A Middle Age Naruto RP (Yajirobe and LadyYunaFFX2)

Seeing Neji bow, Tayuya followed suit. It was something she generally was used to doing anyways given she had to do it constantly around Fugaku, his wife or any of the Princes. But of course, it was much easier to do for Itachi than Sasuke. She inwardly shook her head at herself, trying to forget about back there and paying attention to Hiashi's words. It was indeed a lot to take in, especially the thought of possibly being the first lady of the Hyuuga kingdom. It was enough to nearly make her slightly light-headed but she kept her consciousness and wits about her. Gently squeezing upon Neji's hand to make sure it was still there, she gave a firm but determined nod. "I will. Though I was unsure of the deal at first, I've grown very fond of Neji. He means everything to me ... and vice versa. I'd do anything for him."

Hinata's smile widened despite the seemingly harsh words coming from her father. That probably should have been something else to have warned Naruto about. Part of the reason for her father's mindset was because she was his first and eldest daughter. That alone .. often made him incredibly overprotective and unfortunately, now was no exception. Her fingers gently rolled over his hand, trying to help him stay calm.

"I admit I didn't know you also knew the art of dancing but .. that wouldn't mean I'd fail to take you seriously." She'd been ready to ask more on what he'd meant about the tent incident .. before her cheeks went red. "I ... I suppose, sure. Um ... when? Where? Time?" She managed to ask, wanting to have somewhat of an idea as to how fast she'd need to prepare.

"I see. Well ... to be fair, I technically am somewhat as well. Although I'm pretty sure once Neji and Tayuya leave, I'll be done for the night. They seem to have dealt with things pretty well." Her head gave a firm nod, her smile widening. "Deal. I'm usually near the range, working on my archery if I'm not helping Tayuya. But with her being around Neji a lot .. I don't generally have to worry about her safety as much." Not to say she'd dare begin to neglect her duties. In fact, that was a good reason why she continued her combat skills even while in another kingdom; in case something similar to the last incident dared try to repeat.
Naruto nodded, "your daughter is the most important person to me outside of my parents, she means the world to me, and I will not let anything ever happen, my way will always be to watch out for her, and be her prince as well as the king to my people," he said with a Naruto type way as he held Hinata's hand.

Haishi looked at the two and smiled for cone openly before them, and in public, it was a rare thing. "I approve of both of them, Neji, I had my doubts that this would work, but you should be happy and I am glad it seems that you are happy," he told her looking at her as he nodded his smile gone by now. He looked at his daughter for a moment, "Hinata, make sure to come home every know and then, I want to see my grandkids in the future afterall," he commented with a calm tone, as it that was already fact.

Haishi had seen what he needed to see, and got up, and actually headed out, his kids were grown up, and they were going to do fine, they both had people to support them, now he only had Hanabi to watch over for a while longer, and then he would have a empty nest. A odd feeling for the king, but one he both felt sad about and happy about all at the same moment.

Neji looked at Tayuya and looked around, "um with that taken care of we can leave, Naruto, Hinata you want to go to the palace grounds, I am sure Naruto will love to see your room Hinata," he said with a smile behind his mask, Naruto turning red at the though of being in Hinata's room.

"Tayuya, I am going to my own small side home, it is part of the palace grounds but its own little building," he informed her as he took her hand, and lead her out of the Ballroom, there was no purpose in the ball for them, they didn't need to find anyone.

"Tomorrow, um, there is this place that Gai sensei told me about, it is suppose to be the best place for food and fun ever," he said as he smiled at Tenten, "of course I know how to dance, it is part of being able to master the power of youth," he said in his very Lee like way. He also gave her a thumbs up, "I promise it will be a great date, I will do everything within my power to make it so, or I will run around the capital 200 times."

Kakashi nodded his head as he listened to her, "Well then, I think that tomorrow afternoon, I shall have figured out a date and I will pick you up from these archery grounds," he informed her as he made it a point of fact, "I will be there say 5:30ish," putting the time early cause well he was him after all. Kakashi noted that the ones they were watching out for were leaving. He pointed them out to Anko, "It seems that we have some more following to do, unless this does in your service, and then in that case maybe we don't have to wait at all."

The mere mentioning and hint of grandchildren made Hinata instantly go red. Still, she managed a nod and nervous smile. "I ... I will, Father." Her face had almost gotten back to a more normal color when he'd left but then Neji suggested showing Naruto her room. Her cheeks burned once again, beginning to matching Naruto's in color. "You're a horrible tease sometimes, Neji .. " She murmured softly, swallowing nervously. Still, he did have a point. Even if she wound up living with Naruto, he'd need to know every location here. More than that, she'd taken the time to study his kingdom; it seemed fair to have that be done now. Exhaling deeply to help calm herself, Hinata began gently guiding Naruto towards her room.

A low snicker passed Tayuya's lips from hearing Neji's suggestion. "Sure you're her cousin and not elder brother?" She teased softly, beginning to follow him to his - as he called it - side house. Not to say she wasn't nervous herself but the sight of both Hinata and Naruto having matched her hair color had been more than amusing enough to keep her emotions in check. Once they were completely out of the ballroom, she let her hand raise up and take the mask off, sighing softly in relief. "That really was getting too uncomfortable. But otherwise .. you're right. It was very fun." She commented, letting her head rest against his shoulder gently.

Tenten gave Lee a small smile, unable to help but chuckle softly. "You don't have to .. unless you truly feel obliged. Very well." Giving him a polite bow of her head, a yawn was the next thing to leave her lips. "I will go retire for the night then. I'll see you tomorrow .. and thank you for the dance. I look forward to the morning." After a bit of hesitation, she gave Lee a gentle hug, slowly pulling away after a brief mental countdown in her head. "Take care." And with that, she turned on her heels, heading back to her room. Her heart was racing ... had that really just happened? Her, of all people, getting asked out? Besides, she'd thought he'd try to go for Sakura. Most knew of his fascination with the pink-haired woman.

And yet, the fact he chose her instead honestly .. flattered and honored her.

Glancing over to see Neji and Tayuya beginning to leave, Anko silently thought on the matter. Finally, her head shook no. "I trust them to be smart. Besides, she's with Neji. She's in good, safe hands. Here's the real question." A smirk formed on her face. "Can you say the same back with Naruto and trusting him to be wise on what decisions to make or not? Because that will determine quite a few things."
Naruto was pumped he wanted to see what Hinata's room looked like, he had never been in a room before. He figured that her room had to be different, he heard girls rooms were. He could blame this fact on the fact that he had no siblings,a nd was an only child. He walked holding her hand, "Well now, I am guessing your room isn't all pink or something is it," he asked as he walked, his mind going over the possiblities of what was in her room. It was causing him to be nervous but it was a positive nervous energy.

Neji lead Tayuya to his apartment like building. It was not just a room, it had a kitchen, and a bath, and a medium sized living room as well as a second bedroom. It was perfect for them for the moment, cause Tayuya could sleep snuggled up with him, or if she wanted she could sleep on her own. The walls were white, they were simple, nothing crazy on any walls at all. No pictures of half naked women, just some pictures of his friends, trophies from his successes, and artifacts from the Hyuuga Kingdom's past. It was an apartment that fit the man perfectly, simple and efficent.

