A Middle Age Naruto RP (Yajirobe and LadyYunaFFX2)

The only interesting happening was Naruto's plan to stay in the room naked with Hinata, he figured if he was, she would get used to him being so which would help things a lot. He actually undressed and got back into bed naked as he laid on top of it, she wold notice him when she woke up and then they could start to deal with their nervousness issues that he worried would be a problem for them.

Kakashi had been up for a bit, when he felt Anko's move again, he knew something was bothering her, something was annoying her and that something was causing her to fret. He had a good feeling what it was a combination of Orochimaru, and the fact some other had seals now. He turned over her as he woke up for good looking down at her, he knew he had time before he had to leave her side, but he would give her something else to focus on. He took his hand and ran it down her body, unlike Neji and Naruto, he had no problem giving or taking pleasure from his soon to be wife. The fact she was with child didn't matter she was still very early in that process afterall. He kissed her lips as he looked at her, "You should become a teacher, take a couple of students on yourself," he said as he looked at her, "I think it would do you some good, plus it would be a way to help out while you can't do much else,' He said as he pet his hands press over her body teasing it as he let her know what was on his mind.

Sasuke was half awake when Meizumi kissed him, waking him up. He heard her sound and he looked at her. he ran his hand over her cheek softly, "it is okay, I am not going anywhere," he said to her softly, she was his number one priority in life now, and nothing much was going to change that fact. "Just stay still, this will take time, and when it is over, we will then wed you and me together," he said softly as he felt very different when he was around this whitehaired swordswoman.

"Well, we are going to use the old training route between my homeland and the Desert capital," he said looking in her direction as he focused his attention on her. "We will leave here and head south, there is a path that will lead around the Uchiha lands though the mountains before it ends up in Suna the capital of the Wind and Desert Kingdom. We will meet up with the leadership there and provide any help that we can and support, we shall be taking supplies and medicine with us for their use and we shall be acting in the defense of the city as we are needed," he explained.

Shikamaru knew that the trip would give him the chance to figure out the skils of the unit and then he could use that knowledge to place them in the position that they would be able to help their allies in the most. He looked between them, focusing on none of them much, he had a feeling they all could handle themselves. We shall get together in one hour in the area south of town, if there is no more questions we shall meet back there, we will have a two or three day trip ahead of us, pack your own supplies well, of course."

"Where you going?" Hinata murmured, feeling the additional weight upon the bed temporarily leave. The answer seemed to be nowhere ... well, not out of the room as he did return. But as her eyes opened and sight adjusted, she noted he'd gotten rid of what clothes had remained on him. Her cheeks almost instantly reddened and slowly, she glanced down at herself. She would need to be fully nude to do anything, especially involving sex. So .. maybe now was one of the better times to practice. Her hands reached around her back as she undid her bra and then slid the hose and panties all off. She tossed each in a hamper but stayed under the covers; partly to remain warm and another out of habit. Light violet eyes tried to stay looking up into the blue ones to avoid staring at her new nude spouse. At least it wouldn't be the wrong person to gaze at but she didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

A sly smirk crossed her lips. "I suppose that would be one way to ensure I can turn out to be a decent mom. I'll think on it." A set of low sighs and moans left as she felt Kakashi's hands trailing along her body. "... True. We do have a few hours or so." Regardless of the reasons, Anko showed she would eagerly accept the invitation to avoid thinking of her mentor. Her eyes focused upon Kakashi for a bit before the ranger pressed a deep kiss upon his lips.

Meizumi's heart sank as she heard Sasuke conscious. Her mind reminded the swordswoman of Kakashi's words, that he may be disowned or exiled. Her head turned as she leaned into his touch and let out a weary sigh. "... Where do you want to get wed at, anyways? Let alone do you know of a priest or holy person that can be trusted to help make it official?" She'd work her way up to revealing all her mentor had hinted and said may happen. But she didn't have it in her to just outright tell him. He'd seemed to have so much faith in his brother but ... Kakuzu may have been right. For all anyone knew, Itachi may have betrayed him along with anyone else he'd thought close enough.

Both artists turned around and headed off, going to head off to pack and prepare for the trip ahead. When the hour arrived, each came back on a horse with the bags attached to each filled mainly with rations, some of their supplies for their arts and weapons, and a few other necessities. They each gave Shikamaru an affirmative nod, silently signaling they were ready. The better wording, rather, was they had been ready. It'd only taken each about ten minutes to pack but they figured it would be wise to wait till it was time to head out and rendezvous with the others.
Naruto's eyes remained on the beautiful woman for a good moment, she was an angel, without clothes on though she looked like so beautiful, he blushed, but he kept himself under control as he moved over and smiled as he put his arms on either side, he wasn't going to take her purity away, but he wanted to kiss her, and did as he so wanted, pressing lightly down against the body of his wife. He knw that this woman couldn' t but help make him excited about this, he felt better though, but still blushed a whole lot as he looked at her.

Neji played the piano after waking up, he found that the music of the piano was something that naturally was calmly. He focused on the music as he had a piano brought into their room. He smiled softly as he hit the notes, he was sure that Tayuya could hear him play, a fact that caused him no little bit of joy as he continued on, playing happily the music that caused him to feel retrospective to some degree.yet, he felt good at the same moment as the music poured from him. The understanding of music that Tayuya played so much better now then he did when he before he learned himself. He hoped that she enjoyed it, yet to him it was something special they shared. He was also getting really good at the trait really quickly. He smiled as he stopped and played a better song one that he had just learned recently, he played this music which showed better his feelings at the moment.

Sasuke looked at her and caressed her cheek softly, "We will get married where we can and who does it isn't as important as what the event is, we can find someone, you have friends, from your past, we can go to them, they will agree, I am sure of it, Minato, Kushina, they must know someone who can do the service, it will be small, even if only one person shows up, that will be enough, I don't need something fancy or anything to show that I am a price for I know I am one already."

Shikamaru and Ayame were ready too, they looked at the others who would be traveling with them. Shikamaru nodded as he looked at them, "good we can get going, keep your eyes open it is possible that we are attacked along the path to the village, it is key that we keep track of everything going on, so we avoid an ambush," he said looking at the group as he had a feeling that he would figure out their skills as they went, "Ayame, start us off, tell me about yourself, I need to know my team so I can plan for any situation that might come up."

Ayame walked with the group quietly, she was not always the loudest, but none of them were loud, she heard the request and nodded his heard as she walked, she knew what was happening and she wanted to learn about her new teammates too. "My name is Ayame, I am a knight of the Hyuuga, my father was a knight of the Mist Kingdom, my mother a medic from the Hyuuga lands married and left for. They were both killed when I was 3, by an Uchiha," she said as she walked ahead showing no sign of it having that big of a impact on the young woman. "I was then raised by my great grandmother and my grandfather. My father is a medic for the Hyuuga. I learned most basic medical skills, but I am best with a sword, my swordsmanship skills are the best in the Hyuuga kingdom," she said mater of factly. "I guess we can say I am here as the offensive tool to hammer our foes with and heal those who need if when I can."

