A Middle Age Naruto RP (Yajirobe and LadyYunaFFX2)

Neji looked and moved over closer to HInata and Tayuya, quietly moving around Kushina and Sasuke. He knew it wasn't time to talk, and that based on her tone, that the Queen was not messing around this morning. He sat down next to the two girls and gave them a small smile as he he remained as quiet as possible.

"Well, if you have to know, it was your son who gave these marks," Sasuke said openly as he looked at her, he could see that she was being serious, and it wasn't his style to beat around the bush or lie, he was an Uchiha after all, and he was far to good to lie about what happened. "I challenged your son to a fight, he accepted, and we fought last night. Your lucky son got some punches in, and some cheap hits too, and thus I have some marks, as I am sure he might as well this morning," he said with a smirk on his face.

He wasn't happy about the fight, him an Uchiha should of wiped the floors with a Uzumaki, the fact he didn't and that he arguable lost the fight between them, or maybe pulled a draw was something that annoyed him. He wouldn't call it anything less then a draw though, that would be to much of a hit to his pride. "I guess that brings a different question, where is your son this morning," Sasuke asked in reply, as he kept any demeaning comments directly about Naruto or any mean adjectives about him out of his statements for this moment.

Sasuke hadn't found anyone worth his time in this village, the Ino female seemed interested in him, but he wasn't at all interested in her in the least, she was just as bad as Karin, too horrible fangirls whom were pretty much completely useless in his mind. He was ready to head to Hyuuga lands and then home where he could say he tried his hardest to find someone and couldn't.

A clearly frustrated sigh passed Kushina's lips. Her arms went over her chest as she stared silently into Sasuke's eyes, her mood having gone from the typical generous mood to a very infuriated one. "Where? Well, hopefully, in his room. And you challenged him here now why? Let alone when you are supposed to be doing a task for your family? I should know, me and Minato were at the same meeting with your father and Hiashi. Naruto will have his own scolding for being a fool to accept the fight. But you just admitted to beginning it ... you're as guilty as him." Her teeth gripped her lower lip as her arms remained firmly in place, her head shaking in annoyance.

"I should have you sent back now. However, you're not my child and thus it's not my call. But make no mistake ... your father will hear of this. That can be your punishment .. the shame you've just put upon your clan. Be grateful it's only that for now. Rest assured, repeat this again ... and it will be so much worse than what you're enduring now." She shot him an angry glare and stopped before her feet guided her out of the kitchen. "Don't even think of trying to take your aggressions out on any of them, either while I'm out to check on Naruto. Man up for once and accept your punishment."

With that, she turned and left the kitchen, her fast steps hinting just how angry she truly was. The tone of her voice had been calm and collected, but anyone could hear and see she was anything but content at that moment. The second Kushina arrived in front of Naruto's door, she gave three quick knocks upon it. "Wake up ... now." With all the emphasis on the last word, it was clear she wouldn't accept any arguments.

It'd taken all of Tayuya's willpower to avoid smirking or whistling aloud. It was nice to see someone finally put Sasuke in line. Fugaku was often way too generous for his own good as was his wife. Her gaze never once went to the Uchiha, remaining upon Hinata and Neji. She definitely felt better that even Kushina had worried he'd dare try to take his rage out on any of them and warned of even more dire consequences. More than that, she believed in Neji and his abilities despite not having actually seen any. But if push came to shove, something told her that he could probably beat the Uchiha.

Hopefully though with Sasuke still being wounded - and likely sore - he'd be smart for once and not seek out a fight.

Hinata was finally the first to speak up, keeping a gentle voice even though the topic wasn't about Sasuke. It was more of a habit than anything, one she was trying to improve upon. "So .... did you two get good rest?" She asked, smiling as a nod from Tayuya would soon be seen.
Sasuke wasn't a bit happy to have the tongue lashing that he got from Kashina, but he didn't say anything, he knew that it was a idiot would say something at a time like this. He just endured it, as he figured that it would pass. He didn't feel shame though, no one was worth his time, he wanted to put Naruto in his place though, and show him that he was by far the better of the two of them. It just hadn't gone quite the way that he had wanted it to go. The fact Naruto was in trouble was a bit satisfying for Sasuke enough to help him get over his injured pride at that moment.

Sasuke looked up and narrowed his eyes, dismissing those whom had seen what had happened. He figured they were unimportant small fries especially Tayuya, she was just a peon in his view unimportant in every possible way other then to entertain her father and be a good source of entertainment. He ate quickly not wanting to be around such peons for very long. He put his dishes away and headed out of the cafeteria to find his room and rest some, before heading out to find something to do.

Neji nodded his head watching as Sasuke left, "I can't ever see why some females like that type of guy," Neji said with a shake of his head, he had heard the stories of the fangirls the arrogant prince had on his side. "Hinata, are you going to go check on Naruto when Kushina gets back," he asked figuring he already knew the answer to the statement about what she would do. He did know her as well or better than anyone else.

Naruto heard the voice and was up, he had been up actually, he had a first aid kit and was bandaging his hands and a couple of cuts one right below his left eye. He heard the door and knew he was in trouble. He had been in trouble to know that sound from his mother. He put down the first aid kit and walked to the door, preparing himself for being in trouble. He figured it was best to just face the problem straight on, the more he avoided it, the more trouble he got into. A fact that he had learned over the course of years of getting into trouble.

"Yes, mother, what can I do for you this morning," he said ignoring the fact he knew that he had a good idea just why she happened to be there and that reason being that she was not happy with him.

Only when Sasuke left did Tayuya even begin to relax. A sigh passed her lips as she finally let herself sit down, focusing now upon her meal, Hinata, and Neji. Her head shook, causing red locks to move from side to side as Neji spoke up. "Hell if I know .. " She murmured. "It's like you said. It'll be a miracle if he ever does marry." That would certainly be one major bonus about marrying Neji. Tayuya doubted she would have to live around the brat anymore. That would certainly be fine by her. No, scratch that. It'd be a major blessing. Her head nodded again as she noted Hinata's question, answering it gently, "Pretty well actually, thanks."

"Y-yes .. definitely." Hinata replied, her own sigh leaving her lips. "Hopefully, I can see about him refusing any future fights ... " She added, trying to avoid losing all of her appetite. The news had made it very tempting to do just that but she'd restrained herself. Hinata would need the energy for the rest of the day and food would help out with that.