Neji smiled as he stopped at the door, "I you have figure it out, Hinata and Hanabi actually are more like my sibilings, and the King is very much like my father, he raised me in my uncles place," he explained with a nod, "I must admit the mask just were to much, I wanted to see you blush and your reactions, the masks prevented that," he commented as he held the door open for her to see his neat home.

Kakashi let out a sigh, damn, she made a great point, "no, I can't, damn it," he said as he looked at the door, "naruto is a good young man, but I have to be a hundred percent sure he doesn't cause a international issue, but like trying to get into Hinata's pants tonight. Naruto is also a student of Jiraya, and I mean that Jiraya, which means one can never be to sure, that his bad habits didn't rub off somehow on the young man, and if they did hopefully just the right ones did," he mused as he knew he had to go, "tomorrow, I will find you, got it," he said as he turned and left, but not before giving the snake woman a quick kiss. He would keep track of Naruto the best he could, and he could manage it without Naruto ever knowing he was there.

Hinata's head shook no gently. "Actually, no. More like a really bright violet, bordering white. It's meant to match my eyes. As much all of us are the pride of the Hyuuga clan, so are our eyes. In fact, we've had trouble in the past from renegades who've literally wanted them because of the powers they hold. It's the real symbolism - part of it anyways - on why Neji is often clad in white armor and clothing." Finally, they arrived at a door. Taking another deep breath, Hinata grasped the knob and turned it. Inside was a queen-sized bed, showing that even with this being a room for one person, her father did know how to spoil her at times, a closet, a bedside mantle, a bathroom nearby even.

"It's ... well ... somewhat bland, I suppose." Unlike Naruto, who had an array of decorations on the walls, she had few. She moved aside, sitting upon her bed, allowing Naruto space and the ability to check the room out.

Setting the mask down on the nearest counter, Tayuya slowly walked in. "Oh wow ... this is pretty nice. Um ... did you just want to show me this or did you want to remain here for the night?" She inquired, continuing to slowly walk further inside to get a better view and study the interior more.

Anko chuckled, seeing the look of slight annoyance on Kakashi's face. The name 'Jiraiya' didn't ring any immediate bells .. but she trusted that Kakashi knew what he was speaking of. Her smile widened as the kiss was given. Even if it'd been brief, it was still a blessing in itself. "Alright, see you." She replied, gently pulling her mask off as she began walking out of the ballroom, heading back to her own room. It was across from where Tayuya usually stayed, having been ordered and arranged by Fugaku himself. She'd give the redhead space .. but at least be nearby if she was ever asked for.
Naruto nodded his head, that did make sense that her room would be that color, he figured that it was a point of pride for people, and she did have beautiful eyes, so he could understand the logic and the reasoning behind her desire or at least her families desire for her to have the room that certain color.Looking at the door before walking in, he now was actually pretty excited about this, he was going to see his future wife's room. He smiled to himself as he walked in and looked around. It might of been bland, but it was her room, which told him a lot, and he looked at how everything was, it was pretty nice, what he envisioned would be in the room of someone like Hinata.

"Not bad," he said with a smile as he looked at her, as he turned for a second while he was walking around figuring out where all the furniture was and the general set up of the room as well. He walked around once before sitting himself down on the edge of the bed and looked over to the Hyuuga. "So, thank you, I am glad the first girls room I walked into was yours," he added with a small happy little smile.

It was great, he took in a deep breath as he relaxed, to think he was so nervous about seeing her room, he felt kind of foolish for it. He smiled as he looked at Hinata motioning her over with his hand as he looked at her, "So, I am guessing your the type of girl who doesn't spend much time in her room except to sleep huh?" he mused as he leaned back just slightly on the bed leaning on his elbow as he made the statement.

In his place, Neji nodded as he looked around walking with Tayuya, hearing her question he paused for a moment, "you of course are more then welcome to stay here. I figured it was nicer then your room that you were given actually," he said as he looked over towards her, his violet eyes focused on her own, "now, if you want to stay you can either sleep one of two places," he said as he held up to fingers to stress this single point out for the young woman.

"You can sleep in the guest room, which is right over there, nice double, and everything," he said pointing across the way to the room opposite of them. "Or you can stay with me stnuggled up in my larger bed," he added in, leaving the choose up to Tayuya, he of course knew which answer he preferred but it wasn't in his nature to force someone to do something they didn't want to do. He figured that Tayuya could make up her own mind, and she had a independent streak about her that told him, she would prefer having a choice in issues.

A small sigh of relief left Hinata's lips as she heard the reply "Not bad", making her smile widen. She hadn't felt like it was much to be praised of or for .... but was definitely glad Naruto thought otherwise. "Thank you and ... your room was the first male room I saw also. Even Neji's ... I've never actually been inside it. I knock at most and relay messages if ever but ... yours was a first for me too." Her heart raced slightly as Naruto joined her on the bed. Her hand tilted lightly in midair upon hearing his question.

"That's somewhat true and not. I actually do most of my private lessons here .. dancing, singing, etiquette, things like that. Since I've more or less been taking my mother's place, I'm usually given a lot of various lectures and homework. They're not bad but tiring at times. Still ... I don't mind it too much."

Hinata's heart raced even more as she hesitantly took one of Naruto's hand into her own. It seemed innocent enough .. and it wasn't like they were pushing for anything more. "Thank you for everything tonight. The dance, just being here ... and you did really well with Father. I'm proud of you." She replied, her cheeks still reddened slightly.

It was true that Tayuya wasn't usually used to the mere idea of sleeping with someone else. But .. this was an offer to be with someone she felt comfortable with, even trusted with every fiber in her body and soul. So, she didn't need to take nearly as long as usual to figure her decision out. "I want to be with you. I am sure, yes." She added, wanting to reassure him it hadn't been a verdict which had been made as if she were pressured. "Tonight .. was very lovely." She added, smiling softly to Neji.

This entire situation felt almost ... like too good of a dream, one she hadn't yet woken up from. But if it was, she wouldn't mind remaining asleep either. She'd meant it upon telling Neji that the bard had never been this happy before. There really was no one else she could imagine herself being with ... nor would Tayuya want it that way.
Naruto smiled glad to know more about her, she was so much deeper then he thought she was going to be. He figured when he heard about her when he was young, that she would be this stuck up princess, who had to have everything her way, and forced people to do what she wanted, basically some type of annoying brat of a girl. She hadn't been and that made a great impression on him even as a youngster. Now that he was older, he saw that his view of her was right and justified, and he knew that factor helped shape his ability to accept being her husband so much easier.