Shikamaru nodded as he looked around, "I am Shikamaru Nara, the heir to the adviser of the Uzumaki, you can guess why I am here, I am sure," he said as he walked, "I will do all I can to make sure we call come back from this mission alive, I promise I will give my full effort on this mission," he said as he knew they might of heard that he was lazy, but when his friends were on the line, he never was such a thing. "Sai could you go next please?"

Regardless of whether Naruto had wanted to wait or not, Hinata's body had mostly - if not completely - relaxed and adjusted well enough. But the kiss alone made her content as she leaned into it. A content sigh left her lips. "Morning." She replied contently, reluctantly pulling herself away. "Sleep well, love?" She added, her heart soaring upon finally realizing words like 'love' had an actual purpose now.

Tayuya did indeed hear the music. But before she headed out to meet up with Neji, an idea had come to her. So she was going through the sheet music her mother left behind. It was ... long, quite a few pages. But if she was reading it correctly, it'd have a beautiful result. One time ... twice ... three times and finally, Tayuya gave a nod and walked out. Come hell or high water, she would write to her new cousins later tonight. But the musical message was clear; Neji wanted her now. She could comply with that.

A small smile adorned her face as she walked out and got to better hear her love. Once he was done, she set the piano pages in front of him. "This was from the heirloom box." She replied. "It's another duet piece actually ... " It was also as if she knew that Tayuya would find someone who'd end up playing piano; a tad eerie but not nearly as much as other things had been. "What do you think? That pushing for too much or ..... ?"

Meizumi's head shook no. "Not from the snow lands, no. You heard Kakuzu. He dealt with that. The most are Kushina, Minato, and Kakashi really. Sasuke ... Kakashi thinks you may be disowned. He's offering to help us stay here and remain low until this is settled with." She'd tried to continue to keep the news away but felt more twinges of guilt rush through her. And given she was in enough pain as it was, Meizumi didn't want more, especially from something that would have been her own fault.

Sai gave an affirmative nod. "I ... don't honestly recall much of myself. I was trained with the mindset to forget of emotions. And for the most part, I have. I can't recall why but I've always had a passion for drawing. It seems to have gotten so strong that literally anything I draw can come to life, be it a gate, creature, or scenery even. I've used my art for espionage, full-fledged assaults, and other similar scenarios, both close and long range."

Once Sai finished, Konan spoke up. "My name is Konan and as of recently, I'm now aligned with the Hyuuga. Before I was ... well, with no one, a traveler at best. I used to have two childhood friends I grew up with. An array of conflicts and time over the years have made me lose touch with them. Origami is my art and my weapon. I self-discovered this a bit before running into Jiraiya and having him be the closest thing to a father figure for me. He helped raise me for a while, ensure I continued to survive. I can be offensive and defensive, be it for myself or allies." It was a bit complicated with extending her powers to others ... but that bridge would arrive later. For now, she continued to focus on the positives.
Naruto nodded his head, this was maybe a good idea, maybe a bad one, as he looked over the lavish body of Hintata Huga, he could but think gabout just how beautiful, how sexyu, and how nice on the eyes his wife was. He blushed as he knew that it was having some impact on his body as he looked down to see that he was hardening up really quickly as he just looked at her curvy body. "Well maybe this wasn't such a good idea,' he admitted outloud as he looked at his beautiful newlywed wife.

Neji looked up as he saw Tayuya getting out of thier room and walking over to where he sitting on the bench, his eyes looked up as he smiled as he toko the sheet music from her hands and looked over it for a long moment, He could see the music being played in his mind as he looked at it, he then put it in front of himself, "Well, then, come sit down next to me and we can play this together," he said with a smile to Tayuya as he patted the seat next to him. He had picked up the art of music to have something that would connect himself and his wife on a deeper level, and honestly, he was so very happy that he had, and that it worked out as he had hoped that it would.

"Well, we will have to wait then, but you will be my woman in all but officialness," he said as Sasuke leaned over and caressed her gently and carefully, "now we have to focus on getting you back, that is my number one goal, to be here for you and support you," he said looking at her, "I will help you however I can, and if you need something while you rest, tell me, if you ask me to jump, I will only ask how high," Sasuke commented as he knew that he had to do everything possible to support Meizumi in her time of troubles.

"So we have a different type group, but it is a honor to work with each of you, Ayame, you shall take the front, you will handle anything that comes at us, Konan take follow position as I am sure you can handle yourself, but don't be afraid to use your paper in any way you deem needed especially if you think there maybe enemies nearby, Sai, keep to the back and keep a eye on our backside, I don't want to be snuck up on while we are on this trip, who knows, they might figure out taht we are on this path. Also perhaps they have set traps up or ambushes up for any travlers on this path, wanting to cut out travel between the villages," Shikamaru mused as he looked at the others, an air of command coming from his tone as he looked over the group.

Ayame took the point as she went ahead, her eyes trained for any sign of trouble that might be ahead of her, this was a interesting group, but she had hope that they would be able to blend together well enough to deal with any possible problems that came there way. The young woman, movined her eyes were good, but not as good as a Hyuuga or a Uchiha, still she would do her best in her mission.

"...Hm?" Hinata had been confused for a moment on Naruto's reply. It soon became obvious on why as she felt him harden. "N-no. It's fine, really." She reassured. "We promised to get through this together. Shouldn't we keep it that way? Besides ... it's a natural reaction." She'd seen from the bachelorette party that Tayuya had been given a book, an erotic one to be specific. She hadn't dared considered asking to read it. But she had been hinted it was the same thing Kakashi often read so ... maybe Naruto would know a few things? But regardless, she meant her words. "If .. if you want ... maybe ... you can teach me?" She added, trying to fight and keep her cheeks from turning any redder than they already were.

Taking a few steps away first, Tayuya grabbed her flute and held it firmly in her hands. She'd already sets hers upon a music stand beside Neji to allow him to still occupy most of the piano. Simultaneously, however, she'd be able to comply with his request to join him. Her foot lightly tapped on the ground as she began timing it all, knowing she didn't enter in and let herself be heard until a bit after 30 seconds of the song beginning. But once she did, she began ensuring all the notes were borderline perfect if not just that to help make the duet able to be played out like it was meant to.

This felt ... dear gods so wrong. Sasuke was the prince! Why? Why was he doing this for her? He'd just said it though, hadn't he? But even still, it didn't seem fair. In fact, part of Meizumi feared she had somehow manipulated him. "Right now ... " she answered slowly before nodding. "Please just stay here. I don't feel like being alone. It's bad enough I doubt I'm going to be able to attend tomorrow ... " She added, a new set of tears falling before she could begin to halt them. The swordswoman knew Kakashi would more than understand but that didn't begin to erase her feelings on how she felt.

Both Konan and Sai gave Shikamaru affirmative nods. With how well he'd taken lead of this group, neither had dared guess he was supposedly lazy. In fact, he seemed like a rather natural leader and it appeared both had good feelings about all of this. They'd get through this all. Not perfectly though that wasn't what they were asking for. Just to be alive and well, that'd be more than good enough for the two. Neither would begin to admit it aloud but the two artists weren't fond on the concept of death. It definitely applied more to Konan since Sai hadn't felt the urge to live as much, but it was still felt by both regardless.

