. However, I'm a woman who allows chances. That being said, I'd rather court you properly, see how things between us evolve and grow as it should be done. That way, if anything, you can admit that while things did begin without much favor added, it's not that way by the time anyone asks." Or it wouldn't be, hopefully.

"The point, though, of being a Prince is to take over when the time is correct. And when that day arrives, you're not going to be able to make excuses so easily .. and lying will definitely get you in worse trouble than it would as of now. I'd start trying to man up a bit ... if not a lot. I should be done in about ten minutes, give or take a few." She added, half informing and half hoping he could wait. Though even if the latter didn't apply ... well ... too bad. She was a knight, not a sorceress; thus while it sounded nice in her head to be able to snap her fingers and make everything finished, that was still impossible when all was said and done.
Kakashi looked at the pair of them and walked over with Anko and sat down looking at Naruto and Hinata he could tell things were going well with them. He could see it in the eyes of the young people sitting there. "Yeah, that is right, she is helping me with things and I am helping her with things as well," Kakashi said in agreement with Anko's statement to Naruto which seemed to answer that well enough. He could tell that there was a sort of chemistry between them, which seemed to be even noticable. He looked then over to Anko before putting his things down and heading over quickly to get something to eat before returning to the spot taht he was at. He could feel his stomach reminding him of the fact that he hadn't eatten in 30 something hours at that point. He smiled as he left room for Anko as he made sure to pick a spot where she could sit next to him. He was glad that the whole why is anko wearing his close went well.
"So, Naruto," Kakashi asked looking over as he waited for Anko to finish getting her own food, "any updates, you two been working on the wedding plans yet?" he asked as he looked over at the pair leaning a bit against the table as he asked the question.

"Well um, we are working on it, I think we are going to get a lot of work done on it today though," he replied with a positive tone to his voice as he looked back at his teacher, and nodded his head. He could understand that they would have different strong points, and while it seemed odd that they would be wearing the same clothes, he figured that is was best to let them have their own style. It wasn't uncommon afterall, also perhaps she ruined her clothes or spilled something on them as well. He returned his attention to his food quickly as he ate letting the whole thing slide from his mind as something that wasn't really important at all.

"Well thanks, I figure the food tasted well, and it was a meal with good company as well," he commented to her as he smiled, "it was indeed a good treat for myself," he said putting his hand against himself as he finished up. It was great that she was willing to do something like that for him. He felt rather honored that she would be willing to cook for him. It wasn't that common except for family get togethers that someone would actually cook for him. He noticed Tayaya moving to clean up her things, "Well now, I will put the extra away, it would be horrible to see it go to waist," he commented as he got up form his seat and started to pick things up, "I must admit, I am rather stuffed, maybe I ate a bit to much, it just was to good, I couldn't avoid not eating more," he said as he picked up more food finding things which to keep the food in to put away for later.

Sasuke listened to her as she made her comments, she had some points, and had logica in her arguements as well. He thought about it, she wasn't a meat head, he wondered that a bit after he had spared with her outside. Part of him figured that the woman would be such a meat head who lived for training or someone who only caried about fighting and her looks. He raised an eye as he thought about her last statemetn but decided to say nothing for the moment, nothing was needed to be said.

"So you want to court me, kind of different, normally I think that goes the other way, but I guess our situation isn't the typical one," he said with his tone relaxed as he leaned back a bit waiting for the food. He blinked at the last bit, "Well waiting is part of life sadly, cant' just make everything mine, can't just make the food ready, plus most food that is any good takes time, like a good plan, it takes time or it isn't worth my time, if it is rushed," he replied as he figured waiting wasn't anything important. He narrowed his eyes, there were so many idiots in the world, like the Fuuma clan many of them were in his kingdom. He just would have to expose them over time as idiots if he needed too.