"Explain why you accepted that stupid fight!" Kushina quickly hissed. "Really now ... you had to?! By what obligations?! You have Hinata to think and worry about, if not your own self! Does that mean anything to you?! I love you and all ... I always will. But damnit, Naruto, sometimes .... " She let her sentence trail off, waiting if there was an actual motive besides pride. "You're lucky Hinata's here, otherwise I'd make you stay here. But the arrangement for you two to make damn well sure you're going to get along began yesterday and if for no other reason than that, you need to be with her, not grounded."
Neji nodded as he was correct which was fine. He then turned to his bigger focus at that moment, the redhead that was also at the table. "Well Tayuya, I must ask, if you think that you would be up for a nice lunch out. I woke up this morning I talked to the cook, for ideas for a date, and he suggested a place down from the village apparently on a small river, it is perfect for a relaxing, and swimming and having fun," he said his tone a bit uneasy especially for him, as this time he was actually asking her directly for a date, not just a kind of hey we need to get to know each other type of moment.

He did turn back to Hinata thought, "If you and Naruto, are up for it, you can join us perhaps, I mean if Naruto isn't in trouble or anything," he said figuring that it would cheer up his cousin's spirits, and give them a option for something that all four of them could do together. It would be possibly a lot of fun, and being outside would be a added bonus cause he would get to see more of this kingdom before he had to head back home.

He figured it was time to focus on the day, and that meant getting to know Tayuya, he blinked as he thought of something. as he looked over at Tayuya again, "Um, Tayuya, I don't mean to offend you at all, but um, I was wondering, do you know how to swim?"

Naruto had expected the reaction that he got and lowered his head as he took it. "Mom, I know, I shouldn't of gotten into the fight," he admitted as he looked down, "I just couldn't help it, I couldn't let that idiot mock me, my clan, and Hinata. I know he was egging me on for a fight but still.." Naruto said pausing as he let out a sigh, he knew his temper got the better of him in this case. "He said the fact that I was going to be married to the fail daughter of the Hyuuga whom wasn't even good enough to be heir over her little sister, showed the Uzumaki was a weak clan, and far inferior to any Uchiha," Naruto replied pausing as he still knew it wasn't the smart move, that his father, Iruka and Kakashi had all told him, that as leader he would have to think about the bigger picture something he knew he didn't do, and failed on when he fought Sasuke.

Kushina's voice finally began to calm a bit, her eyes softening. "Hmph well ... between you and me, the only failure around here is him. The task is simple. All he has to do is focus on it. And what's he doing? Making himself look stupid by doing anything but what is asked of him." A soft sigh passed her lips as she pulled Naruto into a hug. She hated to admit it but if that had been someone else saying such things to Minato, the Queen knew her husband would have done the exact same thing ... in a heartbeat. Her son had reacted instinctively and admittedly, the reasons were indeed better than just pride as to why he'd accepted. So compared to what she'd thought before, it was making more sense.

Not to say she was at all happy with the fact this had happened at all. But it did add some pieces into the unsolved puzzle. Her arms let go after a bit as she knew now how to proceed with her portion of the day. "Well ... don't mind him from now on, okay? He can keep making foolish moves for all I give a damn, but I don't want to see you returning said gestures." She added, small hints of her serious tone returning once again. "The others are in the kitchen, getting breakfast. Go meet up with them .. especially Hinata .. when you're done. Give your complete attention to her and no one else -- unless it's asked from me, your father, or someone else."

With that, she gave him a reassuring smile then headed off to her chambers. Her head shook as she thought back on the explanation Naruto had just given her. Hmph, weak huh? Yes, says the person who refuses to try to marry for his clan. Selfish, arrogant ... Her thoughts continued to stay in her head, steadily turning into curses. Once she arrived into her and Minato's room, she grabbed an empty piece of parchment, some ink and a quill and began deftly writing to Fugaku.

A nervous but still genuine smile crossed Tayuya's lips as she heard the idea from Neji. "It sounds good. But ... um ... no. I don't know how to. There aren't the correct bodies of waters in the Uchiha lands. None have fresh water in them and thus aren't ideal for swimming. But I'm generally a fast learner. Um ... I don't really have any appropriate attire for that though ... " She finally added, musing upon it and realizing worse than not knowing how to swim was not having the right things to wear.

"I can let you borrow one." Hinata replied without missing a beat. "We do swim every now and again so I have some spare suits."

"..Huh?" Her head looked up as she gazed towards the other Hyuuga. "You sure?"

"Mhm. I haven't begun to see Neji this genuinely happy in a while. You shouldn't have to say no to his offer from something that can easily be fixed." Her gaze shifted to her cousin as she nodded. "I'll agree on the assumption Naruto isn't in too much trouble." Finally, she turned behind her, noting the lack of Kushiina's footsteps - or anyone's - heading over here. Naruto was either getting a hell of a mouthful or ... something else. A soft sigh passed her lips as she looked back in front of her, deciding to give her betrothed a few more minutes. If he didn't come over still, she'd check his room finally. Hopefully by then, Kushina would at least be done.
Neji nodded and was for a moment a bit disappointed, he had figured it would work, but maybe he could take the angle she didn't have to swim, it came to mind, but before he said anything Hinata commented on giving her a swimsuit. Neji smiled at her sister, "Well, lets hope so, and that Naruto is to worse off for the fight," Neji said in agreement with what he knew was the sentiment from the others at the table.

Naruto nodded as he knew that his mother was being serious, and he knew too, that he needed to start acting less implusive dealing with others like Sasuke Uchiha, or the other he didn't quite get along with so well. He smiled and nodded at his mother, "I think I really do like her, Hinata, I mean, though she is really different from anyone else, she is so kind and sweet," he rambled, as he then gathered up his things as he finished patching himself up before heading down to the hallway.

Naruto walked quickly, he was actually kind of hungry, and he hadn't meant to miss breakfast, especially on such a big day. As he walked he noticed something, one Hanabi was headed somewhere quietly like she didn't want anyone to know she was headed somewhere with what looked like sparing gear of all things on her. Naruto stopped and asked her, so he knew what to tell her clansmate, and she blinked looked down, and said she was going to get something to eat out in town, and that she would be out that day. He blinked figuring he could relay the message to Hinata, and let her figure out what to do with it.

He walked into the cafeteria, shortly after to see the gathering of people, he looked up to see Hinata and smiled at her across the room, before walking by and getting something to eat, and returning to the table and sitting down next to the Hyuuga. "Well um, Hinata, um..Neji, I ran into Hanabi in the hall, I think she has things to do, um does your your sister like to train and spar, cause um..she was carrying sparing gear with her as she left?"