To help them properly comply with the orders, Konan's horse went a bit in front of Sai's. This way the male would be ensured he'd remain and watch the back as Shikamaru had requested while the woman would be ready if she needed to make any sort of move, offensive or not.
Naruto looked at the sweet kind eyes of Hinata for a long view moments as he smiled looking at her, his fingers pressing and caressing her face gently as he kissed her lips ever so longfully as he pressed her against the bed gently, he pressed his hands over her large breasts, touching, rubbing his finger tip over her senative skin as he looked at her for her reactions, he knew what to do, the shock of being naked was the challenge. he looked down and kissed her stomach softly as he moved his hands from her breasts to her sides, they moved down slowly caressing her sides gently as he worked his way down bit by bit. His fingertips running over her skin softly as he knew one of the keys was always to loosen up a woman before anything, He had learned a lot from Jiraya, which would to be expected, nothing really oddly from Kakashi. He pressed his lips lower with each and every kiss.

His lips reached down to her lower lips pressing against them as he licked the lower part of her lips as he played with them, before finding her clit and pressing his tongue down on that sucking on that lightly as he knew that was one of the keys, as he played with it with his tonue, Naruto let his fingers touch, and play with her womanhood as well as he knew that he was doing most likely a pretty solid job of causing her to feel great, he lifted up his face to look at his shy wife for a moment to see if she was okay and to see how she was handling all the attention he was giving to her. Mostly he made sure that she had not passed out on him or anything, as he did so, he contued to press his fingers against her lowerlips lightly watching each moment to make sure he didn't over do it against the beautiful Hinata

The music came out and it was perfect, it was a sign to the young Hyuuga prince that he had made the right choose, a fact he had known for along time. He smiled as his eye looked up and at the woman who he had wanted to be with for so long. He smiled as he looked into her eyes with a soft kind look in them as each note was played as well as it could be. there music dancing like two butterflies moving in harmony though the air. It was perfect in the view of Neji as he finished up the song, he smiled and looked up at Tayuya. "Well, thank it was a great honor to be able to play that piece of music with you," he said with a kind honest tone to his voice.

"I think we need to get ready, your going to need a bathing suit of some kind, we are going to a rather warm and tropical place, and well, it will be so much fun, sunshine, and waves and sand as afar as the eye can see," hes said with a grin on his lips as he looked at her wondering what she would think about the fact, "the place is on the beech itself, it is small but the right size for the two of us, and as far as food goods it is already left stocked for us, we will leave after the after party, and head down to their via carriage, I am sure that we will be able to sleep the whole way if we so choose to do so.

Sasuke looked at her as he took a deep breath, he owed this woman his life, he owed her so much. He knew that if she hadn't of been there he wouldn't be alive. He loved this woman, this woman had became like a light in his life, a light he wanted to chase, and in chasing moved out of the darkness where he happened to be when he started out. He knew that this woman had saved him on so many levels that he couldn't even begin to measure them or properly thank her for what she had done for him. He smiled as he looked at her, and kissed her forehead.

"I will think of a way to get you into the wedding tomorrow, perhaps you can go in a wheelchair or something, but I will think of something," he said to her softly as he wasn't about to leave the woman, it was his self-apointed goal to watch her and take care of her as she was harmed. "I am also not going to leave you either, I am here for the longrun, and while your not a princess like Hinata, or skill her equal in my opinion," he said as he remained by her side.

As Hinata's lips met with Naruto's, her heart began to race. She had no regrets on the request by any means. But it didn't make her less nervous, though there was much more of a content sensation than any negative ones. As the first kiss was initiated, Hinata leaned into it, sighing softly. Her cheeks flushed as the white orbs began to watch Naruto make his way down her body, starting with her breasts. The sensation had been like an abrupt jolt of electricity, causing the Princess to toss her head back and moan in delight.


Her nipples hardened almost instantly from the mere touch. It was almost disappointing he even dared move away. But she had asked to be taught and shown some intimate acts. And there were likely more than just paying heed to her breasts. Gradually, Naruto began making his way down once again. The fingernails trailing along her sides made a light shudder flow down her spine. Finally, he was in between her legs. The sight made Hinata's cheeks go more crimson and though she was still a bit anxious, her legs parted slightly for him.

"Oh .... oh Naruto!" The mix of his fingers and tongue working on her virgin entrance and clit was ... oh dear gods amazing. Another electric-like shock traveled through the Hyuuga princess as her hips gently bucked. By now, she was panting and breathing a bit heavier than usual. But it was all definitely worth it. Her hips continued to gently rock up and down as more moans and sighs elicited from her lips. "So ... so good. Mmmm ... Naruto. That's amazing."

Admittedly, part of her had wanted to faint but she refused and made the urges leave. Besides, this was all feeling far too good for her to dare consider asking her new spouse to halt. If anything, she wanted more.

"It was a pleasure. That .. was actually the sheet music from the set of heirlooms." Gently grabbing the papers, she smiled upon realizing tomorrow was indeed the last wedding. It meant that everyone would be going to their honeymoons and likely soon after the reception. "Sounds good. Alright, I'll go do that." Leaning forward, Tayuya first pressed a kiss upon Neji's lips before turning into their room and beginning to pack as promised. If nothing else, she would write to Naruto and Sasuke after finishing up. Besides, it'd probably be less awkward than if she tried to talk to them, especially the Uchiha prince.

Even as she thought it over, the bard still didn't know how he'd react to the knowledge of her being Sasuke's cousin. Would he believe it? A part of her wouldn't blame him for not but really .. he needed to grow up. A low sigh left as she set her flute and the music away and knelt in front of the drawers. Her eyes scanned the contents as Tayuya then began to seek out clothing to bring along to their honeymoon.

"....No." Meizumi knew she was being stubborn. But the duo hadn't taken all of her pride away and it showed from how she responded and shook her head. "I .. I'd rather not if possible. If there's another way, I'd definitely rather take it as opposed to that." And yet even as the knight thought on the matter, there were almost no other ideas coming to her mind. It made her tremble slightly, infuriated and humiliated. She'd already felt pathetic enough from having been seen in such a weakened state by her own mentor. To face him like this on his wedding .... was like one of the most horrible sins in existence.

It was true that none of this had been her or Sasuke's fault. But she didn't want her presence to create a scene, panic, or both. But realistically, there was almost no way to be able to walk there. That fact alone made her want to break down again. But she restrained herself if for no other reason than to avoid having an emotional fit in front of Sasuke. It'd be justified albeit embarrassing for her.

