A Middle Age Naruto RP (Yajirobe and LadyYunaFFX2)

"I wasn't intending to. So that won't be an issue on my behalf, Kakashi." A low yawn left Kushina's lips seconds after she finished her own plate. "Mmmm ... yes. Rest does sound good." She mused. It'd been a while since she'd carried a child and now her body was reminding her of everything, including the good things, bad and annoying aspects of it all. Exhaustion was one that mixed in with the second and last adjectives. But she knew it was natural and called for some much needed relaxation. It wouldn't do her any good to stress or freak out, after all. Bowing her head to both men, she let her eyes linger on Minato - as if silently telling him she expected him up soon - before going to their chambers.

Konan nodded as her head tilted slightly. "You think the Wind may be secretly helping the Uchiha out? Is that a main concern of yours?" It could be done, yes. But she doubted it. From what she had heard of - or not heard - of the desert kingdom, they were rather prideful. Assistance was something they didn't like requesting. But now that they were bothering doing so, it just ... didn't feel like this was an act. She was pretty sure this was the very real thing. "Personally, I'm pretty certain it's only the Uchiha who are the main goal right now."

A small smile couldn't help but form on her face as he offered to make her not-so-restless. "The gesture is appreciated. I don't know though. Words don't affect me as easily as I'd love for them to, unfortunately. However ... do you know for sure if Orochimaru has been linked with any of this?" She'd never had the best history with the man. Around the same time she'd met Jiraiya, she had met him and Tsunade as well, each for brief time periods. Needless to say, she never once forgot Orochimaru's reaction to the sight of her and what he insisted her mentor should have done.

"Kill her."

It'd only been two simple words but they had a powerful effect. And that had been years ago, before Konan was even a teenager! To this day, she still didn't feel well around him. She hadn't upon noting him at Tayuya and Neji's wedding. And yet, that was the other odd thing. He was making public appearances? Orochimaru had never the type to do such things before. It only made her feel as if he were hiding something. And damnit, she wanted to know and get an idea if possible.

Poor Anko had done any and everything possible to keep her mind off her mentor. She'd even gone to Kurenai once again. It'd helped .. for a bit. But now, her mind was back on the man who had supposedly raised her. It was silly, she knew. But the man had taken over her biological father's place. And each recent act had been like a slap to her face... no. It'd been like a stab to her heart. No sense in lying to herself. Two new marks, the possibility of having associated himself - even briefly - with Hidan and Kakuzu, his avoidings of her ... and now he was supposed to send her away tomorrow? Along with be her first dance?

How was it supposed to work? How could she even face him?

Her hunter and ranger instincts were desperately wanting to kick in, to break her word briefly only to go back to it. But she couldn't just up and do that either.

Needless to say, the entire mental conflict had made poor Anko finally snap and break down in tears. She was in a bath, trying to calm herself. At least it was somewhat helping her mood and conceal the salty hints of her true emotions. But even then and there, her heart was still aching and racing furiously. Her hands were trembling but remaining upon her stomach to help her remember that if she had to break down and give into her emotions, she would damn well recall why it wouldn't be wise to let them fully dominate her at least.

Anko understood perfectly and realized that of all the nights, now was the most appropriate one for her to be alone. But a selfish part of her didn't want to be. Not until the wedding was hours away ... like five or less. She could endure a night without Kakashi if push truly came to shove but it wasn't by any means her preference.
Kakashi looked at Minato and smiled at his teacher for a moment as he looked at him, "Well, sensei, sometimes it amazes me that you don't have 10 kids," he mused looking at him causing Minato to chuckle a bit himself as Kakashi made the comment. Kakashi wished his teacher good night knowing that Kushina most likely wanted to spend quality time with her husband, he was no almost married he had figured out that look that Kushina had given him, he was sure what it had meant.

Kakashi went to bed, as he did he thought about Anko and how strange it was to lay down in a bed without her near him or resting against him. Seriously it was strange, and he was sure he hated the lack of the beautiful woman pressed against himself using him as a pillow, it felt rather unnatural honestly as he closed his eyes for a moment and let out a soft sigh before turning from side to side trying to find the best way to sleep unsure of any of them cause they all felt funny to him, before he finally hit on the best way to sleep and quickly faded into dreamland.

"No, that isn't the thing that worries me, honestly," he said as he took a stick from nearby, he drew the three kingdoms the Uchiha, Uzumaki and Hyuuga and he put a large number of the minor countries mostly ont he borders of the Uchiha, with a few on the borders of the other ones as well. He pointed out the path they were taking as well which bypassed the Uchiha lands. "We will go though 4 or 5 minor kingdoms along the way, we past though 2 today, I don't know how they will react. I don't think any are friends with the Uchiha, but I don't know if any have any hatred for all outsiders or think we might somehow be Uchiha not knowing who we are," he informed her as he looked at the map he drew. "I figure it will work out well, most sure of it, but there is always a chance that something can go wrong and I have to be ready for that."

