A Middle Age Naruto RP (Yajirobe and LadyYunaFFX2)

Hinata finished within a few more minutes. Even still though, she hadn't yet immediately headed down to rendezvous with Naruto. She wanted to get her nerves and more calm nature back first. Only when she was even somewhat sure they had all returned did she stand back on her feet. Her head turned and she redirected herself temporarily to Hanabi's room. A quick peek inside showed that aside from her younger sibling pouting, she was otherwise well. The sight made her inwardly sigh. Still, the Princess managed a smile to her as she bowed her head. "I'm going to head down and answer the questions Naruto has for me." Of course, she got no answer, making another weary sigh leave.

Well ... it definitely gave her a good incentive to be true to her word, if nothing else. Turning on her feet, she guided herself outside, finding not only Naruto still outside but that Neji's fiance had arrived. She took a moment to observe the girl and smiled more. Red hair wasn't a typical trait for Uchihas so .. she was pretty sure she didn't share the surname Sasuke had. Hopefully that would make Neji feel better. Her attention then went back to Naruto as she lightly tapped his shoulder with her right index finger.

"You wanted to speak to me?" She asked gently, not wanting to disturb Neji.

"Y-yes, I am. I'm Tayuya ... just that. I was never given a surname from my biological family." Her guess, it had seemed, was correct in identifying which man had been Neji. "We ... probably have quite a bit to speak of, don't we?" Noting that a new woman was now beside the blonde, she glanced back to Neji. "And I wouldn't mind that as I have my own questions - as I'm sure you do too - but mayhaps we can do so in a more secluded area? Partly out of preference and another to allow them to speak with one another?" She asked, giving a small nod towards Naruto and Hinata's direction.
Naruto was happy that Hinata came back, he figured she might rejoin him, and she had a good sense of timing too, cause now he wasn't going to need to wait on anyone else to arrive. He was sure, that this would be a good chance to ask the question that had been bugging him for a long time. He had noticed the same reaction by Hinata when she meet him earlier that day. He was reminded of that question just partly cause of her reaction to him.

"Well, it is good too see that you made it back out here, Hinata," he said softly as he looked at her with a smile on his face as he looked at her, "lets go for a walk, I mean there are better places to see in town then this bland place," he said with a grin knowing that he could perhaps get to know her better without having to worry about anyone spying on him somewhere else. "So, Hinata," he stated as he looked at her, "what causes you to turn red when we see each other, I thought you were ill, but my mother said you aren't and it was something else, and honestly I have no clue what it might be," he said perplexed as he looked at her.

Neji had nodded his head, understanding that Hinata needed to be just with Naruto, despite his curiousity about how it would go down, and how the interaction between the two of them would work, and his best wishes for his cousin, he knew that going inside away from HInata would make it easier and Hinata less worried. He walked with the redhead into the building, not knowing the best way to go, he slipped into the first empty room that he noticed and held the door open for her before she slipped into the room at which time he close the door.

"So, Tayuya, if that is okay with you," Neji said calmly as he looked over for her, "I am guessing your not related to the Uchiha by blood or family marriage correct," he asked, having made that guess based on her appearance and her lack of a surname. He figured she was a servant for the Uchiha, which was okay with him, he didn't care that much about it. "Is this your first time up here in the Uzumaki lands," he also asked working towards breaking the Ice as it were with the redhead. He figured that he need to make the most of the chance and a positive conversation would help in those regards a whole lot.

A walk .. that honestly sounded good. The wit that came from him made her smile widen. "It doesn't seem too bland to me, personally. Then again, you've lived here your life. I suppose to you it would. A few areas within my own home do seem that way sometimes." Taking ginger steps alongside Naruto, her eyes took in the scenery for a few moments before focusing on the blonde. A bit of color drained from her face as the first question - of all things - was brought up. His mother had noticed?! The urge to faint tried to take over again, but her head shook no. Her smile remained albeit it definitely had hints of anxiety upon it at this point.

"W-well ... she's right. I'm ... I'm not ill." She took a breath, trying to calm herself. "I ... for years .... I've had quite the attraction to you anyways. This arrangement .. is borderline perfect, a true miracle in it's best form. I .. must sound somewhat silly, huh? Waiting till now to admit I've had feelings? I .. I do apologize. But more than that ... I want the emotions to be mutual and returned. If it ends up seeming too selfish and all, please do speak up."

By the gods, she'd finally said it. To make up for having fought the urge to faint, her heart was frantically racing. What would he say? Do? Think even? She was trying so damn hard not to be nervous .. but the task was much easier said than done. She went silent, looking into the blue eyes as she awaited a reply.

It was odd for Tayuya to speak to someone and not have her flute nearby. She was trusting Obito to place her bags within the room she was to reside in .. and not lose it. So help her, if that got misplaced. Hey! Pay attention! The poor guy's at least trying and hell .. he has manners! That was certainly a nice bonus in her book. Itachi and Fugaku were the best male displays of genuine etiquette around the Uchiha household. Otherwise .. it didn't really exist much if at all. Her head nodded as she sat upon the nearest surface, an unoccupied bed.

"You're correct again, yes." The faintest hint of a smile finally crossed her lips. "You have good intuition, I see. I'm 'related' by affiliation more than anything. I was taken into their clan after one of the few and rare uprisings within the Uchiha nation caused my own parents to perish. I've been ... well, their bard more or less, providing entertainment and morale support above all else. It's ... somewhat because of that fact, my lack of relations to them that honestly ... I've been questioning this choice the last week. I ... don't really feel worthy of someone. I definitely wasn't brought up to be a lady, let alone a future wife so ... I'm still trying to adjust to it all."

A nervous laugh left. "But I doubt you were exactly expecting this, hm? And yes ... it is my first time here, let alone outside of the Uchiha lands." With having hinted her main question and concern being how he felt on this ... she waited eagerly to hear and see it. He seemed generous enough that he wasn't annoyed at her, per se .. and that alone gave her a sense of hope. Maybe this could work after all. It was steadily feeling less and less impossible of a task, to end up marrying this man. But in the end, she knew it'd be time that would reveal that answer.
Naruto Uzumaki was walking with his future wife, as he listened to the answer he blinked, and nodded at the very first part. He know knew his mother was telling him the truth, but that made him even more curious as to what was the cause of her nervousness, He didn't have to wait long though to be able to figure out just what was what it was. He blinked as his mind started to quickly put the pieces together like a person whom was finally able to see the grand design in some type of large puzzle.

He paused after Hinata's confession to him, he had not seen that coming, his face was as red as a tomato at that moment, he had never before had something like this happen to him in his whole life. He also had never went after a woman before, or had one to have a crush on, This was all rather new to the young man. He blinked as his mind tried to start working well enough for him to at leaest be able to string together a string of words to reply with to Hinata. He finally was able to nod his head as he thought of something.