As Naruto's voice caught Hinata's ears, she turned and - without second guessing herself - hugged him. Her heart sank upon seeing the bandages. Hinata knew that both Naruto and Sasuke never got along well but not details. It was making her hope that the rest of this stay would go smoother. She didn't know if she could handle this happening again. Kushina had seemed hellbent it wouldn't under her watch but there was still a very realistic fear of the Uchiha figuring a way out to be discreet next time. Still, she managed to shove the thoughts away for now, focusing upon the thought of a soon-to-happen double date.

"... Spar? Well.. sometimes, yes. But I wouldn't have thought she'd want to now of all times." Her head glanced up, thinking on this as she pulled slowly away from the hug. "That's usually something that father makes her do. But ..." Her head shook. "I suppose if nothing else, she's keeping herself out of trouble, really." She decided, smiling to see that besides from being beaten, Naruto looked otherwise fine. "Neji ... has found a spot and was offering a double date for lunch time." She finally brought up.

With it still being early, everyone would have a good amount of time at least. And when that dawned upon Tayuya, she looked up to Neji. Her voice lowered to avoid distubring Naruto and Hinata as she whispered softly, "Until lunch, did you have any other things in mind to do?"
Naruto nodded his head, he would go along with Hinata, as he gave her his ear. He then listened to the idea about the double date. It seemed like a fun one, he loved being outside, and swimming, though he had to admit to himself he would love to take Hinata to the hot springs sometime later, of course, his thoughts when that came to mind were not the most pure ever and thus he started to blush a good bit at his own thoughts. He shook his head, after a moment, he really had been around Jiraya too much. "Yeah, I am up for it, I am sure it will be a nice day, and fun," he said with a nod, before he went back to eating his food.

Naruto finished quickly actually, and then turned to Hinata, "Well um I know you know what the guest rooms all look like, but why don't I show your, your future room, that way we can figure out what changes need to be made with it, so it will fit your needs as well as mine own, kind of figure out how we will share the room and all," he said as he thought about things he figured needed to be taken care of at some point, this just was one of them.

Neji blushed as he heard the question, he knew just what needed to be done, but he wasn't so a bit embarrassed by this, "Tayuya, please meet me in the kitchen after breakfast," he said in a whisper to her, "I plan on doing a bit of cooking to make the event more special, kind of toss something in, if you are bored you can help me cook, it is always better to have two hands rather than one," he said all in a whisper so mostly Naruto couldn't hear him and make fun for his cooking hobby, but with no parents, he learned the trait early on, and got good at it over time. He was sure that Hinata might be able to agree with him, but he didn't really cook for her, or her sister, he did it just for himself when he had to depend on himself.

Neji got up a moment later and slipped off into the kitchen, taking the plates with him to wash before he would get to work, finding what was there first, then gathering up the things he was going to neat for great tasting cookies. He was impressed by the size of the kitchen, it just was about three times the ones in his own home. He looked at the floor and the eggs, and put them aside as he looked for a mixing bowl. It was something that should be so hard to find, but it was at this moment a true pain in the but to locate.

"... Future?" Her cheeks almost instantly reddened as she put two and two together. Still, he had a bit of a point. She'd need to know everything, locations included, for when they were wed. Besides, it'd be one way to kill time if nothing else. Her head nodded to Naruto as she gazed to her cousin and, at the rate it seemed to be going, future sister-in-law. "We'll rendezvous for the double date later. Um ... actually when he's done with the tour .. " Her attention shifted to Tayuya, resuming her sentence, "I'll let you choose a swimsuit."

Bowing her head to each, she moved out of the kitchen, beginning to follow behind Naruto. Concern filled her voice as she asked after a few moments of hesitation, ".... You .. you feeling okay, Naruto?"

Really? Neji knew how to cook? A sly smirk crossed her face. He truly was an amusing man if nothing else. Then again, it had been established he'd become an orphan at a young age like herself. It was necessary and adults could only spoil one so much before they got weary of it. Sneaking in a quick nod, her own head bowed in appreciation upon hearing Hinata's offer. "Much appreciated, thanks." And once they were gone, she turned back to Neji. First washing her hands, she glanced over and took a mental note on the ingredients Neji had chosen thus far. Flour and eggs were some of the more common ingredients for anything and it was enough to make her look back while drying her hands off.

"What else do you need exactly?" She inquired, observing he seemed to be trying to look for something, an item or ingredient more likely than not.
Naruto stopped as he heard her question, he could hear worry in her tone, it was the sweet side of her that he liked so much. He looked at her, and put his hands on her shoulders as he looked right into her beautiful eyes, and smiled, "Yep, I am okay, I heal pretty quickly, plus, Sasuke didn't really get in that many good punches, I will be great, so no need to worry, it is going to be okay, I am pretty tough too," he said removing his hand from Hinata and pointing his thumb into his chest as he grinned at her.

"Okay, this place actually isn't that big, there are 4 hallways, we are on the first, your rooms are also on this hallway, it is the second largest, the one we are about to walk down is the main hallway connecting everything together," Naruto said pausing as he got to the next intersection, "well to the right his my parents room, it is pretty big, on the left are their offices, and a garden as well.

Naruto then led her too his room and stopped, "this is my room, this hallway has a couple of empty rooms in it, I think encase my parents want to have another kid," Naruto said pausing for a moment, "Now, remember my room isn't the neatest, I am sorry in advance about that."

He opened the door, it was easy to tell that the room belonged to a young man, there were no pictures of naked women, but it was messy, there were things he used work out with, as well as junk of all type and a couple of posters of mostly clothed females he forgot he even had. He blinked as he saw them and felt like maybe this wasn't the best idea ever suddenly.

Neji heard the words from Tayuya and nodded his head, "well there are a few things that I need to find, one is a mixing bowl, then I also need to find some sugar and some butter, and a pan later on," he said as he continued to look around, this wasn't his home that much he knew, most likely why he was having a hard time finding one thing that would normally take him a small amount of time to find if he happened to be at home.

"So Tayuya, when you are not playing your music what do you do back home," he asked earnistly as he kept looking for the bowl, "back home, I am in charge of a few things, helping Hinata and Hanabi's studies, helping train other members of the clan and village as well in hand to hand combat and other such things," he said as he figured it be best to tell a bit more about himself in the process, "when Haishi is normally out of town, I have to sort of keep track of things too now of days and sort of run things in Hinata and Hanabi's place," he added, he knew he had a lot of responsibilities, perhaps that was one of the things that effected his personality, he wondered to himself.

Finally he was able to find the darn bowl and carried it over and looked over at Tayuya, "so want to take turns stirring the bowl, you can have some of the dough too if you want," he said knowing she would now know just what he was planning to make.