Now more than ever, Anko was so grateful Kakashi was in charge of Naruto. He could pester the Prince .. remind him there were other things he needed to concern himself with aside from being slightly nosy and trying to ask of petty issues like why she was wearing Kakashi's clothes. An inward sigh of relief echoed in her head as she grabbed herself a plate and food, giving a light nod to the couple. Though she would have to check up on Tayuya herself, she had little doubts they were making progress. In fact, they may have made a tad more than Naruto and Hinata if the ranger had to guess.

Tayuya's cheeks went slightly dark upon hearing the praise from her cooking. "You flatter me. I don't usually cook .. not for others, anyways. Just myself so I've never had outside input before." Seeing Neji take the initiative and put the food away, the bard took advantage and began to double check herself, making certain she was ready to head out. Moving out of the kitchen to allow Neji more space, she waited near the door for him to finish. Hopefully today would be much smoother with the planning process than yesterday had gone.

Even without being able to see Sasuke, Meizumi could tell her words actually made him stop and think. The reaction caused her to smile. Honestly, compared to how she'd feared this to go, this wasn't nearly half as bad as the knight had contemplated. The worst event thus far had definitely been the insult from yesterday. But aside from that .. the swordswoman was finding few other negatives. He was actually listening to her, hell she'd technically beaten him in a spar .. this was definitely more productive than she ever would have guessed.

If this didn't begin to please Lord Fugaku, she couldn't guess what could.

"I do, yes. I accepted with full intention of doing so, truthfully." She added, mentally noting the rest of his words. Just as the Prince had noted the including of logic and sense within her words, Meizumi was content to see he could have that same knowledge also. At first, he'd seemed more rash and hasty but ... it was clear that wasn't all there is to him.

Sure enough, it took a good five or so more minutes before she'd finished cooking. Holding one plate - both having a knife and fork included - in each hand, Meizumi set one down in front of Sasuke and then sat diagonally left of the Prince; giving him space but still staying nearby to continue to converse or answer any other questions he may have. It'd be silly to shout across from the table after all and perhaps more importantly, if customs worked the same or similar enough here as they did in the Uzumaki kingdom, directly across would have meant that was originally Fugaku's seat. And she wouldn't dare sit there, not when it obviously wasn't her place.
Neji finished up fast, it wasn't hard to clean up, he had done it so many times before, it had gotten to be somewhat old hand for him. He walked up to Tayuya and slipped his hand around her wast as he kissed her cheek, "Well best we get going," he said to her softly as he walked with his arm around her, which wasn't nearly as hard as he thought it would be, it was rather easy, and he liked it just do the to the simple fact, that as he walked like this, he could be closer to Tayuya. The walk was fast, as he slipped into the mesh hall, not needing to eat, he smiled as he saw Naruto and Hinta and then blinked at whatelse he noticed, but figured that Tayuya would have the stronger reaction to that.

Naruto waved, happy to see Neji and Tayuya, due to the fact he wanted to talk to them too. He motioned them over, he could see that the two of them were getting along rather well. He smiled glad to see that. He then sat back down and finished his meal quickly as he waited to have the conversation with the two about the ideas, oddly the same conversation that those two were planning to have with him. He looked over out of the corner of his eyes, he had a feeling seeing those two so close made her happy. He knew that she cared about family, something that he rather loved about the young woman.

Sasuke looked at the food, it was simple , and it smelled good and it looked good. He touched it with his fork looking at it as if her were some kind of cooking judge mostly though looking for any signs of possible poison that might be put into the meal. He found Meizumi interesting, and skilled so far, but that didn't mean he didn't think it wasn't above her to play nice as she was trying to poison him, it had happened a number of times in Uchiha history, family killing family for power, like the great King Madara killing his brother to secure power. He took that moment and then ate a bit. He looked at her with a serious look as if eating something could be serious or world changing and then let ate more, before pausing, "it is good enough," he said not wanting it to sound directly like a compliment but being one none the less.

