A Middle Age Naruto RP (Yajirobe and LadyYunaFFX2)

A nod and sigh of relief were Hinata's immediate reactions, a hug soon following. "Thank you ... " She murmured, standing up slowly beside him. The process had, admittedly, been a bit shaky but she'd still done so all the same. Her eyes glanced over as she watched Neji waste little more time and head off, inwardly sighing. Well, so much for the double date idea ... At least not from Neji's behalf, gods no. But ... no, now wouldn't be a wise time to consider Minato and Kushina's either. Her feet prepared to follow behind, unsure on what more to say or do now. Her spirits were pretty down, despair more than guilt still flowing through her from the recent events.

Just as abruptly as Kakuzu went silent, so did Tayuya. There was obviously no point in wasting her efforts and much like her captor, she had nothing to say either. This had either bored, irked, maybe both to Hidan as he quickly retorted, "Oh? Cat got your tongue?" Leaning in forward, he closed the gap a bit further -- enough for Tayuya's instincts to kick in.

"None of your fucking business!" She hissed, sweeping her right foot and hitting the back of Hidan's knee, making him glare at her. ".... Tch, fine. It'll be worth the wait to officially deal with you, little bitch." He murmured, a low growl seeming to leave at the end of the sentence as he moved away. It hadn't hurt as much as it could have but few people actually dared to retaliate against him. That had been what had pissed him off so much.

And the knowledge Tayuya had been able to strike a chord against him made a smirk unable to help but cross her lips. Her eyes closed as she forced her head and body to relax against the back of the surface behind her. Another thing Kakuzu seemed to be right about -- the one she hated the most thus far. She wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. May as well save her strength for when it's actually needed.

Shizuki's feet tapped as she remained hidden away in a secluded and dark alley. "Stupid prince, be on time for once ... " She murmured, sighing wearily. She'd peeked out from beyond the corners and easily noted that something huge had happened. People were moving -- and quickly around and about. She doubted staying here for much longer would be wise, honestly. Her outfit didn't help and she likely stood out. Pulling the hood on her cloak up and ensuring it remained around her face to keep it hidden, Shizuki began walking swiftly out of the Uzumaki lands and towards the outskirts. With any luck, the Prince would rendezvous with her before she got too far and finally explain what in the hell he wanted from her.

Whatever it was, Shizuki had a horrid feeling about it and wanted to get it done and over with ... preferably sooner than later. No doubt by now, Orochimaru and Kabuto had very likely noticed her absence and that would take a lot of lying to make up for why she wasn't around, assisting them out. Both weren't easy to fool so the task would already be a hell of a chore. Not impossible, thankfully, but damn close to it.

Hazel eyes continued to carefully dart around, the spy keeping up her pace and never once daring to cease her steps as she continued to seek the Prince out.
Sasuke made sure that he wasn't followed he knew that being followed was something that would not end well. He was late mostly do to that, and the fact he generally didn't like the odd and strange woman that he was meeting with. He figured she would be pissed that he was late, but it was partly in his nature to not be on time. He walked up to her and held a looked at her with a calm cool look on his face.Shizuki, " it seems you found your way here, I thought you would get lost just getting out of the Kingdom without Orochimaru or Kabuto leading you out," he said with a smirk on his lips as he focused on her, "It seems that one of our more stuck up members has found themselves in some trouble," he said with a smirk as he looked at her, "Tayuya was kidnapped, by my order of course, she was causing...problem," he added knowing the problems were just showing him up, by getting someone so easy.
"Now, Shizuki," he commented as he looked right at her, "I want you to write a message to the Hyuuga demanding one million in gold in exchange for the life of the future wife of Neji Hyuuga. I want you also to send this letter to the Uchiha, telling of the problems that are in the Uzumaki lands, and how a Uchiha loyalist has been kidnapped, it will start something for later I think," Sasuke said with a smirk, "I also want you to go to this location and hand the kidnappers a letter, they can do what they want as long as they hold Tayuya for two weeks and don't seriously harm her, after which to leave her and leave the area," he said with a grin, "the seal will activate when I want giving them the money they are to be paid, tell them this too."

Sasuke moved off fast, as he knew that he might be found out, and he wanted to keep the idea that he was still looking for a woman, though he wrote off these Uzumaki women as weak and not worth his time at all. Sasuke figured that he was never going to find anyone worth his attention and just had to sell Karin on the idea she could be his fangirl for life and he liked her which wasn't true at all.
Rock Lee arrived shortly before anyone else, he raced the whole way to the capital. His rival was having issues, and he was a friend who supported his rival, whatelse was there to do, but to go and help. He was pumped, perhaps he would get a chance to challenge his rival to some random contest when he was there, or show him the energy of youth that was coursing though his veins, either way, it would be a chance to use his youthly energy for some positive outcome, which made him more then a bit happy. He walked in, knowing Tenten was coming too, the old group would be back together. He hadn't even been asked, he just was the type to stand up for his friends.
Lee smiled as he ran into Hinata and smiled, "Lady Hinata, which direction did Neji run off in," he asked as he first bowed before her, "I wish to find my rival as soon as possible so we may save this woman he is after," he said bluntly, "there is no need to worry, I will find them, nothing will stop my youthful prowess and searching skills," he said putting up his thumb and smiling his trademark smile before running off in search of Neji.

Naruto just blinked as he had no clue just what happened. He looked at Hinata as he hoped she could tell him who that bushy brows happened to be, and if he was a legit warrior or something of a circus act or something.

Shizuki's arms merely went over her chest, refusing to reply to the obvious insult. There seemed to be three things needing to be delivered, making her inwardly sigh and almost whistle out loud. To say the Prince had been occupied was clearly an understatement. It was so tempting to raise an eyebrow upon hearing the name 'Tayuya'. Not as well as Anko but she did still know the bard .. and wondered how she'd gotten into this sort of trouble. Her gut suggested that honestly, she hadn't. Sasuke had likely caused this somehow .. and to know she was only about to help him moreso made her slightly sick. But Shizuki knew her limits, also and if the Prince wanted to arrange her execution for treason, he could do so with a snap of his fingers. Running these errands for him would be one of the easiest ways to keep her head on her shoulders and heart still beating.

"It'll be done." Already, her mind had formed a plan of action. The letter to Lord Fugaku could be sent off first easily with the one for Tayuya's captors being next. The last would have to be the one for the Hyuugas. It'd take the most amount of concentration and skill, given she would need to use her forging abilities to avoid having the handwriting being traced directly to her. Glancing down at the location, Shizuki also took off albeit in the direction of Hidan and Kakuzu .. but not before stealing an unattended horse.

No damn way was she just going to walk on foot. Fuck and no.

"Lee! Wait up!" Came an exhausted voice from behind him, heavy pants soon heard as a woman clad in a simple outfit which suggested herself to be a warrior of sorts also arriving behind her comrade. "Geez... I understand the rush but at least wait for me .... " Hazel eyes soon found Naruto and Hinata nearby. An embarrassed smile crept on her face as she bowed her head quickly to the two. "My deepest apologies. Lee tends to get ... overly eccentric at times. But .. he is correct all the same. Where ... did Neji head off to?"

"It... it's fine. I ... I believe to go seek out Kakashi."

