A Middle Age Naruto RP (Yajirobe and LadyYunaFFX2)

Neji blinked, he hadn't thought about that, he was so afraid that she was going to be like Sasuke when they meet. Now she was a relative of Sasuke, it ironic and very funny too in a way. He smiled as he looked at her, "Well now, as long as you don't act like him, we are good, or start have his mannerism," he said with a grin as he walked with her down through the halls of the building back to his place. He figured there they could play for the rest of the day, enjoying the moments they would share together.

Kakuzu looked at the woman, finally this was over, it had been obvious that they were friends maybe more as he looked at her. He said nothing to Hidan as he watched her handle him. He smiled as she realized far to late what had happened to her. He tossed the Uchiha over his shoulder and then looked at his partner, "woods near here, there is a house, we will wait there till our middleman shows up," he said as he looked at Hidan, "we are free to do whatever we want with these two though," he commented with a grin on his lips as he knew that this would please him a great deal, "espsecially the woman, she isn't part of the deal anyhow."

Kakuzu led his partner down a hidden path, that went from the waterfall to the woods. He wondered who the woman was, she was skill, was she a guard or a friend who trained with the prince. He wasn't sure, but he had time, he would figure out who she was and what role she had. He led them to a cabin, small hidden well in the woods, he opened the door and saw that it had a couple of rooms and no windows. It also had robes and chains which would be needed for keeping these two secure and so they wouldn't cause any problems. He looked over to Hidan and nodded his head for a moment as he smiled.

"So, he shall be here shortly, he is suppose to pay us the money that this chump never did, he even set us up," Kakuzu said angrly as he tossed Sasuke down and kicked him for the hell of it, before chain the princes arms and legs together. "Well now, we shall have some sweet revenge, and some sweet cash," he laughed softly as he looked over at Hidan, "now we wait I guess."

"... True." She mused, her head unable to help but tilt slightly. Had he even changed since back then? It wasn't likely but there was an old saying that people could do so. It'd be another thing the bard would attempt in time. For now, though, her focus would be on her new spouse and the upcoming weddings. Once they entered, she headed into their room and grabbed her flute. Setting the box down, she pulled the lyrics out carefully, beginning to quietly read over them. They must have been precious enough for her mother to have kept them hidden away in this box for so long so .. she wanted to read and see why.

"About fucking time. I'm sick of goddamn restrictions." The words only seemed to fuel Hidan on as his grip tightened around Meizumi. Now that he had something to toy with, the last thing he was allowing to happen was her leaving. Fuck and that. But halfway back to the cabin, it hit Hidan. She was trying to keep a strongfront? It made him laugh in amusement. "How long can you keep that up, hm?" He whispered in her ear, dragging her to an opposite corner.

Sure enough, it had been as Hidan noted. The entire walk, she kept quiet. At most, winces left from the force of Hidan's grip. But no actual words left, no pleas or begs to let go .. nothing they would have expected. A low "Ngh!" left as she felt herself shoved against .... a wall? She was pretty certain of that. The new sensation of cold steel going around her wrists and then ankles was soon noted and much like Tayuya, her wrists were then attached to a loop that was hooked to the wall.

"He sure knows how to pick these females. I'll give him that much." Hidan mused, eyeing Meizumi. It was clear part of him didn't want to wait for the middleman, whomever the hell that was supposed to be. But .. he didn't want his fun to be interrupted. And it was the only thing that kept him from tearing the clothes off the maiden and having his way. Moving a few white strands away from the girl's ears away, he gave it a harsh tug before whispering, "Make no mistake ... once the business talk is done, you're mine. Unless, that is, you can begin to think of something better to offer ...." Letting the words and threat sink in, he stood up and sat at a nearby table, trying to wait as patiently as possible with Kakuzu for the person that was supposed to show up. "This next person better not pull any stunts, I fucking swear ... " His voice trailed off as violet hues glanced toward the door, waiting for the new figure to arrive.

Meizumi's heart raced as those horrid words echoed in her ears.

"You're mine ... "

No, no, no, no! She did not want this. Fuck and no! Her mind raced along with her pulse, trying desperately to think of something, anything to give up in place of her innocence. It'd been bad enough she'd failed to save Sasuke and keep him safe. She wouldn't let the entire nightmare repeat, not if it could be helped.

But what can you give him?

The more time that passed, the fewer things she was thinking of. Her grip on her lower lip tightened as her head shook no. She wouldn't beg or anything. No. She wouldn't give either of them the satisfaction of knowing deep down, she was truly scared. If they wanted to know that ... they'd have to earn it. And that .. would be much easier said than done.
Kakuzu looked at the woman and smirked, Sasuke did have a good choice in women to hang out with. He smiled as he thought about her and knew that she had to be the most tempting dish he had seen in a good while. He had been in prison for a good while and that was annoying to a great deal, he figured that this woman was going to suffer a great deal, her fault, she could of gotten away before he killed Sasuke or held him captive. He said nothing thus to Hidan, letting him do what he wanted with the woman.

As the door opened he looked to see someone who he even knew Orochimaru, he blinked as he looked at the Snake Lord. "Well now, this gets more twisted by the moment, another Uchiha member as the middleman, this kid had to piss his father or someone important off a great deal."

Orochimaru nodded his head, "yeah, you could say that, he said as he tossed the money over to Hidan, "you did your job well, these two, we just asked for one, but you got the prince and his future wife as well," he said with a smirk. Orochimaru knwe who Meizumi was of course, he knew cause Fugaku had told him. "she is a reject Snow maiden, poor choice for a fail prince anyhow."

Orochimaru walked over and undid Sasuke, "the money, I am going to do a bit of a experiment on this one then the girl," he said tossing Hidan another bag of coins, "I think you will enjoy this, it will cause a great deal of pain for both, and will alter them to a degree. It works sometimes, the process alters the person, and it causes a great deal of pain," he said as he cleared off a table, and tossed Sasuke onto it. "Gentleman, would you do me a favor, and bring the woman over her and lay her next to the idiot prince, I can do both operations faster if I don't have to move her."

As the door opened, Meizumi's head turned. She'd been taking relatively calm breaths through her nose to help maintain the strong front. But were it not for the blindfold, it would have been obvious even that was steadily beginning to dwindle. And it started with the voice identifying her as Sasuke's future wife. It did at least confirm one thing; the Uchihas needed to deal with this and any other bastards whom they didn't know of. But what had by far made her eyes widen the most wasn't hearing it be revealed she was unofficially engaged to Sasuke. Oh no. What made her more terrified was hearing someone else knew she was from the Snow lands.

But ... how?! Only Kakashi and Fugaku knew that?! Who ... is this?!

Her grip tightened more on her lower lip, her head bowing slightly. This new figure had pissed her off about as much as whomever had threatened to rape her. Hell, maybe he'd beaten the triple-scythe wielder; it was damn close.

"... Him? Fucking get married? Ha! What a joke." Hidan mused as he caught the money, setting it nearby as the table got cleared off. "Heh, my pleasure." Usually, he preferred dishing out pain but if he could be given a nice show, that would suffice also. Quick and eager footsteps would be heard approaching Meizumi before a rough hand wove through her hair and gripped it tightly.

"Ah!" She bit again on her lip, refusing to let more leave her lips. The link of the chain which kept her held to the wall was finally released and soon, Meizumi was being dragged over.