Even with the reassurance of Naruto going to be okay, Hinata was still very worried that this wouldn't be the last time he'd get hurt. Even with Kushina having shown she'd deal with the bratty prince, he was likely hellbent and adamant when he wanted to get something. So .. no. Don't think like that .. she insisted, her head slowly shaking no. Within moments, they were in front of another door which Hinata hadn't seen. Soon enough, it was indeed revealed to be Naruto's. Her heart raced faster as she gave a nod, managing a smile upon his warning.

"It's ... it's fine." She replied gently, stepping inside and letting him go in first. While Hinata noticed the pictures, she didn't overly mind them. After all, they were just photographs when all was said and done. If she saw any of them in a few days ... things would be different, as it hinted they weren't only images. Her head shook no again as she gazed over to Naruto. "This ... isn't the worst, really." She reassured him, smiling softly.

Butter was the easiest to find, as it always needed to be kept in a refrigerator lest it go bad while staying out in the open. Sugar took a bit of opening the cabinets and borrowing a chair to make her somewhat taller. But within minutes, she walked beside Neji with both ingredients, seeing he finally found the bowl. "Well .. " she replied gently, beginning to put all the ingredients within the bowl through the appropriate means needed. "I usually play, the real question is whom for. I often do it for entertainment or morale boosts, though the latter isn't overly as common. The civil uprisings have been kept in much better check since the last one, so I mainly do so for the Lady more than anyone, albeit sometimes the Lord requests me to use to my flute also."

She thought as she finished putting all the correct amounts of ingredients in the bowl, slowly beginning to mix them all. "I suppose I also sometimes help with the cooking back there. But most other ... tasks for Sasuke are assisted from other people." And given how she had heard the bastard had been enough of a prick to actually hurt someone else, in their own home no less, Tayuya would be more than content to avoid being too close to the Prince.

Tayuya nodded in agreement on the stirring and soon, another thought came to her mind which made her frown slightly. "Hm ... I'm assuming Itachi's figured something out about that. But I also, sometimes, help him out around his place. His lover .. is expecting but they're keeping it discreet, for now. She's about half way through so chores aren't always the best thing for her to do so I help out with cleaning and errands when he requests it."
Naruto looked at Hinata as he looked around and found a camera that was given to him by his mother long before, and adjusted it a bit before putting it back on the shelve setting it up to take a picture on auto, before looking over at Hinata, "Well, there is something I need, come over here, lets take a picture together, you and I, so that it can be in the room too," he said with a grin as he motioned her over to him wanting to take the said picture with her.

He knew he would have to clean his room up, remove the posters, and such. It was part of being in a relationship, or that was what he could hear his parents tell him in the back of his mind it was. He was glad that she didn't freak out as he had expected, and figured that soon the room would be different, cause it wouldn't just reflect him, and his likes dislikes and such, it would reflect her as well, and the blend of their opinions as well.

Neji nodded as he listened to the statement about her playing at home, it made sense that she would play for people, given her skills, he couldn't see why she would do so. He was impressed, he knew his uncle would be too, but he wasn't sure she would have to do that when she moved in, unless she choose too. He then listened as she explained other things she did, and how Itachi was to have a kid, which was good news for the Uchiha, maybe the could skip a generation and have that kid take over instead of Sasuke.

Neji took turns with her sturring as he thought for a moment, "Well thinks are complex in the Uchiha Kingdom as ever, than again, I can't say anything, I remember reading bandits once tried to kidnap Kushina when she was young, so I guess things can be crazy in all of our homelands," he said with a nod. "I do somewhere, but Hinata does pretty much all the household work of her family, she has to be a queen and a princess, but that too is besides the point," he said catching himself.

"I think these cookies will turn out well," he said as he looked at the mixed up cookie dough and started to put it on a pan to put in the oven to cook, "thanks for the help," he said calmly as he put them in. "One thing I have to admit, also is I have no talent for music, it makes me a bit envious to hear your skills, they are so good, impressive beyond anything we have in my kingdom at least."

Sasuke was pouting, and in a real pouting mood, he had just been told off, and he was going to get a letter threatening him with loss of some privileges when he got home most likely. He wanted to let out his steam somehow, but he wasn't sure at all. He was wondering the village, his mind thinking about how much he didn't like the other two kingdoms, and how useless they were next to the natural greatness that he represented.

"A..alright." A content smile was on Hinata's face as she moved to Naruto's side. Steadily, they were creating an array of memories. All of yesterday's events plus this new photo were just the very beginning, she knew. And from here, Hinata could see it getting much better before worse. Her smile remained even as the click which signaled the photo was done soon echoed in her ears. Her heart was still racing a bit though not from fear but anticipation and excitement. They were going to have a double date soon and at the rate this was going, marriage was no longer a 'maybe' she saw. It was definitely going to happen.

This truly had been more perfect than she'd ever thought possible. When she got the opportunity, Hinata realized just how much she would have to thank Minato for having made this offer at the meeting. Until then, though, she would give Naruto all of her attention.

Tayuya chuckled softly, nodding in agreement. "Nothing's simple anymore it seems." Her heart softened as Neji let out the hint that suggested Hinata and Hanabi didn't have a mother anymore. Or hadn't, more likely but not. Still, it made her admire the young woman even more. If she'd been nervous, the girl hadn't shown it nearly as much as herself. But now that she knew just how vital the Hyuuga was to their kingdom .. it added an entire new level of respect for her as an individual and future relative.

"Well ... aesthetic talents are honestly some of the harder ones to acquire, mainly because it takes years of practice and learning. So don't feel too bad." Her head glanced up in thought as she mused softly, "I don't even know anyone else who has any sort of art or musically inclined talents, truthfully. Then again, I've been sheltered for so long, never having left the Uchiha lands until now." A new thought soon came to her as she looked to Neji. "Speaking of your uncle ... do I meet him soon after we finish our staying together here? Much like how you envy my talents ... I kinda do with the fact you still have some family."

After all, something was better than nothing ... and now was no exception, Tayuya knew.

Kushina had finished the letter, re-reading it carefully over. A soft sigh left as she signed it and stood up. Taking a few flights of stairs down, she arrived in a room filled with many carrier pigeons. A bright white one stood out among the others and she smiled at the sight of it. It was Kushina's personal 'messenger' for when she wanted correspondence to be delivered much faster than usual. It'd taken years but she had managed to train it pretty damn well, to the point it always seemed to understand her.