"Thank you, Lady Hinata." Before Tenten could properly introduce herself to either herself or Naruto, she had glanced up in time to see Lee had run off ... again! ".... Waiiiiit!!!" She whined, breaking off into another run.

Hinata managed a soft smile on her face as she saw the confused expression upon Naruto's face. "They .. they're comrades from our lands. Neji knows them much better than myself though I do know both. Lee and Tenten .. both very capable warriors despite not being naturally attuned to the tracking fields. Their melee skills make up for not being a survivalist or something similar."

The horse had done it's job and make the travel much smoother for Shizuki. The sight of the cavern nearby hinted she should be at the correct location. First thing was first though. Letting out a whistle, she waited for a hawk - her personal one, in fact, - to land on her arm. Tying the note to Lord Fugaku around one of it's talons, she murmured, "To home ... to Master Fugaku. Quickly ....." Watching it fly away, her attention soon went to the entrance of the cavern. Her heart couldn't help but race slightly, the situation before her was still very .. unclear. For all Shizuki knew, Sasuke could have ordered them to kill her.

But .. no. She wouldn't be able to carry her duties out if he did plus they wouldn't get paid. With those hopes fueling her on, she walked inside, clearing her throat to make her presence known. "I'm assuming you two are the ones Sasuke hired? I have something to give you two." With that, she went silent, waiting first to make damn well sure she'd found the correct people. However, the sight of Tayuya chained to the wall that she found out of the very corner of her hues said there was almost no way this was the wrong place.
By the time that Tenten would of caught up to Lee, she would of found him playing rock paper scissors with Neji as Kakshi was still sitting off by himself reading his orange book. One could tell just looking at Lee that he was very much into the contest that he was having with Neji, whom didn't look like he cared all that much about the same simple contest. It was the case as well, to Lee all challenges were important a matter of skill, something his mentor had taught him since he was a younger man, and finished last in a number of skills. Neji on the other hand, only played cause he needed to both get his mind of Tayuya as well as waist time as they waited.

"Hi, Tenten, seems your doing well," he said in the middle of the game, as he looked over at his friend, they had known each other for a long time, and he knew he could count on her a great deal. As he looked up though Neji lost focus on the match, and lost to Lee, as he put down rock and Lee put down paper.

"Yosh!!!" Lee said loudly with a grin on his face, "the power of youth wins," he declared with a happy tone, "that puts me one win ahead of you, my rival," he said with the same over serious but at the same time goofy tone that he always seemed to have.

Neji shook his head, "Well somethings never change, we are waiting for the Uchiha member to join us as well as any clues to be able to figure out where they took Tayuya and why they took her."

Lord Fugaku looked at the list of people he could send to help the situation in Uzumaki lands, Tayuya was one of his, and if the other kingdoms were messing with his people, well then there would be hell to pay. He looked down the list and smiled as he had the orders sent to the closest agent in the field to go and help. He knew that Anko was the student of his advisor, and skilled at tracking and fighting, she would be the perfect person for the mission, and he was sure, she would do better then whoever the other kingdoms sent.

Kakuzu noticed the woman, and at first prepared himself for a quick strike and kill attack on her. He didn't let this idea out of his mind till she talked and mentioned Sasuke Uchiha, that meant she was his messenger. He walked over, "alright, hand over the letter you have, or whatever the Uchiha wants to give to us, as long as he promises the money he said, we have no issues on whatever he wants," he said as a true businessman in his own mind at least. He looked at her, giving her a look that was to tell her he wasn't messing around, and he only cared about this business, and she best not be waisting his time.

Tenten was still panting and trying to regain her breath. A small nod and smile crossed her face as she heard Neji's comment on how some things don't always change. "No kidding ... " Sneaking in a subtle glance over to Lee, she added with a small chuckle, "Though some just can't alter no matter how much you think they will anyways." She knew it wasn't the time for jesting .. but even if it helped out just a little bit, Tenten hoped the effort would be worth it to cheer Neji up. It took a lot to get the Hyuuga warrior upset. Common sense suggested this woman must have really meant a hell of a lot for him to ask for help, let alone this much.

Taking a seat beside Neji, her head bowed respectfully to Kakashi. She knew Neji wouldn't like it .. but now they'd all have to play the infamous 'waiting game', knowing the Uchiha representative wasn't yet here.

No sooner than Fugaku had gotten the letter did she get informed by her mentor, Orochimaru. An eyebrow had raised, mainly out of amazement someone would dare to be so bold and actually go through with such an abduction. But there was no time to question things. She needed to go .. and quickly. Giving a bow of her head to Orochimaru, she wasted no time in grabbing a longbow, some spare daggers, and her quiver. "I will be back when this is over and ensure Tayuya's safe." She vowed, resolve in her tone and eyes before glancing one last time around the Uchiha lands. It may be a while before she was back, she understood.

And with that, she darted off, breaking into a run first towards the stables. Mounting her horse, she pulled herself up and held onto the saddle. After giving it a firm yet gentle kick, she began riding off, having been informed to rendezvous with the others at the Uzumaki lands.

Even with the intimidating presence the man had, Shizuki proved she could hold her own rather well. She didn't flinch, didn't move away, nothing even while he spoke and moved. First ensuring she handed over the correct parchment, it was soon placed into Kakuzu's hand. "He had a few requests and conditions. She will not remain here forever and will be transported on our word; from him but delivered by me. Keep her alive and as long as she's not too badly wounded, you have free reign over her."

As her hazel eyes found the seal, she gave a nod to it. "That will activate once he's ready to pay you .. or is supposed to. And that's it, for now." Giving a bow of her head, she turned on her heels, more than ready to head back to the Uchiha lands. This had been an incredibly nerve-wracking job, one she still wasn't overly proud of. Her teeth instantly found her lower lip as she realized .... she couldn't head home yet. She still had to deal with the letter to Neji.

Damnit, Sasuke ... you really are a royal pain ...

"Hey .. since you're the messenger, mind relaying something to the brat for me?"

"... Hm?" The abrupt words had made Shizuki turn slightly, seeing Tayuya had finally spoken up. "Depends. What is it?"

"I fucking hate him."

A smirk crossed Shizuki's lips. She certainly shared the same thoughts and beliefs ... but wasn't in much better of a situation. "Perhaps when the time is right. I have a metaphorical sword to my throat at the moment but rest assured ... when I can, I will -- and more if possible." And with that, she got back upon her horse. If the man was just a businessman, he wouldn't care enough about the brief exchange. Not enough to halt her, at least. Soon, she rode off, seeking a lone place to begin her task of the ransom note.

It'd been about twenty or so minutes but finally, Anko arrived. The crowd - one of which included Neji - was enough of her cue to realize this was where she needed to be. "Sorry if I kept you all waiting." She greeted, dismounting and lowering her cloak, bowing her head to them all. "First and foremost ... were there any witnesses by chance? Do we even know where to begin with this search?" She inquired, taking the time to study the group better during the pause. Kakashi .. he was supposed to be skilled in the tracking areas as well. With any luck, this would go smoothly between the two of them plus the three others' and their combat skills.
Kakashi noted the arrival of Tenten, she looked like she was capable, he figured that she was a friend of Neji and he knew who Lee was, the student of his own rival, a odd pair, but he knew that if he was Miato's student then he was going to be a heck of a warrior like his mentor. He knew that they could handle most situations that were put before them now. He sat there thinking about what direction they should go in, as he thought of the possible locations that they could be in. He was slowly able to eliminate the possible place one by one by deducation and logic.