"Well, I must admit this is all really, new to me, but I will say this to you, when I was told that you were the one that I was to marry, I was actually happy," he said as he looked back up at her.," he said with his trademark smile as he looked at her, It wasn't a counter declaration of love or anything, but he was still very glad that he was going to marry Hinata.

Neji listened calmly taking in the words of the young woman whom as across from him. He didn't know her at all, but he best give her the benifit of the doubt in these type of situations on most anything. Well at least till he got to know the woman better and come to at least understand her to some degree. "I see, so you were selected and you are doing your duty for your kingdom," he said with a nod, "I guess in that regard we do have something at least in common," he said pausing for a moment as he cross his arms in front of himself as he thought.

"I was not expecting this at all, either, I am not from the main family, and though I am from the Hyuuga, being from the branch family is a large difference from me being from the Main family," he admitted, "I figured I would end up having to marry one of the local females, and that would be the end of that. So being send to marry you, well honestly it was a large surprise."I must admit, I was worried that you would be some unknown sibling of your Sasuke Uchiha with a similar type personality," he confessed openly, "I am glad it seems I am quite wrong about such an assumption."
The reply made her get as close to fainting as possible, the new sensation of feeling light-headed sweeping over Hinata. She had to blink a few times herself to regain her composure before looking slowly up to Naruto. "R... really? You are? That ... means a lot to me and given they arranged this, I'm sure it will to your parents also, as well as my father." She felt so happy that the princess likely could have kissed him then and there .. but simultaneously, she didn't want to seem too rash either. Besides, wasn't it usually the male who made the first move? So for those reasons, she mentally agreed to wait. Her smile remained as they continued to walk.

"Your lands are pretty. The new scenery is a nice change of pace." She wondered if by now Hanabi had begun to get to do her part of the knowing process with Konohamaru or whether she was still pouting. Hopefully not the latter. Things would get so ugly if their Father had to arrive and personally scold her himself which, if it got bad enough, Hinata knew he would. "You .... had other questions?" She asked curiously, ready to answer all of his. The reply of him being happy on the news had answered her main one thus far, though her mind still continued to think on whether there was anything else that did need to be asked from her or not.

But until she could figure that out, the answer so far ... was not yet.

"Basically, yeah. We don't have many women in our kingdom for some reason ... " As she finished explaining, Tayuya couldn't help but muse on this. How in the hell was the bloodline still going then? Well ... Itachi was wed. But the others? It was an interesting thought. Her head tilted as he went on to explain that the Branch and Head families were very different and didn't necessarily mean one was the same rank.

So ... he's technically not a royalty either?

This made her feel a bit better, like this had been less of a fluke. Her head quickly shook no, a light laugh leaving at his confession. "Tch, nah. There aren't any female Uchihas yet. There would have been a hell of an announcement ... " She stopped, lowering her head as the curse slipped, sighing at herself. " .. Sorry about that. It's somewhat of a habit I'm working on getting rid of. But yeah, everyone would have known that by now. Fugaku doesn't usually keep secrets. He's too ... blunt and to the point in matters, especially ones he deems vital enough. Still, I can't blame you. Sasuke's the whiniest brat I know. Itachi's always the better one to be around but with him being wed to one of the local women within the clan .. he's almost never around."

Another soft chuckle left as she shook her head gently, "Honestly, I don't think he's going to find anyone from either kingdom. It's not gonna please Fugaku at all. More drastic measures are probably gonna be needed but ... I suppose that's not the point. We ... obvious have some time before things are more official. Until then what .... do we do? Just keep talking? I .. have never been approached by anyone as a woman don't have the slightest fuc-- damn clue on what to do."
Naruto smiled and then nodded to HInata, he first figured she was a hundred times better then Ino, the woman he thought his parents were going to force him to marry, or any of the other number of females whom worked in the kingdom for his parents. He knew Hinata, so it wasn't a surprise, she had always been kind to him, and nice. She was the nicest person to him outside of his parents, he remembered once when he was younger and she had given him a ointment when he had scrapped up his arm, it was something that just kind of stuck with him.

He enjoyed the walk, the area around the city was covered with mostly dense forest, that could be very beautiful, and in spring and fall the color of the area around the city was amazing, full and filled with life. He always did like that, it gave him a place to run around to and mess around in, despite the trouble he got in from Iruka, Kakashi or his parents over the years. It was a good place, one which he was proud of to a large degree. Naruto nodded his head when she asked him about his questions, "Well yeah, um two other questions actually," he said with a big smile as he looked at her holding up two fingers as to say what he said with his hands too.

"First, I was wondering if you think your parents would let me come visit your land sometime before you know we are married," he asked as he paused for a moment and then he had to ask the big question, or what was a big and very important question in Naruto's mind, "Um..do you like ramen?"

Neji nodded his head, as he listened, he could understand the need for her to be selected now, she was someone whom the kingdom knew they could trust and put faith into not messing up such a important role as this. He wasn't a royal per say but he still was the nephew of the leader of the whole village, and the most able of the people of his generation in the whole of the kingdom. He blinked at hearing her curse word, it wasn't offensive so much to him, just he was around Hinata and his uncle, whom were so proper in their speech, as well Lee, whom didn't even use contractions when he talked, so hearing her was a bit different then what he was normally used to hearing.

Neji smiled at her comment, but he thought about the females, "well, maybe a miracle will happen, there are so pretty different females here, that I have ran into in the past and in my kingdom as well, perhaps he will be forced to marry one of them," he said shaking his head for a moment as he then heard her last statement. He hadn't courted anyone before, so it was new to him, he just had to oddly lean on the lessons he saw from what he had heard from older warriors of the kingdom.

"Well, I figure I might as well walk you to your room, we can continue to talk, and perhaps later, I can um..take you out somewhere and we can talk more and get to see what it is like to be out in public with each other," he said calmly as he looked at her, "I have never courted a woman, so your not the only one that this stuff is new for, but I figure we can both figure it out as we move along.

Hinata's head almost instantly nodded at the first question. "In fact, father would likely insist upon it, if anything. I doubt that will be a concern at all." The second ... wasn't exactly one the Princess had expected. Her head glanced up as she went over every possible flashback she could recall. She knew what the word 'ramen' referred to but ... in regards to how it was? When the answer hit her she felt .. silly. "I .. haven't had any before. I'm spoiled and treated due to my status on a daily basis so ... " She then realized that wasn't a good excuse. Naruto was a prince too but he had found the ability to try this 'ramen'. Well ... each to their own, she supposed. Finally, her head shook no slowly, deciding that would be all he'd need to know. "No, I haven't. Though now that I think on it, I haven't eaten since the morning so food does sound good."