Once Hidan got the maiden in front of the table, he hoisted her up and shoved her onto her back, placing his hands roughly upon her sternum to keep her mostly still.

With his hands where they were, Hidan could easily feel Meizumi's heart racing. He mentally noted the knowledge, tucking it away. It could easily be something he could use against her. For now, he stayed silent, his curiosity piqued on what exactly the man had to offer for a display.
Orochimaru poked Sasuke waking the young man up. Sasuke looked up and knew that he was in trouble. "Damn it, fuck it," he said curing up a bit as he knew he was in trouble. He notice who was there and narrowed his eyes as he saw the two he had thought were sent away. Things at home were far worse than he thought they were. He then saw Orochimaru, and blinked surprised a bit as he knew that things with him were not good.

Orochimaru took out to vials and prepared two shots and gave each one a shot, "this will cause severe pain, it will hurt a whole lot, burn," he said as he injected both of them one at a time. He took out a stone from his pocket, "this was jusssst the first part, he said his s on just soundint like that of a snake. He put the first stone in his hand. "this sstone has a property, that goes with the chemicals, it when brought close to the body will burn like crazy, but it will activate the stuff," he explained as he looked at them both. The neck was to easy, and he had done that before.

Sasuke was in a world of pain, and hurt, that he was betrayed like this hurt even more as he held in a scream of pain. That didn't last long as the rock came down on his collarbone, it hurt so badly, he couldn't help but scream out in pain as the mark was formed on the spot not far from his neck but not on it. He closed his eyes as he tried to deal with the pain, but he couldn't pass out from the pain either.

Orochimaru smiled as he moved the rock over to Meizumi, "so the ice princess, where to put this, nice rack you have there," he said with a smirk as he put his hand above the middle of her breasts just under the middle of the base of her neck and applied the stone to create a different seal there as well. He smiled as he looked at the work, and looked at the others.

"Good that is all, you can keep these two till friday after the last wedding in the Hyuuga capital, then leave them and come to Uchiha territory, we have more high paying jobs waiting for you there, and these two will be a message to any thinking about betraying our people, and we can think of something to make it out like the Hyuuga or Uzumaki did this later," he said before he took his leave, it wasn't his type of place and he didn't want to be there any longer. He would return home report his findings and then return for the wedding of his student.

The sound of Sasuke's voice managed to register in her mind. Well ... it was good in a way. It meant that the man hadn't gone on and killed him anyways. And he'd had an opportunity to if he so desired. A sharp gasp left as the needle pierced her skin and the effects almost instantly kicked in. Her lower lip bled as she let her teeth sink through, following suit with Sasuke. She didn't want to scream. But the mix of her own self-infliction plus what she was feeling caused a few tears to build up under the blindfold. They hadn't fell beneath the cloth but she could feel they were damn close to doing just that.

Her eyes blinked as the 's' noises sounded like ...a ... snake? Who in the fuck was this man? Was he even human? It was hard to believe with how he spoke. And then .. he finally addressed her; more like her body, honestly. Her head turned aside as an irked scoff left her lips. "Fuck off ..." She retorted, not even trying to hide her dislike for this man. It was bad enough he seemed to know so much of her. Who the fuck was he to say lustful things of her body like that?

And then the feeling of skin resting so close to her cleavage was felt, a ... carving? Mark? Something began to take shape not too far from her breasts. And she could feel every second of it, the sight deprivation indeed becoming her double-edged blade as one of the men had said it. Her head tossed back and even though she tried to keep it hidden away, her own scream joined in with Sasuke's. The few tears that had formed finally fell even with the blindfold covering her eyes. Pain wasn't foreign to the swordswoman. But to this degree? Gods yes.

It burned, it stung, it continued to carve into her. Whatever this was, all Meizumi knew was she wanted this to end ... and preferably quickly. But that was the last thing it appeared to do.

Even when the man had seemed to leave, Meizumi was still panting heavily, a few tears continuing to stream down her face. But she didn't speak, didn't beg or plea. No other protests left .. though her body felt so very sore. And were it not for remembering where she was, that she was still being held captive, the maiden would have gladly given in and passed out then and there. But that memory alone kept her conscious. It pained her, sure. But she'd rather know everything that was going on - well as best as she could without sight - than let anything more happen to her or Sasuke the second she lost consciousness.

Though Hidan had stayed silent, his grin seemed to twist and widen more upon hearing the screams, especially Meizumi's. Waiting for Orochimaru to finish, he hoisted Meizumi back up and began carrying her back. "You sound lovely, you know?" He whispered softly to her, beginning to attach her wrists back to the wall.
Kakuzu saw that this was going well as he carried the Uchiha back over and connected him to the wall as well. He looked at where the snake had been. He had left and he had left them with a great deal of money. He was being paid by someone who had connections, something was up. That meant that he could make a lot of money in the future. He would remember to get away from this place and head to the Uchiha lands and take that job the man had offered to them. He figured it sounded like a heck of a way to make a lot of cash.

He looked at the woman and then to Hidan, "I am not so sure that slut needs clothes on," he said looking at his partner, "She is such a white haired slut, she looks more like one then that redhead even," he siad with a smirk as he called her out. "I bet he is just having fun with her and is going to ride her as he pretends to be her future husband," he said looking at Sasuke, it seemed to fit him, plus he knew it hurt him by the look on his face. "Yeah, that has to be the case."

Sasuke was in pain and mad beyond mad, these people were harming his woman, and he couldn't do anything about it. It bothered him so much that he hadn't seen this coming. He wanted revenge against he people who did this, against Orochimaru, he hated them so much now. He wanted them dead more then anyone he had known in his whole life. He looked up as he sat the smirk on the man and said nothing at all as he hurt to much to honestly speak at that moment.

Sasuke had failed as a prince as a warrior and as a future husband, he hated himself too at that moment. He hated that this was how far his people had fallen to go after each other and kidnap their own kind. He hated how he had picked this place, he should of known better than to go somewhere away from people it was asking for trouble.

"Neither am I." Hidan quickly agreed. His hands slid up and rested upon her top, ready to yank it open. "You want your turn after?" He offered.

Oh fuck ... Meizumi had been praying, hoping that somehow, that had been a bluff. But now that was off the table. Thankfully, her mind had been thinking even before Orochimaru arrived. And she let the only answer that she'd been able to think of leave her lips. "My agony ... "

".. Hm?"

"You said if I could offer you something else, you'd leave it be. My pain ... I'll offer that instead of my pleasure."

Hidan's hands halted but remained where they were as he thought on this. That did seem almost like a fair trade. But would it be worth accepting? "Hm ... I dunno ... " He mocked, a sing-song tone entering his voice.

"Why not?! Think I can't handle it?! I'm still conscious, aren't I?!"

"True. But that's not what's making me hesitate. You know how long I've been kept away from women and the nice sights and smells of flesh like your own? Far too long .. no thanks to your fiance I may add. However ... " Yanking the blades off of Meizumi's back, he unsheathed one and let it dance along her collarbone. "If you can give me a good first impression ... maybe I'll see about it." His eyes went from the restrained warrior to her sword. "Heh, nice weapon. Like they say ... live by the sword ... die by it, hm? Do you follow that?" He gave a light shrug ... and without warning turned the blade as it stabbed through her right collarbone.