He heard her question about Orochimaru and nodded his head, "Yeah, he will be, he is a part of the Uchiha Kingdom and we have every reason to thing one of their main leaders as well. He has done some rather bad things from what I have overheard even targetting the Uchiha Prince, Sasuke recently, so he is not a friend," Shikamaru informed the blue haired woman as he looked up a t her for a moment. "We will be facing many powerful Uchiha, some of their best, they have some pretty scary tricks, but we have to help our allies as best as we can. I hope they know we are coming cause if they do, it will make things so much easier," he explained looking at Konan.

As Shikamaru began to explain his worries, Konan watched and began to carefully listen and watch simultaneously. He had pretty valid points once they were all pointed out. But as he'd also hinted, they had already gone through quite a few of the minor kingdoms. Half of them to be exact. So she wasn't too uneasy they couldn't go past two more. A slow nod and clearly visible frown appeared on her face as the confirmation of Orochimaru being involved was brought up. "... I see." She replied softly, moving a few blue strands away. It didn't amaze her but that didn't mean Konan was content to hear of the possibility of re-meeting the Snake Sannin. And this time, it'd be on far worse terms.

She couldn't help but wonder if they were severely outnumbered? Should more people have come along? True, this was - more or less - the Week of the Weddings but ... still. A small part of the origami artist was beginning to fear they shouldn't have headed out just yet. Her head quickly shook no as she tried to convince herself this would somehow work out.

"Has it been found out why they're targeting the desert as opposed to any other nation? I mean ... what exactly are they hoping to gain? Is that known? Or do you have a theory on it?"

Meizumi had been having rude awakenings every now and again, caused by sharp sensations of agony. Her teeth found her lower lip as her eyes shot open. Heavy pants left and for a few seconds, she'd almost sat up. But the additional pain made her lie down once again, her body reminding her she was far from healed. "Fuck ... " She whimpered, shuddering as her mixed eyes slowly snuck a glance towards Sasuke.

Gods help her, she wanted to go to Kakashi's wedding. But like this? Cursing and crying - or getting damn close to it - from pain every few minutes? No, definitely not. She didn't wish to make a scene. It was almost enough to make her consider not going. But then that ... made her upset with herself. Her hands tensed and more than anything, she wanted to hide away. But her upper and lower body could barely move as it was. Her eyes closed as she tried to figure out what she wanted more; to go or not.
Shikamaru nodded as he looked at her, "Well it is actually rather simple, they are the weakest of the nations, they have resources that can be used to rebuild their forces, they have a new young leader, who isn't any older then Neji or Naruto, so to the leadership of the Uchiha, they look like the easiest target," he said as he looked at Konan for a moment as he let out a sigh, he had the same worries that she did, they were going to need more men for the problems they were going to face. He worried this wasn't going to be easy or even a possible mission to get done at all.

As he thought, he looked up and saw traces of something, before the sky turned a bright as the area around where they were turned inot a field of lights above them and below them, it was worriesome, and Shikamaru got to his feet right away grabbing the neariest weapon he could as he looked at the lights, a mage's weapon, he heard of such things, but they were minor things to his knowledge as he looked around he prepared himself for a fight.

As he looked at the woods a group of three people came quickly walking out of the woods. One was a dark skinned woman with light hair, a odd man with a blue kind of mohawk and a eyepatch and a brown haired man with brown eyes who looked the least scary but was the mage most likely of the group of three, given his garb. Their colors were from the minor kingdoms, each a different one, he wasn't sure what to make of this, as the brown haired one walked up, "Well, you are from the task force correct?"

"Yeah, I am, who are you," Shikamaru asked as he looked at the group of them, odd that such a group would be able to catch them like that, but then he had a feeling they were important to degrees.

"We are the alliance, we are out there, our force his moving in your wake, we just wanted to see where you were going, so we can plan our move best," the brown haired one said extending his hand, "My name is Kaza, King of the Wave Kingdom, that is Aoi from the Mist Kingdom, and Mabui from the Cloud Kingdom," Kaza explained calmly, "If your making a move on the Uchiha, then you have our support, we have been seeing troublesome things or reading that recently and wish to support Gaara in his fight against the Uchiha."

Her movement woke Sasuke up, as he looked at her yawning he could tell she was still upset. He looked at her raising an eye for a moment, "Well now, I guess you moved the wrong way huh," he said softly to her as he looked at her, "you know, I might be able to put you into an illussion that might help, my eyes, have such powers to put people in an illusion for a set period of time. It might help you sleep which you need badly," he said to her softly as he knew to not move or press against her to avoid hurting her, "I really wish it would of been me that they hurt and not you, I am so sorry for my failings," he said looking at her, "I shouldn't of ever meet with those people, and then you wouldn't be hurt," he said softly as he looked right at her.

So ... for more resources and land?

It only seemed a bit odd just because the Uchiha were one of the three biggest nations. Did they really need more? In her mind and eyes, they shouldn't. But it wasn't an abnormal concept to hear about, unfortunately. Tons of people were greedy, be it for power, land, finances, any and all aspects pretty much. So even if Fugaku had enough in actuality, she wouldn't put it past him to want more despite that. Or whomever was in charge of this movement. Her own nod left and before she could ask another question, her train of thought got interrupted. A bright light surrounded nearby them.