Tayuya was astounded that Neji didn't scold her for the cursing. It was something she was so used to, from herself and others. But no, instead he didn't let it bother him and spoke as if it'd never happened. Her own smile showed up. Hell, this arrangement is turning out better than I expected so far ... Relief was taking over what used to be a massive amount of anxiety. For the first time since this trip had begun, she was actually feeling damn good about everything. Even with it not having been a full day of knowing Neji, he was steadily working on stealing her heart -- and really well. Whether he realized it or it was a subconscious actions, Tayuya knew not nor cared much.

A small nod left as she contemplated over his suggestion, slowly getting up to her feet. "I do need to unpack. That sounds really good though. I look forward to it. Well ... that would be where your intuition and instincts makes up for the lack of actual experience ... because I'd say you're doing very well so far." Yeah it was bold and right to the point. But that'd been who she was and how she'd been. The musically-inclined part of her mind was already getting ideas on new songs to try singing. She usually played the instrument more often than verbally sung aloud, though she could do both as a bard. Now, though, she found herself ready to try the less-taken route, as it were ... despite still being anxious on the idea.
Naruto looked at the raven haired Hyuuga and blinked his mouth almost fell to the ground when he heard her statement about not having ever had ramen. He was sure that everyone the world had the gloriousness that was ramen. He blinked as he thought about pulling her away right then to have some of the dish. He knew it would be rude, but it was something that just seemed most logical, plus given the fact, she was going to be his wife, it best she know what he loved to eat, and that was up there at the top of the list. He nodded at her explanation, but it still was odd for someone to have not had it, maybe cause it was such a institution in the kingdom.

He took her hand into his own, reaching down and grabbing it without even thing, and pulling her along as he walked quickly, "this is something we are going to have to remedy as fast as possible, there is no dish better then ramen, it is so awesome, and there are so many different times, you can go back every day of the week and have a different type of ramen," Naruto said proudly and loudly as he walked with Hinata to the ramen stand and finding the both of them a place to sit, "get what ever you want, whatever sounds good, I am sure it will turn out good cause everything here always does turn out good."

Neji was surprised by her comment, he was just being respectful as he had been thought, nothing more nothing less, still, it was nice to be around the woman, she was more interesting than he thought she would be. He had to make sure his stuff was put away correctly and wanted to check on his cousins, he wanted to make sure that Hanabi and Hinata were doing okay when he saw them. He figured that both were going to be okay, that it was going to take Hanabi longer then Hinata of course, but she had longer to get used to Konohamaru, then Hinata had to get to Naruto, plus he knew it was a the best for Hinata to be in the situation that she happened to be in.

Neji walked Tayuya to he room, it was the gentleman thing to do, and Haishi made sure he had a proper education like his cousins and knew how to behave correctly in social situations, he just didn't have the practice of actually doing so. He walked with Tayuya and stopped at her door, "Well, it was most interesting, till tomorrow," he said with a respectful tone as he took her hand and kissed it before waving and slipping off to get his things put away as well, his mind thinking about the interesting outcome of the day, focused on what he could do to learn more about the young woman. He couldn't much focus, so he slipped into the hall and did what was the fighting style of the Hyuuga, which was more of a dance then as combat, but it helped him clear his mind and he needed that to focus on the following day.

Her cheeks instantly flushed at Naruto's reaction. "... Sorry ... " She murmured, gasping lightly. Before she could speak anymore, her hand was intertwined with Naruto's, making her cheeks more red. Oh gods .... no no! Don't faint, don't faint .... She figured it'd been an innocent gesture but it was still powerful in it's own ways to her. If there were any stares upon their arrival - mainly hers more than Naruto's - she wasn't paying attention to anyone or anything else. Her focus was solely upon two things; Naruto and the massive menu before her.

"... U-um ..." Violet eyes slowly went to the blue ones beside her. "Do .. you have any personal recommendations, Naruto? I'm not sure I know where to begin ... " She replied softly, slightly embarrassed at how sheltered she clearly was sounding like. Well, that's what learning was for, yes? Better later than never .. wasn't that how the old saying went?

The walk felt slower than usual but soon, they were at her room. Peripheral vision allowed Tayuya to see that indeed her bags had been placed inside, making her inwardly sigh. She didn't necessarily doubt Obito but she did fear some idiot would seriously try to tamper with her things. It had been something she'd endured before .. and hadn't taken too kindly to upon finding out. She gave a small nod of agreement as Neji spoke up, dark orbs gazing into the light violet ones in front of her. "Yeah ... it definitely was."

To return the kind gesture of the kiss, she gave Neji a polite bow of her head, gently closing the door behind her. Her heart was fluttering and racing frantically. Panting lightly, she began wasting no more time in seeking out her instrument. Thankfully, she always put it on top of most other items, even her clothes. It truly was her treasure of sorts and because of her priorities, she found it easily enough. Pulling it out, she set it upon a nightstand beside the bed and then proceeded to unpack.

When she finished, Tayuya went into the bathroom adjacent to her chambers. Upon finding an empty glass available, she turned the sink on and filled it up with water. Heading back into the main bedroom, she remained standing up and took a sip. Exhaling deeply, she began first mentally reciting the new song which had been echoing in her head for a while. Her eyes remained closed .. and when she mustered up the courage, the bard finally began to sing, not realizing Neji was still outside in the hall.

"Solitaire with a song in her heart
But what a sad song to sing
Turned her back on all that she knew
In the hopes of a golden ring...

And the rains came down
And the stars fell from the sky
Oh, how dark the night...
It always seems those castles and dreams
Fade with the morning light..."
Naruto smiled at the person behind the counter and waved, happily, he had just eaten ramen earlier that time, Iruka was paying this time he would be. He looked up at the menu too, thinking about what he wanted as well when he heard Hinata's statement about needing help, he thought about it, what would be good for someone whom hadn't had ramen before, more then likely nothing to spicy for Hinata, something basic, so she could figure out what the stuff tasted like. To Naruto this was a interesting challenge and a fun one too. He was in his own world for a few moments as he looked over the possibilities that were there and then too the the man behind the counter.

"Well sir, can we have a pork ramen, a chicken ramen, a shrip ramen, and a beef ramen bowl," he said with a grin as he looked at the man whom looked at him and nodded his head to the answer that Naruto gave him. Naruto smiled as he then turned and looked at HInata, "Well that is okay, it is your first time here after all, I figure let get a bit of the basics, you and I can share them, and we can figure out which type you like the best for next time," he said proud of himself for being able to find such a solution to the problem that was at hand.