A gasp of shock left as Meizumi's head tossed back. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Her body convulsed against the chains as another scream elicited from her lips, shivers and tremors trailing down every inch of her. But what she never would have expected was soon felt.

Unceremoniously yanking the sword out, Hidan pressed his lips upon the wound .. and began to drink the crimson liquid. A groan of delight echoed through the room. "Fucking amazing ... virgin bitches really are as sweet as they say .. " He murmured in between swallowing and feeding from Meizumi.
Kakuzu looked at Hidan and smirked as he nodded his head, "yeah, I want a turn with the woman after your done, well later anyhow," he said with a smirk as he looked at the woman. He knew that Hidan would be good with just causing some physical harm, something connected to his insane religion. Yet, he as he went about the torture on the woman he sat next to Sasuke and smirked at him.

"So now, Prince, your kind of a failure aren't you," he said with a laugh, "I mean you couldn't even protect this woman, who I am guessing you have some serious feeling for," he said as he looked at him and watched him as he saw the look of hatred in his eyes, "you aren't very good, you are lucky this isn't a time of war, you would of led your side to a complete failure and cost them their lives, you are a joke of an Uchiha, you can't even compare to your brother," he said with a laugh before punching Sasuke in the gut.

Sasuke was pissed upset, and most of it was with himself. They were hurting Meizumi, and he couldn't protect her, if he had only been more prepared and ready for them. If he had only heard her, she wouldn't be hurt so bady now. He hated that he couldn't protect the woman he loved. He couldn't do something so simple, so how was he going to be able to be the leader of the Uchiha, if he was such a bad leader and bad Uchiha. He pulled at the chain, wanting to get out somehow, pulling his arm hard enough stretch the chain out, before the punch hit him.

Kakuzu noticed this and laughed at Sasuke before giving a look that said that he knew he was failing at his attempts to get away. "How does it feel to be so bad, your own people want to do this to you," he mocked the Uchiha more.

A subconscious whimper left Meizumi's lips. It all seemed to rely solely on the overzealous man feeding before her, if he'd accept the offer before him or not. Because that would be the only thing to help keep her purity -- unless there had been a loophole in Kakuzu's words? Did he even mean when this bastard was done torturing her? Suddenly that safety and reassurance she had quickly faded. No .. even if he accepted, it may not matter. That alone made the tears that had slowed under the blindfold threaten to fall again.

Not fucking fair! Why?!

But she couldn't find it in her to muster up the courage and ask.

More soft groans continued to leave Hidan's lips and finally, his eyes rested upon the blindfold. Pulling his lips away - but not before giving a harsh nip to her wound - he traced his fingers around it. He'd felt, subconscious or otherwise, shudder after shudder trail down the swordswoman's body. That was more than enough for him to know that wall she'd been trying to keep up in front of himself and Kakuzu was steadily crumbling and falling apart. But there'd be no need to point it out. It'd be obvious soon enough.

Finally, his fingers gripped the edge of the cloth and untied the knot she'd made near the back of her head.

... What's he ... ? She was curious and yet scared. Her eyes began to blink to help adjust her sight and slowly, everything came into view. She finally saw what she assumed to be the same bastard who stabbed her in front of her, Sasuke across the way and ... she assumed the same person who had mentioned holding a knife to his throat earlier.

"... Heh. You really do pick them out well, brat. That's fucking rare and gorgeous. Heterochromic? Hell yeah, fucking lovely. Do you even have feelings for her? After all, you easily shoved that red-head over with no real problems, left her to no doubt some of the cruelest fates ... if you hadn't screwed us over, that is. You still that same brat? Or has this one actually changed you?"

Hidan realized that was a very good possibility the prince may not answer; but that was fine. His eyes had never been upon Sasuke. The words were clearly directed ... but his gaze had stayed firmly upon the Snow maiden, seeing if she gave any tells to the questions.

"This one's definitely a hell of a lot stronger, I'll add that to the list. Good. I need a challenge to ensure I haven't lost my touch." His eyes then sauntered towards the used blade .. but decided against it. Standing up, Hidan walked over towards a corner where a long, sharp steel rod had been resting against the wall. "Wanna play a game, Sasuke?" He inquired, walking back in front of Meizumi. "It's easy, really. Just stop ignoring both of us and answer the questions truthfully. Obeying this will result me being more generous to the lady. Failure ... well .... "

Holding the rod up towards some of the blood to let it fall on the metal, he began forming his symbol upon the floor. "You don't have to know what this means. But rest assured, Kakuzu can confirm it's nothing good ... especially when it's done. So ... what are you gonna do? Luckily it's not a mere simple pattern so .. you still have time." And with that, he began to hum, purposely slowly working on drawing the circle first upon the floor.
Sasuke looked at the man, he knew this was bad, he looked at her and said nothing for a moment but he had too. He couldn't let her suffer, he knew that it was to much for him to deal with honestly, just seeing her suffer was like being harmed himself. He nodded his head, "yes, that woman, is stronger,, and she is someone who has changed me," he admitted. "She is important to me, she is my bodyguard, which I am sure doesn't surprise you. The redhead was just a nobody back then," he said looking up as he thought of something else that he could say.

"Though, holding us in her newly wed husbands lands might not be the best ideas," he said as he looked across from her. If he had some trick up his sleeve this would be the time, be damn, he had nothing that he could use.

Kakuzu hit him across the side of his chest as he smarted off, to remind him his place at that moment in time. "Now, where do you keep your money at, I want to take it when we visit your homeland," he said to Sasuke, "what I do with your woman, shall be determined by how willing you are to give us the location to where you money happens to be," he said as he smirked, Hidan though wildcard, was a more known at this point than he was. He figured that he could use her as a way to find out where the Uchiha kept his personal money supply and take it.

"I keep it in the castle, I will tell you if you leave the woman alone, there is quite a bit of money, of gold, and of things worthwhile in it, I will give you the combination to the lock of the safe," he said looking at the both of them. It seemed a card he could use, he had so few, really none that he had no choose but to attempt to use it at this point, bribing was so below his normal,but it was the only thing he could do, he wanted to help her, and he would do whatever he could to help her.

"....You think we're fucking stupid? So maybe you got lucky the first time. But we fucking learned. Oh yes, we definitely know better than to trust you. She's our reassurance you keep behaving. The Snake bastard may have paid up and kept to his deal. But when all is said and done .. there's only one person I begin to rely on. Myself .. and Kakuzu. We both have the same goal and it's why we more than eagerly took this job up. You made the dumbest damn choice in your life. Now ... you're paying for it. That being said, however, there'd be no point in stopping and resuming the ritual in front of you."

A snicker left and if anyone noted it, the circle was already halfway finished.

"You couldn't fucking handle one punch from Kakuzu. Your woman though ... she kept me at bay. She only stopped to keep your sorry ass alive. Sweet gesture, really. I didn't expect her to and I'm pretty fucking certain Kakuzu didn't either. But she insisted on not leaving you. Isn't that right, sweetie?"

"Meizumi." She corrected Hidan, a stern tone entering her voice. So what if it wasn't her place according to these men? It was all slowly being revealed and explained that there were few ways to genuinely save her. So there was no point in hiding her dislike for the situation or the captors, not in her mind and eyes.