Anko had felt herself tense up and get ready to leave and let the couples plan things out. But she stopped, remaining seated. If anything, she had as much of an obligation similar to Kakashi. So, she'd remain. Besides, it wouldn't be like they'd speak of anything embarrassing and hopefully, that would make the four feel fine enough on speaking with herself and Kakashi around. She'd speak up only if needed, to somehow help out. Until then, though, she'd keep silent and enjoy the breakfast.

The combination of being close to Neji plus the sight of Hinata and Naruto - her new cousin, or relative at any rate - only made her smile widen. An inward curse echoed in Tayuya's mind as she realized what had been forgotten to ask her fiance before heading out. Ah well, she'd let him give her a cue on when to bring up the news they'd been informed of yesterday. If nothing else, Tayuya could at least trust everyone at the table to not blabber the fact she was an Uzumaki rather than an Uchiha around.

And finally, Tayuya's eyes found ... two Kakashis? No, closer inspection showed one to only be said knight, the other ... Anko? She blinked ... and then couldn't help but snicker.


"That doesn't suit you at all."

Anko smirked softly. "Yes, it is different from my usual attire." Her left hand waved casually, almost as if dismissing the matter. "But I'd say you have far more vital things to speak of, yes? Now go on .... before I start reciting stories of a much younger you that you --- "

"Fine, fine." A defeated sigh left Tayuya, her smile still widening regardless. Even if they weren't siblings by blood - definitely not moreso anymore - it was nice to know there would be someone else besides Neji that she could rely on. Taking a deep breath, she looked around the table slowly before letting her gaze go to Naruto. "So ... what have you to figured out on your behalves?" She finally asked, taking a seat.

Part of Meizumi felt slightly ... insulted. But then a part of her did recall that among all the kingdoms, it was the Uchiha which had the most amount of civil uprisings and disturbances. So after recalling that much, she could begin to see why Sasuke may be slightly cautious. Thus that led her to her next actions; seconds before he took a bite, she did so. It was the simplest test to prove or disprove whether something was poisoned. Even if death didn't occur right away, reactions would. And with most needing to be put in at the same time rather than separately, many would have been included in Meizumi's portions. If nothing else, hopefully the fact she was still breathing and living beside him would be proof enough.

Heh, Kushina wasn't kidding. Some people are harder to make change than others. At the time, she'd been referring to Minato but now the swordswoman could better see how else it applied. All the same, she wouldn't complain. These were all big steps and for now, in the correct direction. That alone was more than enough of an accomplishment and certainly not just for herself. Doing a double check of the table, she realized quickly that there had been a few things she'd forgotten. Setting her fork down, she re-entered the kitchen, returning in moments with two glasses of orange juice.

Placing one quietly in front of Sasuke before giving herself one, Meizumi resumed eating. "You're welcome." She merely replied, hiding a proud smile behind her glass as she took a sip of her own juice.
Naruto smiled as his looked quickly over to Hinata wanting to make sure he wasn't going to leave her out of anything if she wanted to say anything at all, his arm slipping around the hyuuga to tell her shew as involved as well in a more direct fashion, and then he looked at Neji and Tayuya and smiled warmly a friendliness naturally coming from Naruto's aura as he looked at the others.

"Well now, I was thinking that we need to have a wedding together, I figured that it would make things much easier. I wanted to have the wedding here and Hinata suggested that we ask you to see if you wanted to combine them," he said pausing for a moment as he looked at them. "you see, I was thinking that our guest would be nearly the same, except which ever ones you want to bring, Tayuya, and therefore, insteads of them having to show up twice, I thought it would be better if they had to do it once. Also, your friends at this point, ones that are fun and important ones, so having it with you would be great, heck if Kakashi and Anko wanted to make it a three wedding day it would be good," Naruto said smiling as he gave the others a grin causing Kakashi to chuckle a bit nervously at the statement of the youngster.