Naruto leaned in and kissed Hinata on her lips, one other impossible thing to not notice was just how sexy she was. He figured this was the type of woman, his sensei would try to spy on in the bathhouses. He blushed as he suddenly thought about other such things about her, mostly dealing with her body, and looked down, "um, good night Hinata, I have to head back to my room," he said coming up with a quick excuse, before making his exit. In his mind he finally pictured what a naked Hinata Hyuuga would look like, it wasn't anything he disliked, in fact he figured he liked the mental image a bit too much. He had to get away, he didn't want her to thing he was some kind of perv.

Neji smiled at her comment, and blushed at part of it. He was glad she was accepting of him, and she accepted his offer, "Well then, I figure we both must get ready for bed, the kitchen where I pointed it out, there is water in there and well as some simple snacks still I think," he informed her as he half bowed feeling himself still read, "you do me a great honor, Tayuya, thank you," he said before turning and slipping off into the bathroom to take a quick bath, it was his normal routine for the night time hours and he wasn't about to break it.

As he took his bath, he thought about the situation he was in, happiness, joy, nervousness, and excitement all plagued his thoughts as he watshed himself off, before putting on what were the Hyuuga's PJs and opening the door as he made his way towards his own bedroom. This day had been so much fun, a great day of excitement and he was glad that it had gone the way it had gone.

Hinata noted Naruto's cheeks abruptly go red. "Um .. you .. ??" That was as far as she got before he leaned forward and kissed her lips. Her face was practically burning by this point and it'd taken all of her will to avoid fainting on the bed. It was almost disappointing to hear he had to leave, but then again, it was late. And she had to better show him around her kingdom tomorrow, including the promise about trying out new and exotic foods. A small bow of her head left as she sat up. "Sleep well, Naruto." Only when he left the room did she get up to her feet, somewhat shakily but still, and closed the door to her room.

It had felt almost impossible but even by now, her heart was racing even faster. Her head shook as she exhaled, both content and still a bit nervous. It wasn't about courting Naruto, though. Etiquette could only do so much and because of that, Hinata's knowledge was .. slightly limited. She knew it was possible to do more than hold hands and kiss; but exacts beyond that? Not exactly and admittedly, part of her was curious to learn more. Her head shook as she went to her drawer, pulling out a nightgown and beginning to strip out of the dress she'd worn.

There will likely be opportunities for that .... She decided, neatly putting the worn outfit into a hamper. Next came off her heels; thank gods too. Those were beginning to get rather uncomfortable and finally, some hose which had been concealing her panties. Slipping the nightgown over her head and body, she got under the covers. A content smile was on the Princess's face and it only took but a few seconds for her to fall asleep after closing her eyes.

"A bit of water sounds good. Thank you." Smiling back at Neji, she watched him head off before taking up the offer and going into the kitchen. Filling a glass up and bringing it with her into Neji's room, a realization nearly made her drop it. " ... Crap! Um .... " Her face began to quickly match her hair as she realized all her clothes were still in the other room. Her mind raced quickly, almost frantically ... before she could think of only one thing. And hopefully .. Neji wouldn't mind or scold her for doing this.

Swallowing nervously, Tayuya took a sip of the water, setting the glass down on a nearby mantle. Sliding out of the dress and clothing - save for her underwear and bra which both remained - she put the dirty clothes upon a chair, neatly folding them up. Finally, a semi-shaking hand went to the door of Neji's closet ... and a sigh of relief passed her lips as she saw what she'd been hoping for; a robe.

It may not have been much but it was better than nothing. While she trusted him, the concept of letting Neji see her without any clothes wasn't yet something Tayuya could admit to being comfortable with just yet. Besides, that could be done when they were officially wed. For now though ... not if it could be helped. Closing the closet, she had just finished tying the sash when the door opened. Stepping into view, she gave a nervous smile to Neji.

"Um ... hope you don't mind. But I realized after you left that my clothes were still up in the room ... and I needed something so ... " She let her voice trail off, gently pulling the robe closer together. It was a bit big but it fit fine otherwise.
Kakashi watched Naruto from his hidden spot, he knew that the young man had seen something or did something, cause when he watched the young man, he was in a hurry to head to his room. It was funny, Naruto maybe wasn't so ready for the adult world as Kakashi had first thought, and maybe Jiraya hadn't been such a bad teacher for the young man after all. He smiled contently as he dropped down from the hidding spot landing on his feet. The skills taught to him by Minato were more then a bit useful in these situations.

Kakashi headed towards his room to get some sleep, figuring that he would need it for the next day, but as he went he heard movement, and looked in one of the doors to find Anko. He sat there outside her door like some school boy spying on a person wanting to hear what she was talking about or what she was up to at that moment. He listened as she seemed to be either reading something to herself or thinking outloud.

Naruto was in his room, in the bathroom with a nosebleed as he felt horrible. Hinata was so sweet, but so sexy, she would be so mad if she knew he had such lude thoughts about her. His teacher wrote books on sex and picking up women, of course he knew about such thing pretty well actually. He never had done it, having been the only real negative that was up. He soon calmed down though and made his way towards bed as he found his PJs getting into his froggy pjs, he fell asleep pretty quickly his arms around a pillow as he slept.

Neji walked into his room and looked at Tayuya as she wore his robe. He blinked blushing a bit as he looked at her, the lines on the robe made her decent, but still, it wasn't easy to pick out the fact, she was very beautiful, in some ways with red hair, she had a exotic sort of beauty to her in a way. Yet in others it was more of a traditional type of beauty. He had only seen red hair on Kushina, which was a odd thing, that and some people in the palace in Uzumaki territory. He paused but let the thought slip from his grasp, whatever caused her to have her current look, was good by him.

'It will work just fine," he said as he pulled down the covers to his bed, the were soft, and they worked better for helping him fall asleep then any other he knew of. He laid down laying on his back and waited for Tayuya to join in the bed. "Tomorrow we have to start planning you know, for the big day, so lots of sleep is required."

"Gone but not forgotten ... " Anko murmured softly. If Kakashi got enough of a view, he'd see that she was indeed speaking to herself, writing simultaneously. "Ironic, really. You admired Orochimaru even more than myself. Yet you upped and vanished. The only blood relative I have left ... and you vanish without a word. Where are you now? Where do your loyalties lie in this moment? Why'd you even leave to begin with?" The words hinted enough it was more or less a journal of sorts. She wasn't speaking to herself out of insanity, but more to ensure she didn't miss anything it seemed. "Aniki .. my younger brother.... I hardly begin to understand what went wrong. Regardless, I hope you're well. Even with all you've done, with how you abandoned me ... I can't hate you. I should ... but we had enough disappearing and neglecting acts when we were younger. I'm not going to repeat those mistakes mom and dad made so long ago. I hope to find you again, hopefully not against me though."

With that, she stood up, having been sitting on the floor before falling upon her bed. The dark was the main thing hiding Kakashi from her view, the focus of the ranger also seeming to be deep upon her thoughts. Setting the book upon a nearby mantle, her eyes closed. She'd have more than enough time to get a shower and changed into new clothes tomorrow. For now, she needed rest. Pupiless eyes slowly closed and soon her chest began to rise and fall, hinting she'd fallen into a peaceful slumber.