The reply made Hidan laugh. "Aw, don't like that? Shame, really. I'm starting to fall for you, I think." It was mostly sarcasm though in his own ways, Hidan was equally serious. "The appearance is but a bonus. But damn do you have an incredible personality ... especially that temper of yours. I love it, actually. I hate women who just roll over and beg like a pathetic bitch. You ... no. You're actually amusing me. Thank fucking Jashin." The thought of her converting to a Jashinist temporarily amused him .. but he knew it'd be next to impossible. She'd literally fight him before daring to agree. And yet that made his blood boil and body stir.

"I suggest you keep going, brat. We've both given our stances and replies. Those aren't fucking changing. You're getting the most merciful replies possible ... so personally, I'd take them if I were you. I can guarantee there's only one thing keeping me from ripping her clothes off. And that's the fact she's right. Her screams are fucking amazing from mere agony. Tch .. damn." As his eyes snuck a glance down, he noted most of the blood had been used up already. "Ah well. Gotta restock."

And with that, he raised the rod and deftly lowered it through Meizumi's left leg, a bit below her kneecap.

"W-wait ...." She never got to finish the plea for him to halt. Once the steel ran through, a scream replaced the words. Her body shook violently and somewhere in between agonized cries frustrated "Urgh!"s managed to pass her lips. Her head bowed as heavy pants left, a whimper mingling in with a shocked gasp as the rod withdrew.

The noise made Hidan laugh again. "Fucking amazing. Music to my ears. She's keeping her part of her deal. I suggest you do yours, brat." Yanking the weapon out unceremoniously, he resumed working on drawing the circle.
Sasuke looked up at him, as he said nothing for a moment, that card failed, which meant he had no more cards, he heard the screams of Mezumi and commented a goal into his mind. He looked up at the man, "You are going to die, if you do not kill me here, and trust me, it will be painful, enough to give you enough joy for many lifetimes," Sasuke said coldly as he looked at him. "If it is not me, and I am dead, it will be Itachi, when he finds out what you have done, even you should be worried about him," Sasuke said with a smirk on his lips. He knew he wasn't his brother level, but no one was. That being said, he would make sure he was strong enough to kill these two if he got the chance, and got out of here, it was his goal now, and he was a rather goal drive young man.

"Your such a idiot, most likely your brother even has betrayed you, your a idiot who has been kicked out and no one has any use for your anymore," he said shaking his head as he looked at him. "You are weak now, you were weak before, depending on other people, and their money to save your. You haven't earned any of it, if you were no Uchiha, you would be a loser in the streets right now," he said condesending to the young man as he looked at him.

Sasuke looked over, "We shall see about that in time, won't we," he said with a smirk, he knew his brother well enough to trust him, of all people to remain his brother. He looked at them, "let just say if your wrong, if she gave you a problem, you have zero chance against him," he said with a smirk laughing at them openly for a moment before Kakuzu knocked the Uchiha out cold, tired of having to hear his laugh and his words. The brat was annoying all words, that was all he had been before, perhaps he hadn't changed at all. He was just a weak little man, this woman had made not the difference that Hidan seemed to think she had. He figured that it was smoke and mirrors that tricked her.

"Your a idiot, too, you should of abandoned him, would you now, if we let you off the hook," he suggested to her, "no more pain, you can leave here, just forget Sasuke and let him suffer what he has coming to him," Kakuzu reasoned as he looked over at her. He reasoned that this would tell him so much more than anything else about her, would she continue to want the pain for him, this loser or not.

"Me? Die?" Hidan seemed to let the words repeat a few times over before laughing once again. "Yeah, uh-huh. Keep telling yourself that, kid. You can't fucking kill an immortal."

"...What do you mean ... ?" Meizumi managed to inquire, wondering if she'd misunderstood or heard incorrectly. "That's ... not .... "

A smirk crossed Hidan's face. "Sure it is. Rare as hell, true. But this is no bluff, sweetie."


Another chuckle left Hidan's lips. "You know ... maybe I should keep you. The more you talk, the more I'm enjoying you. But if you want proof ... okay. Fair. Just wait for me to finish." Quickly yet carefully pulling the rod upon the floor, the circle was now finished. The triangle took even less time, simply because it required less accuracy than the circle. And finally, Hidan stepped in it, his skin seeming to alter. The once pale figure seemed to darken and if neither Sasuke nor Meizumi knew better, they were staring at Death ... or a half-human and half-skeletal figure of some sort.

"... The ... hell ... ??" Not that Meizumi didn't see. If anything, that was the problem, what she was looking at. This couldn't be real .. there was no damn way. But even after blinking a few times, the sight didn't disappear. " ... No ... "

"Oh yes."

Meizumi's head shook quickly and weakly. It was an illusion, right? "That .... doesn't deem you immortal .... "

"Hm ... I suppose on first glance, yeah it doesn't. But this does." Opening his left palm, he stabbed the rod through. And though he bled ... it seemed to move fine. The same, however, couldn't be said for the female warrior.

"Ah ... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" A fresh set of tears fell down her face as she felt the .... blood pact? Some sort of connection activate and now the man was slowly working on disabling her. Her pants and pulse quickened as her right leg tried to push her away. "You're fucking insane!"

Hidan gave a bow of his head, as if having just heard the best possible compliment. "Why thank you."

Meizumi's head fell against the wall behind her as her eyes closed. The task of regaining breath or composure was becoming easier said than done. In fact, she almost hadn't heard Kakuzu's words .. until he went on and her mind managed to register they were directed to her. Her gaze weakly went to Kakuzu before her head shook no. "No ... I won't. If I wanted to .... ngh .... " Her head fell back upon the wall again, her body trembling violently as surge after surge of pain shot through her. "I would have taken that up from the get-go." The once calm breaths were steadily going to a far more struggled pace as each second of agony continued to dominate her body.

How in the hell are you supposed to last until Friday?

It almost made her regret the words .. but she didn't speak up or try to take them back. It did, though, make her tremors strengthen upon realizing all that could be done in the next few days.

"Brave ... but fucking stupid. Ah well. You've sealed your fate. Hope you realize that. Though honestly ... I'm glad you took the more foolish option. You're far too fun." Yanking the rod out, he turned around to finally face Sasuke, albeit remained in his symbol. "Wanna match her? Red wouldn't look half bad on you either." He mocked, his smirk greeting the Uchiha's eyes. Sure he'd have to draw a bit of Sasuke's blood .. but honestly, that was fine. Besides, he was amazed at how nice Kakuzu was being to the boy. He'd gotten slapped and punched but Hidan knew his partner. And right now, the boy was lucky to have all his bones in one piece. Kakuzu may not have looked like much ... but he had a ton of brutal strength behind him. He just didn't have the same sadistic side that the overzealous man did. Or rather, his wasn't as active as Hidan's. It took far more for Kakuzu to not only embrace it but enjoy it as much as the Jashinist. And that alone made him wonder how much more luck and time Sasuke still had while Kakuzu felt like continuing to deal with him.

The question seemed to alter into how much time he would have had. "... Ah well. I can wait for him to wake his ass up." Hidan mused as he watched Kakuzu knock Sasuke out.