Kakashi had been listening to the banter between Anko and Tayuya and found it interesting, they were like siblings very much so, it was hard to tell they were not of blood relation. He was sure that it would do Anko good to see Tayuya so happy especially after the events that happened a month prior. He shook his head at his one time student, their relationship wasn't nearly the same, it was much more student and pupil where as Anko's relationship with Tayuya was more like Naruto's relationship with Konahamaru something which Naruo totally didn't catch.

"We had a simialr idea I think it is what would work best as well," Neji said with a very logical sounding tone to his voice, "I figure that it can be in the ballroom where we had the masked ball, I am sure that things will be provided for everything. I am also sure it will be a big event. The only question is, if you don't mind us sharing your big day, our marriage without the combination wouldn't be as big of a deal, so by combining we steal a bit of your sunshine as it were."

Sasuke looked at her and raised an eyebrow what was she smiling about, he said her cooking was okay. She was a odder woman then he first thought. He wondered why she was so odd, but then figured even with that she was more skilled and worthwhile then anyone else he would have to marry. Taking a drink of orange juice, he ate in complete silence as he said nothing as he ate, quietly before getting up and looking at her, "the peasents can clean up your mess," he said near emotionlessly as he walked past her, "I am going to be in the library, I most do a bit of reading and will be writting my father a letter, he is currently out of town on business. I believe heading to meet Minato and Kushina most likely I would figure to officially appologize for taking you and offering compensation as well," he said as he judged the situation as best as he could before walking out of the kitchen hall.

Hinata gave Naruto a light nod, signaling she didn't mind him speaking up. Besides, all that had been discussed between them had been mentioned. Much like Kakashi, Hinata gave her own slightly anxious chuckle. Her expression got more serious, though, upon hearing Neji's point in regards to the only issue on why it may not be a wise idea. Her head glanced up in thought as she began to contemplate to herself silently. "Hm .... if we did them on separate days, invitations to remain over here could likely be extended. Aside from that though, I don't see many other qualms regardless of what route is taken. All the same, I do kind of see Neji's point. I wouldn't mind having two in the same day but .. technically the point of such affairs is to focus on one couple at a time. Or so I've been taught."

"If we did switch days then .. " Tayuya added, finally speaking up. "Did anyone have a preference on whom first?"

"Given the ordeal from last month, it almost seems fair you two should have yours first." Hinata then snuck a glance over to Naruto, as if silently asking if he wouldn't mind that either.

Anko's smile widened, glad to hear the exchange going borderline perfectly. With how the arrangements had seemed forced at first, it was really quite the miracle that everyone had turned this around for the better and embraced the opportunities rather than shoving them all away. She mentally noted the possibility of including herself and Kakashi in the consecutive weddings. A good part of that, though, would be hearing just how soon they all wanted to get married. One month? Several? Because she wasn't sure about being able to do it in one. But she did want to do so before giving birth. For now, Anko was assuming she was pregnant and only for one reason; it was difficult for her to get ill. Even if it had been bad food, she doubted the ranger's body would have reacted that way.

But .. that bridge could be crossed when it arrived.

Meizumi had been ready to pick up her dishes and put them away but then Sasuke's words on the servants getting the plates echoed in her ears. The idea of reading almost sounded appealing, honestly. But when Meizumi thought back, she did remind herself that she hadn't finished putting everything properly away. "Very well. I'll be in my room." She replied, stretching slightly as she stood up and remained true to her words, heading to the mentioned destination. Once she walked inside, she knelt down in front of her bags and began placing her clothes into proper drawers, separating them by the correct articles of clothing.
Naruto looked on proud of Hinata, he knew that this wasn't very easy for her, she wasn't the loud type to make such statements if she hadn't put thought behind them. He looked at her for a moment a proud look in his eyes as he looked at Hinata, pulling her a bit closer as his hand rested around her gently. He hoped the look he gave her told her of the loving pride he had in her, she wasn't his wife yet, but he still felt it. She was able to listen to other people, take their opinions into consideration and come up with an adjusted plan, he could even see why his father wanted him to be with her. He looked over at Tayuya and nodded his head to his comment seeing the logic in it as well. He figured that it made a whole lot of sense in reality for them to go on back to back days as it were.