".... Thank you." She managed to reply. Her head rested upon a shoulder and even though it made her turn and simultaneously wince from forcing some of the still recovering muscles to move, it was definitely worth it. Slightly heavy pants and winces continued to leave every few moments that Meizumi remained on her side.
Naruto slipped himself up her body letting his fingers remain where they were, he was getting so turned on by this, by touching her, by being near her, it was far greater then it had been in any of his many dreams about the Princess up to that point. He pressed his fingers over her womanhood as his lips refound her breasts, he sucked on them, always letting one of his hands play with her other breasts carefully as he did so. He knew that this had to be great for Hinata, her noises, her sound, everything she did told him that she was very much enjoying what he was doing for her. He couldn't help but love that part as much as anything else.

He was glad too she hadn't fainted, he wasn't going to put it past her that she might before it was over, but she was going strong, and for that he had to admit he was rather proud of the princess, and his wife. He looked at her as he pulled her legs around his waist moving his hand from her lower lips, he rubbed his very hard member over the outside of her womanhood, he loved teasing this princess, and he knew that she was getting an experience that was unlike anything she had ever had before, it was suppose to be that way, and Naruto could feel his heart racing with excitement, joy and a bit of nervousness too.

Neji had no trouble working to find his things, he was in a upbeat mood and he was thinking about what they could do when they got to the beach, what fun it would be, though he had a feeling perhaps the first day they wouldn't even see the beach. He knew there was so much pent up desire for Tayuya, that he had been holding back on. He couldn't see how when it was allowed to be released that it wouldn't end up with her on his bed for a good long while as they made love with each other.

Sasuke sighed as he looked at her, he wished he had some way to heal her, he loved her so. He took adeep breath, "I think it might be the only way to get you there without harming you seriously, the only other way would be for me to carry you around or something of that nature," he said as he knew she would hate that idea of having to be carried around by someone else. "Just rest though, it will be okay, they know that you are recovering and I know that both will be happy to see you and are just glad your alive after all this."

Sasuke let Meizumi use his shoulder as a resting spot as he knew that she was in a great deal of pain, and for someone as prideful as her, it had to be hell to have to go though all of this. He soon was asleep himself, taking a small nap while he could.

"A-ah! Ohhh .... " Whimpers and whines began to mix in with her moans and groans of delight. Every time his fingers or mouth traveled to a new destination, it sent a new wave of emotions through her. The best way to sum up how she was feeling in one word was blissful. Her nipples were stiff and erect and thanks to the stimulation he'd given her lower body, so was Hinata's clit. Her hips had continued to gently buck and down, the mix of Naruto's actions plus her own easily helping make her drenched as juices slowly leaked onto his fingers.

... Wait ... now?!

She'd thought they agreed to practice but ... no. Even if that were true, this had been something Hinata had wanted for a while. And she could literally see and feel that the feelings were mutual from Naruto. Her heart raced more as he began lining himself up, her legs making sure they stayed wrapped around Naruto's waist. Her hands shook slightly as they grabbed the covers. It was always supposed to hurt the first time, or so she'd heard. So Hinata began trying to mentally prepare. Apparently, though, after the agony was immense pleasure so .. hopefully that would be more than accurate enough for the princess to ignore what pain would linger.

Even if she was acting as calm and stoic as Neji usually tended to be, Tayuya was as eager as her husband. She knew there was nothing wrong with hinting her desires to her husband ... but she, the bard supposed, wanted to ensure it remained between her and Neji. Sure that may have sounded a bit odd, even in her own head it did. In fact, she shook it in annoyance at herself for seeming as if she'd over-reacted way too much. After packing, she stood and grabbed some spare parchments, a quill and ink and began getting the notes done. The hardest part .. was how to word them. She was seeing few other ways besides the more direct route so ... how to explain that? Her finger lightly tapped against her chin as she contemplated on this.

While it was true that being carried wasn't much better of a preference, she would accept being carried over taken in a wheelchair. In fact, Meizumi had considered making a jest to Sasuke that he'd need to do that with her after they got wed anyways but her courage faded. Meizumi's head glanced up as Sasuke said 'both'. He meant Kakashi and Anko? Not that his future wife hadn't intrigued the swordswoman but ... she hadn't thought that the ranger had already seen her in a good light so fast.

Yeah, it was foolish to think of, just because of the simple fact that Anko had no reason to dislike Meizumi. But way before she'd even met Fugaku or Sasuke, the snow maiden hadn't seen herself as much else besides a warrior. It was taking a while to realize she was more than just that and depending on whom she was seen as, it could be in a very intimate way.

"I'll .. ngh ... try ... " She finally murmured, watching Sasuke fall back asleep beside her. She tried to stay on her side but gave in after a few more moments, panting heavily. The agony had been way too much and after a bit, more bones that were still intact threatened to break just from being moved at an uncomfortable angle. Tears formed in her eyes as Meizumi glanced up at the ceiling. It felt impossible to even be able to heal. Was this even really a doable task? She didn't know and it sure as hell didn't feel like one.

A whimper passed Meizumi's lips as she quietly cried herself to sleep, not wanting to wake up Sasuke.
Naruto looked as he knew that he had said he would put this off, but he wasn't the stoic self strong man that Neji was, he needed his princess now. He took and pressed into her firmly taking her purity with a single motion, he could tell that she was wet before hand which would help a good deal. Still as he remained inside of the woman waited, he knew that this would be a pain for her, he had heard that when he got advice. He showed a kind look in his eyes as he kissed her.

He figired that he would wait a moment or two, keeping himself occupied with a kiss to her lips. He let his lips press against Hinata's completely as he deepened the kiss very slowly making sure that the kiss last as long as it was able to last. He held her around her waist every so gently only to give himself more leverage as he would then push in when it was time. He broke the kiss and looked down at her with a pleased smile on his lips as he felt a huntch that it was time to continue. He soon pressed more of his member into his wife by the moment enjoying each moment more then the one that was before it.

Naruto looked at her face, her body, it was that of the most amazing woman he had ever seen. He pressed in faster, his member finding it easy to slip though her wet inners as he pulled out and then pressed back farther in. He knew that this was something that was going far better then he dreamed. He could feel his body feeling every little thing his body told him to push on to take her with all he had, but he didn't he held back in that reguard, but he was soon pressing his full length into her each time as he kissed he neck just by her right collarbone.

Neji was done soon before he knew it actually as he let himself slip into the kitchen, he took all the leftovers and made a pie form them, basically a kind of leftoversurprise with various types of meat and veggies cooked into a pie shell. It wasn't hard and it was a great way to use the last of what they had before they headed out the next day when it wouldn't be needed anymore. He found the smell to be nice, but not overwhelming which was another bonus in his book.

The look in Naruto's eyes and on his face was appreciated. But there were few other reactions Hinata would have expected from Naruto. While he could be silly and immature sometimes, he'd truly grown up as of late. Especially around herself, Hinata had noted an eternal look of appreciation and generosity towards not just the princess but anyone he came into contact with. Well, almost. There was still the exception known as Sasuke but that was neither here nor there.

Light pants left her lips as Hinata's chest heaved slightly. It was a quick process though it'd felt much slower to Hinata. Still, she felt it all the same. The pain did indeed vanish, replaced in a few mere moments with pure ecstasy. "Oh ... oh gods .... " She whimpered, her body and mind trying to register everything. With each in and out motion from Naruto, Hinata could literally feel the veins on his shaft rubbing along her inner walls. Every few pushes, he actually got deeper, closer to her cervix and ovaries.