As the rod left, another gasp left Meizumi's hand. Even though it'd been in Hidan's hand, her body had seemed to register the same sensations, as if he'd stabbed her. These new revelations were beginning to genuinely scare her. The more she learned of these two, the less she had faith in herself about being able to stay alive for the next several days. Her only grace, it seemed, was that the two men had more than just bloodlust on their mind. And while it wasn't something she liked to think of, she almost wanted to beg for that instead.

But her head quickly shook no. Even with her strong front fading bit by bit ... no. She wouldn't beg, certainly not for that. She'd scream at worst .. but she wouldn't plea or whimper so easily. Her body tensed as she saw Sasuke forced back into unconsciousness. "Goddamnit, leave him alone!" She hissed through gritted teeth, the sight making her ... not forget but certainly not focus on her own agony. More than herself, she became worried for Sasuke. She didn't want him being killed .. especially with her unable to do anything.
This white haired woman was so damny annoying, he couldnt' see what cause Hidan to be so interested in her honestly. He walked over to her and put his hand around her neck holding her in a sleeper hold. "You are nothing woman, you put of a false front, it is easy to read you, and if you are his bodyguard, you suck, you were not prepared and had him horribly prepared too, you would of made sure the area was safe before even training," he mocked her. He held till she passed out, He looked at his partner, and punched him right in the jaw, very hard, as he knew that the manic could take the punch. He stood there and looked in his direction for a moment as he shook his head and then narrowed his eyes at him.

"Idiot, you are going overboard on your fun, your going to burn these two out in a day, less, we have till friday and your overhyped about having all the fun that you can in this short period of time," he said his eyes focused on the his partner, "plus, your doing all your stuff to the woman, she is annoying, but I wanted a turn at her," he said looking at him. "I suggest you scout around for a bit, we don't know where the other Uchiha are, we weren't ready for the trap last time, or the others in the area, I think someone needs to keep a look out to see if there were any signs that were were followed and I elect you," he said coldly as he cracked his knuckles.

"You can try your blood pact on me, but we will be killing each other all night assuming you can even hit me," he said looking at him stating it as a mater of fact, as a fighter, he was his superior, it was his tricks that made Hidan the danger that he was. "So calm your ass down, and take some time to cool off, these two won't be going anywhere for a good four days," he said with a serious tone as to drive home his very point to the man, as he looked at them. "Plus you would agree suffering over a longer period of time slowly is far better then a lot of suffering over a short period of time, the pain losing any meaning after a while when it is over done."

A new set of footsteps made Meizumi glance slowly up to see Kakuzu finally advance towards her. Her heart raced as his hand went around her throat. Her body instinctively jerked away, or tried to. But the grip alone suggested it wasn't to kill but knock out. This wasn't at all her preferred method of falling asleep ... but knowing she was going to be spared was more than enough. Her body relaxed near the last few seconds as she halted her struggles and felt herself forced into a long and deep sleep.

Hidan's own eyes narrowed as a first reaction. But unfortunately ... this was one of those damn times that Kakuzu brought up tons of good points. They had till Friday, for one. Two .. he had offered his partner a chance at Meizumi. She'd need to be ... decent enough for him to keep his word on that. And finally, scouting - while not his forte - was a smart idea. After all, there'd be no sense in getting ambushed like last time. His smirk faded, though didn't completely vanish, as he held his hands up and moved out of his symbol.

"Alright, alright. Chill. But come on. After all that time in prison, I'm astounded you're not indulging yourself just a tad. In fact, you were amazingly merciful on the brat." Placing the rod against the same place he'd left it, the man changed back into his normal form in the midst of retrieving his triple-bladed scythe. "But ... I suppose yes. Sometimes fun is better when it's slower, not quicker." He admitted. "Alright then. I'll be back." While normally Hidan would have put up a fight, he knew when to or when not to. Now was one of those days the latter was clearly in view.

By the time morning arrived, Hidan returned with a simple report. As far as he'd noted, no one seemed to be searching yet for the two. But he'd continue every now and again to double check. "However, I've been out for far too fucking long so ... " Sitting against an adjacent wall nearby but not immediately next to Meizumi, the overzealous man let himself pass out. He'd done his job .. and now he needed to regain his own stamina and energy. After all, round two would likely begin in the late afternoon to evening and he wanted to indulge once again. Whom with was beyond his caring. So long as he got what he wanted, Hidan was more than content.

Tayuya woke up feeling slightly ... unsure of herself. She had been asked by Hinata herself to stay close to her for a bit. But she almost felt .. unworthy. However, Hinata and Anko had done the same for her before Hiashi walked and gave her away to Neji. So she figured it was fair enough to return the favor. Besides, she had to get into her bridesmaid dress and all of those were being kept and hidden away in Hinata's room. It only mattered that the bride wasn't seen, she knew, but the princess had thought it'd be interesting to surprise the men.

And, admittedly, the bard had to agree with the thought. Sneaking in a kiss to Neji, Tayuya gave him a soft smile. "I'll see you across from the aisle this time, love." She replied before turning and heading to rendezvous with Hinata and Anko.

The ranger hadn't slept as best as she should have. The fact that somehow, she had missed Orochimaru, had infuriated her. She did meet up again with Kakashi before the night was completely over. And she had ensured to sneak in some 'alone' time, given theirs had been interrupted the day before from Sasuke and Meizumi. But still even with having been awake the past several hours, she couldn't help but feel like something was incredibly wrong. Even still, she tried to keep her focus on the more important person.

"You look lovely." She commented, having finished helping Hinata zip her dress up and giving her a soft smile. "Things will go well for you both. Don't worry on it."

"T...thank you." Hinata replied, managing a nervous smile back as she looked at herself in the mirror. "Oh ... um..... the closet. They're in there if you want to get ready."

No sooner than the words had left her lips did a knock from Tayuya echo gently on the door.

"Come in." Hinata replied, sitting carefully down upon her bed. As the bard walked in, her smile widened. "Thank you."

"It's fine. It seems fair enough to return the favor. What did I hear on a closet?"

"Ah ... yes. The dresses for the bridesmaids are all there."

Both Anko and Tayuya walked over and each found a light lavender dress for themselves. Labels had been placed on a blank sheet of parchment to help distinguish whose was which. "Nice choice." Tayuya admired, smiling as she looked at her own dress. "Alright. Come on, Anko."

Soon, both walked into the bathroom as the tell-tale sounds of clothes leaving flesh and being put on were heard.

Hinata, meanwhile, glanced down as she toyed with the ring that she would soon give Naruto. She was mostly happy and excited though there were those bits of nervousness still flowing through her.
Uzumaki Naruto was more then excited, he was pumped up beyond believe, he couldn't believe what had happened, he was going to get married. He could hardly sit still for a moment, he was on a energy high and nothing was going to help him with that really. He walked back and forth, he looked at the clock from time to time as he let out a soft sigh, it wasn't moving fast enough, it just wasn't going by at the rate that he wanted it to go by, to disappear as he walked.

"Naruto, relax, enjoy the moment, if you rush though it, you won't be able to enjoy it as much," Shikamaru commented softly as he looked at the young man, his tone relax calm as he looked at Naruto. He leaned back in his chair a bit, it was great to watch his friend get marred. He knew that this was a big event in his life, and he was more than honored to be the best man. Still it was more then a bit annoying or troublesome having to come all the way down here at the last moment.