Unlike Neji, Tayuya had never really thought much on her red hair. She always just assumed it to be a more exotic appearance more than anything. The only thing she could admit to having questioned openly was the song she seemed to know best upon her flute. But .. that was neither here nor there. The thought of wedding plans made her a bit nervous but that was - supposedly - typical from what she'd heard and read. "Thank you .. " She replied softly, slipping underneath the covers beside him.

Only after a bit of hesitation did she let her head rest upon Neji's shoulder, her eyes slowly closing. Given this had been the first time she'd been in the same room - hell bed even - with Neji, it felt really nice. "Sleep well. I love you, Neji ... " She murmured softly, letting her arms gently go around Neji's waist.
Neji heard her words and smiled, "I love you too, Tayuya," he said softly in reply unsure if she even heard him before he too drifted off to sleep. He had a plesant dream, thinking about that day had triggered it, causing for what could only be considered a blissful night sleep for the young man.

Neji woke up and was up the next morning, cooking of all things breakfast. He was greatful, as he went though the small kitchen, that everything was where it was when he left it, and that it had been replenished as well most likely by servants who took care of his place when he was away. He found eggs and pulled them out and started to scramble them as he cooked contently, the smell of the eggs, then the smell of the ham and bacon most likely filling the house, a plesant way for Tayuya to wake up.Neji was still in his pjs as he cook, having wanted to make this meal for Tayuya before she was up and about that morning. He was good enough at cooking, as she knew already, and he put the food after he had the table completely set, looking inside, and fnd milk, he poured a glass of milk and orange juice for the both of them, not knowing which one she liked and which one she didn't like.

Kakashi sent out feeler that night before going to bed back home to find out about Anko's lost brother. He figured that this person might be found if he worked on it. Perhaps, he could do something to help bring the pair back together. Kakashi lost his mother when he was young, and his father died in battle. He knew what it was like to lose someone important to ones self. He rubbed the back of his head as he walked into the courtyard of the palace, finding a seat as he relaxed, and pulled out his favorite book series, taking it and reading it contently as he simply just let time pass him by. He figured he could spend the morning relaxing, he knew Naruto would sleep in, he was the type to take the chance to do such things and use them to their to their max. He was curious how the Hyuuga would deal with him, but that would be something he figured he would hear about at some point.

Usually, Tayuya never had dreams during her sleep. But she'd literally been able to see her wedding that night. It made her smile widen. Sure, there was the usual feeling of being incredibly nervous but more than that was pure bliss. The smell of food did it's job and by the time Neji was working on the bacon, her eyes slowly began to open. Her mind first noted and comprehended that she was temporarily alone and then she noted the reason why. It'd taken her a while to detect that the aroma hadn't been part of her dream but for real. Rubbing the sleep away from her eyes, she pushed herself out of bed and followed it, ending up in the kitchen.

"Morning. Um ... do you think you can have someone quickly ask Anko to see about getting me a new pair of clothes? I doubt this would be suitable to do wedding preparations in." She added, taking a seat at the table while waiting for Neji to finish up anything which hadn't yet been completed.

Poor Tenten, on the other hand, woke up with a slight start as she realized something. "Agh! He forgot to say a time." Sighing softly, a weary smile still managed to cross her face. The gesture and offer to take her out had definitely been ... genuine, sweet even. But more importantly, she doubted he would have chosen anything too early despite his habits of being able to get prepared in the blink of an eye. Still, it wouldn't hurt for herself to begin getting ready for the date, either. Her feet wasted little time in guiding the weapon conjurer out of her bed and towards her bathroom, beginning to take a shower. Given what hints Lee had said on the location ... she could likely be more casual than fancy in appearance she assumed. Smiling more at the thought, she turned the water on and began to wash herself.

Hinata ... was following suit as Tenten, albeit she hadn't woken up with a start. In fact, the better wording had been the Princess had woken up around the same time as Neji, more out of habit than anything else. And partly due to that, she had just finished up her own shower. Drying herself off, she walked back to her room with a towel wrapped around her body and hair. Standing in front of her closet, she began going through her clothes, seeking out something ... appropriate to wear. Neji wasn't the only one thinking of wedding plans; Hinata was also. But she didn't want to seem ... too pushy and thus would allow Naruto to bring that topic up first.

Finally deciding on a summer dress and some more comfortable shoes that weren't quite heels, she walked back into the bathroom to dry her hair off. Once that was done, she headed out into the halls and began to go towards Naruto's room. Hopefully ... I won't bother him too much .. She silently prayed, unsure if he was a morning person or not.

Even with remembering Anko still had till close to dinner time, she also was used to waking up early. More than that, her mind had made her recall Tayuya had gone off with Neji. And with the thought that they'd gone right to Neji's place .. it made her wonder if Tayuya even needed anything. Slipping out of her room and into Tayuya's, she grabbed a new outfit for the young girl, unable to help but smile. She was happy; for herself and her friend. This was a big deal for them both .. and Anko knew that Tayuya needed someone like Neji. Not to say she wouldn't indulge herself ... but Tayuya's arrangements were much more formal.

Herself? That didn't really .. exist. She was doing this - being with Kakashi - because the man had intrigued her enough to steal her heart.

Keeping the clothes held against her, she walked out of the room. After inquiring a few guards on which direction to head, she soon found where Neji was to reside in. Raising a hand, she gave a gentle but audible knock upon the door.

Back in the Uzumaki lands, there was another figure whom was getting ready; but not for what one would assume. Meizumi, one of the other knights that served Minato and Kushina, was preparing for her ranking test. While it was true she was already a knight, there was still a chain of command for any and all positions; like captain, vice-captain, and so on. And for her, today was to see about advancing to the next level.

To say Meizumi was unique was a huge understatement. She hadn't been born in the Uzumaki lands. In fact, she came from the Snow lands, having been born a war orphan and captured by raiders at a young age. They traveled around with her and other prisoners, trying to sell them off. When they'd gotten close enough to the Uzumaki lands, however, that had been when Kushina and Minato had saved her. In order to more properly thank them both, she took up the job of being a knight, a guardian for them.

Over the years, she'd found her style of fighting. Most gave her weird looks, some even insisted it didn't work. But she'd been able to prove time and time again that it did; though she wouldn't lie. It was definitely .. something that did seem like it could easily fail. Somehow, though, it succeeded for Meizumi.

Wrapping her red blindfold around one blue and one green eye, she raised her katana, keeping it firmly held in her right hand. Even with the test being a few hours away, Meizumi wanted to get some practice in while it was available. Taking a few steady breaths, she began swinging the blade, almost seeming to dance with it while simultaneously cutting up the dummy which was in front of her.
Neji smiled as he turned and looked at the sleepy young woman at his table, "Well of course I can do so," he said with a kind smile as he looked over at Tayuya, figuring that had been something that was important for her to do. He finished up the toast, putting the toast on the table as well, when he heard the door being knocked on. "One second, I shall be right back," he said to her politely as he walked over to the door and opened it to see Anko at the door with clothes. He looked at her and blinked for a moment.