"Hah .... ohhhhhhhh!" Her head tossed back as her juices began to coat him faster, the blood from her barrier having been removed steadily becoming nonexistent. Her body had tensed up and she could already feel an orgasm close. There were likely a few good contributions besides the fact it truly did feel amazing, like the knowledge that Hinata had wanted this for so long. It'd helped build up a strong set of feelings like desire and anticipation. And now that they were being fulfilled, it was helping her work towards a climax.

"So good, so good .....mmmmm.... " Her fingers found Naruto's blonde locks as she began weaving her fingers through the strands, her hips bucking up as fast as they humanly could.

It'd taken several attempts with the letters, mainly for Sasuke, but finally Tayuya had finished up. There was an obvious personal touch from her correspondence with the Uchiha prince. But all the same, it was as if she'd used a firm and gentle tone. She'd worded it as such to ensure that if anything, the bard was quite serious on what she was revealing. She even let him know exactly how she was related, that her father had been the brother of Fugaku. It'd allow for the prince to inquire of the matters himself if he really refused to believe her.

But with any luck, Neji had been correct on the maiden who was supposed to be with the young Uchiha changing him, and hopefully for the better.

Setting the sealed letters down, Tayuya decided to send them off tomorrow right before they left. For now, she still had another way to amuse herself. Getting up to her feet, she used both her ears and nose to find Neji. "Smells nice." She commented as her arms wrapped around his waist, holding him from behind. "Ready for tomorrow?" She inquired, pressing a soft kiss upon his left collarbone through the fabric of his top.

Anko slowly opened her eyes up ... and had to do a double check. Had they really slept that long? It never felt like it though with their coupling sessions, the ranger had to admit it was easy as hell to lose track of time. She didn't like the thought of telling him to leave but .. she knew it had to be done. "Mmm love. Come on. We need to split for now." She murmured, giving him a gentle shake upon his shoulders.
Naruto kept his efforts up, as he held her, he knew he was doing well doing to the sounds that he was hearing as well as the feeling inside of himself that was telling him that he was doing well at this. He felt nervous about it when it started, he wanted to make sure that he was able to do well and please Hinata as much as anything else. He now was sure that he was doing that which was a great feeling for the blonde, he looked at her, with a passionate look in his blue eyes as he pressed in faster now.

He picked up the pace as he held her hips grounding his member into the raven haired woman. Naruto could feel himself feeling the great amount of heat over his body as he pressed down against her own, he couldn't believe that this could feel like this, it was remarkable, as he took her he felt Hinata's breast rubb against his chest, a feeling that only egged him on and caused him to press himself as far and as long as he could. The feelings were new to him, but he figured he was getting them down rather quick. He was learning on the fly basically.

Soon Naruto felt his limits pull up quickly, maybe it was cause he had never done this, there was a element of the sex that was overwhelming still to the young man, he pressed himselef in and felt a tightening of his gut a building for something. As he continued that feeling only grew stronger and stronger and stronger as he couldn't release it. He suddenly did blanking for a tiny moment as he sent his seed into Hinata's waiting body.

Neji blushed as he felt her lips press against his neck and then turned a bit read, "yes, it is all prepared for us, everything is where it should be and it is waiting for us to pick it up take it on the carriage ride and then enjoy a week at the beach," he said as he turned and looked at his wife. He kissed her lips softly for a moment as he looked into her beautiful eyes with his and smiled, "dinner is ready, I made a surprise pie, it is a surprise though nothing bad in it, leftover mostly," he explained as he cut her a piece of it and put it on a plate offering her the plate to take and go sit down with.

Kakashi looked at the clock and blinked as he got to his feet, "I see, well I have to go, Kushina is expecting me for dinner," he commented as he woke up fast, paniced that Kushina would be pissed with him and not wanting to get on her wrong side. He knew that was not a good place to be and that he had promised this way in advance. He got dressed really quickly as he made sure he had everything moving like a tornado across the room and turning to Anko and smiling, "till tomorrow my sexy love,' he said waving before he slipped out the door and off to Kushina and Minato's location.

Each new push helped further elicit a new noise from Hinata. They all got bolder, louder, and less hesitant. Her grip on the sheets had remained tight as her hips continued to buck against Naruto. Her own movements assisted with the Princess's breasts bouncing, her nipples stiffening even more from arousal. If the poor girl hadn't known better, she had died and gone to Heaven. But it'd been very much worth it, oh gods yes! Her head tossed back as she continued to mewl and whine aloud for her new spouse.

"Hah ... ungh ... oohhhhh ..... Naruto .... "

Her eyes widened for a few seconds in shock as she felt not only her spouse reach his peak but herself joining him. Even though it was technically an obligation, she was still curious and a bit anxious on the possibility of becoming pregnant from the first try. But if that should occur, at least it would be from her new spouse. Her arms wrapped around his neck gently as Hinata gently guided him onto his back.

"L-let me .. try something, please?" She offered. Now she was gazing down towards Naruto's eyes while on top. Her cheeks flushed as she began to move and ride on top of him. By now, she was going solely off basic instincts and hoping she could bring pleasure to her new husband.

A small smile formed on Tayuya's face as she inwardly chuckled. "Sounds good, love ... everything." She added, realizing it would have otherwise sounded incredibly vague. As Neji took her hand, she followed him and sat in a chair that the bard had been guided to. Her head bowed lightly in appreciation upon being offered the piece. Grabbing a fork and the plate, she took a bite and smiled at Neji. "Mmmm thank you."

Anko chuckled as she watched Kakashi leave. She hadn't known that Kushina had asked for him to meet up for dinner. But it made her all the more glad she had woken him up. Otherwise, he'd definitely be in far worse trouble. "Alright. Try to stay out of anymore trouble for me, hm?" She teased before he left. As her lover left, she began figuring out ways to kill the time while keeping to her vow on not rushing off into the political issue that was steadily forming.

Sure enough, Kushina was indeed waiting. And her pregnant state made her .. well .. irked; more so than usual. "Oh come now, Kakashi." She murmured, pacing back and forth while waiting outside their front door. "You know better than to be late like this. I swear .... " A weary sigh left her lips as she leaned against the wall beside the door and continued to await the knight. She'd give him a bit more time before going over and, if needed, dragging the man over himself.
Naruto was so amazed at what Hinata had been able to take, he was sure she might pass out, but she hadn't. He had so underestimated his wife, and he kind of felt bad for having done that. He looked at her as he nodded his head and smiled, "of course, you can do whatever it is that is on your mind," he said as he looked at her, he couldn't tell this woman no, not a chance at all of it. He smiled as he looked at her.

It was hard to believe that she had just been with him, it had been something like a dream for him too. He looked at her as she moved over him and he blinked wondering what was on the mind of the young woman. He soon figured it out though and smiled looking up, a bit of a goofy very him look on his face as he looked over her body. He felt her move over him and had such a view of her body from where he was. He smiled as he slipped his hands over the top of her legs and pressed up just a bit to encourage her in her efforts of exploration with him.