Kakashi looked up and noticed the purple haired woman having arrived, looking up from his book just for a brief moment before he looked back down at his book. "No, there are no witnesses, only people heard the screaming of the young woman. I think I have an idea where they are heading and where they are possibly hiding," Kakashi said walking over to the map as he put up his book, and looked at the others, "These guys are not Hyuuga, and they are no Uzumaki men, so they won't be heading to Hyuuga lands, and I am pretty sure they aren't from Uchiha lands either, which means they are thugs hired, which means they are going to remain most likely somewhere secure, that is in the Uzumaki kingdom before moving her to keep anyone from finding her," he estimated as he looked at the map, his finger finding a group of hills to the southeasy of where they were.

"this is where I would keep someone if I was hiding them, I am guessing these people are not idiots, so I bet they are in this area right here, it is an area hard to get into with plenty of caves for hiding and it would be easy to spot a group advancing on you if you kept any type of look out at all," Kakashi commented as he looked up a t the others. "If they are from the Hyuuga or the Uchiha though, we won't find them here," he said calmly as he looked at the group, "seeing though as your kingdoms sent to help find her, that she is a Uchiha loyalist and Neji here is her future husband, I ruled out that possiblity, so as soon as you three are prepared we can head out, it is a good ride from here, most likely we will need to camp short of there tonight so they don't see up apparoching, and figure out how we move in after that."

Kakuzu was sure that this woman was a member of the Uchiha kingdom too, he figured some minion that ran missions for her boss. He didn't push her more as he got what he wanted. The information was enough, and the fact he had a seal told him that he was going to get paid the money that he had asked for. He listened to the pair standing there perfectly quietly. He didn't care what words were exchanged as long as he got paid, she could tell the Uchiha anything she wanted. He waited as he watched the woman leave, she seemed good enough to not be followed, his one worry about the fact she had rode in and out, still they could just move if she had as well. He looked at the woman, "seems that this Uchiha doesn't much like you either, steal his party money or piss in his milk?" he asked not really caring what the answer happened to be.

An eyebrow couldn't help but raise slightly as Kakashi wasted almost no time giving an array of theories. He was even better than she'd heard. It certainly took a lot to impress the survivalist ... but now wasn't the time for such things either. Glancing down at the map, she studied it carefully before finally speaking up. "I'm not going to doubt these are thugs we're dealing with. All the same, someone had to hire them ... " She paused, knowing this would need to be worded carefully. "That being said, do you have any guesses on who may have asked for their aid?"

Anko had been notified of why Tayuya and Sasuke had left. And despite the two not having gotten along, each were an obligation for one another. And something had felt very off ... why hadn't there been any witnesses? Moreover, where was Sasuke when this happened? Then again, she didn't have anyone's alibis ... no sense in jumping to conclusions yet.

A small smile crossed her face as she merely nodded behind her to the quiver and longbow upon her back. "I've been mostly ready since I left. But on the off-chance this theory is somehow wrong ... I'm assuming you have a backup plan, yes?" She inquired, wanting to know that much before they headed out. Kakashi was smart, very much so -- or so she heard. But even the most brilliant people could be wrong.

It'd taken a while, but Shizuki had found an old set of ruins an hour away from where Kakuzu and Hidan were hiding. Opening a pouch at her side, she pulled out an empty sheet of parchment and quill, a small bottle of sealed ink following suit. Setting the ink first down, she kept the quill and parchment held firmly in her right hand, her left brushing off the surface of a nearby altar. She didn't want any traces of where she had been being traced and even the slightest amount of dirt could do just that. Shizuki was many things .. a fool was not one.

Once she was damn well certain it was more than clean enough, she set it down. Exhaling deeply, she closed her eyes, silently adopting a new persona and mindset. It tended to help her with her forging skills, no matter how odd that would seem. But if she could imagine being someone else rather than herself, Shizuki could shift her handwriting and make it look so very different, as if her new disguise actually existed. Nodding slowly, her eyes opened as she imagined herself similar to Kakuzu yet not; a rough, tall mercenary who deemed themselves to be a businessman more than anything.

Dipping the quill deftly into the ink, she began to quickly yet carefully write the following note ...

"Neji Hyuuga,
One million gold ... that's what I ask. Once I have that, you'll have your fiance back. Failure to comply will guarantee nothing good; testing me out isn't recommended. I'll keep in touch in my own ways. Reply back to this soon ... lest you want to see what happens when you disobey."

No signature, no nothing would be added at the end. As Shizuki glanced back up, she took another steady breath. If this letter did wind up being as accurate as she'd written .. it'd be merely coincidence, which pained her. She didn't truly wish for anything to happen to Tayuya ... but there was no way to help her without getting herself executed. Biting on her lower lip, she whistled again. Thankfully, her bird must have been close enough because it soon landed upon her arm.

Folding the note neatly, she put on the front "Neji Hyuuga", a simple way to address whom it was for. "To the Uzumaki lands, find the boy with white eyes ... " she murmured, a sigh leaving as she watched it fly off.

With the bird being much faster than a mere horse, it flew over the group a few times before complying ... and the note soon fell into Neji's lap.

Anko raised an eyebrow as she watched the hawk. "... It would seem these thugs are indeed smart. It takes quite a bit of skill to handle hawks." She mused lowly, glancing over to Neji, awaiting to see what the letter read. It seemed that would be their best lead for now before heading off .. and she'd wait to know or get a better idea on whom they were dealing with.

"Hmph, not yet no." Tayuya replied, shifting to make herself as comfortable as possible given the circumstances. "He's just a spoiled brat ... nothing more, nothing less. But that's not vital anyways. You two aren't gonna be able to keep this up, definitely not for two weeks." It was so very bold, cocky and arrogant ... but she was putting a lot of faith into Neji. Even during the brief time they'd been together, he appeared to be a man whom when he wanted something finished, it was. No questions or hesitations.

Thus, she had little to no doubt she'd be found. Two weeks was a lot of time and much could happen in between then. Hopefully, it'd only be things that would work in Tayuya's favor, not against her.
Kakashi had only a small amount of information on this woman, he knew she was close to Orochimaru, and a scout, but that was about as far as things went for his knowledge, but he looked up noting that she was smart as well. He would have to remember that, and he had thrown her into the plan sort of at a whim almost, more knowing the skills of the others, and the closeness of the other warriors in the group.

"Yes, of course, if things are not there, and they we know they are not moving to another kingdom, there are to smaller possiblities, if this happens we will split up into two groups, Anko, you and I will go after a small area to the north of these hills, and Neji and the others will move south. These areas are also along the trade routes and will tell us if they are moving towards Uchiha lands, if nothing is found we will now that we need to move fast to this point over here on the direction to Hyuuga lands," he said pointing everything out on the map as he talked about it. He was focuse and honestly he was wanting to help the relationship between the Uzumaki and Hyuuga knowing it could be very key for the future of both kingdoms.