"Hinata, your sister seems rather different from you, from what I can tell, am I missing something?" he asked as politely as possible, he asked mostly cause he was a bit worried about how Konohamaru was holding up dealing with the younger Hyuuga at the moment.

Neji moved gracefully, he was good at this, as he moved, he thought about Tayuya, she seemed a interesting woman, she wasn't the cultured type to degree of Hinata or Hanabi, she wasn't the tomboy that Tenten was either. She was for sure different the pretty much every single female he knew from his kingdom, including Sakura and Kiba's sister. It made her interesting, but he liked her straight forwardness, she seemed to not be afraid to state her opinion, and had a strong will about herself. Things he found rather endearing in a lot of ways. The Hyuuga paused as he heard movement in the room, and guessed that it was her moving her things, putting them away.

He stopped for a moment when he heard it, the singing from the room. He blinked as he realized just what was going on, and then he moved closer to the door, he listened to the song of the redhead whom was inside. He blinked, perhaps she was even more skilled in more things then he realized. He was very impressed, he was memorized by the sound of her voice, it was beautiful, beyond the normal that he had heard. He leaned against the wall, working to hear it as best as he could through the wall. He closed his eyes as he thought, as he let himself focus on each note that the woman hit, she was a bard, a woman gifted with a very amazing gift. Neji knew his skills were in destruction, but a skill to create such as what he was hearing, that was something to truly admire, and he did from the moment he heard her.

Hinata couldn't help but feel slightly overwhelmed as Naruto began to order. Four seemed like a bit much at first but then he went to explain they were starting at basics, more or less. She nodded after thinking upon it for a while. "I suppose that seems like a good idea .. to start with the simpler things." Whilst waiting for the bowls to arrive, her sister was brought up. The answer ... she knew but not quite how to immediately word it. "Well ... " She mused softly, trying to choose her words carefully. Taking a pair of chopsticks, she tried some of the beef ramen first. Her smile widened as she gave an eager nod.

"Mmm this is good." Wiping her face and lips with a napkin, another steady movement of her head would be seen. "Well ... she's not overly content with the arrangement. She's been very sour to everyone about it, even Neji and myself. Hopefully, though, she'll realize her annoyance is being directed incorrectly. I do apologize ahead of time. I know she can be quite the handful ... and brat, at times. She often tries to be father's favorite so when this deal was made ... to say it made her displeased is quite the understatement. I admit, she is younger and thus more immature but ... I think she's over-reacting a bit too much to this."

Hinata went silent, allowing Naruto to contemplate her words. Hopefully the explanation was enough to answer the question.

Tayuya's focus was still upon herself. If anything, it'd increased even further. The rest of the lyrics began to pass from her lips, the lyrics coming out smoothly and eloquently.

"Such a sad story
That time loves to tell
Copper coins shine for the sun
From the floor of the wishing well

And the rains came down
And the stars fell from the sky
Oh, how dark the night...
It always seems those castles and dreams
Fade with the morning light...

So the jewel of jeopardy
Shines with each dangerous step
So unsure of what we've become
What we have and what we have left...

And the rains came down
And the stars fell from the sky
Oh, how dark the night...
It always seems those castles and dreams
Fade with the morning light...

And the rains came down
And the stars fell from the sky
Oh, how dark the night...
It always seems those castles and dreams
Fade with the morning light..."

Content with how it had sounded aloud, Tayuya felt herself smile proudly. She didn't generally sing, usually tending to favor her instrument over the vocals. But hell, that hadn't been half bad in her mind. Remembering how her tone had sounded, she picked her flute up, holding it firmly in her right hand. Her left grasped the glass once again as she took another sip. Sitting upon her bed, she lowered the instrument to her lips. Her own eyes closed, helping her relax, as she began to play .. trying to create a melody that would fit the song she'd just sung appropriately.
Naruto looked at the food and let Hinata try it first, it was her experience, and he needed to learn to let her have a first go at it. He wanted to be good at this relationship thing, Naruto wanted to be good at everything he tried, from being a warrior, to being a leader, and while not naturally good at a number of things, he had the determination to give it his all and try to become the best over time. He wanted to likewise be the best person for HInata Hyuuga. He knew it was going to take learning and adjuting on his part, but he was willing to do so.

"Well good, that is just the first one you can try," Naruto said with a grin as he saw that the chicken ramen was out. He thought about her comment, "Well Konohamaru can be very immature too still, he is till young, but he is determined and I am sure if he wants to he will find a way to win her over in time. He is a pretty impressive youngster, he take after me after all, I am his teacher," Naruto said proudly as he looked at the ramen and took the chop stick ans got a bit ready, "Hey Hinata say aww," he said holding the chop sticks up ready to actually feed her a bit of the noddles and chicken from the ramen.

Neji was in a very relaxed mood as he listened to her, so beautiful, he was not able to put any more words to it. He didn't want to interrupt, that would be the most rude thing he could ever do. He was a proper young man, but he wold be lying if he didn't find himself more and more enthralled with the woman whom was to be his future wife every second he was there and around her. He felt that like his cousins luck with arranged marriage might just be on his side as well. He paused as he got ready to get up to leave when he heard the flute, it was even more lovely then her singing if that was possible, as Neji meditated he could envision a pleasant future with the redhead, it was nice, he could see showing her around, getting to know her as well. It was nice.

Neji dared not move from the spot beside the door till the music was over, but he dared not knock either, interrupting such a skilled woman would be a crime in his book something to be completely avoided if at all possible. He felt a peace, it was funny to think know how worried he was at the start of the day, how much dread and worry and maybe even a bit of feat had gotten past his defenses when it came to this arranged marriage, doing so for duty didn't mean that it didn't scare the heck out of you to have to do so, or feel like you were sacrificing yourself for a noble purpose. Now it didn't feel like he was giving himself up, it felt like the arrangement was normal.

"Understandable. Younger people are, admittedly, prone to being immature. Still though ... I'm pretty sure this was all done with the best of intentions. Besides, her turn would have come up sooner or later. It was inevitable ... just not meant to occur so soon, truthfully." Hopefully her sister had known this deep in her mind and just ... was in the denial stage. But it, in time, would - no, should - disappear. That alone made her begin to feel better and believe that her sister would begin to get along with Konohamaru in time. Besides, she had more of it than herself .. hopefully that would be a merciful reminder to Hanabi and make it all the more easier for her.

Her mouth opened as she allowed Naruto to feed her, an interesting move for sure. After she finished chewing and swallowing, another thought came to Hinata's mind. "Did ... your parents elaborate more on this plan, by the way? I realize we have time but ... did either of them give you exacts? Like if we have a certain amount of weeks or months before we need to figure out a day to become official? Oh! And ... I did technically meet them last week but just as you have wished to meet my father, I'd like to do so on a more personal note with your own parents. When, of course, they're not too occupied."