"Your most welcome, I figure that we can eat out most of the time and won't need to worry about food," Neji commented as he lookeda t the beautiful redhead who happened to be his wife. He ate his meal, it was good enough in his mind, he was a bit of a perfectionist, and he could think of a way or two to improve the dish and make it even better as he ate. "So, anything new, figure out how your going to tell Sasuke and Naruto, that your relatives of all things?" he asked not knowing she had written the letters to the both of them.

Kakashi looked at the door and knocked as he took a deep breath, he wasn't going to be shocked taht Kushina was waiting on him and not happy about that fact. He figured he might be able to think of a way out of it, it was possible. He took a deep breath as he stood there making sure he looked decent and was presentable, he knew if he wasn't she woudl hammer him for it especially when he was late already. He was so glad that Anko had woken him up, if not he would of been in so much trouble.

The encouragement was definitely welcomed. As Hinata felt it, she moved her hips just a bit faster. Her muscles began involuntarily squeezing around his shaft, wrapping and caressing it gently. Her head leaned down and after a bit of hesitation, she moved some blonde locks away to reveal the side of his neck. Staring down at the destination for a few moments, Hinata then began gently licking and kissing along it while continuing to ride up and down, sighing and moaning contently.

"Already got that done." She replied after finishing her bite. "That was the only reason I took so long packing. I wrote two letters and will have them sent to the respective men tomorrow. I .. probably should almost send a damn copy of the files Hiruzen gave me. But I hinted to him that his own father would know since that's - apparently - my uncle." It was still weird for Tayuya to think of, that she was rather directly related to the Lord of the Uchiha. And now this marriage had not only ensured she would be able to have a possibility to rule but she had a link to all of the kingdoms. It honored her .. and genuinely scared her. In a way, this would also make her a new target should anyone realize this. But she didn't even begin to think on that, not now.

"What about you? Anything new been going through your head?" She added, keeping her hidden concerns from appearing on her face or in her eyes as she smiled to her husband.

He hadn't even gotten to knock. Nope. The second Kushina heard the footsteps, she opened the door. "Evening." She greeted. Her tone was calm but there were slight hints of annoyance at the knight. It wasn't as strong just for one reason; he wasn't as late as he could have. "Please ... come in." She offered, smirking slightly. "Ahhh ... I see. Or smell rather." It was faint but Kushina had been intimate more than enough times with Minato to know how sex smelled. "Geez, you have no shame do you? Wasn't it bad enough you already consummated the marriage?"

Rather than the usual smack to the back of his head, this would be his new 'punishment'. It was merciful ... in certain aspects. But it was definitely the more embarrassing thing that he could be enduring, she knew.

Once Kakashi walked in, she closed the door and led him to their dining room. "So ... aside from 'busy', how have you been?" She added.
Naruo pressed himself up towards Hinata as she rode him, her breast bounced, what a sight that was, it was great to buck her gently from below, now he was getting used to the feelings and especially what it felt like to be one with his wife. Naruto smiled eager to help encourage his wife as he watched her large breast bounce up and down for a good long moment before letting his hands find them, slip over them and caress them firmly within his palms, it was great, fun, amazing, he could feel that this was how it was suppose to feel to be in complete lust for another person. He felt more and more confident in his movements his motions as he touched her as he looked up.

He moved his hands away s she leaned down giving her room to kiss he neck, as his hands sliped from the front of the raven haired woman to her back as he felt her body press slightly aginst his own. He could feel her warm breath against the side of his neck, and slipped his hands down over her backside as she did so. He couldn't but help to love the feelings and sensations that were so radiant from Hinata and caused him to feel a sense of euphoria as he made love with her.

Neji smiled glad that Tayuya had been busy and had thought of a plan to get the messages into Naruto and Sasuke's hands. "Well, I figure that tomorrow will be the best time, and I think it will go well, given the current situation, I think that both fo them are far more likely to be willing to listen to you and accepting of the fact. Even Sasuke, though he might just be happy to have a family member not wanting to kill him," he said as he had heard what happened to the Poor Meizumi and him already.

"Well, mostly just thinking about our wedding, thinking about the honeymoon, thinking about what I will need to do when I get back. I will have to take over the training of new knights, apparently I am good enough, my father wants me to take over the headmaster of the combat academy in the kingdom, kind of nerve wracking but well, I could also have someone help me teach these young men some culture as well," he said looking at Tayuya for a moment in a way offering her a job, which if she turned out he would understand.

Kakashi looked at Kushina and blinked, she was as good as ever, he looked at her and smiled glad that she only knew so much at that moment. He walked in and looked around, "Well, things have been interesting, and things have been very good for me," he said looking at her as he waited for Minato to be around before he looked over at his teacher, "Well, things will get more interesting as well, I heard that Naruto will soon have a sibling," he said looking at Minato who pretty much confirmed it from the look he gave to him causing Kakashi to smile, he might as well tell them, if he couldn't trust them who could he trust with the infromation.

"Kushina, I have done more then consummate the marriage, Minato isn't the only one in the room who is an expecting father at the moment," he said honestly as he knew the redhead queen would figure what he meant by his words out really quickly.

A whine left as she felt every nerve steadily begin to wake up. It was causing each movement to make Hinata's body feel so damn good and amazing. Already a second orgasm was building it's way up. Juices continued to coat Naruto's shaft as she rode up and down him, her nips and kisses increasing in frequency but not so much roughness. "Mhm ... ohhh .... " Her muscles began to squeeze faster around the member buried inside her, enticing and silently begging for him to let go and explode inside her. It almost felt like she didn't want to stop, definitely not anytime soon anyways.

"...Hold up, hold up. I have clearly missed something. Mind elaborating on the Sasuke and ... Meizumi situation?" She realized how quickly the bard may regret asking. But she didn't like being in the dark. And with having the new status as a more official royal, she wanted to know. No, the hell with the royal part. Just being his spouse. Yes, that alone was more than enough in her mind and head to figure she deserved to know. If she didn't yet, she likely would have through some other form or fashion anyway. "The culture ... sure though. I could do that somehow. But admittedly, music is something that a person has to be willing to learn. So it's likely going to be a more selective class. But for those who would wish to know, I have no qualms with otherwise teaching." She then paused, awaiting to have the blanks filled in for her.

Kushina playfully cleared her throat upon hearing Kakashi's words. "Be that as it may, we have been wed for quite a while Kakashi. But yes, you're otherwise correct." She offered him a small smile before sitting in front of the table. Even with her temper, it was genuinely difficult for her to remain mad at anyone for more than a few minutes. "All the same .. I distinctly recall asking of you, Sir Kakashi, not us." She added, realizing he had - purposely or otherwise - avoided her main question. "Like ... are you having the typical anxiety about being wed soon? Or is it more with being a father?"
Naruto was so into the moment, he was so happy that he was with his love at htis moment. He felt his face and body a warmth that was a bit more then natural. He could feel himself getting so excited the same feeling he had which told him he was getting close to his climax was building. He knew that he wouldn't last so much longer based on the first time thay they had been together that night, yet, honestly, he knew that he would last as long as he could. He wanted to push his endurance as much as he could, he bucked her up, pressing his member hard into her as she came down making it far more intense each time he took himself into her. He held her breasts till playing with them gently as he felt those limit slowly at first being approached, before they were. Suddenly after a bit, he felt himself cum hard into Hinata for a second time.