Neji got the message and looked at it, handing it to Kakashi, quietly as he was thinking too, he let his eyes look over to Anko, and blinked as he thought about something, they had support someone who had money and wanted Tayaya kidnapped, perhaps it was rebel group within the Uchiha lands. "Lady Anko, have rebel been causing any problems recently in your lands recently," he asked cooly as he had a bad feeling they might be, and this connected to some rebel group somehow."The amount is to high, they are trying to make a point or they have no intention of letting her go in the first place," he said the thought causing him to quietly steam as he knew what his last words meant.

Kakashi didn't say anything, Neji had said it before he could ask almost the same thing. He knew too that someone who was more then a bandit was supporting this. He looked up his eyes on her, wondering what she would say and thinking about going with plan B right way, worried it was also related to something in the Uchiha Kingdom as well.

Kakuzu walked up to the woman and looked at her as thought about punching her, somewhat annoyed by the woman, "we shall see, your to loud you know that," he said as he walked away from her sitting down and thinking about the best ways to avoid possible people after them. He figured most likely only a few people would come, the Uchiha hated this girl enough to capture her, so why would anyone care about her. "It seems to me, you doomed, no one wants to come out after you, why else would your own kingdom have you kidnapped. Unless your a turncoat, and a traitor, which seems most likely."

"If you count just the Prince, that's honestly the worst. Even before Fugaku sent him off to do this seeking out a bride task, he's been insistent and adamant on refusing." She bit on her lower lip, thinking on her own words. Well, at least she didn't seem to be the only one thinking of this possibility which did make her feel a bit better. At the same time, it made her heart sink. Tayuya was one of her closer friends. Hell, she wouldn't have known her without Orochimaru, one of the few things the ranger did owe to her mentor besides the lessons in fighting and such. She paused, exhaling deeply as she glanced at the note briefly. "Admittedly ... Tayuya and Sasuke have never gotten along. He hasn't deemed her worthy of being one of us, one of the Uchihas. She was taken in as .. abruptly as myself, honestly. Sasuke looks on people like us as if ... we're traitors or something of the like."

But still, this was the Prince they were speaking of! Already, it made things all the more dangerous. But she couldn't think of few others more desperate enough. And the lack of witnesses had still been bothering her. Gazing around them a few times, her voice lowered before she finally asked Neji with one of the most serious tones in her voice, "In fact ... where has Sasuke been this entire time? If he can't provide an alibi .... " She let her thoughts trail off, knowing both Kakashi and Neji could fill in the blanks. It was an almost depressing thought to consider, but she wasn't seeing many other culprits. No, not depressing, borderline insane.

Still, few other things were making sense at this point in time to Anko ... and something hinted to her Neji was on a similar mindset as herself.

A proud smirk couldn't help but cross Tayuya's face. True, it may very well be the worst time to let it show but the hell with it. She'd managed to get under her captor's skin -- even if only for a few seconds. With any luck, it'd make him screw up and do stupid mistakes. Her body flinched slightly when he approached but almost instantly relaxed as he moved away. "You don't know shit of me so don't assume my situation. No no ... you'll definitely have people after you. There's no question or mistake on that. Hmph, no fucking way. If anything, I've been too loyal to them, it seems. It's really just what I said earlier ..."

She gave a light shrug before adding in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone, "Sasuke really is just a selfish prick. Nothing more, nothing less. He's supposed to be seeking out a fiance and is outright refusing. I've already found one ... and he knows the news won't go well with his father to hear I've done what he's failed to. So he's resorting to this ...." She allowed her thoughts to finally trail off, the rest of her sentence echoing in her head instead.

"And yet, that will be his downfall. Really, what in the hell was he expecting? Neji to not do shit? Fucking idiot ... "
Neji Hyuuga was normally a rather calm person whose emotions didn't show through all that well. In some ways actually somewhat similar to his uncle actually. He at this point was mad, straight up pissed off, even his level of self control wasn't really working at all. "Uchiha, Sasuke, I haven't seen him since Kushina gave him a tongue lashing for his fight with Uzumaki Naruto," he said as he had a feeling the Uchiha happened to be behind this and that he was the person. It made a whole lot of sense, a way to go behind the back without directly doing anything and getting his revenge on Tayuya himself and even Hinata for whatever they had done. His face told the story, he was so mand that he was gripping the box he was sitting on breaking off a corner of the box as he sat there.

"Lets go, I am sure it would be plan C, Lee, and Tenten will come with me and hunt down Sasuke Uchiha, you two can search for this spot, that way, if you find her you can save her, cause I am sure Sasuke wouldn't hire cheap thugs. Secondly if we find Sasuke first, we will get that fucking bastard too talk," he said not even realizing that he had said the curse wood, but blinking as he saw the look that Lee gave him of shook at the fact that Neji Hyuuga just cursed. He blinked as he looked at them, and sighed, "yet, whatever you advise, I will understand. I want to save her, and I want Sasuke if he has anything to do with this, to pay."

The logic made sense, and he knew that he and Anko could split up if that was needed as well. He looked at the Hyuuga, he was a talent, but he was a driven talent, he would do all he could to find this woman, which told him all the more just how much she meant to him. Kaskashi nodded his head, "fine, but if you don't find Sasuke within two days, move to the the secondary place in the plan," he said with a calm tone as he then looked over to Anko to see what her opinion on the subject happened to be. He figured they could handle this and he had already thought of spliting up into two as a back up plan, this just did that faster.

Kakuzu looked at her and blinked before raising an eyebrow, he was being paid by a kid with a problem of being shown up, that was rich. He didn't care the reason ultimately though as he looked over at her, he shook hsi head, "Well, then, we shall see if they are any good at fighting, for if they send just this lover boy of yours, you will never even have the chance of being a widow," he said with a smirk figuring he could hit back where it would hurt, just as well with words.

Anko's eyes couldn't help but soften. She may never have understood his fury from a lover's point of view but a friend's? Definitely. Still, if she let her own temper flare like how his was beginning to, she wouldn't get anywhere. "We will get her back. Rest assured." She swore, getting up to her feet. "However ..." She peeked again at the note, looking back to Neji. "These people have already shown they're pretty damn serious just by taking her. I'd heed the note and reply to it. Send it off in a similar fashion like how they did to you. If anything ... maybe you can trace to whom it goes to." She mused, nodding slowly at her own idea before giving Tenten and Lee a glance, silently suggesting if he did go through with that, for them to both follow.

A quick and very understanding nod from Tenten was easily seen in a matter of seconds, making Anko feel better on having given out the suggestion.

"Agreed though if you don't find him in two days ... I would also have Kushina or Minato send a correspondence to Fugaku. He won't like even the mere suggestion of his youngest son being behind this ... but he should know all the same. Surely he'll realize that if this is indeed his doing what it'll cause in terms of troubles between the two other factions. And Sasuke will pay -- more likely than not from his own father and his judgement. But ... we'll see when all is said and done. Just don't fret too much. We are getting Tayuya back, regardless." Finally, the pupiless eyes turned to Kakashi as she nodded. "Alright, ready to head out when you are."

"He's not that stupid ... " She merely hinted in a soft tone. Pulling her knees up, Tayuya let her head fall upon her patellas, simultaneously hiding her smirk which grew even more so. She knew that Neji would not only seek her out -- but with others and some were likely to be even more skilled than himself. These idiotic mercenaries had steadily but surely begun to dig their own graves .. and all without realizing it. Her eyes slowly closed as she began to somewhat reluctantly relax.