That annoying feeling of eyes upon Tayuya abruptly was sensed. It usually didn't happen lest she was performing for the Queen and more of an audience appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Now it was there again, well somewhat. She wouldn't say it'd been an 'audience' that had appeared but she certainly wasn't alone. Setting the flute down beside the glass, her feet deftly guided her to the door. After a brief countdown from three, she pulled the door open and felt a bit of color drain from her face as she saw Neji still there.

"Ah ... um .... how long ... have you been there?" She half-asked, half-stammered. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Did he hear everything?! It was true that it hadn't been anything sinful but she still wasn't used to others overhearing her; whether it be singing, playing, or both. "Um ... you ... can come back in, if you wish though I thought you were going to head off for a bit. Get restless?" She managed to add, offering him a soft smile as she mentally prepared her ankles to move and allow him entrance.
Naruto smiled as Hinata ate the bite of food, he then listened to her questions, and thought about it, he had talked with his mother a couple times as well as his father a couple times too. "Well um, I figure, we have a month or so from what my parents told me, your going to be here for like a week maybe two, then we are headed to your kingdom if you all agreed to it, with the others, there we will stay two more weeks, before the last week, I think we will head to Uchiha's Kingdom, but that was all up in the air kind of from what my parents seemed to say," he said as he tried his best to remember any more details, but could. "As for my parents, well, I am sure you and I can do something with them, I am sure they would be up for a um...double date with us and them," he said feeling a bit nervous using the word date, he could consider this to be one, but in a way it wasn't cause it was so informal in its nature.

Naruto returned to his food, enjoying the company of the Hyuuga Princess as he ate. He had eaten all of his food pretty quickly, and looked up over at Hinata, "So, overall what do you think any favorite of the type?" he asked as he put down the money to pay for the meal, "come on, want to show you something quick before we head back," he said as he reached down and helped Hinata up before taking her hand a second time to lead her towards a large hill which had a wonderful view of the whole capital.

Neji was so relaxed in his meditations, that he didn't even hear the music stop playing. He heard the door though open and jumped almost as he looked up and noticed that it was Tayuya that was looking down at him. He mentally cursed himself for being caught spying on her, it wasn't a proper thing to do at all, and he had done it so without regard of what she would think. "Well...um..um..you see..e," he said looking up feeling a bit like his cousin at this moment. "I heard every..thing that you played and song," he admitted as he got to his feet

He moved past the young woman into the room and nodded, "yes, I couldn't rest, I was thinking or more over hoping that my cousins were doing alright, neither seems to be here, and both are still on there meetings with their future husbands," he said, "I then started to meditate when I heard your music, it is very good, very very good," he said openly as he looked at her. "you are very skilled as a bard, I can see why the Uchiha must prize you as a member of their kingdom," he said feeling rather awkward about the whole or deal and being in her room as well added a bit to that feeling.

A month?! Hopefully it'd be a bit more. Time flew way too swiftly nowadays. That month or so would arrive in little to no time. And it was true, she was at least going to be with someone she'd desired for years. But she only knew so much, especially with courting matters. She wanted to learn more, eventually. For now though, she managed to put that aside, the thought of having a double date with Lady Kushina and Lord Minato helping her calm down. "That sounds like it'd be a good idea." Her thoughts went from the double date to Neji, her mind temporarily contemplating on whether to suggest a triple date or not. But ... that bridge could be crossed when it arrived.

Neji wasn't the only one curious on how their cousin was doing, Hinata was also. But her focus was remaining firmly on Naruto and few other things, if any others at all. It didn't seem polite to just shove him aside .. especially when he truly was trying and putting so much effort into this arrangement. The question of which ramen had appealed to her the most snapped the princess out of her thoughts. Glancing down again to each bowl, remembering how each had tasted in her mouth, she studied the possibilities for a long while. After a few minutes of silent contemplation, she gave a gentle nod towards the bowl with chicken ramen. "That was probably my best though they were all good in their own aspects. It's a very close call, truthfully."

Within moments, they were away from the Ramen shop and upon a hill. Hinata's smile widened as she found herself gazing at the capitol. "This is indeed a lovely day. I came here .. worried this would go so very wrong. But with the good start thus far, I'm feeling more and more better about this arrangement." She added gently, hoping it wasn't just her thinking a similar thought.

It was an interesting change of pace to see Neji go from his calm and collected mindset to an obviously nervous one. Hell, the poor boy was stammering, something she had never heard from him thus far. Her smile widened as she gave a soft sigh, her head quickly shaking. "I .. I'm not used to performing for others. It's ... fine." Her cheeks began attempting to match her hair color as he complimented her, her head bowing in appreciation. "Thank you. It's ... been a natural art to me, somehow."

She'd always wondered if her parents had taken up the musical arts. But they'd been killed in the uprising when she was but a toddler and thus had no memory of them. Tayuya only knew of them from Orochimaru and Kabuto having relayed the information when she was old enough to understand the concept of death. Dark but gentle eyes followed Neji as he walked and entered into the room. Her fingers lightly tapped against her hips as she tried to think of something to help him out.

If he'd been meditating .. maybe .... A light nod left before she grabbed her flute once again. "Maybe ... I can see if playing helps you rest?" She offered. She had never really knowing anyone who did meditation but did understand the meaning. It was literally a body relaxing, finding peace. If she could take it a step further, perhaps she could give him the rest he desired? Lest .. he wanted something else, that was.
Naruto was very glad that HInata like the spot, it was one he came to when he had a lot on his mind, and as great as the view of the capital was, that actually wasn't the reason for which he came out here, this spot was perfect for something else. He smiled, "Well, it has been a really fun day, this spot was actually shown to me by someone else, um the apprentice to the minister and son of the minster, he rates it as the best place to relax and watch clouds," Naruto commented referring to Shikamaru whom had shown him the place.

"Anyhow, I am not really so good at that, but I found another connection to that actually," he said as he laid down, not only is it the best place in the whole of the city to see cloud, but also it is the best place in the whole of the city to see the stars," he said with a smile as he remembered by chance the time he actually found that out long before this moment. "It is a quiet place too, which is nice from time to time," he said knowing many times, he was the one whom prevented an area from being quiet, though not as much as when he was younger.

"So I figure my parents will be rather excited to spend time on that double date, they are rather interested in this of course, but I am pretty sure they have already taking a big liking to you too, Hinata, especially my mother," Naruto said as he continued to look over the village. It was easy for him to tell, cause well his mother and him were a lot of like in some ways, and he could pick up the tone in her voice when she told him about it.