Shikamaru wondered why or how they had become such good friends, they were not alike at all, well in a lot of ways. He was so much more laid back then Naruto, who was so hyper in comparison to him. He figured they must of balanced each other out somehow and that was the magic that made their friendship as strong as it was. "Remember the ring," he asked as he looked at Naruto who paused.

Naruto felt around checking for the ring for a moment and then nodded, "yeah, I got it, um I think I have everything that I will need, um is there anything I am forgetting," he asked worried now that he had forgotten something. He knew he wasn't the brightest guy in the world, and that Shikamaru was so leaning on him for help seemed like a rather good idea.

"Yeah, I just told you to relax, your good, you haven't forgotten anything, you have a beautiful princess to marry, Naruto, you best enjoy it, you have no idea how lucky you are," Shikamaru commented causing Naruto to pause, "You married a sweet girl who isn't like other, she isn't so troublesome or bossy, you did well, damn well for yourself," he mused as he looked at his friend.

Naruto smiled grew fast at the comment, he knew that it was a statement that was from the heart, and he knew that Shikamaru had his issues with troublesome women, especially his own mother. "Well, someday you either will find a sweet girl like Hinata or someone who is so troublesome, that you will have to learn to deal with them and fall for them despite that," Naruto mused as he looked at his friend who shook his head at the comment.

"Yeah right, the only woman I know is Ino, and yeah, not going to happen, I think Chouji had a serious crush on the woman, I give it time before they realize it and come to terms about their feelings," he replied as he dismissed it, it was just he knew so few interesting women his own age, oh well, best not worry about that factor. It was about Naruto this day, and it was to be his moment. He was so proud of his friend, he knew that Naruto would be a great king someday. He also knew that he would support his friend when he became king, being the heir to his own father for the adviser to the kingdom.

"It is time to head out," he said to Naruto as he looked up at the clock again, glad that talking made time pass," Naruto nodded as he walked out into the room.

Kakashi had noticed his student was gone, it worried him a whole lot for a bit, but he remembered how close she was with Sasuke and how he hated Naruto, it made sense for her to be away. Still part of him worried about Meizumi and he made sure to check into that the next day if he didn't see her before say lunch that day. He figure for now, he needed to focus on Naruto and Hinata's wedding.

Minato looked at his wife, holding her arm as he smiled at her, he knew that this had a impact on her, he had known it for a while, having her son want to leave the nest had a lot of effects, they were so easy to pick up on. He and she were always so close to their son, far closer then any of the other leader to their sons he figured. He ran his hand over the back of Kushina, he hadn't told his student nor Asuma, it seemed like he might be having his second as well to go along with their children. He smied as he saw his son giving him a supporting smile as he waved proudly. He hadn't told his son either that it looked like he might be a brother soon again, he wasn't sure about this reaction, but he figured it was his call.

Neji stood quiet as he waited to see the pair, they were meant for each other, as much as two people ever were meant for each other. He smiled as he looked at the hall, and saw Naruto. He looked rather ready for the moment, he seemed to be in a great mood, but who could blame him.

Naruto walked remembering Shikamaru's advice to enjoy the moment and not let it pass him without letting that happen. He looked around and took in everyone, he waved back to his parents as he smiled. He then stood still calmly as he took in the atmosphere around himself, and waited for Hinata.

Hiashi waited at the door after a while after the girls had been inside. He looked at his daughter and smiled, she was a woman, she was grown up. He felt a tear or two fall as he looked at her, he couldn't believe so much time passed. He was happy for her, Naruto was a good man, and he would be good to her. He waited for her to be ready to walk her down the aisle for the last time, it was special to him and this moment meant a whole lot to the elder Hyuuga.

It hadn't taken long for Tayuya or Anko to finish getting dressed. Each stepped out after a few minutes and looked down to Hinata. The ranger took initiative as she sat beside her, glancing at the ring the Princess was toying with. "Nice choice. Don't fret so much. Things will go well. Besides, isn't this what you've wanted?"

"Well .. yes. It is." She replied, nodding to reassure herself as she nodded. After sneaking a glance towards Anko's stomach, she looked to the elder woman. "Um ... I know you're not very far along but ... how ... ?"

"..Hm? Oh ... " A soft chuckle left. "I won't lie. It's tiring as hell. But I get a feeling that in the end, it'll be very productive. Why? You planning on hoping for the first attempt to work?" She teased, a sly smirk crossing her face as Hinata's cheeks darkened.

"Well ...um ... from .... " That was as far as Hinata got before Anko gently raised a finger against her lips, signaling she didn't have to go on.

"It's fine. I was just giving you a difficult time." She paused, thinking how to word what had gone through her head before nodding. "Don't rush. Enjoy your life. You are still young, after all. Savor each day, especially when you become official. Sex and the more intimate moments are indeed incredible but so are the .. more tame ones. Even if you're just staying beside him, dancing with him for fun, something of the like .. it's as enjoyable all the same. Treasure every second you have."

"I .. I will." Standing slowly up, she gave Anko a gentle hug. "Thank you."

"I'm ... not good with this crap. Sorry." Tayuya finally included, her head bowing slightly.

Hinata's head quickly shook no. "That's not true. Just having been here has done more than either of you can begin to realize. Truly ... thank you both."

Each bowed their head and it was the perceptive ranger who first noted Hiashi's presence. Giving Tayuya a gentle tug on her hand to help her see the man, she then gave Hinata a smile. "We'll see you in a bit then." The two politely excused themselves and walked past Hiashi, going to head off and get into their respective spots. Each wound up across from their spouses - or in Anko's case, her fiance. But she knew it would only be a matter of time before that was altered and made official. It made her heart race and spirits soar despite the annoyances which had recently come up.

Setting the ring down on a nearby mantle, Hinata walked over carefully towards her father. The tears .. took her aback. She hadn't seen such a display since she caught him actually mourning the loss of his wife years ago. "I .. promised Neji to visit every now and again." She finally said, unsure how to best reply as she gave him a hug. Hinata understood perfectly his mindset .. just not quite how to comfort him or speak to him on the matter.

Meizumi woke as the repeated sensations of agony and soreness swept through her body. A low groan left and the feeling of steel keeping her wrists behind her back made her frown. "Tch ... no dream. Damnit ... " As her sight adjusted once again, she took the time to study her surroundings. Kakuzu ... she wasn't seeing around and Hidan was asleep. Hopefully, that's all Sasuke was too and not dead. Her voice lowered and shook simultaneously as she tried to call out to the Prince.

"... Sasuke? Please ... give me a sign you're okay. I'm so sorry ... " The last three words left with a whimper joining in as every second and memory that had happened since their capture taunted her mind.
Haishi looked at his daughter and nodded his head as he hugged her and looked down at her. "Good, now you are no longer a little girl, your a woman, but you will always be my little daughter," he commented to her softly, as he held her in his hug for a moment before letting go of her, "your going to do wonderful, you have already done wonderful, and that was before all this. I think you have gotten stronger sense you left for Konoha, I mean, stronger mentally, and emotionally," he mused to her as he smiled, "I think your new friends have helped you grow strong, as has the Uzumaki," he said as he took took her hand to led her down the hallway into the room.