"Wow, I was just going to send someone to find you just for this very reason clothese for Tayuya, correct," he asked as he looked at her, "come in, I have just made breakfast, and there is extra, which you can have," he said with a polite and friendly tone. He knew that Anko was from the same place as Tayuya, but not much more about her actually. He figured that he should be polite and welcome her in and offer her some breakfast as well. Truth was also there was extra, which he could give to her, he made a bit to much due to his excitement of cooking breakfast for Tayuya.

Kakashi walked into Naruto's room and pulled the covers from the young man causing him to fall off the bed in a sort of comical fashion,before he scrambled to make it back to his feet. Kakashi smiled as he looked at the young man, "your not on holiday, get up get ready and go find Hinata, you have things to plan like a wedding," Kakashi scolded his teacher's son as he looked at him causing Naruto to nodded. It was enough, Kakashi slipped out of the room going the opposite direction and thus not seeing Hinata as she walked up leaving the door open.

Inside the room Naruto was in his boxer looking around trying to remember where the heck he had put his clothes bag. He had put it somewhere the night before, but for some reason, he couldn't find it this morning. His room being a bit of a mess already, he had put it under the bed and forgoten that he did so. He was now in full panic mode as the young man scrambled, not searching very well just do the the panic that he happened to be in.

Lee was in panic mode too like Naruto, but he remembered he forgot to give Tenten a time for the date too. He calmed himself only when he trained, he would go find Tenten and set the time to be official for lunch, or maybe later. Lee thought of the best time to have a date, and tried to justify diferent times as being the best. He wanted to so impress Tenten, recently he had figured that Sakura was the illusion that he wouldn't ever have. When he did, he realized the person who had always helped him. The person he had missed someone, and the more he focused on that, the more he realized just how amazing Tenten really was. As he finished his light training he headed over to Tenten's to talk.

"Your skills are getting much better, Meizumi," a voice commented as he looked at her before the young man let out a harsh sounding series of coughs as he watched his top student work. He was Hayate, the top swordmaster in all of the Uzumaki kingdom, and he was watching his top student work. He knew that she was as good as even Yugao his soon to be wife. Hayate, knew that the Lord of the Uchiha was going to come to watch her this day, and he heard other rumors but didn't want to say anything to the young woman.

Hayate, looked tired,but he always looked tired and sickly, that was not the true person who he was thought. "Okay, Meizumi, I think today some important people are going to be watching you, you really have a great chance to make a name for yourself out there," he said not giving her any details on the day.

"I noticed you two heading in the wrong direction after the ball ended. Err ... not to sound creepy or anything. But given the past incident, I gave Fugaku my word to ensure nothing else repeats with her." Stepping inside, her head bowed in appreciation. "Ah .. thank you. That sounds nice, actually."

Tayuya had been ready to ask if she'd been so easy to read .. but heard the explanation from Anko's mouth and felt a mix of guilt and pride run through her. Even without the orders from Fugaku, she knew Anko would be doing this with no troubles or issues. They'd always been close ever since the two got to know each other. Getting up from her seat, she held the clothes in one hand, giving her a sisterly hug with the other. "You two are spoiling me so much ... " She murmured, chuckling softly. "Thank you though." Turning on her feet, Tayuya walked out of the kitchen and back into Neji's room, beginning to change.

Taking her own seat, Anko finally allowed her eyes to look over to Neji. "I hope she hasn't been causing too much trouble. She can be a handful at times." She finally said, a sly smirk on her face. "Nah, seriously though ... she's a good girl."

"Girl?!" Tayuya called out from the room. "I'm intending on getting married soon. Not much of a girl ... " She added.

A light snicker left Anko, giving a small shrug. "I gotta amuse and keep myself outta trouble somehow. Guess you're it."

This time, no retort seemed to be able to enter the bard's mind though from behind the door, she did shake her head a few times. Even as she walked out, her smile remained, hinting the seemingly upset voice had just been a guise. "Thanks again." She replied, sitting back down, now in a new, clean set of clothing.

The sounds of running around made Hinata stop right outside of Naruto's door. Her head tilted gently before she gave a knock. "Um .. you okay, Naruto?" She inquired, not yet going inside. She'd been taught much better and would wait to hear if now was even a good time or not.

Speed was Tenten's forte with most of everything. Bathing was no exception. It'd taken her seven minutes; three to wash her body and hair, four to get her hair mostly dry. It wasn't all the way done .. but enough for her to be fine with her appearance. Slipping into a new pair of pants and a clean tunic, she began brushing her hair out, humming softly under her breath.

Meizumi's muscles tensed, her sword halting. She could usually avoid hitting or cutting actual people; but it was still a precaution on her behalf. It took a few moments before registering the voice belonged to Hayate. "Thank you, Hayate." She replied, turning as she heard him speak and bowing her head politely. Pulling the blindfold off from around her eyes, she made contact with her own mixed ones. It was common courtesy and the nineteen year old had been ensured to learn at least basic manners. The words 'important people' made her slightly curious.

Had he meant besides Kushina and Minato? Probably but then .. who else? As tempting as it was to ask, Meizumi knew she'd find out when the time came around. "I was intending to, no worries about that. A small pause lingered in between them before she added, "Is there anything else I need to know before the test?"
Neji could see that the two were close and smile it was good to see that. It was nice to meet other people who were important to his future wife. He smiled and nodded at her statement, and then listened to the back and forth between the two of them. He enjoyed hearing the banter between them. He decided it was best to stay out of the conversation that they were having as he remained quiet. He did fine it funny as well, laughing himself but not so outloud at least, knowing that was most likely not approrate to do.

"It is a honor to meet you, Lady Anko, I am glad Tayuya has a friend who care so much about her," he said as he waited for her reappeareance at the table. "Um, she is right, we are going to start our wedding plans today, I am guessing your going to be a maid of honor," he posed as he looked at her, figuring that such a role would be something that Anko would want, and that seemed something that would be fitting. One thing bothered him, who the heck was going to give the bride away, she wasn't in Uchiha lands, and she had no relatives that she knew of at least.

Naruto really panic when he heard Hinata, he felt bad for not being ready and tossed on his PJ pants as fast as possible before he opened the door, "Um Hinata, I am really in a bind, I can't find the bag where I put my clothes for my trip," commented with a sad little sigh following, "I was going to get ready head to meet you so we could start the basic talk about the wedding and all that stuff, but I can't find clothes," he said shaking his head, "really sorry, I..can I brow some of yours, maybe Neji have some extra laying around."

Lee walked up to Tenten's home but he saw her from outside, and stood there for a moment, he had never ever seen her with her hair down, she was straight up beautiful, more so then even Sakura. He blinked stunned in silence as he looked in, before finally after a couple of minutes got himself back together and walked to the door and knocked on the door so that she would know that he happened to be there to talk with her.