Neji looked around, the room was the same as his room, which wasn't a bad things, they must all be pretty much the same for guest. He was surprised the dark eyed young woman said what she had, that she normally didn't play for others, it was a sad thing, to go unknown in some way. Yet, he could understand the need for solace as well, he normally found his solace in his meditations, but to each there own and he guess that for her, playing the flute and singing was her equal his meditations.

He turned and heard her question and then thought about it for a moment, "Well, actually, it is just nerves mostly, things are very new to me as you said they were to you. We seem to have a good bit in common, Tayuya, you may tell me if I am wrong, but we both are orphans, we both like peace and serenity, and we both are loyal to those whom are a rank above us, otherwise neither of us would be here," he mused, as he nodded, "I am less nervous, but I would very much like to hear your beautiful music again if you don't mind," he said calmly as he sat down.

Hinata nodded, her smile widening upon hearing it wasn't indeed just herself whom had thought the day to have been productive and fun. "Yes it has ... very much so." The mentioning of one of his friends hinted that Hinata would have to inform others from the Hyuuga kingdom of the arrangement. But then ... something wondered if her father was already in the midst doing so for her. That bridge could come when it was crossed, she figured. As Naruto laid down, she carefully followed suit, being careful about the dress. Any stains would be easy to remove but oh her father would still have a fit if he found out.

When her head looked over to Naruto, part of her wanted to rest herself against his chest. But ... was that pushing things a tad fast? Enough of her said yes so she fought the temptation, merely enjoying the fact she was with and beside him. Her curiosity got piqued upon hearing that ... the Lady liked her? She blinked, her head lightly tilting. "Oh? I ... I mean I'm flattered but ... I haven't felt like I've done much to impress them. Still, I'm honored to hear that all the same."

A small nod left her head. "Yes, you're right on all of those again." She added the last word with a smile, slightly envious. Her intuition direly needed some work one of these days, at least to some extent. Hers was decent but not nearly half as good as Neji's. She wanted to work on it ... somehow. But that could easily wait. At first, it'd sounded like he may not need it, per se. Though 'need' did indeed turn out to be the keyword. In the end, it was his 'wants' that took more over as the request did end up passing his lips. Her cheeks burned slightly more as they tried to get even redder but she managed a quick nod.

"Yeah ... I wouldn't mind." Taking a few moments to get the color in her face more normal once again, she then grasped her flute. Pressing it up to her lips, she began to play a short, sweet, and simultaneously very sorrowful melody. The short length made it easy enough to repeat and with her skills in playing, it was easy enough to be able to regain enough breath after finishing it each time to keep the repeating cycle of the same tune constantly playing. And yet despite the sorrowful hints behind it, there was an equal amount to it.

It hadn't been until after she finished playing it the fifth time that the sensation of something moist made her cease. It'd been subconscious but the song had made herself break down. "Hell ... " She murmured, quickly wiping her eyes and chuckling nervously. "Ironic, really. My favorite melody makes even me cry. It's odd really ... but I self-taught myself that one. I get odd looks when I play this ... as if everyone knows where it comes from but refuses to tell me." Her hand moved away from her face, a small frown on her face as she - after some hesitation - sat beside him.

"It's .... kinda annoying, honestly. I wonder sometimes if it's because I'm technically not an Uchiha that no one feels obligated to tell me ... something else." Her head shook softly. "I may very well be over thinking, I realize. But my gut and instinct say I'm not ... not yet. But ... um ...." Her tear-stained face glanced down, watching for his own reaction to the song.
Naruto eyes trailed over the sky above himself, as he relaxed, he was confident in himself, but that was his personality determined, he looked over at Hinata and then nodded as he thought of a question, "So back home do you have friends, what are the people in Hyuuga like, I have only meet you, your father, sister and cousin before, I don't think I have meet anyone from your kingdom before, that I can remember," he asked calmly as he looked over towards her. "Here there are a number of interesting people, I am sure you might run into while you are here," he said with a calm tone, he hadn't ran into any of them yet, but it was possible, so it might be best to give her a kind of heads up just encase she did. "The ones our age, or Shikamaru, the one whom told me about this, the owner of the flower shop's daughter, Ino, one of the knight Chouji as well and a few others," he said giving her some information.

He then turned a looked up and blinked, "Hinata, Hinata look, a shooting start," he said quickly as he made a quick wish, he knew that tradition and he smiled as he made the wish. He could tell the wish of course, but it seemed an ideal thing to do. He felt that he was a bit lucky this day, everything had gone along so well, and he felt that this day was something pretty fun. He moved closer to Hinata as he looked up. "I guess soon we best get heading back, I don't want rumors to start to spread about us," he said teasing Hinata a bit with the statement.

Neji nodded calmly, "Well in the Hyuuga Kingdom, some refer to me as a natural genius, I do not know if I am this, I doubt it, but I might be, who knows," he said about her observation of him, he was rather pretty smart, one of his talents that he had, mostly having to do with his natural fighting skill, which he didn't consider to be that great of thing.Neji prepared himself unsure what she was going to play, but sure it was going to be good.

He relaxed and focused his mind on nothing but the music, closing his eyes, he let his mind focus, as he meditated. He focused on each note being played, of course he didn't know the term for any of them, but he could hear the music rather clear, as if it were around him in his vision. He felt the sadness coming from it, and the sadness caused the young man to think, about something completely unrelated to the moment.

Neji's mind was focused thinking about some of the last words of his father, before he went on a mission that caused his own death. He felt a certain resolve because of the word, but a sadness too, the lose of his father had changed him a great deal. He became far more serious after the death of his father, a fact he knew well, something he only recently had been working to try to fix even a bit. He opened his eyes and noticed the redhead, and listened to her.

"Well,that is interesting, perhaps they do, or perhaps the song as a story which matches the melody perfectly, so sad that they choose to not tell you, but it is a wonderful song, a song of sweet sorrow, or as it seems to me,"It reminds me of a moment in time, that is gone with the wind and can never return but in memory," he said finishing up his opinion, "and you played it beautifully," he said as he slipped an around around the redhead hoping to comfort her at least a bit.

"I .. well .... Father deals more with the people than myself. He ensures that the three of us - myself, Hanabi and Neji - all get our respective training and educational lessons in. So more often than not, we're inside. I know he means well ... he really does." She paused, thinking her next thoughts over before nodding slowly. "But sometimes, I think he's more lost than usual on how to go about certain actions and decisions. I'm pretty sure he's been .. this way since mother died. He's too stubborn and proud to admit it. But I've been able to note the hints in his eyes every now and again. I'm also certain that's why he can be so strict at times, a passive-aggressive way to take out his sorrow for the loss. He's getting better ... and it's never been anything too horrible. The worst is his verbal fits, really."