"To Lord Fugaku ... " She replied gently, watching it fly up and away. Now that the letter was done, hopefully she could relax a bit longer. She began to head towards the kitchen once again, recalling Sasuke side-tracked her from even getting breakfast. The scent of something baking reached her nose and she inhaled to take in the scent. Her steps quickened, curious and drawn to the smell. After soon arriving, she saw both Neji and Tayuya still there, several ingredients still out and about.

"Not bad, that smells pretty good." She declared, bowing her head politely to them both before beginning to help them put away the flour and other items which had been used back in their respective spots.
Neji smiled as he could understand that practice was a key factor in preparing for a career in something like music. He knew that she was skilled, extremely so, and he knew that even with practice, such skill would only come with a natural gift, unless she was someone like Lee, whom defined what it mean to overcome lack of natural ability.He then listened to her questions and nodded his head.

"I hate to say this, but we are basing our travel on that of our double dates, they are to go with us to meet with my uncle, and have a huge masked ball," Neji commented as he knew about it cause he was good at getting knowledge. He thought about it for a moment, "I don't know how Fugaku is as a leader, but my uncle is really stoic, he is a man of few words, and doesn't show his emotions much at all. He means well and thinks of his people and family, as well as his expectations which the kingdom puts upon him."

Neji put the cookies into the oven, "they will be ready soon, I guess you should go find Hinata and pick out a bathing suit," he mused as he looked over at her, he could see her in something, and he tried not too, cause it caused him to turn a tiny bit red from the image.

Naruto smiled as he looked at the camera, he was happy with this pairing, he was so glad that he had a chance to at leaest be with someone sweet and kind. He smiled as he looked at Hinata, "Well, best you go get ready for the date, I have to find the best pair of trunks I have something to make me look as good as possible for you," he said in a way to purposefully tease Hinata as much as possible. He did have to find his trunks, he wasn't sure where he left them, but he would find them, it was just a matter of time, more then anything else,

Sasuke slipped into a store, he had heard about it, he was in a bad mood and he knew whom would pay, that idiot musician, she was happy, she found someone, and her joy and falling for the Hyuuga was going to make him look horrible. His father would see Tayuya and Neji and look at him like why aren't you married, things would get heated and things wouldn't go in a good direction from there. He had to act, he could go after Hinata, but that would bring wrath on him from Minato, that was a person, even he was smart enough to avoid.

Sasuke went to the counter where a odd looking man was standing, his eyes looked at him and he handed him a note.

The man with the strange eyes looked at him and smirked, "okay, I will do it, but the price for it will be double," he said as he saw money flashing before his eyes. For this man the need for money was the best thing in the world. Money could buy you out of any problem solve in issue you had, and deal with bring you any happiness you wanted. So a chance to make this type of money was something he grabbed at as fast as he could.

Sasuke looked at the man before relenting and nodding his head, he would pay the rate, that was asked for, he had picked the place, cause he knew the mercenaries could be quiet and were good, they had a reputation of being the best around, and he needed them to teach Tayuya a lesson about what her place was.

Tayuya's heart quickly sank upon hearing the words 'masked ball'. Of all the things she didn't yet know how to do, dancing was one. It was embarrassing .. very much so given she could do pretty much anything else from singing to playing an instrument. Ah well, they had time for that and the marriage. It was one of the few factors keeping her from having a panic attack then and there in the kitchen. She let her eyes gaze into Neji's before reluctantly nodding. While she didn't want to leave his side, he was still correct. Tayuya did have to get ready and Hinata had been more than generous with offering for her to borrow a suit. "Alright. I shouldn't take too long. I'm not really picky with my fashion sense."

The urge to sneak in a kiss once again tried to dominate the young redhead but she fought against it. The slow and steady approach was working out well enough it seemed. More than that, she wanted to ensure Neji was ready. After all, they'd both been shoved into this situation .. well at first they had. While both were adjusting pretty well, she still didn't want to push for anything until Neji was ready.

It hadn't been until halfway out of the kitchen that Tayuya realized ... she didn't know which room was Hinata's. "... Fuck!" She hissed lowly, her arms going over her chest. "You idiot ... " She murmured at herself, sighing softly. Part of her wanted to turn back and ask Neji for directions but her pride got the best of her. Instead, she continued to wander through the halls, looking out for any signs of Hinata.

Only after Tayuya left did Kushina speak up. A smile was on her face as she looked to Neji. "I admit, when you were dragged into this deal ... I didn't know what to expect. It honestly seemed a bit unfair .. but it seems that you actually wound up with someone very compatible. I'm assuming you've been happy with her so far?" She inquired, taking a seat after grabbing an apple and beginning to nibble upon it. Neji might not have been her son, but he was likely to become a relative soon enough. There were few, almost no, doubts that Naruto and Hinata were doing fine. This, though, had been the most major wild card as was the arrangement for Hanabi to be wed off.

Hinata nodded, smiling as she gave Naruto another hug. "Alright. We should be done soon with any luck. N.. no trying to peek." The tease had come out in a rushed tone and her cheeks showed she was slightly embarrassed at being spied upon. But it really was meant to only be an innocent jest, nothing more nor less. A content sigh passed her lips as she left the room, beginning to head back to her own.
Neji looked at her and smiled, he had thought about kissing Tayuya as well, but he wasn't one to rush anything, he figured taking his time would work. He had a good feeling that down the line things between himself and her were going to work out perfectly. It was a matter of time before he married her and he took her home to be his wife. It wasn't a question to him of if at all. He was very much content with the fact of being with her.

He turned and looked at Kushina, "Well, my lady, good morning again, um, to be honest, I had no idea what to expect. I had no problem with whatever, cause I knew that Hinata was going to be happy with Naruto, they just fit together, well much like you and your husband, if you don't mind me saying," he said his tone honest as he looked at her. "I think that part of the deal will work out, I even think Hanabi will work out with Konohamaru in time, he got her to stop pouting which is something impressive, and I think he got her to go train too, that one will just take time like anyone would figure for them to grow up. I do think all of it will except the Sasuke part."

Naruto smiled as he waved to HInata, he was so happy, he blinked and shook his head, cursing himself for missing another chance to kiss the Hyuuga Princess. He then went about working finding his things, getting them out and preparing himself for the double date, he was really excited and pumped for this, a chance to see Hinata in a bathing suit, it just caused him to blush all over.

Kakazu had made his way into the palace knowing where to find his target, he dressed up as a guard, he looked the part, he was a tall dark haired man with a strong build. He had to find the target knock her out without anyone noticing and slip off to meet is idiot partner somewhere, where they would then hide away till they got the next set of instructions from their boss. He would then figure out what to do, and he would follow them, of course, he might rise the cost of doing whatever he was going to do if he had too.