Naruto was getting antsy, it was hard for him to stay in one place just naturally for that long. He knew she was coming and it would work out, but he just had so much nervous energy as he moved around jittery almost as he wated. He wanted to have this official, but he also knew to enjoy it as he had been told. He looked down for a moment as he rubbed his hands together and looked over at his family for a moment longer, and smiled at them, and then over at various friends of his before he finally calmed down enough to stand still again.

Kakuzu, took the turn to watch and scout as well as he figure out what were the most dangerous ways for someone to attack from. He figued that the prisioners were not going to go anywhere. He looked in the woods, finding different routes they could go, if things got heated, or if someone serious came after them. He wasn't nearly as overconfident as Hidan. He knew Itachi Uchiha was a deadly foe, he also knew others were in the area for the weddings going on. Minato Uzumaki, Kakashi Hayate, Maito Gai, where people who he knew by reputation, and were people he would rather avoid getting into a battle with, as it woudln't be worth the trouble or risk of fighting them.

Sasuke heard the sound and looked up and looked at Meizumi and shook his head, he saw the crazy guy was asleep near her as he took a deep breath as he looked at her, his eyes had changed, the black eyes were for the moment red, a perfect mark spinning around as he looked at her. "No, I am sorry, I failed you," he said in a whispered tone as he looked over in her direction. He had failed to protect the woman he had feelings for, he hated himself for it so much. His eyes had awaken cause of that very hatred, as well as the feelings he had for her.

Holding a finger up to her father, she moved away long enough to grab her ring for Naruto once again. Holding it in one hand, her other took hold of her father's. She didn't realize it but her own body began to copy the exact same procedure as poor Tayuya. Each step made her heart pound in her chest. The walk suddenly felt like it was much longer and further than it'd really been, adding onto the senses of anticipation, desire, and excitement. When she finally came into view, everyone saw the Princess in her own wedding dress.

The sleeves were a bit longer than Tayuya's as was the train attached to it. Though that was an easy assumption that it would be something along those lines.

Giving her father a reassuring smile once she found herself across from Naruto, her attention went fully to the Uzumaki prince. Her eyes darted around every now and again, subconsciously more than anything, but she tried to follow his advice and just focus solely upon him. It was taking more and more willpower to keep from shaking in front of everyone.

"...Your eyes. What ... what happened? They're ...different, seem to have a crimson hint to them now. But ... no." Her head shook from side to side. "I should have been able to hear them sooner. That's the point of my fighting .... never mind. It's not going to do us any good. Sasuke ... can you move at all? Even if only a bit?" Her voice shook with each new question, knowing it almost seemed redundant to even inquire. But the very small chance existing at all had been enough for her to ask even if it was likely to be a 'No'. She only had one source of outside hope .. and that was Kakashi.

But he was supposed to be getting married soon. Would he even notice? The possibility of that not happening made her want to cry. She genuinely had no idea how much longer she could keep enduring things. Yesterday had only been a very small taste. And she'd barely kept her strong front up. Today .. she had no idea if it'd be able to remain, not in front Kakuzu and Hidan especially.
Naruto heard the music being played as he looked ahead, it took so much will power not to look back at her, he said nothing for a bit as he knew that it wasn't needed, but it was hard to just stay there waiting for her, and not run over and hug her. He missed her, a day without her was so very hard to deal with. He waited quietly as she walked up, he felt his heart beating as he stood there in a classic black tux. He had tried to talk them into letting him wear a orange one, but that somehow didn't happen. He looked ahead and smiled as he said right ahead of himself.

As Haishi walked her up to Naruto, he let her hand go, the transfer between the person holding one of her hands was instant as he saw, the beauty that was to be his wife soon. He smiled as he was happy to hold her hand firmly showing her that he was there for her, and he wasn't ever going to let anything ever happen to her. It was a feeling that he felt so strongly towards one Hinata Hyuuga. He walked forward calmly, focused ahead as he said nothing, Minato smiling as he watched his son from the side. It wasn't that long of walk till they were in front the same place Neji and Tayuya had been two days prior and where Anko and Kakashi would be two days after.

Now Naruto was glad he enjoyed every moment he could as time went on, he made his vows as he took the ring from Shikamaru who had been holding it. It was a nice ring, he had gotten in just for her, the ring was a yellow gold with a nice round diamond with small rubies surrounding the whole stone to look like an outline of the large diamond. He slide it onto her finger and smiled at her as he looked into her eyes. He felt better than then ever, he felt that taking in everything, taking the advice had been the best thing that he could of ever done that day. He seriously owed the lazy adviser a day off for this.

"My clan, this is what happens too us, it is our source of power," he said to her softly as he looked in her direction, "when they become like this, they are more powerful, I have abilities that if I had earlier we wouldn't be here like this," he said in a whisper, of course he would obtain the Sharingan after the fact it was needed. He looked down as he took a deep breath, "I can move, they haven't been as hard on me as you. I think they are rubbing it in, that I failed you," he whispered to her as he took a deep breath, "Look over at me focus looking in my eyes," he said softly as he used an bit of the illusion power he was granted by the eyes on her, he hoped it would dull the pain and help her disconnect herself from what she was going to have to deal with that day.

"Naruto ... " The name left Hinata's lips barely above a whisper. Her hands had given in and began to tremble as the exchanges began. Somehow, she'd kept from passing out with the verbal vows. It was an equal miracle that she hadn't dropped Naruto's ring while placing it upon his correct finger. She took the time to admire first her own and then Naruto's, her smile widening. Just like the other two girls, she had something engraved upon the inside as well.

"My first and only person I've ever laid eyes on. ~ Hinata"

Poor Kushina couldn't help herself. Between the sight and the second child she was carrying, silent tears of joy fell down her face as she rolled her fingers along Minato's hand. But she figured if she had to cry, it'd be for a good reason and not a sad one. It was always the better reason to break down, or so she'd believed.

Meizumi's head shook no quickly. "It'll only be worse when it wears off. Besides .. you have more strength than me at the moment. Try to use that to your advantage. See .. if you can get your restraints loose, even if only a bit." Her head had turned away to break contact. But when it did, she noted something; her swords!

That's right. He just tossed them aside .. not away ...

But it also seemed in the midst of doing so, he - purposely or otherwise - had placed them closer to her left leg. Her body trembled as she bit on her lower lip. Even the slightest movement made a whimper leave, albeit muffled. It hurt so badly to move .. but she couldn't just give up. She had to try to push them over and help Sasuke out.

"Ahh.... ngh ..... "

Her winces got heavier with each movement and a fresh set of tears threatened to leave her eyes. She knew it was incredibly risky but damnit, Meizumi had to at least try.

Almost .. come on ...

Her heel was almost touching the hilt, almost able to pull it towards her. She just needed a bit more strength and time. After all, she doubted Kakuzu would be gone for the rest of the day. And with that being an unknown factor, she knew time was likely to be against them, not with them.
Naruto smiled as he looked at the ring, it was a great gift by the woman who he cared for so deeply and so absolutely. He slipped his hands around her waist as he was given the right to kiss her to make it finally official. He pulled her into a soft, passionate kiss, he held her into that kiss for a good moment before he broke it, his eyes focused on her and her alone as he smiled, "my love, my princess, my wife," he said to her first as he looked into her eyes, it was what was engraved into the inside of her own ring, he smiled as he took a deep breath and grinned, "We did it Miss Uzumaki Hinata," he said with a the grin still there as he held her, he could her the sounds of happiness behind himself, he knew that everyone knew that this day was a blissing for both the Hyuuga and the Uzumaki.