Unfortunately, Kakuzu was right on one thing. She'd have to now play the waiting game, knowing until someone found her, there was little more that could be done.
Kakashi gathered up his things, "okay Anko, it is time we get going," he said as he walked over to the stables and found his own horse one that was all white one as he walked what looked like a dog followed them, a dog followed them, it was one of his tracking dogs, one that could be counted on finding what it was after if it found its track. He figured he could help use that dog to help track Tayuya if he needed too. He looked over at Aiko as he rode forward, the woman was smart and he was sure a good warrior, which meant that go well. He knew little about her other then these things, but there was a small part of the head knight that wanted to learn about her, but mostly he figured that such things had little chance of happening.

Neji nodded as he wrote a letter, to send to the person who send the first one. He wrote out how he couldn't pay right away, that he wasn't in Hyuuga lands, that he would have to get with his uncle and they would need time to arrange the money, as well as communicate the urgent need for it. That he wanted to know somehow that Tayuya was okay as well before the money was advance anymore, and that he would find a way to get this done as best as he could but that he was only a simple member of the side branch, and she was asking for a whole lot of gold.

Neji then wrote the Fugaku about the fact that it seemed that his son had done what he done, attacked a member of his own loyalist, and acted in such a horrible downright bad way. Neji asked Fugaku to send for his son and have him help find Tayuya, that if he was truly innocent of working towards the crime, that he would be able to help find her and that he would want to volunteer to help find her out of the kindness of his heart and his support of his loyalist. He asked Fugaku to advance this idea onwards to Sasuke from that direction.

Neji looked at the two, "okay, Lee, lets figure out a contest, lets see who can find out where Sasuke is first, first one to figure it out wins," he said with a smile putting his rivals desire to win in play to help him find Sasuke and hopefully then find Tayuya as well. He smiled as Lee agreed to the deal right away, and went out looking for Sasuke just leaving himself with Tenten, "okay, that should draw some attention," he said to himself, "Lets keep an eye on the gates, Sasuke will surely hear of people asking for him and will either confront Lee which is find, Lee can handle Sasuke, or head for a fast exit in which case we can nab him," he explained as he looked at his friend.

All Anko needed to hear at that moment was that he was ready as well. Getting back on her horse, she waited for Kakashi to be on his. Her head turned as she gave Neji one last reassuring smile before following beside Kakashi. Unbeknownst to the head knight, he wasn't the only person who wished to learn more about the individual beside them. Anko wanted to know more of him as well .. but now wasn't the time or place. Orochimaru had raised her very well with the 'all work, no play' mindset, unfortunately and it'd remained firmly with her over the years. The silence lingered between them a bit .. before a fair question came to her mind.

"To begin with, do you even know of any mercenaries? Names, faces, anything to begin to give us a lead on whom exactly we should look out for?" She finally inquired, keeping her eyes in front of the path ahead of them. Even still though, her ears remained alert and eagerly waiting to hear any input he would have.

Once another bird arrived, let alone with a parchment, Shizuki couldn't help but panic slightly. "... Oh hell did ... ??" As she opened and read the letter, her heart almost instantly sank. The reply was even worse than she'd expected. The fact Neji even complied was something she hadn't honestly expected. "Fuck, fuck, fuck now what?! Damnit, idiot Prince .. I could have told you this wouldn't have worked ... " A weary sigh passed her lips as she went quiet, thinking how to go about this.

Now would be one of the few and only chances to redeem herself, to get herself from having a less severe punishment compared to the one Sasuke would no doubt receive. But there in itself was her concern ... what would happen if Sasuke found her first? She bit on her lower lip, glancing down at the empty altar. Her head shook no slowly. This shouldn't have happened in the first place. She didn't need to know all the details to be damn certain of that much. Her gut was saying this was unfair enough as it was. It'd be worth the risk .. but she was going to be an official double agent, betraying Sasuke yet acting as if she were still working for and with him.

With all that was already going on, she had little doubts that by now Kabuto knew of Tayuya's abduction. Hopefully he would be able to connect that to her absence --- but in a more positive way. As in, assuming Sasuke asked for her to be here which was true and not. So it wouldn't be a complete lie.

Nodding to herself, she mounted her horse yet again and began riding to the Uzumaki lands. Once she arrived, it would be a matter on whom she'd find first -- the Prince or the infuriated lover.

Tenten nodded, standing up beside Neji. "True ..." She paused as a thought came to her. "You think he's doing this all by himself? I mean ... wouldn't he be given away without having some help? Not Tayuya's captors I mean but .. someone else?" She asked, beginning to walk beside him while still offering the suggestion.
Kakashi nodded his head as he heard her question, it was a very legit point, "I don't know, I have a basic idea of what people take jobs like this, and what people among those have skill enough to get into the Uzumaki Palace steal a woman and have no one find her, but there are about 10 people it could be, luckily I know what all 10 of them look like," he replied as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a black book and handed it Aiko between horses without losing balance or anything. It was a kind of wanted guide he had made with MInato, which had the records and appearance of everyone in the kingdom that was a high level bandit, as well as where they might be, and what other kingdoms the hide in, when the heat was on them. Many pages had xs meaning they were taken care of.

"I think it might be the ones on pages 7 and 8, they are known to work together, and they are very good," he commented as he rode, "though it could also be the man on page 11, he has been missing for some time and no one knows where he is at the moment," he said as he rode onwards his eyes focused ahead of him, he figured the book might help Aiko come up with ideas too, see faces that she might know and might know the Uchiha as well. He knew that Kakuzu and Hidan were on pages 7 and 8, while the Warrior nicknamed the Demon of the Mist happened to be on page 11, both were extremely deadly and they would have to be careful when fighting either of them.

Still he would figure a way to handle them, he was good at this fighting stuff. He looked ahead both oynx eyes focused as he moved fast, picking up his pace, wanting to get to a location where they could stop by that night, so they could at least get a decent amount of sleep before anything went down. He figured the next day would be a busy one and that getting rest would give them a edge of captures whom were most likely taking turns watching out for trouble and would be less fresh for any fight between them that might happen the next day.

Neji looked down, and nodded his head, "Sasuke is not very impressive, he is a idiot and he things to highly of himself, he most likely got a person under him to do his message if he sent it, and then he most likely is using them to transfer the messages as well," Neji said as he looked at the people in the town watching them closely. His eyes picked up on Shizuki, "Tenten, check her out, she doesn't look like she belongs around here does she," he asked as he looked at her more carefully, he had a bad feeling about that woman, something just stuck out about her, maybe it was the way she carried herself perhaps, or just the demeanor that she had on her face as she walked, but whatever it was it really stuck out badly to his pupilless eyes.

A small smile couldn't help but cross Anko's face as she saw Kakashi produce the black book and hand it over, revealing it to have quite an array of possible suspects. "Your reputation is indeed as strong and good as I've heard ... " She mused, going to the pages he recommended. Her fingers tapped lightly upon the pages while her left hand continued to hold onto the saddle. "Hm ... whichever one is the most greedy is our best bet. After seeing such a demand ... it seems to fit the profile the best." The pupiless eyes continued to study the three men for a few more moments before she handed the book back.