What few times he had laid hands on anyone, it'd been Neji more than herself or Hanabi. Or, when he had wanted to target either of the girls, Neji took the hits for them, even if he knew perfectly well that wasn't an obligation of his. It was something she thanked him repeatedly for time and time again.

Before she could speak up though, the shooting star was pointed out. "Oh wow ... um ... " Her mind raced quickly though it didn't need to contemplate too much to know exactly what to hope for. I want all of us -- all the Hyuugas and our future partners -- to be happy. Her eyes closed as she focused upon the hope and wish, feeling her body relax on the grass. As her Byakugans opened once again, she found Naruto gazing back at her. Her cheeks reddened again at the joke but still managed a nod of agreement.

"Y-yeah we probably should huh?" Carefully pushing herself up to her feet, she extended a hand down towards the Prince, offering to assist him off the ground.

"I wouldn't be astounded if you were a natural genius. You seem like it ... something unique, if nothing else." By now, most of the tears had been wiped away, though a few had threatened to fall again. The damn melody was still playing in her head despite Tayuya having ceased using the flute to perform it. Her memory was a double-edged blade, a blessing and a curse at times. And for now, it was leaning more towards the latter. She could remember most of every memory since the age of five .. some of which, she would have given anything to forget.

The ones that were being experienced first hand, though, were something Tayuya wouldn't mind at all remembering for the rest of her life. She'd been appreciated by the Uchihas, but never to this degree and extent. This .. was something new, something different. In her head, she couldn't pinpoint exact adjectives to use in describing it .. but Tayuya did have ideas on what she was trying to think of it as. The thoughts, though, were swiftly interrupted as an arm wrapped around her.

"For someone who's never courted before, you sure know how to spoil a woman." She replied, a sly smirk crossing her lips. Her head slowly fell against his chest as a soft sigh left. "You're definitely making it difficult to want to leave ... but I imagine you probably do want to check up on your cousin now, huh?" Given how the blonde looked nothing similar to Neji, her instincts said it was likely the one female who had been beside them before they left.
Naruto reached down and took Hinata's hand and let her held him up, he then smiled, as he didn't really need to say to much, "Well I guess our families are pretty opposite in a lot of ways, I am sure if I didn't go out and make friends my mother would of been mad, and let me tell you, she has a heck of a temper if you do something," he said remembering a few of those times when he had gotten himself in trouble with his mother. He shook his head letting the memories fade away as he walked with Hinata.

Having gotten used to holding her hand, he held her hand again, he was really starting to like this feeling and this activity that made him feel closer to her. He was really starting to think he like Hinata Hyuuga a whole lot too. He had wished to be the best person for this arrange marriage and the best husband ever, in his normal mentally loud fashion. Still it was a wish, and he was going to try to prove his wish true. He waned to help out the Hyuuga, as much as he could.

Naruto walked all the way back with Hinata to her room where he stopped in front of her door, "Well, I am sure we will see each other again tomorrow, it has been a lot of fun," he said as he looked at her, giving her a smile, he then felt nervous, he hadn't done something yet, and he knew it, he wouldn't be able to live it down if it didn't do it, especially from his parents, and his teacher Jiraya. He leaned in quickly and quickly kissed Hinata Hyuuga, with a brief but on the mark peck on her lips before turning and walking to his room waving to her as he left the hallway.

"Well, Tayuya, the trick, I guess is, I try to think how I would want a person to treat my cousins, and I do that. That or, I just go with my gut feelings," he said calmly as he got to his feet, "you are right thought, it is time for me to check on them, you saw Hinata, she is the princess of the kingdom due to marry the prince of this kingdom. I worry little about them," he said honestly, "she has loved him since..forever. The younger sister, whom you haven't seen, that one I do worry more about, she is a brat, similar oddly to your kingdom's prince," he had to admit as he walked to the door, "I shall see you tomorrow, I hope, and I truly hope to hear more of your music in the futre, thank you," he said before slipping out the door.

Neji headed down to Hanabi's room first, and spent some time in it, dealing with her. She wasn't pouting, she was mad, apparently Konohamaru had thrown a frog on her and some other things, that angered her, and talk of getting back at the idiot seemed to come rapidly from her. But when he went into more deal of the event, she went quiet, and said he was a idiot after a moment of actually blushing a tiny bit. He wasn't sure how it would work out, but time would tell, and he knew she was find, which was good.

He then went to Hinata's room and knocked to check on her quickly and see how her time with Naruto had gone. He was curious if it worked out as she had dreamed, or if things were going to take longer than she hoped. He waited calmly after knocking on the door, his mind still thinking about the music he had heard shortly before.

As they began to walk back inside, her head fell gently against his shoulder. It hadn't been just the deal which seemed so very perfect but the day overall. She couldn't have asked for anything more or better. The more Hinata thought on it ... when had she smiled so much? Not in years from what she could recall. This was definitely a nice change of pace. Though Hinata mentally kept the warning of the Queen's temper in the back of her mind, she didn't think upon it. The feelings of anxiety which had dominated her when the day had begun were replaced with pure bliss.

The walk seemed to swiftly end and soon, she was back in front of her room. "Mhm. I'll see you in the --- " But that was as far as she got before the gentle but still powerful kiss connected with her lips. Oh gods! Her face got red, red, crimson, deeper shade .... and finally to the point of where she felt as if she were having a fever. But it didn't act up, thankfully, until after Naruto had turned and left. It took all of her willpower to make her legs guide her from outside her door to upon her bed, still shaking as she thought about the kiss.

Part of Tayuya wanted to be selfish and take her own words back. But no, she couldn't do that. Neji was the eldest of the three and he had family obligations. Another surge of jealousy shot up in her. He had family ... something she dearly missed. Soon, her head was no longer against his chest, touching nothing but the air. Her smirk widened slightly as he hinted how the youngest was in attitude. "Hell ... well ... good luck with that one. I'll see you tomorrow too. Take ... take care."

And no sooner than Neji left did Tayuya feel .. almost empty. It was stupid, she knew, given he was in the same building. But that same, selfish part of her really did want him back. But the thought of him keeping his promise on seeing one another was enough to help her out. Pulling her dress off, she slipped into a nightgown, drinking the rest of the water that had been in the glass. Pulling the covers up, she slid under then and let her head fall upon the pillow. As her eyes closed, the same melody began to play again in her mind.

This time, though, instead of making her cry it lulled her into a deep and peaceful sleep.