"I think you should go first, I think that way you have the chance to shine, and everyone can see how great you are too. If Hinata and I have our wedding before yours, then it might be a problem of people leaving for stupid excuses and Hinata is right, you have earned it after what you two have been though," he said giving the pair a smile as he looked over at them for a moment longer.

Neji nodded his head, "yes, I agree, I think that will work best, I think that I can get a cook in town perhaps, unless you can get the cooks from your kingdom to come to help out," he said as he looked at them. "I will also find people to add color and such, I figure in some things I will handle what is needed from the side of this kingdom, Naruto find what you need to for your kingdom. Anko, if you would be so kind if there is anything that you think Tayuya needs from the Uchiha, could you send for it pleaese," he said as he put his word in wanting to help out knowing he had more connections in the Hyuuga kingdom then Hinata due to his work training many of their soldiers.

Kakashi remained quiet, he was happy though, he could see growth in Naruto, he could see the positive impact that the Hyuuga was having on him as well. He knew that Minato and Kushina would be so happy if they were hear, and would be counting on him to spill the beans on the relationship as often as possible which he had done that morning when he sent off the letter he wrote. He knew that looking at the four that both the future of the Uzumaki kingdom and the future of the alliance between the Uzumaki and the Hyuuga was secure for a good while. He also knew that things were looking up for himself as well. He had Anko next to him, and he had a feeling that he might be father soon, seeing the look on her face that morning at her saying that gave him the feeling she wasn't lying, which wasn't something that bothered him. He just wanted to now find a way to marry the woman before the child would be born. He could have a talk with Naruto later, after he got approval from Minato and Kushina to marry the Uchiha loyalist, he made sure to tell them in the letter that it was important, and any talks about Sasuke include her in the future.

Sasuke took a deep breath and slipped off to train insteads of reading, he went over her movements and worked on his own training as it still bugged him that she was able to do what she had. He wanted to get better, it was always his goal to get stronger, to be the best of the princes, at least better then Naruto or that Sand punk. He wanted to be the strongest make the Uchiha the greatest of the great, and himself the greatest and most powerful able to show the other kingdoms they were nothing compared to the power of the Uchiha. So training was needed, and lots of trianing was needed.

Hinata's cheeks darkened slightly as she was guided even closer to Naruto. Still, she felt the same sense of pride and accomplishment which Naruto had and it made her smile, especially when that much of an agreement was made. Now ... there was only one thing she could think of that was missing - and needed to be discussed, of course. Rings were meant to be kept discreet and hidden away until the respective day. But even that hadn't been figured out exactly so, "Um ... did you two have a specific day, month, anything figured?"

Taking a glance at Tayuya, Anko began to quietly study her. Even without asking, she could tell the poor bard was nervous as hell. But even behind the anxieties, there were definitely hints of happiness and besides, those were normal for before and during wedding emotions. It'd likely fade away completely during their honeymoon, so she wasn't too worried for the bard just yet. "Yeah, I can. Probably a more appropriate dress .. but I'll keep a mental list on things to pester Fugaku with." The one from the masquerade had been made and brought over from the Uchiha lands so ... they'd need to rinse and repeat as it were with getting her one for the actual wedding.

... Fuck is this really happening? Tayuya moved the slightest bit closer to Neji, her heart racing frantically. It was pretty much as Anko had assumed; she was both nervous and happy. Swallowing softly, the bard managed to find her voice again as she nodded to her new cousin and his fiance. ".. Thank you both. That's ... really generous."