Hayate shook his head, "you will do fine, just go out do your best, and you will impress them," he added, "let just say these people aren't from our lands," he added giving her a small hint as he knew she would later figure it out. He knew that her foes were decent, but that she was better then them, and should show why she was going to be a special knight to everyone. He knew that Fugaku would be excited by her and the idea of her as his daughter in law as well.

Anko lightly waved a hand upon hearing the word 'Lady'. "That's .. generous but it's definitely the last thing I am. Still, nice to meet you as well." Fitting? Yes. But weddings were essentially for the bride so in the end, the ranger deemed it Tayuya's decision, not hers. It appeared, though, that she wouldn't need to wait more than a few seconds to see Tayuya give a nod.

"Yes, definitely." She had to do a quick reminder on the main people at a wedding; bridesmaids, maid of honor, matron of honor, flower girl ... and suddenly she began to feel nervous. Hinata was obviously going to be one of the bridesmaids but .. who would be the matron? And the others? Well .. she began to see why they were doing this now and not later. There was a hell of a lot of work to be done, more than she'd realized before now.

"Um ... hm. If you don't mind, I can actually help you look for them?" Hinata offered wondering if that would be easier. "I wouldn't mind asking Neji but I'm pretty sure he's going to have his own talk with Tayuya." She doubted her cousin would mind but ... somehow, it felt like Hinata would cause herself to be somewhat of a burden. And that was the last thing she wanted to do, especially when they were getting ready for something so important.

Poor Tayuya practically had 'Anxious as hell' stamped on her forehead and Anko had noted it. "Tayuya? You going to be fine? I do have quite a bit of time before .. an appointment later today if you want help or something."

"I ... um ... if you don't mind." Her smile widened as she saw Anko shake her head no. "Thanks."

"Consider it my own version of thanks. Besides ... that will be part of my job as Maid of Honor; keeping you relaxed."

Well... thank gods you got up early. This would have otherwise been awkward. Sure enough, as Tenten opened her door, she saw it had indeed been Lee who knocked. "Morning. I literally just got up not long ago. Please .. come in." She offered, moving aside for him to walk inside.

If Meizumi wasn't a swordswoman, she had been trained to be a diplomat. So even with never having been to either the Hyuuga or Uchiha kingdoms, she did know most of the important names, albeit not necessarily faces. The thought intrigued her, made her wonder why now of all times someone from either of the other locations would be there. It was just a simple test ... had she missed something? Her own head shook before she bowed it to Hayate. "Very well. I'll be ready." She reassured him, turning back towards the dummy. Multiple questions rushed through her head, all remaining unanswered.

Deciding that all would be hinted in time, she slipped the cloth back over her eyes .. and resumed her practicing. While she still had time, Meizumi would eagerly use the opportunity to ensure the test went smoothly .. if not damn well perfectly.
Naruto smiled at her offer, "well sure then I would love to have your help, I just didn't want to embarrash you by having you deal with my messy room," he said with a small bit of blush on his face out of embarrashment as he moved out of the way. For him he figured everyone who was going to be there with him already, well everyone important. He was going to have the son of the kingdom's top advisor as he best man, he just had to get the lazy ass Nara to do that job. He had to help Hinata then with the rest.

After a moment or two, Naruto returned to looking around his room hoping to find his clothes, he was sure they were somewhere, but he just could remember, but he knew with Hinata's help he would be able to find them, two minds worked better then just one alone after all. He wondered what it was going to be like, to have a wife, it would be different. Naruto's mind to drift a bit as he searched focusing on that one topic.

Neji was nervous about it too, but not as much as his future wife. He knew she was happy, but actually getting married and setting everything up, that was nerve wracking or that was at least what he had heard from other clan members who had gotten married before. He ate quietly as he was glad to see that Anko helped her out a bit at least. "Well yep, we have plenty of time, we can take it slow with the planning, there is not huge rush to get it done, and we don't have to decide everything at once, remember we can change our minds if we want or need to on certain things about the wedding," he said as he then looked at Anko, "um.. Anko would you happen to be married with that odd guy from the Uzumaki Kingdom?" he asked having assumed much from seeing them act as they had the night before when he noticed them at the ball, especially how they danced together.

Lee smiled as he looked at Tenten pausing still in shock, it showed on his face, Lee could never hide his emotions at all, as he kept his heart on his sleeve. "Um, your Tenten right, I mean, you look like Tenten, you smell like Tenten, but you hair looks strange, what happened, are you okay, or are you Tenten's unknown clone here to kidnap her cause if you are, I will take you on right here, no one is going to mess with Tenten while I am around got it," he said loudly as he looked at her.

The crowd was gathering, the people were ready, Fugaku heard of this woman skilled in the martial arts and politics, the perfect person to keep his son in line. He knew his son was a horrible brat he needed a strong woman in his life, someone to help deal with him. He sat in the best place to watch, as he remained quiet, no sign that he was who he was as he watched the matches, wanting to keep it that way for the moment.

"Oh .. it's fine, really." Hinata reassured Naruto, carefully stepping inside the room. She almost instantly saw why he'd lost track of where he'd put his clothing. "Well ..." She mused, gazing around the room a few times before right into the blue eyes in front of her. "Have you tried backtracking? Or recalling where you last saw them, perhaps?" While waiting for his reply, she began checking inside the closet that was in the room.

Anko and Tayuya had appeared to wait for Neji to begin eating. This was still his house, let alone kingdom technically, and it only seemed fair to wait for him to make the first move. Tayuya gave a slow nod, exhaling deeply to keep herself from having a panic attack then and there. "Alright .. deal." She agreed softly, now beginning to focus more upon the breakfast. She couldn't help but smirk at the question, sneaking a glance in to see Anko's eyes widen as she coughed a few times.

The ranger's head quickly shook no, a nervous laugh leaving finally. "Wed? No. During that ... mission, it was the first time we'd met. Much like Tayuya, I've almost never been out of the Uchiha lands until recently. No we're ... " She hadn't expected to inform anyone else but then again, it seemed Anko and Kakashi hadn't been the only ones keeping their eyes on others. "He's courting me." She answered, moving a strand of hair behind her ears with her free hand before using both to grab the utensils and began to eat. "So respectively, my 'appointment' is more like my date."

Tenten's head shook gently as she chuckled. "....Of course I am. Don't be silly now ... " Gently taking one of Lee's hands, she helped him inside. "Come on. Well ... I decided to try something new. Besides, people have asked why I've never done this before. I've realized I had no honest answer. So .. I wanted to see how it looked and ... I better understand why people were confused. This .. this is much better. Anyways ... " Leading Lee into her living room, she gestured towards a chair, offering him a seat before taking one herself. She quickly stopped herself though, shaking her head at herself. "I'm sorry. Um, do you want anything to drink or eat?"

The horn which soon echoed in the air was the very first signal for Meizumi. Exhaling softly, she kept her katana held at her side, walking calmly towards the gates. As far as she'd been informed, it was a free-for-all sort of thing; but not to the death, just until the opponent surrendered. But even with the shield over her eyes, Meizumi would be able to hear and, of course, she'd comply. Only if it was truly needed would the swordswoman dare actually take a life. Otherwise, she never was fond of the tactics, not if they could be avoided.