"... Let's assume it is the duo, Kakuzu and Hidan. How ... " She paused, thinking of the right words to use before continuing, " ... rash are they likely to get with Tayuya I suppose, for lack of a better wording? Or do they know the term 'self-control'?" She didn't want to get there too late, not if it could be helped. With them already being in the book and as skilled as they seemed to be, that alone made them dangerous. The unknown factors only added onto it all .. and hopefully it would do so for the best.

As his pace increased, so did hers, ensuring to remain strictly beside her partner.

As Shizuki dismounted, she gave the horse a pat near it's back, sending it off and away. After all, she had stolen - borrowed - it and was done with it for now. The sight of a brown-haired female beginning to approach her did indeed catch her eyes but so did the pair of white eyes behind the newcomer. .. Well, this is either going to be a stroke of good luck or bad ...

Tenten didn't need to close the gap between herself and Shizuki for the forced spy to step forward and place herself beside her. "That would be Neji Hyuuga, yes?" she asked the other female.

"... Yes ... " She answered hesitantly, beginning to lead her towards Neji. Her arms stayed tensed up, ready to produce a weapon if push came to shove. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself if anything bad happened to him.

Once she was in front of Neji, Shizuki knew it would be pointless to waste any time in speaking up. "I have a metaphorical sword against my throat at the moment. You've likely pieced it together ... but Sasuke has appointed me the messenger." Her hands quickly raised in front of her -- unarmed but still ready all the same. "Before you go having your fit, know you're not alone. I never wanted this in the first place nor have I been overly fond of Sasuke from the get-go. But think on it this way; he can order my execution with a snap of his fingers and likely would have if I refused to do this. Help me ... and I'll help you. I know where Tayuya is - assuming she hasn't been moved yet - and that she's fine. Pissed off, chained .... likely exhausted but otherwise fine last I saw. Help me keep my double agent guise ... and I will do all I can to help you in return, please."

Swallowing softly, Shizuki then went silent. It'd all be up to Neji's reply at this point. But hopefully he'd agree, especially having an update on the status of Tayuya's condition.
Kakashi listened to the words, and thought about them for a good moment or two, he had been leaning the other way, but her arguement had a lot of valitiy to it. He thought about how the two of them acted. They were checks on each other to some degree, he guessed that was why they worked together because of that fact. He took a deep breath as he thought about what they might of done.

"Most likely they haven't done much if anything, Kakuzu is about money, and if this is about just kidnapping then harming the person wouldn't be part of the deal and he might worry might cost him some cash. Hidan, who knows, he is a fanatic and predicting what fanatics will do, isn't the easiest of things at all. Still faith in something as strong as a fanatic it self does require self-control," he commented as he rode quickly as something hit him. "the things that worries me, is we might not catch them. I mean if they feel that the deal has gone south, they might bail on the deal figuring the risk are too high. It is why we have to be careful about how we approach this. If they bail on the deal, then they will kill Tayuya, and leave no tracks behind."

Neji had been moving towards her, he was good at keeping track of people, he paused as he looked at the odd woman, and then stood there as he listened to her comments. He wanted to be mad at this person, it wasn't hard, actually. Yet, he listened and remained quiet. He could attack her or show his anger towards her, but what would that do in the end. Nothing, just make things worse really, and would tip off Sasuke that he knew who his messenger was, which would cause more problems. Now that wouldn't work a bit.

"Fine, I will hide your cover, but I want to know where Tayuya is now, and any other information you can give," he said quietly, "what happens in the meeting, I will forget, including what you have done, if you do so, and if I see Sasuke Uchiha, he won't have to worry about me telling him anything cause I have no words for that person," he said with a quiet furry in his tone, which one could really only pick up on if they knew Neji Hyuuga and his normal self controlled tone of voice. Still this was a lead, and he had to find her. "Yet, if they have seriously or gravely harmed her, you will answer for it someday as well," he added letting her know he was serious about the safety of one Tayuya.

"Hm ... I see your concern. But they'd be more likely to move when given the order.. or so I'd hope. That being said, we may not yet be too late." With the concern of Tayuya's safety being ... hinted she would likely be mostly - if not completely - unharmed, the focus was now solely upon these Kakuzu and Hidan figures. The latter seemed to be a wild card but hopefully, it wouldn't turn into a worst case scenario for them. Her head shook no slowly as Anko thought over Kakashi's theories, especially the last one. "At most, they'll relocate. But if Kakuzu's that desperate ... I doubt he'll allow Tayuya to die. He wants, needs the ransom money. The note has all but spelled that out. But I don't think they'll sink as low to try to take her life."

Even with the words 'don't think' having been included, Anko still felt confident enough on her own guess all the same. Giving a brief but reassuring smile to Kakashi, her boots connected with the sides of her horse, speeding up to quicken the pace of her mount even moreso.

A sigh of relief was the first thing to leave Shizuki's lips. "Thank you." She replied, knowing perfectly well he didn't have to reply with the choice of words and actions Neji had given her. Giving a quick nod of understanding and approval for his terms, Shizuki allowed her eyes to do a quick glance before focusing back to Neji. "At the moment, she's in a set of caves ... southeast-ish of here. I don't know their names but Sasuke hired two men to keep her held. She's supposed to remain with them for two weeks but ... I doubt it'll go on for quite that long. One has white hair and violet eyes, the other had dark onyx eyes and raven hair. The one with black hair is the businessman of the two, per se."

Shizuki went quiet, thinking if she'd missed anything. "While Sasuke did give the two free reign to do anything they wished - so long as not too much harm was given to her - , no moves were made last I saw Tayuya." Even with the wild card having been revealed, hopefully the fact it hadn't been used yet would still reassure the Hyuuga enough.

"Since you got back to the letter ... I need to pretend to rendezvous with him, inform him since I'm playing the double agent card. However, before I head off, is there anything else you wish to know? Or have I given you ample details for the time being?"

Shizuki fully expected and was ready to accept any consequences if Tayuya did get wounded. But gods help her, the selfish side of the espionage expert didn't want death of all things. Then again, what sane person did? None she knew of.
Neji looked at the young woman nodding his head, he could understand the dangers of having to follow orders, his father did die following orders to protect his uncle after all. He nodded to her as he walked past her, "nothing, I don't believe Sasuke is in the capital right now, so you can say you couldn't find the Uchiha," he said in a whisper as he passed her and walked up to Tenten, looking at her focused now, he had a place to go and he knew that if they moved fast enough they could back up Kakashi and Anko if that was needed.

"Tenten, find Lee, and meet me at the gate, we are going to head to safe Tayuya," he said looking at her putting a had on her shoulder, his tone still very quiet as he looked at her. He then headed though town gathering up three good horse and taking them to the gate where he could wait on Tenten and Lee. He figured they would have to ride hard and fast, but it was more then possible to give Kakashi and Anko the news and catch up with them. He knew that Lee would be pumped about this challenge at least, he thought to himself as he made sure the saddle bags for the hourses were all prepared correctly.

Kakashi looked at the end of the wooded areas, and knew that it was the best place to stop. He slowed down and stopped slowly as he motioned for her to do so, the sun wasn't down yet, but he knew that even if they went after Tayuya that it would be best to go either at night if they knew where she was, or really in the day, when they would be able to see better during the search, "Anko we are stopping here for the night, we should be under plenty of cover here, the woods will block anyones view of where we are," he said as he got down from his horse and led him into the woods to tie him up against one of the tree branches as he gathed his things from the saddlebag on the horse.