Kushina nodded in approval at Neji's words. "Of course I don't mind. Not like it's anything horrid or anything." He went on to express his slight concern regarding Sasuke and an inward sigh echoed in her mind. She knew even without directly speaking to Fugaku he would definitely begin to get frantic .. if not worse. And guessing his temper, it would probably cause the latter, somehow. "To say I'm pleased thus far is an understatement. This is all going much smoother than even I thought with several wild cards having been tossed into the deal.

Sweet as it was to hear that Neji was trying to put Hinata's happiness before his own, Kushina knew perfectly well he could spoil himself a bit too. And she had no qualms expressing that thought. "It's good to see someone trying to do all they can for their cousin. But I'm sure your uncle would agree with me that your happiness is as important as Hinata's. Like you admitted, you weren't worried on things working out with her and Naruto so take that knowledge and opportunity to spoil yourself. I haven't seen you smile in years."

A light frown crossed Hinata's lips as she entered her room. "Hm .. maybe they're still cooking?" She mused, deciding that was likely the cause. After all, she hadn't seen what they were making so it could be something which required more time. She knelt down, beginning to pull out an array of swimsuits, stopping midway through. "Oh! She doesn't know where ... oh dear ... " Getting quickly up to her feet, she left her room, joining Tayuya in the same concept of moving through the halls to try to find her.

By now, Tayuya was letting out frustrated sighs and groans. Her pride had kept her from going back to the kitchen though worse than that was another issue. All the twists and turns had made her lost of all things. "Fuck, fuck, fuck ... " She murmured, glancing around. The halls were beginning to seem slightly creepy. They were quiet and empty, more than she was used to. There seemed to be almost no guards around ... wasn't that a bad idea? There were tons within the Uchiha kingdom.

Then again, she supposed this wasn't the Uchiha's residence but the Uzumaki's. They probably didn't need it as much, the security that was.

Running a hand through her red hair, Tayuya continued to gaze around, trying to keep her eyes open for anyone who could point her in the right direction.
Kakazu moved though the halls when he noticed the red hair of the woman whom was his target. He moved quietly, he was trained for this type of work, and came up behind the redhead, his hand holding a rag, which was laced with chemicals that would hopefully knock out the redhead before he slipped out of the door and carried her to his horse which he would quickly ride out of town. It was a bold thing to do. Yet, it paid so well, he could turn it down. His grandfather meet his end doing something similar, fighting the great Senju years before. Now he feared Minato, but if he could get out of town, this woman wasn't connected to him, and thus he figured he or his equally dangerous wife wouldn't act to stop them.

Neji had a sudden bad feeling in his gut, as he looked down for a moment, he listened and nodded, "Well, I guess sometimes it is hard to go against ones nature," he said looking up, as he wasn't the type to smile much, maybe it was a trait that was passed down from his uncle perhaps his uncle was a lot like him when he was young, and the lose of his wife, had effected him to such a large degree. He wasn't sure, but he had never thought on it before, and now that he had sort of someone in his life he could understand a bit better.

"Well, I also plan to make Tayuya as happy as I can, I admit I am not so knowledgeable about this courting stuff, or romantic and bold like your son, but I shall try my best," he said calmly as he looked over at Kushina before pulling the large batch of cookies out of the oven, "My lady, these cookies are for the later, but if you wish to have one you can," he said respectfully, "just keep an eye on them, I want to go see if I can find Tayuya and maybe be a bit more...um bold then normal," he said slipping off to find her mostly due to the bad feeling in his gut.

Though the stealth had worked for Kakuzu, his height hadn't. The shadow had been enough to get Tayuya's attention and turn. By now, she was more than ready to swallow her pride and ask. But from the brief view that Tayuya had of Kakuzu, something felt so very wrong and off about him. Her ankles had tensed, ready to run. But before she could go through with that, the rag went over her mouth. Instincts immediately kicked in as poor Tayuya struggled, not caring on strength differences or anything of the like. It was weak ... but she managed to give the wall a few punches and impacts, hoping to gain some attention. The other hand shakily reached up and grabbed some of her own hair, letting the strands fall to the floor.

Three ... that was the number she got in before her body began to collapse forward. The last sensations she noted before the drugs took full effect were her body being caught, lifted up ... and that was as far as she got.

And indeed, Tayuya's knocking had gotten the desired attention. Hinata quickly turned, having been trying to walk through the halls to seek the same redhead out. She hadn't found her thus far ... but the knock had made Hinata wonder all the same. "... Tayuya?" She asked, trying to follow the brief and abrupt sounds. By the time she arrived, she found nothing ... no Tayuya, at least. Her eyes glanced around and peripheral vision helped her find the strands of red hair. Hinata's heart sank as she knelt down, taking a few and putting them up close to her eyes.

"Neji?!" She called out, her head bowing as she shook. "I should have told her ... no ... " She murmured, remaining nearby what seemed to be Tayuya's last known whereabouts.

Hinata speaking up made Kushina turn. There was a clear tone of panic and feeling frantic. Something had happened. Even though Neji had wanted to seek Tayuya out alone, it sounded like she couldn't let him .. not if it was as bad as it sounded. Her feet began to swiftly guide her, the voice easy enough to trace. It was her kingdom - hers and Minato's - when all was said and done, after all. Of course they knew this place in and out like the back of their hand.

Hidan, on the other hand, was waiting in a secluded and dark cave. "Where the fuck is he?!" He hissed, pacing impatiently back and forth. "He was supposed to be back sooner! What the hell happened now?! He better have a damn good reason!" A frustrated sigh left as a hand trailed through bright silver locks. It was times like now he tried to remember why he'd joined up with Kakuzu. The only thing that came to mind is, unfortunately, the bastard was very reliable. He was the upfront and melee specialist, Kakuzu covered all the areas he lacked, including -- no, especially -- stealth. "Hopefully he's found something ... " Money had been tight as of late but the mercenary job helped cover that at times. If one was lucky enough, anyone would be paying the most insane prices for tasks that no typical person would do. With any luck, that was part of the reason why Kakuzu wasn't yet back.
Kakuzu hadn't expected the woman to put up any fight, she had, and he wasn't very happy about it, still the money he was going to make for this made up for it in spades. He tossed the figure over his shoulder and moved fast, cutting out the door to his horse which had been perfectly placed, and rode off as fast as possible zigging and zagging the whole way to make his trail as hard as possible for anyone to find. It was going to be a hard won treasure he got, but it would really be a treasure.