As the gates raised, she entered into the arena, getting in line first. Allowing her heterochromic eyes to glance around for a few moments, she then pulled the blindfold over her eyes again. Tons of whispers could be heard though she didn't pay heed to them. If no one had put two and two together yet on why she'd hidden her eyes, they'd soon see. Her grip upon her blade tensed but she remained still, waiting for the official announcement to be made. Then and only at that time would she begin the test.
Neji nodded his head to the question, he figured how he had seen the two near each other not only the night before, but many times since she showed up, that they had some secret love arrangement between them. He smiled at her reaction though it was pretty priceless. "Well then, I wish you the best in your love life," he said politely, "and I am sure I can get a lot of information for Lady Tsunade on the best places to contact as far as cooking and such in the kingdom, she is experienced, and I am sure she know more about that then anyone else in the kingdom.

Neji then focused on his food too enjoying it before finishing up fast, so he could get to cleaning the kitchen, washing every one's plate, giving Anko and Tayuya time to talk. He figured that if he was going to make something for Tayuya, he had to be man enough to clean up after his own creation too. He knew that having Anko away wasn't going to be easy for her either, and he figured the more time they got to spend before she left the better it would turn out.

Naruto nodded his head as he calm down a bit, and looked some more and then found it under the bed, smiling he pulled out his orange jump suit, "Now um..Hinata you might want to leave, I am going to undress and all," he said looking in her direction for a moment before he waited for her to actually leave the room. It would be awkward to undress right in front of her, especially her of all people, "I will be out in a moment, then you can show me around if you want."

Lee nodded as he took notes of her statement mentally, "I see, but you also look really good with them in buns, I just think you look very beautiful like you are now," he said with a smile as he was blushing a lot at this point as he looked at her. The look he gave her was very similar to any look he gave Sakura when he was younger. He couldn't help it he was just damn easy to read. He smiled as he pulled out a flower he forgot he had picked up a simple daisy, but he offered it to Tenten with a cheesy smile on his lips, "here um Tenten, will you be my girlfiend?"

The sound of the fight started, he saw the girl, he saw that she was the smallest of the fighters, the others were male, and they were large, most were using large weapons, he figured most likely to attack hard versus attacking with speed. It was interesting, and he watched to see just what the Uzumaki would could do. He noted her, the blind fold, she was different, he was sure she wasn't born in Uzumaki lands, she must of been on of the many immigrants that they seemed to always convince to move to their lands.

Anko's head bowed, the light sounds of the silverware touching a now empty plate soon being heard. "Thank you. That would be much appreciated." If there'd been any doubts on Tayuya being in good hands, they were definitely gone by now. Even if he wasn't in the main branch of the Hyuuga family, he had everything as if Neji were; manners, rank in some aspects, the same amount of devotion and loyalty. She was incredibly happy for Tayuya, almost as much as herself if not a bit more. While Neji worked on the dishes, the pupiless eyes went to Tayuya .. as if studying for a bit.

"Hm?" Before Tayuya could ask any further, she saw Anko raise a hand up and pull out the band which had been keeping her hair up, making her playfully scoff. "Copycat."

"No, that would somehow be Kakashi. I've heard that word associated with him often. No though... I'm curious if this looks better. Feels .. different but not bad."

"Ah ... yes. I'll be waiting outside." Hinata's cheeks turned red as her back stayed turned to Naruto's face. Her feet guided her out of the room as she closed the door after exiting. Leaning against a wall, the Princess waited for him to signal when he was done.

Tenten couldn't help but inwardly chuckle. Poor Lee. I thought he knew dates were basically a way of asking that. Well ... this made her feel slightly good. It meant she wasn't the only one who was going to be naive on this issue. Still, her smile widened as she nodded. "Yes, I will." She replied taking the daisy and standing up, going to find an empty glass, fill it with water, and put it inside.

The secret .. was simple. With the forced sight deprivation, her other senses were far more keen than the men around her. Even the simplest breath or pant, she could pinpoint exactly where it was. And now that Meizumi had even more speed in this mode, there was far more momentum than if she could see, increasing the force and damage behind each swing. It made up for not using a heavier sword like a claymore and definitely far more deadly. Her height actually helped out, in many aspects. Because she was barely over five and a feet half tall, Meizumi was able to easily aim for their midsections, greatly threatening the opponents even without killing them.

This mode made people forget one thing about Meizumi. When all was said and done, she could still be hit. But it confused people, and caused them to think irrationally. Ah well ... not her fault they did that.

Meizumi's focus remained on all around her. Each time she heard something along the lines of 'I give', her blade would move away then shift to another opponent, using the sounds of steel going towards her as a way to guide where her own sword would head.
Lee light up like a Christmas tree as he heard the words, that she was in fact his girlfriend, he had never had one, he was so happy and boy did it show. "Thank you Tenten, I will be the best boyfriend anyone has ever had ever in their life, that will be my way from now on," he declared as he looked at her before he thought about something that was the reason for him being there, "um the date, I forgot to tell you a time, it is why I um came over," Lee said with kind tone after snapping his fingers, "how about dinner, say 6 PM on the dot, I will make sure to be there on the second, um," he paused finding something to write and write with as he wrote down the address, "I will meet you at this location too, um also please keep your hear down, you look extra beautiful like this."

Fugaku had seen enough 5 seconds in, he turned to his man, who turned to another man who went about setting up a meeting with the girl. This was the one, if anyone could handle Sasuke it was her. He was confident of his vision and he had to only see if her personality fit what he saw in front of him at that moment. He had to keep Sasuke in line or something bad was going to happen and war was going to break out all over the place. He went to the meeting spot right after the message was sent, it was in a nice room with a table himself sitting on one side the other side with its empty chair.

Naruto walked out dressed and looked at Hinata, "thanks for the help, it meant a lot to me," he said with a smile as he kissed her cheek softly, "now, we have a big day I think, we need to talk wedding plans, as you show me around your home, I did the same, now it is your turn sweetie," he said softly as he looked at her. He paused for a moment and looked into her eyes, they were so beautiful, he then took her hand, "so what direction do we go, um left right, just lead the way, today I follow you around," he said happily as he looked at her, feeling a bit hyper this morning too.

Neji finished cleaning pretty quickly, it wasn't hard to do and he hadn't used that much stuff. He turned and looked at the two mostly Anko for a moment, "Well, um.. Tayuya and I are about to leave, I am going to show her around the place, take her on a trip though the bamboo gardens and other things," he said making it clear that they were headed out. "I am glad to have gotten to meet you Anko, you are a interesting person, good look with Kakashi, maybe you can find out why he is always reading something," he added curiously as he walked towards the door smiling at the two of them as he opened it for Anko. He really was planning to take Tayuya out, he thus kept the door open for her to walk though as well. He knew the garden would be a great place for them to just relax.