"The area they are in most likely is in those hills up there, just about 5 miles up, there are a lot of hills though, a good 24, so it might not be so easy to find Tayuya and the men who kidnapped her," he said as he started to work preparing a very small tent for himself to sleep under that night, just encase it rained, then he would need the protection, his oynx eyes focused on getting his work done, "So, you work for Orochimaru, is there anything else interesting about you?" he asked as he worked. Kakashi was a bit curious about the purple haired shinobi, she was skilled, was smart and was pretty good looking too. "Are you and Kabuto an item," he asked figuring that was the case.

A nod of appreciation and gratitude left Shizuki's head. This had actually gone much smoother than she had honestly feared. "Thank you again ..." She whispered softly before walking away, looking more as if she'd merely been chatting with the Hyuuga than betraying the Uchiha prince. Her heart was still racing from that exchange of information but she had no regrets. Shizuki had never wanted or liked this from the get go ... and the Prince had never gotten her attention. Well, not in the good way rather. Pulling her hood up - both out of habit and to keep her guise up - she began seeking the Prince out, continuing her obligations while still playing the 'double agent' card as she'd promised Neji.

The tone in Neji's voice plus the look in his eyes hinted to Tenten that the Hyuuga was definitely serious. Then again, she couldn't overly blame him. She'd be as sincere if this were her in his spot. "Alright ... I'll make haste and return with Lee." She promised, turning on her heels and running to the gates. Her legs did ache but not nearly as bad given they'd had a break from chasing Lee down. Once she arrived, she gave a 'Come here' motion with her hand. "We're heading out ... we got a lead." She merely relayed, beginning to guide Lee back to where Neji was waiting.

Anko noted Kakashi's pace slowing, resulting in a complete halt soon enough. Glancing around, she gave a firm nod after a bit. "Yes, this likely is the best spot that we'll find soon enough. Very well." Dismounting, she then followed suit with tying her own horse to a branch nearby, sitting down across from Kakashi. A hand ran through her hair, a weary sigh leaving as he gave his thoughts on how things would go. ".... We'll see. Honestly when all is said and done, the main thing I care about is keeping my promise to Neji on getting her back. I have a rep of my own back in the Uchiha lands ... it'd be embarrassing for me to start failing tasks given to me." She added, a wry smirk crossing her face.

And then the no doubt most interesting questions were brought up. She'd been ready to answer the first about if there was anything else interesting of her ... but the inquiry of her and Kabuto being a couple made her unable to snicker and chuckle. "Good jest. No no .. if anything, we're more along the lines of rivals. He sees me ... as competition. We've both known Orochimaru for a while and he tries to look like the better 'right hand man' to him. But he knows there are some skills that I have which he can't learn though it does work the same for myself, admittedly. But ... "

Her head shook as she chuckled softly, the thought continuing to go through Anko's head. "No, no. I'm not attached to anyone. I'm too devoted to my work and more than that, I doubt any man could honestly handle me." She added, her smirk widening. "Well since you asked me, what of yourself? You have anyone .. or at least a woman you've had your eyes on for a while?"

She'd get back to the first question later. Right now, she wouldn't mind doing this exchange of questions especially since he hinted he was as intrigued with her as Anko was.
Kakashi hadn't thought about the possiblity that the two of them were rivals, he knew they were both connected to Orochimaru and figured they were important to him. Her second statement made sense, she was there for some things Orochimaru couldn't handle, and Kabuto was there for the other things she or he couldn't or didn't want to deal with. He fixed up his tent rather quickly, it was rather simple which meant that it didn't really take much work to get it up and ready for himself to sleep under that night.

He listened to her question and blinked for a moment at it, and then shook his head, "No, no one in my life, haven't had any woman in my life since I was a teenager, and she is happily married to an Uchiha," he said smiling over at her as he showed that last part didn't bother him in the least. "work as I am sure you know prevents people from meet, and keeps people to busy to find someone worth having your eyes on sometimes," he said as he looked over at Anko. He knew that Kushina would scold him for that view, and would tell that he needed to go find a nice young woman, he just hadn't found anyone worth his time as of yet at least.

Neji nodded to the others, "okay Tenten, Lee we are going to move fast, and we will catch up to Kakashi and Anko tonight, I am rather sure where we are going to find them, we have to move fast, ride hard, and keep out attention on our work," he instructed the other two as he lead them out the gate. He had gotten a good look at the map and he remembered where everything was marked and where Kakashi had pointed on the map as well.

Neji led Tenten and Lee down the path fast, galloping hard moving far faster then Kakashi and Anko had, he knew that if he kept he pace he would be able to find the pair before they moved, and he could give them the information that he had gotten that day. That information would be key to helping them figure out how to get Tayuya out of trouble and back in the safety of his arms, hew as a focused Hyuuga, more so then ever, he arrived at the camp not that long after Kakashi and Anko had taken up encampment.

Anko couldn't help but admire Kakashi. There was the old saying about if you love someone enough to let them go. If they came back to you, it was meant to be otherwise ... it wasn't. But when he mentioned the female was wed to an Uchiha ... it made her wonder. There were few people he could even be referring to .. though was that her affairs? Not likely. Besides, if he wanted to give the name out, he could do so. She wouldn't push for it. "Well ... in regards to interesting .... "

Pulling her cloak aside, she revealed an arcane looking symbol upon her shoulder. "Orochimaru used a very risky ritual to give that to me when I was young, not long after I became his apprentice actually. I guess .. it was an unorthodox test of sorts. It's been helping enhance my senses. It's honestly the real reason I'm as good of a scout and ranger as I am." Not only, she knew, but it was definitely a huge contribution all the same. She felt good overall. For far too long, the mark had seemed like .. something Anko had to worry about telling to someone. But she got the feeling from being around Kakashi that she could trust him not to be judgemental.

"I'm pretty sure you'll find someone. You're probably just looking in the very wrong places."

Within moments, Tenten was upon her own horse, galloping close behind Lee and Neji. She remained silent the whole ride, unsure of what to say. The best comfort for her comrade would be finding Tayuya. So for now ... she supposed the best that she could do for Neji was to stay by his side and ensure this search went as well as possible. Sure enough, she noted Neji's gaze and found both Anko and Kakashi after a few moments.

Before any of the three got into view, however, Anko pulled her cloak back over, hiding her mark once again. It'd taken a lot to muster up enough courage to inform Kakashi; she didn't want the others to get involved unless it was absolutely necessary. Turning her attention to Neji, she glanced over towards him. "I'm guessing you found a lead out or some hint regarding Tayuya?" She inquired, curious as to what had brought him here. After all, this hadn't been part of the original plan ... so what had made him want to alter it so desperately?
Kakashi had a good feeling what she was telling him was jut between the two of them and to be kept out of the public unless Minato demanded it point blank. He would honor such words, for he knew that trust was a key to the alliance, but also the key to friendship and a strong team as well. Kakashi felt sort of honored that he had been given that information, it wasn't the type of information that you would ever want to give out just on a whim. He looked at her and shrugged at her own statement.

"One has to have to look first," he mused as he shrugged, honestly he hadn't even bothered looking, he hadn't worried about it, taking his work for his teacher, and Kushina to mean more then pretty much everything in his life. He knew that the mission was important always but so was friendship, the first had been taught to him by his father a legendary knight himself, the later by Minato, who had been a great teacher, as well.