He arrived and looked at Hidan, the fanatic. and narrowed his eyes, "the girl was the target, and is the target, we are getting paid enough for this to be able to do what we want after, you finally can get out of my sight and go preach or something," he said as he walked in, the two of them worked together cause they had to, that pretty much was it, they didn't really like each other at all, which was fine by him too.

Neji heard the noises too and moved fast, as she was worried it had something to do with Tayuya as well, he arrived just after Hinata as he looked at the hair, he felt anger greater then any time he could think of. He wanted to go after her right away, and save Tayuya, but he heard Kushina and looked over at her, and he followed her, "I have to go, this is important to me, I will go with others, but I have to go save her, she is important to me," he said as he moved along with Kushina hoping that she would understand Perhaps, he could get a friend from home to help too, most likely they would send someone, maybe even the Uchiha since it was her homeland would send a person as well.

Luckily Naruto was stuck looking though his room for something, he forgot where he put his swimming trunks and he was going though everything, moving things putting them away, to try to find them. If he had been out there most likely he would of already left to go after the guy and her, that was just the nature of the young man, he would go to the rescue of anyone who needed it.

"... Target?" Violet eyes gazed to the still unconscious redhead. "Usually when you said that word, it means 'dead'. So what the fuck is she doing alive? Mind filling me in from the damn beginning on what exactly this is about?" Whilst awaiting an answer, he knelt down and retrieved some manacles. Yes, manacles. They were far much sturdier than mere rope. And given she was still alive, let alone here, he could at least deduce that she'd need to remain with them. How long? Fuck if he knew but hopefully if no one else, the client who had given Kakuzu this ... job would give a more definite period of time and better answers.

It wasn't easy to begin to make the overzealous man anxious but honestly, a part of him was getting there .. but not enough. If this job was offering as much as Kakuzu was hinting, this would all be worth it .. or at least he tried to reassure himself of that. Wrapping an arm around Tayuya's waist, he carried her inside, setting her down on the floor of the cavern. Skilled and deft hands pulled the redhead's behind her back, chaining them firmly.

Thankfully, this hadn't been the first time they'd taken hostages before. A loop with a chain attached clamped firmly in between the middle of the links of the manacles, now attaching her to the wall. Now that she was secured and prevented from going anywhere, he glanced back to his partner, waiting for ... some answers if not all of them. But no damn way would he keep him in the dark.

For a bit, Hinata had wondered if this was - by chance - Kushina's hair. But when she gazed back and saw both Neji and the Queen behind her, she knew it had to be Tayuya's. "I'm so sorry, Neji. I should have told her ... "

Kushina quickly shook her head no, her fists clenching. Someone had really been bold enough to actually abduct one of their guests? She was about as furious as Neji but knew he definitely was more so. How? Simple; the normally calm and collected man began to storm off and try to gather people to help get her back. While she had no qualms against the idea ... Kushina did know some basic military tactics and similar aspects.

A hand quickly shot out and gently took hold of one of Neji's shoulders. "I'm not going to stop you from seeking Tayuya and getting her back. However, maybe you should see about getting in touch with others first? Ask them to come to you, not you go to them and then try to get her back?" Kushina's eyes glanced down to the strands. Even with her calm tone, the somewhat shaky hand that Neji could feel hinted her true emotions. Still, there was no sense in letting anger dominate any of them. It'd make the wrong decisions be made and there would be no guarantee Tayuya would be found.

"The hair symbolizes Tayuya was threatened or somehow forced to go along with whomever. These people ... have actual skills in their fields. The best decisions will be made with you avoiding doing anything rash and right now ... I at least want to ensure you follow that route. I, myself, will see if any of the guards noticed anyone taking her out. Someone had to have noticed and if not ... I'll have to inquire as to how or why not."

Finally, Kushina let her gaze go to her son. "You're staying with Hinata." She replied in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone. The answer on what he wanted to do was easily seen in his eyes. He truly was his father's son. If this had been her and Minato finding this out, he knew her lover would be out in a heartbeat, not caring whether he tried to find her with or without help. His son had many of the same mannerisms .. and while Kushina admired and accepted that, she wouldn't allow her own child to run out into what was likely a very dangerous situation.

A low groan passed Tayuya's lips. Her wrists instinctively moved to rub her eyes ... only to feel they couldn't move. "The hell?" She murmured, glancing back to see the manacles attached to the wall. She began jerking against the chains, glancing around to see a new figure .. and the one she'd been almost positive to have seen seconds before being forced into unconsciousness. Her heart couldn't help but race as she let her back connect with the wall. What in the hell was going on? The strong front remained - for now - but deep down, the bard was terrified.
Kakuzu looked at Hidan and shrugged, "when the money is as good as they are giving us, I don't ask questions, it was an Uchiha, I think Sasuke Uchiha who hired us, so not only does it mean, I know he has money, it means that when we finish this, the son of a king will owe us a favor," Kakuzu said as he knew for a fact normally they killed people. This was a special case something different, something that could make the rather wealth and he had no problems with that at all. He knew it was Sasuke cause of his eyes and his looks, a prince, he would know whom all the royals were, it was best to know who might be paying you some serious cash, and royals had plenty of cash.

"So, the Uchiha will send us a messenger, we might kill her, might let her suffer in some way, not sure yet, but I figure till then we can keep her locked up, if the Uchiha are going after someone, then that person must be at least some what important," he reasoned outloud as he mostly just cared about the money, the rest of the stuff didn't much matter, he would kill a city if the prize was high enough, or at least give it a shot.

Naruto was out and ready to go, he heard about what happened after appearing with his swimming trunks on, he was ready to go and nothing was going to stop him, not even his mother's words of worry could effect him. "No, I have to go, I can't play it safe, I got to help Neji, think about it, if I go it will cause relations between our kingdoms to grow even stronger, and that has to help. Plus I am pretty strong, I can handle anything."

Neji was fuming not because of Naruto but cause he was wanting to get this person. He looked around and found a note and sent it off, to head home on a bird as fast as possible. He knew that the kingdom wasn't going to want to get involved most likely except that it was his future wife, he knew who to write to, two people whom owed him favors and whom he could trust on, no matter how annoying one of them happened to be.