"First, yes, I want you to teach those who want to learn the art of music, have a program for them to take if they want it," Neji said with a smile as he knew that it was best to get to that point or she wouldn't most likely even hear it or catch on knowing the info he had to tell her would have a large impact on her. He smiled as he gave this knews before he looked away for a moment.

Neji looked at his wife for a good long moment and nodded his head as he took a deep breath as he wasn't sure how she was going to take the news, it wasn't new that woudl make her happy at all. "Tayuya, I am sure you remember those scum that captured you and held you and roughed you up a little bit," he said knowing that most likely that she would never ever forget what had happened. Neji looked at her, "Both Sasuke and Meizumi were captured by those two, Meizumi was hurt badly by them. I haven't seen her but I hear it is bad, both her and Sasuke have the same type marks as you and Anko know as well," he said as he looked at her and let out a long sigh.

Kakashi looked over at her and then took a deep breath as he cleaned out his mind for the moment, "The wedding I have no nerves for, I know I am marrying the best person I can, and I have no doubts about her at all. I know that she is the person for me, and thus marrying her really is just something to enjoy to me," he said honestly as he looked at Kushina, "the later yes, very much so, I wanted to make sure I am a good father and do a good job helping to raise the youngster. It is something I haven't done and well that worries me."

Her hips continued to move up and down and meet Naruto's eager thrust. Her pants and breaths got heavier with each movement and passing second. She had never thought there could be something in Hinata's life that she would love as much as she had the prince under her. But gods help her, this was amazing! She was almost tempted to soon try to inquire about borrowing Tayuya's book .. or asking if Naruto had a spare copy around. There had to be much more sensations of bliss and pleasure. She wanted to read about and explore more than what she had learned.

"Ungh ... ohhhh .... "

Her whimpers and whines echoed into Naruto's ear, her tongue and lips never having stopped kissing the side of his neck. Her muscles squeezed his shaft more so as he reached his second climax. She'd tried to hold back but the feeling of her breasts being fondled helped drive her over with him.


Her head tossed back as Hinata came with him. Her head fell upon his shoulder as a few raven strands hid bits of Naruto's face. "Mmm ... love so good... " She murmured softly, letting him remain buried inside her for now.

Tayuya's head nodded in agreement and approval upon hearing the idea from Neji. But his guess on the news had been correct. In fact, her face seemed to pale from both the hints of Kakuzu and Hidan returning plus Orochimaru adding more seals. ".... He.... what?!" Her head lowered slowly as her lower lip got gripped by her teeth. There was only one blessing from this act; others surely had to know of this having happened. Decisions and actions would be made thank gods. But to think the bastardly snake had dared gotten so close to her by being her first dance .. it genuinely made her shudder.

And now that he had supposedly created two more seals, she was even more grateful he'd behaved himself. It meant there was still a very real chance her own could be activated. This wouldn't bother her except for the fact that neither herself or Neji even had a slight clue on what the hell the damn thing did. The political part of her felt as if she should know more and even visit Meizumi. But the logical part of her said not to.

A weary sigh passed Tayuya's lips before her head shook no. "For now ... we don't focus on that. I know that sounds cruel. But ... I can't imagine no one else has heard of this. Actions should be in the midst of being taken care of if not already done already."

Kushina gave a genuine smile upon hearing Kakashi's reply. It was nice to hear that at least there were no doubts on the marriage part. Few could honestly answer that. Besides, she found the thought of being a parent far more scary the first time than marriage. But for Neji and Naruto, those could be understood. They were both still rather young and all but shoved into these arrangements. Thankfully, they had all seemed to work out so far. And with Kakashi having been a student of Minato's, she did know and understand his concerns on wanting to be a good father.

"I'm pretty sure Tsunade or anyone from the clinic has a book on parenting tips. You'll probably have to set aside your other ones if you really wanna focus on that. Though ... isn't Anko in the same boat as you? You won't be alone at least." She added, sneaking in another tease before beginning to eat after the plates were all set down.
Naruto wouldn't of disagreed with the sentament from Hinata as he laid there, he took a deep breath as he rested for a bit, it was tiresome to go for so long, but it had been so glorious at the same time. He couldn't but help but hope that everytime time was as magical and special as that one. He wanted to talk to Jiraya for some pointers or ideas on how to make a woman happy. He knew old pervert had a whole lot of such tricks and he figured he could use them on Hinata. "It was amazing, you are so amazing," he said softly as he held her resting his eyes as he did so.

"Not really actually, they have support, and they have each other, I think it would be far worse to just show up and expect them to share everything with us and relive the event again," Neji commented as he looked at her, "we know enough and at the moment it isn't our business either, while I wanted to know more about your seal, I doubt Orochimaru told either more about it then they told you or Anko," he added in as he finished up his food and then got to his feet, "Tomorrow your friend gets married, are you excited for her?"

Kakashi nodded his head as he looked at Kushina, "yeah, we are very similar in backgrounds and in personalities, and drives too, pretty much in everything we match perfectly," he said as he knew that was why he was so sure of it, that he knew that no matter what that Anko was his perfect match, his soul mate, he was sure of that from not that long after he had finished the mission to save the new Hyuuga. He looked at the pair of them and let out a soft sigh, " I have other worries too at the moment, former students tend to give you lots of trouble and headaches," he mused to the pair noticing the look on Minato's face as he looked at him, he knew that he understood.

"Yeah, I would say so, especially ones who act very cool, and all," Minato said wtih a smile as he looked at Kakashi, for a moment, "you are referring the Meizumi correct, I do understand your worry, that has me worried as well, but more the Uchiha angle, I hope the group we sent can help and figure out more infromation then what we know now, it is going to be hard if we know nothing and have to fight the Uchiha blind at some point in the future."

"Mmm so were you, love." Hinata replied, her eyes closing as she enjoyed the sensation of afterglow surrounding them both. It was calming, soothing, dear gods amazing. Her mind was replaying every second. And that had only been their first time. Things could truly only get better from here on out. And she looked forward to that thought.

Well .. at least she was glad to hear that Neji didn't think of her logic having been too harsh or cruel. A slight sigh of relief left as she nodded, mainly to herself. "Well ... I wouldn't have asked for that but ... yeah. I understand all the same." Still, why? Why had Orochimaru done this at all? He'd never made any additional people wield and carry those damn seals before. So what inspired him to start acting now? It began to terrify her and make Tayuya wonder if she was about to try to be included in some ridiculous scheme of sorts. Her head shook no as she scoffed in annoyance.