He thought of another question, of course it would most likely confirm whom he had reference with on her first question, that didn't bother him at this moment. He was curious what she had heard about someone he knew rather well, or used to know rather well before they went off their different ways as adults. "I was trained by both my father and Minato, to take up my position, I am sure both had ideas of greatness for me from the start," he said as he heard a bit of movement but didn't let him bother him at the moment. "I trained with Obito Uchiha, he is one of your people, how is the lazy knight doing?" he asked somewhat jokingly refering to Obito as lazy due to his habbits when he was younger at least.

He then did notice the younger ones arriving, He let Anko talk as she seemed to say pretty much what he wanted to know. He figured that the Hyuuga would avoid catching up with them till later if at all, this was actually a bit surprising.

"I meet with the messenger for Uchiha Sasuke, the person didn't tell me her name, but she gave me information about where Tayuya is being held, and it is in the caves ahead of us," Neji commented after quickly dismounting. "I figured there was no purpose of waiting back when we know where the target happens to be. The person is trustworthy, it seems they have little choose in the issue and are not in agreement with what happened either," he explained as he looked at the others. "Perhaps, my group in the morning can cut off the escape from from the area, that way you don't have to worry about them running away," he suggested as he sounded as focused and determined as ever. Tayuya was a woman who was unique, made him feel unique, challenged him in some ways, and made him feel more relaxed, and may other things which he till then really sparely ever felt.

Though Anko had noted everything Kakashi had said to her before Tenten, Lee, and Neji's arrival, she would wait for them to be alone to pick up their talk. And given all that Neji explained, it sounded like in the morning, before they found the correct location. An affirmative nod left her head as she heard Neji's suggestion. "That would likely be for the best. Assuming our guess on who is keeping her is correct ... even the three of you combined would have a hell of a time against one of them." Besides, it'd be pointless for her to have sworn to Neji to bring Tayuya back if he wound up dead from some careless action. Standing up, she began rummaging through her own saddlebag and pulling her own tent out.

Her free hand went in front of her mouth to hide a yawn as she then began getting her tent set up. "Did any of you even bring one of your own?" She asked, curious as to how well they'd planned ahead. "You can stay with me in mine if you didn't, Miss .... "

"Oh ... um .... Tenten and thanks." She snuck a glance over to Neji, knowing that the answer would lie with him. After all, she'd run off to get Lee; he was the only one who even began to have the chance to try to take care of such things or not. But something told her the answer was no. Still, on the off chance she was wrong, she waited for Neji's reply.

While Anko worked, her mind was thinking on everything Neji had said. A reluctant messenger? That was interesting. So it was Sasuke then .... he wouldn't likely ask for anyone from the other two factions to do this. So it's one of ours, hm? And then it dawned on her. Last she heard, Kabuto had been asking around on where Shizuki had been. A smirk crossed her face, a slow nod leaving her head. "Ahh ... I see on this messenger thing. Yes ... of course the bratty Prince would manipulate her, knowing she's nowhere as high as me in rank."

A curse echoed in her head, trying to keep herself somewhat decent in mannerisms around the adolescents, before she finally finished. "Well ... feel free to enter. I'm pretty sure Kakashi will offer you the same generosity." Unable to help herself, Anko gave a playful smirk to Tenten, seeing she was definitely a bit nervous. "I don't bite if you're worried on that." And with that, she vanished inside the tent, lying upon the already installed sleeping bag, her head easily finding a pillow.
Neji nodded his head as he looked at her, "Yes, um we were split up working and I had a bit of time before we gathered to find what I could near the gate, I found two tents, both of them will work find enough, I would guess, the only problem we have is that their is three of us," he commented as he thought about it for a moment and wasn't sure if he could handle shairing a tent with Lee of all people. "Well we will figure something out," he said as he looked at Anko.

He nodded to her question, that was what it seemed, "I would guess she isn't someone very high, but someone who is pretty skilled at least, and if you know who the person is, then you I am sure know how trustworthy they are more then us," he mused outloud but let the topic slide as he knew that they would need to rest. He looked at Tenten and Lee, for a moment.

"First Lee we are not sharing a tent, if anything I will sleep alone insteads outside, Tenten could you do me the favor, I will owe you one," he almost begged Tenten, knowing that they just had two tents as he then looked over to Lee and blinked looking at him.

Lee was not paying attention, "so sensei's rival is here, that means I can show off my skills and thus show off how great the power of my sensei's youthful power is," he said loudly as he was not worried about anyone possibly hearing him at all. He nodded his head, "yes, I will show the greatness of the power of youth tomorrow, and show Kakashi that my sensei is the best ever," he added just as loudly as if he was talking to himself.

Neji looked at Tenten and gave her the look, again almost begging her to accept the favor, Lee just was to hyper and to loud for him to be around. At least Sakura wasn't around for him to try to show off in front of her, that would of made things far more...annoying then they happened to be at that moment. Neji led the others in and started to put up the two tents they did have, both average in size.

Tenten could already practically hear the favor in Neji's voice. Her hands went over her chest. She went silent, seriously contemplating this. There would be one good thing of accepting, she supposed, and that would be knowing Lee wouldn't try anything stupid. Like sneaking gropes or anything of the like. He wasn't that type of man, thank gods. But otherwise, the very concept of sleeping, sharing a space with someone of the opposite gender bothered the hell out of her. Admittedly, though, she wouldn't have been much better with Anko, mainly because the woman was still a stranger when all was said and done.

Just as Tenten had literally seemed to hear the favor, he'd be able to see - without activating his eyes - the dead serious glare given to him, as if she were replying with her face. Something along the lines of "Damn right you'll fucking owe me ... " Her arms raised over her head as she stretched, a low yawn leaving her lips and finally she grabbed one of the tents. Thankfully, an idea on how to make this work had been going through her head.

"Hey, Lee? Mind helping me get this set up? You're much faster and it's like they say; early to bed, early to rise. We should be able to get everything done first ... " She added, heavily emphasizing on 'everything'.

While Anko, Kakashi, and the others were already sleeping - as was Tayuya - Hidan, on the other hand, wasn't. In fact, the better wording was he couldn't. Ever since the messenger had left .. something had direly been bothering him. And with their captor asleep and unable to hear, this would likely be the best time to address the issue. Making the rare and bold gesture, he sat across from Kakuzu, a very serious look in his violet eyes.

"That messenger that came here several hours ago. I've been thinking ... if she fucking hates Sasuke as much as our little bitch over there, what's stopping her from making this go bad for us? Even with the supposed sword against her throat, what if she fucking finds a way to make this very amiss? I feel like next we see her ... we should kill or add her in with Tayuya, some shit like that. What about you?"

Yes, it was bordering slightly on paranoia but when Hidan had his more brilliant moments like now, they always consisted of valid points. He'd practically heard the excitement in his partner's voice when bringing Tayuya back. Now he imagined what could easily happen .. and knowing Kakuzu, he would not be pleased at all. Losing Tayuya too soon would mean they wouldn't get paid ... which would also lead to him having to deal with his partner's wrath. And while he'd been blessed by Jashin's power of immortality - whom he worshiped over-zealously because of - it didn't mean he wanted to take such punishments. Not all the time anyways, just on his own accord. And that was a completely different story.
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