Minato walked down and looked at the scene his eyes scanning the area calmly, "okay, Kushina, Naruto is right, we have to send someone to help. It isn't you though," Minato said pausing for a moment as he looked at his son, "You need to keep an eye on Hinata, what if she was the real target, people take a princess hold them for ransom it isn't that uncommon, and I need you to protect her," Minato said calmly as he looked at his son and then looked at his wife, "Kushina, we need to get a message tot he Uchiha to inform them, I will find Kakashi, he has the best chance of anyone of helping the poor girl," he said as he looked up and then looked at Hinata having over heard her, "Hyuuga, Hinata, you are not to blame, focus on how you can help, looking at the past helps no one," he said calmly as he could tell the young princess was down, started to head off, before stopping,

"Neji, bring whomever you find here as soon as possible, I will have someone to lead your unit to find her, we will find her and find out who is responsible for this," he declared wanting to go out too, he knew that it would cause panic sadly and that he had to send out someone he could trust, and there was no one better then Hayate for that.

Kakuzu looked and saw that she was walking up and smirked as he looked in her direction, "it seems that someone doesn't like you very much, made some enemies huh," he said mocking her as he played some cards against himself, gambling was a hobby to him and thus playing cards was also a hobby. It was a easy way to make money sometimes. "No, as you can see you have no chance to get away, you best get those thoughts out of your mind," he said calmly as he smirked, "your going to be here with us till we know what to do with you."

The curses that came from Tayuya made Hidan turn his attention away from his partner and to the girl. His own smirk couldn't help but form across his lips. "My, this one has quite the attitude. Good. At least it won't be fucking boring for sure." Hell if nothing else, maybe he finally had a source to assist with his blood rituals. It was hard to find ... 'assets' which could endure them for a long period of time. And this one seemed more durable than most other females.

"It was an Uchiha, I think Sasuke Uchiha ... "

No sooner than those words managed to repeat in Tayuya's head did she clench her fists. "Son of a bitch ... " She murmured, venom quickly entering her tone. For a bit, she'd forgotten that Kakuzu and Hidan were nearby. Right then and there, her focus was upon how badly she wanted to beat that damn bratty prince, hardly caring on the consequences for it. She was pissed. Tayuya hadn't done or said anything to the brat! So what was the meaning of this?! Ooooh when I get my goddamn hands on him ...

Finally though, the man whom had knocked her out took note of her being awake. Her teeth found her lower lip and gripped it. Normally, she wouldn't mind retorting .. but with her wrists the way they were, she didn't want to test his patience. They were both wild cards and it made the duo incredibly dangerous. Her heart raced more as she couldn't hold herself fully back. "Shut the fuck up ... " She murmured, her head falling slowly against the wall.

"Heh, nice. A feisty one finally." Hidan mused, his smirk widening. "About damn time." Yeah .. if nothing else, this definitely wouldn't be boring. It was so tempting to see how much longer she could keep that arrogant mindset up .. but he'd wait, even if Hidan hated doing so. It'd be worth it in the end, especially if this Sasuke person would allow him consent to have mostly free reign rather than restrain his actions.

Kushina turned in time to see and hear her husband behind her, figuring someone had alerted him of the noises and commotion that had been ongoing. A weary sigh left the Queen's lips as her spouse agreed with her that Naruto needed to remain beside Hinata. The thought of if Hinata had been the main target .. was that true? "Security needs to be increased, it seems ... " She mused gently, letting her hand slide off of Neji's shoulder. "Especially if Minato is right. Regardless of whether that's true or not, we should expect some form of correspondence, more likely than not. It's generally used ... we should be given a letter from her captor soon." And that, in itself, may actually be of more help than many would realize.

If the handwriting could be analyzed, they could begin to track the assailant down. But .. there was no guarantee they'd even get a letter. All that could be done, for now, was gathering up individuals.

Poor Hinata was still so very taken aback and the mere possibility that Tayuya had been taken when she was possibly the one being sought out made her heart sink. She glanced quickly up to Naruto, moving close beside him. "Naruto ... I ... we should probably listen to your parents. Trust them to get Kakashi and others to help. But please ... don't rush off." She pleaded gently.

Hidden away within the Uzumaki lands was another raven haired figure; one who, clearly, didn't seem overly content with being there. A soft sigh passed her lips. The girl knew why she was here, but it didn't mean she liked it much more. Still, Sasuke was the Prince and thus technically had direct control over anyone lower than him in rank. This, unfortunately, included herself. Shizuki Kazekyo wound up keeping to herself, making her presence almost nonexistent. However, with Orochimaru being so close to Fugaku, the royal family did still know of her, even if only a bit.

But in the end, it was all enough. Determined hazel eyes glanced around, keeping them open and alert for the Prince, knowing she was to meet and do ... something for Sasuke. What was beyond her.
Naruto so wanted to go, to help someone in trouble, to help his friend Neji find his girlfriend, but as he looked into the violet eyes of Hinata Hyuuga, he nodded his head. He had a bigger reason to stay, what if the attack had been after Hinata, then there could be another one, and if he was out, how could he protect and watch over her. He nodded his head as he smiled taking her hand and squeezing it tightly as he focused his attention back on her. "I won't go, I have to protect you, and make sure your okay, so if someone is after you, they will have go though me to get to you," he said as he used his thumb to point to the middle of his chest as he made the comment, in a sort of braging type way.

Kakuzu listened to his partners talk about her being a good target for his religous pratices, he didn't say anything, he honestly didn't care a bit about them. All that mattered was that he got paid, and he got paid well. What Hidan did with the girl was up to him, he figured as long as he kept from breaking the limits set by the Uchiha, then they would get their cash and they would be rich. He knew that Hidan also wanted the money and cause of which wouldn't do anything to stupid. He sat back as he looked at the annoying female and remained perfectly quiet, he had nothing to say at the moment. Nothing at all, he figured that as things moved about, he would have to think about dealing with perhaps one group of enemies. He would then need to move the annoying girl to some new place to keep her, one more easily defendable perhaps, maybe in Uchiha lands sinse Sasuke was paying for this all.

Neji found Kakashi rather quickly actually and gave him the orders himself. Kakashi sat there as he looked at his book quietly. He knew that this was going to be a search and rescue mission, that they would need a led as to where this person was kept before they went and searched for them. He looked at Neji and explained this, knowing that most likely it was still a day before the others got there unless they moved recklessly fast over the land. He looked at Neji and explained this fact, which Neji accepted, but Neji also took the maps of the region with him, and went to search over them for ideal places that someone might be held as he waited for the others to arrive to meet with him. Kakashi returned to reading waiting on finding out any information about the mission that could help. He though also thought about what he knew of the land and the most likely routes they took, the problem was he had no clue where they would be taking such a person, thus had no idea what routes they would use.
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