"Tch, no. If anything, he tried to give me the birthmark excuse crap. He never even admitted what it was to me." Her arms went over her chest as she finished her plate. Her mind was reeling and racing from everything, trying to calculate and figure it out. But nothing was coming to her mind. Her teeth gripped her lip as she stood up and took her empty plate into the kitchen. All Tayuya truly knew was a distraction would be nice. Even a simple chore like washing dishes would be great.

Kushina's head nodded in agreement and her fists clenched slightly. It was clear Kakashi wasn't the only one taking the events harshly. But he was doing so the worst. If Kushina weren't carrying, she'd clearly be having a fit. But that was a subtle reason for her having helped Minato choose out the team they sent out recently; they could do so for her. Otherwise, the other knight wasn't alone in being infuriated with what had happened to Meizumi. "... Does Shizune or anyone know if the recovery will even begin to work out?" She asked softly.
"I guess that says a lot there too, well let us focus on the good, and the fact tomorrow beach," Neji said with a smile as he looked over at Tayuya and smiled as he watched her clean up the kitchen, she seemed to need something to do at that moment. He wasn't going to complatian about her doing that at all. He smiled as he watched her for a good long moment before he slipped off towards bed ready for the next day, it was going to be so very much fun, and a joy for Kakashi and Anko as well. It was going to be interesting to see Tayuya's reaction to the beach if nothing else at all.

"From what I have heard fifty fifty odds that she will be able to make it back," he commented as he looked over at Kushina, "this stuff, has me worried, if it wasn't for the honeymoon, I would be out there with that team leading it into Uchiha lands and attacking anyone who got between myself and Fugaku Uchiha and Orochimaru or anyone who knew the truth, but as a married man I will have to be more cautious especially as a soon to be father."

Kakashi made the comments while he ate, he was glad to be able to say this without Anko hearing it, he didn't want ther to know everything that happened to be on his mind at once. Though, he figuired that her thoughts for other reasons were not so different from his. He took a bite and looked at them, "Do you have any advice, I mean, your son turned out somehow pretty good and is a rather happy young man afterall."

Naruto was asleep so fast after sex, it was wearing on the young man. He could feel that the need of sleep was greater then the need to do anything else that moment. He looked over at Hinata for a momenet letting his arms slip around her gently and loosely as he feel right to sleep, himself tired from everything that day and that night as well.

Shikamaru looked out as he saw the camp was secure, it was going to be one more day then they would be in the desert, now they were camped at the top of a large hill in some thick woods. It made a great place to rest and recover. He knew that the group he had was though, and they were strong. He figured that they would be able to slip into the Wind Country with no problems, and so far had gone unnnoticed as they traveled acrossed the path.

Once Neji had left the room, two fingers slid to the nape of Tayuya's neck and shakily traced along her mark. She'd never once considered there would be an actual purpose behind it. But if Meizumi and Sasuke had both been given them ... hers likely reacted somehow. And it genuinely terrified her. She didn't know what to expect and that was exactly what was scaring her. It could be anything and in the best and worst possible ways. But if it was the latter ... she didn't want it! If she knew much more medical knowledge, she'd seriously consider trying to cut the damn thing off her somehow. Alas, though, that'd be foolish she knew. Her head bowed and slowly the water from the sink would be heard shutting off.

But she didn't dare move away. Only when her hands stopped trembling did she dare join Neji in the bed. A content smile managed to cross her face as she held him and let her eyes close. The bard was still anxious for herself but she allowed the happy thoughts for herself and Anko to dominate her mind and guide her into a deep sleep.

An approving smile crossed Kushina's lips. She could only begin to understand how hard this was for Kakashi. But she was proud to hear he was making no doubt the correct choice. The light growling of her stomach and sight of Minato's student reminded her why he was even over to begin with. Her head bowed politely as she began to eat also. Her mind began to contemplate on how to reply to his question on raising a child properly. She knew the answer but wanted to choose the correct words to use.

"You need to have a caring and concerned side when needed and a slightly strict and willing to discipline when needed. Nothing heavy, obviously, but enough to get the points across when they have made errors. Otherwise they're just going to go out of control and never heed you. It'll be much easier to see and understand when the child arrives in this world."

The fact that they did need to be conscious and awake for the final wedding was a good incentive for Hinata to join Naruto in sleep. A low yawn left her lips as she returned the gentle embrace and held her new spouse back. "Love you ... " She whispered softly before letting her own eyes gently close.

Sai had managed to go to sleep though not before summoning a few guard dogs first to help ensure no ambushes would happen. Konan, however, was a completely different story. She was having a lot of self-doubts on herself which was ... odd. It'd never happened before. Maybe because she had never had to worry much about combat before? That was likely a part of the contribution but there was ... something else as far as she could figure.

Regardless, the restlessness was more than ample to make Konan get up to her feet and walk around. Her own eyes soon caught Shikamaru awake. "Can't sleep either?" She inquired, sitting across from him.
Neji laid in bed, thinking about the trip, it was going to be magical, he knew it already before he even set out on the trip, that it was going to be one of the best ones that the young man had ever been on in his whole life. He rested his head against the pillow and smiled to himself, but he also knew other aspects of having a large trip. It meant that when he got back that there would be so much work stacked up for him, especially given the state of things in the world at that moment. Yet, perhaps that made the trip ever more needed then it would be otherwise. It made it so that Neji knew that it would be most wise to enjoy each and every moment of it and to relax fully. He looked at Tayuya and smiled softly as he looked at her face, so beautiful, how lucky he happened to be. He kissed her forehead softly and smiled at her.

Kakashi nodded his head, the advise was good and wise, he smiled as he finished up his meal, and then looked at her and took the plate and walked over washing it himself, "Thank you for that advise, it will be something I shall remember," he said with a smile as he looked over and focused on the happy older couple, "Well one thing I do need for sure is some sleep. I figure I am going to need my energy for tomorrow, I figure it will be a rather long day with a whole lot of stuff to do with the wedding and heading to the honeymoon and all. Also for the record, no sending me messages during the honeymoon, I want that time to just be about Anko."

"Of course, we shall however keep something to give you, so that you can be kept informed when you get back, you will have work waiting as it were," Minato said looking at him, "It will be different work, can't put a expecting father into the frontlines, but we do need someone to train our troops and you are going to do this while your wife is with child and a bit after too," he said giving Kakashi no room to slip out as he looked at him. To which Kakashi nodded his head in agreement. Before he made his exit from the table to get some sleep.

Shikamaru looked over at the blue haired woman who was also awake and nodded his head, "Yeah, to many thoughts going though my head, I have never been in a large scale battle and this is a situation that is dangerous, far more then I would want to admit," he said looking at the woman, "plus honestly, I don't know who were are dealing with, these Wind people might be as dangerous as the Uchiha, hell, we might have to fight some minor ninja group that wants to block our way, and have to deal with that too. So many possiblities to think for and plan for in my mind, it is rather troublesome," he said looking over at Konan. "Is there anything I can do for you to help put your mind at ease?"
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