Minato, held his wife close to himself as he watched, he knew that he was letting lose a tear or two himself, his little boy was all grown up and he was a great man. He knew that the future of their kingdom was going to be something special, he had faith in him, he knew that in time, that he would be a far better king and leader than he ever dreamed of being. He said nothing but the look of pride said everything for him, nothing else was needed from the blonde king.

Sasuke looked at her and smiled, "you are amazing, Meizumi, when we escape, I don't want to wait to make you my wife," he said softly as he figured that any encouragement would help in this situation. He worked on the chains but he had before and It was no luck at all. He thought about something, a few things actually as he looked over at her, he tried to kick the sword over but it was just out of his range. "Meizumi, Remember, if I do something stupid today, and get myself killed, that I have loved you sense I first saw you," he said to her honestly, something he hardly was and only recently was learning to be. "Now stop with the sword," he said as his eyes with the sharingan picked up on Kakuzu, before he got there.

Sasuke closed his eyes as he let them return to normal, he had to control that if he wanted to try his plan out that day, but he had a plan, it was not smart, and rather reckless, even Naruto like, but it was a plan.

Kakuzu came in a half minute after Sasuke had told Meizumi to stop, he looked at the pair and narrowed his eyes, He put his hand against the forehead of Sasuke and hit him against the wall, incase that the young man was sleeping. He figured it was his turn to deal with Meizumi and he wasn't going to deal with pain like his friend had.

Sasuke felt the hit and blinked, that wasn't pleasant, but not done to knock him out, just to wait him up in a rather painful manner. He looked over at Meizumi as he took a deep breath now wasn't the time for it sadly, they had to do just the right thing for it. He alined himself moving to the right a bit as he looked at the two of them waiting for the moment whenever it came that day.

"So now, what will you offer me, to keep your purity, woman," Kakuzu said with a smirk on his lips as he looked down at the woman, he wanted to see her reaction now that she was dealing with him, "I don't give a damn about your pain either, I don't want that at all," he said with a smirk on his face as he looked at the beautiful white haired woman. He figured his partner would wake up soon, but he wanted to make sure it was know it was his time with the woman, and he would deal with her in his own sort of way, mattering on how she answered his question first.

Finally .. Naruto leaned forward and pressed the holy kiss making them official upon her lips. A small but very content sigh left as she leaned into it, eagerly returning the gesture. It was almost annoying to pull away but she knew they had their own reception to go to soon enough. "Yes ... yes we did. I almost can't believe it still ... " But the tell-tale signs that hinted this was anything but a dream could be easily seen and heard all around her. The clapping, the other smiling faces, the ring upon her finger ... this was real. This wasn't a dream or fantasy anymore and it made her smile widen all the more.

"About damn time... " Kushina teased, lightly poking her elbow into his ribs. "Geeze, love. Sometimes ... " She loved her husband and all but it was easy to blame him for Naruto's lack of ability for having realized Hinata's feelings for so long. It was a trait he'd very likely inherited from his father who didn't always do a good job of admitting or displaying feelings. But when he did - or even when he didn't - his heart was always in the right place at least. Still, it had made raising Naruto somewhat annoying because of that trait.

A low chuckle left Meizumi's lips. "When we escape, I think I'll need a healer first and foremost." No, scratch think. She definitely had to be seen by one .. preferably sooner as opposed to later. Her head shook no as she panted heavily, the pain slowing her movements and making what should have been a simple task even more difficult. "Don't ... don't talk like that. Kakashi .. someone .. will help out. Fuck!" She hissed, her head falling against the back of the wall again.

Her leg finally did stop when Sasuke suggested to do so. Before she could inquire why, the reason came in the form of Kakuzu who for a bit said nothing. She winced and cringed as her eyes saw him slam Sasuke's head against the wall. And though she was tempted to curse at him, she knew it would only get worse if she dared let any words leave her lips. And steadily, that fear grew as he came closer .. closer ... and finally stopped in front of her.

"Goddamnit, Meizumi!" All control left upon hearing the greeting of 'woman'. It was better than 'sweetie', but not much. "Are you two fucking deaf?! Meizumi!"

Her heart sank and her eyes couldn't help but widen.

...What?! Another deal? But ... but ....

There were few other things she could even begin to think of. In fact, the answer almost felt like there were no options. But her head shook no. There had to be something else, wasn't there?!

Sure enough, the loud slam had made Hidan stir from his sleep. Violet eyes went to look at the source and found a slightly dazed Sasuke before he then detected Kakuzu's voice. An amused smirk crossed his face as he quietly observed. This was a rare treat in a very sadistic way. He seldom got to see Kakuzu interrogate anyone -- or any similar acts. So he was very curious on how this would be done.

"My soul, answers, both!" Meizumi finally replied, having kept her head away the entire time. "You admitted yourself ... I'm a wild card, one that wasn't supposed to be included in this deal. What assurance do you have the man from yesterday spoke the truth? In the end, you don't. The money just means he won't backstab you and is keeping his financial word. Information, though ... that can always be altered. Besides ... Snow lands? Do you honestly believe that? The nation's almost nonexistent, more than the desert."

It pained her to lie about her own homeland like that but if nothing else, maybe she could stall the bastard, keep him talking. It'd be one of the few ways she could begin to think to keep her purity. And if that wasn't accepted ... so be it. But she'd find a way to fight back, even with only one good leg. It'd cost her, but so what? She wasn't going to tremble or give these bastards anymore satisfaction than they'd been able to obtain. They'd gotten screams .. and if push came to shove, they'd get more. But that'd be it. Come hell or high water, that would be all she'd readily allow.
Minato smiled and shook his head, "Well, yeah, I know, well it was worth the wait, and what ends well, ends best," he said with a grin as he tried his best to sound smart, which he was. He took her hand and walked with her to the reception room, ahead of his son. He figured they were so happy, that they should be given some time to enjoy the fact they were married finally.

"Well, my lovely wife, I think we should be off too, to the afterparty," he said to her as he slipped his hand around her waist, he was so damn lucky to have her, he couldn't think about just the chances that he had missed on her somehow. He was glad that now he had found them, and he had used those chances to enjoy his time with her. He was going to enjoy that night ever single moment of it as well.

"I damn well know what your stupid name is, you stupid Ice woman, I know the Ice Kingdom too, once I even pulled a mission in Snow lands, with some raiders, went into a village, it was long ago during a conflict then too," he said looking at her as he looked at the woman, "Yeah, I know who you are, I really know who your mother was, she was a beautiful woman too, wasn't she, looked a fair bit like you," he added with a smirk on his face, "As my partner is immortal, so am I, but I have been around much longer than he has," he commented as he smirked looking in her eyes, "I killed them rather slowly, nothing like Hidan here either," he said with a smirk on his face, "they were a nice payday, good money is worth killing over," he added as he though everything in terms of cash and money.

"I am not Hidan, I don't care about your soul, I want money, things that get me money or you, there isn't much there to go with is there, perhaps some other arrangement though can be made to avoid the lose of that purity though," he said with a smirk on his face as he looked at her. "to me, there nothing here but a stupid girl from the Snowlands who ended up with the failture of an Uchiha, both of you are worthless, maybe that is why your together."
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