"Dinner sounds good." Taking the address, her cheeks reddened slightly upon hearing the additional compliment of her hair. "Thank you. I think I will." As much as Tenten did love her hair up, sometimes it really was a hassle to get in the first place. Giving a polite bow of her head, Tenten walked with Lee back to her front door, smiling at him. "I'll see you then. Take care." Once he walked out, she gently closed the door. A nervous but still very content sigh left her lips as she walked back to her bed. There was a good six to eight hours before their date, maybe even more. Her body felt like going back to sleep .. yet feared it would ruin her night schedule. It made her frown slightly. Her own fingers snapped as she went to her closet, going through her wardrobe. If the date consisted of dinner, she'd need something a bit fancier; at least more than a tunic and pants. She began rummaging through her wardrobe, looking for something much more appropriate.

Between the sounds of footsteps moving away, pained grunts and groans, and finally silence .. Meizumi figured it was over. Her hands had barely touched the blindfold, ready to pull it off, before the horn which signalled the end rang. A prideful smile crossed her face as she allowed her hand to resume the motion, revealing her mixed eyes to the crowd as she slipped the cloth away in a pocket. After blinking a few times to adjust her sight, she saw a man in front of her. But it wasn't Hayate or anyone she'd expected. Was this .. something to do with the foreign affairs that had been hinted? Her head bowed politely as she asked softly, "Yes? May I help you?"

Her hand gently wrapped around his, smiling and blushing from the word 'sweetie'. "It .. it was no trouble. Well ... " Thinking of the rooms and locations Naruto hadn't yet seen, Hinata turned to her left and began showing him around the rest of the castle. "We can talk further in the courtyard. It ... it's one of the more peaceful places and helps me think clearly. If you don't mind, that is." She added.

"... He does?" She mused, thinking back over. Now that Anko recalled, Kakashi had been reading when she first arrived for that mission a month ago. But she'd thought that was to kill time, not that he did it on a regular basis. A sly smile crossed her face as she stood up. "Hm, I'll see about that then. Thank you for the breakfast, Neji and good luck to you both." She knew they were only planning for now, but that didn't stop the possibility of things from happening. She doubted conflict from the two of them would happen; in fact, Anko was much more worried on history trying to repeat. Bowing her head to Neji, she walked out and went into a tracking-like mode, beginning to see about finding Kakashi - and more importantly - what he did read; all without being found out, hopefully.

Once Anko left, Tayuya stood up, sighing softly. Anxiety was still rushing through her but not nearly as much as excitement. "Bamboo?" She asked, the tone alone hinting the bard had never seen, let alone heard, of the term. "Sounds .. interesting. And, thanks for breakfast." She added, smiling in appreciation to Neji, her feet guiding her beside him.
Lee rushed off in a hurry, he knew that he had to find something very nice, he had to make sure they had a table, he had work to do and a lot of it. He was happy though, he had a girlfriend, and she was Tenten, and that was good with him. He was so happy to see her with her hair down, it fit her so much better then it did when it was held up. He figured he would have to impress though, he figured suit perhaps, or at least dressed up like some super cool due.

Neji nodded his head as he looked at her, and smiled, "first go get your flute, I think the harmonics in this one part of the area will be perfect for you," he said softly as he looked at her. He had a good idea that she loved to play it and this would be away from other people so it wouldn't bug her also. He was looking forward to hearing her play very much. He smiled as he felt proud of himself for coming up with the idea. THe bamboo was going to be nice too this time of year, he figured at least.

Naruto smiled as he walked, he was getting to see the whole castle and he was happy, not cause of that either. He liked what he saw, but that wasn't what made him happy, no at all. What made him happy was not where he was going, what made him happy was where he was going with. He just wanted to spend time with Hinata the tour was mostly just a means to do that, and it was something he liked so that was just a big plus for him in that way. He thought he would of liked if things were reversed and he had to move in with her like his father had to with his mother.

Kakashi was reading still his book was one by the great Jiraya, one could guess what happened in these book, this one was one of his most ranchy books ever, he had to admit he rather like that and the fact the books were so sexy. He smiled as he looked at the pages turning though them, quietly as he didn't pay much attention to what was going on around himself. He was just reading about this woman who the hero had saved and now was fucking pretty damn intensely even in the language.

While Tenten was pleased to have found a proper dress, now she was done with her preparing for the date. She was partly content and another restless. There was still so much time left .. and she was done figuring out everything that the conjurer needed to do. "You could train ... " She murmured to herself, knowing it'd be easy enough to get another shower in. But even breaks could be nice and it was tempting her to not worry about it. One day wouldn't kill her. Nodding, she lied upon her bed, grabbing a book and beginning to read.

Leaning forward, Tayuya found enough courage mustered within her as she pressed a soft but passionate kiss upon Neji's lips first. "I won't be long." She reassured softly, heading deftly back to her room, her face burning the entire walk back. The ability to be more bold than usual had felt really good, almost empowering in it's own way even.

Heading up a few flights of stairs, Tayuya soon navigated herself into her room. Thankfully, she always kept her flute on a mantle near the bed, so finding it was easy. It was the walking up and down which had been the worst part by far .. though she was used to it. The castle was about the same in size as Fugaku's and she often was called from room to room, most of which were nowhere near one another.

Soon, Tayuya was back beside Neji, her flute held in her right hand. "Alright .. ready." She stated, taking his hand with her free one.

The lack of an answer suggested to Hinata that he likely had no preference. Nodding gently, they walked around a few more rooms, down a flight of stairs, and continued straight ahead. Soon enough, the two were outside in the courtyard. Inhaling softly, she guided them to a nearby bench, taking a seat. "So ... " Light violet eyes looked nervously up to the blue ones in front of her, placing her hands in her lap.

"Did ... which part exactly did you want to discuss first?" There were tons of areas; designating people with their respective roles, figuring out whom would be hosting it, deciding upon an exact day ... it made her heart race quicker.

When Anko had found Kakashi, she climbed up into a nearby tree, reading over his shoulder but from above. Her cheeks almost instantly reddened, amazed at the content of the book. That was what he read? She wasn't disgusted but ... definitely amazed. With all the suggestive words and descriptions, Anko would never have guessed Kakashi to read such things. He had such good self-control over himself. Most other men would be more likely to give in and copy what they read.

Part of her hated seeming so sneaky ... but admittedly, the book was a tame way to become less naive. And because of that alone, she began to read with him, taking mental notes on all that was happening in the book from both the male and female characters. She kept silent, save for her beating heart, never once daring to make any audible sounds as her eyes went from word to word.

As the man finished whispering in her ear that she wanted to be seen and given a location, Meizumi nodded to the messenger, bowing her head to thank him. Upon entering the designated room, her own mixed eyes found a raven haired man with ... onyx and crimson eyes?

".. Lord Fugaku?!" She quickly sank down to her knees, partly panicked and another honored to be in such a presence. Swallowing softly, she let her head glance back up to the man before her. "I'm sorry, I wasn't very well informed of this. You ... wanted to see me?" She asked hesitantly, intrigued and somewhat anxious.
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