Meizumi had finished with her clothes ...which was almost partly a problem. She felt herself temporarily stuck on things to do before nodding to herself. Grabbing her own notebook, she grasped a small key and quill. Unlocking the cover, she then began writing; not as if it were a diary. Quite the opposite and something no one would dare think of. It was where she wrote down her techniques or ideas for them. But with her style being her own, she didn't just want anyone copying it. But that was why even past the lock, the writing wasn't in English. It was in an old writing system - similar to a code - she'd learned before leaving the Snow Lands. That way, only she could read it even if the lock did get opened, forced or otherwise.
Neji looked at the others as he heard the question about the day and such. Neji nodded his head as he looked at her. "I think it should happen quickly, but I think we need to give ourselves enough time to get everything together, that will take some time, I think when we figure that out, it should be easy to figure out just the day when we need to have the wedding," he commented as he kept what would be a business like tone as he sat at the table, his eyes looking between all the others whom were sitting down near himself, making sure that his arm remained around the redhead."

"5 weeks from now," Kakashi interjected," It should be then, Neji, Tayuya, your wedding can be on monday, then a day off and wednesday will be Naruto and HInta's wedding. That way Neji and Tayuya can spend aday in bliss without worrying about showing up for the wedding the next day. Then you can go on vacation on Saturday, cause I am going to toss in another wedding if the person next to be doesn't mind taking up that friday to finish off the week of weddings," he declared indirectly asking Anko to marry him. Seeing this chance it was to good of a chance to not take up. He also knew this would work best for timing and it would something to hopefully work with everyone.

Sasuke spend the day training focusing on what could be counter to Meizuki and then blinked as he knew that she was very skilled. He let out a sigh as he felt himself growing rather tired quickly over the short period of time as he took out a towel and then brushed off the sweat on his brow. He then walked up and sat down in the library and started to read about fighting styles that his former clan members used at different times wanting to figure something out that he could work on later.

All three women went quiet to listen to Neji's words, paying close heed to the thought that began to leave his lips. But it was only when Kakashi added his own suggestions that true reactions became far more obvious. And it started with the ranger beside him.

A smile crossed Anko's face as she intertwined a hand with Kakashi's, resting her head against his shoulder. "For our behalf ... I'd be honored." She replied. While it was true that they would have had to inform quite a few people of this, Anko hadn't quite expected to do so this soon. But ... ah well. Maybe getting this out of the way sooner would be better. Five weeks .. that was more than enough time to not only prepare but to see about ... hm. The last part made her inwardly frown. She knew few others beside Kabuto that knew the ability to medicine - let alone really well. But she didn't want him to be the first to possibly find out whether she may be carrying a child or not. Why? Because he'd immediately tell Orochimaru ... whom would give her quite the lecture.

That .. would obviously have to be something else Anko would have to figure out. But ... assuming the five week plan seemed logical to the others, she did have time, thankfully.

Sneaking in a half-grin and half-smirk to Anko, the bard gave her own nod. "That sounds like it should work really well." Feeling an arm slide gently around her, Tayuya let her hands rest upon Neji's, a content smile upon her face.

Hinata gave both Kakashi and Anko her own genuine smile, as if silently congratulating them before nodding. "Yes, that does seem like it'd fit." She then glanced up to Naruto, curious on what he thought to the suggestions.

Meizumi had finished writing within a good hour or so, locking the book and sliding it away in it's hiding place once again. Getting up to her feet, she stretched a bit before heading back into the kitchen. It was close enough to lunch time that she felt hungry enough to go make something. Letting her body guide her back into the kitchen, she began preparing a sandwich for herself. While she was in the mood to eat, Meizumi wasn't in the mood to cook just yet. Once the preparation was done, she sat in front of the table, nibbling upon her food while silently thinking.

The visit - move more like - had gone smooth enough so far. It was definitely a concept she hadn't thought possible, not this soon anyways. But it was also nice for her to be wrong about something for once. A smile crossed her face as she continued to eat slowly.
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