The knock made Hinata practically jump and gasp softly, looking toward the door. Her face was still very red as she opened the door but a smile managed to cross her face all the same. "Ah ... Neji. How was your date?" She asked, moving aside to silently offer for him to come in. "She didn't look like Sasuke's sister to me." She added with a light tease.
Neji actually blushed a tad bit as he thought about his date, she was not an Uchiha, that much was for sure. "Well, it went very well, and your right, she isn't an Uchiha for sure," he said with a soft look as he looked at her, "I can tell just from looking at you, Hinata, that your date went well," I just really came into check on you, nothing more, and make sure things went alright," he said to his cousin.

"I checked in on your sister, she isn't pouting, but I think that it is a good thing those two have some time to grow up together, it will work in the end, it will just take time, or at least that is the impression that I am getting when I was over there," Neji commented referring to his visit of Hanabi only a bit before his checking up on her. "Well, I best let you get some sleep, I know I need some myself, it seems I have a date tomorrow," he added in, "well good night," he said turning and heading towards bed.

The only person whom didn't go to bed was Naruto Uzumaki, he had been walking down the halls, when he ran into Sasuke, and as normal for the two they got in a argument. The argument went on, till the both of them wanted to test to see whom was a better fighter. Thus the pair of them spent half the night fighting, with no determinable winner, and both with various bruises, cuts and scraps.

The next morning thus found Naruto not wanting to get up so much, wanting to rest, and hide the fact he had gotten into said fight with Sasuke. It also on the other end saw Neji up early, thinking about his upcoming date, his mind focused on meditating calming himself, but as he did so, he couldn't help but think about Tayuya's music and felt its calming effects even as he just meditated before heading out to find something to eat.

Neji had thought about knocking on the doors of his cousins' rooms to wake them up as was what he would do at home, but he decided against it, he figured that they had earned the right to sleep end and enjoy some rest and relaxation, they had enough on their plates already as it were. So he headed to the mess room alone to find some fruits to gather up to have for breakfast that morning as he thought about his plans for the day.

A soft sigh left Hinata upon hearing the news that Hanabi was finally not pouting. "Good ... " She murmured softly, nodding in understanding. "Well ... of course. I'd expect her to need time but ... well ... no matter. As long as she's done with that. Now hopefully it'll remain that way." A hand quickly raised to her mouth as she hid a yawn, giving Neji a polite bow of her head. "Sleep well then, Neji." Waiting for him to leave before closing the door, she began to slip out of her dress and into a nightgown.

Much like Tayuya, it took almost no time for the Princess to drift asleep, a very content smile upon her face.

By the time the morning came, both women were up -- at almost the exact same time. It seemed Tayuya and Hinata had been used to waking up an hour or so after the sun rose. Before either of the future wives could make it to the mess hall, however, another woman did; Lady Kushina.

Her head bowed politely to Neji, albeit a slightly confused look was on her face upon not seeing Naruto. Her arms went over her chest as she sighed. "He better not be oversleeping. Not now ..." Finally letting her eyes land upon Neji's, she asked, "Has my son been in here yet by chance? And before I go check up on him ... I do hope your stay here has been going well thus far." She added, managing a smile despite the lack of her son's presence. Her ankles tensed, ready to head off to Naruto's room after hearing Neji's reply.

Hinata and Tayuya met in the hall together, beginning to walk to the mess room side by side. Though Hinata hid the fact she'd had a small kiss from Naruto, she still did share some details and further introduce herself with Tayuya repeating the same process. Soon, both entered and saw both Neji and Kushina inside, each bowing their heads to the two individuals.
Neji looked at Kushina and blinked as he shook his head, he hadn't seen Naruto since the day before, when he went to go meet with Tayuya actually, but what he knew of Naruto, he won't put it past him to get into some type of trouble. He figured now, that perhaps, something went down that he wasn't aware of, but he wasn't sure what it could be. He turned to see Hinata, and Tayuya and bowed in return, "good morning Lady Hinata, Lady Tayuya," he said with a respectful tone before he looked back at his plate. It was good to see them again this morning.

Before he could think another person also slipped into the room, quietly, it wasn't Naruto, but Sasuke Uchiha, sporting a pair of black eyes and some scrapes that were noticeable as well. He didn't look like he was in the mood for talking at all. He narrowed his eyes as he walked past everyone quickly to find himself something to eat. He was in a fowl mood this morning and it was easy to note just why he was in the mood that he happened to be in.

Neji blinked as he looked at Sasuke and he had a good guess what had happened. He even knew of the dislike between Naruto and Sasuke, it had gone back a long ways, a natural rivalry of dislike between two very different people. Neji wasn't sure what to say after that, he figured he would help Kushina handle the situation, he knew she could handle it as well as deal with her son too. Still part of him was glad that at least it wasn't a one side fight between the two princess, and that Sasuke was smarting a bit from it. His eyes glanced toward Tayuya to see what her reaction was to Sasuke.

It was slight but Tayuya slid behind Hinata ever so slightly. She knew all too well how ... horrid his wrath could be. And hell if she was going to be the unfortunate person to receive any of it, especially when she hadn't done anything against him. Not this time. Admittedly, she had pulled pranks in the past and gotten in a lot of verbal fights with him ... but she wasn't trying anything stupid like that now. For one, she had no reason but for another ... her focus was much more upon Neji. She managed a smile even from behind the Princess and bowed her head to Neji. "Morning ... " She replied softly.

"Prince Sasuke ... " Kushina greeted, taking steady steps towards the clearly irked young man. Oh she'd known of Naruto and Sasuke's rivalry; that was no secret. But she had hoped, prayed that despite their relationship of sorts ... no fighting would have happened. However, there was the part of Kushina which so badly wanted to be wrong. Maybe she was making an incorrect assumption? Well ... she knew the easiest way to find out. Her eyes went from the wounds upon Sasuke's body to his own unique set of orbs. While her own were nothing like the Byakugan or Sharingan, they were still full of resolve and determination. It was clear he would not easily get out of or be able to lie to her.

"Morning. Now .. may I have the answer as to where those marks came from? I can't imagine an animal, given there aren't any within here. So .. would you mind replying and clarifying that for me?" She asked, keeping a calm but still very serious tone to her voice. It wasn't threatening by any means, but it was definitely trying to be a subtle way of suggesting he not make her temper flare. Already the mere thought of a fight having happened, in her and Minato's land no less, was making her begin to get irked. But knowing whom it may have been between wasn't much better.

As Kushina dealt with Sasuke, Hinata glanced back and noted the look in Tayuya's eyes as well as that they were upon Sasuke every now and again. She may not be a genius like Neji, but she could pick up on a few things. And right now, Tayuya's eyes were saying she didn't want to get near Sasuke. Giving the red-head a gentle tap upon her shoulder, she allowed her to remain behind her, helping her walk around Sasuke as both began to get food for themselves also.

It was clear that lest either woman was asked to speak up, they too would leave the talking to Kushina.
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