Much like Shikamaru, Konan got up to her feet also as one hand shielded her eyes. They began to blink and adjust even before she allowed her arm to move away and gaze at the new individuals before them all. There were three in total. Technically, they had four with them but two were asleep. So if it came to a fight, it'd be three versus two, with herself and the Nara leader being the latter. Even with them both being skilled .. would this be enough? She doubted it and it made the origami artist all the more anxious.

Yet as they spoke up, they revealed themselves to be allies? And ... wait. Was she really looking at the current leader of her homeland?! Her head quickly bowed in respect. Most of the doubts on these newcomers were gone. She'd gladly trust anyone from her home nation no problem. It was the other two, especially Mist, that she was slightly unsure of.

Why? Simple. They tended to have a reputation of producing some of the most deadliest hunters and assassins. And it helped them have a shady feel of sorts to them. If nothing else, it seemed best to follow the old saying. Better to be safe than sorry. And she'd gladly follow that policy, especially in times like now.

Her eyes snuck towards Shikamaru. Konan would respect his call and decision in the end. But personally, she'd still keep her eyes and ears open. This couldn't help but feel just a bit too perfect. They had finished speaking of making a move against the Uchiha and now these new people show up? She couldn't help but feel it wasn't as much of a coincidence as it may very well have been.

As Sasuke brought up his eye ability once again, Meizumi thought on it. Admittedly, it would be simpler in concept for him to do that than carry her the entire wedding. Her head bowed as an annoyed sigh left her lips. Her head slowly shook. "Not yet." She replied softly. "Wait until the wedding. Until then, I'll grin and bear it as the saying goes. Until that time though, save your strength. I don't want to make a scene in front of everyone else. Even if it's likely gone around what happened to us ... that doesn't mean I want any and everyone to know."

She knew and realized this wouldn't trick Kakashi or anyone stronger than him. But that wasn't why she would take it anyways. In the end, it just seemed like the best solution for her to use. And while the offer was still on the table, Meizumi would - somewhat reluctantly but still - accept it.

Her head shook again as Sasuke apologized. "I wasn't fast enough ... good enough. It isn't only you." She replied softly, fighting the urge to glance at herself. If any healing had been done, it hadn't at all felt like it. The possibility of ever being able to be anything; a bodyguard, knight, even wife all seemed to continue to steadily slip out of her fingers' grasp, making her heart sink further in the process. She didn't want to be useless! Fuck and no! But .. it did seem like that was the path her body was steadily taking.

And it genuinely scared her.
Shikamaru gave the group a cautious look as Konan had been worried, so had Shikamaru, he looked at the trio with a spetical look in his eyes as he said nothing for a good long moment. He was measuring up the three of them, they didn't seem all that normal, his eyes looked from one to the next, how did they able to find them so easily, how were they able to know that things were going down. His doubtful look was focused on the leader of the three or at least the speaker of the three as he tilted his head just a bit to the right before looking right at him.

Kaza looked at the two and smiled politely, as he pulled out a letter from his sleeve and handed it over to Shikamaru, "Well,this isn't random chance, it would see that this was more the planned type of meet up, it is just lucky we caught up, we have been moving quickly all night ahead of our own units to make sure we caught up with you," Kaza commented as he handed over the letter to Shikamaru.

Shikamaru looked up and looked at the man and then looked at the letter, and blinked as he nodded his head, "I see, well, we are headed to the Wind Kingdom, you may follow, but I suggest when we get there you meet with Gaara as we are, I am sure he knows the situation better than we do of the situation there," he said as he slipped the letter over to Anko quietly, "Now, we need to sleep, and you need to get back to your men, We are heading down this leader as quickly as possible, so following shouldn't be hard."

The letter he handed Konan was a letter from Minato and Kushina, asking the smaller kingdoms to help the Uzumaki and Hyuuga in their efforts to stop the Uchiha, and to prevernt the growth of a very dangerous new power. The letter also told of the plans, and requested all the help that he could give them given the seriousness of the attack on the windkingdom and promised aid in return if they need it one day in exchange for helping the task force.

Sasuke looked at her and took a deep breath as he focused his eyes on the woman. He knew that she would blame herself, and he looked at her, "stop, that is doing nothing to help you, I got myself caught, you choose to put yourself though this pain for me," Sasuke said looking at her, the tone of his words showing how moved he was. "I shall do no less for you, ever, getting you better is my only goal, now I need you to stop thinking these negative things."

"Negative thoughts must leave now, you are a beautiful woman, and we will beat this, we will get you though this. Negativity has no place in recovery, I don't want you to say anything outloud or even think of anything else negative, each pain is one less in the series of pains that will bring you back to where you were, one step, each step matters," he said calmly as he focused his whole attention on her. He wasn't going to let her give up, or quiet, he was going to push her as much as he could. He just had to work, fiind the right ways to push her and get her moving again, she had to recover and he knew he had to remind her to let go of the negative thoughts and words.
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